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tv   Washington Journal 10302020  CSPAN  October 30, 2020 6:59am-10:00am EDT

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leadership style. about theore and features historians, you can visit the website and order your copy today. wherever books are sold. >> coming up a lot on friday, at, joeampaign covered biden speaks to supporters in st. paul, minnesota. and senator kamala harris will make a campaign stop in houston, texas. the hoover institution will host a discussion on china's influence and relations with the u.s.. president trump holds a campaign rally in rochester, minnesota at >> coming up in an hour, north carolina political reporter tim boyum. year'susses this
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presidential and congressional campaigns in north carolina. more on north carolina with tim directordavid mclennan of the meredith paul at meredith college. ♪ with four days to go before the election, we ask you this morning, which candidate do you trust on the economy? if you are supporting the trump-pence ticket, there is a line. if you are supporting the biden-harris ticket, another line. if you are supporting another candidate or you are undecided, a third line. you can also text us with your first name, city and state. or, go to twitter and to post your
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comments there. we will. get your thoughts in just a minute let's begin with the president yesterday in florida making his pitch to voters they are on the economy. [video clip] >> you will have a crippling depression the likes of which you have never seen if sleepy joe becomes her president. themour 401(k)'s, throw out the window because you know what is going to happen. our stock market has a big headwind. if he wins, we are doing good. did you see the number today? 33.1%, the biggest in the history of our country by almost triple. [applause] it is bigger than any gdp we have ever had. you have to go back to the 1950's and it is less than half. this is the greatest. if you asked me two weeks ago, i
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would have taken 12%. nobody ever heard of 12%. 33.1%, and let me tell you what they are going to do. they won't even talk about it. this is the biggest event in business in 50 years. this is bigger than any nation. no nation has a number like that. other nations right now -- we were compared to europe. germany is doing so well, france is doing so well. they are not doing well. you take a look at what is going on -- and we want the best for them. we want to work with them and everything else, but they are not doing well. they are spiking big and shutting down and locking down. i disagree with that because we are never going to lockdown again. andnderstood the disease, now, we are open for business. that is what it is. host: the president yesterday in florida. the former vice president, joe biden, also traveled to florida yesterday.
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this is what he said would be his approach to the economy. [video clip] >> i'm not going to shut down the economy, the country, but i am going to shut down the virus. [applause] look, when barack and i left office, we left donald trump a strong economy, stronger than the one he handled. just like everything else he inherited, he blew it. is squandering that economy like you squandered everything else. we can build back and we can build back better with an economy that begins to reward work, not wealth. we can do without raising taxes on a single person making less than $400,000 a year. i promise you that. if you make $400,000 and above, you are going to start paying your fair share.
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all we aregentlemen, going to ask is the wealthiest among us and wealthiest corporations to begin to pay their fair share. 91 of the fortune 500 companies pay zero in taxes after making billions of dollars. they have to pay a minimum tax. look, why should a firefighter, and educator, why should a nurse pay a higher tax rate than a super wealthy? why should you pay more taxes than donald trump pays? [applause] --t: with these candidates which of these two candidates do you trust on the economy? that is our question for you this morning. hill"g at t -- "the newspaper. "the former vice president
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builds a bigger lead nationally. the economy remains the president's best issue. 52% approving of his handling of the economy overall. trump leads biden, although 50% of voters say the economy is on the wrong track." we turn to you this morning. howard in indiana, supporting the biden-harris ticket. caller: i definitely support the biden ticket. i couldn't support trump for anything. he lies so much and he is taking credit for inheriting an expanding economy created by obama and biden. when theember that administration of obama and biden had come to power in 2008, we were crashing towards a depression. they rescued this economy, brought it back.
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in eight years from that point, developed an expanding economy, which trump has inherited and has now ruined. leader who has tolly done very little improve on our growing economy. i think it would be helpful for your audience if you could show data where people have facts showing the job creations during the last three years of obama's administration in the job creation during the first three years of trump's administration. they can see there were more jobs, over one million more jobs created in that same comparable period under obama than under trump. people are just believing this gentleman -- trump, he is not a gentleman. data should dictate otherwise. i think you guys are journalists, in some degree, so you should provide context to
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people so they can understand comparisons. they can see that the facts did not support what trump is saying. is some market euphoria on the stock market, which we all enjoy. no credence in host: how do you respond to the president? you just heard him in florida saying, look at that gdp number. 33%? caller: ok. let him get away with these kinds of things. that job was due to how many trillions of stimulus that were formulated by a democratic congress to stimulate the economy together with the .ederal reserve that, not a lot of any great leadership from donald
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trump. he does the and the press lets him get away with that and there needs to be context. muchalists must do a better job of comparing facts of what trump is saying and not putting him on the same plane as what he is trying to compare himself to. host: let me jump in and show our viewers what nancy pelosi had to say. she is making the argument you had to say, although she is pointing to the money passed in congress. [video clip] an annualnomy grew at rate of 33.1% in the third quarter. does president trump deserve any credit for that? >> the cares act deserves credit for that. we had lost ground in the second quarter that fairly makes up for that. credites act deserves for injecting the resources into the economy, in the subsequent cares and ppp.
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it is like someone using an example this morning of if you lost $100 in the second quarter, and now, you are making up $65, glory, hallelujah. no. if we don't pass a recovery covid-19 bill, we will face dire circumstances as well. and administration worked together in a bipartisan way to pass the cares act as well as subsequent legislation to inject resources into the economy. the lack of doing that this time is going to take us back down to another path. host: the speaker yesterday on the hill. sherry in iowa supporting the trump-pentz ticket. good morning to you. trust him? not
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look what all he has done. for goodness sakes. i don't believe a single where the democrats say. they have been after trump's and stay one. -- since day one. all they want to do is get him out. i think those polls are outliers. there is no way biden is ahead. can't be. no way. just lie, lie. thank you. host: farmingdale, new york. paul, why do you trust joe biden the economy? caller: thank you for taking my call. i just want the american people to know that i trust biden in the democrats because i will tell you why. i want the american people to know -- i'm going to talk fast. people side with republicans and gop. i'm still but -- registered republican. i was with the sheriff department. gop's, i hadl the
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a business meeting with ivanka trump and donald trump years ago. i had a republican role. everyone said democrats should use me on campaign. donald trump just uses them to get the votes and recognition. he says what he says because he knows what they want to hear as most are racist. trump is selfish and absorbed. he told chauvinist jokes, admitted he hates minorities and women in charge. suburban women do not fall for his bs. he is a hypocrite and liar like most republicans are. he is hateful and i wish people would wake up. ivanka had a man ready to attack me if i touched her shoulder. the republican party paid -- host: paul, i'm going to leave it there. asked for datar for job comparisons between president trump and the last of
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ministration. you can find if you go to it actually goes through several of the presidents. they point to bill clinton who created the greatest total number of jobs during his two terms at 8.7 million. i'm going to scroll down and show you what they have to say about president obama's numbers. he created 8.9 million jobs by the end of december 2016, a 6.2% increase during his two terms. if you take a look at president trump's first three years. he created 6.6 million jobs in his first three years. that is a 4.4% increase. a look and compare yourself if you go to mark and staten island, new york, supporting president trump. caller: good morning.
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first of all, i just want to who said last caller republicans should open up their eyes. what about the democrats? recently talked to a friend. we were talking politics a couple of weeks ago and she asked me pretty much where i get my news from. my updates and stuff like that. i told her i listen to c-span a lot in the mornings. she was just telling me to be careful on some of the networks because of all of the fake news going on. you know what? i defended your network to the t. c-spanm done with because this whole thing with the china-biden investigation, you guys have done absolutely nothing on it. yesterday, you read one paragraph about the whole story, and i have not seen nothing on it. you are part of the fake news. i'm done with your station. have a good day. host: ok. the candidates are hitting the
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campaign trail hard over the next couple of days ahead of tuesday. vice president mike pence will be in flagstaff, arizona. you can listen to what he has to tell voters out there, 2:30 p.m. eastern right here on c-span. also, joe biden will be in st. .m.l, minnesota, 4:45 p the president hold a campaign rally in rochester, minnesota today at 6:00 p.m. eastern time on c-span2. c-span, you can hear kamala harris in houston, texas. she has several events in texas. that begins at 8:30 p.m. eastern time on c-span. if you download the free c-span radio app, you can listen to any of these events as you go about your day. dr. calls. which of these -- back to calls.
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which of these candidates do you trust on the economy? caller: i am all the way biden. the thing is because of the coronavirus. all of the times he has been in pennsylvania and they are not wearing masks, while it is doing is making it rise here. i have health issues, my wife does, too. this is a sign that they just say wear our mask and he does not care about the people. host: randy and louisiana supporting the president. good morning. what do like about the trump administration's economic policies? ell, he is a lesser of two evils, but it seems he has held to his promises over the years.
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to throw just tried him under the bus right and left. we have been had by the democrats and republicans probably since they murdered lincoln. surprised that the american people are not more behind him. biden, this guy is just a croak, but they are all crooks. he would be the lesser of two evils like we have been voting for all our life. i don't trust the republicans or the democrats. i am pretty much an independent, but he seems to bring home jobs and keeps people in line, like china and the middle east. i can't see voting for by the not all.
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the guy has thrown the black people under the bus and everybody else he can think of in his whole family. the bush's they are just as big of crooks as the clinton's and obama's. they have all played off each other all these years. the people have been had and the people need to wake up. i don't know who is going to take trump's place when he is gone. -- unless he to be loses, then we are in a heap of trouble. host: randy supporting the president. fox news is reporting on glenn greenwald's decision to quit "the intercept," the website he founded in 2013. he claims the editors censored his story critical of joe biden and his son, hunter biden. near --y outlines the
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"the new york post"'s decision to post the emails as well as other publications, newspapers cisions notions' de to go with that story. the story goes on to be critical with the joe biden campaign about not responding to questions about hunter biden and this alleged deal. you can find the statement and also the story he says was censored if you go to a website, you can find the entire story there. he said he presented nine questions he thought the biden campaign should answer. they said they would give him answers and they have not. lla supporting biden-harris.
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good morning to you. you have got to turn down the television. talk and listen through your from -- phone. let me move on. mike. you are undecided? caller: yes. it is hard to pick because they have been giving us this kool-aid for how many years? in 1981, i was making $22 an hour working for sears driving a truck delivering washers and dryers. we are making the same amount of money 40 years later. making anyone survive on the same amount of money they were making 40 years ago? my house i bought 16 years ago is worth the same amount of money 16 years later. that believes these guys are going to make our lives better are out of their minds.
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it is terrible. host: how do you get your health care? caller: i am on medicaid. tumor. up with a brain i went blind. i have got to tell you, if i did not have social security, which they want to get rid of, we would all be doomed. host: you are not working anymore? caller: no. i went blind. host: are you getting social security disability? caller: right. you get social security disability. if you didn't have that as a backstop, this whole country would be third world. host: mike, which way are you leaning? caller: i don't believe any of them. undecided. that is what i called in on because nobody is telling us the truth. we have been sold this kool-aid for years. i drove a truck in 1981 -- host: we heard you, but what are
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you going to do? are you not going to vote? caller: i have already voted, i did the mail and. -- mail in. i handed it to the post man, but god only knows if the guy actually delivered it. host: so you did vote. do you mind telling us we voted for? caller: oh. i'm definitely biden because he is a democrat and for social security. host: let me go on to david in kentucky, also supporting biden-harris. caller: hi. i think the biggest thing trump has done is divided the people. we have got people here locally that almost hate one another because of the stand they take. i think it is crazy. before the pandemic even hit, the deficit was going through the roof. he was spending money.
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he is not conservative. spending money like crazy. also, his morals. he is unfit to be president. son of president reagan the other day say he had zero qualifications. i believe it. you look at his history. you go back, all the tapes and stuff. host: let me ask you, where does the economy rate for you? caller: it is really high. host: is it higher than character and other things you are describing? caller: we need somebody in there that has some character. joe biden has a lot more character than donald trump. i can't see why anybody would vote for him. i just can't see how anybody could vote for a man -- they have got him on tape grabbing women's privates and that is ok. and not only that, he was trying to have sex with a woman, a married woman walking around.
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it is crazy. host: let's take a look at how framingonal papers are the economic news that was announced yesterday, the numbers that the president was talking about in florida. this is "the washington times." "economic growth drives the trump message. biden promises an end to the pandemic." frontashington times" page, "the u.s. economy gets a strong balance." times," the new york excuse me. "the economy in the third quarter was 3.5% smaller than at the end of 2019 before the pandemic. gdp shrank 4% by the entire year and a half of the great recession a decade ago. apologies for that. frontall street journal"
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page. "u.s. growth erases much of slide. the u.s. economy grew at a record pace in the third quarter, increasing 7.4% over recoveringuarter, about two thirds of the ground it lost earlier in the coronavirus pandemic." "the washington post." up u.s.gains prop economy. it has recovered two thirds of the ground it lost after the coronavirus pandemic closed businesses and travel. the uneven nature of the , rising fears that the strong growth could be short-lived." which candidate do you trust on the economy? bob in philadelphia supporting trump-hence -- pence. caller: good morning. i would like to thank you for going over the greenwald issue.
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i'm glad to see that at least one journalist in the mainstream media broke ranks. it cost him his job, but i'm very glad to see that. i would hope that more do the same. it is doubtful, but aside from that, the gdp numbers were fabulous. if this was any democrat president, the mainstream media would be ballyhoo wing -- ballyhooing, bragging about a 33% jump in the gdp. if these people take over, make no doubt about it -- i live in philadelphia. they will have a european-style clamp down. you can see the writing in europe -- rioting in europe because of this. people do not want lockdowns. joe biden and the rest of these knuckleheads, like the city who
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run the city of philadelphia, will lock it down. make no mistake about it. they are more phony than the hair plugs in joe biden's head. it is just absolutely disgusting. host: bob, you and others might be interested in "the wall street journal" editorial. " thursday's gdp report looks like the long predicted "v" shaped recovery after the second collapse.lockdown and the rebound was almost across the board. contributedsumption to growth. industries most hurt by spring strongly.fought back evenf this happened without more government fiscal spending. remember predictions the economy would fall off demand cliff once benefits ended?
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economistsi and the who are also advising joe biden predicted doom." bob? caller: you are quoting "the wall street journal." they are objective. they are objective. a lot of the other mainstream media outlets are not. they simply are not. they are provided. they are -- pro-biden. if you step out of line, look what happened to greenwald. look what happens. again, i live in a pigsty called the city of philadelphia. all of these democratic run cities are outliers for what the democratic party is. it is all about control. they don't want people to work. they don't want you to have any initiative. they want to control everything and it is not a lie. aen people loot -- we had
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strip mall across the street from me. the whole thing was gutted out. the windows were smashed and the police are absolutely powerless. host: heard your points, we are going to go to been in springfield, massachusetts, supporting biden. good morning to you. caller: good morning. i'm an old dude. i have been around 88 years. watched it come and i served in the massachusetts house for 25 years up until two years ago. i have worked all across the united states of america, new york city, san francisco, washington, d.c., tennessee. i was born in mississippi. i have watched it all. the worst president -- i was born the year that roosevelt, franklin delano roosevelt was elected.
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i was born in september of that year. i have watched presidents since then. of all the presidents we have had since that time, the worst when we have had, the worst we have had is the one we have now. i am supporting biden. i have watched biden all of his political career. host: why do you support him when it comes to the economy? caller: i have watched trump in the economy. trump inherited one of the best economies the united states has produced in the last 50 years. economy fromthe the downturn that had happened bush when the
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united states was basically bankrupt. by thehed it brought back following administration, which biden was a part of. in theed biden's role administration and watched the work he did to pull people together. the work he did with the other party. office,ump has been in we have seen division. city, inn new york queens -- host: i'm going to have to get another voice in. larry in akron, ohio. caller: good morning. host: who do you trust or who are you leaning towards?
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caller: i'm still undecided. i hear pros and cons on either side of the board. fromr the plus and minuses the democrat side and republican side. issues on both sides. negatively and positively. do we trust the way the economy is going? is the economy getting hyperinflated with federal dollars right now? is that why the stock market is going up during a pandemic? nobody knows. they can see it. when you follow the stocks and the way the economy is going. on the other side of the break is all of the negative backlash on who is doing what with what. if we are going to go in a direction where the nation is going to grow, i'm still undecided. i don't know. 2016?how did you vote in
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caller: 2016, i went democrat entirely. in the last four years, i have watched the support with the economy. i voted republican and also voted democrat. i have been on both sides of the fence looking to see if the changes would help the economy during the four year tenure. i've seen shortfalls. i have seen everything during my lifetime. convince the younger generation or millennials right now on which way to go, i think there has got to be more decisiveness on the positive aspects of the economy, of the pandemic, instead of finger-pointing one another. who is doing what, who is doing what with each campaign, who is
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not doing what they need to be doing. i'm going to look into it. go with my heart. going with the preservation. looking at conservative april viewpoints on both sides. alright. a new poll by u.s. news done about a week ago. "a snapshot in time." it shows that biden pulled ahead of trump on handling of the economy. they write this. "on wednesday, this morning nearly found biden edging out trump while 11% of voters said they don't know or have an opinion. the survey found that biden trusted -- voters trusted biden more to handle economic recovery
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in the aftermath of the pandemic. the two candidates, however, are tied on who voters trust more when it comes to jobs." a text message from mike in orlando. trump inherited a booming economy and squandered it just like he squandered his inheritance. say -- steve says we have to be careful as both candidates are danger and existence of the united states. ourontinue monetizing national debt place into the hands of our enemies. another from henry. i trust trump mainly because the biden-harrison ministration -- obama-biden administration showed themselves unable to bring the economy out of the great recession and cost me personally losses which i have never recovered. why do you support? caller: he has done it.
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obama and the 2008 downfall economyden and obama brought back america. that, and squandered is 1000 deaths a day. why are people talking about the americans,n we, as are losing our citizens, 1000 a day due to the incompetence of this president? thank you very much. mark in altoona, pennsylvania. thedo you trust president on the economy? caller: because he has done it before whenever biden and obama were in office. there is 11 million more people
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on food stamps. obama and biden spent more money than all of the other presidents combined. the person talking about the national debt, that was biden and obama that spent $9 trillion or $10 trillion combined, more than any other president. lowest unemployment rate ever for african-americans, hispanics. has fixed the economy before. the person talking about the debt, that was biden and obama. if you look at biden's plan to pandemic, his plan is the same as trump and pence, more testing and find a cure. no joke. that is exactly what they are doing. host: we are less than a week away from election day.
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this tuesday, coming up. many millions of people have participated in early voting, mail-in, absentee ballots, excedrin -- etc. "the los angeles times" has done a study looking at the youth vote. peoplehan 6.8 million have voted in the national election, an increase from this point yesterday -- four years ago. cast moreer 30 have than 900,000 ballots in texas, nearly three times the number as around this time in 2016." some 404,000 young north
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carolinians have voted. young people in georgia have expanded their vote by 82% to more than three. hundred 40,000 younger voters tend to favor democratic candidates by a 30 point man -- margin. "that alone, can make the traditionally red state of georgia more competitive." you can find more at "millions of older people are voting for the first time. older voters are turning out. of the nearly 5.5 million first-time voters who have cast their ballots, more than 2.1 million are voters over 40, according to data from targetsmart, democratic political data firm. it is likely that 2020 will see an increase in the first-time voters. about 3.8me in 2016, million voters had cast ballots
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." again, that is "usa today." alan supporting biden-harris. caller: the reason i am supporting him, which i did vote for biden, number one, his background that he has his outstanding. some people might disagree with me on that, but his character stands forsel -- for itself. he does not act like a crazy man. he is a leader. he does not call names to his degrade theo women, public eye in reference to newscasters and things like that. he respects those people. he is very respectful in that manner. does he have flaws? just like any other man has flaws. this is the thing. this man is very honest.
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he is willing to work on both sides of the fence on the republican side and the democratic side. host: is that why you trust him on the economy more than president trump? caller: yes, because he has divided our country. trump has divided our country. he makes it where it is republicans against democrats. it has never been like that anywhere. i have served over in the military for over 24 years. within four combat tours and the president tsai served, has never acted like this guy. i am a silver star recipient and distinguished silver cross from president bush senior. i'm just appalled on this guy's behavior. host: have you voted for republican presidents in the past? caller: yes, i did. ronald reagan and bush. host: which one? caller: i change my status after
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this last election. family, over 432 of us, have changed from being republicans to democrats. this man is just like a hurricane that comes through. host: let me ask you this. do you think you would be voting for the democratic presidential candidate if it was not joe biden? thek back on the primary, other alternatives. would you have voted for anyone other than donald trump or is it because of joe biden? biden: i believe that joe because during the obama administration, the economy was on an upswing. i sortwo people -- and of cried when obama had to leave office because i really think that if he had another four-year term, he could have finished the health care act and expanded on it.
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cared a star on the health act. he had to get something in. the republicans were very abrasive against it. they want private insurance. it is all big business. isbillion out there and this what this guy stands for is the billionaires. let's hear from madonna in ohio. why do you trust the president more than joe biden on the economy? caller: i tend to watch a certain channel and they tend to tell both sides of the story. a lot of people in the country are being misled because they only hear one side. biden has been in office 47 years and has had plenty of time to make things better and he has not. as far as they complain about trump, they have many pictures groping youngiden girls.
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who is going to pay for free? biden says he is going to make the other elite pay. that is not going to happen and never has. anybody who has big business is not going to leave the country just like they did with obama and biden because they are going to tax the crop out of them. we are going to end up losing thousands of jobs again. these young people that are like free college and health care free, free, when you compare others in the united states to countries overseas, i think they pay like $.70 out of every dollar. outally don't want to work of my dollar the government will take $.70 so that we can pay for free college for kids to just be professional students and party for four years because it's free. i have a problem with that. anything worth value is things people themselves work for.
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the pandemic cost money jobs in this country. thiscould have taken country down, but instead, trump is turning it around. it is ridiculous because the other channels are making the racist issue. the other channels are the ones -- trump has helped more black people in this country, more hispanic people in this country. the job numbers for hispanic and blacks are lower than they have ever been. obama has made more of a race issue in this country than what trump has. if you don't want any channels news,ybe yours and fox you don't know these things because they don't tell them to you. host: madonna in ohio celebrating -- supporting the trump ticket. take a look at some of these ads. first, an ad running in florida from michael bloomberg's independence usa pack boosting the former vice president's economic plan. a new ad by a pro trump super
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pack focusing on the economy. [video clip] >> joe biden was raised in middle-class kid. as president, joe biden will help us get ahead. a tax cut for the middle class. more money in our pockets. tax credits that help small businesses get back on their feet. a plan to make education more affordable. buy american. a president to rebuild our economy. a president for the middle class. [video clip] >> he coddled the communist, sided with socialists, now, joe biden is lying. he will raise tacitus -- taxes on the middle class and his liberal agenda will cost millions of jobs. as a career politician past his prime, too weak to rebuild our nation, but we won't let him. we will build a better future with courage, with strength, because we are america and
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donald as our president. -- is our president. host: a flavor of the ads that many of you are probably seeing across the country with four days to go before the election. in the new york times, kanye west has taken out two full pages of an ad about the future. he writes "dear future, by kanye west." he pens this to the future about how the country in the world needs love. donalds no mention of trump or joe biden in this letter. mike in laurel park, new york, supporting joe biden. good morning. caller: hi. can i recommend that when people start hurling personal insults at joe biden about his hair plugs or a guy from staten island says he is not going to
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-- just hang up on them. when they are calling names, hang up on them. host: i might be hanging up a lot because the name-calling happens on both sides. caller: ok. host: we ask for civil conversation. 90% of our callers by along. caller: about the economy. first of all, the biden-obama economy was because the banks failed. the system failed. furlough forut on covid and were still getting checks and things like that. it is a different animal completely. this quarter, a 33% increase. the previous quarter was a 30% decrease. it had to come back 60% to get where it was. you are losing coal jobs, oil. any green jobs, electric
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vehicles are booming. many things. the guy that talked about obama and biden created more debt than everyone before then combined. that is insane. they took an unemployment rate from 10.5% and brought it down to 4.4% without getting $2 million plus money brought back from overseas. was going to gdp go up 5%, 6%. it is never going to hit that ever again. obama and biden did not get any help. they were talking about the debt so they wouldn't give them any aid for anything at all. they tried to get health care. they would have gone more health, they would have gotten more. we need an infrastructure plan. that is why i am going to vote.
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an infrastructure plan, a monster one. mcconnell does not care about debt, trump does not care about debt. he said he does not care and won't be here. greenwaldbout glenn intercept" -- this guy has a grudge. talk about trump having a secret big account in china. -- bank account in china. the taxpayers have to pay for trump to go to his summer home every weekend. host: laura in texas. hi, laura. that theou like president has done in his first term on the economy? caller: [indiscernible] the economy was booming before this pandemic, so much so that the democrats were trying to take credit for saying it was
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the obama-biden economy that he just piggybacked on, which is not true. he did a lot of things that made the economy go up. these two phrases for people that think the obama-biden economy was great. remember those shovel ready jobs that weren't? summer is quite a bit the summer of recovery and it never was. it was a lackluster economy. the american economy is strong. it will grow not matter who is in office. it will be sustained. obama invited did not do anything to help it. it was a flat recovery. shaped recovery under trump and that is why i will support trump. host: dolores in west virginia. why do you support biden-harris on the economy? caller: i support him because i believe that he and obama did a lot.
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trump, in i look at get sick to my stomach. i watched him when he first started campaigning. out in my that stood mind that i will never think of that man without thinking of them. one was him standing with his daughter with a group of men. he had his arm around her neck almost touching her breast and said, if she was not my kin i would have jumped her bones a long time ago. the way he talked about grabbing women you know where. we don't want somebody like that in our white house. host: henderson, nevada. why do you trust the president on the economy? twoer: it boils down to basic things, the most important one for me is socialism versus
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capitalism. biden made an arrangement with socialists bernie sanders on the manifesto. if biden wins, you can kiss goodbye to our free enterprise system. system becausec socialism tells the people what they are going to do. biden also supports medicare for all, which bernie, the extreme leftist, and kamala harris support. economy is a stark difference between biden and president trump. not want toump does destroy social security. he will protect our medicare as
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everything will do to stimulate our economy. this will all be gone under a marxist system. we are headed toward marxism. the news media is like goebbels was during the nazi regime. the propaganda. they are censoring everything that conservatives stand for. that is leading from marxism to communism. host: heard your point. lee in tennessee. have you already voted? caller: yes. host: you already voted for biden-harris. where does the economy rank for you? i support the democratic party because of the history. the democrats have always had to
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pull these republican people out of recessions, budget deficits. the republican party has never done nothing but trillion dollar tax cuts to the wealthy. trillions of dollars of budget deficits. the country is so confused right now and misinformed. all of these people call in and talk about the liberal media. news wherefox shepard smith and all of the other five or six other people that has quit fox news because they are forced to lie? host: can i ask you, have you always been a democrat? well, in 1980, i supported ronald reagan.
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after three or four years and seeing what he was up to, i voted democrat ever since. host: what do you do for living or what did you do? caller: i'm a cattle farmer. host: cattle farmer. caller: i'm 73 years old and i've had a stroke. i'm not talking real good. host: you are doing great. another thing, people are calling in and saying obama and them had a big budget deficit. they inherited a budget deficit from bush. at the time obama and them took it, the budget deficit was like $1 trillion a year. to 600ecreased that something thousand a year. he would have balanced the budget if he would have been allowed to tax the wealthy, but the republicans wouldn't let him. host: joe, virginia.
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you are next. caller: thanks for taking my call. i'm a former united states marine. 56 years old. i have been a blue-collar worker my entire life. my wife is currently in stage four lung cancer. for me, it boils down to one question. what kind of country do you want your children and grandchildren to inherit? in my 56 years and travels around the world, i have seen life under communism, life under socialism. i can tell you that the democrat party of today is a socialist, marxist organization. for me, the choice is clear. i see what is happening in all of the blue states. i see how freedom to worship is being suppressed in the name of covid. using emergency powers in the blue democratic states to take away gun rights. our children are not being educated.
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covid is being used now for political purposes. i see it now as being used as a means and method by the democrats to push through behavior control and the new green deal, not for the legislative process, but through emergency powers because of covid. for me, it is all about, how do i want my grandchildren to grow up. do i want them to grow up in a freedom and liberty loving democracy capitalism, or do i want them to grow up in a socialist country. host:host: countries that people have flee from. understood. caller: i'm definitely voting for biden and harris. first of all, i know what happened under president obama and joe biden. having worked in the auto industry in michigan, i know what they did to save our
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industry. i know how, at the time they took office, we were losing millions of jobs a month. the republicans, the mitch ryans and, paul others met on the very night of president obama's inauguration to find out how to block him from being successful. even though the country was in dire straits. right now, i hear a lot of people calling that are undecided. for me, it is simple. in directpresident opposition to the word of god. and brags andasts takes credit for things he does not do. the military one really struck me because president trump said that he had done something that .ad not been done in 34 years presidentsed under
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obama in 2014. people talk about their 401(k)s and tax cuts. we are taught in the word that you don't live, you don't be prideful, you don't have to seek after money before you seek after god. trump is definitely on the opposite end of the words of god. we need to restore the sabbath day so that people can maybe return to church and learn what the word says. host: we will return to this conversation in our last half-hour of today's washington journal. up next is our battleground series taking a look at the state of north carolina. north carolina political is our firstboyum guest to take a look at the tar heel state. we will then talk with david mclennan, professor of political science and director of the narrative paul at meredith college.
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♪ >> with amy coney barrett confirmed and sworn in as the newest justice, the supreme court with nine justices here's five oral arguments next week. listen live at mecourt. salinas versus railroad retirement board, jones versus mississippi, and fulton versus city of philadelphia. listen to the oral arguments live on demand. that's what gives us the confidence to sit here and describe the first 10 seconds of the universe like we were there. [laughter] is there a song in there?
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continues. host: over the past week on "washington journal," we have been focusing on key battleground states with political reporters and analysts on the ground trying to get clues into what is good to happen in four days. today, we are looking at north carolina. tomorrow, we will wrap up with arizona. tim boyum is the host of capital tonight and the host of tying it together, a podcast. he joins us now to talk about the tar heel state. why is north carolina important this year compared to 2016? guest: it is continuing to become a microcosm of the nation. we are a split nation. we have urban centers that continue to grow and become more democratic. we have our rural areas that are more conservative. those are shrinking.
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the state is changing. the economy is changing. athink it represents microcosm of the entire country. host: where do the polls stand right now? guest: it is razor thin. most of the polls show joe biden up one to three points the hallway. the real clear politics average is 0.7 in favor of joe biden. hase 1976, north carolina only voted twice for a democratic president. i'm in the camp of i will see it when i believe in. i don't think it could not happen, there is a strong chance it could. host: when you take a look at 2016 and the president's victory ere, three percentage points, 173,000
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why is this race tight now? host: before that in 2012, mitt romney won 192,000 votes. before that, barack obama won in 2008. after the historic win in 2008, the african-american vote, which is hugely important for democrats in north carolina, dropped off a cliff. after four years of donald trump, from the democratic perspective, the believe is they are going to come back. we are over 55% of african-american turnout in north carolina. the numbers are incredible. because of that, that is why we are still this battleground state. donald trump sees it as a must win state. host: what are the early voting numbers? which candidate benefits? who benefits on election day?
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since we have been voting september 4. absentee ballots went out. as of this morning, we have almost 4.1 million people have voted in north carolina, almost 56% total turnoff. -- turnout. 2016 80% over total turnout. mecklenburg county, which is where charlotte is, that is at a very high percentage, over 90% of the 2016 turnout. in north carolina, we have had a huge surge of unaffiliated voters. unaffiliated voters outnumber republican voters. they are gaining quickly on democratic voters. we do not know. most of them mean in one way. i have heard from people on both
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sides that they believe it is going to help them. veryesday, we could see small lines in north carolina. traditionally, that is a republican stronghold. host: what are you watching for on election night? guest: we are waiting to see the final results. tomorrow is the final day of early voting in north carolina. as we sort through the demographics, we will have a good idea. we are waiting for 7:30 tuesday night. there is this talk about we will not hear results for days or maybe weeks. north carolina is going to until ballots always november 12 that are postmarked on november 3. we could have 75% of the vote drop at 7:30 tuesday night. if there is not a razor thin margin, we could know early who wins. 7:30 is when i am watching.
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carolina start counting early votes before november 3? guest: we will have those results as soon as they start running them through. they do not tabulate and release them. as soon as 7:30 has, we will no results. mean fort does this down ballot races for the senate and the governor's race? typically we thought the senate race would follow the presidential race. historically, that is what happens in north carolina. we have had some drama in the u.s. senate race. thom tillis is the incumbent. he came down with covid. there was a report that came out that cal cunningham, the democrat in the race, had an affair with a woman. he has not spoken since. cal cunningham was ahead. that has narrowed to where the presidential race is.
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race, ray cooper, the current governor, a democrat, this is a close race. i think it is going to be closer to 6% when it is down to it. it is not affecting the governor's race. the governor has been doing news conferences since march almost weekly. he has a clear advantage. host: why is it that the governor is running against his lieutenant governor? guest: they do not run together. they are separate elected positions. the lieutenant governor is a stepping stone to running for governor. we knew all along he wanted to run for governor. he does not believe in wearing masks. he has been critical of what the governor has done on covid-19 on the shutdowns.
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it is sort of the classic republican versus democrat in north carolina. host: we are talking with tim boyum. he will take your questions on campaign 2020 in north carolina. if you support the president and vice president, (202) 748-8001. if you are supporting joe biden and senator harris, (202) 748-8000. if you have another candidate in mind or undecided, (202) 748-8002. north carolina residents, please dial in at (202) 748-8003. robert is first in greenville, north carolina. supporting the biden ticket. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. caller: anything to get away from donald trump to be honest with you. country.olina is trump what trump has done to the ,conomy with the pandemic
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actually what he is doing now, he is doing super spreader events. it is basically for herd immunity, and he wants to do that until the end because if he wins it, that is what he wants. if he loses, he is going to leave us in a bigger mess with the virus. he is despicable. everybody needs to pull together and get this mental paraplegic out of office. host: two issues from that trump, the anybody but sentiment he talked about, and then the pandemic. guest: one thing he mentioned was these super-spreader fears. the president has been in north carolina almost a dozen times since august. most of them were campaign events. he was supposed to be in gainesville last night.
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he had to cancel an event because of wins from the storm. he held an event in gastonia last week, which is outside of charlotte, 10,000 plus people. the health department confirmed to people at that event did test positive for covid-19. they will not say, they do not know they got it at that event. that is a concern that has been talked about in the state. danforth running for governor, he has held a lot of in person events. many people were not wearing masks. videoclear through the that they are not wearing masks. carolina is a lot like what you are hearing with that. you're either with trump, or you are not. is, and this is cliche in some ways, where these voters in the suburbs and
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excerpts feel about this. suburban within, you keep -- women, you keep hearing about that. what do they feel about the president right now? do they care about his persona, or do they like that he cut taxes? those are the questions that remain. host: joe biden is going to be in north carolina on saturday. she is traveling to charlotte in north carolina. done in wilmington, north carolina. you are for the biden-harris ticket. good morning. caller: how are you doing? host: we are fine. caller: i did it happen to ballot because i travel that did an absentee ballot because -- i didn't absentee ballot because i travel quite a bit. i'm not going to say i am the smartest guy in the world. when i travel, i primarily
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listen to right-leaning because it is kind of funny they all get the same script and then want to hear people supporting trump against biden. it is the same talking points. it just kind of blows my mind. do you have an original thought or original opinion based on your own experience? you keep saying biden is divisive. biden is going to turn us into socialist, communist, marxist. can you make up your mind? socialism and communism are different forms of government. i find it curious people repeating the same things. look at me, i'm smart repeating something sean hannity said. host: what is it like where you live? what are you seeing on the ground? trump i see more
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signs. my neighbor has the trump signs out. we don't really get into talking politics. go out and vote. that is the american way. host: i want to leave it there. wilmington, north carolina, where it is in the state and who lives there and who votes the re. guest: it is in hanover county. it is a great place to visit. it is interesting because it is becoming one of the important districts that represents a shift from more rural to urban north carolina. they are experiencing all of that. one of the dynamics that is interesting that he mentioned is these trump science.
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-- signs. at these rallies, we have seen 10,000 to 20,000 people at these airport stops. we do not see that with joe biden. he is doing smaller pooled e vents where only certain media go in and observe it. they are doing it because of the pandemic. do these events show true enthusiasm for donald trump and joe biden does not have that? democratsa show, and are going to go to the polls and vote? that is one of the big questions as we watch this moving forward. birmingham asks us, what is happening with the north carolina legislature? are democrats going to gain control of the senate or the house? guest: great question. we have a legislature that is
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controlled by the republicans, and our governor is a democrat. since 2010, republicans have dominated the legislature. they have super majorities. they had a republican governor. they could do anything they wanted. the last cycle, they broke that super majority. the governor's veto could come in question. the democrats believe they have enough to potentially take one of the chambers. democraticwith operatives, they believe they have a good shot of taking the north carolina senate. they hope they have a shot of winning the north carolina house. it is more challenging. republicans believe they can hold onto both chambers. it is going to be razor thin. that is something we are watching closely. why is that important? for our governor, secretary of health and human services, many of his cabinet, they want to expand medicaid in north carolina.
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roughly three quarters of a million people could benefit from that. republicans do not want to. that is a key item that could make a difference. you have probably heard about some of the voting laws we have passed that have been controversial. all of that stuff could hang in the balance depending on who wins in the legislature and assuming governor cooper remains in the executive mansion. host: breakdowns of voters in north carolina statewide, demographic, college-educated, white and black, etc. they are incredibly important to the democratic party. white voters, rural voters are incredibly important to republicans in north carolina. that is what donald trump picked up on, uneducated white males in
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north carolina in 2016. the question is does that drop off from 2016 much like the african-american vote dropped off 2016 for democrats? are living in our growing urban hubs of raleigh .nd charlotte and asheville republicans are dominant in the rural areas. those suburban areas and the area's growing out from there are the battlegrounds for white women and white men and the growing population of latino vote in north carolina and the youth vote. it looks like it is going to surpass early voting in 2016. we are becoming a diverse state in terms of the voting population.
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both sides are going to have to work on it. like virginia, we are trending blue. host: the l.a. times did a series about the youth vote across the country. 0 young north4,00 carolinians have already voted, a 66% jump. we have done a lot of this on our show. this social justice movement led by young african-americans. they are working with a lot of justice programs and organizations to make changes. young folks are stepping up. i think some of these protests have spurred that to voting in the fall. we have talked to experts. they believe these younger generations are much more active, not afraid to speak their mind. it appears they are doing that at the polls. host: we are talking the
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battleground state of north carolina, where tim boyum says it is razor thin leading into tuesday. at stake 15 electoral votes. jeannie, you are supporting the president. democrats, they can only tell you what trump has done wrong. they don't tell you nothing about what biden has done and is doing. they will vote for a dog if it is a democrat. democratok at the states and cities, it is burned, luke, murder. they do not care about black lives. check the pages. as far as your uneducated rural areas, by the way, where do you buy your groceries from? they come off the farm, off the back of the farmer. has supportedp the farmers of this nation. uneducated i say
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voters, i do not mean people are not smart. traditionally, we are talking about whether it is a college degree and beyond. those are the categories people consider. this is a common complaint with a lot of elections. you are against something rather than for, show us what you are going to do. that is why we do debates. joe biden has a lot of plans on his website. he has his tax plan, his climate plan. the truth is the discussion is largely about donald trump and the response to covid-19. the caller is right about these democratic cities in north carolina that has been part of the fight. republicans have been upset that democratic run cities let protesters -- i should not say protesters, rioters.
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windows boarded up in downtown raleigh. there is concern with that. the president has gone after our democratic governor for shutting down north carolina for so long. those are all legitimate concerns. i think social media and talking points from both sides has put people in this camp or that camp. both sides go into those camps, and they do not want to hear from the other side. host: how many people do you estimate are undecided in the state of north carolina? guest: [laughter] i cannot imagine there are very many. the polls show there are enough percentage points that it will sway this election. interesting is not those that are truly undecided between joe biden, perhaps those that are deciding do i skip that race? do i go to a third party or not vote at all?
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we are atrue that 0.7, those voters could make a huge difference if they choose not to vote for one candidate or the other. it is hard to imagine that there are true undecided voters. at davidson,te north carolina, they have a handful that are out there. host: welcome to the conversation. you are supporting the biden-harris ticket. caller: i am. i live in a rural area. there are not enough jobs. people here need medicaid. they do not need to lose their medicaid. i feel like joe biden understands the common man. these people are hurting in my area.
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there are people here who are homeless. someone has got to help these people. has notour president reached out to help enough people to make people comfortable voting for him in north carolina. thank you. interesting talking about the rural democrats. historically, back in the 1800s and first part of the 20th century, rural north carolina was democrat. the most important voters in north carolina were down east in north carolina, rural voters, conservative democrats. i think there are a number of conservative democrats, some who did flip to donald trump in 2016. someone like them, who did not speak talking points and political jargon.
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there are still democrats out there in the rural area just like the last caller. they will be important in this election. do not make any mistake. when we say republicans are in the rural areas and democrats are in the urban areas, that is stereotyping in a lot of ways. there are folks out there like the last caller that could make a big difference. host: we will go to marcia supporting the president. caller: yes, ma'am. i am wanting to ask him where everybody gets the masks at the trump rallies that are saying maga and trump? i know that they are not on sale. them people have received the mask from the trump rallies. the gentleman to call to talk about that he was homeless, that is cooper. that has nothing to do with trump.
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cooper runs the state, not trump. trump runs the country. you all degrading trump for being homeless, that is cooper. if the media would tell the truth, they would know what biden has been up to and how he sold out the american people. he has received money from other countries. why in the world would anybody vote for him? the media needs to tell the truth. host: i want to pick up on this, the hunter biden emails story and if that is changing any minds that you know of with a few days to go before this election. guest: i don't think it is. uphink it is firming support with his own party. outside of conservative news outlets like fox, it has not
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been in the media. some would blame the mainstream media for that. voters, it is something that has not been discussed extensively and explained in a lot of ways. it was important for the president. i was in nashville at the debate last week. our stand up position was near three or four fox cameras and oan, that is all they talk about all day long. lot generallyit a in north carolina. i'm not sure it is going to have a huge impact for better or worse in north carolina. it is not being discussed on the ground in north carolina. to the point about the masks, one of the spokespeople for the trump campaign, he said they had out those masks. i'm not sure they are exactly on them,that say maga
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but they do hand out those masks , and it is up to them to put them on afterwards. one more point about the shutdowns and the person that was homeless. it is true that republicans have gone after roy cooper. the one thats been put in these restrictions that shut down restaurants and bars. ins are still barely open north carolina. democrats will argue it is because we did not have enough testing and it spread so much that he was forced to do that. who is at fault? is it the governor or the president? host: let's talk about the competitive house races in north carolina. what are you watching on tuesday? guest: north carolina is technically 10-3 republican, although i should say it is 9-3 because mark meadows left to be chief of staff, so that is an open seat.
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north carolina lawmakers changed the map. we believe we are going to go from 10-3 to 8-5, republican advantage. south of the triangle and district six in the piedmont triad, those are going to flip democrat. there are a couple of other seats i am watching closely, astrict eight richard hudson, republican. a lot of outside money put into that race. that could be interesting. we might be a site always from that being very close. away from that being very close. district, which is mark meadows, traditionally republican stronghold. republican money has been put into those in recent weeks. there is concern that those seats are closer than they think. we could have some interesting races.
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for the most part, the republicans are likely going to win this race. host: brenda, charlotte north carolina. caller: i want to tell tookbody, governor cooper care of the people all the shutdown things. i am proud that he did. if other states would close down things, this virus would not be spreading like it was. if trump had not done what he done, trump has already made the statements after three years if he is going to get reelected, he is going to cut social security. what am i going to live on if he does that? host: let's talk about favorability rates for the governor. guest: it is interesting in particular on the coronavirus -- ipsost sells
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released a poll. ads, it seemshe really split. either roy cooper has done the best to stop what donald trump is not, or he is terrible shutting down our economy sending us into recession. showed that almost two thirds of north carolinians support the governor on covid-19, generally support the shutdowns, generally support a mask mandate in north carolina. the section where there is less support is with what is happened -- has happened with schools in north carolina. for a long time, we were shut down. then they were allowed to do partial in person and partial remote.
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my daughter is in school all week this week and that out of school. kids are across party lines. there are more people that are concerned their kids are not in school. in spiteof saying that of what we are hearing from republicans, generally the approval ratings are at near 50% if not above. host: tom. tim, your entire network is anti-trump. i get new york one down here. you never say anything good about him. you never say nothing about the biden criminal family. that is all minor. in the future, donald trump is going to be single-handedly responsible for saving millions
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of babies. i don't know if you believe in heaven and hell, but you better get right before you get left. guest: thank you. this is a lot of the response we get in the media in general. i would humbly disagree with you. i think we are considered one of the fairest outlets in the state by far. it is not my job to say good or bad things from my perspective about what the president or joe biden has to say. i think we have talked about all of those things on my program consistently. you have talked about abortion. the supreme court issue has become a huge issue in the north carolina senate race. up until the cal cunningham personal affair issue came up, that was one of the top issues in the campaign. thom tillis was standing firm with amy coney barrett, and cal cunningham stayed away from
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saying whether she would be a good justice are not. i think that has had an impact on some voters in north carolina and perhaps pushed some people that were concerned about thom tillis to his side. biden-hars supporting ris. caller: i have been listening to your program. it appalls me to hear people talking about, when man talking about he was a farmer. back these hispanic workers, who is going to work the fields? you better go right before you go left. you talk about the criminal empire of the biden family. this man is a crook. he told you that. he comes from a current family. his kids are making millions of
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dollars off the taxpayers. hiltetlerout the media, and the rest of them cats talked about. roy cooper shut down the state to save lives. putin has shut russia down. that is trump's right-hand man. i do not understand talking about the media, media, media. who is telling the truth? of what royact cooper did. my niece runs a daycare. if she gets sick, she cannot open her daycare. they going to have to leave their job to come home. host: got your point. saw where the divide is in the state and country. people are very passionate on what they believe.
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i think that is going to be the crux of where we go after november 3. can we find common ground? i hope we can. that is what my mission is going to be after this. what this election is over, we still need to move this country forward, this great state that i love forward. i hope we can get together in a room and have good conversations and move this country forward because i think that is what we need after what has been a very tough time. i think people have been stuck at home for 7, 8 months now. that has not helped the situation. people are very frustrated. watch.ard to i have seen people arguing about things i never dreamed they would argue about. it is hard to watch. race ism boyum, if the
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too close to call in north carolina, at some point what triggers a recount? guest: important to the absentee issue, candidates have a right to ask for a recall when it is within 1% in the state. balance -- the absentee ballots. if it is close like that, you have to have your absentee ballots postmarked by november 3. because of this settlement, they will have until november 12 to receive those. the certification in north carolina is november 24. we could have a long november potentially with that. i don't know if people in north carolina believe that is good to happen, but it can with how
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razor thin these things have been. won,in 2008, barack obama we did not have those issues of not knowing. i'm not sure it is going to be an issue. host: we will go to judy, winston-salem, north carolina. caller: good morning. i did not realize you all were on during the week. usually i see this type of show on sunday morning. i'm calling to say i support very strongly the president that we have now. the reason because we have done what he says he is going to do. i do not support socialists. i amlearning that listening to you talk. you have callers call in. theythey mention that
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desire trump, you seem to contradict him. the media do that. i looked most of the time for good news, common sense about certain things. this man has not done anything. joe biden has been in for 47 years. this man we have in today come in three months hustling, got sick, still came back. nancy pelosi is an accident waiting to happen. i supported him when he first came in because i liked the way he talked. he does not bite his tongue. people have thrown the horns at him like jesus christ. he still holds up. he is not a lawyer. i have gone into law. they are the biggest liars. that is what you learn in law school. host: tim boyum.
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guest: the republicans and president trump do not believe the media is being fair. that is fair to say that and believe that. i think we are at a point in this election where it does not what anybody says. they are going to believe what they believe. that is not to say anything bad about the previous caller. is power of social media showing in this election. we are talking about talking points and repeated things from both sides. people want to hear what they want to hear. it does not matter what you say. they are going to respond how they are going to respond. every single time i have a national pundit from either side, for example, this week we had on andrew yang. from both sides
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telling me how terrible i am. i have a thick skin. i did not get it right every day. it is unfortunate where we are in society. host: linda, hampton, north carolina. caller: hello. host: go ahead. caller: i'm for biden. if it was not biden, it would be anyone but trump. think trump ever had covid. bounced out of there too fast. i am from new york. raised the same year, the same month donald trump was born. i watched him screw new york. jersey.d him screw new i moved to puerto rico. what he did to puerto rico was horrible. he declares bankruptcy. that is all he does.
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he is going to bankrupt the country. host: i'm going to leave it there. beuld there -- will you watching for any early signs on election night for this race tilting for one or the other? drop off we get a huge votes at 7:30 tuesday night in sout north carolina, we need to look at who those votes are. we need to watch for those unaffiliated voters are swinging. they are the biggest question mark. we do not know how many of them are going to come up and which way they are leaning. i would watch those, and i think we may get a clue fairly early on of who is going to win north carolina. host: tim boyum, thank you for the conversation, host of ight, tying it
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together, the podcast. guest: thank you. host: we will take a break. when we come back, we will talk with david mclennan of meredith college. right after this break. ♪ with four days left until election day, on november 3, when voters decide who will control congress and occupy the white house next year, stay with c-span. watch campaign 2020 coverage every day on c-span. listen on the c-span radio app. your place for an unfiltered view of politics. sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on wall street journal's gerald sign on his book about how the republican
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party has evolved since the reagan era. >> we told people, if people vote for us, they want to like who they are voting for. that turned out to not be true with donald trump. he only had a 42% personal approval rate. he cannot win. that is not true. he can. people who do not like him will still vote for him because they like his attitude. >> watch booktv this weekend on c-span2. american history tv on c-span3, exploring the people and events that tell the american story every weekend. coming up this weekend before election day, we will look at presidents and presidential elections on saturday. a look at four films that
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explain the a look for a system. present kennedy, richard nixon, and election 1976, day of decision. the final presidential debate between vice president al gore and governor george w. bush. the third presidential debate between george w. bush and senator john kerry. university of mary washington history professor william crawley on the personality, leadership, and achievement of franklin roosevelt. exploring the american story, watch american history tv this weekend on c-span three. continues. journal" mclennan is a professor of political science at meredith college and the director of the college's
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meredith poll. who do you talk to? guest: it started six years ago as a learning opportunity for students. we have students involved in the process. we contact people from north carolina only. we started doing a statewide poll. live caller with students being the callers. now we do online and live caller. with covid because of restrictions we have on campus, we have had to temporarily go to online only. almost everyienced method of survey people from north carolina. fare inw did your polls 2016? what have you changed? guest: that is a great question.
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in 2016, the polling average had hillary clinton up by 3.3%. we know that donald trump won the state. we were in the middle that. we recognized that something was wrong with our sampling. we tried to look at who really turned out versus what we were predicting? theirllsters weight samples to try to predict what the turnout will be. we looked very carefully at that. we adjusted our turnout models based on 2016 and 2018 to get a more accurate model. we adjusted the questions in our survey to try to get at whether people were telling us the truth. in 2016 that an small group of people were not honest about their support for donald trump. host: the latest meredith pull
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taken october 16 through the 19 shows the former vice president with a lead. what is the margin of error? guest: the margin of error was 3.5%. it is just outside of the margin of error. i thought it was going to be an extraordinarily close election even with those results. in the last weeks of 2016, things tightened in north carolina. i wish i could have done one more poll closer to tuesday to see if that tightening would continue. if we look at the real clear politics polling average in north carolina, we see it under 1%. with most margins of error in this being around 3.5%, race could go either way. host: how did you find
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unaffiliated voters? those unaffiliated voters breaking for joe biden 55% to donald trump 28%. guest: we use, just like most pollsters online, we use a panel. peoplesoft identify. names with people already affiliated by party. people self identify. carolina doesorth not always mean a swing voter. it really depends on where the voter is. a lot of urban unaffiliated voters, young people who have been registering as unaffiliated, they are democratic leaners. people in the middle part of the state who register as
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unaffiliated our republican leaners. unaffiliated is a fun category to look at, but i look at it in different ways. , gender, age education. host: what role will these unaffiliated voters play this year? guest: i think they will be the deciding voters. theyu look at democrats, are voting for joe biden at high rates. if you look at republicans, it is true in the reverse. democrats and republicans are locked in. the unaffiliateds, we are talking maybe 10% of north carolina really would be considered swing voters. we pretty much know that urban unaffiliated voters are going to vote for joe biden.
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rural unaffiliated voters are going to vote for donald trump. we are looking for those 10% have not made up their mind or are going back and forth. that is why these last few days of the election cycle are so important for those people who have not voted. over 4 million people have voted. host: another part of your pull in mid-october shows 51% of white voters prefer the president. joeof black voters prefer biden. 63% of hispanic voters prefer joe biden. how much of the electorate do they make up? guest: what we have seen since 2016 is a huge influx in north carolina. we are one of the fastest-growing states. over 1.5 million new people have registered since 2016. they tend to be younger and
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browner. we are getting a lot of minority voters in the state and college aged people. as you look at the electorate and how it has changed since 2016, the percentage of white voters is probably going to drop by a couple of percentage points compared to where it was. the percentage of black voters will probably stay the same. it is about how they turn out. hispanic voters have been increasing in numbers in the state as well as asian voters. we are seeing the increased influence of minority voters in the north carolina electorate. voters8% of rural preferred the present. prefersuburban voters biden. could these voters make up the difference for the former vice president and show why he has
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the advantage? we have seen the propelling of suburbs -- purpling of suburbs in the last few election cycles. is inthe battleground is the circles immediately around the major metropolitan areas, charlotte, raleigh, and even the ing counties a little bit outside of the suburbs that are changing as the population changes. that is why you are seeing when the candidates or surrogates come to north carolina, the president is going to rural areas. joe biden and his surrogates are going to urban and suburban areas. host: joe biden is traveling to the state over the weekend. supporting the biden ticket, go ahead.
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caller: good morning, greta. good morning, mr. mclennan. my poll for i voted for mr. biden. i took my ballot to the absentee board of elections. i am glad it is done. well iot get through, got through, but i did not get to speak to mr. boyum. that it kills say me to listen to these republican roting like tape recorders donald trump talking about how black people are doing so much better under donald trump when it absolutely is not true. what is surreal about it is these are the very people whose usual opinions concerning black
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people is that we are lazy, do not work, we live on welfare and birth numerous babies out of wedlock. that is usually what comes out of their mouths concerning black people. now, blacks are doing so great under trump. if you live in this city and cities are, tent mushrooming all over the place. people everywhere without places to live thanks to this clown in the white house. thank you, greta. host: i'm going to go on to pete in washington, pennsylvania, supporting the president. then we will have you respond. go ahead. caller: hello? host: yes, pete. caller: good morning. mind, going to carolina,
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always liked to visit, wonderful state. i am a christian. will you tell me about the demographics, the religious carolina?n in north it is mostly baptists? host: i'm going to jump in because it is very hard to understand you. he is talking about the religious vote. guest: the religious vote is very important in north carolina. we are part of the bible belt historically. the baptist denomination is the largest protestant denomination in north carolina. the evangelical vote is significant. he raises a good point about the support for the president. from theome strongly
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evangelicals within the protestant community. made a goods caller point about the messaging related to the black community in north carolina. both callers raised an interesting point. this is going to be such a close election in north carolina that if the president's messaging blackeels off a few voters, young black voters in urban areas, or if joe biden is ewle to attract a f evangelical voters, they could make a difference in a close election. host: what is important to these evangelical voters? guest: the issue of the supreme court appointment, justice seems in other polls that have been done in north carolina seems very significant. her importance around social
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issues that they attach a lot of importance to come the opportunity for overturning roe v. wade, or you hear some evangelicals in the state, they are concerned about things like marriage equality. the symbolism of justice barrett's appointment and the realities of ways she could vote are important. host: how do you think it impacts the senate race? the senate race is not as tight as the presidential race. it is a margin of error race. it is something republicans throughout north carolina felt strongly about. in the polls i have seen, they did not think mitch mcconnell was doing anything wrong to advance the supreme court justice late in the election cycle. democrats felt differently. that is what i am watching for,
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when we get the final results, who turned out? i would think the supreme court nomination hearings as well as the confirmation of justice if the republicans come out and larger than expected numbers, will be a major factor. host: james, north carolina. caller: good morning. i tell you, i really have a problem with all of these polls. ares almost like the polls there because they always overemphasize the democratic vote. i'm talking going back 20 years. the democrats are always in the lead initially when everyone knows nobody has got a 14 point lead, 12 point lead. it gives the democrats a false sense of security, and by that time, registration is over. 10 days before the vote, it is
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two points. this is not something that happens rarely. this happens every time. it is a must as if the pollsters -- it is almost as if the pollsters are not scientifically equipped to do it, or they do not get real samples to say this is where we are going rather than this is where we are at, which means very little. know if this is a secret cabal doing this or why the polls do it, but there's got to be something to it that it happens this way. host: james, let's get an answer. guest: it raises a question that many people raise, particularly after 2016. polls this following year, and let me remind you, in north carolina the real clear politics polling averages under
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one point, so even my poll which was done a little while ago -- every joe biden poll has tightened. we do adjust our methods because we are not perfect and we do make mistakes. cabal.s no if you look at the polls, they are all done differently. for-profitome companies, some attached to news organizations. over the place, but we are different in terms of our assumptions. if you do pay attention to the we have madear, adjustments and i hope the polls continue to be used after this election cycle.
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there is an opinion piece and a couple of the papers today talking to pollsters who try to get a feel for the secret trump voter, and the way they go about asking that is -- not directly will you vote for the president? but instead, how do you think your neighbors are going to vote and your friends? and they put that person in the category of probably voting for the president if they answer the friends and neighbors are voting for the president. what you think about that strategy? guest: there are a lot of different strategies. one thing i have done since i polling ande caller online polling is to compare. it is completely anonymous. they are not talking to a human being.
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the idea is the online sample, there's no downside to being honest. there's not much difference between the live callers and the online sample, but we do use different techniques. hown't use that question -- do your neighbor's field -- but i do try to match up other questions, because we can see how people respond to policy know the that we president favors, for example, with, do you support the president? in boonville, north carolina. , i live in watauga aunty, which i believe is blue county. here in the mountains, a blue county. my brothers and sisters are back toward the eastern part, alyssa but city, and -- elizabeth city, north carolina.
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here is about the black vote. i know my brothers have switched from the democrat party to the republican party for many reasons, but just for the simple -- we prefer to have opportunity -- but myes or question is on the polling, i have never been polled before and i don't have a home phone. i just have a cell phone. do you all call cell phones? how does that work? i keep seeing on the news white folks are switching, suburban women are switching to the democrat party because of, you know, i don't agree somewhat but i'm juststyle,
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curious about how big of a role that is going to play. cunningham and tillis race, how is that going to play with the new revelation about the democrat, cunningham, you know what i mean? yes, a lot of interesting questions. i will answer the method question first. yes, we do call cell phones. 70% of our calls are cell phones. we reduced our landline calls. a lot of people do not have them. the black voters in the state, we know the black vote in the state is very significant. over 20% of the electorate is black. particularly key areas -- let me point to one county in north carolina which i am watching from now until election day, nash county. it is in the eastern part of the state, what is known as the black belt.
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a high number of black voters live in nash county. interesting is that county supported president obama twice and in 2016 went for president trump. it really points out what the caller talked about which is the black vote is not monolithic. as i watch that county i really want to see how that county is forng, if that county goes president trump again, president trump has a good chance of carrying the state. if it goes to joe biden, that would be a good thing for the democrats. it is kind of a bellwether county. if suburban women -- yes, we have seen a big shift from 2016 to 2020. michael indicates suburban women have trended toward democratic candidate. mike polling indicates suburban women have trended toward democratic candidate. -- candidates. host: do you support the
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president -- caller: no, i support joe biden. host: supporting the former vice president. caller: excuse me? host: i corrected. supporting the biden-harris ticket. they are talking about hunter biden. they need to talk about president trump's kids. on top of that they talk about trump being a racist. they showed a picture of trump's mother and father with the ku klux klan. he is prejudiced and he is the antichrist. trump is in antichrist. host: all right, sharing the opinion in north carolina. what about seniors in north carolina? guest: north carolina is a place
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where a lot of seniors retire. military in the state, a good number of them, as low as people in the mountain area and along the coast that have come there. senior population is extremely important. joe biden has a slight advantage among seniors, which is very different from 2016. been hitolina has pretty hard by the coronavirus, thaty polling indicates the seniors have switched and support joe biden and now have to attribute that to the president's response to coronavirus. host: what about the female vote in north carolina? will it be important? females make up 54% of the electorate, they have turned out at a higher rate than men for many election cycles.
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we expect women to be a majority. again, the gender gap that i ,now a lot of people talk about they are trending democratic for their support. my polling as well as other showed that women as a group are supporting joe biden and men are supporting president trump. breaking that women support down is key. suburban women is key. college-educated women are trending toward joe biden. black women, as the previous caller suggested, have been an important part of the electorate in north carolina and many southern states. there are many different subgroups of women. host: supporting the president in utah. caller: hello. i have a question about polling
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technique. we are in our third round of novel coronavirus. sars underne was president bush with a 3% death rate. the second was mars, the last , the last year of the obama biden administration with a 35% death rate among the infected. second tale of infection that was contained in the middle east, the vice president and president obama did nothing to -- wee the united states are seeing a 1% death rate instead of 5%, but it could have been 50. the question has not been coming up in the mainstream media.
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to the polls look at questions that already exist in the media or do you look at these types of things and ask questions on the? host: professor? guest: that's a good question. i don't go that many years back to ask questions about how previous administrations respond . there are polling organizations that drill down on that. they don't tend to do election calls. it's a good question. i will talk about, at least in , voters,, check attachment they put to the government response to the coronavirus in terms of their voting decisions. in north carolina, both , arelicans and democrats saying that coronavirus are driving their decisions.
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the republicans are saying the president is better at dealing with the pandemic than the democrats, but it is an important issue in this election cycle. as to theivided response the federal government divided as to the response the state government has made. when we talk about the governor's race in north carolina, the governor is in a much better position than his forcratic counterparts senate and president and a lot of it is the coronavirus response. host: what does the guest mean by online polling? what is the process? guest: ok, that's a great question. what we do is, there are big companies in the country that have people on their panels -- i will not mention the company we use -- but they have about 6.6
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million americans as part of their panel, including 400,000 north carolinians. to be part of surveys of all types, market research, political surveys, etc.. we contract for them. we create the survey. we tell them the parameters of the type of people we want. we want registered voters and likely voters. theet -- we administer survey to their panel of likely voters. 300,000 people are part of that survey. it's not like doing live caller sampling. of those 7 million people could get called by the survey. it's a different kind of sample
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and we acknowledge that. in sanford, north carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. -- what is is this going on with the voter suppression in north carolina? like the governor has been discussing in the news? what is going on with that situation? importantis a very topic in north carolina, as it is around the country. we have a lot of lawsuits. absentee ballot systems, the supreme court yesterday made a howl determination as to late the ballots can come in. restrict an attempt to the amount of time that the ballots can come in.
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that is one possible case of voter suppression. case that pollr watchers are talking about north carolina -- it could be anything from people from the respective campaigns being at the polls and being a presence that may turn people away from live voting. i have not seen much evidence of that in the last couple weeks, during the early voting period. we always talk about the length of the early voting period. this year we have a longer early than the last election cycle and more voting places. some suppression techniques employed in the past do not seem to be affecting north carolina turnout this year. host: let's go to sarah. caller: good morning.
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on the senate race, i am looking at the slurs they are talking about on cal cunningham. is he the only one who has ever cheated on his wife and who knows if that is true or not? the other statement i would like to make is that there have been so many rumors -- we do not know about donald trump and all the cheating he did also. who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. i would like to give a heads up to the caller from tennessee this morning, because joe biden inherit a very, very bad economy. apparently people have forgotten. gas prices were almost four dollars a gallon. you could barely make groceries because you had to put gas in your car. and the caller from warrington, i would like to give him a heads up, because donald trump could
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very well be the antichrist. remember, he already warns you when he told that story about being the snake that bit the told -- he said, the snake the woman, you knew what i was when you picked me up, so we should not forget the past. if we forget the past, we are condemned to repeat it. host: thank you very much. professor? guest: the issue of political scandals, it was not that many years ago we had a u.s. senator who was a presidential hedidate, john edwards, and had his campaign rocked by marital infidelity and it really ended his political career. i think we are in a different environment. part of it has to do with how much polarization we have in our society, not just north carolina, but elsewhere. who supported cal cunningham prior to allegations
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or at least admissions of his marital infidelity, are still supporting him. that was not the case with john edwards. we are an environment where people are saying, i would rather support my candidate, even if he has some some things in his personal life that i may disagree with because i so disagree with the opponent. i did polling after the allegations and after the allegations, his numbers went up. caller: i am supporting the president. you talk about the shy trump voters. i wonder if you could do a closet socialist poll. the president says all of these things about the socialists. he gives up his huge check to everybody, just handed out,
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everybody gets $1200, then he goes and darts all of these trade wars and given all of these -- starts all of these trade wars and giving all of these handouts and goes to the walter reed hospital, getting the free medication from them, taxpayer medication. this guy wants to take tiktok, tell a foreign company they have to be owned by the americans. and then he wants to build walls. do you know who builds walls? walls.munists build host: jason, why are you still supporting him? caller: because i'm definitely not going for the democrats. but i'm a little wary of this guy. he sounds like a socialist. i'm wondering if there's a poll to see if he is a closet socialist. host: understood, understood. professor?
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we look at young voters a lot because we believe that they more significant part of the electorate and in 2016 and they did support political policies that are left-leaning. pollse done previous about support for medicare for all to replace the current insurance system and young voters in north carolina strongly support policy positions like that. when you look at the electorate, whether it is north carolina or , you see a wide range of views about what policy should be. we don't find that the president's policy positions have been all that popular, yet he remains relatively popular in north carolina. some of his decisions, for example, about a wall and that
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sort of thing have not been 100% popular even within republican circles, but his support has been fairly consistent. host: greenville, ohio. caller: yes. host: good morning. caller: good morning. host: go ahead. the question is, as far as hunter biden and this deal is going on with him -- i mean, whodn't you think a person had a laptop usually takes it with them as far as having it on a computer someplace? that you would have the hard drive out or what? i think this is a bunch of bull crap. we need to ask giuliani where this came from. host: goose creek, south
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carolina, supporting the former vice president. caller: hello. good morning. yes, i support joe biden. i don't support trump. you can support somebody you don't respect. womanizer, second of all he's wishy-washy. one day he is going to do something. the next day he changes his mind. what really gets me is john mccain, the fact that he, you know, but john mccain down saying he was a hero just because he stayed in a prison camp for three or four years, whatever it was. that he was in a hero. host: character, doesn't matter in north carolina? guest: again, the perception of character depends on where you are coming from. again, the caller raises all kinds of questions about the
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president and we have seen for 4ars of questions raised -- years of questions raised, but for republican voters or trump voters, they overlook that. they themselves would live their lives the way the president has lived his, but they see that he bring something else to the table. many of our rural north carolina voters who have been strong supporters of the president from 2015 until now, when you raise questions about the president's truth telling, they say, he may not tell the truth -- he might not tell the truth the whole time, but we are really interested in his appointing of judges. we are interested in his tax cuts. the same is true for the other side, like i said about how cunningham. 'smocrats and cunningham supporters are overlooking the fact that he has marital fidelity issues. host: on election night, which
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counties are you watching and why? guest: i am looking at the overall turnout in major metropolitan areas because we've seen such growth in the triangle areas, the raleigh-durham area, as well as the charlotte area, in the last four years. if we see extraordinarily high turnout in those areas of the state, that's almost -- that will overwhelm the rural parts of the state in terms of biden support. nash county in the eastern part of the state, and one of your callers was from watauga county, and even though there are a lot of democratic leaders in the county, that is one of those counties that does not always go for democrats. i am watching for some rural counties and some early counties. host: thank you for your time. guest: greta, good to be with you.
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host: we will take a break. when we come back, we will look at our question from this morning, which of these candidates do you support on the economy? we will be right back. ♪ "q&a,"ay night on mail-in ballots and election security. 11:00called by 10:00, because it's a big blue county. so we have michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania and we have the same thing.
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>> they have been a threat to counting, and that is the increase of paper records and the increased coordination with the state and federal government . >> mail-in ballots and election security. q&a."span's ' c-span, yourtching .nfiltered view of government >> you're watching american history tv. all weekend, every weekend on c-span 3. -- journal -- "wa shington journal" continues.
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>> let's start with the president's remarks. [video clip] president trump: you will have a depression like you have never seen if sleepy joe becomes president. your 401(k) -- throw them out the window. did you see the number today? 33.1 gbp, the biggest in the gdp,ry of our country -- the biggest in history by country. almost triple, right? almost triple. bigger thany much any gdp we have ever had. you have to go back to the 19 80's and it was less than half. if you ask me, i would have that.
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everyone has seen a number like this. this is bigger than any nation. we were compared to europe. germany is doing so well. france is doing so well. take a look at what is going on. we are on their team. we want to work with them and anything else, but they're not doing well. they are spiking up big. they are shutting down. they are locking down. i disagree with that. we are never going to let down again. we understood what was happening. the president touting economic numbers released yesterday. the former vice president was an broward county, florida yesterday. [video clip]
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mr. biden: i am not going to shut down the economy. i am not going to shut down the country. but i am going to shut down the virus. when barack and i left office we handed donald trump a strong economy. and just like everything else he inherited, he blew it. now he is squandering that economy, like he has squandered everything else. we can build back and we can with anck better economy that will reward work, not well. -- not wealth. make $400,000 and above, you will start paying your fair share. , they willgentlemen
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begin to pay their fair share. 91 of the fortune 500 companies pay zero in taxes taxes after mg billions of dollars. they have to pay a minimum tax. why should a firefighter, an payator, why should a nurse a tire -- pay a higher tax rate than the super-wealthy? why should you pay more taxes than donald trump pays? mr. biden in florida yesterday. your calls. why do you trust him on the economy? caller: first of all, thanks for the call. president trump, he runs the country kind of like a reality tv host. like a two bit mop boss.
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he has family members on the payroll. that is first. he would never get my vote, because of his character. secondly, i am a teacher. when kids come in and want to talk about politics, i'm starting to do that. i always tell them, we should be grateful because the obama-trump economy since the great depression in 2009 has been doing great. i show them how the trajectory has been of both unemployment going down and our gdp going up. it has been great. the two administrations have done great. we should be grateful for that. is,ndly, the socialism talk people literally do not know what they are talking about. we have never had a free market economy in this country. it has always been a mixed-market economy. we will still have a mixed-market economy. biden wants to raise the top rate to 39%. it is not a huge jump and he
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still has to get it passed. it is the same rate reagan had. it is not like he is going to socialism. could and lastly -- i talk for a while -- i would encourage people to read steven pinker's book or listen to a podcast he has been on with hidden brain. we are not in dire straits. this is not the worst -- this is not the most important election of our lifetime. we will get through this tough fibrous and things will look up. now"e read "enlightenment and you will feel better. host: what grade do you teach? caller: i teach all middle school grades. social studies and english, mostly english. host: joe in bedford, maine. undecided? caller: yes, i just haven't voted yet. i am really leaning biden.
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the reason is, trump is just lying. hello? host: yes, we are listening. the president, you think, is lying. caller: about the economy and where we are. we were headed toward a recession in january with the oil and, again, with his lies. i just can't believe that people -- talking about biden being compromised? million worth50 of debt they have identified. he will not show his taxes. host: joe, why are you undecided? caller: i just haven't voted yet. i wait until the end. anything can happen. donald trump could come out tomorrow and say he is giving and not have000 any intention of doing it, like
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every other lie he said. host: you don't sound undecided. i have hady because four years of proof. i just can't believe american people don't listen to what this man said. host: how are you going to vote in that senate race? susan collins? caller: oh, susan collins? i'm sorry, susan collins voted for kavanaugh and said the woman was not assaulted. she had no proof, did not allow any proof. i don't believe susan collins will win. i will not vote for susan collins. host: have you voted for her in the past? caller: yes, i have. host: every election since 1996? caller: i have only been in maine since 2001. i trusted her. let me say one thing. woman was proof that not sexually assaulted by this man.
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want, buty what you she was supportive of women's rights until she went in this year. off.he just blew them all she said in a debate, i don't listen to the people of maine, i make my own decisions. and, you't support her know, like i said, this president is -- apex, northn carolina. supporting the president. caller: thank you so much for taking my call. i trust trump, because he is the one who does not support the world economic of -- world economic forum, which is a full-blown socialist plan. biden has said repeatedly he favors a new world order. you simply have to look it up online. trump puts america first. he is going to keep the usa a separate nation. i refused to accept the coup by
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democrats in 2016. shutdown is entirely for the purpose to force what is called the great reset. even time magazine has an article about the great reset. an attempt to turn our entire world, global, and remove national borders. the planpointed that to overthrow our government using socialist riots has not been never discussed on c-span. inis what has been occurring new york and portland. host: ok, rose. the president tweeted out yesterday more of what he had to say in florida about the former vice president wanting to lock down because of coronavirus and what kind of impact that could have on our society. he tweeted this out. "if you vote for biden, kids will not be in school. there will be no thanksgiving, no christmas, and no fourth of
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july." this prompted hillary can -- hillary clinton to respond. in case you missed it yesterday, the hill newspaper had the story about hillary clinton serving as an elector. i'm sure i will get to vote for joe, she says. michael in oklahoma, supporting biden. the morning to you, michael. caller: good morning. i am a supporter of joe biden, for one. i will say that straight out. i think we will do better on the economy than trump has so far. but i would also like to address something that i keep hearing republicans say day after day after day. socialism. since the late 1930's the united a socialisteen democracy.
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roosevelt, thanks to frances perkins, brought us, technically a slightly socialist tone to the country. she brought us social security, medicare, the weekend, 40 hour fdic insurance. all of that is socialism. host: all right, michael. mary, maryland. you are undecided? caller: i am undecided but leaning toward biden for one big reason. i live very close to the capital and i have two neighbors who work for senators. we meet as a group. if trumpys talk about, gets elected and if mcconnell
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gets elected, social security will be on the chopping block as the first thing of business. they will attack social security. that he it is possible will not have any social security. to theary, have you gone candidates' websites to find for website to gone to a search for yourself what they are saying about social security? --ler: no, what i belong social security works is an organization that puts out good information. i listen to them. also, a couple of things. if arnold schwarzenegger, colin powell, lincoln project people, they are diehard republicans. don't you think they know better than most of trump's followers? the would be concerned if
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country was turning socialist. sayingause trump keeps socialism as a fear, to instill fear. although he has absolutely no evidence of that. host: ok, mary. talksf you know that between democrats on capitol hill and the white house have stalled over more economic aid to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. henry rogers, who works for the daily caller, we tout a scoop. the daily caller has obtained a copy of a coronavirus relief bill set to be introduced by the gop leader kevin mccarthy. melanie, who works for politico, tweets out that the house gop wants a $47 billion relief bill. compare that to what democrats are pushing for over $2 trillion. yesterday speaker of the house nancy pelosi held a news
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conference and talked about the economic numbers you heard the president touting in florida. she says those are due to the economic aid to congress passed. here she has. >> madame speaker, the economy grew at a rate of 31% in the third quarter. does president trump deserve credit for that? >> the cares act deserves credit for that. we had lost ground in the second quarter. this barely makes up for that and the cares act deserves credit for injecting the resources into the economy, whether it is in our subsequent ppp. it is as if -- somebody used an example this morning -- as if you lost $100 in the second quarter, and you are making up -- $65.dollars if we don't pass a recovery bill
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, we will faceill dire circumstances. administratione work together in a bipartisan way to pass the cares act, as well as subsequent legislation to inject resources into the economy. the lack of doing that this time is going to take us back down to another path. the speaker. now listen to the president's economic advisor larry kudlow on those gdp numbers. >> you acknowledge that these record gains follow record losses. >> of course i do. the pandemic contraction because ins last winter and spring generated a heavy economic toll. very heavy. got a 33% increase in the third quarter. that is a record.
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i want to go underneath the hood here. i think this is a self-sustaining coverage. the numbers are gargantuan. i'm going to read them off. consumer spending up 41%, housing up 59%, business investment in equipment up 70%, and automobile production up almost 1200%. so, my take is this -- this is self-sustaining. it is going to spill over into the current quarter and next year, policies permitting. the missing link -- and a lot of people have not talked about this -- you were going to get a big inventory rebuild. i don't mean to go into the grass and weeds on business economics, that is the way the economy works. you have rising demands, liberated by the reopening of the economy, and now inventories have to be rebuilt to meet those
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demands. that means you are going to have several quarters, a be a good year of more production, manufacturing, construction, jobs, wage increases. takes.- two different who do you trust on the economy? laurie in tennessee, supporting the president. caller: i trust trump. all the way, trump and pants. all the way. -- pence. all the way. what would biden have done? he said the same thing that trump is already done. country's town the help the american people. china sent the virus over here. what else was he supposed to do? make masks?
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what are they saying? masks everywhere? there is not enough police in the world to make everybody wear a mask. host: sharon in tacoma park, maryland. why do you trust joe biden the economy? caller: i already voted for him, and basically my 401 -- can you hear me? host: we are listening. caller: my 401 has been doing great due to trump, but i don't expect that to last. i think the market has probably , with interest rates and the regulation. i think it is probably going to have a course correction at some point, which means the bubble is going to burst. i don't think the market is realistic with what is going on in the economy. also with coronavirus, i don't think this is sustainable. when the bubble bursts, i think
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we are going to need someone more steady. host: ok. virginia beach. why do you support the president on the economy? caller: i trust the president with the economy. he has done it before. he is a businessman. he knows what he is talking about. what has he done in his first term that you like when it comes to the economy? caller: bringing back manufacturing. bringing it back here, he started bringing it back. he needs four or years to bring back more, and we should vote for him so we can have all of the manufacturing back in this country. host: are you seeing it in virginia beach? caller: yes. host: in what way? caller: we have more businesses. small businesses that start up. now, we have biden that is going to tax $400,000 and above.
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catherine, burlington, new jersey. good morning to you. caller: good morning, greta. how are you? host: i'm good. the vice president wins, what do you want him to do on the economy first? caller: i would like for him to do what he said he is going to do, and that is increase taxes on the wealthy over $400,000 a year and take care of the middle-class people and below. host: ok. brenda in new jersey. you are undecided. are you undecided because of the economy? caller: yes i am. i like biden so much and i like the way he speaks and his ideas, then when i think about some of the things he wants to do, i am undecided for the part he wants to raise taxes and take away fracking.
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i go to president trump, and his ideas -- which i have been watching on tv -- he has good ideas on china. bring back out of this pandemic we are in. i think i'm going to go more for president trump, for the part that he has good ideas. he has had good ideas and did a lot of good things for america. i hope he continues to do so. i believe in my heart he is going to get my vote. host: all right. andpresident and joe biden their running mates and their supporters will be on the campaign trail in the coming days. today the vice president holds a rally in flagstaff, arizona. live coverage begins at 3:05 eastern time here on c-span. campaigns at a driving rally in st. paul, minnesota. our coverage begins at 4:45 here
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on c-span. in the president holds a rally in rochester, minnesota. p.m. on begins at 6:45 c-span2. senator harris campaigns in houston tonight. live coverage begins at 8:35 p.m. eastern time on c-span. you can watch on our website or listen if you download the free radio app. campaign 2020. the los angeles times takes a look at the youth boat. they report on twitter that more ages6.8 million people 18-29 have voted early or by mail. increase over this point years ago. -- four years ago. voters under 30 had cast more than 900,000 ballots in texas, nearly three times the number as around this time in 2016. other states, young florida
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voters have cast 569,000 votes. overis a 42% increase 2016. young people in georgia have expanded their vote by 82%, to more than 340,000. they note from tufts university that younger voters and to be democrats by a 30-point margin. that alone could make georgia more competitive. in the state of texas, david wasserman notes that texas just surpassed its 2016 total votes cast one day of early voting and election day left to go. the status reporting over 9 million votes already cast, versus the all-time record of 8.9 million in 2016. he says this is massive. building anticipation to tuesday night. our coverage begins at 9:00 p.m.
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eastern time. we are going to give you the balance of power in congress, as well as the presidential election results. right here on c-span,, also the c-span radio app. she will not get on other channels is all of you, the viewers. we will let your voices be heard with your phone calls. dan in pennsylvania. supporting the president. good morning. caller: how are you doing this morning? host: hi. caller: i can hear you. host: we are listening to you, dan. go ahead. caller: i guess it is simple for me. in, i heardre came about that. i had actually had health care, and through a divorce. i had my own health care, and i got a letter saying, due to obamacare that i had more affordable options. my options were 200% higher. then to top it off, two use in a
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row i got penalized for not having health care. so i was really just lost. president trump did away with that, fine. which helped me out tremendously. that was extra money i was able to take care of my daughter with. another thing that is troubling me and pushing me definitely for president trump is, i am hearing covid --00 deaths from which, any death is sad. nobody inhere is personal and local governments taking any kind of responsibility for that. we have heard the different stories about the mismanagement onnursing homes and whatnot local levels. it is sad that we need some kind of statistical analysis to actually show the truth of this. everything has become so opinion-based.
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on health care alone, that was enough for me to vote. there is just so many other issues that it takes too much time to touch on. host: dan, thank you for calling in today to give us your opinion. lorraine in new york. what do you say about the economy and your support for joe biden? caller: yes, good morning. i am supporting joe biden. i believe he will not tear down the social safety net. i also believe that president own personals businesses and the country's business -- as they say in texas, like a man with a big hat, but no cattle. he is someone who is supporting, for absolute sure, the continuation of inherited wealth by a minority of americans who continue to make money off of their inherited wealth with
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lobbyists. in addition to that, supports corporate greed. corporate greed -- i would rather see, instead of an s&p 500, i would rather see every profitthe news how much a corporation makes in terms of corporate greed. because they are buying lobbyists and running our country. inherited wealth and corporate greed are the two things running the country. host: all right, rose in illinois. supporting the president. why do you trust president trump on the economy? caller: i am for president trump because i think the other side lies. andy time i listen to nbc ccn -- whatever you call these other channels. when i heard the teacher you had talking on your show a few calls ago saying that he teaches middle school and he was telling
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them how great it was during obama's time? first of all, he has no right to teach the kids that. i resent that, because i don't like obama or biden. i called them -- host: let me jump in. he said he was teaching his students about the growth of the economy under president obama and president trump. he was saying, look at the positive growth numbers under both of those presidents. caller: i don't think he should be teaching them that. because the kids don't understand everything they are talking about. theydon't understand how have leftists. it looks like i am watching nazi germany reborn in america today on the left side. with criminals running for president that has been selling us all to the communist china. i really resent all of this
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corruption in washington, d.c., with all of the riots they have been happening, and dcaa and fbi going into the news media to run havingnd our computers communist chinese in washington do all of these things with the computers so they can throw our voices out. there is a lot of corruption and traders and make this country, because they get paid off by communist china. and biden as part of it. anybody that votes for him or teaches those things and don't allow conservative voices in schools are our enemies. thank you. host: lee in miami, supporting joe biden. caller: yes, thank you for taking my call. i have one question for those who are supporting trump. they support him simply because they think he is a great businessman. if he is such a great businessman, why has he had so
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many bankruptcies? why is the president of the united states a person who has had -- i think it is at least five bankruptcies? and squandered an inheritance that he inherited from his father? he squandered that, and he has had in group c after bankruptcy. and he is controlling our economy? he came in when obama was the rise and on that democrats have been so quiet about that. solicit ae trying to lawyer and you found out that they were -- they had bankruptcies, not even one, but two or three? would you hire them? this is who we have. we have a president who had four -- maybe five -- bankruptcies.
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i just don't understand that. host: felix in daytona, florida. supporting the president. what do you like about what the president did in his first term on the economy? caller: i like the taxes. the tax plan he had. wasn't affected -- impacted by it in any way, at least that i can tell. you know? anas an employer, i was employee, not an employer. my employers probably have more insight into that. one of the main reasons i wanted to call in was that i understand and people say -- like the very last caller -- host: you've got to make it quick, because the house is getting ready to gavel in. caller: got it. i work for two startups.
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in both of those cases i was laid off and i could understand the intricacies of businesses and how some can fail and some can succeed. and the bankruptcies in the president's case is just the nature of business. host: we've got to run. the house is gaveling in. there is no slate of his missed this week. we will go to the floor for that quick pro forma session. will be back here 7:00 a.m. eastern time. see you then. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]


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