tv Washington Journal Elizabeth Harrington CSPAN September 28, 2020 1:52pm-2:43pm EDT
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caption content and accuracy. visit] announcer: we will have live coverage starting at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. you can also watch the debate online at our website,, or listen with the free c-span radio app. the vice presidential debate will be held next week on october 7 at sign lake city at the university of utah. minutes, up in 25 kamala harris will hold a campaign event in raleigh, north carolina here on c-span. then president trump will give an update on the coronavirus testing and ongoing pandemic. live coverage will start at 3:30 eastern here on c-span. elizabeth
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harrington, the national spokesperson for the republican national committee. she is here to discuss campaign 2020. liz, good morning. guest: good morning. host: we have to ask about this new york times story that claims president trump paid $750 in income tax, federal income tax in 2016 and 2017. what do you think about that story? guest: first of all, the president said a lot of it -- most of it is inaccurate. a couple of other things to point out, the new york times, all these years later, it is nice to have them say no connection to russia after releasing tens of millions of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars on this complete scam. more is coming out that we are learning what president obama and vice president did to disrupt the incoming peaceful transition of power in 2016. more importantly, the american people care more about what is in their tax returns. --t it shows that they paid
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where it shows that they paid less taxes under president trump. they don't care about this issue. this is the 10th time the new york times has tried this. americans care more that we hit an all-time high in immediate household income under president trump in 2019. host: do you think that releasing his tax forms would quell this type of questioning about his taxes for this president and possibly even future presidents or have we set a precedent where we no longer tax returns from presidential candidates? guest: the president has released hundreds and hundreds of pages of financial disclosures. he has been transparent, most and partly about what he is going to do in office. releasing a list of who he would put on the highest court in the land, that was unprecedented. that is a good new president to set, even though joe biden will not be honest with the american
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people who -- about who he would put on the supreme court. the issues that actually matter, we know president trump was a successful is in this manner he built an empire. it is amazing to see all of reporters who have never run a business and never employed anyone in their life, try to scrutinize that has -- someone that has had so much success in the business world and then use that success to make that country better. it is really unfortunate because there is so much more we could be focusing on, especially about where the country is and what president trump has accomplished and they will never give him positive coverage. that is too bad. host: all of this comes up right before the presidential -- first presidential debate. and right as president trump's supreme court nominee, amy coney barrett, is heading to the hill. do you think that this story is going to distract from those
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important ones? guest: i don't think it is high on the list of american -- of the american people. president trump, for years, has said he has been under audit. they attacked him throughout the obama-biden administration. that was also proven correct. americans care more about what is in their pocketbooks. they care more about president trump delivering the greatest tax cuts we have ever seen and them taking in more of their hard-earned money, not the government. here you have joe biden, we cannot see hunter biden's tax returns. we are just now learning that he got a $3.5 million wire transfer from the wife of a former mayor in moscow. we would like to see his tax returns. purelys wealth that was gained off the taxpayer, off of corruption in washington. and that is what i think americans care more about.
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we know president trump build his empire in the private sector. he built an amazing business route he did not have to come to washington and take this job. he did not need it. he wanted to make a difference and make america the bidens have been in the swamp for half a century, joe biden. the media -- immediate household income of the bidens hit an all-time high but it never hit an all-time high for the american people when they were in the white house. host: you will have to admit that hunter biden is not running for public office so he is not required or even expected to release his tax forms, right? guest: he is not but his father is. we know everywhere his father went, including beijing, including when he was running the so-called anticorruption effort in ukraine, his son ended up on the board of the biggest natural gas company in ukraine. it is funny how democrats are pro-fracking when it comes to foreign countries and they can get paid but they are promising
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to ban fracking in the united states because it would hurt american workers. these are the big issues here. americans were tired. in 2016, we said enough of the same old lies and politicians telling the same old stories while they got rich. what about our jobs, what about the bad trade deals? president trump said i will come in and get a better deal for americans and it has worked. it has paid off. this is what americans care about. president has been proven right in what he promised to the american people. joe biden, what has he ever done for americans except his family? he has never followed through previous not being transparent now as well. when there are 70 questions -- can you imagine? hunter biden might not be on the ballot but neither is donald junior but he had to sit through 50 hours under oath of testimony when they were trying to ruin anyone associated with president trump on a complete and total lie. on something that was not even true.
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i think this is a huge issue going forward, when you see what the swamp does. they smell you and they leak and they lie and they start these investigations. when you have real corruption, flyer transfers in black-and-white, talk about collusion, talk about connections with russia and also the chinese-communist party and the media does not want to touch it. we know what would happen if it was someone with the last name of trump. host: since you brought up the president's son and you brought up joe biden's son, would you be an advocate for the direct family of residential candidates also being forced to release their tax forms as well? gotten thate not question before. i am not sure. who knows? i have heard donald trump, jr. say he would be happy to debate hunter biden. i think the american people would love to see that. host: lets remind our viewers that they can take part in the conversation as well. we will open up special lines for this segment. of joeare a supporter
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biden and kamala harris, your number will be (202) 748-8000. if you are a supporter of president trump and vice president mike pence, we want you to call (202) 748-8001. if you are undecided or support another presidential ticket, your number will be (202) 748-8002. keep in mind, you can always text us at (202) 748-8003. and we are always on social jedia on twitter at c-span w and on facebook at let's talk about amy coney barrett. with this supreme court pick to the hill, do you think president trump's selection of amy coney barrett will motivate voters to vote for or even against president trump in the election? guest: it is galvanizing to the supporters. it is a promise president trump
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ran on in 2016. republicans ran on it again in 2018. it is a direct reason why we expanded our majority in the united states senate. president trump, with the leadership and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has filled over 200 20 judges throughout the federal judiciary. this -- 220 judges throughout the federal judiciary. this is the promise fulfilled. hase kony barrett impeccable qualifications. you could not find a better lawyer. , who is noah feldman one of the democratic impeachment attorneys who clerked with judge barrett when they were clerking for the supreme court in the 90's and said she was qualified then to be on the highest court of the land. and she is the single best lawyer he had ever seen. not only just her academic credentials and her record on the seventh circuit, she is also a woman of great integrity, great family stories, seven
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children. she is the first working mom to be seated on the supreme court. we think it is a fabulous nominee. there is no one that could object to her on her record or qualifications and integrity and character. we will continue to fill our promises. the comps to touche and says the president -- constitution says the president gets to appoint and the syndicates to advise and consent. it will galvanize and motivate our voters. konye excited to see judge barrett seated before our election. host: one of the issues that comes up before every supreme court nomination is roe v. wade. gop -- does president trump want to see roe v. wade under turned -- overturned? guest: the president did not discuss it. we have a judge that will not legislate from the bench but will follow the law and the constitution. she has been clear, transparent like president trump has been
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transparent about the type of jurists he would appoint. she believes the role of the judge is not to be another politician. to take yourd views out of and look at what the letter of the law says and the constitution says. that is what she will do. our: let's let some of viewers join in the conversation. let's start with terry from illinois. terry supports president trump. good morning. caller: good morning. i am sure glad to see who you have on today. what does religion have to do with anything? that is part of constitutional rights. another thing on the taxes, why do the democrats always like to use it as a tool? they don't like it, giving corporations tax breaks, change the law. one other thing i would like to ask, do you think it would be
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good that c-span would have , discussing the mental state of joe and president trump? because what i see is early dementia. and for c-span, it is a shame to paye taxpayers have and fund c-span when you are a lenient group. host: go ahead and respond. guest: i agree with terry's comments about judge barrett. her religion has nothing to do with it. to see senator dianne feinstein and other democrats and members of the media attacking judge barrett's personal faith. it has no place in our country and our politics. we have religious liberty in this country. it is one of the core issues we were founded upon. looking at a broader aspect of all of this, president trump is a defender of religious
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liberty. we are seeing a tendency by the democratic party to be intolerant of people for their religious belief. i think that has no place in our politics, especially when you look at what kamala harris has done, grilling other members that were going to be filling the judicial appointment, going after their affiliation with the knights of columbus, which is a very mainstream catholic group. it is the same tactic they tried against judge barrett. i think it will really cost them if they continue down that path. our viewers remind that c-span is not funded by taxpayers. c-span is funded by the cable industry. let's keep going and let's talk to donald who is coming from michigan. donald supports joe biden. good morning. caller: good morning. good morning c-span and good morning to elizabeth. i will try to stay -- i have
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three quick things. call't want to cause -- this young lady a liar on national tv. but trump told the american people he would show his taxes. he did not. the russia investigation, robert mueller proved that the trump campaign was willing to work with the russians. they found no evidence that he worked with the russians. his people on the campaign were willing to work with the russian government. that was proven. biden andys that joe his son should show their taxes or their dealings. let's see what the dealings with the chinese government that trump's daughter has, many patents that were approved during this administration. trump is a liar. this lady is supporting a liar. and the supreme court justice
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pic, it was ok for mcconnell to use thema's picks and american people as his reason. now that he has another pic in an election year, he says the american people are too stupid to understand this. i will make the decision. host: go ahead and respond, liz. guest: i love that qualifier there. donald.perfectly fine, willingness to accept help, that is interesting terminology. what do you call it when you actually solicit foreign help? when you hire x british spies who then hire russian spies who make up lies about the president during the election, which then the obama biden justice department used to spy on their political opponents? that is called a dossier, that
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is called a complete sham and it is also called corruption. country was this put through for over three years . why? all because the democrats lost an election. that was your corruption. there was never any connection with russia and president trump that has been proven time and time again. the connection was the dossier, foreign russian disinformation that has now been confirmed with more and more information coming out. they used these disgusting lies to go after a duly elected president of the united states. you want to talk about the american people and an election? our votes mattered in 2016. there were 63 million americans who said enough of the swamp and we want president trump. immigrants did not expect that outcome. they did -- democrats did not expect that outcome. they did everything to spy and
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disrupt the transition before he was sworn in. this was not by the book as susan rice said to herself on inauguration day. that is your disinformation and foreign meddling. it was never anything the republicans were doing. hillary the dnc, clinton paid for a disinformation operation. i think it is terrible that the media was complicit in all of this and still will not report on the truth coming out of the evidence of all of the corruption that was going on in the obama-biden white house and the justice department. host: you brought up transition of power. let's talk about what president trump set about whether he would and participate in a peaceful transfer of power if he happens to lose in november. senator mcconnell has disagreed with what the president said. what is the position of the are in c on the transition of power the transition of
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power if the election does not go the president's way? guest: the president was talking about this. if you want to see something that is not he spoke, go to a democratic run city, go to portland. it is unbelievable that democrats are even trying to it ishis red herring when their cities and voters and states that are having mobs outside of their opponents homes , senator lindsey graham's apartment. host: let's answer the question first. guest: it is very important. you have democrats who are literally -- joe biden is saying the rights. if you elect me. democrats are not being peaceful right now. nobody is saying anything about not having a peaceful transition . what we are saying is there will not be a transition when we win the election. president trump will have another four years.
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he is ringing the alarm bells, which we have seen time and time and time again. we are not just going to say oh, sure, we will accept result two weeks after election day after democrats ballot harvest the number of votes needed to flip the states. we will not accept that. why would we? democrats are trying to usher in a manipulated process. we have been fighting it all summer. we watched protect the you can see the different states where democrats have gone into try to change our election laws, allow ballots to be counted weeks after election day. allow signatures to be on the ballot. allow ballot harvesting, which is illegal in the vast majority of states. it is only legal in california because they think it is a good idea to have eight campaign operatives trafficking ballots. how is that secure? go back to election integrity and all of those cries for years
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about russian meddling and here democrats now on a system where you can send out millions more access ballots, using faulty voter registration rolls that you know people have long since moved away or passed away and then to have paid campaign operatives picking them up, count it after election day is certified and that is just fine. that is not election integrity. that is what we have been warning against and that is what president trump is talking about. we have talked about not having a peaceful transition, we are talking about accepting election results that are free and fair and accurate. you will not have accurate results when you have ballots in a ditch and ballots in pennsylvania that are thrown in a wastebasket and you have corruption and six weeks until they have an election result in new york city prayed that is unacceptable. who will have confidence in that outcome? that is what we are ringing the alarm bells about. this is not -- they are setting up a system that you will not
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have confidence in our elections. that is what we are concerned about. host: are you saying you don't have confidence in the election apparatus? second, what do you call a free and fair election other than what has happened in the united states now? guest: free and fair election is everyone gets their bow and it is counted. and it is a person who is eligible to vote. it is not a ballot laying around in an apartment complex like they had in clark county, nevada. i don't think many americans, especially in new york city, have a lot of confidence in the congressional race that took six weeks to count the result. you do not have a lot of confidence in those outcomes. we will have confidence as long as we keep winning in court. there are very many pending cases. we are fighting to make sure that ballots must be counted by election day and received by election day. we are making sure that ballot harvesting remains illegal, which the vast majority of
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americans, over 80% agree that third parties should not be able to just pick up ballots that are not theirs. it is unbelievable. it is actually a fraud that happened in paterson, new jersey, where they had to redo an election. i don't think many people have confidence in an election result when you have to redo it. four people were indicted for unauthorized possession of another persons ballot. you know what that is called? ballot harvesting. that is what democrats are trying to make legal. it is a mockery of our election. we need to be confident in our outcome of a free and fair election. where people are eligible to vote and ideally showing an id to prove who you are and making sure the vote is counted. that is another problem with mail-in ballots. you have ballots still missing where you never even received the ballot or someone voting in your name. that happened in paterson, new jersey where they never received
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their ballot and it showed up that they voted. that is not a free and fair election. that is what we are fighting against. host: let me make sure i clarify something you said. you are saying you would only accept and election result if an unelected judge said it was ok? guest: no. i am saying as long as we keep our rules in place. each state has a system in place. they have an absentee system with safeguards in place. they also have deadlines. what we are seeing democrats do and governors and mayors by executives are changing the law. they are going outside the legislature and they are making these changes that we can confidence in our system. we are fighting in court. we want to make sure that the safeguards stay in place. that is all that we are fighting for. common safeguards to make sure amount of is as least fraud as possible. what democrats are talking about opens the floodgates for a comp revised system.
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host: let's go to john who is calling from new york. john supports president trump. john, good morning. caller: good morning. every day the media and the left comes up with a new crisis and a new bombshell and a new gotcha. even when you introduce this issue, you characterized it as truth. you are asking people to comment on something which is not verified. discredit yourself when you are using this as an issue. first of all, asking the question is like asking has trump stopped beating his wife yet? mattertaxes is a private between citizens and the irs. that is like asking what someone's religion is. thank you. host: you want to respond, liz? guest: no. i totally agree. what no one is mentioning as well is this is illegal. if you are leaking someone's
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personal tax records, that is a crime. it shows the lengths that democrats and their allies in the media will go to to try to president. it is really despicable. it is a crime to leak somebody's personal tax returns. again, this issue was litigated in 2016. we elected president trump. americans cared more about what was in their tax returns. what john mentioned about targeting people over this kind of information is so true and
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>> i am an american. i do care that if you only pay axes -- i would also like to say you keep saying all the things about democrats and democratic states. we are all americans. i don't care if you are democrat or republican. you never say anything happens to republican states. i cannot believe it does not, number one. number two, this president has lied so many times, and you just keep saying that he does not. as far as i can see, where is his health care plan?
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he keeps saying he has one. where is it? i'd like to hear that. also, i would like to say that --i lost my train of thought he was not elected in 2016, it was the electoral college that got him in. maybe we should remember that. because the people did not vote him in. host: their response, liz? guest: bonnie is in line with the leftward of the democrat party, which is backing the supreme court. sure she supports that, as well. they lost an election. it's a shame. the constitution and separation of power, the electoral college, the way the frameworks but this in place has allowed us to have the most prosperous and the most freedom of any nation we have ever seen throughout human history. , these institutions
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are worth protecting. i would encourage bonnie to go -- just this week, they signed an effective order to help americans with pre-existing conditions. under president trump, for the first time in 45 years, we saw a drop in prescription drug prices. disaster,re was a this is working. it was on a solution. premiums doubled. -- it was not a solution. premiums doubled. barack obama and joe biden assured us we could keep our plan. president trump committed to delivering private care solutions, where we have more competition and more choice, while protecting americans with pre-existing conditions at the same time. host: one of the things we have not talked about is the upcoming presidential debate on tuesday. to see, we see, expect
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from president trump on tuesday when he debates former vice president, joe biden? are really excited to finally see the two men with the two records -- i think it will to manyilluminating americans. president trump has had a history making presidency in less than four years, whether you talk about the three-piece deal in the middle east that he the usmca,, the biggest trade agreement we have ever had, whether it is the census numbers that just came out from before the pandemic hit , from communist china, we had the medium household income hitting the all-time record and poverty hitting the all-time lowest on record. in lesse real results than one term, versus joe biden, who has had 47 years and has never followed through, suddenly, this time, we are supposed to believe him. i think it is going to be very engaging, it's going to be very
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illuminating for americans -- let's debate the issues, let's see the contrast. you couldn't get a bigger contrast coming up in this election. thecially when you see democrat party, where they want to change the constitution, hike everyone's taxes, they want an all-out assault on energy production in this country. these would have devastating consequences and is a big choice for the american people. we are confident we are going to win that argument every time. a 77 years old. if he wins, he would be the oldest president inaugurated . president trump 74 years old, but he has tried to make an ande of joe biden's age turn it into an election issue. you expect that to come up during the debate? ge -- some topics will be election integrity. it's an incredibly important issue, with the types of attorneys, like the one joe
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biden has hired, who tried to change the selection was. we are going to be talking about the coronavirus response. which i am excited to see president trump set the record straight. the media has not given him a fair shake throughout this. issues,rast on the president trump has already proven he is up for the job. he has proven that he has followed through in his promises. and he is delivering every single day, working every single day. joe biden has not proven that he can pull past 10:00 a.m. most days of the week. the question really falls on the biden team, why are they so offered to put him out there, why are they afraid to have him answering questions from a very friendly media? president trump does not get the type of questions that joe biden does. i think it is a question for voters to decide. thise, does this man -- is man capable, will he be the one
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making the decisions? ted -- seateddy sea bernie sanders, aoc. this is a very radical campaign. us, seems ton, to be the figurehead of that. he will not be making any decisions. i think the american people deserve to know. campaign are really hiding everything. they say americans don't deserve -- would you pack the supreme court even while many prominent members of the media are asking the democrats to do that very thing? biden says, no, i am not going to answer that question. no, the american people don't deserve to know. why not? you have been in washington for half a century, you're still not willing to be honest with what you do in the highest office of the land?
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i think americans deserve answers there. host: let's talk to richard, calling from little rock, arkansas. he supports president trump. caller: thank you. i had to quit remarks -- two w i -- two quick remarks. we cannot imagine how terrible the economy would be right now if it was not as strong as it was when the virus it. -- virus hit. it was only covered for like a week. i don't know why. arkansas,rock, --turns out that new single mother was suing to get some medical bills paid. the main part is it, you have
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joe biden [indiscernible] host: go ahead and respond, liz. the only reason we have this v-shaped recovery is because it is so strong going into this. the american people are resilient. the census figures are incredible. they are not getting attention in the media that they deserve. that was the state of the trump's economic zone. these numbers were, african-americans, for -- for african-americans, for women were for historically high wage gains. that is so important. americans felt it. they were living in that. when you artificially have to what weething down, have going forward is because of the state of the economy before the news was made. that is why it is possible to shaped recovery.
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the last thing we would want to do right now is raise taxes on anyone. because the reason why we have more growth and more prosperity and more freedom of opportunity was because of the policies. because of the tax cuts. even arguably more important, the regulation cuts, which stifles innovation. the regulatory regime that the obama-biden administration had, even worse of democrats got back in, it really kills innovation. it puts more roadblocks in the way for americans to go out and live the american dream. we have seen that policy work. we will continue to get back there, even better than where we were, as long as we don't elect these anti-growth, terrible economic policies that would hike everyone's taxes and, even worse, grow the regulatory state, like they are doing in
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california. see what has happened there in the energy sector. host: there's a group called the lincoln project running against president trump. other republicans have announced that they will not be supporting president trump. they will in fact be supporting joe biden. ridge just had an saying he the paper is going to cast his vote for joe biden on november 3. is there a question of president trump losing gop support? guest: not at all. there are several establishment figures, many of them ended up but ther nbc contracts, rest of the republican party, we are so unified, we have never seen anything like it. we actually had disaffected democrats come to our side in huge numbers. the latest rally, 15% were registered democrat, that what to see president trump.
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we also featured many former democrats at our convention -- at our convention. many former democrats, people disengagedve become in the process, are coming over to support president trump, because they don't like what's happening in their party. they don't like this complete rejection of american founding, an attack on our current institutions, the push toward single-parent house care, the push towards packing the supreme court, the skyhigh taxes, the belief in the all might or power of government to solve everything. that is not what our country has ever been about. taxpayer-funded abortion. these are such extreme positions, that democrats are trying to put in the mainstream, that i think they are turning nts andot of independe members of their own party who do not recognize their party anymore. meanwhile, we are so unified on the republican side, because we finally have someone in office
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that is following through on what they said they were going to do. and supporting our core values. we would have beening the way wanting someone to do for a long time, who has followed through on basic issues like sovereignty, the wall, trade, getting better deals like the usmca and holding china accountable, which is clearly our biggest threat. foreign policy not just for indless wars but to fight to w against terrorists against terrorists like qasem soleimani. so we are getting back to common sense. we are getting back to america first policies. and that is going to pay off come election day. --t: -- host: one of the claims of
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the american project is that the republican party has changed under trump. you work for the republican national committee. has the republican party changed under president trump? guest: we have changed for the better. we have more confidence, energy and enthusiasm. again, the core issues. where are all these people? they have made a lot of money in the sponsor talking about originalist judges, the pro-life issue, rebuilding our military, and now that president trump is following through and doing all of these things, suddenly they are not happy. suddenly they are doing anything derailn to derail him, the very policies that they themselves got rich off of, advocated for. well, president trump gets it done. he has ushered in the most conservative administration i thickly have ever seen -- i
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think we have ever seen, certainly in modern times. republicans are a common sense party. a lot of these issues, i think they do cross party lines because both parties in the swamp got used to a certain way when americans said i do not want to have twenty-year wars that we never win and we do not even know what the objective is anymore. lots of people get rich off of that. issues,e very basic like sovereignty and the border, building the wall, common sense is aration, that middle-of-the-road issue as well that the media tries to paint it one way, but we want it based on merit like every other country has in the modern world. they all admit people based on merit. they have a system. our system has not been updated since the 1960's. you have so much opposition from these so-called elites in washington because they do not like their power being
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questioned. well, president trump likes getting results and delivering to the country and that is exactly what he has done. host: let's see if we can get a couple more calls. let's start with karen from leesburg, virginia. she supports joe biden. caller: i feel incredibly sorry for you. you talk about core values, and i love that word, because in my mind it is hypocritical. you cannot talk about core values when they mean that you support is a liar and head. corruptiontalk about when we went through months of the mueller investigation and half of his staff went to jail. you cannot talk about the great things that president trump has hasady done when the debt tripled and quadrupled over the last three years. so what i cannot understand --
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and i will tell you why people like me cannot support people like you. i consider myself somewhat conservative, but i do not like the hypocrisy. what i do not like is that you take my vote for granted and think that i am stupid, that i am not smart enough to see what is going on around me. you are do not think stupid and i do not think any americans are. about hypocrisy? is biggest hypocrisy we see from democrats going in and getting their hair done in the salon when the salon owner is going out of business because of democratic rule taking away personal freedom. those are two sets of rules for different people and the rules never apply to them. this is about power. and we have seen it over and over again throughout this pandemic. can take awaythey
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and had the government decide who is essential and who is a very dangerous path to go down. for many of us are voting is for someone to stop this corruption in washington, to stop these different sets of atles depending on wh political party you are with. whenis what is so glaring you see nancy pelosi be able to do whatever she wants. in california, they say they are going to ban the family car by 2030. i am sure they will be getting by just fine in their private planes -- the ruling class. that is not what we want. we went more prosperity and opportunity for everyone. we live our values. this is the most pro-life administration and the most pro-choice when it comes to education and school choice. this will be such a big issue
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going into the second term. we have seen the way democrats play politics during this pandemic and are keeping schools closed even though we know it is safe. all the science says it is. it is actually far more detrimental to keep kids out of school. but they've been playing politics in schools for far longer than that and blocking kids and parents from sending their kids to the school -- to a better school, out of the failing ones to a better one with more competition. that is a big issue as well. we live by our values and are fighting for them every day. i encourage you to go directly to the sort. -- the source. watch president trump. he talks about his values all the time. just to go into it with an open mind. maybe you will be surprised. of us followa lot politics. we were surprised by the story of fran pascal you having to -- brad parscale having to be put
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in involuntary commitment after he threatened suicide. do you have any more information about what is going on with bread? -- brad? guest: i do not. we are praying for bread. we love bread. host: i would like to thank liz harrington for talking about the campaign and the presidency. thank you. from viceup, remarks presidential candidate kamala harris raleigh, north carolina. she is expected to talk about president trump's decision to nominate judge amy coney barrett to the supreme court. live coverage on c-span. host: start calling and now as we show you some of judge amy
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coney barrett's first remarks as the supreme court nominee. the president has nominated me to serve on the united states supreme court and that institution belongs to all of us. if confirmed, i would not assume that role for the sake of those in my own circle, and certainly not for my own sake. i would assume this role to serve you. i would discharge the judicial oath, which requires me to administer justice without , equal rightssons to the poor and rich, and faithfully and impartially discharge my duties under the united states constitution. i have no illusions that the road ahead of me will be easy either for the short term or the long haul. i never imagined that i would find myself in this position, but now that i am, i assure you
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that i will meet the challenge with both humility and courage. judge amy coney barrett yesterday from the rose garden of the white house. here is the headlines in the new york times, "trump pick for court opens dash for the vote." hearings begin two weeks for them tomorrow -- begin two weeks from tomorrow, october 12 through 14. you can watch them on and listen to them for free on the c-span radio app. the announcement coming at about 9:00 p.m. last night. here's the press release from senator lindsey graham, chairman of the judiciary committee, saying the hearings will last three to four days given the format for recent nominees. opening statements will occur on monday, october 12. beginestioning will tuesday, october 13. that expected to last perhaps
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two days. know judge barrett and outside legal experts on october 15. -- we aret her getting your reaction to this nomination. the dates being set. our phone lines split up as usual. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. as you continue to call in, i went to show you perhaps a flavor of what democrats will be saying in the coming weeks when it comes to this nomination. this was senate minority leader chuck schumer yesterday in a press conference about the president's nominee. [video clip] the american people should make no mistake about it. a vote for judge barrett is a vote to take away health care and its protections for over 30
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million americans who have now protections against pre-existing conditions, over 40 million americans who pay less for their drugs on medicare, close to 10 million americans who will lose their health care altogether. a vote for amy coney barrett is a dagger aimed at the heart of the health-care protections americans so desperately need and want. by nominating judge barrett to the supreme court, president healthas put americans' care at grave risk. as covid-19 continues and we need more health care, the nomination by president trump of amy coney barrett will mean less health care for over 100 million americans. health care is the most important issue on the ballot to americans. and as americans learn judge barrett's views on health care
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and so many other issues, she will become less and less popular, and hopefully they will call their senators and say, do not vote for someone who will take away my health care. senator chuck schumer yesterday going right it health care when it comes to this nomination. expect to hear more of that in the coming weeks. this is the headline from a veteran capitol hill reporter in the washington post. theocrats plan to make supreme court fight about saving the aca." democrats have an obvious hypocrisy argument they can make against majority leader mcconnell -- sen. harris: good afternoon. on friday morning, i attended the memorial service of justice ruth bader ginsburg in the united states capitol. she was the first woman in our history to lie in state. i sat a few feet
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