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tv   Washington Journal 10282020  CSPAN  October 28, 2020 6:59am-10:01am EDT

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our campaign 2020 coverage includes a senate debate from georgia between the republican incumbent and his democratic challenger. national security adviser robert o'brien speaks with the hudson institute about current threats facing the u.s. that is followed by a discussion with political law experts on the upcoming election and legal implications of expanded mail-in voting. the aspen institute looks at the development of a coronavirus vaccine and plans for its distribution. president trump delivers remarks today at a campaign rally in bullhead city, arizona on the nevada border with less than a week to go until election day. watch live at 3:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2, online at or listen live on the free c-span radio app. on this morning's "washington
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journal," we focus on the battleground state of ohio. coming up in an hour, seth richardson. copeland.m., lauren ♪ host: good morning on this wednesday, october 28. we are six days away from president trump asking america to give him a second term. this morning, we will focus on his first term. has president kept his promises? if you are supporting the president, dial in at 202-74 8-0001. if you are supporting the former vice president, dial-in a if you are0, undecided or supporting another 48-80002., call 202-7
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-- 202-748-8002. "usa today" put this piece together, "donald trump made many promises. what has he cap and what is he still working on?" kept by the president, tax cuts, conservative judges, deregulation, he left the paris accord and move the israeli embassy to jerusalem." the newspaper says these are the promises the president has partly accomplished, renegotiate trade bills, build border wall and have mexico pay for it and defeat isis. here is where the president -- here is where they say the president has moffett filled promises, bring back call and the steel industry, replace the
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affordable care act, revitalize the many ring -- manufacturing sector and reduce the national debt. we want to hear from you. if you are supporting the president and you are motivated to vote for him because he has kept promises that you care about, we want to hear from you. if you have decided to vote for joe biden and senator harris because the president has not cap certain promises, we want to hear from you as well. we want to hear what everybody has to say about the first term of this presidency. supportingo, you are the biden-harris ticket. good morning to you. what do you think about the president's promises? are you there? we will go to teresa in tennessee, supporting the president. caller: good morning. believe that donald trump has kept every promise he has made.
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i can't think of a promise that he made in the campaign in 2016 and has not capped. he has ended the wars and not started anymore, he brought the paint -- economy back until the pandemic hit. the main promise he kept was to close the border with mexico. remember the days of the pictures of people crossing our border and sitting on benches and bringing children across this country? that doesn't happen anymore. when he said mexico was going to pay, mexico has paid. mexico keeps the asylum-seekers in their country, pays for them until they can come here. that is the biggest thing that has helped this economy was to close that border. joe biden will just tear it down and the democrats will tear it down as soon as they get in the white house, if they win. donald trump has kept every promise. does it bother you at all
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that mexico did not pay for the wall? instead, taxpayers are paying for the wall. caller: no, i don't mind taxpayers paying for the wall whatsoever. if it closes our wall, no. that mexico is paying in a sense. what do you think it costs mexico to keep all of those asylum-seekers in their country until their case comes up in the united states? they feed them, they clothe them, they are keeping them over there. in essence, mexico is paying for the wall. host: ok. that was teresa in tennessee. maryland, supporting joe biden. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: i'm supporting joe biden. ofber one, he has a history doing what the administration
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will do. he derailed a plan and was able to get it under control. they want to eradicate things at that time. two, they left a blueprint , they the white house left ppe for health care workers . [indiscernible] he did not even learn anything from in that manual. people.lost 227,000 another four years in the white house, this country will be a
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third world country. caller on our first the border wall, this is from "usa today." they found that in reality, the trump administration has billioned nearly $18 for border wall construction from public coffers. congress appropriated more than $4.4 billion for border wall construction. more towardrected the border. here is rebecca supporting the border -- president. what promises were important to you in 2016 that you feel he has cap? caller: i actually feel he has kept all of his promises. i feel that he was always against being derailed. no one from that side was ever
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willing to work with the president on anything. he was always up against milestones that were unbelievable, but i think that he really has worked hard to keep his promises. i like the idea of the wall building, not so that we don't try to help people, but so that they come in by legal means. i like the fact that he is pro-life. i really feel our president has done his best to do a good job to serve the united states of america. thank you. york brooklyn, new supporting joe biden. good morning. good morning. he has not kept his promises. he said wages were going to go up. rates -- did raise the minimum wage. the trade deal was going to make everyone rich, but right now, we are using taxpayer dollars.
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the border wall being built is about to fall down from taxpayer dollars. you just stated that that money came from other funds or projects. the trade deal he came up with is actually the old trade deal. no one can name anything new in this trade deal. it is also part of the old one. there is no infrastructure in 15 years. he claimed he was going to come in with this new infrastructure project, and we still do not have this so-called new health plan. where is it? he has not capped not one promise. host: "usa today" looks at the health care issue. campaign, 2016 president trump repeatedly cited premium increases among aca plans and limited competition to argue the system should be replaced. his administration never proposed an alternative.
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experts say the proposals put forward did not live up to trump's promise that he would provide great health care at a fraction of the cost. in general, some people might have paid less under the gop plan, such as younger individuals, but some older individuals likely would have paid more and millions of other people would have lost their insurance entirely. three republican senators broke ranks and voted with democrats to preserve the law. tony in tampa, florida. you are undecided. why are you undecided? caller: i am leaning towards trump, but the reason i'm still not totally on board is i don't think he has kept a lot of promises. i am the pat buchanan type of republican. i've got to be honest with you, he promised us a border wall. he had the house and senate for two years.
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he has built about 400 actual of itof the wall, but 197 was already there and it is just rebuild. he had plenty of time and he spent so much money between spending$6 trillion, $8 trillion, he could not get $20 billion out of a republican house and senate when obama basically got everything out that he wanted. he did not get rid of obama care. he even took the tax offer to make obamacare stronger. how that was going to get rid of obama care, i still don't know because the tax is what made it illegal. it ones that are paying for or paying about 27% increases a year on our health insurance. it has gotten more expensive. as far as the budget, it has been blown all tohell. the amount of money spent and debt run up.
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as far as these trade deals, i have not seen any facts or anything. i know we are supposed to have these rate trade deals, yet farmers, he had to bailout with 28 billion dollars. as far as his bill to let these people get out of jail, drug dealers, people with gun charges, the whole deal, that was not part of his promise. for anything, but he was supposed to go after the hedge fund guys. this guy has a hedge fund guy running his economy, mnuchin. he has made about 20% of his promises, but i still think that was better than hillary clinton. i will preface that. countrynk he loves the and i think he is a good man overall. had to pickf i odds, i would go with trump.
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host: what do you like about what he has done in the first four years? caller: i like his tax plan. i think that helps somewhat. i don't like the part of his tax plan where he let these corporations, instead of hiring people and buying equipment, get these stock buybacks to artificially boost the stock market. we have a stock market based onmarily on nonprofits, but companies buying back in, printing money to boost up the stock market. i am really fearing a big bubble that is going to burst the stock market down. socialist,s not a and i don't think this country and a lot of people in it are ready for socialism ever. it has been a failure in every country. host: is that what is stopping you from voting for joe biden?
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the fear of socialism? caller: no. been a goods not senator, i don't think. i've got to be basically honest with you. if the republicans were to run a ted cruz or mike pence in the primary this time against trump, i definitely would have voted for them. i voted for trump the last time because he promised of the wall and he promised to get rid of obamacare and he promised to ballot the budget -- balance the budget and cut the debt. on those three issues, i give him a "d". continues york times" with their tax series looking at president trump's tax records. the front page has "how turmp wriggled out of trouble in chicago." "for the first time since 2010, his lenders have forgiven about $27 million in debt he failed to pay.
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the vast majority was related to the chicago project." david in asheboro, north carolina. you are supporting the president. what do you like about what he has done? caller: he has done so much for this country. he has kept every promise he has made. these people right here that are for the abortions, you are in dangerous water. biden is peeing all in your cornflakes. i promise you that. host: robert in maryland. good morning to you. caller: good morning, how are you doing this morning? host: i am well, thank you. caller: i just hope you will give me two minutes of your time. what i cannot believe is how people believe the professional con artist.
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last night, he paid to have in.le bust at the end of the rally, he had them standing in the cold weather and they couldn't get home. the second thing i wanted to an hbo documentary coward andlly, victim." roy taught him everything he knows. mr. trump bullies everyone at the following him and when he has the white house press conferences and he presses them, he becomes a coward and runs back in the back room. he is always expressing himself as a victim. the last thing i wanted to say is, in 1993, there was a senate and the right hand man to john gotti, in an hour and 18
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,inutes of that senate hearing on a number of occasions, he expressed how mr. trump was deeply involved with the mafia. people,nning these these good american people that believe him, but they are drinking the kool-aid. he is a professional con artist and they don't accept that and that is unfortunate. new poll is out with a with "the washington post." here is the quote "surge hurts trump in wisconsin. biden leads in a closer michigan contest." the former vice president up by 17 in the batter ground state of wisconsin and leading the president in michigan as well. "early voting in key states fall short of democrats'hopes. new early voting data shows
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democrats failing to hit their mark in several battleground states giving the president more optimism. democrat joe biden made a play for a traditionally red georgia. in florida, iowa, north carolina, pennsylvania and arizona, democrats are falling short of votes cast. that is the lead they hope to stave off aorder to higher republican turnout on election day." "the democrats have not opened up a large enough lead and they know it." city, supporting the president. good morning to you. caller: good morning. kept,e promise he has not he has tried to keep and was not allowed to keep, was draining the swamp. i think last night, if anybody
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weched the interview, figured out that biden is part of the swamp with his dealings with china and other foreign countries. the money he has made from those foreign countries. his love for china. he has madeyears, statements how china is wonderful and china's growth is good for everybody. anyway, i am very concerned about that and i think people should look up and watch the interview of mr. bubble and ski elinski. he is x mirrored -- military and a good businessman, which is why the bidens hired him. i think that is part of the swamp he has not been able to drain.
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that is my concern about joe biden is he said he has not made money from china when it has been proven he has. everything is documented that this man has. it is either emails sent to him or he sent to the biden family. there are tapes. the mainstream media seems to be ignoring it. i think there is way more there. the only reason he broke this news was because adam schiff stood and said that it was russian disinformation and he felt like that was defaming himself and his family. otherwise, have a good day. in nevada city, supporting the president. the president was in michigan yesterday asking supporters there to turn out for him. here is what he had to say about the difference between he and joe biden. [video clip]
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>> this election is a choice between a trump super recovery or a biden depression. you could have a depression. your 401(k)'s down the tubes. look at how great our stock market is -- had a little blip yesterday because nancy pelosi not approve stimulus. it is a choice between a trump boom or biden lockdown, but you are already locked down. this state -- we have got to get her going, i don't know. i don't think she likes me too much. [chanting] >> lock her up! >> i don't comment to that because every time, if i make just a little bit of a nod, they say the president led them -- i
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don't have to leave you on. even a little nod, they said the president said -- host: the president in michigan yesterday. today, he is heading to arizona and he will be talking to supporters there. you can watch his rally on c-span2, on our website and also, you can download the free c-span radio app as well. go to for more of our campaign 2020 coverage to see what the former vice president is doing in our coverage of his events and supporters as well. ohio, supporting joe biden, good morning. caller: good morning. i don't understand why people keep thinking that donald trump has done anything for us. we are going backwards. we are not going forwards. number one, the wall. they can escape through that
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wall. that was even proved on 60 minutes. people who believe in trump are weays looking at fox, which know is nothing but lies. it is opinionated and not real news. number two, when it comes to the economy, all of these people with stocks were making money. people with a lot of money, were not getting anything out of what he wanted. money, weying more kept getting poorer. there are so many other things, but thank you. host: we are going to be stock -- talking about the state of ohio coming up on the washington journal as part of our battleground series with six days to go before the election. this morning, we are talking about president trump's first term.
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today" did an investigation of all the promises he made. their headline this morning as i he made promises in 2016 early in his term. what has he cap and what is he still working on? this is what he has kept according to the paper, tax cuts, deregulation, leaving the parents private -- climate accord and moving the is really to jerusalem. these are partly accomplished, renegotiating trade deal, the border wall and have mexico pay for and defeat isis. here is where the president has not yet realized his promises, bring back the coal and steel industry, replace the affordable care act, revitalize the manufacturing sector and revitalize the national debt. ken in montana supporting the president. caller: good morning. i was just listening to the lady talk about the stock market.
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i am pretty much a blue-collar worker. receivingeally get to white privilege, but i was looking for. $20,000 since me he has been in office. i'm ok with that. host: in the stock market? how did he make $20,000? caller: the stock market just keeps going up. it goes up, goes down, goes up. it is up. everybody that ever worked for a corporation, if they had any brains, has money in the stock market. it is important. biden. next time 70 because up and says trump lies all the time, could you ask for the top five lies? i want to hear them, and it is
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not the law -- wall. let's hear some lies because he is the most honest president, most transparent president we have ever had and we are going to have him again for four more years. host: ken, do promises matter to you at all or is it simply for you, how well is the economy doing? am i better off? caller: the economy is booming. you can't judge president trump on the disease we are all facing. we are all locked up. democrat governors. we have one and that has got to stop. over the top. we are americans, we are smart people. wear a mask. in michigan, supporting joe biden, help me with the name of your town. yspila it is pronounced
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ni. it is the home of the bomber plant. host: why are you supporting joe biden? caller: your last caller is an absolute idiot. host: you don't have to call people names. caller: donald trump is a criminal, a liar. if it wasn't for the fed pumping up the economy, we would be in the worst depression ever. nobody mentions that. the fed has put in $4 trillion. this guy is talking about trump making me $20,000. all i heard when he was running was day one, repeal and replace. never got that done. he doesn't have anything. the republicans don't have anything. 10 years, they have done nothing but run their mouth. infrastructure, where is that at? the wall?
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mexico is going to pay for? didn't do that. prison reform? prison reform is the federal penitentiary, has nothing to do with state penitentiary at all. donald trump went from first to worst. he is a disgrace to the world and especially to this country, and he is going to get spanked in the election. what do they call it -- overwhelmingly whooped. thank god. to my fellow guy, trump was sent by god. thanks, mr.. goodbye. host: bob in miami. you are undecided, why is that? caller: good morning. i am leading towards the current ministration. i can't speak intelligently as to what promises the current administration has done, there are some things that are posited that he has brought to the united states such as pretty much signing a lot to make
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cruelty to animals a federal for -- penalty, also signing a bill that helps make cbd and have legal. epa $100ave the million to fix a lot of infrastructure problems. provided a bill which was signed and approved by state andhat allowed online victims to fight sex trafficking. these are positive things in the long run. he may not be perfect, but he is not a bad president. have a good one. host: christina in georgia supporting the biden, harris ticket. your turn. caller: good morning. thanks for allowing me to speak to you this morning. he has not kept any of the promises. people are just being lied to. that border wall. someone said earlier he built
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400 miles new. it was the opposite. he had a contract. he had to win a contract for the border wall of $1.3 billion so he could gain some money in his pocket. i don't know why everybody is against the affordable care act. they just don't know what is at stake. to helpblicans refused obama with the affordable care act. in all of his eight years, all they wanted to do was destroy the affordable care act. you know why? but itfits the people, is not good for the corporations. the republicans are with the corporations. everybody keeps saying, oh conservative judges. justice scalia was for corporate. people, wake up.
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this man is nothing but a liar. there are all kinds of documentaries out there so you can know who he is. he can't even run his own businesses. the whole world is laughing at us. and then, the tax break. the tax break was not for the people. these folks that call and say they are making money in the stock market, trump has nothing to do with that. people make money in the stock market for years and years. started dealing with the stock market -- wake up, person. trump has nothing to do with that. people make more than $20,000 in the stock market. according toays, the bible, people are not going to be able to see the truth. you know why? people are worshiping trump. obama, butresident if he behaved the way this man
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behaved, he would have never had my support because my loyalty is not to another person. it is to god. i want to say one more thing. --elieve trump is going to the demise of this country because all of these pro-choice people turn their backs on all of the crime and harm that has been done to those children at the border and the lord is watching us. the lord is watching the united states. god bless us all. last days ofin the this campaign of 2020. "the washington post" has a story today "what trump and biden's travel schedules tell us about the state of the race." withp is filling his days of rallies in defiance
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covid-19. it is a defensive strategy. since he spoke in charlotte at the republican national convention, the president traveled seven times to north carolina, a state he won in 2016, but it is telling he is spending more time then he has to in small towns. biden is stepping up his schedule. he and his top surrogates are stepping into what is normally red territory as announced monday that the former vp will be heading to iowa, a state carried by nearly 10 points in 2016 by trump. but flipping red states to blue is not the only reason campaigns might --
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jack, you're supporting the president. good morning to you. caller: i do. one of the most important things that president trump has done and i think it is overlooked by a lot of american citizens, if you take a look at the history of china, we will go back to win tenement square happened. china did not report to us the amount of people they murdered over there. then, we were posited china was going to become a democracy. what do we do? goldman sachs went over there and set up the world's finances over there. and then, we started giving them all the manufacturing jobs that left the united states, which was a shame. if you talk about by then, i work for a major company doing major business. i handled 200 million dollars worth of business myself. office got fired
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and five guys went to jail from dealing with a lobbyist. for one minute, being in office for 47 years, ever thought he was going to run for president of the united states, why did he take his son over to china when he was vice president of the united states, and get him involved with that chinese scandal and line his kid up with all of those benefits -- millions and millions of dollars, then he takes him over to ukraine? if joe can have the on his record, i had one of my friends who was negotiating a contract with a big company who ended up going to jail, who put his wife on the payroll of a company, and he came to my office and said jack, do you think it was wrong of me to put my wife on the payroll of the company? i said no, i thought it was ok.
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joe biden has left himself wide open. the american people should really pay attention because if he gets into office, the chinese have got the goods on him and so does the ukraine. he won't be able to make a straight move without being influenced by that particular country. host: doug in fairfax, south dakota, supporting biden-harris. good morning. caller: good morning. he has not kept us safe whatsoever on that deal. i don't know [indiscernible] health care. other day, trump said he was giving everyone remdesivir. i was think about trying to find it, the price of it. it showed they were going to charge about $2300.
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it was also talking about another treatment he received, and antibiotic therapy made by regeneron. this treatment comes from peter's tissues from abortions before 2019 because he suspended funding. you would have thought he would have rejected this treatment. south dakota, up here, our governor is treating our virus as a survival of the fittest. over 100 tests, half of them came up positive. behind a newhiding $400,000 security. she has been fighting with the indian people about their tribal land and rights. another white person trying to control what to do with their land again like when we stole it from them back in the night -- back in the 1880's. host: what do you do for a living? caller: i dig holes in the ground. i'm a ditch digger, i guess.
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i have a backhoe and trencher and all of that stuff. host: who did you vote for in 2016? caller: i definitely voted for clinton. host: you have been a democrat your whole life? caller: pretty much. i only started voting when clinton ran because i dislike trump all the way through. host: so 2016 was our first election? caller: no. i voted back with nixon. i don't know why i voted for nixon. i really screwed up. anyway. host: alright, doug. front page of "the washington "voting nears historic levels. already, half of the 2016 turnout has voted in early voting." braces"usa today," "u.s. for chaos as threats at home and abroad are setting off alarms."
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chaos is something "the new york times" looked into when it comes to absentee ballots and early voting. take a look at this interactive piece. the state that could decide how far republicans will go to win. this is what they have looked at. "absentee voting this year could lead to weeks of lawsuits as mail ballots are scrutinized and loss that challenged. consider pennsylvania, which is considered to see a surge. look at how many people requested absentee voting in 2016 versus this time around. a close race there could give republicans an excuse to ignore the results and give the state pasta electoral college votes to president trump using relatively obscure laws according to a law professor at ohio state university. imagine the presidency hinges on pennsylvania. mr. trump is ahead on election night, but his ballots are counted in the day after and joe
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biden assures the lead and state legislature typically picks electoral space on the popular vote. the constitution also allows legislators to ignore the vote and directly appoint electors. pennsylvania's republican legislature, backed by paranoid tweets from the president, could claim that many of the mail ballots should have been disqualified in a war of the state -- and award the state's electoral to president trump. this could happen in other states other than pennsylvania. wisconsin, minnesota, florida, north carolina. they also point out that now imagine pennsylvania's democratic governor ignores the legislature. he accepts the vote count and certifies the state's electoral vote for mr. biden. look at the swing states that have democratic governors. this could happen elsewhere, is what they are saying. goes on to report that when congress meets on january 6 to count each state's electoral
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vote, which should it listen to? pennsylvania's legislature or governor? you can find more if you go to virginia in tennessee. welcome to the conversation. why are you undecided? caller: good morning. i'm a longtime listener. veteran and cannot get the absentee ballot. we have today and tomorrow for early voting. i go back to 2016 and talk about that election. i had the same problems with absentee voting. i filed it, faxed it to the election commission. illegible.t was i had done some work with
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andrans and administration everything i faxed to them was fine. it seemed to be unsettling for my vote. vote for decided to hillary, and i didn't want to because of the email scandal. [indiscernible] attending arkansas state university, which her husband is from a little town in hope, arkansas. [indiscernible] they just kept calling my house, please vote for us. please vote. i was like, just because i am from the midsouth, that does not necessitate a vote. that does not mean i am supposed to vote for a person. just like, i'm from the south,
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my parents are democrats. theybody from the south, african-american community, votes democrats. that is not right. we shouldn't just about just because our parents vote democrat. host: how are you going to vote? which way are you leaning? you know, as a veteran, i want to say i only ask president trump to do one thing and that was to help the veterans. on the he did that "hannity show." i want to thank him for that, but i did not see much. right now, we are having difficulty getting to the polls without a home health aide. the aide i had was something
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like a home health aide. host: let me go on to some other voices. allen in washington. caller: how can they say he did not bring back manufacturing? manufacturing has been up. a lot of them have come in. s5 the tax cut, the government made more money, took in more than after the tax cut they ever did when they raise taxes. every time they raise taxes, revenues go down. biden ain't smart enough to figure that out. as far as the workers, look at all of the people put to work on the pipelines and all of the money that went to the people there. talk about the people. obama didn't put anybody to work. host: ok. take a look at "usa today" if you are interested in why they have not brought back many
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fracturing. "despite reports, trump touts the economy. president donald trump ran for election in 2016 on the promise to restore and protect manufacturing jobs across the u.s. nowhere, did you make that guarantee more fervently than michigan where he said he would take old action, if necessary, to remake the states predominant auto industry. four years later, there is not much doubt that he and his administration have failed to take significant steps. even before a recession spurred by covid-19 took hold, it was clear earlier job and wage gains were slowing despite the president's continued claims he helped create the best economy ever. since then, it has gotten far worse with fewer people working in the state in september compared with a year ago and an unemployment rate of 5.4% higher despite the recovery being well
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underway." you can read more at usa facebook, twitter and google executives will be on capitol hill today to talk about social media regulation before the senate commerce and science committee. executives likely participating virtually, but nonetheless, taking questions from senators. you can watch it right here on c-span, on or the free c-span radio app. they could get asked about this "usa today" story. conservatives -- look for questioning on that ahead this morning. fred in pennsylvania supporting biden-harris. good morning. caller: all of the things you listed that the president did
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was mostly smoke and mirrors because they were all executive orders except for one and that was the tax cuts. that went through when he had a republican house and senate. he did the embassy moving that was an executive order. paris accords dropping out, executive order. deregulations, executive order. all of these could be erased by the new president coming in by the stroke of a pen. we need a president with a house and senate that are both democrat. i may biden supporter. we could have real laws passed. the conservative judges, he did do that, but that is only because he had a republican senate driven by mitch mcconnell . i think what we need to do is look at this realistically. this man is not doing what he said he was going to do for long term, for our country.
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he is doing short-term to make it look good. the coal industry, he said he was going to bring that back, but he didn't. there were several other things he promised like the border wall. he did 350 miles and that was repair mostly. they took $7.9 million from the army for building housing to redo the wall and build the wall. officen needs to leave and that is why i encourage every democrat out there, don't split your ticket. vote a straight democratic ticket and we will have some real accomplishments to be proud of and proud of our country. thank you. host: vice president joe biden was in warm springs, georgia, traditionally a red state, yesterday. here is what he told supporters about what kind of president he would be. --deo clip] >> >> a president who is not in it
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for himself, but for others. a president who appeals not to the worst in us, but to the best. a president who cares less about his tv ratings and more about the american people. a president who looks not to settle scores, but to find solutions. the president guided not by wishful thinking, but by science, reason and fact. that is the kind of president i hope to be. i am running as a proud democrat, but i will govern as an american president. i will work with democrats and republicans. i will work as hard for those who don't support me as for those that do. president, job of a a duty of care for everyone. springs, is arm reminder that the broken, each
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of us can be healed. as a people and a country, we can overcome this devastating virus. that we can heal suffering world and yes, we can restore our soul and save our country. host: joe in georgia yesterday. jim is supporting president trump in new york. good morning. caller: hello. i don't agree with that lady a couple of calls back with the border stuff because she brings god into it. people have to take responsibility for themselves and stop having kids you can't afford to take care of. fixer on country because this place is a mess now. trump, ii'm supporting think he is too liberal on immigration. this town is completely ms. where has he not kept his promise on immigration?
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caller: it would have been nice if he would have -- this looks like a sanctuary state. this area has become a slum. the laborompete with because these houses are packed with people. rent rooms, you have five to a room. can'tofers and framers compete with that because the roofers and framers that were here back in the 1980's, these are single-family houses. how are you going to compete with all of this imported labor? and now, biden -- didn't anybody watch the debate whereby then said he would give immediate -- s&s he takes the presidency, give immediate amnesty to 9 million immigrants? and they are getting free health care. if one of these people gets hurt you go on and on
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about health care, they. are getting free health care over here he should do what eisenhower did. eisenhower had a policy -- host: let's go on to eugene in maryland, supporting the vice president. good morning to you. greta,: good morning, good morning america. on a black american and i want all americans to know that i do people. white i do not hate the president of the united states of america. what i dislike is his behavior. concerned, the health care deal concerns me because i am an old man and i may need the money and i doubt that he has fulfilled that. president said something in his debate about
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football. that concerned me a great deal because i have been working with roger goodell and i have been working with nba teams to get them to sing the black national anthem. you know that it has happened. if yes done so much for football, why did roger goodell go in that direction? why did roger goodell say also that black lives matter? i'm not in a particular position, i'm going to leave that alone because i don't know what it is and how much it i dids us, but mr. biden, not like mr. biden from his behavior on certain issues at first. but then, i've studied him and he came up with what is called "lift every voice black agenda." if you asked me on the specifics
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of it, i would not be able to recite them, but anybody who is listening can go to joe biden's website and look up "lift every voice black agenda." americae it is good for and i will say this, back to the football, look at: cap nick. -- look at colin kapernick. there is a movement out now and i just saw a cartoon of him kneeling next to a sign saying "vote." we don't know whether he voted in 2016, or maybe we do and we don't know whether he registered to vote this year, but that cartoon by a black cartoonist inspired me. i'm going to say to all of america, love. don't hate. don't hate mr. president. don't hate mr. biden, but love.
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the one thing i am asking america to do with me is to lift every voice and sing and take a look at my website, liftevery host: i will leave it there. here's a text from anne in florida who says "one promise kept that was omitted was the nullification of the iran nuclear deal negotiated by the obama administration. the nullification is now a can tripping factor to peace agreements being negotiated in the middle east today. eli supporting the president in michigan. good morning. caller: good morning. i support president trump because i'm a veteran. our member under bush's leadership, we lost 5000 u.s. combat troops. we lost 2000 under obama. we lost more in afghanistan
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under obama than we did under bush. [indiscernible] rangekorea increase their under obama's watch. [indiscernible] 100,000 people die from obama leading from behind. i'm voting for trump to defend this country because a vote for a democrat like joe biden [indiscernible] joan, fort worth, texas. good morning to you. caller: good morning. texas, but ie in called about what he has not done. i had this conversation with my
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28-year-old grandson who is in south carolina and leaning republican. of aumber one duty president of the united states is the safety of the american people. failed and his failure totals over 226,000 dead americans. have a good day, greta. host: bill, smyrna, georgia. good morning to you. the vice president making a stop there yesterday in the state of georgia. what are you seeing down there that makes you think there is enough support for him to win that state? caller: thank you for taking my call. i feel like he has a great deal of support down here. people are getting tired of the rhetoric coming out of trump.
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i think most of us, including myself, has already made a decision. this time around, we want a president instead of a dictator. trump'sif we look at background, his history going all the way back, we can see that trump is someone who wants to control and he does not want -- and he isind of doing a great job of it. host: how did you vote in 2016? caller: how did i vote in 2016? is that your question? host: yes. caller: yes. i did not vote for trump in 2016. i voted for hillary clinton. host: lifelong democrat? caller: i'm sorry?
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host: are you a lifelong caller: caller: democrat? no. i have been more than independent. but the republican party, in the last eight years, because of the right wing press and all of their relic, i had no choice. like i told you earlier, i'm looking for a president. plan to turn got a this country around. he has got a plan to make it has ever been. hopefully, he will get his opportunity to do so. do you see more signs were president trump or joe biden in your neighborhood or in your town? i don't watch the signs too often, but i would say they are pretty much equal amount. host: bill in georgia. we are going to take a short
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break and turn our attention to the state of ohio coming up. we continue with our battleground series here. first up will be seth richardson, the lead political reporter for and the cleveland plain dealer. later, professor loren copeland from baldwin wallace university. ♪ >> wednesday, jack dorsey, sundar pichai, and mark zuckerberg testified in front of the senate science and transportation committee on section 230 of the communications decency act. republicans say they are since hitting -- they are censoring and the democrats say it is hate
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speech, including interference by foreign countries. on c-span,hearings on demand as he's been dog door, or listen live at the c-span radio app. . >> "washington journal" continues. on thell this week "washington journal," we will focus on key campaign 2020 battleground states with political reporters and analysts on the ground. we will examine what has changed since 2016, what policy issues are motivating voters, and take a look at recent political trends that have given trends -- given clues on how people might vote in the next few days. today, we put the spotlight on ohio. sean richardson joins us for that conversation. -- seth richardson joins us for that conversation. to go, whatx days is the status? 2016: if you look at the
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election, donald trump won the state by eight percentage points, about 450,000 votes. all of the public polling and on the ground stuff you see really does point to this being a close race. i don't know it is necessarily tilting one way or another, but maybe a slight tilt toward trump right now. shift in is a massive the land the land, even from a year ago from what we were expecting. you have seen both candidates really investing as of late in heretate, biden being twice over the past month and kamala harris being here. the trump campaign is ramping up, so they come to the state with mike pence and trump's children making a lot of appearances. trump himself appearing outside of circleville, outside of columbus last week.
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the trunk campaign is trying to exude confidence and say, "we have the state locked up. joe biden is wasting his time there." yet you keep seeing these indicators that maybe this race is closer than everybody things. levelsoting is at record of turnout. all indications are we might have large turnout come election day as well. it's been fascinating watching this develop. a year got this time, a lot of democrats had written the state office anything remotely resembling a swing state. host: why is that? guest: when you look at the 2016 total, that trump won by, the blue wave did not come here in 2018. republicans won up and down the ticket statewide for senator sharon brown. the lone democrat with a d after his name to win the statewide office in 2018.
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when democrats look at the map little more, they thought they paths- there were easier to victory. ohio looked like a state trending little more republican as opposed to more democrat in their favor, so do you go to her to salvage in try ohio or expand the map in somewhere arizona, or georgia even? something like that. is the former vice president gaining ground in ohio? who might be voting for him? guest: i think you've seen a lot of bleed in the suburbs like everywhere else. suburban women especially seem to be shifting toward the vice president and at a heavy clip. i think that will be a pretty significant factor in the widest races. if you look at the makeup of the states, you have a fairly large black population as well that
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you kind of assume will support biden at a high clip. i'm interested to see if trump does make inroads with the community. just the kind of voter in ohio as well, the working class, blue-collar type of voter really does align well with who biden is as a candidate, not so much with who hillary clinton was as a candidate. going back to 2018, if you look at the democrats who won statewide, sherrod brown, i think you can compare sherrod brown and joe biden sort of as candidates. they complement each other pretty well, which i think is a little -- gives a little insight into why joe biden is doing much better than why people -- much better than people anticipated at this point in time. as opposed to hillary clinton, who, whether it is correct or not, came off as an elitist of
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sorts. kind of like she was gifted the nomination as opposed to getting out there and earning it. the other thing to consider is people are familiar with joe biden in the state because barack obama won the state twice , 2008 in 2012 -- and 2012. joe biden was not just campaigning in cleveland, columbus, cincinnati. other areas, in the more rural communities, might bewhere that's the most interesting place for the margins when we count the votes, because hillary clinton got blown out of the water in the rural areas. if biden can make up some of that -- if he is not losing these places 70% to 30%, if it's maybe a 60% to 40% race, that shifts dynamics given gains in other parts of the state. host: is it that the former vice
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president is flipping voters in those rural areas who voted for trump and are convincing them to vote for him, or is it people stayed home because they did not want to vote for hillary clinton, and now they will vote? guest: i think it's probably a makes. we will see high turnout, and part of that will be people who stayed home in 2016 and did not like either candidate and did not want to vote and now they are coming out again. votewill close the 450,000 margin. --hink part of it is also trump really appeal to a lot of working-class people last time because of what he was talking about, trade, nafta, those things, bringing back manufacturing jobs. messaging this time around has not been as focused on that, as joe biden has been pushing an economic message for the better part of about six months, maybe longer.
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voters kind of take a look today, you can't ignore that there is a pandemic or recession and protests going on al over the country, not just city problem, something that happens everywhere. these things are happening everywhere. i think that has shifted a lot of the vote over. i think the converted vote is probably more of the suburbs, the more republican areas who did not like hillary clinton ordered were generally republican or shortly republican. who probably voted for mike dewine, the republican governor in 2018 as may be a comfort food for the kind of politician donald trump is. donald trump and mike dewine don't exactly line up on how they politics of people. i think you're seeing some of the bleed sometime around -- this time around where a lot of suburban voters will go over to biden, feeling like they are fed
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up with the president's term in office. host: we want to invite our viewers to join this conversation with seth richardson. the focus is ohio. if you are supporting the president, dial in at (202) 748-8001. if you are supporting the former vice president, dial into (202) 748-8000. if you are undecided or you have someone else in mind, (202) 748-8002. ohio voters, we want to hear from you, your line is (202) 748-8003. seth richardson, we have seen 60 million people across america vote early. our ohio residents allowed to vote early? guest: ohio has been voting early for a little more than a couple weeks. the first weekend of early voting, the first weekend early voting was last weekend. you sell really long lines basically outside of just about
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all of the urban counties, hamilton, cuyahoga, franklin, even montgomery, down in dayton. lives in cincinnati and klamath county and he told me last night that he went to vote and he waited 2.5 hours in line. i was surprised to hear that, because i assumed once you get out into some of the more rural areas, those lines would go down, but people are voting -- people who really want to vote, -- i don't know how that's will -- i think we're online for record turnout. host: when will the early ballots be counted? what is allowed in the state of ohio, and will you know the winner of ohio on election night? guest: we should have at least a good indication, because of the , --ohio does its county
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counting, right? absentee voting can be counted on election night. we will have the early vote before the other vote in. thank it's counted first. that should give credit where them arounde for here. they are generally pretty good at counting, and i think we will have a good indication of who has won ohio at least on election night. beennk they sort have planning for this contingency, that there will be a bit of ballots coming in. there is a very realistic chance that the ballots that come in post election day -- because in ohio, you can have your ballot come in after election day, so long it is postmarked the day before -- there might be enough of those outstanding where we don't want -- where we don't have a firm call on that but we should have a good indication of how the state is looking on election night.
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host: we are talking about the battleground state of ohio, population of 11.7 million, 70% white, 13% -- 78% white, 13% , and -- basil in ohio, how do you tend to vote? guest: donald trump. my family has been in the construction business all our lives and we fired all times of -- hired all times of people -- types of people and donald trump has done that. he is a working man's president more than the elitist president. this nonsense he doesn't care about the working class is not true. he has brought more working people back to this country than ever before. if nothing else, you should be supporting him for the work ethic he asked people to become
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involved in rather than the been talkingd has about, people. he happens to be pro-life. i not only voted for trump but the second amendment and the constitution of the united states. i am voting for pre--- i'm voting for free speech, which is why voting for donald trump. host: are you better off than you were four years ago? onst: i just turned 90 monday, i'm not only better off but i to walk in my streets without feeling like i'm going to be assaulted and stores are going to depart by people that are right. from mariannear in reynoldsburg, ohio. how do you plan to vote? caller: good morning. i am a biden/harris voter, 81 years young, 35 year federal hillary, --k for worked for hillary, and the
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comments we got on the phone bank were horrible. host: what were people saying then and what are they saying now? are you working the biting campaign? caller: i'm not working for the campaign. we early voted. i was up around springfield and they said horrible thing that i do not care to comment on a national tv station. i am very hopeful and very happy. host: wire you voting for joe biden? caller: joe biden will bring this country together. all races, aller classes. this country is a class country. we want everyone to get a piece of the pie. host: seth richardson, what do you make of those two voters? guest: i think in a lot of ways they sort of echoed similar concerns they have, differences concerns, they
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just have different is of a onion on who do solve it. they have working issues, which is key in ohio. houseg at the state in performing right now and how it was performing before, jobs were up. they kind of act slid a little bit in 2019 overall were up. they had not gone up as much as barack obama's second term, but they still had gone up and any increases good. just about any increase -- any politician in the world will take any reese. one is a matter of policy and one is a matter to campaign on. the issue is, right now, do you look at what donald trump did on jobs before the pandemic, which was around 86,000 in the state, or do you look at where the jobs are now post pandemic, around -- downnd 300,000,
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around now 300,000? that's not a great number. a lot of people when choosing their support, do they look at the trump presidency as a pre-endemic sort of thing, and the pandemic was something unavoidable, or do they look at the pandemic as the resulting effects -- and the resulting effects as something donald trump is at fault for? that varies between voters. host: bill is an brian, ohio. where is brian, ohio? caller: the very northwest corner. host: how do you plan to vote? caller: i have already voted. host: do you want to tell us? caller: i went absentee and voted for mr. biden. host: why? caller: honesty, integrity, you name it. i'm just tired of it, i'm tired of it all. i can't believe it. we have all grown up with people, no people's character --
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know people's character. you can figure out people. they are so willing to take on his character i can't believe it. i'm ashamed. host: how did you vote in 2016? caller: i voted for hillary. host: what do you do for a living? retired. just october 1 was my first day of retirement. host: congratulations. what did you do? in a factory,ed an air-conditioned planned. host: do you see those jobs staying in your area? what is happening to manufacturing where you live? caller: right now, i did -- in our area, it seems like nothing has ever happened. like the virus never happens, nothing ever changed. we are drunk country, i accept that. people refuse to wear their masks, and it is contentious around here a lot of the time, but you have to deal with it. guest: have you noticed any
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softening support for donald trump in your area? seeing a lot more biden signs. i think people were afraid for a while. afraid to show their support, but i think people are realizing now that there is more of us then we thought. host: seth richardson, what do you make of that? guest: sort of reading the tea leaves, it what makes it difficult -- leaves, what makes it difficult, i'm concerned about these rural areas. northwest ohio is a conservative part of the state, arguably maybe the most conservative. if there is -- we know that donald trump is going to run worse in the suburbs than 2016. we know the cities are probably going to be heavily democratic. that's kind of a given at this point. whether it's enough to put biden over the edge in the state is -- are there enough margins to make up for 450,000 votes? that's a big question.
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a lot of it will come down to these areas that maybe people don't think of. look at it on election night and see red counties, and again, they are not voting for trump by a 70/30 margin, their voting by a 60/40 or a 55/45 or something like that. that would be a clear indicator of trouble for the president on election night. milton,m in massachusetts supporting the president. hi, jim. caller: how are you doing? host: good morning. go ahead, jim. caller: are you ready for my question for seth? host: we are. caller: how are you doing? guest: i'm all right. how are you doing? caller: very good, thanks. i was in milton, massachusetts, a liberal town. here, as the lead political reporter for the cleveland paper you guysu guys -- do
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print about biden? when i hear people talk about their character and i think, recent developments? they are not covering it in the boston globe at all. it's hard to find information. i have a sister-in-law who is 65 years old and i asked her how to vote for biden and she didn't know about what was going on. are you guys printing it? host: jim, you are talking about hunter biden, right? caller: i'm talking about joe biden. host: what about him? caller: he was involved in the rushing money -- are you people investigating that or is that a nonissue out there? if some of the wants to give me a hard drive to take a look at, i guess i would take a look at it, but without anything to actually look at, i don't really know how i would report on it. i kind of have to rely on the people who do have whatever they
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say the evidence is, so i guess the answer is no, i have not been covering it because i don't have access to it. host: is the story of hunter biden hurting the president? have you talked to voters about that? let me clarify, hurting the former vice president. guest: i haven't heard a whole lot about it. politically speaking, i have been kind of wondering if it does make as much of a difference, because you got to look at all of the things that are the top issues, right? that has been the pandemic, the economy, and to a lesser extent, the protests and riots. but still at a pretty high number. i kind of get the sense that
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people -- i don't want to say it is not an issue, especially amongst more conservative voters, but i don't think -- hillary clinton, when she ran in 2016 came with the whole corruption narrative, whether true or not, baked into her political identity was. she had been described that way since the 90's. it was not anything new. there had been a lot of talk about it. like a pre-internet conspiracy theory. i guess the internet wants -- was around, but you didn't have social media to spread it. there has always been things about hillary clinton. and the emails or kind of the focus for a while because it took so long and people were like, will this be the smoking gun? it turned out not to be, but it looks bad for a politician who was already kind of characterized by this aura of
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corruption, whether true or not. i would think joe biden really has that kind of aura -- doesn't really have that kind of aura of corruption. he has always been kind of uncle joe, the affectionate, goofy guy who makes gags. i think some of the messaging has been mixed from the trunk campaign on how they are characterizing joe biden, because on the one hand, he is supposed to be this babbling old full with dementia who can't form a full sentence or whatever they say, and then on the other hand, he is supposed to be this calculating washington insider who is a part of this vast conspiracy. it's like those two don't seem to match up very well with each other. i think that probably leads -- he confuses me, frankly, as far as the messaging goes. i imagine it computers voters. host: sam in columbus, ohio.
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supporting the former vice president. caller: how are you doing this morning? host: good morning. caller: i voted for joe biden, -- he'she is about going to bring decency, honesty, and respect back. i am retired law enforcement and i cannot see any law enforcement supporting the sky. it is crazy. host: how did you vote in 2016? caller: i voted for hillary. guest: as far as the law enforcement support goes, do you think there is not as much law enforcement support for donald trump, because we have seen police unions mostly back in. most notably, the police union in cleveland did not endorse him after endorsing him in 2016, so i don't know if what happened over the summer with the protests, if that made any difference with the people who you possibly know on the force. host: what do you think, sam?
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caller: it could be. you know, if he didn't stir the pot, all of this writing and stuff going on, he just stars up. up -- stirs that mechanicsville, supporting the president. caller: good morning. maybe this gentleman can tell me what people feel in ohio, when joe biden crosses the stage and tells a young teenage girl to look into his eyes, he will illuminate fossil fuels, who is he lying to? is he lying to her or lying to us now. vote for they president, i think a lot of people like me are voting against the press. 92% of the coverage on the president is negative. 92%. where are the woodwards and burn stand? [inaudible]
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find anythingo about this vice president -- former vice president, until someone has the integrity enough to dig into a story. if you don't dig for it, you are not going to find it. have a good day. host: i want to show our viewers president trump in circleville, ohio over the weekend talking about joe biden's comments on fracking. vowed tomp: biden has abolish fracking, right? he says we will not frack anymore. he has no idea what it means. no fossil fuels, no nothing, we will close down all of our factories and go with wind. wind will be the answer, kills all of our birds, everything else. we will have massive blackouts like california, the whole country. have you ever seen the brownouts? outages, 700er thousand ohio jobs would be destroyed. biden lies about a lot of
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things. ist: seth richardson, why the president in circleville, ohio days before the election, and why is he hammering on that message? guest: i think he is in circleville because, despite the campaign saying things are wrapped up you don't want to have a repeat of wisconsin in 2016, where hillary thought she had the stay in the bag and it turned out not to be the case, i'm not totally convinced they do have the state. i think it is close. as far as fracking, fracking is a huge part of the ohio economy. it is something that the campaign is really trying to hamper -- hammer biden on. though they are mincing some words a little bit. part of that is that joe biden -- part of that is joe biden's fault. stage she misspoke, but it is incumbent upon you to
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articulate your plans appropriately. that's just politics. ban -- "the fracking it has kind of been illuminated that he would end new fracking on federal lands. that does not apply to ohio. only about 1.2% of the state's federal lands. an outright of fracking ban just doesn't matter that much to ohio. as far as the federal part goes. it's worth pointing out that heen has had multiple times is against an overall outright fracking ban. let's not pretend biden won the primary and let's not pretend that he was the runaway winner of this thing throughout the
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whole thing. there was a bloody primary where a lot of democrats were frankly reluctant to support biden at the very beginning. that changed as the party coalesced around him, but one of the big sticking point is that onis not as liberal renewable energies and climate change as some would like. as with anything, the truth ends up resting in the middle. host: a group of republicans who are leading an effort to unseat the president, project lincoln group, has put an ad in ohio, focusing on the economy. take a look. >> there is morning in ohio -- o mourning in ohio. hundreds of thousands of people died from a virus, -- shambles,conomy in
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people across ohio are still out of work. worst economy in decades. this afternoon, millions of americans will apply for unemployment. with their savings out, many are giving up hope. millions are worried loved ones won't survive covid-19. in ohio, andning under the leadership of donald trump, our country is weaker, sicker, and poor. now, -- poorer. now, americans are asking, if we have another four years like this, will there even be another america? host: seth richardson, as you know, the president one ohio in 2016. 52/44%. -- 52% to 44%. why do you think they are spending money on that kind of
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add in ohio? guest: if you look at who the gopident's sort of greatest phone is this kind of anti-trump republican, the kind of to factor leader of sorts has been john kasich, the former governor of ohio. believe -- i think the republican in ohio has generally sort of gotten behind donald trump. i don't want to overstate any kind of weathering support among the party. i think that is true. as we talked about, in states where a lot of these margins matter, if you do have those voters, you are basically more like the john kasich type republicans. i think it is probably important to know what that ad was referencing. mourning in america, kind of the playoff
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ronald reagan's ad back in the day. there's a significant number of republicans in the state, talking about the suburbs and where trump will be bleeding support, where they maybe gave the guy a james in 2016 and now they don't like him. that is why they keep making this push in ohio. they dropped a couple ads that have been specifically targeted at that sort of demographic. i know one they did was after the president called for a good goodyear boycott of and focusing on that summit county area, which again, kind of shifted toward donald trump in 2016. i think what the lincoln project and republican voters against andp, and operation grain the wing of that in ohio, what they are trying to build on to say is they're not going to -- convincerything
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every republican to vote for joe biden, but if you can convince enough republicans to vote for joe biden this time around, that's enough for a victory. that's all you need at the moment. ohio.tamika in cleveland, supporting joe biden. hi, tamika. caller: good morning. i'm supporting joe biden because he is honest, he will do what he said he's going to do. i also love kamala harris. donald trump has been nothing but a divider of this country. i hear a lot of senior citizens coming on here and i am clearly not one. they are always talking about joe biden, he is senile. half the time they can't even get their sentences out. my mother, and ours, 82 years sound mind and body. there is no one that can tell --
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that cannot tell her she is not in ours. there's a lot of people in-house killed their -- in health care that are sound mind and body. way to say someone is senile, got dementia, or any of those things. donald trump wants nothing but division. he claims he wants to help the black community, that's a joke. everything he has done has been done previously with the obama administration, but the republican party, they don't want to do nothing, they don't want to do nothing for black folks. wealth white people, who i'm down with as well, they don't want to help those people and they want to keep them down because they are not of donald trump's class.
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host: let me pick up on that point. 13% of the population is black or african-american. seth richardson, how did they vote in 2016? guest: they heavily supported hillary clinton, but it was a turnout factor, where a lot of black voters did not come out to vote. you have seen a renewed interest on behalf of the democratic party and democratic candidates to try to bring this really important base back into the fold. but this is sort of one area donald trump has said he wants to make inroads, and he has gotten receipts to show for it. when you talk about the first step back, black unemployment was low and how much of that was because of him and how much was because of continuing economic trends is sort of up for debate. you talk about the funding for
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historically black colleges and universities, those are tangible things he can show the community as why black voters should consider maybe voting for donald like instead of a democrat they have historically in the past. the other side of the coin is that the president is pretty openly, at the very least empathized, and in some cases sympathized, with white supremacist and white nationalists groups. you can't really ignore that part either. so really kind of trying to the black vote shakes out is difficult anyway, because, frankly, you can talk to people and that's, but even when you talk about polling as you are looking at in the states, you get into subsets that are so small that the margins of error are huge. when you are talking about does
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thatiden take 92% or 85, could be a big difference. it could be the determining factor in a win or loss in ohio. the fact of the matter is that there has been kind of a shift votersa lot of black kind of approach elections nowadays, where there did used to be this kind of royalty to the democratic party because -- loyalty to the democratic party because republicans -- a lot of republican policies and a lot of politicians talk, i think there is more openness now, especially among the younger generation like my age to be more open to may considering an alternative option. in ohio.n and -- john in ohio.
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who are you supporting? caller: i voted for howie. host: tell us why. caller: it is the first time i ever voted for a third-party candidate. i voted for trump last time and the two times before him i voted for obama. i considered voting for all three of them -- i considered voting for trump just to vote against biden and considered voting for biden just to do it against trump, but i could not bring myself to vote for either one of them. before i decided between biden and hawkins, one thing that played into it was something a caller mentioned about the hunter biden thing. i do believe that. i don't believe what my neighbors to, they are into that and voted for trump last time and never voted republican before but they are into that qanon thing. it's hard to believe someone would be that brainwashed. i believe that the other thing, , my wife isrson who
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in the 90's and she voted the same way i did -- i'm losing my train of thought here. host: that's ok. what do you make of this voter not voting for either and instead a third-party candidate? guest: i have not run into too many third-party voters in this election's article -- election cycle. part of that is because i cannot be out and about talking to voters as i have been in the past because of the pandemic and whatnot, not that i would necessarily want to bring people out by approaching them with what is going on anyway, but it is interesting. it is not an overwhelming kind of notion that i have gotten from talking with people or it's not like 2016 where you had jill stein and gary johnson's of the world who were really getting -- i think people forget that they
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got a lot of play over the summer and were making the rounds. i think there was talk at one point if gary johnson might have enough support to make it to the debate stage in 2016. the third candidates this time around have sort of render themselves as kind of an afterthought. any part of that is sort of this being a reelection campaign and not an open seat where people view it as a referendum on donald trump, and maybe they only view it as there is either donald trump or one alternative, not like when there is an open seat you can say i want to support my preferred and it. host: rudy in bowling green, ohio supporting joe biden. caller: good morning. i have a question. what do you see the youth voter turnout this year? is always kind of the
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unknown -- they are always kind of the unknown, sometimes up, sometimes down, and always makes a huge difference. guest: i think there will be a lot of active -- and it is something worth putting into perspective what the youth vote is because i used to think of myself as the u-boats, but i am 31 now, so i don't know if i can necessarily consider myself that anymore. i do think you see a lot of political activism kind of coming out of the crowd just a bit younger than me, and as far as millennials go, i think you are probably going to see especially increased turnout now iat i think about it, because think youth vote has been shorthanded for millennial vote for a while now. we are kind of entering that stage of having careers and maybe getting a little more economically sound, and may be carrying a little more about politics. the one x factor in that is
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colleges, because you don't have as many students back on campus, college campuses this time around. they are a huge turnout driver. it's a matter of if they get their vote back in in their home county or get their absentee in order maybe drive to weather colleges to go vote or something like that. that is sort of the difficult part of trying to determine what the youth vote looks like, and if it is going to be a high turnout model or low turnout model. to make it as convenient as they can for college kids. i don't want to say it is the most convenient it could be for college kids. when it is on campus you can go to the student union and probably make your vote. there's probably long lines but there is something that is probably close. when you are back home, maybe it lse herehing e
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focusing on and maybe going to your county board of elections is a 20 mile drive instead of a walk. host: carol in bedford, ohio supporting the president, good morning. go ahead, carol. caller: yes, i will vote for pence and trump. host: why? caller: because i've listened president trump three years ago on bill o'reilly and he didn't like the way america was going, and i don't either. i was a democrat for a long time. those people ruined our country. they want to go into socialism and forget that. people die for our country to be free. no. about biden and this $10 million? are you going to share that with the people? it makes me sick how honest he will be when he's president. he is a liar, period. host: ok, seth richardson, let's talk about election night. what will you be watching for? guest: i think we are obviously
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looking at the suburban counties , the delaware counties of the state, outside of columbus. i think looking at what turnout looks like in irving, specifically the big three, cuyahoga, including cleveland, franklin including columbus, and hamilton including cincinnati, those will be key markers. spliting on how the vote goes, i think that is probably a good sign for joe biden. if you see a lower turnout there or maybe the support is closer to 65% democrat, that is a pretty good sign for donald trump i would think. there's a couple other parts of the state that are pretty interesting. looking at mahoning valley. traditionally a democratic area that not swung republican in a16 was -- 2016, but was
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poster of margin. it's good to be interesting to see if he holds this or in that area, given their is a high profile -- there is a high-profile snafu in the area where the president gave a speech in 2017 and told everybody to not sell their houses because the jobs were coming back. a little more than a year later, the main employer in the area, general motors, dozed down the assembly plant outside of youngstown. electricals been an vehicle start up, and whether that translate to people thinking jobs are coming back or people view the president's economic premises is broken because of what happened with gm, i think that will be a key factor. i think the other interesting part of the state that i think ng hats and we will have a story about this on
8:45 am today or later tomorrow, a place where recall the lake erie corridor. erienine places along lake , and it is sort of a swinging-ish area. i think all of the counties voted for obama twice with five flipping for donald trump in 2016. i don't think it is necessarily going to be the deciding factor of what determines the election, but as my colleague and i were looking at, we sort of know this trend. we kind of thoughts, if you look at this part of the state on election night, it might give you an idea of how the election will go. that, if you of look at the 2018 election, mike dewine won the governor's race
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and carried a lot of those counties. but so did democrat sherrod brown, who got all of those counties if i'm not mistaken. there might have been one county he did not carry, but maybe by a couple hundred. it's looking like there's a lot of democratic support, and earning a lot of suburban areas. be a good sign for joe biden. if it's looking like this pretty heavy look and support, maybe these voters did stay in republican donald trump's camp. i think those are the areas to look at in the state. host: you can follow sets reporting going to seth richardson, thank you so much. caller: thank you for having me -- guest: thank you for having me. host: we continue with the focus on ohio. coming up, we talk with lauren copeland from baldwin wallace university outside of cleveland. we will be right back. ♪
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community research institute at -- baldwin wallace university, lauren copeland. let me begin with early voting. what should and should not we read into the numbers? guest: i don't think we should read too much into the numbers. are votingocrats early at much higher rates than republicans. that thepect to see early vote will look a lot more democratic than republican, and the in person vote on election day well look a lot more republican than democratic, which should balance things out in ohio. one other predictions for voter turnout overall? guest: ohio traditionally has a higher rate of voter turnout than other states in the country, because it is a swing state and because our elections are so competitive. in the past, it has been upwards
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of 60%, and i think we can see even higher voter turnout ra te this election season. host: walk us through the history of how ohio has voted in previous presidential elections. guest: so there is a saying that is soe -- saying that goes ohio, so goes the nation. it is a saying that has the virtue of being true. no republican has ever won the white house without winning the presidency. since 1964, ohio voted for the winning candidate in every single presidential election. is it considered purple? guest: it is a purple state, but it is trending more towards red, so unlike other postindustrial
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michigan, states like wisconsin, and pennsylvania, where trump won by less than one percentage point in 2016, in ohio, trump won by eight percentage points. ,n the 2018 midterm election republicans it the state with the exception of sherrod brown who won reelection. so suggests that ohio is moving further to the right than it has been in the past. host: let's talk about the polling you all are doing. what is your polling showing you ,bout the great lakes area ohio, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, and what those voters are telling you versus four years ago? performingbiden is much better in these four states that hillary clinton was four years ago. there's a couple of reasons for
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that. number one, joe biden has favorability ratings that are positive in michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. they are neutral in ohio. ohioans, asthat well as people in michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, think joe biden could do a donald trumpan of handling the coronavirus outbreak or pandemic, as well as unifying the country. ohio has been one of the states hardest hit by the coronavirus jobseak, and its effect on , so the unemployment rate here in april was actually just as high as it was in 1976 when they started tracking this in ohio. there are some things working for trump in the state, and then includes our demographics.
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we have slower growth rates than the rest of the country. we also have a less diverse population, and we have more white voters with less education than the rest of the country, and all of these demographic , buts favor donald trump we see biden making inroads among key groups that donald won inne in 2016 -- 2016, including white working-class voters and those without a college degree. --t: what is unique without about the great lakes state polling that you do? why do you do that, in ohio specifically echo guest: in -- specifically? guest: in 2019, we were interested in the question of whether ohio was a bellwether state. we know ohio is a swing state, but in the past, it has been a bellwether state, meaning what
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happens in ohio is reflective of what happens in the country as a whole. but we are also interested in whether joe biden or the retaketic nominee would michigan, ohio, and wisconsin since trump won those three states by less than 80,000 votes. so we decided to look at these four states as a whole because we believe that, if joe biden could flip michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania, he could easily win the presidency. the interesting thing about ohio this time around is that joe biden does not need to win ohio to win the presidency, but if he wins ohio, it is lights out for trump. it is hard to envision trump has a path to the white house unless he wins ohio. host: why is that? guest: so donald trump has not
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expanded the elect oral maps since 2016, so if you -- the 2016, so ifp since you look at the map and flip wisconsin, pennsylvania, tohigan, then biden gets more than 270 electoral college votes, so joe biden has an easier climb to the white house than trump does this time around. also, if biden wins florida, the theces of him winning presidency go up to about 99%. so trump also needs to hold onto florida in order to have a chance of winning this election. host: we are getting our viewers involved in this conversation as well. if you are supporting the atsident, vice president: (202) 748-8001. if you are supporting the vice president -- the former vice senator, and the
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kamala harris, (202) 748-8000. ohio voters: two (202) 748-8003 -- call in to (202) 748-8003. caller: good morning, greta. host: go ahead. caller: i'm voting joe biden me, is donald trump, to not the a pit of the of a president. -- the a president. epitome of a president. if 90hard on china and some percent of news media saying negative things about donald trump, how could you support him? donald trump is in the news every day. i could turn on my news every day and there is donald trump.
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, he is thethis biggest national security threat to the united states we have ever had. how can you have a president have a meeting with putin and there is no notes. he met with the last time with putin and there were no -- there was no u.s. interpreter. donald trump has money in the bank of china, and the bank of russia. the chinese have office in manhattan. donald trump charged the u.s. government $8 million to go to mar-a-lago. he's a hard-working president, but he has been out of the country -- on golf trips for 280 days. the government office said donald trump sent 141 million dollars for the general public just for him to go back and forth from mar-a-lago. say donald trump
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entities or hotel entities, they charged -- if that is not a monument, he is so -- host: we will leave it there. are you pulling on the issue of character for these two candidates? guest: we have not been polling the issue of character, but i do know that there are reluctant voters who prefer president trump's policies but want joe biden's temperament. that is where we see undecided voters. point, trump's net favorability rating is underwater in ohio, negative seven points. among independents, that number is -23 points. that suggests people are concerned about his temperament,
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as well as the desire to return to normalcy. i think some of that is reflected in carol's comment as well. peoples a sense that believe biden will bring normalcy back to the presidency, and that is why we see a lot of the political action committees like the lincoln project and 43 for 46 supporting joe biden this time around. what are the independent voters in ohio likely to do from your polling, and do they turn out to vote? guest: i think we will see turnout higher amongs
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independents then in 2016. much votinge not so for clinton because they liked her but because they did not like donald trump. in contrast, joe biden has done a great job as presenting himself as this scrappy kid from scranton and someone who will stand up for white working-class voters. thisnk for independents means that they are going to be more willing to go out and vote this time around because we do not have a polarizing candidate on the democratic ticket, like we did in 2016. now, those who support trump may disagree with me and call joe biden a socialist who is going to raise taxes and someone who is too far to the left, but i think he is quite centrist democrats and that appeals to independents in ohio. host: john, supporting the
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president in florida. caller: how are you? host: morning. caller: good morning to you, also. host: go ahead, john. questions.ave a few how do you think ohio is going to look for biden? when you watch biden chooses vp, on aa harris, who presidential debate called him a sexist and racist, yet, she accepted his nomination as vp for the vice presidency of our country. if you really watch c-span, cnn, msnbc, fox -- i watch them all. i voted for biden -- i voted for obama twice. i was offended when i heard oprah winfrey on national television make this statement -- i guess white america has
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spoken. shucks. white americans spoke when we voted obama in, so where is your systemic racism? this is a fallacy in our country. actually -- it actually upsets me that you consider most of the population in our country a racist country, where every other country in the world wants to come to our country. we need to look deeper and allow open debates in our colleges, not just college people that come on television and give us their view. john, lauren copeland, speak to john's comments about the vice president's vp pick with senator harris. bitt: i was a little confused. could clarify his statement about her acceptance
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of the vp? host: during the primary debates he is saying senator harris called the former vice president a racist and a sexist, and how she could then go with him. i am wondering about her being the vp candidate in ohio and how that is playing out. harris willnk who are democrats farther to the left to go out and vote. independentsoff and people who are further to the right, but i think she was a thatpick overall, given people have criticized joe biden for being 78 years old and just another white guy. i think kamala harris brings
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energy to the ticket. also, what i hear the caller saying is he is tired of people treating any demographic group as a monolithic group. thati hear him saying is there might be a tendency for votersto classify white or white working-class voters as racist, when that is not the case. it is just like when we look at women in the battleground states or even in the u.s. as a whole. republican women are very different from democratic women, and, so, it is hard to treat women as a demographic group as a whole. i hear the frustration in the caller's's voice about the tendency to classify white voters as racist when it is usually party id that drives
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vote choice and not people's attitudes on race. host: let's talk about some of the groups in ohio. they are not all going to vote the same way, but what about suburban women in ohio? guest: yeah, so we cannot break the data down to suburban women, but we have broken it down to the suburbs. the reason we cannot break it down to suburban women is we start getting into numbers that are so small that the margin of error is so high to render the data meaningless, but we see joe biden leading in the suburbs of ohio. we also see people in the people equally likely as in urban areas to disapprove of how trump is handling the coronavirus, and we also see people in the suburbs believing joe biden is the better candidate to unify the country.
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i think biden is evidently cutting into trump's lead among the suburbs, and he could be the wins ohioat, if biden -- which i am not sure he will -- that the suburbs will help them get there. host: what about religious voters? either evangelical, christian voters? how do they tend to vote in ohio? guest: one of the reasons ohio is more conservative than michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania is the religiosity rates are higher here, and they tend to vote for republican candidates often because they are pro-life and they are worried about democrats expanding abortion rights, for example. for i think is interesting the religious vote this time around is now that amy coney barrett has been confirmed to the supreme court, they know
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there is a 6-3 conservative majority on the court that may make decisions about abortion that would further restrict rights, and that could free up their vote for biden if that was their main concern about his candidacy. ohio,james and cleveland, supporting the president. hi, james. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. host: go ahead. caller: lauren, i live right up the road from baldwin wallace. i take great issue with some of the comments you are making on air today. had a nerveinally to put my trump sign in my front yard. my neighbors are also trump fans, and the are too scared to because of radical democrats. they're worried about getting a brick throwing their window or a paintball shot at their home.
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i totally disagree where you are saying joe biden is leading in the suburbs. i think that is a fate. i think -- i think that is a fake. i think you are trying to see what you want to see with your research. i disagree with with your comments and i would like to hear your response. guest: here is my response, or whatever political predispositions i might have or my colleague might have at weldon wallace university, or than -- baldwin wallace university, more than anything, we want our polling to be accurate. we take great measures to make sure it is. my comments on biden dean and the suburbs are based strictly on the data -- leading in the suburbs are based strictly on data and not my opinion. some of the things we do in our polls to make sure we don't underestimate trump support in ohio is we wait by education -- weight by education so people
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without college degrees are sample, andin the we also have caps on place on the urban and suburban vote, so the rural boat is not underrepresented in our -- vote is not underrepresented in our polls. everything i am saying is based strictly on the numbers and not what i would like to see or what my political predispositions might be. of course, you are free to disagree with me, but all i am doing is reporting that the data say. host: can people find the data you have accumulated on website a googlere, if they do search for baldwin wallace great lakes phone, we have all four sets of holes we have done up we have done,s and we have detailed exactly how we do our polling. one of the reasons we do this is that i want to be able to sleep
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at night, so we are completely transparent about how we conduct our surveys. in will become ohio, supporting the biden-harris ticket. hi, ken. caller: good morning, thank you particular call. i am supporting biden-harris. , andalso a suburban woman just on the whole, donald trump's leadership as it regards to the coronavirus has been completely lacking. having left the management of it up to the states regarding human lives, he said, "it is what it is." he turned a global health issue into a political issue, where his supporters did not wear masks. if we had followed the science instead of opinion or his wanting to downplay it and not cause panic, per his words, that we would not be where we are now 's virus.
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he runs ads right out saying we will not be safe in joe biden's america, but the footage is of events happening now on his watch. i am not sure that is a message she wants to put out there. -- he is notible responsible for the actions of people who destroy property, but he could have dialed back his -- law andtance order stance and been a leader in that regard, as well. he had peaceful protesters cast for a photo op of holding a bible upside down in front of for a photo- gassed op of holding a bible upside down in front of the church. host: how did you and your fellow suburban females vote in 2016? guest: i voted for obama in 2016.
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i have to say, even though i am typically a democrat, i am not solidified in that. if there were a republican weredate whose values truer to the republican form, i may have voted for that person because even though i am typically a democrat, i am not set on joe biden as a precedent. and some concerns flip-flopping on the issues, and just with trump having over 500 children separated from their issues,with immigration calling women nasty, and they are monsters and the divisiveness, and him tweeting that he does not know what qanon is, telling white supremacists to stand back and stand by, and then having them take that message of violence as sort of a cue to say, ok, guys,
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standby. host: all right, kim. heard your point. lauren copeland, what do you make of a female suburban woman in ohio? guest: on the ground, that is what i am hearing, as well. i am in a more conservative suburb who voted for trump in vote.ith 60% of the i think what we are seeing is the nationalization of local politics, where issues like the coronavirus and the coarsening of political discourse are affecting politics on the ground . just yesterday, i received a the gop if youom want to keep the schools open in strongsville, you should
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support trump. i thought that was quite interesting. also to kim's point, it is surprising this year that ohio is even on the table given that trump won by eight points in 2016 and that the republicans did so well in the state in 2018, so what i hear from kim is that there has been a failure of leadership at the national level and that is what is making ohio a competitive state once again in 2020. people are specifically concerned about the coronavirus. not only because it could affect our health but because it affects their daily lives, where people with children in schools have to deal with whether their kids are going to be in school or doing remote schooling, and they have to adjust their work and daycare schedules. so the issues that trump is addressing or not addressing are definitely affecting suburban
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women here in ohio. host: tom, dayton, ohio. supporting the president. caller: yes, i am. he is the least racist person i have ever known, donald trump. you can even ask herschel walker. this ain't a racist country. we voted for a mixed man, obama, half-light, half, two times in a row. we are not -- half white, half black, two times in a row. we are not a racist country. i am not going to vote for joe biden. i voted for president obama the first time. i did not vote for him the second time because of his trade deal, the pacific trade partnership. that is what joe biden did with nafta. he sent our jobs out of here. i will not vote for somebody like that. host: tom, let's pick up on trade deals, lauren copeland. the president renegotiating nafta.
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it passed and the president signed into law. does that help them in ohio? guest: i think it can go both ways. i think what trump does really well is that he speaks to people who feel that they have been left behind in the postindustrial economy, and that was something that hillary 2016.n failed to do in biden is trying to make inroads among people who are concerned about that issue. i am not sure how that plays out in the election on tuesday. host: we will go to cincinnati, ohio, mark supporting biden. good morning. caller: good morning, thanks for taking the call thank you thank you for c-span so much. i really want to compliment you guys on your impartiality, as you always do as commenters. lauren, i wanted to ask, i am a retired educator, and i just
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wanted you to dig down deeper into the uneducated stat and what does that really mean? you started to address that, but what are the implications of the uneducated? thanks for taking the call. guest: sure. so what we see across the country, not only in ohio, but across the country, is that tomp's face tends to be include white working-class voters without a college degree. i think that goes back to my previous comment that trump does a really good job reaching out to that group and his messaging is really on point that this group has been left behind by the postindustrial economy. polese are seeing inner is that biden -- what we are polls is biting
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is making progress in this group, and trump has not been able to restore the jobs, like at lordstown, that he promised he would do. i am trying to pull up the .umbers with those with a four-year degree, trump is up three points, but in 2016, he carried the group by 25 points. among those without a college degree, a group trump carried by 30 points in 2016 according to the exit polls, trump is only up 12 points. we also see biden performing better among people ages 65 and older. we are seeing that trump is still winning among people --white people without college degrees, but his lead
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has shrunk based on the polling data in 2020. host: chris in canton, ohio, supporting the biden-harris ticket. caller: i appreciate you taking my call. there has a lot that has been said this morning. kim hit a lot of it, the caller before, for mr. biden. i think the president sets the tone for the country. look andpeaks, people hear, and they pick up on a lot of that rhetoric that he spills out and then says, oh, i did not mean that or i was joking. know? it started with his inauguration with the american carnage speech. i thought we were living in a third world country when i heard that speech. now i feel like we are in american carnage now. issues that he
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don't agree with. the alternative sex came into view. he reversed obama policies. a majority of the democrats and republicans i know in our neighborhood, we wear masks to protect others, or our grandchildren. it is not a big deal. it is not like putting a hazmat suit on. you take it off as soon as you get out of the grocery store. ourollow laws, we fly flags, pay taxes, a volunteer to help children and i have a daughter in the military. all of these things, democrats and republicans do, we are not terrible people. as far as masks, doctors wear a mask to protect the patient. any of these people that do not think masks do anything, you would not want to go into an operating room where a doctor is not wearing a mask ready to take
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out your gallbladder. virus -- the pedro: we will host: leave it -- host:we believe that there. lauren copeland, what are you hearing from that voter? guest: i'm sorry, what was your name again? host: i think it was kim. is that people are tired to the extent with which trump has exacerbated polarization in american politics. we see this concept of negative partisanship, or even in their interpersonal interactions, people tend to automatically assume that democrats are bad people if they are republicans and vice versa if they are, that's -- if they are democrats. what i hear kim saying is there
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is a desire to unify rather than divide the country, and that joe biden is the better candidate to do that. he is also the better candidate toed on what she is saying lead the country in terms of the by setting pandemic an example for americans by wearing a mask. fromntrast, we have seen the trump administration is complete disregard for science. a few days ago, mark meadows trump had given up on trying to control the coronavirus pandemic and would try to address it through therapies and vaccines instead. saying islly here kim this desire to return to normalcy, unify the country, and reduce the polarization in american politics.
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host: dave in ohio, sheffield lake, undecided. how come you are undecided? caller: well, first about, i am we will make it to the voting day. i am kind of leaning one way, but we will see. i appreciate your show. thanks, gretchen. i work from home, so i get to watch c-span all debris host: do you want to talk -- c-span all day. host: do you want to talk about which way you are leaning and why? guest: -- caller: i may be leaning toward president trump because of economic reasons coming out of the pandemic, but i do not like his handling of the pandemic. i think that might have cost him potential reelection. iscomment to ms. copeland unscientific observations. in my county, i am seeing half-and-half of signs of biden
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and trump. it is really hard to say which way the counties leaning. i know ohioans hold close to their best with the last -- vest until the last second who they are going to vote for. carwash, if it had two lanes, one per biden and trump, and one of the cities, i was wondering if you looked at that to see what they came up with on that one? the third point is whether they know about the green party candidate? host: lauren copeland, go ahead. guest: i do not know of the carwash, but i have into the candy shop off of 480 outside of cleveland. they have soda bottles with trump and biden on them, and a sign asking consumers to vote for trump or biden by purchasing one or the other. trump was definitely leading when i was there one month ago.
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and yardthese things signs are not great indicators of how the boat is going to shake -- vote is going to shake out. they are better indicators of enthusiasm for a candidate. trump see people with signs or biden signs, it is more likely that they feel very strongly about their vote and it is not really a great indicator of who is going to win the election. in terms of the economy, we do see a majority of ohioans saying that they approve of the way trump is handling the economy. i completely agree with the caller that trump's achilles' heel is likely his handling of the coronavirus outbreak. economy approval ratings are fairly high decide the fact that the ohio economy
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is not doing too great right now in terms of unemployment rates. laserhere is the westlake wash with sign, "let's clean up dirty politics. if you are supporting biden or a democrat on the left, usually one. if you support president trump or conservative, use lane two." here are some coverage of that. canton, ohio,nd supporting the biden-harris ticket. you have to turned on the television. talk and listen to your phone. caller: ok, hold on a minute. called on. -- hold on. guest: the carwash thing is interesting. host: you will have to follow-up up with them, lauren copeland. are you ready? caller: i took the remote and hit low. host: all right, you have to start talking. ready -- allyou
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right, jerry, you ready? i'm going to put jerry on hold -- are you there? you ready? the. caller: -- go. caller: i am voting for joe biden. donald trump in 2016, in four years for ohio, he has not did nothing for ohio. says when he got elected as president, he says, oh, i love you, ohio! i love you well! i'm going to come back and do a lot for ohio. he has not did nothing for ohio. in the four years, he did worse. stores are shutting down. ohio issteel mills in practically gone. and the other thing is that i wanted to say is, is any candidate running for president of the united states as donald five did who has had
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bankruptcies to six bankruptcies in the past should not be president of the united -- karen for president of the united states to run for president of the united states. canton, ohio.y in lauren copeland? guest: in 2016, trump said something quite interesting. he said, what do you have to lose? vote for me. the democrats have not done much for you. i think he was speaking not only to the african-american community but two people who work in this deal mills or -- steel mills or the automobile industry. i's i think this caller's opinion is reflective of the fact that although trump made a lot of promises for people working in these
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industries that these policy promises have not translated into policy outcomes. in 2016, people started, sure, what do we have to lose? we will vote for you. largely we are, voting based on trump's performance in the past four years. there is a gap between what he promised and what he has been able to deliver. to be fair, that is true for every single president. we saw obama make a lot of campaign promises that he was not able to deliver on, as well. i would not say that is specific to trump, but i do understand the frustration among people who thought that trump could bring about change in ohio. host: lauren copeland, that is a perfect segue into our phone calls in this last half-hour. we are going to talk about promises made by the president.
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look at his first term, promises kept and promises not realized. thank you for the conversation this morning and our focus on the battleground state of ohio. guest: thank you for having me. host: we will take a short break. when we come back, we will talk about has the president kept his promises? there are the phone numbers on the screen. divide them by your support, as well as if you are undecided, allied for you, as well -- a line for you, as well. we will be right. you are watching c-span, your unfiltered you of government, created by america's cable television company as a public service and brought to you by your television provider today. presidents available in paperback, hardcover and e-book, from public affairs.
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it presents biographies of every president, inspired with conversations with noted historians on a successful presidency as americans go to the polls next month to decide who should lead our country. this offers perspective into the lives and events that forged each president's leadership style. to learn more about the book, visit and order your copy today wherever books are sold. " continues.journal has president trump kept his promises? a look at his first term for the next 30 minutes on "washington journal." "usa today" put together a piece looking at what the president promised in 2016 and early in his term. which has he kept and what is he still working on? according to their research, they found the president kept promises on tax cuts, conservative judges,
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deregulation, leaving the paris climate accord, and moving the israeli embassy to jerusalem. he has not realized or partly accomplished these promises, renegotiate trade deals, build border wall, and have a co-pay for it, and defeat isis. has not yet realized his promises are on the issues of ringing back to coal industry, replacing the affordable care act, revitalizing the manufacturing sector, and reducing national debt. we are asking you this morning to tell us your thoughts on the promises made by the president. we are dividing the lines by support for candidates. and vice president, dial in at (202)-748-8001. if you support the former vice president and senator harris, (202)-748-8000. if you are undecided or have another candidate in mind, (202)-748-8002. you supportryland,
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somebody else, who is it? caller: hello. i am currently supporting libertarians. i sent them some money, but what i see going on in the country is finger-pointing. not necessarily at the one you like, but the person you don't like. this situation was not envisioned by the founders of the country. envisioned byeen the reformers or the people who consider themselves reformers of the country. i am going libertarian, but i the people who would like to go green. they have different philosophies than i do, so i'm going libertarian. host: understand, mike. we will go to david in otisville, alabama. what do you make of the promises made by the president? do you believe he kept the important ones for you?
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caller: i believe he has. others may not feel that way. is you showed a video places that was showing in ohio and stuff like that. i feel like our president has not had a pair shake the time he has been in office. he needs another term. is aheadthe president of the united states. and then it goes down to the governors and states. and then it goes from the governors to the mayors and like in birmingham here, they bought a bunch of houses on the outside skirts and redo the entire intersection to the interstate, and they spent money but they bought all these houses and made people move because they expanded it out. but they have not spent any money on places on where people
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live. host: david, what is the most important issue for you that motivates you to vote for the president? might not likeou what i will say, but i cannot vote, but i support his way of doing things because it seems like he can talk to the people and, yeah, we did need to build a wall because things coming around all these years. we may have stretched out some walls that needed repair. we did not put a new wall up, but that is still a new wall. people don't see it that way. itdid cut taxes, and, yes, was for manufacturers, stuff like that, but sometimes these people need to invest in the company to make it more efficient. host: david, did i hear you
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right? you said you support him but you will not vote at all? caller: i'm not eligible to vote. but i support all the measures that he has taken. host: got it. let's go to brian in boylston, massachusetts supporting the biden-harris ticket. caller: thank you for taking my call. the morning. -- good morning. what are his policies, what has he articulated and enumerated? it is a controversy. i am just aghast at the power. he is a demagogue. historical.n pbs had a "frontline" episode comparing the two candidates. he has committed treason in plain sight. he was caught committing treason in plain sight, trying to influence the ukrainian prime minister and tried to extort papers out of him and congress ----
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withholding congress approved measures for that country. that was on the heels of a two-year investigation into possible corruption in his campaign. it was not proven, but they said investigationler did not say he was exonerated either. and you can hear in voters, they are just like, oh, he is wonderful. they are programmed. their minds are programmed by this man. he is completely dangerous. completely corrupted and we need to get him out. hopefully, the crowd slow of people -- the crowd swell of people voting is going that way. he is incredibly dangerous to this country. david.ext, david, what promises did he make that motivated you to vote for him in 2016? he built the wall, even though he had to go through 27 hoops to get money to do it.
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he has controlled immigration, of the wayis a part he has controlled immigration and await no other president has been able to. that has resulted in wage increases, especially for blue-collar and low income people. even people out of prison that could not get jobs before, and people without high school education. he followed through on tax cuts. he renegotiated nafta without the magic wand, i might add. he renegotiated the china deal. we are still up on the air on where it is going on the covid thing. he made us energy independent for the first time in 75 years, the biggest weapon in our bag to enable us to do foreign policy without warfare. go back and research. teams madison was probably the first political person in history to change another
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country's mind on how he dealt with another country. the problem was he did not have any military at all. he moved the embassy to jerusalem. he exited the iran deal. if he had not done those two things, they would be no peace agreements between these nations and the additional ones that will happen. he got us out of the paris accord, which there is over 4000 -- sorry, if the 500 -- this number i cannot believe. i had to research it to be clear on it. -- 5500e over 500 5000 plans in the world. the u.s. has 260. none under construction. china has about 3500. we are going to be paying hundreds of billions of dollars in part of the paris peace accord while china does not have to pay anything until the 2030's and it is a well transferred and
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it destroys our economy. trump has kept a zillion promises. with the veterans administration. in four years, they cannot get it through to her you could fire someone who was incompetent. hundreds of thousands of veterans died waiting in lines for years. you also. the right to choose act for drugs. a lot of these things are things that are not even on his list. take for example the black colleges. finance the merrier, so what is the difference? the difference is trump gave them 10 years worth of money and more than they asked for so they don't have to come back every year. to keep wanted them coming back every year so they could vote for them. trump is a whole different ballgame. host: ok, david. now, listen to senator kamala harris in reno, nevada.
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she was there stumping yesterday. here is what she had to say and shew joe biden would approach the economy versus the trump administration. [video clip] harris: joe biden says, he went to ask me about how the economy is doing? tell me how working families are doing. joe biden says, we are not going to increase taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year , and we are going to make sure working families don't pay more than 7% of incoming childcare. yes, we are going to raise the minimum wage, but we also know that is the minimum and we need to invest in what we can do in terms of innovation and building infrastructure and investing in good union paying jobs to build up the middle class in america. and on the other hand, you have
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donald trump, who when asked, how is the economy doing? he asks, well, how was the stock market doing? how are rich people doing? as one of his first orders of is this, a tax bill benefiting the biggest corporations in america and the top 1%. joe biden and i are about to get rid of that. host: senator harris in met yesterday. compare that to vice president mike pence who was in greenville, south carolina. here is what he had to say about the comparisons between president trump and joe biden on matters of law enforcement. [video clip] pence: men and women serving in law enforcement deserve the best of america and of everyone every single day. [applause] joe biden and his running mate
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often say they think america is systemically racist. [booing] and worse still, they both say they believe police officers have a "complicit bias against minorities." when joe biden was asked to be supported cutting funding for law enforcement, he replied, "yes, absolutely." kamala harris recently praised the mayor of los angeles for cutting $150 million out of the lapd. [booing] i will make you a promise. president trump in the white house for four more years, we are not going to defund the police. [applause] not now, not ever. we are going to actually. -- we are going to back blue. host: the vice president campaigning for the trump-pence ticket. the president will be in bullhead city, arizona at 3:00 p.m. eastern time.
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you can watch c-span2, on our website,, or download the free radio app on your mobile device to sing-along. also, our campaign 2020 coverage includes those key senate races. one of them is incumbent senator inid perdue, and jon ossoff georgia. they are participating in a debate tonight. live coverage is at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, our website and radio app, as well. c-span.orgo go to for all of our campaign 2020 coverage, including our events with former vice president and senator harris. you can find it all on in tennessee, supporting biden-harris. good morning. morning.ood i was calling in, please, if everyone with common sense could see, donald trump is for the rich people.
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401(k)s, working people don't have 401(k)s. they gave tax breaks to the rich people. he promised he would helped ordinary men. when he found out about the virus, he lied to us. he knew all of this. if it wasn't for him lying to the american people and getting out there and being a real man and wear your mask to protect yourself and others, we would not be in this situation we're in today. people are dying. over 8 million people have this disease because of this man. he has talking about building a wall. he has prepared that wall. he took money from other funds when he said mexico was going to pay for that wall. he takes up for putin. he is a disgrace to the human race. my son-in-law over in england is telling us how he is making a mockery of our country. he is trying to make himself
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look like a dictator. america, please, wake up. open your eyes. i relatives are dying. people are sick, hungry, getting kicked out of their homes because of this man. thank you. host: ben in virginia, i decided. caller: i am undecided. your callers are really good. you have a really good show and you inquire people's opinion. if you take a top-level view of ofs, let's give trump 50% accomplished what he said and 50% he did not. he did not accomplish the tax cap for the working people. he is not tied into the working people. he had position to be successful, so keep that issue aside. the he did not do for american people is he did not have enough leadership to see the covid coming as early as november and december.
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he did not even make an inquiry. he did not send something secretively. he did not show any leadership. that is costing lives. and the gap is growing and growing. yes, it did highlight the inequity between the working class, the middle class, and the upper class, but it really put him in the upper class. if you think you can get the therapeutics that you and i would like to get, you are wrong. you would not be able to get it. finally, the focus should not beyond if i kept my promise is when i just got elected, what did i do to deserve to go to the next four years? i think he left the regular working class down when he did not inquire. he could have done this low-key. could have sent the group over there in november, december. host: so why are you still undecided? caller: i am going back and forth and listening to your speakers, but, you know, it is a
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situation that freedom is about making your own decision. i think you are providing a good platform, but people should check into what he did for the majority of the working class. host: understand. brett in florida, supporting the president. have you already voted? caller: yes, ma'am. i voted the first time saturday since 1928. host: you did not vote in 2016? caller:. i clean my hands in 1988 a politicians when george w. bush george each of you were said no new taxes and raise taxes. i had to give trump a reward this time because of his beautiful tax cuts. , i could get $10,000 out of my ira tax-free because to me, taxing my money is a crime.
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ever since then, it went from $10,000 -- i mean, it went from $10,000 to $12,000. now it is up to $12,400. i figure i give him a little reward. also, i would like to know all these democrats talking about how thousands of people have died from the virus and trump, but why did it take jump in there and stop on these people when it first came out? they're part of it, too. what have they done? nothing. host: sean in virginia, supporting joe biden. good morning. caller: good morning, how are you? host: i'm doing well, where you supporting the former vice president? is justi believe biden a man. i am amazed people believe trump
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at all. watching the television programs over the years, he does not relate to blue-collar america, the working man. he has never dug a hole in his life, except for us to jump in. it is pretty basic and simple. distracted and only concerned for the rich man. host: are you a lifelong democrat? caller: yes. host: did you vote for hillary 2016?n in i-16? -- i was on the caller: caller: fence with hillary. i did not have as many problems with her as others did, but i believe she is an intelligent woman. i am amazed we have become so confused in this country and we believe so many crazy, .utlandish lies and pizza gates we are a country of conspiracies. this is bizarre. there was a time when i could
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presidentrepublican and respect that person and feel they deserve respect, that they were doing the best thing you how. now, it is so disrespectful when everyone is at each other's throats. this country is in bad shape. there is variety in, problems, virus. here -- there is rioting, problems and the virus. i asked my friends in virginia, what has the president done for you? i hear about a tax free, but that only affects my rich friends and not our working class people. they can't give me an many coal mines have you seen go back into production? wage is still under the poverty level. they talk about unemployment, well, most people have to have two jobs in this state and mostly in the country. host: "usa today" put the coal
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industry in the bracket of promises trump made that have yet to be realized. let me ask you this, why are you a democrat? why have you been a democrat? caller: well, when you were raised that way, and i am somewhat -- let's see, liberal minded and fiscally conservative. democratically, they have always said the things i agreed with. whether it is racia equality -- racial equality, the little man, it always seemed the republicans traveled in the giant money circle and this evolved from the working person and the standard man or woman. host:. sure haver: and things, they just completely lost touch. i believe there have been several republican presidents who had touch with the regular american, but not the sky.
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this guy is crazy. host: ashley in north carolina, supporting the president. your turn. caller: good morning. i was calling into voice my support of our wonderful president, donald j. trump, looking forward to another four years. i think the reason he deserves another term is because he has put the american people first. we are the reason why the liberal media fights to drown our voices. they don't want religion in this country. they don't want to blue-collar men to be able to have a voice. we have to have a fighter. that is what trump is doing for us. we have to give him four more years. host: what promises did he make that he kept from this list put together by "usa today," tax cuts, deregulation, leaving the paris climate accord and moving the israeli embassy to jerusalem, which one resonates with you the most? caller: i would have to say
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moving the embassy to jerusalem. that is huge. any faith believing christian or anyone of faith knows how big that is. we have to give him four more years. if not, we are doomed. we are absolutely doomed. have to keep america first. we don't have to worry about what is china and russia? america first. as long as we are americans and we have american blood going through our systems, we will always support patriots. that is our military, our cops, our people on the front lines. this coronavirus is going to hang around. you know what? we all probably will get it, but we cannot live in fear and we have to keep moving forward. host: understood. dan, sioux falls, south dakota. who are you supporting and why? caller: i am an independent voter, but i am definitely going to vote for the biden-harris ticket. talk about promises kept by trump won he did not do, i don't think anybody in america really usted that wall between
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and mexico. how did the berlin wall and china wallwork? they are torn down, so that was a bad idea. he did not really do anything on immigration. he did not do anything on infrastructure, and he has not done and he will not do anything on health care. those are huge problems. here is the number one problem -- there are actually two huge problems i have a trump. number one, he did not keep a promise to his wife and he had sex with a point star when his wife was six months pregnant, melania. he also owes over $4 million to foreign adversaries and he said right away that, yeah, he admitted he does ow overe $4 countries, this guy has lied over 2000 times. i have a funny feeling that he probably does oh millions to russia.
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that is a huge problem. he has not kept the promises he should've kept. he had huge tax cuts for the rich, but he did not do anything for the poor. host: understood. alright, let me hear from dennis in mcmillan, michigan, supporting the president. dennis, your turn. caller: ok, i have been listening to your program. nobody talks about biden taking he hasrom chinese and not said anything about his son being the instigator in all of programs.erent and then the people who are blaming trump for all of this stuff and said he created treason, what did biden do when back from theoney
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country so that his son would ?ot get investigated for that sent thisin san diego text, "trump has kept promises on middle east peace, israel and jerusalem, higher employment pre-pandemic, low income and middle class families improved." george, you support the president in ohio, why? caller: yes, yes. i am a supporter of joe biden and the democratic ticket. the things trump has done over the last four years is incomprehensible. you cannot believe anything that comes out of this man's mouth. got to the point -- i am a veteran of vietnam. v.a.n had a lady from the
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who called me for an appointment telling me her political views, ok, when she should have been talking to me about my health. it is getting to the point where people cannot do anything because there is so much conflict between the democratic party and the republican party. i think joe biden can bring the parties back together to work over problems that we have in this country. say inrties can have a what goes on and not just one party over the other. got to beveness has very, -- the indecisiveness has gotten very bad. i put signs out and people take them out and trash my yard. it should not be that way. on, he keeps stoking the fire. time after time after time again. i have seent that in my lifetime has never done this. yes, he wanted to change things.
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i understand that, but his divisiveness is dividing our country to a point where we are heading down the road of a third world or less even. i appreciate it. i admire all the views you put on every day. and i do appreciate it. have a wonderful day and stay safe. host: thanks for watching, george. we will go to jeff in montgomery, illinois, supporting the president. caller: good morning, thank you. i appreciate all c-span has done for us during the election cycle. i would disagree with one of the today" on the steel industry. i used to work in the steel industry, and i have seen companies do billion-dollar upgrades.s and the company i used to work for put an upgrade into one facility that not only helps our infrastructure and economy, but
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supports good paying jobs. host: i have to leave it there. apologies for cutting you off. up on capitol the senate commerce committee is going to be hearing from the ceo's of facebook, twitter, and google. >> alphabet incorporated and its subsidiaries and mr. mark zuckerberg of facebook. this committee voted on a bipartisan a unanimous basis to approve the issuance of subpoenas. the witnesses agreed to attend the hearing voluntarily and remotely. there is some agreement on both sides of the aisle that hearing from these witnesses is important to deliberations before this committee including deliberations on what legislative reforms are necessary to ensure a free and open internet.


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