tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN December 30, 2020 10:02am-11:00am EST
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>> the senate returns today at 3:00 p.m. eastern to consider moving forward with overriding president trump's veto of the 2021 defense authorization bill. at 5:00 p.m., there will be a live quorum which requires the president of each senator -- resident and each senator on the floor, beginning on a debate to veto override. you can follow the senate live on c-span two. >> we begin with chuck schumer on the floor yesterday, making an argument for bigger stimulus checks. >> i don't want to hear we can't afford it. i don't want to hear it would add too much to the deficit. senate republicans added nearly $2 trillion to the deficit to give corporations a massive tax cut. the deficit to give corporations a massive tax cut. publicans fought to include a tax break for three martini lunches in the covid relief bill, so i don't want to hear it that it costs too much to help
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working families get a check when they are struggling to keep their jobs, pay their rent, feed their families. and live halfway normal and decent life. even in our deeply divided times, madam president, this issue has united americans from coast-to-coast and bridged massive political divide in washington. public, majority of the republican and democrat strongly support to thousand dollar checks. an overwhelming bipartisan majority in the house supports $2000 checks. senate democrats strongly support $2000 checks. even president trump supports $2000 checks. there is one question left today -- do senate republicans join with the rest of america in supporting $2000 checks? now, some of my republican
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colleagues have said they support the checks, but there is a major difference in saying you support $2000 checks, and fighting to put them into law. the house bill is the only way to deliver these stimulus checks before the end of session. will senate republicans fight for a vote on the house past cash act, or will they look some other way? host: democratic leader chuck schumer yesterday. the majority leader mitch mcconnell, after he objected to senator schumer's request for a vote, he objected to independent -- the's bernie sanders senate approved the bill after it overrides the veto. mitch mcconnell objected and then went to adjourn the senate, but before doing so, said he would tie -- made the vague mention to the $2000 checks --
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high that issue to election 230,ity as well as section 1996 law that provides legal protections to social media companies. here's the majority leader. >> i want to applaud president trump for signing the bill and getting the much needed assistance into the pipeline. during this process, the president highlighted three additional issues of national significance he would like to see congress tackle. first, as he explained, the president like further direct support for american households. second is the growing willingness to at least re-examine the special legal protections afforded to technology companies under section 230 of the communications decency act, including the ways it benefits some of the most prosperous, most powerful big tech firms. the third subject, since every american regardless of politics should feel the integrity of our
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democracy is beyond reproach, is exploring further ways to protect the sanctity of american ballots while respecting the limited government role of standing by to state and local government who run elections. those are the three important subjects the president has linked together. the senate will start a process to bring these into focus. host: the majority leader having to link those bills together after senator bernie sanders objected to the senate moving to an override vote of the president's veto on the defense bill. that has gummed up the works in senate. senate could be in session and voting in -- on new year's and beyond. after adjourning the senate, the minority leader put out this statement, saying senator mcconnell knows how to make
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$2000 checks alive and how to kill them. if he loads the bill with unrelated partisan provisions that will do nothing to help struggling families, it will not pass the house and cannot become law. senate republicans go along with senator mcconnell's senator -- cynical gambit or will they push for a vote on the standalone cash act? the debate continues in washington, romeo in maple heights, ohio, republican. what do you think? caller: i think before we put all this money on our nation's credit card, we should consider a couple things. instance,, for myself, i am a 67-year-old retired, i get a pension. not one penny of my income was altered by all of this. i received a $1200 check. i cashed it. i wasn't really -- covid-19
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didn't alter my life in any way financially, although my son and daughter just had covid over the holidays. they are 29 and 30 years old. thank goodness they are fine, they survived it, and we will move on, but i think they should target the money to the people who are really affected and hurt by this. thank you for listening. that what did you do with $1200, spend it or save it? caller: i spent it. i gave some of it to my children. but it wasn't necessary. the way i look at it was that $1200 was taken on my grandchildren. they will have to repay that money to the country and it is just unnecessary. target the 2000, by all means make it 3000, but give it to people who lost their jobs, people who were really affected.
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18 million government workers did not lose their lives. why do they get 1200 bucks? millions of teachers stayed home and will get the money. people like me, retirees that weren't affected get the money. pork out of that there, which it is, it would be fine. a kiddie, south carolina, democrat. -- acadia, south carolina, democrat. what do you think? caller: i totally agree with the previous caller, the republican, because it should be targeted to those who truly need it. i wasn't entitled to the previous $1200 and didn't get it. i didn't need it. i was totally unaffected. i am retired, fortunately have a great retirement, and i wouldn't
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be entitled to this. so i think it should be targeted. i think it should be brought to the senate for a vote for just ,2000 for those who need it targeted, and move on. this is taking far too long, and it is really adding stress to those who already are stressed because they need financial aid. host: for you and the previous caller and all those listening this morning, here is the criteria as it stands for eligibility to receive these checks. single people earning up to $75,000 will receive $600 or could be $2000 if it passes. married couples would receive 1400 -- and it would phase out entirely for single
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orple earning over $80,000 married couples earning more than $174,000. if you have dependents that are not college-age, an additional $600 for each dependent child. that's go to tommy in fort myers, florida, -- let's go to tommy in fort myers, florida, independent. caller: thanks for taking my call. first, second, and third what the gentleman said before. the money should be in priority for people who actually need it. i don't think government workers should see they bail out because they did not miss work. disagree with the first caller that as a teacher, we went home but we still had to work so it was not as if we weren't working. i feel as though -- and don't take this the wrong way -- i think that you as the person hosting the show use the terms
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like "vague" against mcconnell but it is kind of leading that the republican -- it is the republicans' fault when this is a failure of both parties, because a senator of new york city who shut down his entire state, supported it, cannot lecture people about needing money and going hungry. purpose is to say the senators and house of representatives, they should go to a furlough until they resolve this issue for average american people. host: what i was referencing is that the majority leader never explained why he objected to senator schumer asking for that up or down vote, or senator sanders. what he did mention was what we showed you on the senate floor. he didn't talk to reporters after. caller: in all fairness, i understand how the media
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operates, everything like that, so he was focusing on what he was talking about. he wasn't vague. he just wasn't focusing on why he disagreed with something. but you are doing a great job, not discrediting you. i just think that people need to stop making this a republican issue. donald trump says he will veto it. when we say it is a republican issue, the fact that we are here december 30 in these decembers -- democrats and republicans in the house and senate have waited and dragged butt to get on the floor for a relief to for a year, and they only gave us a partial relief bill. that is it her shame to me as our society -- shame to me as our society.
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i wish everyone would stand up and hold both sides accountable. it was chuck schumer and nancy pelosi because they could have put a bill before the president that was assignable and didn't have initiatives like giving money to undocumented workers. thank you. host: understand your point and appreciate the constructive feedback. mark in philadelphia, democratic caller. caller: you know i think mitch is kind of making a big mistake here. the reason i say that, he is the master chess player but i think he is going to get checked and checkmated. the reason i say that is he is sinking purdue and leffler in georgia -- loeffler in georgia. how are they going to explain this, take the senate back or keep the senate in republican hands, and here is the leader of the senate saying to american
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people standing in food lines, basically, forget the $2000. we will give you a paltry $600. for the colts -- callers saying, get this targeted, get in your car in philadelphia or san antonio or wherever come drive around and see what thousands of people in their cars. we don't have time to do this targeting. let's get the two grand out -- two grand out, stop playing games, and get it done. host: the president was pushing for the bigger stimulus checks on twitter yesterday. he sent out this in the afternoon around 2:00 p.m. -- unless republicans have a death wish, and it is the right thing to do, they must approve the $2000 asap. $600 is not a lot. also, do not let big tech steel
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our country, and don't let the democrats steal the presidential election. he pointed out the two georgia republican senators facing a runoff from democratic opponent's support increasing relief payments, and says republicans must support the $2000 payments and must fight the crooked presidential election. take a look at drudge report's banner this morning. have this picture of the president on bills and saying, give the people 2000, quote. trillion, was 19.9 trillion when trump took office. played aernie sanders role in all of this yesterday as well, walking the majority leader from holding a vote on the override veto of the defense bill, and then he was on the floor arguing why he was making that move in an effort to pass
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the tax act for $2000 checks. >> madam president, as i mentioned, the house has done the right thing. by overwhelming vote, democrats and republicans voted to increase the $600 direct payment to $2000. recent poll came out. 78% of the american people think that that was the right decision. they are hurting. they want help. the leaders of our country, president trump, president-elect biden, minority leader chuck schumer, the speaker of the house nancy pelosi are all in agreement. we have got to raise that direct payment to $2000. so that is where we are right now in this historic moment.
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do we turn our backs on struggling working families, or do we respond to their pain? host: senator sanders on the floor, he could play key role again today. the senate comes into session 3:00 p.m. eastern time and the majority leaders plan to hold a quorum at 5:00 p.m., and we will see what senator sanders does. the majority leader would like to move to the defense policy bill to override the president's veto. "the washington post" editorial board is against these larger stimulus checks and they write -- as we previously pointed out, there was a case for including modest checks for the hardest hit segment of the population. inin the $980 billion stimulus that dig past, congress went well beyond that, providing six and dollar payments that will
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send up to $3000 for families of ase earning as much $150,000. the bill does this while extending unemployment benefits a mere 11 weeks. in short, the measure short shifted the neediest and whoered billions on those suffered little or not at all from the pandemic. run a virus vaccinations are underway. a house bill would compound the $600increasing payment to $2000. it would phase out for families of five earning above $350,000. much of this will be saved, not spend, since restaurants are closed and air traffic limited. -- air travel limited. john, what is your take on it? caller: good morning.
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we have a problem on our hands, folks. it doesn't matter if you are democrat or republican. we need to open up america. this money that we are all bickering about means nothing. i don't understand why we are even speaking about this. , as theasks work vaccines are coming out, right now i am visiting in washington but i live in el paso. there is a big outbreak there, but we still open up the economy. i don't believe america needs $2000. i believe we need to open up america. that's where we are at. host: fred in michigan, an independent. caller: how are you doing? i just want you to know that this vaccine thing of getting distributed quicker could be settled. i don't understand why the military and the national guard in citiesup tents
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with workers that have tables to distribute this through car lines as they do with food banks. there should be more points of distribution, and they are just hacking over the stimulus bill over and over again in congress, and this should be settled like yesterday. i just believe that the timing of everything is way off. host: you think they should be focusing on the distribution rather than the $2000 stimulus checks? caller: exactly. the $2000 stimulus can come anytime, and i understand they keep delaying it because they can't agree with the republicans. what they need to do is come to an agreement overnight and have two separate entities. the military has to get more involved with the distribution. there has to be national guard's people in the cities. kentucky, ain
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democratic caller. are you opposed or and support of bigger stimulates -- stimulus checks? -- in: i am in report, support and they probably will end up passing the deal. am i still on? host: ok, wanda in pennsylvania, republican. what do you say? i want to respond to the fellow who said the people with social security do not need it. we have people bringing us food, and i have to give money and pay them. we don't get much. we are not living high off the hog here. we are lucky to have money to pay our bills with the little bit we get. some people get extra. maybe they have worked for a big
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pension, big company and get a lot of money. we get the bare minimum and that is the way most elderly are living. host: connie in california, independent. caller: good morning, greta. i just wanted to ask this question. on this stimulus, didn't pelosi oppose it at the beginning until the election was done? and on the stimulus money, there are people -- i've seen poor people just around, what do you call it, lying down in their tent with their dog, that is pathetic. for us to give so much to other countries, that is not right. also, unemployment, i heard but i don't know if it's true, i heard people don't want to go back to work because they get new -- more unemployment than if they would work. go to work and the government
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should supplement whatever they were making. that's my comment. host: let me read from the rollcall piece this morning -- senate could be in session and voting through new year's and beyond. they note senate majority leader mcconnell informed senators that plans for a live quorum call at 5:00 p.m., followed by a vote proceeding to override president donald trump's veto of the defense authorization bill that passed the senate on december 11. while some senators may defect, the override's ultimate passage with two thirds seemed assured. the question is when? there is some frustration about considering the pace of the override vote. james inhofe told reporters that the vote timing to all these people of living -- living here, don't care. i care.
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that in response to mcconnell's objections to taking up and voting the house passed bill to provide enhanced covid-19 payments, mcconnell can work around sanders by filing a closer motion to limit debate and break any filibusters once motions to proceed to that motion is agreed tonight. that sets up a closer vote an hour after the senate comes in on friday, which is new year's day. there would be enough time to get the defense measure cleared over trump's objections before the 116th congress and its outstanding business expires at noon. at that point, the focus turns to the pomp and circumstance of a new congress and incoming legislation, and eventual executive and judicial nominations. mary in las vegas, democratic caller, good morning. caller: good morning.
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the only thing that's been exposed the last five years is the con in conservatism. been mcconnell, he hasn't bringing bills to the floor for about 10 years now. there is over 300 bills sitting on his desk since february. there was athing, huge package put out in may. mcconnell just brought it to the floor about three weeks ago. it all has to do with money for his lobbyists, money for rich corporations. we are in a pandemic. theleefully calls himself grim, wants to bankrupt the states. his own state takes more money out of the government then puts into it. i don't know, people, wake up. they have a lot of money. is the richest person out there.
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perdue goes to a meeting on the pandemic and was out buying medical stocks to enrich himself. host: there are senate republicans who have said they would support the legislation 275-134,house passed, the cash act, to increase payments, and they include senator leffler of georgia who is facing a runoff, along with her colleague senators sonny perdue -- senator david purdue. marco rubio, republican of florida, also said he would be in support of these checks. josh hawley and lindsey graham all saying yesterday they could support it. doug fisher republican from nebraska according to reports sounded open to the $2000 checks, but did not want it tied to the other legislation. josh hawley sent out these
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tweets yesterday saying he thinks they got the votes and when some republican support voiced yesterday, he said, let's vote today. he said, i will not consent to a vote on the bad defense bill unless the senate votes on the $2000 relief for working people. we will see what happens today when the senate convenes at 3:00 p.m. eastern time on c-span two, or download the free c-span radio app to listen to the floor proceedings. is expected leader to call quorum call around 5:00 p.m. eastern. david in rockville, maryland, a republican. caller: good morning. host: morning. caller: i listen to you guys ever single morning going to work. in regard of two aspects in respect to this stimulus package where the cash relief package or
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whatever they want to call it these days, to move it to $2000. i understand the reason being why people would need it. i am not one of those people, so i am ok with that, however you never hear the republicans or democrats or independents on how we are going to get back to work. people have been out of work for the last 10 months almost, and all they are worried about is money rather than, why don't we give ppe to the businesses to give to their employees so that they can get back to work and put food on their table? all they are worried about is giving money to people to stay home. we know there is covid, people are sick, people die. sadly. but with ppe and correct measures, we can get back to work as a country. america was built on working
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force, not people sitting home and doing nothing. host: david mentions the death toll of covid-19, yesterday a record set with over 3700 deaths. news star in the louisiana has this headline -- congressman elect luke letlow dies with covid-19, 41 years old, was supposed to be sworn into office sunday. allen in milwaukee, wisconsin, democratic caller. i believe both sides [indiscernible] sign.k $2000 is a good host: mike in montrose, pennsylvania. we will go to you next. know,:guest: i believe that, yu
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they aren't looking at this in the right manner, meaning the public, because these people that are voting on helping them, they get that money back tenfold with the interest on a dollar. the dollar is just a receipt that collects interest for a debt they made against us working for 70 years. now, bail us out. we -- they give themselves raises for failure, but they are not willing to help us? that is really bad. host: did you get the first round of stimulus checks? guest: yes, i did. host: what did you do with it? guest: what did i do with it? i put food in my refrigerator, i paid bills that were behind. the cost of living is the income into a household.
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poverty, moree in people are going to get thrown out of the house as more people are going to be on the street. it is going to cost us more money. that pushes up the crime rate because these people that supposedly work for us, make them get to the point of go out in the street, lay down and die, or do what you have to do to survive. we could do a better job than they are doing because everything they are supposed to do, they have us do anyway. you be eligible to receive this next seamless check, whether it is $600 or $2000? worker,i am a disabled 100% disabled, but i refuse to stop trying to work. auto accident when i was 19 years old. i never gave up. host: mike in pennsylvania.
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text messages from viewers. bob says a joke as usual. thanks for nothing, mitch. pat in marysville, indiana. company when he called for the stimulus check that mcconnell was not going to pass it. stop playing with people's lives. never been fore the poor people. and from wichita, kansas, just hilarious how the democrats attend about caring to give money to the american people. they fight harder for illegal aliens than they do for the american people. all they care about is power. when are you going to get that through your head? les, a republican. int about the debate washington over stimulus checks? caller: i'm opposed to it.
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as far as i'm concerned, this is just a debt that my grandchildren are going to have to pay, and i think that is wrong. humongous federal tax bill, that most of them probably don't even need. -- obama item also not 26. 1800 criminals, host: karl in chicago, democratic caller. carl, support or oppose, $2000 ?hecks ech caller: i support it. i'm going to make this simple. republicans never want to do anything for joe citizen. under george bush and trump when they had the congress, the first thing they did was massive tax cuts. the trump tax cut was the
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biggest i think in the history of this country. joe citizen is out there having difficulties. they don't want to do anything. the was initiated by democrats. they came back and said they knew it was going to be inspiring -- expiring. they passed another bill. mitch mcconnell past nothing. doingad no intentions of anything even now. this bill that is up, that came through his working group. they said we have to try to do something. have something possibly going forward now, but they planned on doing nothing in january. they are not going to do anything. those tax cuts that they passed in 2016, right now those people, it was reported that businesses and the wealthy made $1 trillion during this pandemic. they don't want to do anything
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for joe citizen. independents and republicans, they need to realize -- one with the less time republican said we want to do something for you? it doesn't happen. host: today we will hear from the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, or thoughts. she will hold a news conference at 10:45 a.m. eastern time. you can watch on our website,, or you can listen radio app.span let's go to republican michael from texas. go ahead. caller: yes, ma'am. money, and it of am on social security. -- i have ai, we friend of mine who is a cpa. home.working from and yesterday morning my wife
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and i went to a restaurant here in texas, and they were social distancing. they were doing very well. it is just a lot of money to throw out to everybody when there are a lot of people working from home, and there are certain places like around where i live where restaurants are open, but being safe. just look into it before you put out that kind of money. andill run the dollar down, before this hit, trump had the country doing great. people were getting their pride back about accomplishing things. i was even milling a few yards on the side and everything. it is just a lot of money to put out there, but there are a lot of people in dire need of that money.
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host: on facebook, if your posted, u.s. congress has yet to learn what other country leaders know. we need lockdowns and stimulus simultaneously for coronavirus. and, this is meant to be a stimulus bill, not something we wait on for a year until they figure out who will benefit and who doesn't. it is a stall tactic. they don't mind you waiting huge food lines, homeless and stressed. we have ours. get $2000 done now. and on twitter, at the current rate of vaccine distribution, we will still be dealing with this pandemic deep into next year. we could use this money now. the length of time it is taking is shameful. that is julie texting that. another text from a viewer who
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consumer leading the economy with $600 want stimulate anything. --t will go for folks helping local and small businesses like restaurants that are closing left and right. on the vaccine distribution, president-elect joe biden addressed the press yesterday. [video clip] mr. biden: we are grateful to the company scum of the doctors, the scientists, the researchers, the clinical trials for operation warp speed for developing the vaccines quickly. but as i long feared and warned, the effort to administer and distributive vaccine is not progressing as it should. a few weeks ago the trump administration suggested 20 million americans could be vaccinated by the end of the summer. with only a few days left in december, we have only
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vaccinated a few million so far. the pace of the vaccination program as it moves now, as it continues to move now, it will take years, not months, to vaccinate the american people. host: you can watch all of the president elect's remarks on the pandemic if you go to our website, peter in pennsylvania, democratic caller. would like toi say good morning to you. i am just calling in response to some of the people that are saying that $2000 is a lot of money. they are giving us crumbs. the rich rip us off and smile in constant.and it is these trump morand's have voted for this clown, shame on you. when will you learn. me, foolnce, shame on me twice, shame on you. wake up and smell the coffee.
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republicans don't give up. rs, trumphese trumpete won't let you take out his trash. thank you. ann in new york. caller: thank you for taking my call. my america should hang its head in shame. the food lines we see it going across america, and mitch mcconnell is one of the richest people in the senate. america is a disaster, a disaster. it is a country that i hate to say that i live in at this point because i think it is disgusting. because they are not doing anything for the people. those republicans, they are the wealthiest. they could care less about john doe or jane doe. all they are worried about is their richness. that's all i have to say.
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host: charles and dan ridge, tennessee, a republican. support or oppose? should there be larger stim is checks? tennessee, andom this is a republican state. they have a runoff in georgia, that -- i know quite a few people in georgia, and i want democrats to vote their and get democrats and the if everybody want 's get along, mr. biden democrat and the house is democrat and the senate is democrat, guess what, something does happen, and we get more money. , and i am disabled, chuck schumer would
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never say that low-income people should not get the money. we need masks, hand sanitizers. we need to pay our bills, too. it is kind of a stupidity remark from him. the guy needs to go. if i am going to still be a republican, my mom, i was raised republican. he needs to go. these people saying that they go out there and work, these are the people that are catching it. they are dying. we are dying too quickly, just like 911 when the building got hit. bin laden only killed 5000 people. , even theok at war bombing of pearl harbor only killed 2400 some people. , i guaranteeed
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they were trying to say that half of america will die. host: charles, a republican there. we will see what they said it does when they convene today at 3:00 p.m. is turn. the majority leader says he will call a quorum call at 5:00 p.m. eastern time and try to move to the defense policy bill, a veto override vote is what he wants to take today. democrats led by senator bernie sanders would like to object to that, which would slow down the process for taking that vote and could come as rollcall says in their headline, mean that the senate is voting -- could be voting and in session through new year's and beyond. senator john cornyn of texas went to the senate floor yesterday, to make the argument of why the senate needs
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to move forward with this override vote, veto override vote on the defense bill. [video clip] sen. cornyn: they need funding, stability, they need to be able to plan, and they need the unwavering support of the united states congress and all 330 million americans. provides that support from congress. we willg for those that inevitably face tomorrow. early this month, this legislation passed the house by a vote of 335 to 78. and the senate by a vote of 84-13. those were rare vote margins in congress these days, and that alone is a testament to the importance of this legislation
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and its bipartisan support. we know the president has a constitutional authority to veto any bill for virtually any reason, and he has exercised that power with this legislation. the reasons the president has given, i don't think are frivolous at all. they just shouldn't be tagged to this particular piece of legislation. [end video clip] cornyn on the floor yesterday. with a quorum at 5:00 p.m. eastern time, it means that every senator is required to be on the floor, followed by a vote to begin debate on the veto override of the defense bill. so tune into c-span 2. you will see all 100 senators potentially on the floor as the majority leader and republicans try to move to that veto override vote.
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see it all on c-span 2, how they react to that. let's go to tom in fort mill, south carolina, an independent. what do you think? to thousand dollar checks? caller: i actually think the people could use the money, and i cannot really understand why these politicians are playing games with the whole thing, and that is all it really is. opinion, a game. there are people hurting. i agree with the people who call in and say the politicians don't care. --y don't give a rat'd never mind, i'm sorry. they don't care and they never will. my daddy always said that you can tell when a politician is lying because his mouth is moving. host: before you go, did you get the first round of stimulus
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checks? no, my younger brother did. he is disabled. he got it. host: do you know what he did with it? bills, he paid some trying to get a little bit ahead with it. it may have put him ahead financially, still a little ahead. they don't really care. they are playing games with it. the lady said. they've got theirs, why should they worry about anybody else? host: steve in new york sends us this text saying, "mcconnell is giving a massive in campaign n by killing the 2000 vote. section 230 is important topic but linking that to stim two is
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political suicide for republicans here cap hi, bill. seems to do street it very well, and it is enhanced by the person that helps on wall street, it seems like the stock market is booming. the decisiontime to bail out wall street, i think we should make that decision painfully come and we will have probably the biggest depression the world has ever known. said to say that, but that is the way it is. host: carol in morehead city, a republican. give you get the first round of stimulus checks? caller: we did. host: what did you do with it? caller: we give it to somebody
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who would help. my husband is retired. we don't get a very large income. we cannot get social security because of the people who were in the service during vietnam, ours is cut down to 100 some dollars a month. husband's.raw on my i cannot draw on my own because he was in the military. i am extremely upset with some of the people in this country that are calling and saying they are ashamed of our country. if they are not ashamed of the country, -- if they are that ashamed of the country, i would welcome them to leave. people who are ashamed of our country. that's the thing about donald trump. he is proud of this country. he is proud of the people in it. this guy talking about wall street, the majority of the people you're talking about, their retirement is tied up in wall street, and when wall street does good, their
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retirement stays on track. when wall street falls, their retirement falls. somebody needs to learn a little bit. i mean, it is just ridiculous. againste you for or bigger stimulus checks? i think theally, stimulus checks are a good thing if they are sent to the right people, the people getting a full paycheck and are working, there is no need. they should give it to people that do need it. diane, mansfield, ohio, independent. to first of all say that -- i keep hearing people say that we need to open up the country and put people back to work. the problem is, if there is not consumer confidence, the is mrs. will have little to no business. but what i really wanted to say, i wanted to ask why we the
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people allow the senate to think that it is ok for mitch mcconnell to add these two things that have nothing to do with the cash act. he is doing it because he knows it will not be passed with those attachments. he doesn't even believe there was fraud in the election, which is why he phrased it the way he did. he wants to make it look like he is supporting trump's demands, but he really isn't. and finally, i want to say go bernie. we have somebody pushing this for us. beforehat mcconnell did adjourning the senate, by tying the 2000 all it checks to other pieces of legislation, it means that according to roll call, the mcconnell bill would increase direct payments to 2000, repeal section 230, and established in 18 member bipartisan member committee to study the integrity and administration of the general election for federal office held for november 2020 and make recommendations to congress to improve the security, integrity, and administration of federal elections.
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michigan,o scotty in republican. hi, scotty. caller: how's it going? host: good morning. what do you think? caller: i think of course the american people can use the $2000. who couldn't use an extra $2000? $75,000e people making don't really need it, but i think people under $50,000 should get it. whatever they are going to do, the bottom line is the like trump, i-- i don't think i am a staunch republican, but the trouble is they need to give mitch mcconnell -- they need to get mitch mcconnell out of there, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and that south carolina fool lindsey graham. he is a little weasel.
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-- him ands just lindsay are the old plantation boys. lindsey graham flipped out because they gave people an extra $600. he acts like it is coming out of his pocket. and theyon artist, don't care if trump -- they want trump out of office. they can't wait. host: lindsey graham come as you may have heard yesterday on the show, according to the washington post, he flew down to florida to golf with the president on christmas day and try to convince him to ultimately sign the 908 alien dollar covid relief -- the $908 billion covid relief bill to keep the government running, and it was him along with senator runofferdue, facing a january 5, and others convinced him. so now you've got some senate republicans -- lindsey graham, josh hawley, the two georgia
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senators, and marco rubio -- who are saying they would support the cash act. said,: well, like i lindsey graham is a little suck up is what he is. he could care less about that. the $ pass he is not for the $2000. he wants to get something out there because he's got his eyes on the presidency in the future. the way trump treated him, you ,now, before trump got elected he cannot stand him, but he had to suck up to him because trump got in because he had no choice. lindsey graham is a phony, and so is mitch mcconnell. we heard your point. you also mention for criteria for receiving the stimulus checks. we will show that again as we go in north conway,
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new hampshire, an independent. as we take a look at the eligibility requirements, go ahead. caller: good morning. i have a suggestion, and it is another way of helping besides $600 to $2000. people when they pass away, many have donated their hearts and -- well, it's see forgot. donateway, they sometimes their hearts where maybe lungs and other things to pass along. i would think it would be good for the senate to say, like die, ofaid, if i should
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the coronavirus before a vaccine is available to me, i would like citizenship toa a dreamer. buoy, maryland, a democratic caller. i agree with the $2000 bailoutsn bailout, but to those who have lost their jobs due to no fault of their own, people who are working from home like my son and granddaughter, i mean, sure, they would love the $2000 but they don't need it because they are still getting their full paycheck. i'm retired. , social31,000 a year security. i don't need $2000. is that they amend the bill and say the money is for those that lost their jobs.
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the people that are still working don't need that money. peopler child for those that have lost their jobs, that is fine. another thing, mitch mcconnell knows what he's doing. out thenot want to give $2000 to anyone. that is why he has added this crap about the election fraud sectionbill, along with 230 about the tech companies. that's what trump wants, and mitch mcconnell knows that's not going to fly. he does not want to give up that $2000. greta, this is what i'm going to say. any election fraud, elections that should be looked at, is the one in kentucky and the one in
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south carolina. there is a black district in kentucky. mcconnell supposedly got 100% of those votes, and we know that is impossible. lindsey graham was on tv crying because he was thinking he was going to lose the election. he won by double digits. to me, that is where the fraud is. but people in georgia, you have to get out and vote because it is going to be the same way as for the last 10, 12 years. nothing is going to get done. people complain about nancy pelosi. house,elosi, democrats, they passed bills, the voting rights act, bailout money, etc., 300-plus bills back in the spring. it is still sitting on mitch mcconnell's desk. host: i'm getting one last call here. bismarck, north ko
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