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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  October 1, 2020 10:44am-11:00am EDT

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house is coming back in shortly. we do expect to see debate on a coronavirus economic aid package later today. the house will also work on a easure to protect amateur athletes from abuse. watch live house coverage here on c-span. twitter, you can also find us n @cspanwj. you can start calling and now as we take you through a few of the headlines about tuesday's debate. from this morning's major national papers, here is usa today. there lead editorial, debate divines democracy downward. also from u.s.a. today, once was enough, make it stop. this from the washington post, the spectacle that nears -- --ealed the nations commission on presidential debates, a presidential debate with a straight up mma cage matches what they write on the commentary section.
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and to the washington times as well, trump/biden debate baffles the world. those are some of the headlines this morning from the major papers. amid that criticism, this was the statement put out by the commission on presidential debate yesterday. the commission sponsors televised debates to the benefit of the american electorate. last nights debate made clear the additional structure to be added to the remaining format -- added to the format of the remaining debates. will be carefully considered -- considering the changes that it will adopt and will announce that these measures shortly. the commission is grateful for chris wallace for the professionalism and skill he brought to last nights debate and intends to ensure the additional tools to maintain order. both asked about this issue and talked about it
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while they were on the campaign trail. we start with joe biden yesterday. >> last night was i think a wake-up call for all americans. what i tried to do last night, i tried to speak directly into the camera to the american people. to talk about their concerns, talk about one's on their mind, and talk about what i would do if i were president. plan, no ideas, didn't express a single plane he had about how he will move forward, and it made me realize that just how much is at stake. for 90 minutes, he tried everything to distract, everything possible. it just didn't work. i hope this next debate will be in front of real, live people, a town hall. i'm looking forward to it. i hope we are able to add a chance to actually answer the questions that are asked by the
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persons in the room. but god only knows what he will do. host: that was joe biden yesterday on the campaign trail. president trump also on the campaign trail in minnesota at one of his make america great again rallies. he was the president for last night. pres. trump: last night, i did with the corrupt media has refused to do, hell joe biden accountable for his 47 years of lies -- held joe biden accountable for his 47 years of lies and 47 years of failure. i held them accountable for shipping drugs and dreams abroad and bowing to the violent mob at home. can you imagine how these people think about -- think in these democratic states. did you see last night? name oneleepy joe, law-enforcement group that supports you, and chris wallace says, don't do that, that's -- can you believe this? i was debating two people last night.
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debating two people last night. joe biden is too weak to leave this country. are saying,porters he should cancel the rest of the debates. let's see what happens. i don't think that will be a good move. host: president trump last night in minnesota. this is the front page of the wall street journal, debate chaos sparks review. some of the potential changes that could happen to ensure better discussion of the issues. it could include tweaking how much time a candidate could speak or whether the moderate could shut off a candidates microphone, according to one member of the commission board at the wall street journal. we are waiting for the official announcement for the commission on presidential debates. as we do, we want to hear from you. what changes would you make? tony is first out of florida, on the line for those who support joe biden. good morning. caller: good morning.
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i have an idea. one idea is for the moderator to tell both candidates they will put a shock color -- collar. host: do you think they will actually agree to that? guest: -- caller: well it is necessary, because the whole world is laughing at us. this is a circus. , the dumpsteria fire, the list goes on and on. host: short of a shock collar, what is something that you think could actually be implemented that both campaigns would be ok with? ollar.: a mute c mute is another button. trump is going to scream like crazy, but mute is another idea. another ideas time off.
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they are like little kids. i know ther -- i know they to old men, but if you want interrupt, give them a timeout. that's the only way, because this is ridiculous. the whole world is laughing at us, we are like a laughingstock. host: tony in florida. this is ted in washington, new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to say a couple things if i may. first of all, joe biden appears he is not for the people. he's against trump. all he talked about -- he sounded like nancy pelosi or chuck schumer. the bottom line is, we had a moderator up there who is a democrat. we have to have a moderator who is completely, 100% neutral. chris wallace kept trying to back off of biden. biden did not answer the question about stocking the court, didn't answer the question about the green deal.
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he said he's against the green deal. he didn't answer those questions. then he gets away with saying shut up on national tv. i work with kids. this is a very bad precedent to tell somebody to shut up. he doesn't even -- biden doesn't even have the class or dignitary. host: would you do anything to change the format going forward? haver: all i would do is -- i would explain to them in the beginning that this is the way it is. you are given two minutes and you can respond to whatever the person said, but there will be no interrupting. if you interrupt, your mike will be muted temporarily. just go that's -- mic will be muted temporarily. just go that way. they are adults. host: so you say you want a mute button. do you think that might increase criticism about future moderators on when they choose to use that button? caller: no. i think what happens, like anything else when we moderate something, even when you are working with children, you have
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rules and regulations. people don't necessarily abide by rules and regulations because they are adults. you have to set up guidelines. the whole thing got out of no --l because there was there didn't seem to be any rules there. chris wallace, he was totally out of control. when biden said shut up, man, called him a clown, trump did not insult him one time. i'm not just defending donald trump. joe biden -- people tout him like he is some great man. he said he's the face of the democratic party. he is the democratic party, but he doesn't answer questions about stacking the court, the green deal. host: we got your point. that is ted. this is tina out of north carolina for the line who support joe biden -- on the line who supports joe biden. caller: these debates are to benefit the american people.
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this is our opportunity, and we only have three to four opportunities to actually hear what they have to say. i will make one suggestion regarding the format change. donalds universe pageant is so affectionate about, we need to have soundproof booths or glass booths around both of the candidates. do not put the pressure on the moderator to determine the time limit. just like in that pageant, it will be automatically timed where they have two minutes. while the other person is speaking, they will not have opportunity to interrupt. that is no matter what. it could be republican or democrat. i think there will be equal time you willssion, then allow that time back, according to the rules of the team. having watched the debate,
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, iing two senior citizens will say that it is not impressive. potusularly, the current is a disgrace to our country. host: you said these debates are supposed to benefit the american people. you don't think tuesday benefited the american people? caller: i do not. i think it embarrassed us, because it did not represent the best of us. host: if these continue not to benefit the american people, do you think they are worth continuing? caller: we need to improvise. americans are strong. we don't give up, we just change the way things are done. those soundproof booths, like miss universe had, would be a definite solution and would take the moderator off the hook. host: that's teen in north carolina this morning. this, from the pages of the washington post in this discussion about how to change the debates or whether to
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continue the debates. this, from russell riley, a presidential historian at the university of virginia miller center. my reaction, this doesn't need to happen again. he argues this is an example of why debates have outlived their value as a means to inform voters. it doesn't serve any useful purpose. it is ugly and reflects poorly on our political system. whether it reflects poorly or not, it was watched by quite a few americans. yesterday, the ratings officially in, 73.1 million people watched tuesday's vice presidential debate. ship than the first presidential debate of the 2016 cycle -- viewership then the first presidential debate of the 2016 cycle when president trump squared off against then former secretary of state hillary clinton. john is out of bridgewater, new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning.
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i will try to stick your question, whether changes should be made. it should not be changed. fighting for the most important job in the world. if they can't spend 90 minutes talking, debating, wrestling, then there is something wrong with us. let them go at it. sometimes unseemly, but democracy is often unseemly. that is my answer. thank you. host: before you go, we are talking about making a better informed, public. you are saying let them do what they do, people can make their choices anyway and be informed, even by what we saw on tuesday? that as information to how people vote or what they know about these candidates? caller: sure. we find out a lot. we know where trump stands, we
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know are biden stands. it was pretty clear. side, he would not admit to packing the court. valuable information came out. about what joe biden would do. host: all these headlines we read this morning, that it is time to end this, that is -- is that a matter of not trusting the american voter? caller: i trust the american voter. the american voter is a lot smarter than the media. the media, certainly mainstream because -- mainstream, and i hate to say this because it sounds stupid, but they are trying to go one way. the american voter who voted for trump last time we'll probably do it again. what else can they say? they see what's going on. who is a veryn, nice guy, can stand up to these guys.
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that will be a problem. -- there should be let the best man win. host: you are talking about steve scully who will be hosting the presidential debate. caller: nice boy, nice man. host: you said you hope he stands up to them, what do you mean by that? caller: these guys are tough. maybe his persona will lower the temperature. obviously chris wallace doesn't like trump, we all know that. c-span is neutral. i think that is a part to good choice, by the way. we know you guys are neutral. if you're not neutral, then the world is over. you know. i think the tone will be
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different with a different moderator, yes. host: john, thanks for the call from new jersey. mike in florida, on the line for those who support joe biden. caller: how are you? host: doing well. should youhink they the microphones, especially in trump's case. he's a bully who's not going to opinion. to voice your he doesn't follow rules. his is the way he has been entire life. that's really the only way, in my opinion, to keep them from acting like the jerky is. -- jerk he is. host: when do you mut >> we'll be leaving this program at this point to keep our commitment to live gavel-to-gavel coverage of the house. ff the floor, negotiations continue today on a coronavirus aid package. we could see debate on that later today. now to live coverage of the house here on c-span.


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