tv Public Affairs Events CSPAN September 29, 2020 10:41pm-11:31pm EDT
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after the first debate of 2020 it's time to her your voices and get your views on what you just witnessed in the last 90's era -- 90 minutes. 202 is the area code. for donald trump dial in at 748-8920. 748-8921.ent biden, if you are undecided, 202-748-8922. if you cannot get through on the phone minds and would like to have your voice heard, send us a text. -- 202-748-8903 is the text number. please include your first name and your city. if you send that text will begin taking those in just a minute. campaign trail, vice president biden tomorrow will be on a train tour of ohio
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in pennsylvania. at 7:00 eastern time he will be making remarks the annual housemate dinner, hosted virtually by the archdiocese of new york. president trump will also be making remarks at that dinner. tomorrow we will be live on c-span at 9:00 p.m. eastern time for a rally in duluth, minnesota in northern minnesota. anothery, he's got rally at 7:00 p.m. in sanford, florida. that's what's coming up on the campaign trail later this week. while we wait for the phones, which check in with c-span. at okies posed this question 30 minutes in. here in the hall it's evident the president is speaking mostly to the guys across the stage, while joe biden is try to keep focus on speaking through the cameras to you at home. how is it working for you watching at home?
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tweets, an observation from inside the debate, everyone on biden side of the hall is wearing a mask, more than half on trump's side, including his children are not wearing a mask. these are requirements that all guests wear masks. ahead of the debate the hill reported this. the trump campaign went on an ad list ahead of the debate and brought out the top ad on youtube's homepage, as many people are likely to watch the candidates go head-to-head on that video streaming platform for tonight's debate. let me quickly, before we get to calls, run through political fact, what they put out in their tweets. as the two were debating they were fact checking the two candidates. donald trump said he has done more than any president for african-americans. historians disagree is what poli -- politico found.
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finally crimes have continued to drop under president trump, but murders are recently up. half true, they say. donald trump says drug prices are coming down because of his efforts, the evidence does not show it. mostly false. in september, the trump administration had a detailed plan of how they would distribute vaccines. the federal government aims to make the two dose vaccine free of cost. states will submit their plans in october. one issue that cap coming up was that senateeport committee report that that a russian widow sent 3.5 million to partnership cofounded by hunter biden. s lawyer said he hadin it. democrats reviewed the republicans documentation and did not find a specific link to hunter biden. so this claim by the president according to politifact is
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unproven. start with jerry in stratford, connecticut on our support president trump line. what did you hear that impressed you or did not? caller: good question. didink vice president biden very, very well. i think president trump was right to point out what have you done in the last century to get these problems solved. i thought it was absurd the notion that hillary clinton was elected and we stayed in the paris climate accords there would be less fires in california and less hurricanes in the gulf coast. i think that is ignorant and unscientific to make that claim. this year's weather would be different if someone else was in the white house is superstition. president trump really did not bring home the issue of -- the
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reason why democrats are embracing race is because they can't offer good schools or good jobs are good neighborhoods, all they can offer is grievance. biden did not say he would back off on the grievance mongering. getuse he is trying to charter schools. he's trying to get more jobs. as a president trump supporter, you said vice president biden did a good job. caller: yes, as a trump supporter i am acknowledging biden did much, much better than i thought, given the hype. i thought trump was all over the place and not particularly well focused. but i also think some things, the implications that the truth has been after for 50 years and why do we still have these problems, the truth that it did
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not matter who was president, california would still have these forest fires, don't the trump did a great job of expressing his viewpoint in a very concise fashion. i think it was all over the place. host: thank you for calling. motorcade is leaving. we will watch that as we hear from alex in sherwood, arkansas on our support vice president biden line. tonight?you hear caller: i was impressed seeing them on the stage. it was very interesting seeing them interact. i think a lot of people can see based upon the decorum between the two individuals, we have trump for another four, and that what we can have possibly with bidne. en. everyone can always argue one
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point versus the other. in the end, we need to have someone that can represent the united states on the world stage that we are proud of and is a leader in the global economy and that we can get back on a path where we can change the climate, save our planet and put the united states on the world stage again as a leader. that we have been come to known everywhere. host: ohio on our support president trump line. caller: i go by jill. the one thing that i can say about biden was, he had to be reminded the question. and that he did not give direct answers. well attrump did very pointing to the answers of the questions. don't think biden
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can actually debate with other is willing to he stand on national tv and tell someone to shut up. host: do you think this moved the needle for anybody who may be undecided tonight? caller: i'm not sure. i think we need to see at least one or two more. host: october 15 is the next time you will see these two together. that will be down in miami. of course c-span will be live with all of it, and your reaction. does town ohio, support vice president biden. hi, i did not really know what to say, but joe gave me the verbiage opening. i think it was hilarious biden told trump to shut up because he was blathering. he would not let biden talk and he kept interrupting him. i found it really funny.
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they both kind of had a hard time getting out what they wanted to say at the beginning. it was like an awkward debate in the end, but i thought that particular moment was hilarious. honestly. i think it was really good that biden called him out on that. i was glad he did. i wish chris wallace had done the same. i know even julie he did do that, but it was nice to see biden do that. i am going to shut up because i am rambling myself. host: thank you for calling. bethany is in los angeles on our support president trump line. thought trump led the debate. biden kept rambling on. i am totally for trump. i think he is what we need as a
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country. host: what is it about the president that you like or support? caller: he is a leader. he is not being puppeteered by his party. as a businessman he is what we need. host: tell us a little bit about yourself. caller: i am a nurse and a mother of two. -- when he compares you can sees kids, where the priorities are and how they are raised. host: are your children back in school? are the schools open? caller: i'm in california, so they are not open. ,e have to take responsibility like the president said, it's up to us. that is bethany in los
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angeles. is arizona in washington on our support vice president biden line. caller: yes, this is she. i wanted to say that i think metaphor fortal trump's entire presidency. the fact that he does not know what he is saying, he's not a leader. if you look at biden he cares about people, has class and integrity. he has not lied. there areelieve that still people out there that are not seeing through his bs. sorry. host: arizona, do you have friends who support president trump? caller: yes. host: has your relationship got constrained? -- gotten strained? differ in morality.
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it's not a difference of policy, they just support things i cannot support. let's hear again from greta brawner. >> you brought up the upcoming debates and a couple of people talked about that as well. the next debate is the vice presidential debate on october 7. is playing might print -- mike pence in debate prep with kamala harris. this debate is scheduled for october 7 that will be hosted at the university of utah in salt lake city. this is courtesy of usa today, there will be nine 10 minute segments in the debate. this will be the only debate between the vice president and his challenger. hismoderator will ask opening question and moderators
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will have two minutes to respond to questions in each segment. will beeminder, c-span moderating the third presidential debate. the only correct format is -- he will be moderating the last debate and the only correct format is to have c-span callers ask the questions with no time limits on them, the questioners. host: maybe we ought to try that. new york on our support president trump line, what did you hear tonight and did you change your mind? no, i did not change my mind about anything. i am a trump supporter. and i will be supporting him all through this. president would have just kept a little more quiet, but that's the way our president is and that's what i enjoy. he tells the people what they want to hear, and i also believe
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that he is bringing our country in the right direction. i believe the economy should be open and that schools should be open and businesses should be open. i have family and friends that are losing their lives to these closed economies. i'm not happy with that. i understand covid is a big problem, but we are all adults. we are supposed to be. we should mask up when we have to and stay home when we are sick. it's that easy. our president is leading us into the best position we can be in. with other countries as well. our military is strong -- with other countries as well. our military is strong. i'm poor, he's helping me. that's all i can say. and we got god in the equation. that goes for a long ways. host: prior to covid were you employed and are you still employed? caller: prior to covid i was
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employed, i was a school bus driver, but i am not now because my husband is compromised and i had to give up my job because i did not want him to get sick. that was my choice, not because i lost my job. our school bus companies supported us through the whole thing. i think present -- i thank president trump for that. the house for not helping people when they should. i understand president trump. i think joe biden did a halfway decent job. he did not stay focused. he kept forgetting where he was supposed to be. when you wake up the next morning and there is nobody left except for yourself, then what do you expect. anyways. i will let you go. god bless america, god bless our president. host: the support joe biden line. caller: hi.
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i did not see anything that surprised me. about howrised incoherent the president was, except when he refused to condemn white supremacy and asked his supporters to go to the polls and intimidate voters. the clearest message i heard from the president tonight. host: how do you think joe biden did? caller: joe biden did pretty well. he should have probably told the president to shut up more often so he could get a word out. host: thank you for calling in. thanks for watching. is in wilmington, north carolina on our support president trump line. caller: i am in the bathroom. host: we are going to try holly
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in spokane, washington. hi, holly. ?hat did you hear tonight caller: well, i was really interested to hear what biden had to say. it was hard to understand him when president trump was consistently talking over him. getting, the fact of rid of obamacare or general health care like that, i think it's a very bad idea. more people have been able to get the treatments that they need through that. taking that away will just end up with more dead americans. if both men care about the american people, then they should give them the health care they need. a third line set aside for those of you who are truly undecided or are supporting someone else. we would like to hear you -- hear your views as well. 202-748-8922 is that number.
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and if you would like to send a text it's 202-748-8903. include your first name and your city. let's go back to greta. >> we have a few texts. never supported a smooth transition, he fired his original transition team and went on a rant he spent money. askedwill they be questions in relation to education? loan forgiveness? the moderator not empowered to control, moderate the debate with a gavel or mute button. a reminder to our viewers, you can go to c-span's twitter account and tell us who you think won the first presidential debate. we are doing a poll and you can find us at c-span. prescott, iowa on our
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support president trump line. how did it go for you tonight? caller: it was interesting. i love's -- i love trumps passion. i was really surprised that biden's performance. host: are you saying he did better than you expected? caller: definitely. he stood upright and he spoke. he did not get as confused as he has been recently. the thing that's a pride me was it seemed like a debate between wallace and both candidates. i think wallace would put out a subject for them to talk about and then get involved instead of allowing them to have their debate. a are both passionate man. he should've stood back and let him go at it. that's what we want to see. host: if you had been the moderator, is that how you would have done it?
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caller: exactly. this is the most important election we have ever had. to interrupt and not allow them to respond to each other, i thought was a disservice. then the lies that were told. the mockingbird media lies that were reported over and over from joe biden. chris wallace tried to talk to biden about a few of those but he did not carry it through. i am really looking forward to the next debate. thank i love watching you because it's uninterrupted and no commentary. host: i want to ask you one question. there was a news report today that the biden campaign will be spending money in iowa. have you seen any commercials on the air? caller: we are bombarded with them. because they just
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keep repeating the same lines over and over. most of us iowans do research. theon't believe what mockingbird media keeps repeating, the same lies. we know the truth about the media. i just bypassed them or put it on mute. host: do you see trump commercials? caller: not as many. they are bombarding us with democrat ones. and they repeat them over and over. the same commercials. they don't divide them up. it's disgusting. host: next caller is rusty in erie, pennsylvania. you are calling in undecided why are you undecided, and are you leaning anyway, and did the debate affect you? thatr: my opinion is gentlemen have to be gentlemen. what i saw tonight from donald trump was not a gentleman. he was on the attack.
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joe biden tried to respond and so on and so forth, but neither of them, not one of them listened to the moderator. i think that the moderator needed to get more control over what was going on in the debate so that we could actually hear issues. that's what sucked the american people down into the abyss of argument. there is no give and take, there is only give. you are going to take what i take and so on. that is not what america is based on. host: who did you support in 2016, and did tonight's debate move your opinion? vote,: in 2016 i did not and i'm sad. but i could not vote for hillary. tonight, i'm supporting biden. opinion,rump, in my
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does not stand for the things that america stands for. back at his history, he has no understanding of american history. how can he lead us if he doesn't? back, how can we not go back and look and learn from history and move forward? i don't think he can do that. host: that's rusty in erie, pa. up next is matt in westfield center, ohio on our support joe biden line. what did you think of the debate? caller: it was something. go ahead. caller: it was kind of embarrassing to see the leader of the free world interrupting,
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not only biden but also the moderator. to see the way he kind of spoke over everyone. it's how he's been leading the country the last couple of years . host: ron is in parkersburg, west virginia on our support president trump line. what was your view of the debate tonight? caller: i thought chris wallace was a distraction. when trump would point out the facts he would cut him off. trump has been treated differently than the far-left has been treated. i think chris has been bought and picked for -- paid for by the same people biden's bought and paid for. this country is under attack. biden reminded me of a politician from yesteryear. he is not giving any facts.
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he is not telling how he will do it because there is no plan. it's just all politics. trump has proven and has done things. my economy is much better because of trump. i've got the numbers to prove that. it will be interesting to see how things go. host: how open is parkersburg, west virginia today? caller: i am going to say it's 75%. host: our most people wearing masks? caller: it's mixed. it's kind of mixed. enclosed spaces they respect that. there was a study that says masks are not that effective. i think handwashing and social distancing, taking precautions. trump product they good point about protect the elderly. if you have diabetes and cardiovascular issues, they need to be protected.
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i think the european issues do the same. which is why their numbers have been better. host: christopher in mooresville, vermont, undecided. why are you undecided? caller: i had a hard time with this from the beginning because i feel like we are living in vermont and everything is so polarized. i tried to maybe go back towards the center. which's so hard to know of these two candidates are going to be better for us. i was disappointed with the debate. i wanted to know more about what mr. biden would do for the country. i feel like he did not give us a lot of future projections of what he would do. i was hoping he would answer the question about whether he would pack the court. we did not hear any of that. host: tell us about yourself. caller: i'm an accountant. i am just a middle-class guy. i have a family.
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i am just trying to do my job and get by. host: dion in grand rapids, michigan on the support joe biden line. caller: good evening. my take on tonight was that didident trump misdirection. you gave him a direct question and he danced around it. was trying to discern himself. they both need to be accountable to the people. once that comes around, i think we will be in good shape. allentown, in pennsylvania on our support president trump line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am an african american male and i voted democrat all my life. i came from the projects, i had to work hard.
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to me, i supported the democrats. as i got older i got wiser and i realize the democrats are not really for the people, they are for themselves. the reason why i like trump, where i come from, brooklyn, i would rather somebody say to me i don't like you because of this and that. you have somebody like biden, they smile in your face and stab you in your back, deceiving and lying to the american people. trump's mouth can be out there, -- other where he countries. they are against us and want us to fall. trump is really stepping up and putting pressure on them. protecting the american people. host: that was vice president biden's motorcade leaving case western university.
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how did you get from brooklyn to allentown, pennsylvania. caller: i never heard of allentown. i'm from brooklyn. i lived in baltimore, maryland, a city i loved. i moved back to new york because i was a single father. like i said, i came from the bottom and i still have a long way to go, but i won't give up. listening to the democrats and supporting the democrats, they were not really for me at all. so i voted for giuliani. i voted for george bush junior. as i got older i got wiser. and joe biden to me is you typical politician. in our how to smile good and wave good. but to me they are all puppets. trump is not a puppet. going to walk -- he will rock the boat. he will expose the fake people
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within my smiles and nice waves. i think that's what these democrats are. the smile in your face and they say all this and that, but i don't really think here for the american people. they are mostly for themselves. host: thank you for calling in. is a tweet tonight from somebody who does public policy and washington, d.c., noting that the real-time assessment of how the debate went via the betting market. showing the former vice president did a better job in these debates. reaction from viewers from their text messages. kathy's that i support trump as he has done everything he said he would. and let him biden hang himself as he generalizes. biden blames covid deaths on trump which is ridiculous. this from another viewer says, this might be unorthodox as a
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canadian, but i believe trump has done an incredible job. inkept up his history foreign policy for usa and america as a whole. hope you all have fun with your election. i did in 10 on looking at the full debate couple but the moderator was too weak. i am for biden. trump is a loose cannon says deborah from georgia. frank in albuquerque, new mexico. i think they need a toggle switch on the mic. i am a trump fan, but was disappointed with his interruptions. very disappointed with the presidential debate, i was looking forward to hearing our president and mr. biden debate, but was discouraged when they interrupted each other. i was hoping to get answers on important issues that i was embarrassed to see how this debate turned out. if you want to send a text, 202-748-8903.
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include your first name and your city. jerry in massachusetts on our support vice president biden line. how did the debate go for you? hi, i am not too happy with the debate. watching president trump go back-and-forth with vice president biden, he was up to his same old tricks of trying to throw him off his game. he even did it with mr. wallace. i think mr. wallace should have had a toggle switch to shut his mic off. has a gooden message, but he could not get it across because he was interrupted. i think he will be a good vice president, he has a good plan,
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but what threw me off was when didn't tell the white supremacists to stop. i think that was a big problem. host: thank you for calling him. ray is in north carolina on our support president trump line. did i get that lake name correctly? caller: you did a pretty good job. he was a cherokee chief. free how did the debate go -- go for you? caller: i went at it with an open mind. i love this country and i want everything to be as good as it can possibly be. little --ump gets a talking over biden was a little too much.
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but biden did not give me any reason to be interested in him at all. there was no projections as to what his plans were for the future, how he would accomplish anything. i think the green deal program that bernie came up with is a disaster. i am a home contractor. but it's really bizarre. it would be in the trillions like president trump said. i came away with my opinion. indianapolis on our undecided line. first of all, what issues are important to you, and did tonight debate move your needle at all? caller: this debate did not move my needle.
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-- i amthese candidates shocked these are the two people we are left with. i don't trust either of them to have any good way to deal with the climate crisis, inequality in law enforcement, income inequality across the nation, and i am disheartened that this is what it has come to. host: would you say you are to the left of joe biden? caller: i suppose that would be a fair assessment. i am not interested in labels, more interested in ideas. host: tell us about yourself. caller: i am 22 years old and a recent college graduate. due to the pandemic crisis, i am still job searching i know -- right now. host: were you working prior to the pandemic? yeah, i had not started work yet but the pandemic has changed the plan. host: thanks for calling in,
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good luck. logan in new york on our support joe biden line. , thank you for having me. biden and i am doing everything i can to help him get elected locally. but there are many issues affecting our community such as the eviction crisis or income inequality, massive homelessness that we do not hear addressed. instead of a debate we had two people yelling over each other. that did a great disservice to the country, given everything we are going through. . instead of attacking trump on his tax returns, which we all knew would be bad, this is what we are left with instead of the issues. host: what was your reaction when joe biden essentially disowned the green deal? caller: i will say i am a little to the left on joe for this
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issue, so i was not too thrilled. but i do think joe's plan is much better than anything trump could have ever tried to propose. he does not even believe in the scientists that are telling us what is happening with the climate. proposing is much better than what we are currently left with, which is a climate disaster. host: elizabeth in highland home, alabama calling in on our support president trump line. trump, but joeor biden and the democrats are not for the people. this got that thing -- given all the democrat races and not
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worrying about the economy. there are a lot of people that they need to think about. he signed that thing for the people, the people need it. i am still for trump because he has got nothing to do with the death of all these people from this covid. in.: thank you for calling bj and little rock, arkansas on the support joe biden line. please go ahead. caller: i wanted to say that this debate tonight was rather sad for the united states because it was viewed internationally. i would like to say that mr. trump, or i should say president trump, i was very upset that he showed himself as a bully. wass very proud that biden finally able to say that he is not for defunding the police, he is not for doing away with
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private insurance and health care, and he is not 100% with the green deal. and that he has his own plan. i just wish that america could have shown itself a little better. host: jose in the bronx. you are undecided at this point. iller: first and foremost, believe this debate has been very disappointing and i think it's safe to say that marry him -- many americans feel the same. initially i was a trump supporter, but after the debate i cannot side with either party at the moment. president trump has total disregard of what vice president biden had to say in regards to his answers. what issues are important to you? jose, you have to turn down your tv and listen to your telephone.
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trump has made very valid points in the debate. i believe that he is a strong leader. but wey a strong leader, need someone that will care for the american people as if it were his children. the debate has left me divided on who to vote for because of the comments that were made in regards to vice president biden's son. debate needse this more clarification. host: two more are coming up on october 15 and october 22 from miami and nashville. we will be live with both of those and your reaction as well. let's get some of that reaction from greta brawner. reports for the new york times and tweeted these
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questions. after this, does biden have a legitimate case to make and more to gain from saying he is not doing the other two debates? his democratic colleagues of california, we don't need another presidential debate, she says cancel the next two. and gerry connolly, debates have never been useful tests of fit for office. we should end them once and for all. the former vice president running mate was asked on cnn tonight whether joe biden should continue to participate with president trump. "joe biden will never refused to talk to the american people." one more tweet comes from the washington post. don't know how it plays for nwing voters, but bide telling trump to shut up is wantedm what iowans clinton to do in 2016. she lost the debate because she let clinton -- she let him
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insult her. from joy andear santa rosa, california on our trump line. caller: good evening. because he made the economy better and i think he would be fit to pull us through this pandemic and he will make our country better and better. i don't think joe biden can do that if he is elected. host: what did you think of the debate? is a littleink it ridiculous. it was like kindergartners. i feel bad because i think nobody won the debate and it's a loss for all american people. host: what do you think hearing some of those comments that greta was reading saying the next debate should be canceled because they don't give us any new information? caller: i think we can give them
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a chance again to prove themselves. let's a second debate and see what they can say and we will decide after that. andrea is in albuquerque, new mexico, undecided. which way did the debate help you at all tonight? hi, how are you doing? how the debate affected me tonight was -- i did not feel like any party really got a chance to actually answer a question. felt like each one of them was trying to be more defensive than their other party, or they were trying to attack the other party. i felt like neither of them were able to address the actual issue. host: ok. so you did not learn anything? caller: i did not quite learn
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anything from their debate. it seemed like each one was attacking the other person, saying how they felt the other one was an adequate to be in the position. as far as people in political power, we don't necessarily want people to say that about other politicians that happen to be running our state. host: if you were the moderator of that debate and you could set it up however you wanted, what would you do with those two? caller: as far as the moderator i don't think either one of them should be able to see each other. i think each one should be able to speak about the question and answer the question without having the other one be able to interrupt the other. caller: thank you for calling in -- host: thank you for calling in. the key is in labelle, florida. very disgusted
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with the debate. to act the waynt he was did not show me any leadership at all. the interruption was very, very wrong. biden got tired and started back at him. it turned into what i call a kid show. i was disgusted with it. host: are you going to watch the next two? caller: i'm hoping that the next two are done a little different. i think there should be one at a time were only one can talk. across biden did come with some of the things people wanted to know, but trump did not give him a chance. president trump just did not give him a chance to finish his questions. ki, where is labelle,
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florida and what's at issue of concern to you? caller: it's by fort myers, florida. and the concern to me is the waters here. the ocean. it is just terrible. i have lived here nine years and i have seen the waters turn from cloudy to just so mark eves cannot see your feet -- murky you cannot see your feet. let's turn to diane on our support president trump line. caller: number one, i don't think either one of them should have been interrupting each other. know trump speaks what he thinks. but another thing i did not like was biden always says i will do this, i will do that, but he never tells you how.
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some of the things that he said they were going to do, trump has already done them as far as the coronavirus goes. like making the respirators and stuff like that. were saying the younger kids are starting to get coronavirus now. i have seen dr. fauci say that if you take vitamin d you may be less likely to get the coronavirus because it boosts your immune system. lockdown,ave been in they have not been out in the sunshine. they say the best way to get vitamin d is through sunshine. that's one thing the start looking at. host: what's the situation like in north dakota? is it opening back up? people wearing masks, etc.? caller: it's opening up.
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a lot of stores say you must have a mask to enter. but if you are in the public mr six feet away, they are not really making you wear masks in the open. town. nice we do what we have to do. there are some people that think wearing masks is taking away your rights. if i have toey, wear when in the store them i will wear one in the store. from columbus,r ohio on the support joe biden line. caller: thank you for having me. i am very concerned with the threatening comments that our president made. he was asked a question about white without desk he was asked -- he
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was asked a question about white supremacy and i wrote this down. he said that he would ask them to stand down and stand by. to me, that is telling a group of people that we are going to wait and see and if i need you, then i can call you out. i'm very appalled by that comment. think that that is something a president should be stating. i don't think that he participated in the debate the way that debates -- he went to biden, theyalso joe have been in several debate classes, and i'm very appalled that the debate is just like
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