tv Washington Journal 10232020 CSPAN October 23, 2020 6:59am-10:04am EDT
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>> with 11 days left until election day, november third when voters decide who will control congress and occupy the white house next year, stick with c-span. watch campaign 2020 coverage every day on c-span., oron listen on the c-span radio app. your place for an unfiltered view of politics. >> coming up live on friday, campaign coverage including mike pence in ohio. that's at 1:00 on c-span. i 2:30, joe biden speaks on his covid response plan. at 4:30, president trump at a campaign rally in florida. on c-span two at noon, the senate begins debate on the amy coney barrett nomination to be
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the associate justice on the supreme court. washington journal takes your calls and comments on last night's final presidential debates of the 2020 campaign. ♪ host: good morning, this is washington journal. it was last night the candidates for president met at belmont university and for the next three hours we will get a reaction to have president trump and joe biden did. ,f you support president trump (202)-748-8001. if you support joe biden, (202)-748-8000. if you are undecided or supporting another candidate, (202)-748-8002.
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text us at (202)-748-8003. you can post on our twitter feed and our facebook is also available at debate there is a lot of information that usually ride out and along for the is john mcardle. >> good morning. the first number coming up, president donald trump with three minutes more speaking time than joe biden with 37 minutes and 30 seconds. with some other questions. rebuttals, 31 trump and 28 biden.
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interruptions, president trump with 25 and joe biden with 12. here is a graphic from nbc news noting the breakdown of speaking time by topic. when it came to the issue of economy 19 minutes of speaking , the pandemicbate taking up 13 minutes and 53 seconds, health care six minutes and 41 seconds, ethics seven minutes and 42 seconds, race relations nine minutes and 27 seconds. nbc news also breaking it up by how much time each candidate spent on each topic. joe biden speaking more on the issue of race and health care. president trump speaking more on the issues of the economy and coronavirus. nbc is where you can
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find that stat. this is from republican rhonda mcdaniel. the number of moderator interruptions. she interrupted joe biden eight times and president trump 41 times during the debate. when it came to how the debate is playing out in the political media online we take you to some of the headlines first from the conservative spectrum. trump classy. lies ands and lies and struggles to complete sentences. this from the daily caller -- trump chases biden on email allegations as kristen welker holds tight leash and final presidential debate. from the left side of the political spectrum from huffington post -- brazen,
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incoherent lies. almost reflecting the opposite of the headline we just showed you. this from the atlantic. "trump does not care in his last e to win over voters." here are two tweets from two of rs inell-known race raide washington, d.c. is one.othenberg he tweeted last night, "trump was more controlled and better this time. biden was also better. put to rest the republican charge he is losing it. the race will not change." from the cook political report this is charlie cook writing, "good news for the president. he did not hurt himself unlike the first time. the bad news, he was 10 points
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behind and did not help himself. the race has not changed. a republican had no reason to feel better after the debate. biden did not do a face plant. that is all he needed to do." host: during the three hours we will hear mainly from you about last night. you can see the debate at and we will play portions as we go throughout the morning. the first exchange right off the bat during last night was that about the government's reaction and how it is doing handling the pandemic. [video clip] people wereon expected to die. we closed up the greatest economy in the world in order to fight this horrible disease that came from china. it is a worldwide pandemic. you see the spikes in europe and other places. if you noticed the mortality rate is down, 85%, the excess
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mortality rate is lower than almost any other country and we are fighting it hard. there was a spike in florida and it is gone. it was a big spike in texas, now gone. there was a spike in arizona now gone. there are spikes and surges in other places that will soon begin. we have a vaccine that is ready. it is going to be announced within weeks and it is going to be delivered. speed" operation "warp where the military will distribute the vaccine. from personal experience, i was in the hospital, i had it, i got better and they gave me a therapeutic, some could say it was a cure, but i was in for a short time i got better very fast. now they say i am immune. whether it is four months or lifetime nobody knows, but i am immune.
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more and more people are getting better. we have a problem that is a worldwide problem. problem, butldwide i have been congratulated by the heads of many countries on what we have been able to do. if you take a look at what we have done in terms of goggles else,sks and everything in particular ventilators, we are making ventilators all over the world. thousands of month distributing them all over the world. it will go away and we are rounding the turn. it is going away. >> 220,000 americans dead. if you hear nothing else i say ar this. her not saying i take no responsibility, anyone is responsible and should not remain president of the united states. we are in a situation where there are 1000 deaths a day.
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over 70,000 new cases per day. compared to what is going on in englandthe new medical journal said they are starting from a low rate and we are starting from a high rate. there could be to hundred more more deaths before the end of the year. if we just wore masks, we could save 100,000 lives. plan,esident still has no no comprehensive plan. i would make sure we have everyone encouraged to wear a mask all the time. inould make sure we move investing in rapid testing. i would make sure we set up national standards of how to open up schools and businesses so they could be safe and give
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them the financial resources to be able to do that. host: we will show you more clips from the debate. you can see it at our website but let us start with calls. lloyd in jacksonville, florida a supporter of trump. go ahead. caller: good morning. i thought president trump looked presidential the whole evening and he waited for joe to stick his foot in his mouth. he kept lying about the fracking. hey, we are going to eliminate fracking from our system. the whole joe biden routine about him looking into the camera and grinning at everybody around the kitchen table and trump caught onto that real quick. i was happy with the president. host: a supporter of joe biden. ronald in east orange, new jersey. caller: good morning. how are you doing? host: i am fine. thank you. caller: i thought the debate was
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basically a draw, but i support biden and harris because of the acm. mouth ond, out of his the 60 minute interview, he hopes it is done away. we americans cannot afford not to have medical. host: you said that debate was a draw. what about joe biden's performance? caller: i thought he was pretty strong, but trump had his points, too. you've got to give the devil his due. host: mark stone says i thought the moderator did well. disappointed on some subjects. they should focus on economy, health care, and foreign policy. isby says when the president congratulated, there is a problem with the president. if you want to give your thoughts on that front, @ c-spanwj is how you do that. pennsylvania,way,
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supporter of president trump. caller: i am a supporter of the president. i thought the best lines of the night were when the president told joe biden he was the reason why he was running for president in 2016. joe biden cannot run a campaign on "come on, man." it does not fly with regular people. it may fly with the media and make for cool press, but it does not fly with mainstream americans. host: what you think the president's style and debate last night compared to the first night? caller: i think the first debate was a total debacle. i think it was an embarrassment. the second time around, this idea that people were getting mad because there was a mute button could be enabled, that is how i debate should be run.
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you have to hear out other people's points of view and not throw everything against the fan. host: that mute button should be kept in future debates? caller: yes, i do. i think it was a good idea. i think it worked well. host: that was steve in pennsylvania. maureen is in new york, a supporter of joe biden. caller: good morning to you and good morning to america. people on thecus fact that the president of the united states is the most important person in the world today. standardstrump sets andow by continually lying he throws numbers out without basis in fact. that is very concerning to me. host: such as what? caller: such as the $100
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trillion, he made more jobs than anybody had, and the truth of the matter is that we are in worse shape today than we were four years ago. i am not talking political sides. i am talking people. we cannot have a president who lies continually and you cannot trust. he has made a full of us on the world stage. people believe the lies because they want change. they will take any change. take change that has a brain. thathe talks about covid, was president trump, in the middle of the beginning of the people that let 13 were sick from china get on a plane and come to america. host: with all that yesterday, specifically about joe biden, what did you gain? caller: i got to see, because he was allowed to talk last night,
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i got to see more about his health plan which i really think it's wonderful. i got to see more what he wanted to do with the missions and our climate change. anyone that thinks climate hoax is notlse or a paying attention. host: ok. that was maureen. climate change one of the topics amongst many from last night. to give us more information on the candidates and where they go from here, we are back with john. inno postdebate spin room these coronavirus times, but the postdebate spin tours continue. the candidates both on the road today. i want to go over the president's schedule. he is headed to the villages in florida. we will cover that event live at 4:30 p.m. eastern on c-span and and the free c-span radio app. the vice president also hitting
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the road. swinton,ng to be in ohio at 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span,, and the free c-span radio app. when it comes to the biden-harris campaign joe biden is headed to delaware. live at 2:30 p.m. eastern where you can watch and listen. senator kamala harris headed to atlanta georgia and over the weekend headed to ohio as well. the postdebate stops very much the focus of where these campaigns are spending the majority of their time with the days to go before election day. we should note plenty of voters have voted already. even voting before this debate happened. this from the washington post, their map of early voting. in 2016, 40 7at million total americans cast a vote early -- 47 million total
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americans cast a vote early and we are at 47.1 million. washington post is where you can see that map of how early voting is going. host: from alexandria, louisiana, a supporter of president trump. caller: good morning. good morning, c-span and good morning, american. i happen to be an african-american republican and i support trump for what he has done for historically black colleges. gottenfully funded them, the criminal reform package passed the biden and obama could not pass. where 50 cent and i-cube are supporting president trump, but they went with the platinum plan to help black
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businesses and biden would not take it. i know a lot of callers do not know about that -- host: when it comes to the debate how do you think the president did? caller: i think he did real well. things i do say not think biden wanted to say. honest,d but i will be and i love you because you're the best host of this program, but the first debate, everybody thought it was rockets. the second debate was better. he let biden talk so people can see where biden is at. him, i am african-american, not too many of us supporting him but he is not a racist. host: ok. let us hear from james in spring valley, new york, a biden supporter. caller: thank you very much. i am a biden supporter.
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i know he had some difference votes in the past with the crime bill. i think you will be an excellent president. i think he will work around people. he will work around people that know what they are doing. he will not be making the decisions by himself. i have been listening to different things all morning. all that stuff trump was talking about yesterday was factfinders and wall street journal coming out that it was all lies. that china stuff with the biden family is all made up. the president needs to be speaking -- host: what did you think about joe biden from his performance? example was his columnist under pressure --
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calmness under pressure. i think he learned his lesson. let me sneak this in. i am a vietnam vet and my flag has been flying upside down ever since trump has been in. let me say this. kamala did not call trump a racist. host: we are going back to the primary with that. pennsylvania,wn, a supporter of president trump. hello. caller: i have a comment on the raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. i think it would be disastrous. you can have minimum wage at $20 an hour and a gallon of milk is going to be $15, a loaf of bread will be $10, and the small businesses that have 20
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employees are not going to be able to afford to pay those 20 employees and cut their staff or possibly shut down. host: let us go back to last night. tell us what you think, you being a supporter of president trump, what you thought of last night. caller: i think president trump did better than the first one. i think both sides -- they always talk about trump interrupting biden in the first one and biden interrupting trump just as much. playground,th on a kids on the playground. host: waterbury, connecticut, and undecided viewer. diane, hello. caller: good morning. i am concerned about the crime bill and i'm glad he discussed it. democrats have
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been responsible for the crime bill which has affected many black people. host: is the 1994 crime bill your referencing something you did not know about until last night? caller: i knew about it but i did not know who passed it. i thought it was the republicans but it was the democrats. to accosthey continue black men. it has affected the lives of many black people and especially those who are being incarcerated. joe biden has not done anything to help the black man when he was vice president. he did nothing. actually, he was with the crime bill and now he says he will change it. i do not believe him. i am very concerned about our young black men, our sons and daughters, who are being incarcerated by the democrat party. host: that was diane in
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connecticut giving her thoughts on the debate. you can continue to do the same. this is from twitter. barbara saying the bar was set low. it is apparent the president toned it down. joe was not inspiring. it was a draw. kristen welker should be commended for moderating the way she did. great job! that was rick in north carolina. johnny saying, biden was thoughtful, compassionate, and honest. trump was none of those things. bill from connecticut said, lockdown joe versus open up trump. we have to open up now. he is texting us this morning. you can do the same at (202)-748-8003. janice is from brooklyn, new york, supporter of joe biden. caller: good morning. i think he did an excellent job.
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i am listening to the callers about the crime bill. when it came out it was about crack and cocaine and that was primarily in the minority neighborhoods. the -- recently what was going on in suburban communities when people were sudden theyall of a started to look at recovery and not jail time. that is when people started changing their mind about the crime bills. host: you said joe biden did an excellent job last night. give me an example. caller: an example would be minimum wage. the minimum wage should go up. there is no proof businesses will go out if it gets raised. there is no proof of that. when he talked about the health care plan. the president has no plan about
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that, but he wants it done. people will lose health care and when you talk -- he is talking about the economy and 401(k). people are using that now because they lost their jobs. nobody is gaining but the billionaires. he brought a lot of things to light. host: let us hear from sean a supporter of president trump from wisconsin. caller: how are you doing? good morning. i have two points to debate that happened last night. minimum wage should be regulated by the community and state you live in. it varies from state to state. i do believe there should be an increase. thing which pertains to both biden and trump, trump is more direct and i am appalled that every time trump had something to say biden would snicker. that is childish. host: that was sean in
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wisconsin. one of the battleground states many people are paying attention to. one of the topics debated last night was that of the economy or .ealt [video clip] >> i terminated the individual mandate. obamacare. worst of you have to pay a fortune for the privilege of not paying for vet health insurance. it is gone. now it is in court because obamacare is no good. then i made a decision -- run as well as you can't my people, great people. i could have gone the other route and made people unhappy. they ran it. premiums are down, everything is down. no matter how hard you run it nothing is good. we have the individual mandate done. i do not know it is going to
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work. if we do not win, we will have to run it and have obamacare, but it will be better run. without the individual mandate it is much different. pre-existing conditions will always stay. what i would like to do is a much better health care, much better. it will always protect people with pre-existing. i would like to terminate obamacare, come up with a beautiful health care -- the democrats will do it because there will be tremendous pressure and we may have the house. i think we are going to win the house. come up with a better health care always protecting people with pre-existing conditions. one thing, we have 180 million people that have great, private health care. far more than with obamacare. joe biden is going to terminate all those policies. these are people who love their health care. people who have been successful. 180 million plans, 180
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, thatn people, families will basically be socialized medicine. do is passm going to obamacare with a public option. you do notsays if have the wherewithal -- if you qualify for medicaid and you do not have the wherewithal in your state to get medicaid, you are automatically enrolled providing competition for insurance companies. secondly, we are going to reduce the premiums and reduce drug prices by making sure there is competition that does not exist now but existing the medicare -- allowing the medicare to negotiate prices with companies. thirdly, the idea i want to limit private insurance, the reason i had such a fight for the nomination was i support private insurance.
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that is why not one single person on private insurance would lose it under my plan nor did they under obamacare. unless they chose they wanted to go to something else. lastly, we are going to make sure we are in a situation where we actually protect pre-existing. you cannot do it in the ether. he has been talking about this a long time. he has never come up with a plan. host: discussions on health care care and other topics from last date. from texas a supporter of joe next. keith is caller: i want to throw something out and see if i'm the only one that notices. i have a problem with trump never directly answering the question. he seems to always want to start on the question and take off on a tangent such as when he said
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he cannot respond why this happened to our country with covid. reasons, the first line of defense for our country is for people to be informed. he did not inform us so we could not have been ready or prepared. we were warned when the world had h1n1 and it did take lives. it hit the older people and i'm one of the older people. he said because of the china virus it was all china's fault, but we had eyes and ears on the ground. trump dismantled that. people in the cdc here and we could have a better preventative out.
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i do not know why he would dismantle something like that when it is so necessary. what he could not see that as necessary because when you have a disease, especially when you are fighting something you cannot see, you do not know what you can touch, what you cannot touch, what somebody has touched in front of you. i have a problem with him not accepting responsibility that we should have been informed. host: that was keith in texas. let us go to california and stockton where we hear from rob, a supporter of president trump. caller: yes. biden looked very old. he looked his age. responding, and lot of his words were slurred, he
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could not complete sentences. i think it is dangerous to put a person at that age in the white house. host: what did you think of president trump's performance? caller: i think he was sharp. he was accurate about the green aoc he said it would cost $100 trillion and that was about the financial expense it would cost to try and change everything from oil over to renewable energies. $100 trillion is what it costs. everybody makes fun of rudy giuliani -- he cleaned all the mafia bosses out of new york. planhe brings up this $3.5 million -- i
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believe it was the mayor's wife who said $3.5 million in electronic transfer to mr. biden -- i do not think that is something to laugh about. host: again, a lot of topics covered last night with this new feature of the debate. different than other debates and with more on that we go to john mcardle. >> the new feature is the mute button. some callers already bringing it up this morning. thata today pointed out mute button was instituted by the commission on presidential debates and managed by them to allow each candidate two underwrot uninterrupted momentse beginning. it was more than 45 minutes into the presidential debate the mute button was finally used during a question about health care.
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i want to show our viewers that moment. [video clip] do,nder what he wants to which will basically be socialized medicine, they want to terminate 180 million plans. we have done an incredible job on health care and we are going to do even better. >> ok. biden, what isnt your plan if the law is ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court? you have two minutes uninterrupted. >> the mute button getting some praise. ,his from the los angeles times the mute button worked last night. they said it was an important weapon in making the debate go smoothly. they also know it helped a far more subdued president trump showed up while his exasperation was clear when biden spoke, he largely waited his turn and was
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notably courteous to kirsten welker. grimaced,k his head, and theatrically gaped at trump, but largely waited his turn to have a say and even allowed his rival more than once to have the final word. at least it was not painful to watch is what the l.a. times writes in their wrap up. a couple of tweets about the mute button. post, thee washington mute button was a deterrence last night. it is not the actual power of the mute, but the threat that worked. this from ed morrissey with hot air, during the debate the muted microphones have made both men sound better. there were those out there that wanted them you button used more. the daily show tweeting a hypothetical where kristen welker thanked the president and former vice president for the
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debate and the mute button guy says, sorry i am late. did i miss anything? york, armaine in new supporter of joe biden. caller: good morning. i am tired of president trump acting like he has done everything for black people. that is insulting to me. what he has done is nothing but breadcrumbs. he wants to compare himself to abraham lincoln. come on. bill, that bill was not just met for black people. there was a lot of crime going on. that was meant for everybody. most of the black people got caught up in it at that time. host: as far as joe biden is concerned, what you think about the performance and did he address issues of concern to you? caller: i h he addressed
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every issue i was concerned about. host: such as what? caller: definitely the health care plan. i do not have health care right now because they want to charge health carenth for i cannot afford that. i have got for people i support right now. -- four people i support right now. month torom $30 a $200. president trump had no answers to that. he always keeps coming to joe biden every time that woman asked him a question. that is all i have to say. host: deborah in virginia, and an undecideder -- voter. caller: i have two concerns with biden. the first is him raising taxes on the upper class, whatever. who does he think that is going
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to dribble down to? if he raises the taxes on the big companies, they are going to close. the people will not have jobs because the big companies cannot afford it. the second concern is biden health care -- host: we have got to watch the language if you talk on this program. caller: they're going to take my income tax because i cannot afford obamacare? that is crazy. i am leaning toward trump on this because with the taxes being raised people are going to get fired. health care, if you do not buy into the program, you are going to get charged. your income tax at the end of the year is going back to the government. i do not think that is right. host: patricia in new jersey, a supporter of president trump. caller: good morning.
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thank you for taking my call. i have a comment to make on the debate last evening between joe biden and president trump. biden is a very poor president of the united states. he has no plan. people that are calling in saying president trump has no plan, president trump has a plan ever since day one. he has followed through with each plan he has confessed to the public. debate was much debate.han the first biden, if people vote for joe biden, you are not going to
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have a country. host: ok. caller: forget it. host: that was patricia in new jersey. from our twitter feed this morning, people commenting on various aspects. facebook talking about kristen welker. congratulations to her for bringing people here to agree on something. most degree she did a good job even if they disagree about the winter. she didn't excellent job. karen says, does anyone believe president trump told his people to run the aca as well as they can? adding,rom the twitter biden took five days to prepare. if last night was the result, biden failed. @ you can reach us on twitter facebook, you can also call us on the lines.
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(202)-748-8001 if you support joe biden. (202)-748-8000 if you are undecided or support other candidates. (202)-748-8002 if you support trump. we will take calls all morning. one of the aspects of last night was hunter biden. this is reflected in the wall street journal under the headline, hunter biden's x business partner knew about the venture. saying, in a statement to reporters in 2017, hunter biden consulted his father about adventure with a chinese oil company to invest in the u.s. and elsewhere. before his presidential campaign , or completed any details,
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corporate records reviewed showed no role for joe biden. he gave a statement to reporters but not elaborate on the things he said. the topic of hunter biden was a feature in the debate. here's part of that exchange. [video clip] >> you are getting money from russia. they were paying you a lot of money and probably still are. but with what came out today, it is even worse. all of the emails, the horrible emails of the money you are raking in and you were vice president when some of this was happening. it should have never happened. i think you owen explanation to the american people. what is it someone had a news conference a little while ago who was essentially supposed to work with you and your family, but what he said was damming. i think you have to clean it up and talk to the american people. maybe you can do it right now. >> vice president biden, you may
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respond. and then follow up on election security. >> i have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. we learned this president paid 50 times the tax and china, has a secret bank account with china, does business in china, and is talking about me taking money? i have not taken a single penny from any country whatsoever. president, this is a i released all of my taxes for. 22 years of my tax returns. you have not released a single solitary year. what are you hiding? why are you unwilling? foreign countries are paying you a lot. russia is paying you a lot, china is paying you a lot, and all your businesses around the country, around the world, and china is building a new road to a new golf course you have overseas. what is going on here?
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release your tax returns or stop talking about corruption. host: that topic was one of note in nashville, tennessee and importance for semi capitol hill. here is john mcardle. the guest ofned the president last night speaking to reporters. he is going to be speaking on capitol hill today. this is the story from the hill newspaper noting republican senator's ron johnson and chuck grassley sent letters to five individuals, including attorneys for hunter biden, requesting documents and they will today.ew tony bobby linsk the request for documents come as president trump seized on the story that hunter biden used his influence to connect a businessman and former board member at the ukrainian gas company with his father when he was vice president.
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the statement from grassley and johnson notes that the committee has received a response from who will fully cooperate with the investigation. they say he has already agreed to appear at that informal interview. that happening today. on the congressional twitter feed, when it came to hunter biden. n, joe biden is lying to the american people. . back to the impeachment investigation saying, every single witness during the impeachment hearings testified hunter biden was a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. i asked each and everyone. this from congressman jeff duncan from south carolina
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saying, you cannot have it both ways. you cannot choose to report on the fake dossier and not the real hunter biden scandal. if you think you could have it both ways, you deserve to operate on your own dime. wilson,m congresswoman the democrat from florida with her thoughts when hunter biden was brought up. here we go with the hunter attacks. lies, lies, and more lies. host: jasper from memphis, tennessee, a supporter of joe biden. caller: i'm a guy that looks a trump. i worry about what his supporters do. done, like notas having a better health care plan, they believe that. they think he is doing a good job overseas. do wheng republicans they get into office is run this into the ground. it democrat has always had to pick it up.
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i like what biden said last night. it is not about the family. it is about trump and biden. trump needs to stop bringing this off-the-wall stuff into a debate. matters of health care and foreign policy, how do you think biden addressed those policies? caller: he did very well. host: such as how? caller: he told trump this is about you and me. it is not about our families. knew that north korea has more nuclear and better delivery systems than what obama and biden put in place. man andst a con everybody supporting him are taking us down the track of the wrong way. host: let us hear from ashley in texas, a supporter of president trump. caller: hey.
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host: go ahead. caller: i just want to say that joe biden looked like he was falling asleep. his whole plan for the health cra andptem is just leave it alone. some of us have medicare and are happy with how our insurance is working. he is going to make it worse. host: how do you think president trump addressed issues of health care last night? he did a little better, but it was not really that bad. host: when you said he did better, what do you mean? he was actually speaking from the heart.
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i am sorry. host: we have got your point. if those of you waiting, go ahead and turn your television down. sometimes that interrupts the conversation. if you would, turned on the television. next,ississippi, ben is supporter of joe biden. caller: good morning. i wanted to make a comment on when trump says all that he has , he for black people, well said he has done as much as lincoln. [indiscernible] about our 20th president. host: what do you think joe
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biden is going to do for african-americans? did he address any of that last night? if he continues what obama was doing, the black people would be fine. host: such as what? caller: it is only the rich people that are fine. poor black people are getting hung in jail, murdered in jail, murdered on the streets by police. the percentage is higher than it was when obama and biden were in office. go back and look. how any understand white or black democrat or republican can stand behind this guy with all of the stuff going that all of these people , all kind out as nazi
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of domestic terrorists. host: let us hear from jesse in michigan, a supporter of president trump. caller: how are you doing? host: i am doing well. thank you. caller: i have a message for the american people. we havew americans, god, family, our country, our constitution, our bill of rights, and we have laws that govern our republic. i'm a veteran of this great country. i am a republican. i am not independent, i am not a democrat, but what i am is an american. host: you have a message about the debate? caller: yes, sir. it was a good debate. it was better than the first one. host: what made it better, if i may ask? caller: well, there was no
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bickering, no fighting, that kind of stuff. politics is a real messy thing, but it went well. our president has done a great job. i waited 43 years for someone to step up and care for our country. we have to come together as a country. founded byution was our forefathers and stated that one of these particular branches was going to go rogue. guess who went rogue? host: when it comes to the president's performance last night, what did you think of it? caller: i think he has been great. host: specifically how last night? commentse did a lot of about the bidens and i think he was attacking them. he should get away from that.
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i know there is corruption in the deep state. there are so many theories about pros and cons. it is just a mess right now and that is what he is trying to take care of. our president is not a racist. he has done a lot for my family. i am native american and a veteran of this country. i love my country. host: that was jesse in michigan. we set aside allied this morning -- a line this morning who are still undecided. perhaps you are voting for another candidate altogether. by the way, the presidential candidates for the green party and libertarian party set to be on this program tomorrow if you want to catch washington journal. we are going to hear from dave in virginia and undecided voter. thank you for taking my
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call. nighthed the debate last and i went and watched it again. simply because when they say who won.i think the viewers what stood out to me most was finding out from president trump that we are in fact energy independent. i did not really know that. but the fact we are energy independent is huge. i do not know if people realize how huge that actually is. a law of our energy comes from oil and if we are energy independent, this is kind of how trump is fulfilling his bring the troops home. they are not going to be needed in foreign countries. regardless of what is said, i believe the troops are there to mainly protect the oil.
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dependent, wegy are not dependent on oil anymore. bring the troops home. what does that do? that will lower the military budget costs in the annual budget. the millions and billions that we spend on our military and defense and things of that nature. what can we do with those? for could be used disparities in economics and education, health care -- host: as far as the things you learned last night, how do you think the individual candidates are going to approach this issue? caller: how trump is going to do it? so i you are undecided feel like you have not made a decision. caller: i was undecided until last night. candidateso both the
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it comes down ste to the politician. barought trump had a higher to get over in terms of how he presented himself and i think he reached up our. -- bar. he actually held back a lot and you see that. host: viewers, as far as the lines are concerned pick the line that best represents you at this time. on ats this debate goes the presidential campaign goes on a lot going on on capitol hill. with one of the fronts here is john mcardle. >> it is a pretty big front. it is the supreme court and we are days away from a floor vote on confirmation of judge amy coney barrett to serve as the next justice. hilln yesterday on capitol
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, here's the story from the washington post. judge amy coney barrett moved one step closer to a seat on the supreme court. the senate judiciary advanced democrat boycotted in protest of what they viewed as an illegitimate confirmation process. democrats present. mitch mcconnell is expected to take a procedural step today to bring her confirmation to the floor with her confirmed by monday evening, putting her in a position to hear key cases involving election disputes and health. before then democrats expected to throw up more roadblocks as they have been doing all week long. that is the story from the washington post. from yesterday afternoon on one of the procedural motions the senate took up, there were three democratic senators who did not vote on the floor debate procedural motion yesterday.
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notably one of them was senator kamala harris and the other doug jones, who is involved in a tough reelection battle in alabama. the democratic senator trying to hold onto ac. the democrat from arizona as well. senators tweeting out about the confirmation vote and what has been happening all week long this is lindsey graham, the chairman of the judiciary committee, who has been shepherding her nomination along capitol hill. after that vote she said we did it. this is from rob portman of ohio, president trump made an excellent choice in nominating amy coney barrett to fill the vacancy. i look forward to supporting her confirmation in the coming days. democrats with a different tune. ns saying,ris coo every member of the republican majority has voted to overturn
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health care. confirming judge barrett as their last attempt to find it, mostly the courts but they failed to do legislatively. this is from chuck schumer the debate that was happening in nashville. by any senator for president trump's supreme court nominee is a vote to rip away health care and pre-existing condition protections for millions of americans. democrats will not stop fighting for americans' health care. host: that is just some of the reaction from yesterday. there's other reaction from you as well on our various feeds about yesterday. one sayingsing the the second 2020 debate was so boring i do not think anybody won it. renee saying, biden was
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compassionate. the president nothing but racist, bald-faced lies. hunter biden is not running. if trunk is going down that road, biden has got every right to mention the president's kids every chance he gets. tillman saying, hardly any foreign policy discussions. will saying, both did pretty well. joe biden hurt himself a little on oil. beyond that i doubt little, if any, needles moved. that very important in these days leading up to the election, but today devoted to the debate. we've got two more hours to go to hear from the viewer. if you want to call and let us know, if you are supporter of president trump, call us at (202)-748-8001.
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if you support joe biden, (202)-748-8000. if you consider yourself undecided at this point, or you are supporting another candidate, call us at (202)-748-8002. as we listen to our next call, mark from virginia, we show you some -- mark, good morning. go ahead. ms. welker: -- caller: before the debate i was fully on board with joe biden. i was very impressed with the job that donald trump did. but before that i really bought and the lies misrepresentations that the media was trying to portray trump as the biggest racist.
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debate, i did a little pastrch into joe biden's and donald trump's policies. once you do the research yourself, i promise, you will come out to one conclusion. that joe biden is the biggest racist politician to ever run for office. host: but you are calling on the line for those who support him. mistake. made a i should have host: dialed in. then we will stop you there -- i should have dialed indifferently. host: then we will stop you there. we have marini, supporting joe biden. me,er: this is strange for in 2016 i voted democrat. i have donald trump, i could
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not stand him. my nine-year-old said i thought you -- i thought you said he was a bad person and why are you voting for him? basically every issue, i try to go research and myself because i don't trust anyone but my gut and i have not found most of it to be true. obamacare event though i do support some sort of health care system. i have two boys with disabilities and we tried to get them coverage. because we qualify for medicaid we were not allowed to choose a discounted plan. so we had to pay full price because there's a loophole in that system. and medicaid with illinois was not willing to cover the therapy services that they needed. for me that was a huge issue. host: because health care was an issue last night, there were several criticisms of the president's approach to health care coming from joe biden, what do you think of those?
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caller: he's right, donald trump does not have a plan. i'm not going to say i am a full on trump porter. i am more of a true supporter. the president is very abrasive. i'm kind of happy with that because in chicago, the rioting is crazy. our governor will not do anything. we did not leave our home for six days because we were afraid to go outside. that's how extreme got here. those things have changed my view on a lot. now i'm actually pro-gun ownership when previously i was completely anti-gun ownership. these last two months have turned me from a democratic liberal and pushed me to the right. host: that's jolene giving her undecided we have an voter in gaithersburg, maryland, or supporting another candidate. good morning. caller: good morning. decided, i was looking
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to balance things out but i need facts. yesterday trump talked about energy independence and people are giving him credit. it doesn't take three years to get energy independence. i need facts. i consider myself an intelligent person. credit for being energy independent and two years. but that process started years ago in obama's time, before he came in. you can take credit for that. on the issue of health care come after listening to donald trump, and looking for opportunity, but today he does not have a real plan. that's a fact. host: so when it comes to joe biden on the topic of energy,
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what facts did he provide last night? caller: could you repeat that? host: when it comes to energy and the facts, what did joe biden provide in your opinion? i think the process obama's process for eight years. so i will give him some credit for being energy independent because he had eight years in the process was ongoing and we are here. host: so what did you think about joe biden's comments on fracking. caller: obviously he has said that he supports it. but let me touch on the issue of north korea. you've already brought up a few topics that we are actually going to go to another caller. robin, in new jersey, supporting
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joe biden caller: good morning america, you look mighty distinguished today. nightd the debate last better than i did the first one that they did. ist i wanted to talk about this russian propaganda that donald trump is putting out there about joe biden's son. considered now being a russian asset by the intelligence community. he went to ukraine, picked up as heaptop, and used it, said, by russia, for an october surprise. these guys are international crooks. we are in a really bad place.
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if we don't get this guy out, we are going down. and the united states will become the trump organization. you guys need to do some critical thinking. go back to school. because you guys are not looking at the facts. host: such as? soner: the facts about his in russia giving them this fake laptop. host: how do you know it is fake? caller: because it's in the news, it's a lie, it's russian propaganda. they are everywhere, facebook, twitter, to help donald trump get elected. for the laptop itself what tells you that it's russian propaganda? caller: the news. everybody was telling the truth. facebook andded on twitter. there's no proof, it's not been
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verified and the only one who is promoting it is fox news and trump. they work for trump, fox news. host: let go to a supporter of donald trump in south carolina, hello. caller: hello, how are you? i wanted to touch on the topic of health care. when trump was initially voted obamacaree, specifically, that was one of the first things that was on his agenda and it was taking too house to do away with obamacare. so he moved on to other things. so i think that trump has done everything that he said he was going to do. i don't particularly like him as a person but i don't think that matters, who he is as a person. it matters what he's going to do for our country.
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biden being ae good leader for our country. i think i would mean communism for us and that's not what i want to see. host: why do you equate joe biden with communism? think, from what -- i can't from him explain it. from what i have seen from him thewhat he stands for, left, that seems how the left is trying to reign a sin. dennis, and south carolina, talking about aspects of last nights's debate, also joining us. mr. mcardle, good morning. caller: two comments by the pratt --guest: two comments by
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the president, they raised a lot of eyebrows among political race watchers, 45 minutes and when president trump said i think we are going to win the house, referring to republicans. about an hour in saying we will take the house. the house of representatives. pushbacketting some from the democratic congressional campaign committee who tweeted after the president said that, their counterpoint is that republicans are not going to win the house. that's what they tweeted out. to do that, here is how the mouth would have to work out. this is from inside elections with nathan gonzales. 233 to a 201e majority with one libertarian. republicans we need a net game -- a net gain of 17 seats. democrats are most likely maintaining control with the most likely outcome being that democrats 10 to 20 seats. that's from inside elections.
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just to show you one more time how the productions work, they rate the races when it comes to safe, leaning, or until set. are 20 sixat there seats in play but a lot more republican seats in play. 40 republican seats in that category. liens likely. the battlefield is being washed with the house. a couple of news organizations pointing to the president's comments, giving their thoughts on it. few election forecasters, including ours, think that it's a realistic possibility in this election cycle that republicans will take the house. and this from dave wasserman saying reality check, democrats are on track to expand their house majority by five to 15 seats according to the cook
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political report. and dave wasserman focuses on house races, joining this program on sunday morning at the 8:00 hour and we will focus on the house battlefield. for more on that, stay with us this coming sunday. undecided orand supporting unders -- others voters. onler: i like joe biden medical. i like that donald trump on the economy and foreign policy. ,nd after listening dollar this i really appreciate, she's convinced that the russians are in control of this propaganda. kids -- andbiden's who knows, here's what bothers me. i'm in a family that's divided , what exactly, where
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exactly is anybody talking about this anywhere else but fox news? i hate listening to fox news, i hate listening to cnn and everybody that has a bias. there's no middle ground. on, i did to turn msnbc and i watch you guys and fox and everyone to just try to get a little piece of everything. is -- with the marine that was his partner. you know what americans don't like? a rigged deck. this might be the achilles' heel of joe biden. host: the new york post was the driving force behind the stories, and the wall street journal's and others picking it up. but that's it, abc, nbc, cbs, these are the major networks rely watched warning
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and i'm looking for it and nobody's paying attention to this. i went in leaning joe biden and now i'm really leaning towards donald trump. he keeps bringing up i'm joe from scranton, and he turns around in the beginning of the show and says i'm for fracking and the very end he says i'm going to get rid of fracking and we are going to get rid of oil. he said by 2025 we are going to be independent of oil? that's impossible. where you clearly undecided until last night or were you giving both gentlemen a shot as far as who will get your support. caller: i'm totally for donald trump. she doesn't like all that fancy stuff. host: who is she? caller: my wife is voting for donald trump. i said we need to fix this country, everybody is divided. this country is totally divided.
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i speak to people on my home delivery milk route, 50-50. somebody has to bring this country. another thing. host: you deliver milk? caller: i'm a milkman, believe it or not, 44 years. host: have you had a chance to talk about these issues? caller: all the time. i once spoke to a biden supporter and i lean that way then trump and i leaned that way. it's the most amazing thing i've ever seen. but one thing that really bothers me about all of this, this is the greatest country on the face of the earth, he talked about joe biden in the first 100 illegal's going to make immigrant citizens. i'm all for that. but you have to do it right, you have to build the wall and control your own country. but these people are good people. there are some bad ones, donald trump is right about that, they're not all perfect. to hurtre not out there
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other people. this country is a great country and i hope that we can come together. i hope people pay attention. i really appreciate that you handle that lady. host: jimmy, the milkman from maine. thank you for calling. and as far as issues you are experiencing in maine, you can continue to call and talk about your own issues for last night's debate. if you support president trump , if you support joe biden (202) 748-8000, or if your undecided call in at (202) 748-8002. host: we are privileged to be joined by students from the sponsoring university at last night's debate, belmont university, to talk about their impressions and what they thought about what they have been experiencing. our first student is all over, oliver cole.r --
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guest: good morning. how are you doing? host: thank you for joining us. what were you impressions leading up to last night? what did you get from last night? campus has been abuzz this whole week. there's a lot of anticipation in the air. i was really pleased with how the debate went. it really lived up to that expectation. overall it was productive for both candidates and for the american people who will be voting on those candidates or have already voted on them. i think overall, great opportunity for american voters to get a better look at the candidates. host: you are studying neuroscience, what your level of interest in politics? say thatwould currently i just want to be an active member of my voting community.
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i'm not sure how neuroscience and politics will interplay in my, but i do think at a basic level it's important to be an and well spoken member of the voting public. host: how would you identify yourself politically? guest: i would identify as a democrat. host: when it comes to the way you are approaching and looking at last nights debate, considering your background, what were the topics of importance from last nights debate? what rang true to you? guest: really there were so many issues and i wish we had time to go over them. but one of the issues which was the most important to me was climate change, which was discussed during the debate at length. obviously we have the pressing issue of covid-19, but there a larger issue i think of climate change. we really saw how both
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candidates addressed that issue. candidate biden promised to preserve the economy, while that wouldjob plan actually kill two birds with one jobs andh creating protecting our environment, while president trump really stuck by his message of protecting american jobs. perhaps at the expense of protecting our climate. the trump with doing things has been our modus operandi for the last however many decades since climate change began a problem. i think at this point in time it's necessary for a new approach if we are going to see progress. that whoever ends up as
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president for the next tour years can deliver on that issue. life onen it comes to belmont, you mentioned covid, what has been like and what is it like talking to fellow students about politics? lucky.we are very we have been allowed to come to campus and half in-person classes to a certain degree. i think in terms of how many university -- universities are operating, we are very lucky. i'm not super experienced on this campus yet, i have only been here a few months. but i think here as a whole, the encouraging to see level of engagement among the student body. i cannot speak for other universities, but i think this is an important time for our
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college-agethe population, especially here but elsewhere as well is really stepping up and becoming informed and being ready to vote. host: on that topic, you are trying to become informed about politics and where candidates stand. what sources do you turn to? guest: honestly i believe the best source is the candidates themselves. is actually one of the best ways that you can become informed, that is certainly how i seek to inform my dutch to form my opinions of the candidates. newsver you receive through a secondhand reporter, so to speak, i think there's always a danger that you're are getting a filtered opinion and you may not be able to formulate your own opinion because you are
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with somebody else's opinion instead. at a time when as a country we are divided in a lot of ways, i think it's important that we listen to what our representatives are saying and we make sure it's coming from their mouths and nobody else's. host: are you registered to vote. guest: yes sir, i am. host: is this your first election? guest: yes sir. have you --host: have you voted? guest: i just submitted my absentee ballot for montana. host: and what would you like to do once you finish your coursework and things like that, what would you like to do neuroscience? guest: i'm hoping to attend medical school after graduation. host: mr. cole, thank you for your time. guest: thank you. host: we are going to hear from a student and professor from belmont university, they are the sponsored university from
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yesterday, we had a chance to meet some students and professors. in light of the general topic at that location. a supporter of joe biden, marie, go ahead. caller: i want to go down a couple of things about the debate last night. joe biden i thought didn't excellent job. trump kept going on about the money that he supposedly got from china and russia but remember, during the time that his son died, joe biden said he had to sell one of his houses to cover some expenses and obama said don't sell the house, i will give you the money. if he had all of these mediums i don't think you would've had to do that. president trump also said that there were things i present obama didn't do. everything that president trump has done he has come behind with obama has already done it. , all of theber republican senators got tonight
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of obama's inauguration, they said everything presented, they would vote no. even when governor christie's estate was hit with a hurricane and he took money from obama, all the republicans turned against him. and president biden -- candidate biden admitted that the crime bill was a mistake and he has spent years trying to rectify that. areo have drug courts, they in my city, they are trying to help people. and i think that one of the things that people forget that andrew yang brought up about universal basic income. i think you can have to deal with that. of commentst a lot out and we will head to don, in , in delaware.wn your supporter of president trump. caller: i am a supporter of president trump and i think he
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did well last night. very unhappy with biden. i pay very close attention to the real news not the fake news. and i get the information that's out there on joe biden, lies. lie after lie after lie. host: such as? caller: on every issue. every single issue brought to him, he lied. he said he wasn't for fracking, he was for fracking. he's on television stating that. i'm sorry, that he was not going to ban fracking. television, there's a tape saying that he's going to ban it along with kamala harris. everything he was asked about last night was alive. people need to get real news instead of listening to fake news or being misled. where was president trump's strongest moments. he handled:
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everything strongly before he was cut off. host: was there a standout moment? on a lothere were many of issues that he talked about. the corruption, now they are trying to say that russia, again. i actually met the man, that handed in that laptop yesterday. real, that is very information on it is very true. host: which manner you talking about? the man at the mac shop. host: the owner of the store? what brought you to a shop? caller: i had a doctors appointment in that area and i walked up to see if he was open. i'm sure he was launching his -- watching his back, i walked in the store and spoke with the man. it's very real. int: let's hear from nina, columbus ohio. caller: i wanted to say that for
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the debate last night, i would agree that it went better, but i job of thee presidency is chosen based on the candidate that is viewed as better, because he was not as outrageous as previously he had been but also lacked any policy, besides i want to get back to normal. but you can't even handle coronavirus? how can we go back to normal. the building was out of commission because we cannot handle coronavirus. i think we are in big trouble. i think we need a candidate that will bring us together and whether biden is that person, i don't know, but i think he has a better chance than trump. and biden said that he would face fracking out and i don't really have an issue with that.
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house look at it from a phone standpoint, everybody phase those out into cell phones. the futures about moving towards the future. we cannot continue the way we are going and there's nothing wrong with phasing it out especially jobs are coming in. , in columbus,ina ohio. the topic of fracking had a statement from joe biden. [video clip] mr. biden: those front line communities, it matters how you keep -- the stenciling community scum it matters that you keep them safe. imposing restrictions on pollutions coming out of those fence line communities. down the oilclose industry? mr. biden claude -- mr. weidmann:. i would transition it -- mr. biden: i would transition it. the oil industry pollutes, significantly.
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if you would let me finish the statement, it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time. over time. i would stop giving to the oil industry and federal subsidies. federal subsidies to solar and wind, why are we getting into the oil industry? press trump: that might be the biggest statement in terms of business. he is saying he's going to destroy the oil industry. will you remember that texas? pennsylvania? >> money give you 10 seconds to respond and then i have to get to the final question. mr. biden: he takes everything out of context, but if -- look, we have to move towards net zero emissions per the first place to do that by 2035 is energy production and by 2050, totally. we are still taking calls
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in the next hour and a half and also joining us still is our guest -- is john. guest: here's one of the headlines about that exchange from nbc news, the headline is that democrats move to limit damage from biden's comments on oil. the story noting that biden stated a plan to transition the country away from the oil industry is reverberating on both sides. republicans from josh hawley and andh huckabee sanders others jumped on that moment, democrats are working quickly to limit any possible damage to their nominee, highlighting that he aims to accomplish the goal by 2050 and that the oil industry futures have long looked grim. we will see those arguments work for democrats, especially those in tight races and districts where oil is based -- big business, like alaska, texas,
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colorado, and kansas, it's almost certain that the moment will be replayed over and over. republicans are jumping on that moment on twitter as well, that's where we mention josh hawley, this is the senator from missouri saying what we learn from tonight's presidential endte, biden is going to usa energy independence and destroy remaining blue-collar jobs so that we can go back to being dependent on foreign oil and embroiled in endless wars. great plan. but i'm sure the bidens will find a way to make money out of it. and this from senator john barrasso saying joe biden just admitted that he would end the oil industry which would kill good jobs and the u.s. energy independence and hike your utility bills. our families will not forget, and scott wong of the washington post pointing out that vulnerable democrats are already breaking from biden on his oil industry comments, pointing to
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this one in particular from kendra horn, a democrat from oklahoma who says this is one of the places that biden and i disagree, we must stand up for our oil and gas industry we need in all of the above energy approach which is consumer friendly, and protects oklahoma jobs. i will fight for that in congress. that's not tossup race in her house district in oklahoma on twitter last night. and in oklahoma, brad, a supporter of joe biden. moment of favorite the debate was when vice president biden said show us your taxes or quit talking about corruption. it's beyond me how anybody who listens to donald trump telling us he's going to release his taxes and keep a straight face. he said he would release them if he ran for president, and if he got the nomination, he got the
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nomination and he doesn't release them, not after the election or after inauguration, then he said the irs would not let him release them. and finally the new york times gets the taxes and heat pays less than most working-class people in this country and he has the nerve to talk to us about our candidate being corrupt? crybaby most pathetic and whiner i have ever seen. he's a fraud and a con man and we better wake up because we are going to lose our democracy if we have another four years of this man in office. pete, in new york, a supporter of president trump. caller: how's it going pedro? host: i'm fine. thank you. it was the presidential debate, with this whole thing with biden, his answers are kind
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of like the confusing system we have light with the common core math. what points is he making? will he revise on and give us faith that he could do something. trump's supporters will back him no matter what and i'm one of them. these dividede laws will change if we can find common ground. if our leaders can't, where can the people. york,rene, in new undecided or supporting other candidate altogether. , forr: i am undecided several reasons. night, i became little more undecided, what was happening was that i have leaned towards trump and i don't like
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find that what i believe this country should be is more in the direction of being able to have freedoms that we are able to decipher ourselves what we want. that was one of the reasons why i have always leaned towards trump rather than big government. obamaboat -- vote for twice and trump won's. what's gotten me is covid. been -- and that's what confuses me. believe in socialism, i think if we go with biden and one portly harris we are putting ourselves on that path. but for me personally, what's really been the leaning factor is that i am a masked person, i'm a republican, you could not catch me at a rally if you paid
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me a million dollars. but i was still going to vote for tom. last night he seemed off mark with covid. the seriousness of it. host: could i ask if joe biden offered anything specific for how he would handle the pandemic should he become president? caller: no, he didn't, that's the other part. but he says it, he says what we of ihinking, the insanity don't want someone to tell me to put a mask on, i get died and i don't want that but i'm going to put a mask on because i was told to love my neighbor. , mys told through my life core tells me it's the right thing to do. i don't want to see people get sick. i live in new york and grew up in new york city and have known people who have been affected some terribly from covid, neighbors who have died, my
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doctor was on a ventilator because he worked in a nursing .ome he's now on dialysis and lost his wife. i been personally affected in a way that people that i knew who have gone through it. when do youay ask, think a final decision is coming? will you wait before --wait until election day? caller: i have my absentee illot and i have had it and have been sitting, literally thinking to myself, i cannot put the pen to paper. i will not vote personally, for me, i am waiting it out and watching the news. i'm going from station to station because i don't want to lean one way or the other so i put all three, and i go throughout the day, not all day long i don't sit there, but i will think that i will get a little tidbit of each so i can
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get the opinions of all. and i go on saying i will come to this decision and i have not. if i may more question come i'm sorry to interrupt, the ballot you have, you are confident in your state's ability to handle the ballot once you make that decision and put it in? caller: i'm honestly not as confident, i was an election inspector years ago. i'm not completely confident but i am trusting its going to work. i will probably drop it in the box in my community rather than the male, only because i to one for the extra pressure on our postal service either -- only because i do not want to put the extra pressure on the postal service either. we will do absentee and drop it in the box. but i'm holding everyone off, i think everyone else has decided and it's me who is like i don't know yet. we're just hanging on.
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i know it sounds terrible --host: no comments you're deciding process, you are searching and looking at other sources. i actually invite you to go to our website, we have something called the video library and it gives you the ability to look at events featuring these candidates talking about their issues and where their perspectives are, if it helps guide you in that education is you make that decision, i invite you to visit that and take advantage of that at we have comments on absentee voting, which was a topic that came up with this idea of election interference, particularly in light of the news considering the role of russia and iran in this process. one of those topics from last night, here's that exchange. [video clip] mr. biden: i made it clear and everyone else should take the pledge, any country, no matter who it is, interfering in american elections will pay a price.
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it has been overwhelmingly clear the selection and i won't get into the last one, that russia has been involved in this election, china has been involved to some degree, and now iran is involved. they will pay a price if i'm elected. they are interfering with american sovereignty. that's what's going on. they are interfering with american sovereignty. to the best of my knowledge i don't think the president has said anything to putin about it. i don't think he has talked to him a lot it has not said a word. i don't know why he hasn't said a word to putin. and i don't know what he has said to the iranians. my guess is that he would be more outspoken with regards to the iranians. but the point is this, we are in a situation where we have foreign countries trying to interfere in the outcome of our election. his own national security advisor has said that what's with his buddy, rudy giuliani, he's been used as a
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russian pawn, fed information that's not true. then what happens? nothing. then you find out that everything is going on about russia wanting to make sure that i do not get elected the next president of the united states because they know that i know them and they know me. i do understand why this president is unwilling to take on putin. got $3.5 trump: joe million from russia and it came through his family with the former mayor of moscow and his wife. got $3.5 million -- your family got $3.5 million and someday you will have to explain. i never got any money from russia. i don't get money from russia. about two thing last night, i -- that about that area night. in john ratcliffe said the one thing that's common to both of them, they both want you to lose
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, because there's nobody tougher on russia with the sanctions. between the sanctions, all of what i have done with nato, i got nato countries to put up an extra 130 billion going to $420 billion a year. that's to guard against russia. while he was selling pillows and sheets. i sold tent busters to ukraine. there's nobody tougher on russia than donald trump. host: that full debate is on our website. in hampton, virginia, we hear from lori, supporting joe biden. caller: hello, my question is why does trump continue to bring up hunter biden? i feel like it's unconscionable to bring the names of the children of the candidates into the conversation. i think the candidates should answer the moderators questions explicitly, keeping the debate focused on the topics so that
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the american people can listen such as health care, unemployment, the economy, climate change, and getting a firm grip on the covid-19 pandemic. i would like also to point out the fact that not once have i heard joe biden mentioned the names of donald trump's son-in-law.ons, or several of whom, due to their relationship with the president, are currently employed at the white house and earning six figure salaries. ron, in pennsylvania, a supporter of president trump. hello. caller: pedro in america, good morning. roleylvania is filling its as the keystone state for this next election. my point -- a couple of points if i could get to them, during the entire debate last night,
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joe biden was continually shaking his head rather emphatically as donald trump was speaking. as if his head shakes were going to refute the veracity of what was being presented. then when he started speaking, theould deny everything, last caller was talking about -- donald trump was not talking about hunter biden. theas talking about whether president received any money from foreign governments, which is influencing our national security. but he's probably correct on he did receive money from foreign governments. money fromreceived
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to influencenments joe biden as vice president and afterward may as a presidential candidate. said, arechuckle mark you going to believe me or what you see? wrong, ands pennsylvania, the keystone state, looking at the upcoming election. we will take more of your calls but first we go to john. guest: two things that we always tend to do after the debates, we look at how the debates are playing in the foreign press to see what they are thinking in the united states, and also the fact checking that goes on. let's do that now from the toronto star. this is the headline about last night's debate, anger management, final debate, more of a union affair is trump and biden trade attacks on covid-19,
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health care, immigration and corruption. in one place we always go to for fact checking is the fact -- is politifact. one's their fact checking race and criminal justice reform. president trump saying that biden has called black americans super predators when he wrote the 1994 crime bill. they say there's no evidence of that. in 1993, biden gave a speech on the senate floor in which he said the country should focus on -- a young young people who have no supervision or they become predators 15 years from now. he did not single out black americans. he says we have predators on our has becausesociety of neglect created that, according to the congressional record. the term super predators refers to something hillary clinton said in 1996 when referring to a gang of kids.
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she did not specifically say super predators were black americans but clinton did later apologize for that comment. the fact-check under it when biden said that under the obama administration 38,000 prisoners were released from federal factons, this is what politi said. he supports -- this is a misleading statement, it shows that the federal prison population was about 180,000 and 2018 and down 38,000 from a peak in 2012. the 38,000 figure was cited in a letter by the aclu sent to the senate leadership at the end of 2018. but that statistic only reflects the net change in the federal prison population, not the number of people released. and they cherry picks the high obama tenure.he a better reflection is to the federal statistics
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from the first year to the last, there were 200-1000 federal predators -- prisoners in 2008 compared to 180 9000, so a decline of about 12,000. university, in nashville, a sponsoring university in the debate. we have heard from a student professor, now maryellen of belmont university of interest larry studies and global studies. thank you for giving your time. guest: thank you. host: how did you view the debate? guest: i thought it was a tremendous success. it was really a tale of two debates, if you will. i felt like last night was very different from september 29, rather than the constant interruptions there was a lot more discussion on policy issues . the first debate was so chaotic
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and i had a lot of difficulty taking notes. i compiled three pages that covered 11 major topics from covid, foreign policy, fossil fuels, immigrations, race relations in health care. after the first debate, there whethery questions on debates were central to the electoral process. i think last night's debate helped restore the faith in the format as a way for voters to compare candidate positions. from the debate, we heard some of your listeners, both sides cited falsehoods and distorted facts from the opposing candidates. but this felt more like a traditional debate. whether it will persuade under cited voters -- undivided -- undecided voters is to be determined especially when people have already voted. but to quote one of my favorite , there's a scene where the representative from
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rhode island is talking about whether to bait the issue of independence and he said i've never seen, heard, or smelled an issue that was not so dangerous it could not be talked about. so while this was not about presidential debates, we do have to talk about important issues. we do have to have debates. we have to do so in a respectful way and with an open mind. historian and friend john meacham says, we should open our arms rather than clench our fists. host: you teach a class called democracy, media, and the public sphere, can you explain the goal of the course, and particularly how it relates to the campaign season? guest: i had the great fortune last year to teach in the same classroom as professor jennifer years in spent over 17 the world of media and journalism.
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going all the way back to 2008 and being a big part of the campaign between senator mccain and then senator obama, which had the town hall debate at belmont. belmont's first debate in the first presidential debate held in tennessee. she would finish her class and i would start mine and we would and the ideations for the class grew from there. we are teaching the class called democracy, media, and the public sphere. we frame the course and away -- in a way that navigates the evolution of politics and media but through a historical lens. we want students to understand the roles of the press and the democracy, the public sphere, but also the intersections between those issues. generation z grew up in a different world from the rest of us pray they get so much information coming at them from all the time.
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they platforms competing for their time and attention. it's a new world in terms of information literacy. we are helping them to seek truth and have the tools to navigate and engage. host: what tools would you advise, especially to students who are sifting through the information? that one ofen say the key differences, when you think about the newspaper and headlines on page one with an op-ed on page six, for them, as the news is coming into their homes, frankly a lot of us get our news that way, if not we coming into the phone, but also third-party. they have a much harder time being able to recognize the hierarchy of information. what's hard news, soft news, and opinion. we are teaching them the tools of how to best do this, to look
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at the information and know what is true and what is opinion. and realize that these third-party platforms -- if you are not purchasing the product, you are the product. and quite often the social media platforms are competing for our attention and our time. host: how engaged using students are, particularly at belmont? belmont president bob fisher says we want to do our part to serve the country for this event. i would echo his words. we pride ourselves on a shared sense of community without shying away from difficult conversations. we talk to each other and learn with this same either those. the university faculty and staff, and students have been preparing. huge slate of events
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called ideas for america where we have had panels in concert, countless hours have been invested in this as well as tears. we realize how this moment is, not just for the debate but for the future of our nation. i thought last night was a great success for students, far university and for the country. as president fisher said, i think the debate did serve the country. inter-he's the disciplinary study of global education professor. she talking about her work as well as debates in politics. we thank you for your time. waiting for callers us. thank you, donna, washington state, undecided, hello. caller: hello. night,ed the debate last
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i knowcerned about biden his son does not -- his son does have something to do with it. ,nd the corruption on that side i'm concerned that if he gets into office that we are going to possibly awith marriage with china. when obama was in office, they were sending a lot of a lot of our industry was and now trump says that he is bringing that , id i'm concerned
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don't want someone to get into office that has had some dealings with another country that could be detrimental to us as a nation. of joend a supporter biden from texas, hello. ?aller: how are you doing i want everyone listening this morning, i hear a lot about fake news. i'm going to say number one, ukraine. every american heard that donald for a favor from ukraine. it's not big news, everybody knows. and anybody that disagrees with him, he's gonna fire.
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two, i've never seen a president not release his taxes. last night they asked, donald, will you release your taxes? he is still on audit. how long will we allow this president to continue the exact same excuse over and over. three, he, on national tv , told the white supremacist you to standwant by and stand down. if that's not dividing this great nation by telling a known racist group test standby and standdown, i don't know what is. host: so you are going back to the first debate, what did you take away from last night when it comes to joe biden specifically? guest: i think joe biden
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--caller: i think joe biden should've told president trump that we are under your watch right now, you control congress and you have the power to pass .ills you promised that mexico was going to build the wall. it didn't happen. he did not call trump out like i would have liked him to do, he had total control over congress and what he wants his agenda to be, congress, and mitch mcconnell -- host: while he doesn't have the house of representatives, he has the senate. caller: right, he has the senate. but what i'm saying is that he is not accomplished anything. america needs to ask are they better now or four years ago? bobby,e will hear from in st. paul, minnesota. caller: pedro, thank you for taking my call.
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night,ed the debate last i'm retired and i go all over the place with cnn and fox and msnbc and cbs, i'm a newshound. it depends on what station you are on, some said trump won, some said biden one -- won. but i thought it was a push. my complaint, i watch a lot of objective,try to be it seems like the media has their thumb on the scale. i cherry picked a little but this will not be long. you take a look at the town halls, i will be a little cynical. you look at the one from abc, once again i'm a little cynical. you watch in bc and that was the moderator.
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i thought george stephanopoulos dropped the ball. there were two hard questions. the questions were packing the court. and you have this -- i'm going to find out and see how things go. host: when it comes to the debate yesterday, what did you think about the moderator's performance in that? think the rules were conducive for the moderator to do a good job. and i thought she did a good job. i think that because of the two minute rule and the cut off, i think it disciplined both candidates. the first debate was a food fight. that was terrible. this one, i thought was very good. host: ok. finishing off two hours of calls from you about last night's debate, one more hour to go. and with more on what to expect and where we go from here, here
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is john mcardle. >> where we go from here, there was no postdebate spin room. but the candidates on the campaign trail today to do the postdebate spin, i want to run through their schedules for you. up first, president trump will be delivering his remarks at the villages in florida. that is one of the world's largest retirement communities. that live coverage begins on c-span at 4:30 eastern. the formernt trump, vice president headed to his home state of wilmington, delaware, to discuss how to combat coronavirus. joe biden and coverage of that event begins at 2:30 p.m. eastern on c-span. the vice president, mike pence, holding a campaign rally in swanton, ohio. live coverage beginning at 1:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. when it comes to swanton, i
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wanted to send a thank you to jeffrey allen on twitter, who reminded me about the proper pronunciation. i guess i pronounced it wrong last time and i apologize for that. it is a group effort here. i appreciate the viewers keeping me on task. pedro, i just wanted to review the debate by the numbers. here is some of the key stats from last nights debate. this from cbs news. one of their political editors, on their speaking time last night, donald trump got about three minutes more than joe biden. 40:30. joe biden getting 37:30 of speaking time. president trump getting 11 questions and joe biden getting 11. the number of rebuttals, president trump with 31. joe biden with 28. the number of follow-ups from kristen welker, she brought up 13 times with president trump. only six with joe biden.
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the number of interruptions counted, trump with 25. joe biden with 12. one more step that is not in the wrap up but was noted by rhonda mcdaniel of the republican national committee, she says for those keeping score at home, kristen welker interrupted the candidates and one a lot more than other. joe biden just eight times. donald trump, 41 times. host: on capitol hill currently, there is debate going on if there is going to be another round of stimulus relief approved by congress and signed by the president. that topic also a topic of distinction in last nights debate between the candidates. >> as of tonight, more than 12 million people are out of work. as of tonight, out -- 8 million more americans have fallen into poverty and more americans are going hungry every day. those hit hardest are women and people of color read they see washington fighting over a relief bill. mr. president, why haven't you
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been able to get them one? >> nancy pelosi does not want to approve it. i do. that is one of the reasons i think we will take over the house, because of her. nancy pelosi does not want to approve anything because she would love to have some victories on a day called november 3. and ableady, willing to do something. we have approved three plans and they have gone through, including the immigrants. this one, she does not want. it is near the election. she things it helps her politically. i think it hurts her. thehe republican leader in united states senate said he cannot pass it. he will not be able to pass it. he does not have republican votes. why isn't he talking to his republican friends? with you,follow-up vice president biden. you are the leader of the democratic party. why have you not pushed the democrats to get a deal for the american people? >> i have prayed they have posted.
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they passed this in the beginning of the summer! it is not new. it has been out there. the heroes act has been sitting there. host: here is sandra from pensacola, florida, a supporter of joe biden. hello. caller: hello. i would like to say wake up, america. i work in the health care facility. i where a mask for a week at a time because -- i wear a mask for a week at a time because we have none. we are required to wear them for almost a week. in this case, -- number two is do you know who is your representative? as long as you do not vote and check out who is representing you, you don't have the vote. if the republicans -- it does not matter if you are republican or democrat. if you want somebody to represent you, go check them up and check what laws they are making. the seats you are getting. talk aboutis, you
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the children. we had children in cages that -- some children died in these things. and we have people who were sent back with no children. america, we are not made that way. when we sit here and talk about everybody else, we need to sit here and clean our country up. you know health-care workers don't get any health care because they don't get enough paid to make it enough? host: that it sandra in pensacola, florida. the president in pensacola today. his fifth stop in that city since 2016. bob in oxford, pennsylvania. an undecided voter. hello. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. i am 99% sure who i will vote for. -- i think people hear what they want to hear. when biden was talking about the oil industry, he said it was going to be transitioned. that is the point. we went from horse and buggy to
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the on mobile and from trained to plain and from state roads to the interstate. each one improved our country. some jobs were lost. most was gained. the thing about -- what really bothers me about the 1%, i don't like how the republicans have done with the supreme court. if they have let obama have his say and voted one way or the other, then we could go along with what they are doing. but they are packing the court just as much as they are claiming republicans are going to. i am tired of -- i am kind of leaning toward biden. i don't like trump's character, for one thing. mocked the handicap man, that told me where his heart was. host: that is bob in pennsylvania. we will hear from a trump supporter in michigan. arnie, hello. caller: hi. i am of course a trump supporter.
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people wonder why people voted for trump. we put up with the same rhetoric that biden has been putting out presents.ous i nothing has gotten done. trump has done something. that is why we support him. in this part of northern michigan, the signs are 10 to one in favor of trump. when you get to the metropolitan area, that will change. but people just don't understand that if you have heard the same thing that biden has preached and previous presidents, both republicans and democrats, we are fed up with the system. host: how do you think michigan is going to go as far as who the state supports? caller: the northern part will be definitely trump. it carried him before. is the southern part, that the population. it will be somewhat different. i don't know.
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it is sort of an odd thing to say. he will win by a big margin or obviously he will lose prayed but i think it will be a big margin. host: we will hear from jim in a tumwater -- in ottumwa, iowa. caller: good morning. the debate last night was a contrast of who is the better president, who has empathy. i am going with joe biden. trump has no empathy. kids are lost in cages and he lost them. hear, whatey don't people don't hear, it is a pandemic. our country is closing down because of a pandemic. he did nothing. he said he knew about the pandemic.
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he just didn't do anything about it. host: when it comes back to all of the qualities for choosing a president, why is in both the on top of the list? caller: because if you have no empathy, you have no soul. you don't care about other people. all i heard was trump keep talking about "i" he did not talk to the people. joe biden did. all he talked about was all he did. he failed. host: ok. cynthia in brentwood, new york. an undecided voter, hello. caller: hi. yes. to -- i am undecided. theve a point about president. he is -- he is not a very nice person. but he makes money for the country. i understand that. joe biden, he is going to do
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more for us as far as for the future. he is talking about climate change. i just heard this person talk about the children. i want people to come into this country and document it and become a member of our society. --on't want people so, i am split with that too in certain ways. host: ok. caller: i just don't know what to do between the two of them. each one of them has good points. as far as what this president has done, a lot of things that were already in play, he is now playing off of. host: how do you plan to vote on november 3?
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are you going to do it in person or will you send something beforehand? caller: i will be in person. host: when do you think you will make the decision about who you will vote for? and of all of the things you listed, what will push you one way or the other? caller: so far, i don't know. i am hoping to hear more. i wish we had more debate time. i wish the first debate would have given me more meat to vote. i know i am democratic. i do like what the republicans, you know, do. i am a nurse. i like to make money. but i also am human too. host: ok. caller: that is how i feel about trump. host: that is cynthia in brentwood, new york. we set aside for a line of undecided voters or perhaps you support another candidate altogether. if you want to call and let us know your calls -- thoughts on those fronts, (202) 748-8002 is how you do that. if you support president trump, (202) 748-8001. (202) 748-8000 if you support
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joe biden. throughout the morning, we have been meeting students and a professor from belmont university. another student joins us. natalie williams who is a student at elmont university, good morning and thank you for joining us. guest: hi, how are you? host: good. tell us what you are studying and what is your current level of interest in politics? guest: my major is entertainment industry studies and my minor is political science. i am interested in the way that media and entertainment intersect with political dialogue and activism. the debate is a fascinating opportunity for me. i have loved seeing it unfold at belmont. it was interesting to watch it unfold last night. host: tell us about leading up to it. what were the most interesting things that stood out to you? guest: it was interesting to see how it impacted the covid response at belmont. i think it made everyone a lot more cautious as they took it very seriously and wanted to ensure we could stay on campus
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this semester. i was impressed with the responses overall. in the debate, overall, i was not as impressed with it. i think it was a lot better than the original debate this election. i still don't think it was the most effective as far as actually mobilizing, entertaining and persuading voters. i think that the level of personal attacks and lack of actual policy debate and policy issues and the lack of fact checking as well made it a lot more difficult for voters to really understand the true issues at hand and really feel confident in the process. it left a lot of viewers with a bad taste in their mouth. host: when you watch, how do you take everything you heard last night, how do you filter it and where do you go as far as fact checking and other information? guest: personally, i always have social media open along with the debate. that is more to understand what other people are saying and kind of filter what might be
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important context to follow. i understand that is also not necessarily the most factually correct as well. i try to follow other sources as well. i listened to a couple of podcasts about the debate. there are interesting articles. really filtering through the media and trying to make sure that i am getting the most accurate information as possible but also trusting my own insight and instinct as well. taking it all with a grain of salt and realizing that these two are trying to present themselves in the best light possible for the american public and they might not be the most reliable source. host: if i may ask, will this be your first election? isst: no rate my first day november 3, election day. i decided to vote in this one. i sent in my mail-in ballot, already. host: you are from missouri? guest: kansas city. host: we talked about election
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security and security matters, particularly with mail in balloting. guest: i have great trust in mail in balloting -- voting. i was disappointed that they did not cover it more on the debate last night. i think that as voters across the country are considering sending in their ballot and trying to decide in their voting process, it would have been a very important topic to discuss whati think that biden have concerns and i note trump would have discussed his concerns. -- discuss. i think biden would have concerns and i know trump would have discussed his concern. i think that voting rights is one of my biggest issues that i am most passionate about. incrediblyt it is important for everyone to have access to the polls.
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covid-19 has made that more difficult than usual. it is affecting lower income minority communities. the response to that would have been telling. i wish there had been more of those moments. host: what do you think then as far as formats of future debates? if you had the chance to influence that and advise what you would change to address these concerns, what would you advise? guest: i think the mute button was a great start. a little more of that would have created a more respectful and professional float to the evening. i think that life fact checking is incredibly important. the social media feed is under such scrutiny when it comes to accuracy and bias. i think some type of live fact checking would be crucial. i think that holding them accountable and making sure they are providing voters with the most accurate information
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possible. host: you are studying entertainment industry studies, what do you hope to do with that and how do you merge politics with that? guest: i think that in recent years, they have become incredibly intertwined. donald trump is an entertainer. with the debate last night, it was not as focused on policy because it was really meant to entertain and create views. thathat is unfortunately direction of so many current issues, it is not as content driven because they are so focused on profit and creating an audience and engaging people. i think there are incredible opportunities to realize -- i graduate next month. if anybody is hiring, let me know. i am interested in the intersection of that as far as how to utilize management, marketing and promotion socialues to uplift
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ideas and policy agenda. host: this is natalie williams, a student at belmont university. thank you for your time. good luck to you. guest: thank you so much. honored to be here. host: again, that is some of the people we have been meeting along the way from belmont university. a professor and two students at belmont university with candidates on stage. one of the topics that came up last night's and we have heard it referenced throughout the morning was the topic of ukraine. -- night and we have heard it restaurants -- referenced throughout the morning was the topic of ukraine. >> we have the question of whether or not he was on the board with a company and that somehow, i had done something wrong. every single solitary person, when he was going through his impeachment, testifying under oath, said i did my job impeccably. i carried out u.s. policy.
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not one single solitary thing was out of line. not a single thing. number one. number two, the guy who got in trouble in ukraine was this guy, trying to bribe the ukrainian government to say something negative about me which they would not do and did not do because it never, ever, ever happened. my son has not made money in terms of this thing about -- what are you talking about? china. the only guy who made money from china is this guy. he is the only one. nobody else has made money from china. >> let me ask my question to you. >> one thing. his son did not have a job for a long time. was sadly no longer in the military service. i won't get into that. he did not have a job. as soon as he became vice president, not the best reputation in the world, they paid him 183,000 dollars a month. listen to this.
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183 thousand dollars. they gave him a $3 million upfront payment. >> i will let the vice president respond. >> no basis for that. everybody investigated read nobody said he did anything wrong in ukraine. host: one of the highlights. we will go to john mcardle. >> just to follow-up on the issue of hunter biden, this story posted by the wall street journal noting that the senate judiciary committee authorized the chairman to issue subpoenas to the chief executive of facebook and twitter after the company had limited sharing of the new york post article regarding the son of joe biden, hunter biden. d panelublican le voted 12-0 to issue subpoenas to mark zuckerberg and jack dorsey. no date has been set for the
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judiciary committee to hold a hearing on this. facebook and twitter declined to comment. democrats sitting out that meeting as they boycotted a separate committee vote on the enhancement of the supreme court nominee, amy coney barrett for a vote on the floor of the senate. when it comes to amy coney barrett, some situational awareness on capitol hill. i want to let you know where that confirmation vote stands. the best person to go to is c-span's right kaplan, a capitol hill producer. you can follow him at craig kaplan. is meeting at noon to begin the nomination of amy coney barrett to be a supreme court justice. once the supreme -- senate is on the barrett nomination, mcconnell will file a closure to limit debate to 30 hours prior to a confirmation vote. that is expected on monday. that is according to his office.
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senators tweeting out and commenting on amy coney barrett throughout this process and since the nomination was moved to the senate floor for a vote, here is some of the conversation around it. here is roy blunt of missouri, saying that judge amy coney barrett is an incredible jurist and we are lucky that she is willing to serve. i am looking forward to voting for her soon. i hope she will sit on the supreme court for decades to come. from angus king. one week after election day, the trump administration will challenge the affordable care act in the supreme court, threatening health care for millions. he talked about his talks with cancer survivors and the issue of health care. host: stay close to c-span don't work for the activity when it comes to the supreme court nomination. you can check out our website for more information on her confirmation hearings and a lot of other things, particularly as
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it pertains to campaign 2020. is where you find it. we will hear from doris in arkansas next. a supporter of joe biden. caller: how are you doing? host: fine. caller: i support joe biden. last night, as i was listening to the debate, when he was talking about the fracking and -- he is right about that. we are moving into that. the fields are growing and we will stay growing. going to energy is take over with cars and housing. that is how we will be getting our solar through. becking and oil is coming to like it was back in the days, when it was cutting wood for fuel and energy. gas.e do the oil and we are moving into the solar.
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we have to be careful that we are not -- joe biden has been here a while and he sees the progress and the moving that is going on. i thought the debate last night had some good points in it. host: that is doris in arkansas. anthony in new york, a supporter of president trump. caller: how are you doing today? host: fine. inler: today, i want to call because i am from long island, new york. i heard something about the economy and last night, they were talking about biden's tax plan. i don't understand how these businesses are going to survive if the taxes are like 62% corporate tax. i mean, you know, taxes are already very high for these corporations. plus, they have to pay people's salaries. they have to pay for their ability to take a lunch break.
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they have to pay for all of these different things and incentives to work there. trumps economic plan was better for the economy because we have an abundance of jobs. the wages went up because you had competition for people to fill roles that were given out by the corporations. the trickle down economy works. i don't see how taxing the rich is going to make it any better. i feel like it is going to hurt us. print that money, print that money and devalue the dollar. long island is very expensive. we are mostly trumped supporters out here because we see right through all of the smoke and mirrors from the aydin campaign. there was a segment taking a look at the tax policies yesterday between joe biden and president trump. if you want to check out that segment, you can go to the website for more information. in falls church, virginia, we will hear from jason. caller: i am supporting joe
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biden. i feel that as someone who is a former conservative, he is the right choice at this time because, having worked in the military and social security hasor, i feel that trump assaulted the national security apparatus. he has ruined our relationships with our partners. not a has basically been very responsible president. i think joe biden highlighted that last night. host: what do you think joe biden would bring to the role of commander in chief if he were to become president of the united states? caller: i feel like he is center-left. he is willing to work with partners and not alienate them. senate for in the quite a while, obviously. as the vice president said, he has built relationships that he has established and has connections with other countries that may not agree with democracy or how we work. he is certainly not going to
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embrace them like he has dictators. i find that positive as well. i just cannot agree with the way that trump has handled our relationships with foreign countries. it has been atrocious. host: gym in castle rock, colorado. an undecided voter or supporting another candidate. hello. caller: hi. how are you doing? i am an engineer. i am an astrological engineer. i own a company. i typically look at things differently than other people do because of the profession. i need data, accurate data to make decisions. the way i look at it is we are not picking any politician, including the president, because we like them as a buddy or we want to sit down for dinner with them. we want somebody who will be
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able to take care of our country. so, -- host: host: so -- host: so, what data are you looking at? caller: pretty much everything on each candidate's record. it is so hard to find any accurate information. if you listen to fox, you know they are pro-trump. everything is good that the republicans do. if you look at all of the other networks, cnn, msnbc and the others, they are pro-democrat. so, everything trump does is bad. host: what information are you looking for? who is going to take care of our country? i look at what is going on in our cities, portland, seattle, kenosha, wisconsin. are under siege. the mobs have taken over the cities.
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so, where do the candidates stand? what will they do if they were president? and trump has said, well, if the mayors and governors asked me to come in, i will stop it. that is what happened in minneapolis. has beenident biden silent. and i don't understand why he has not made any comments, at least that i have heard of about what he thinks about mobs the taking over our cities. host: these topics have been made during the course of this campaign. i will invite you to go to that is for the archive of events -- where the archive of events are. you can find information about where various candidates stand on the issues you brought up. , ahelle in tennessee supporter of joe biden. hi. caller: good morning.
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host: you are on. -- is the issue is fact that people don't understand or they are not remembering or they don't want to acknowledge what the president has said himself. my biggest concern, you want to talk about corruption, but here thatre, supporting people boxestting fate ballot out in california. that is a federal crime. but you want to talk about somebody else's son. you want to talk about biden's son and the speculation and rumors and nothing has been founded or legitimized that it has been done. you want to support people who are putting fate ballot boxes out in california. my second thing is that you want to talk about how you don't everything like
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that. in your private business, you are the one who outsourced your business to china. how is that keeping jobs for americans? there is so much contradiction going on. host: specific, why are you supporting joe biden? give me a specific reason? . caller: there is no controversy there. he speaks the truth. as far as what we need in america. there is no -- he has not done anything that has been outsourced. the thing about his family getting money from the russians and everything like that, that has not been proven. host: even from the comments made yesterday by the gentleman in nashville who is being interviewed by members of the senate today? caller: one more time? host: even with the comments of tony from yesterday? caller: yes. ok, the comments that were made by him, have they been proven?
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is it factual? host: go ahead. caller: i am sorry, go ahead. host: no, go ahead. finish your thought. caller: those are the comments that are coming from him. i don't believe in somebody that could be in that high of an office and get on twitter and just be so negative. attacked has not his family even though his kids have jobs and are in places and positions they should not be because they have no experience. he has not done that. host: you got allowed there. we will go to leo, and undecided voter in florida. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have a couple of comments. did anybody realize how many -- was hebiden playing bask about with his buddy? come on, man? host: what are you talking
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about? caller: every time he had an answer that was a rebuttal, he said come on, man. he never even called him donald or mr. trump, he called him this guy. and we are talking about trump being rude? what about him? he never addressed him. host: you are calling yourself an undecided voter, is that the case? caller: i decided yesterday. host: let's go to jerry. jerry is from rogers, minnesota. a supporter of president trump. hello. caller: trump made some good real points last night -- real good points last night. joe talks a lot. for 47 years, he has not accomplished any of the things that he keeps saying he is promising he will do. let's face it. his record is racism. he had a racist law bill about 30 years ago and nothing since. at some point, people have to look at the man for what he is.
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his statement that hunter never received any money, you know what? hunter himself says he did. laptops, the texts, the emails, the pictures, the called conspirators and hunters partners, a couple of them are in prison for money laundering. that is why the fbi verified the information. a lot of people say it is undocumented. it is completely documented! is hunter? why is he hiding? innocent men don't disappear. i hope hunter is doing well. host: that is jerry and minnesota. the topic of the 1994 crime bill. one of those featured at the debate here is some of the exchange. pres. trump: he has been in government for 47 years. he never did a thing except in 1994, when he did such harm to the black community. and he called them super predators. he said that.
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super predators. thathey can never live down. 1994, your crime bill. predators. nobody has done more for the black community than donald trump. and if you look, with the exception of abraham lincoln -- poppel so -- possible exception -- nobody has done what i have done. criminal justice reform. obama and joe did not do it. i don't think they tried because they had no chance at doing it. they might have wanted to do it. if you had to see the arms i had to twist to get that done, it was not a pretty picture and everybody knows it including some liberal people cried in my office. they cried in the oval office. two weeks later, they are saying we have to defeat him. criminal justice reform, prison scott, a great sensor from south carolina came in with this incredible idea.
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it is one of the most successful programs. people don't talk about it. tremendous investment is being made. colleges andblack universities. >> my response to that is i never, ever said when he accused me of saying. the fact of the matter is, in 2000, after the crime will have been in the law for a while, this is the guy who said the problem with the crime bill is that there is not enough people in jail. and going -- go on my website, get the quote and the day of when he said it, not enough people. he talked about marauding gangs and the people who were going to .arauder our cities he continued to push for making sure the central park five got the death penalty. none of them were guilty of the crimes that they were suggested. look -- and talk about, granted -- in in fact he computed
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fact commuted 20 people's sentences, we commuted over 1000. the law he was talking about was initiated by barack obama. we are in a situation where the federal prison system was reduced by 38,000 people under our administration. one of the things we should be doing, there should be no minimum mandatory's in the law. that is why i am offering $20 billion to states to change their state laws to eliminate minimum mandatory's and set up drug courts. nobody should go to jail because they have a drug problem. host: we have 20 minutes left before the end of the show. and your chance to get calls in about last night's debate. (202) 748-8001 if you support the president. (202) 748-8000 if you support joe biden. or if you are undecided or support another candidate, (202) 748-8002. we go back to john mcardle. >> keeping track of the trends
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coming out of last nights debate, a good place to go for that is google trends. letting you know some of what the top searched issues were or what the spiking issues were. this from about one hour into the debate last night. google trends noting that how many houses does trump have and how many houses does joe biden have? they were break out searches during last night's debate. leading up to the debate, the presidential debate drinking game spiked. by about 400%. at 10:32oogle trends, p.m. eastern, when the debate was expected to end around 10:30, a spiking trend in search was when does this debate and, ?piking at 3000 -- end spiking at 3000%. the debate ended at 10:36 p.m. eastern. i want to keep you informed of not just the google trends but some of the top searched issues.
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xenophobia, wherewithal, malarkey thug, and were the top lookups from last nights debate. i want to keep you on track on a topic we have covered quite a bit on the washington journal and reporters in washington have been on top of for weeks. that is the status of coronavirus relief legislation and if a deal could come together. one of the congressional reporters that is often on this program writes that could this be the day that speaker pelosi admits it ain't happening before the election or does she wait until election day to acknowledge that war does a miracle breakthrough occur with the mysterious and powerful entities only known as the chairs? .he committee chairs this is from jake sherman, saying there was new insight
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into nancy pelosi's thinking as she has been negotiating with steven mnuchin. the senate is unlikely to take up a bill before the election. comments indicate that democrats do not want to come back to washington for a vote unless they have a guarantee from mitch mcconnell and senate republicans on a deal. this is from bloomberg's mike doring. prospects for a stimulus package passing congress before the november 3 election are fading fast. pennsylvania, a supporter of joe biden. good morning. caller: good morning. i have decided to support vice president biden for this reason. on the debate last night. end, when we were supposed to address what they would say if they were inaugurated, he looked right into the camera and he talked
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about character. trump has been caught in many, many lies over his administration. biden was found to be less -- he did not speak as falsely. he may have exaggerated what he was not as false as president trump has been. one of the things that disturbed me last night during this debate was trump's comments on climate control, saying wind power kill had a onethat he trillion tree program. excuse me but i have never heard of the trillion tree program. there were so many points that were made by president trump. another was his comment that he was the least racist person in
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the holding at that time. last have seen over the 3.75 years is him throwing gasoline on the racial fires that have been burning in our country. host: that is kathy in allentown, pennsylvania. the trillion trees was part of an executive order signed by the president that took place and was released on october 16 of this year. harold is next, from florida. this is a supporter of president trump. hello. caller: i would like to talk about what i did not hear in the debate. sometimes, like sherlock holmes, you look for the dog who did not arc. when we listen -- bark. when we listen to the debate, they did not talk about kamala harris. the most radical member of the senate. they did not talk about her father. a man who made his career
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teaching communist economics, marxist economics at stanford. personiterally the only who teaches communist economics because it does not work. it has never worked. they don't talk about it because if biden gets elected, that is our future. she believes all of this stuff. the other thing about biden. i read a book or a large expose about biden for he ran. it was in the late 1980's. he was in the book whatever it takes. it was interesting what it talked about. it did not get into the plagiarism and other problems he had. here is what is interesting. they will never talk about this. i have never heard this in the press. his first wifeg and quoting her. they kept exalting her that she
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got him through lost school. she tooted him -- law school and she tooted him. -- tutored him. line, she was not an attorney preach she was not in law school and she is tutoring him. host: we will hear from bill in rogersville, missouri. an undecided voter. caller: hi. i am an old man, i am 85 and i have been watching a lot of television. a very confusing year with all of the different things on different channels. i watched all of the channels. fox and all of those. there is only one thing that i have seen on the fox channel where there was a retired navy officer who made a statement business withn
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joe biden's family and was introduced to joe biden and i was wondering why do we only see that on one channel? i understand that twitter and facebook has blocked a lot of information off the air. that does not look good for the american people to have anybody that certain things apparently is credible evidence of wrongdoing for illegal activity. host: and how that relates to last nights debate? caller: are you going to push the button on miyako host: i am -- caller: on me? host: i am asking how does that relate to last nights debate. caller: it was not brought up that much. the only person who brought it up was president trump. i was wondering why the moderator did not mention that at all, although i think she did
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a very good job compared to some of the other ones. host: beverley and van ives, california. supporter of joe biden. caller: i wish you would give me the time that you gave six other callers. please, hear me out. 1994 raceng on the bill. jaredand foremost, it was kushner who came up with the idea, not donald trump. i am sick and tired of him bragging about how he put the first act in. his daughter twisted his arm because she is married to jared. john legend, the well-known entertainer, van jones and a host of others. host: how does that relate to last night? caller: pardon me? host: how does that relate to the debate last night? ofler: going into the race
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1984 -- what donald trump keeps talking about, al sharpton and a whole host of other black leaders, they were backing him in 1994 about that bill. he has spent over 10 years, trying to apologize and clean up. he has a good solution. going to drug courts instead of putting our black and brown others in jail. that is not going to help them do any better. 1970's,1994, from the pedro, there has been a lot of drug activities and police brutality in the black community. illinois, on fracking, the 1994 bill and trump's family, how donald trump attacked it, she hit it right on point. host: ok.
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virginia, aolk, supporter of president trump. hello. caller: good morning. host: good morning, you are on. caller: i am leaning toward trump. much more so now. is, for aconcerns president who can wield a lot of power, it sort of concerns me that he could possibly be elected with all of this. they need to get this money stuff straightened out. they need to find out, it might be russia stuff or it may be this. or it is all a hoax. if there is any possibility that what they are saying is true, this man cannot be president. that is scary. have thatthing that i was not brought up last night, and it is a major thing to me, anythingill not say
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bad about joe biden, i am not a doctor. there is definitely something not mentally right with joe biden. all dimers and dementia classes. is going tos replace joe biden. they need to discuss kamala harris and her past. host: we will go to shannon in philadelphia, pennsylvania. an undecided voter. doing? hey, how are you i want to say i am undecided for an unusual reason. i used to be a democrat but i fell away from them when they picked joe biden. as a black american, i don't see how, in the height of all of these black lives matter protests, they would pick joe biden to be their nominee and he turns around and picks kamala harris who has a horrible
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criminal justice record. hear --ht, i did not this is the first time he apologized for the bill. tohad since 1994 to try advocate for changes, even when he was vice president. i just don't trust that he is going to do what he says he is going to do, because he has had since 1994 to make a move to do something. is one of the reasons why i hesitantly lean toward donald trump. not that i don't think donald trump -- there is no president who is going to be perfect. i think that pre-pandemic, things were going pretty good for the country. it really breaks my heart as a former democrat that the party feels like it has left me. host: that is shannon in philadelphia, pennsylvania calling in. have a few more minutes to hear from your call. we have one more stop with john mcardle. >> shannon brought up kamala
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harris. i wanted to know where she is on the -- note where she is on the campaign trail. she let her followers know via twitter, saying she is headed to georgia. when it comes to the other side of the ticket, vice president pence, bothnd karen wearing masks, voted in person in indianapolis, indiana this morning. there is the screen grab from the c-span video of it. throughout the morning this morning, as we have throughout this campaign season, we have the line for the undecided or supporting other viewers. i want to acknowledge the other presidential campaign candidates, the third party candidates. they are -- were tweeting quite a bit last night during the debate between joe biden and preston trump. this is jo jordgensen. is a silverre
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lining. every time donald trump and joe biden take the stage, they drive more voters away from the two-party system and asked for donations to her campaign. howie hawkins of the green party live tweeting the debate. you can scroll through his twitter feed. here are some of his tweets when it came to the climate issue, saying is there any politician more misinformed on climate then donald trump and then going on to tweet that i propose the -- proposed the green new deal in 2010. go slow, joe wants to take a another 30 years to get the net zero emissions. we will burn fossil fuels after 2050. we cannot survive either trump or biden. if you want to hear more from howie hawkins from jo jordgensen, they will be on this program tomorrow. you will ask -- be able to ask them questions. howie hawkins, joining us from
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8:00 to 9:00 a.m. jo jordgensen of the libertarian party joining us from 9:00 to 10:00 eastern. host: joanne, a supporter of joe biden. hello. becausei am calling in president trump referred to the coronavirus as the china virus. i think that is very disrespectful to our asian citizens. forgotten thate throughout the history, the caucasians and europeans came over to the new world and brought the measles, smallpox, syphilis, just to name a few of the diseases. they wiped out many of our native americans. what are we going to do? go back in our history books and mark out those names and name
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them the caucasian, european viruses? it is so disrespectful to our asian citizens. the virus is called covid. host: finisher thought. caller: -- host: finish your thought. we will go to rose. caller: good morning. i am a registered democrat and have been for many years. i have decided that i will be voting for president trump. that decision was made at the end of may when i saw that the democrats were not acknowledging the violence and rioting and it took them three months to say something. i have concerns with the way the press has been supporting them along with big tech and everyone else. i feel that there is a tremendous amount of corruption in that regard. debate, i agree with the president. i think the green new deal is
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ambitious. i think it will cost a tremendous amount of money. i don't know that it is realistic. on viceead this president biden's side and it is part of their green new deal. i think that thing is outrageous. i also think that they are going to raise our taxes. i am concerned about that. also, the criminal justice reform. they are talking about less beings and more people led out of jail and 11 million people coming into the country. it just seems like a lot of what they are proposing is going to impose a tremendous amount on those of us that are paying taxes. dave in will hear from california, an undecided voter. hello. caller: thank you for taking my call. it should not take a
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genius to figure out why joe biden's son, hunter, was getting paid millions of dollars by foreign governments and companies at the time when his daughter was overseeing policies toward us. the real scandal regarding this story that the new york post broke is not so much that joe office to his public exonerate himself and his family. grafting is as old as politics. to me it is to the extent the media and social money it -- social media have sought to suppress the story to influence the outcome of the election. host: you defined yourself as an undecided voter. is that the case? caller: yes. host: you have not decided who you will vote for as of today? caller: no. i have problems with both voters. host: why do you think the
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hunter biden story is so important to the election? caller: we need a news media that is honest and informative and informs the american people as much as possible, in order to -- so that the people can make informed decisions on the candidates. are you there? host: i am here. finisher thought. -- finish your thought. caller: provide as much information as possible. whenold enough to remember the soviet union used to deliberately withhold information to control what the people think. it looks to me like our media -- the only difference is that they are serving the democratic party instead of the communist party. host: we will go to harvey, a supporter of joe biden. caller: how are you doing today? the president said something about black people, that he
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supports them getting all of these things. .e had four years every now and then, they have to do 25 years or something like that to re-up us to vote. we still don't have the right. we have been here over 400 years. host: why don't you think you have a right to vote? ,aller: because everybody has the 15 amendment was not ours. host: you vote, don't you? caller: i vote but it is under restrictions. ofple cannot vote because the literacy test. host: what restrictions do you have in maryland? caller: we don't have them unless you have a felony and people then cannot vote. what people don't realize is that we still have not gotten all of the ratifications to make it so that we don't have to go through the things a white
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person has to go through. host: >> this is melanie. justice ginsburg: i just -- caller: i just want to go over, number one, my first amendment right needs to be protected and my second right needs to be protected, especially with the way the country has been hostile , and i think mainstream media has led to all of this, not the president. it is made our country worse and if it comes to the point that all of the writing and everything going on in the democratic cities, that i want to be able to protect my home and my family, and if they do -- if biden gets elected, we won't wind up in a socialist country. i do not want to wait in line to
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get red or meat. i think we could go back to living off the land like our forefathers. you for have heard from the last three hours concerning the debate last night. do not forget you can watch the debate at, and there is a lot of information as far as campaign 2020. thank you for watching today. another addition of "washington journal" tomorrow morning at 7:00. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] ♪ announcer: ears which you can expect life today, first a pro forma session at 11:30. this afternoon, the vice
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president holds a rally in ohio. the coverage begins at 1:00 p.m. eastern. later, joe biden following the debate last night, speaking in moment in, delaware on the pandemic and his plan. it live coverage starts at 2:30 eastern. finally, the president travels to florida today for a rally in the villages, one of the world's largest retirement communities. coverage starts at 4:30 eastern on c-span. ♪ votersovember third, decide who will control congress and occupy the white house next year, stay with c-span. watch campaign 20 coverage every .ay on c-span
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unfilteredfor the view of politics. you are watching c-span, your unfiltered view of government created by cable television companies as a public service and brought to you today your television provider. >> there are 35 senate seats up for election this cycle, and one report says 15 our competitive including the maine race. herext, susan collins faces .hallenger the maine state chamber of commerce cohosted the debate. for joining us. tonight in conjunction with the maine state chamber of commerce,
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