tv Washington Journal Mike Gonzalez CSPAN December 27, 2020 5:09pm-6:10pm EST
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than $700 billion in military programs and construction. do you have the votes to override president trump's veto? >> i think we will find out pretty soon. this legislation has been passed by congress every year for about 60 years running, it has been signed by presidents. i think it puts the right priorities behind our defense policy, and it passed both houses with overwhelming votes. we will see. that's why you have a vote. >> let's talk definitions first.
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when you talk about identity politics, define what that means. country,vision of the the reimagining of america as a country, a confederation of categories based on race, sex, national background, gender identity, sexual preference, anything that bestows a degree of victimhood on members, claimhood we used to respect or attention, not as individuals but members of a category. the wordl us about plot, the plot to divide the land of the free. when did you see this plot beginning and who is behind it? have: it's not that you meetings in basements in
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madison, wisconsin or cambridge, massachusetts on thursday night. it is this idea of using the category as a way to change america, as a way to transform america into something else, to systemically change it. it is a rejection of the improving himself or herself and their family and the american dream, because that is joining the system. the idea here is to change the system and tear it down. that is at the core of identity politics and critical race theory into the other philosophies and disciplines. that's why it is really a plot in the sense that the people who proposed this, proponents, do openly admit to wanting to change america structurally and systemically. host: one of the pieces in your new book talks about the myths
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of identity politics. -- write identity politics the myth is it is a grassroots movement, that it is politics responding to the demographic shifts in the country, or fighting identity politics is not only a "appraised but futile effort." guest: it hijacks the impulse to be compassionate, who needs our help. it did not come from grassroots, grassroots was very open that they rejected being seen as marginalized or members of minorities or victims.
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they wanted to access the american dream individually through their own agency. these are people who were often times aware they were discriminated against and yet they believed they could improve their life individually. the idea that you act through the collective is imposed by ideologues and activists who have an idea of changing america in mind. it's one of the most important things to call out right away and say we should be very aware our best impulses are being hijacked. the other is the idea of changingy, that the demography necessitated this division of the country into groups. that is not the case. the demography has been changing since the 1600s. andarrival of the germans scotch irish, and in the 1850's,
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scandinavians and germans, about 17 million of them, the irish because of the potato famine. island, groups from armenia and sicily and eastern europe and hungary. america's demography has always been changing. there was nothing different about this new wave, just a continuation of the american story, that necessitated a convict country into categories. host: as we started, i mentioned briefly some of your professional background. tell us a little bit about your immigration background, your folks, and secondly, the things you were just talking about, there used to be the idea of a melting pot in america. does that still exist or is the idea still worth having? guest: let me take that first. the melting pot is one of the first ideas that is targeted in this new dispensation of identity politics. for a reason, the melting pot is
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about joining the system and improving the system and accessing the system, and people who have this in mind you not want to improve the system, they want to change the american system, starting with capitalism. these are very marxist ideas, critical theory on which all of this is based is a neo-marxist school. -- i am anory is 1 cuba,ant, i was born in my family went to europe, and we came here to new york in the early 1970's when i had turned 14. i have this history, if you want to use the language of the left, my lived experience, to understand certain things. you mentioned i was a journalist and a foreign correspondent. i was abroad 15 years spending
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the bulk of it in europe and asia. some reporting in latin america as well. the vast majority of the time was in asia and europe. i am able to compare and to see, to am able compare different models. i believe in america. i believe in the american system. i think it's a fantastic country not just because of the opportunity it gave my family to escape the harsh realities of communism and socialism, but also because it has produced a level of liberty and prosperity unheard of in the history of mankind. host: mike gonzalez is our guest and we welcome your calls and comments. the lines are on your screen. from your book, you write our
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struggle to realize the promise of a colorblind america where no one benefits from or is persecuted for your real or attribute of trades, and cease making -- creating the impression the people are victims without personal agency. what we need is to confront whatever racial justice is needed in america with a new civil rights movement. what would that look like? 1.0,: one that finishes which is to have a colorblind society. had color conscious laws in the past. we had the scourge of slavery in then we had plessy 1880's, the idea that we could have separate but equal. the civil rights movement, starting with brown in 1954,
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producing aout government that lives by the reconstruction amendment, equal protection to all americans. the state exist to protect our natural rights matter who we are, what her background is, our sex is, our race is. that.k we need to pursue and not the betrayal of the civil rights act we saw with the racial preference system affirmative action, which rankles many americans. explain to americans with these racial preferences are, it really is rejected. wheret saw in california by an 11 point margin, californians in the bluest state
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in the union rejected affirmative action. host: i want to go to the day after the election, a piece in the wall street journal. tuesday's big loser, identity politics, america's reject anything to do with race or sex with tom's strong might -- trumps strong minority showing. that and bolstered or changed at all? guest: bolstered definitely. districtsng at some in philadelphia, heavily puerto rican, had a swing toward trump, and in alexandria ocasio-cortez 's own district. sawhe rio grande valley, we counties that are 97% american. county, a county that hillary clinton had won handily
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in 2016. and you have the example of south florida with many south americans and cuban-americans voting for trump in very large numbers, but more importantly, the puerto rican districts swinging toward president trump. wasink what we saw then this rejection i'm speaking of, cssle saying please do not victims. we are going -- see us as victims. there going to vote on economy, we are going to vote to sustain the economy, to make sure the economic system doesn't change, the preservation of the american system. the group, the group of who are hispanic
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americans, showed every time you pulled them that every time the most important thing is the economy, education, health care and so forth. host: we spent the first hour talking to viewers and listeners president-elect's cabinet picks so far, asking them if diversity matters in the cabinet. matter, in your opinion, for the selections of the president-elect or any president coming in? guest: i was listening to that and i was very comforted by lots of people calling in and saying diversity does matter. ar example, you need diversity of experience. you need people, not just educated at harvard and yell, but some people who perhaps have haveraduated college or gone to a state school. that we are to be run
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by an elite of people who 's has notrom the ivy been great for a swath of america. you need geographical diversity, people from appalachia, the deep south, the pacific northwest, new england. not just the corridor between washington, d.c. and new york city. life -- inas of newsrooms, for example -- you need a diversity of views. and on college campuses, academia and the faculty lounge, you need a diversity of views, not just controlled by the extreme aspects of the left, which is what we are seeing on college campuses and in newsrooms today. host: we have plenty of phone calls. -- howter, noah says
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should identity groups who feel marginalized address grievances in a meaningful way? can identity be used to address systemic issues in the united states? guest: i think it's not only fine but healthy to take pride in who you are. to take pride in your history. we all have history and such knowledge is a powerful thing. i think it does empower you to understand life, your background, the life of your parents or grandparents, the struggles and how you got to be where you are. you are a point in that continuum. that, you need to rely on syntheticnd categories by the office of budget. you could be colombian american and take pride in that and use that as fuel for your own success. you could be puerto rican and
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take a huge pride in your traditions. , think individual agency individuals striving, adopting good habits that lead to success, is what leads to success. that is what leads to a fulfilling and -- life. the idea that you must go on a category, often times crated by government, in order to collectively change the system, the u.s. system, i think that is pernicious. host: our guest mike gonzalez is what the heritage foundation and the author of the new book "the plot to change america: how identity politics is dividing the land of the free." let's hear from albert in chicago on the democrats line. caller: good morning. here's what i have noticed about
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identity politics. after whaticans went bathroom a transgender person could use, that was identity politics because you didn't based on the transgender identity. when trump issued his ban on muslims coming into the country, that was done based on the identity as a muslim. that is identity politics. in north carolina, they passed their voter restriction laws, voter id laws, whatever voter laws they pass, north carolina supreme court said those laws targeted african-americans with almost surgical precision. that is identity politics. time the that every liberals pushed back against these identity politics policies, they get accused of
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playing identity politics, when all they are doing is trying to stop you all from stripping the rights of people away based on identity? host: how about we get a response. guest: thank you for that question. on the very good laws books about not singling people out according to race or sex or national origin. we need to enforce those laws, and throw the book at any company or school or entity that makes decisions based on somebody's background or race or sex. absolutely. the identity politics i am referring to is this idea that we are a confederacy of categories with certain degrees of victimhood onch then gives us the claim
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justice, and intersectionality, you could have an olympics of degrees of victimhood with different players of victimhood added on. that is the identity politics i am referring to. entity thatly any discriminates -- in the country we live in, we need to enforce these laws. host: in texas, rick on the independent line. caller: good morning. for mike.estion what i had on my mind was we needed diversity in the cabinet. with diversity you got different perspective of views coming from the country. cabinet, i did have -- they were people put in there
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because they were friends. my point of view, i think diversity in the cabinet does make a difference. , youestion to mr. gonzalez believe wedo you should give a number, maybe a tax number, driver's license to the 12 million illegals who are here and do you think that is good for the country as far as the baby boomers retiring and we need that income coming into sustained social security? guest: i did not catch your name, but -- host: i miss the name, but he was from texas. guest: thank you, color from texas, and happy christmas to
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you. i think embedded in your question is the assumption that ideas are inherent in your race. you said you need racial diversity to have different someoneut if you have surname gonzalez who has graduated from harvard and somebody named johnson who is white who has graduated from harvard, and you have an african-american who has graduated from harvard, they are going to have very similar views, especially if, for example, they are all liberal or conservative. just because they have a different national background, a different race or different sex, does not mean in the least that they will have different views. race carriest your ideas with you, carries ways of thinking, is very pernicious and
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has led to a lot of problems in the last century. we need to put that aside and -- thatnd that people what we need, as you said, i diversity of experience, not so much a numerical proportional is proportionalism. i don't really deal with that in my book. generalizeda amnesty would produce a huge wave of people flocking to the that's what the history of this proves, but i don't deal with that at all in my book. key foru write that the identity politics is to eliminate the economic insight minsk of adhering to group identities, which in many instances have been fabricated
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for the purpose of dividing us into factions. society must decide to withdraw the inducements to group making to shut down the casinos of identity politics. give us some examples. guest: there is a very good example in my book. i have a chapter developed to this new category the obama administration tried to create in 2016, expecting the clinton administration to come in and rubberstamped the idea. i look at the debate at the census bureau in 2015 where the census bureau brought in a lot of so-called experts. they ended up being ethnic studies experts. was one of the people who did the debate. there are videos out there, i have not transcribed. americans from the middle east
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and north africa do not want this category. these are americans like johnson who knew and mitch daniels -- like john sununu and mitch , who you would not think of them as marginalized today. they kept saying the graduates do not want this, and other people would say, once they start associating, being a category,the mina with having an advantage in college admissions, government contracting, or hiring, they would really love it. that is what it is, these inducements to adhere to the category are one of the things the government should take away because this reimagining of the country has not been good for us . we are a country of
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people from many different ethnic backgrounds, we cannot become what the ottoman empire was or the habsburg empire work in the 19th and 20th century where you have different groups with different rights and different laws. that would not work at all. host: you are pushing back against the groups that identify , various minority and different categories and more with the groups that sustain those people or make claims to represent those people, organizations that benefit, as you pointed out, from government funding or grants were things like that. is that your charge? guest: that is one of the
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arguments i made. we see with asian americans advancing justice a group that is supposed to advance asian americans. in fact, they are for affirmative action, which is now hurting chinese-americans and indian americans and they are not responsive to the huge wave of rejection of affirmative action we see among chinese-americans across the people who make up these ethnic affinity organizations, like raza, which has changed its name. they benefit the most because they have a job for life. these are members of network organizations. they are more plugged into what is happening in washington, d.c. than what is happening in individual districts and neighborhoods in this country. terry in's hear from
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illinois, republican line. give myi wanted to comments on my view of identity politics. i remember a while back when bush sr. spoke at a university, saying how it is going to destroy our country, along with, in my opinion, the internet. the people calling, they are not really listening to you, they are still hearing what the media and politicians is telling them, like the gentleman from illinois , transgender with the bathroom. the bathroom is the safety for our children. to gorvert can use that into the washrooms. it is coming out of the university and changing the laws on capitol hill to shelter the lawmakers from lying to the public and getting away with it. and the media are destroying our country.
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identity politics is a terrible thing. host: terry in illinois. mike gonzalez, we have not talked about the role of the media in either promoting or dismissing identity politics. guest: thank you for that call. what i am saying is jarring for many who have not heard these things before, which is why i wanted to write the plot to change america. i was horrified that these myths had gotten so much currency in society. the media are huge proponents of these ideas. npr, for example. they constantly use the term latinx. there is not a coffee place in little havana in miami or a
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bodega in the bronx or anybody in there might mind -- in their right mind would use the word latinx. it is rejected on the people whom the npr and media complex pushes the term. even the terms hispanic and latino are not used by cuban-americans, mexican americans, puerto rican americans. host: where does the term come from? guest: hispanic itself -- version --he latin the latinx. it is meant to correct the fact that custodian nouns are gendered, you have latina and latino. i guess in the addled mind of some professor was too exclusive in only isolating the males.
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that is a deep misunderstanding of how the spanish language works and i don't think npr should be in the business of changing the language. the royal academy in madrid, which issues dictates and is made up of academics that understand the language of cervantes a lot better. host: mike gonzalez with his new book, a plot to change america: how identity politics is dividing the land of the free. republicans,??. caller: i think your book is written so that old white male republican men can stay in a position of power. if you look at gerrymandering, i would imagine you go along with
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gerrymandering, whereas if you can have a black community but the people that were being white, male old, republicans. congressman and told him three years ago that women, black women, brown women, hispanic women, asian women, american indian women, we would take out the president of the united states, and we did. put in because we have joe biden as president -- i don't know if you acknowledge him as president or not, i really don't care. we want a diverse cabinet. uswant people that represent and our ideas. it is our money sent to washington and we want the money to come back to us.
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we want all the health care that we can get. this president has made a mockery out of the health care system. my grandson, give you an example. nurse in the greater cincinnati area, and he informed us over the -- i didn't see him over the holidays, but i did see him on the phone. he said he has not had one patient, not one, who has left the icu that has not gone in a body bag, yet we could not get this administration even to say coronavirus. they call it china virus. host: any response? guest: merry christmas and thank you for your call. we actually have some agreement. i hate gerrymandering as much as
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you do. i think the racial gerrymandering we have seen is one of the reasons we have the polarization we have in america district for which nobody can really compete produces politicians who go to washington who feel no need to reach across the aisle, either to the left or right. that is a big problem in this country. what i want to see in this country is successful government and successful companies. i want to see a diversity that is organically produced, where ideas and creative people are really fulfilling their lives. it doesn't matter their background, their sex, the color of your skin -- that is truly
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the america that i want and the america that a lot of people who are now on the left and right want. host: republican line, this is bob. caller: thank you for taking my call. there is a couple of points i would like to make. one is i remember reading a study on race. they looked at dna of different races and determined there was actually more diversity within a single race than there were between races. we all come from a common ancestor, so these differences we see in skin color and eyes is hair and whatnot secondary. we are so much more alike. the second point is i agree with mr. gonzales about certain ethnic groups thinking a certain
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way, i don't believe that. i believe we should have a colorblind america, like martin luther king said. when you look at who graduated from the ivy league schools and etc. etc., one of the most important things -- and i have always said this -- intelligence does not run parallel with character. ethnicity,s race, but character is extremely important and i think it is one of the things they need to look at when they choose people for these high posts. i will leave it to mr. gonzales. guest: what a great point about character. that was used by martin luther king. character really is, along with ability, probably the main thing
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that anybody hiring or giving a contract should think of. said, thatwhat you we all come from the same learnors, the more we scientifically, the more we see there was an original female maletor and an original ancestor of all humanity and we are all the same. shareour humanity that we , the faculties we have of , of speech that links us together, all 7 billion of us on this orth -- on this earth. host: here is harry from georgia. caller: there are so many issues that seem to have come into
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focus here, but i would say as far as when you were hiring a cabinet, filling a cabinet, you make sure that the pool of people you are pulling this cabinet from his diverse, but anything use race or but competence to pick those officers for your cabinet from. and if you start getting diverted into all this race or anything else, but other than qualifications, so you pick the best qualified. there is never going to be a time you are not going to devote a certain amount of time to making sure your diversity
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matches. the real thing that we all have to worry about his policy right have isause what we between thevide top 5% or .1% the and the policy changes need to be made. because the middle class was duringy policy changes the 1930's and 1940's that classt about the middle burgeoning in this country. again, a great question. this is a very high-caliber audience you have here, bill.
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performhe ability to along with the character that bob spoke of earlier. yes, i think that is what is cabinetnot just in the but in a court, in an office, in a legislature. i live and work in the washington area. you do have a permanently settled administrative state that really does run and believe that it has the right to run the government and the country with little or no political accountability. i think that is really, as you said, the divide between the elite and the common man is something that, as we have seen in not just the last four years but the last few years, it emerges as one of the fissures we have in society, and i think
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we need to address that in a diversity of educational backgrounds, geographic backgrounds, not just choosing who have this monolithic mindset of new york and washington i think that is what the country needs. host: let me ask you about that political accountability. we mentioned your wall street journal opinion piece that said identity politics lost in the 2020 election. looking ahead to the biden administration, what's the status? do you see identity politics being used more by the parties during the biden administration? think the country is rejecting this. ,y book is selling well because for reasons i don't like,
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necessarily, we have had a very tumultuous year in 2020. i think we see, not just from the right but among the left, many people on the left like steven pinker, michael lind, professors who are more left of center who i don't agree with, andrew sullivan, the brilliant writer -- people i don't agree with a lot on many things, but they do agree identity politics is a problem because it threatens our liberal democracy. expressly theery idea that we are based on natural rights. i think that the american people are rejecting this. i cannot see the elected leadership of the country bucking what the people want. not just people like steven harvard, but
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americans. they won california by an 11 point margin, a resounding failure of the attempt to reintroduce affirmative action. they had all the media and corporations and elites on that , a very grassroots campaign led by many chinese-american families, many of them immigrants, were able to defeat this. i don't see, not only in the federal government but in our state, our leadership doubling down on identity politics. they do at their own peril. aboutlet me ask you another political scientist professor from brown university headlined,on piece
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identity politics keeps american society healthy. he said identity politics springs from a dynamic society in constant motion. there is always a group at the margins pressing for a proper place. jews, italians, catholics, , chinese, formerly enslaved people, latin, muslims, civil rights activists, same-sex partners. each group rattles the establishment and provokes culture clashes, but they add up to a vibrant change in society. new groups inject fresh energy and new ideas and face pushback from the powers and the identities that were. misreading is a deep of the historical record. turninggraphy has been from the very beginning, but nobody, thank god, nobody in the 1910s and 1900s and 1890's
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thought of saying, let's have all these people coming in through ellis island and call them marginalized victims and minorities and instill them with grievances so they can change the country from within. it was the opposite that was done, just as the opposite was done with the scandinavians and germans and irish and scots irish. saying,n extended hand, you join us in our culture, you become americans. no other country does this, by the way. my experience as a foreign correspondent, i can tell you having lived in many foreign countries, we are unique in extending this invitation to newcomers when they become americans. identity politics is a departure ism the model, to say this what has been done for centuries.
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it must be a deliberate misreading and that author's use of the term latinx shows where his political bias lies. bob in texas on the republican line. i would like to ask -- there are two words in the first sentence of u.s. code. [indiscernible] you are breaking up a little bit. go ahead and rephrase your question. caller: we keep asking what we --d and i would like to ask there are two laws in the first sentence of u.s. code. trustneed or can we anyone that does not know those first two laws?
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and i would like to ask if you know them. guest: the first two words in what? caller: the first two laws in the first sentence of the entirety of u.s. code. host: i am going to throw my hands up. do you want to take a shot? guest: can you rephrase that? i don't know. we go to james in charlotte, north carolina. think you have a failure to face reality in what you are saying and writing. i think you are confusing culture with race. it is obvious to me that you are. you are saying identity politics lost. no, it won. the white identity is still dominant.
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that is the dominant political structure of the country. cute -- they keep dominating whatever minority groups try to enter. it is all about race. , he is a fair complected -- he would probably consider himself white. your name is gonzales, you would probably consider yourself white. sure people across the border don't consider themselves to be white, at least the white community doesn't. trump did not have black people in the entire covenant. -- entire cabinet. emphatic inery putting a white cabinet together.
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i did not hear a guy like you coming out saying -- this isbout racism, about thought. you arepeople like ots in a nice suit that hides it. host: i am going to cut you off and let mike gonzales respond. guest: i don't think he really sees me if he thinks i wear nice suits. i wear quite old suits. let me attempt to answer his question in two ways. i do think there is a big difference between race and culture. i think culture really does matter. cultural habits matter with regards to how successful you will be as an individual --
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thriftiness and punctuality and hard work matter and these are things, no matter your last name, your sex, the color of your skin, if you practice these habits, you will probably avoid poverty and have a good chance of becoming successful. on the question of the cabinet, i recently had the opportunity to be in the same room with ben carson. activeson is an very member of the cabinet. he is also a brilliant surgeon. he also happens to be african-american. that is really not as important as the fact that ben carson is a man of character and a brilliant person and a great american. to leave it i was lucky enough to work at the state department when
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condoleezza rice was secretary that was a woman filled with ability and character. that's really what mattered to me and what inspired me. host: let me ask about the cultural aspect you write on in the book. problemt there is a with equating the experiences of mexican americans, women, gays, and so on to the suffering of blacks. justice thurgood marshall argued in a dissent that the experiences of the g -- es has been of negro different in kind from any other group. it is for this reason, you write, that this book does not have a chapter dedicated to african americans. tell us about your decision on that.
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host: that is the one unique group, the one group in america whose ancestors -- not all, because we have many immigrants from the caribbean and africa -- about african-americans as a whole are people whose ancestors were brought against their will and have a history of horroring experiences with slavery first, then jim crow, then separate but equal, which was legal segregation. we have alwaysng strived to address by living up to the ideals contained in the founding documents. and you see in the 1960's 1970's is political entrepreneurs, activists and ideologues, saying the members of my category suffered equally.
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there is a false analogy drawn to the experience of african-americans. that is how it was done with every group. there was even a paper written lawed jane crow and the extending the jim crow idea to women, to white women in this country. the factot to minimize that women have been discriminated against and that mexican americans, especially along the south, the border areas of texas, face real discrimination, but the analogy was false when it was drawn to black americans. black americans suffered uniquely and we are still living with the consequences of that. that is another thing i wanted to do with the plot to change
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america, point out this false analogizing. host: mark from missouri, republican line. couple ofhave a points and i would like to hear your comments on them. first, i don't think america really should be looked at anymore as a melting pot. i like to look at it more as a salad where the ingredients are mixed together but still retain their individual properties. i think that is a big problem because representative bobby when he saidt best immigration without assimilation is basically an invasion. that's what i think is happening with our country. my second point i would like you to comment on is i would like you to comment on the news media 's role in how the country views
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things, because i think they are trying to control the narrative of what the american people think, so if you could comment on that, i would really appreciate it. guest: thanks for the call. i completely agree with you, the idea of the salad, which is more the canadian model, does not fit as well in a country where many different people can become united by common purposes. we are a leader and we cannot reimagine ourselves as a confederation of categories of the oppressed. i think we saw a little bit of that in the election, as i wrote in my wall street journal piece. what you have in the rio grande valley in these counties that are heavily mexican-american, they voted as texans. have beenese families
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here for 15 generations. they are not immigrants. hernandez, surname but their ancestors came in 1598 across the rio grande. -- you saw ais pushback against this idea of the solid model rather than the melting pot. nobody gets up in uruguay or liz portugal orlisbon, mexico and says, i want to emigrate with my family to the united states because i want my children to grow up being victims, marginalized, and change society from within. yet this is the central idea in identity politics. it misunderstands human nature, which is why it needs a system of rewards through the racial preferences of affirmative action and things of that
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nature, because otherwise it falls apart. people just want their children to succeed. host: gary in fletcher, north carolina, independent line. caller: another great topic. i got three questions to put out there. gerrymandering is kind of a response to identity politics? racism was kind of a treatment of people differently. , ithe border, for example don't see people living in white people or other types of people or not letting in others. i don't see racism there on that point. i will end it there. host: your response? guest: i think you are absolutely right on the gerrymandering.
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this goes back to the reinterpretation of the voting rights act that produces 85% of onehat are category, be it african-american, mexican-american, cuban-american, or what have you. this is not a good idea at all because it produces politicians who really have no reason to reach across the racial lines, to reach out to all americans, to make sure the best policy is introduced. think that wei should have a system that admits people who are going to improve all -- wet is after should think of immigration as with every other policy, what is in it for the united states and
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host: donal interests you think identity politics came into play in the year debate over whether undocumented immigrant's should be included in the census count? all theseask questions in the census, whether somebody is a hispanic, for example, a category created by the office of management and budget. and we can't ask the question about citizenship? i thought that was silly. we should ask many questions that have an impact on the lives of americans, for instance the nature of their family. i think citizenship is a good question to ask in a republic. the u.n. recommends countries do that in many countries do that without any controversy. gonzalez, our final
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guest on authors week. america: howhange identity politics is dividing the land of the free. thanks so much for joining us. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> congress begins monday in the house with a vote to override the veto of the $740 billion defense authorization bill. president trump said he objected to the bill's failure to repeal section 230, which protects social media companies, and the removal of confederate names from military installations. successful,ide is it goes to the senate. the house may also vote on another stopgap spending bill. current funding expires monday at midnight. house democrats could try again to pass an extension of stimulus benefits. the house gavels in at 2:00 p.m.
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eastern on c-span. the first votes in the senate are expected tuesday on c-span two. americans have some form of disability, yet we are in less than 3% of film and tv shows and the majority of those roles are portrayed by nondisabled actors. disability,with a we want to see ourselves represented because not only are we seeing ourselves represented, but it is going to help destigmatize disability. representation gets society use to everybody and makes the world a more inclusive place. >> nick founded the disability film challenge and response to seeing disabilities underrepresented in front of and behind the camera. tonight he will talk about this year's entries and winning films.
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>> monday night on the communicators, the president of the american telemedicine association talks about the growth of the telemedicine industry during the coronavirus pandemic. >> we have a term we have coined called the telemedicine cliff what this means is this isn't an abstract notion. i am seeing patients in the office at 40% of our previous volume. when we get a little more 75%ked up, we will be at and we won't go higher than that. to meet the demand for patient care, we have to have telehealth embedded in our workflows. if we can't do that and all of a sudden a public health emergency goes away and
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