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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  January 7, 2021 12:20pm-1:20pm EST

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breaching the capitol grounds. mayor bowser: all right, that is our update. thank you, everybody. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2021] >> you are watching c-span, your unfiltered view of government. c-span was created by america's cable television companies in 1979. today we are brought to you by these television companies, who provide c-span2 viewers as a public service -- who provide c-span to viewers as a public service. following yesterday's attack on the u.s. capitol, house speaker nancy pelosi will hold her weekly news briefing this afternoon. live coverage begins at want to clock p.m. eastern on c-span. president-elect joe biden was certified by congress as the 46th president, and this afternoon, he is expect it to announce a number of pix for his justice department positions. watch coverage online at
12:21 pm, or listen with the free c-span radio app. (202) 748-8000 free democrats, democrats8001 -- four -- for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents and all others, (202) 748-8002. [video clip] davis, a teller on the part of the house of representatives, reporting the following as the result of the ascertainment and accounting of the electoral vote for president and vice president of the united states for the term beginning on the 20th day of january, 2021. report we make is that joe will bed kamala harris
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the president and vice president, according to the ballots given to us. [applause] >> the total number of electors appointed to vote for president of the united states is 548 in within the whole number the majority is 270. the votes for president of the united states are as follows. joseph r biden junior of the state of delaware has received 306 votes. donald j. trump of the state of florida has received 232 votes. the whole numbers of electors appointed to vote for vice president of the united states
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is 538. in that whole number, a majority is 270. the votes for vice president of the united states are as follows , kamala harris of the state of california has received 306 votes. michael pence of the state of indiana has received 232 votes. the announcement of the state of the votes by the president of the senate shall be deemed a theicient declaration of persons elected president and vice president of the united states, each for the term beginning on the 20th day of january 2021. they shall be entered together with the list of votes in the journals of the senate and the house of representatives. president -- host: president of the senate this morning, it's washington journal january 7. back to your calls and just a minute.
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first let's check in with pedro. host: even as the events of yesterday's -- yesterday played out, many situations that are concerning around covid-19 are in the new still. according to a johns hopkins people died of65 covid throughout the country on wednesday. that was topping a previous 377,005 of single day covid deaths on tuesday. you can count among them kansas republican jake turner. the kansas city star reporting that the newly elected congressman tested positive after participating in a house vote ends the evening on a challenge to the president-elect's electoral votes. a republican from pittsburgh received the positive test result late wednesday and his chief of staff told "the star" on thursday that as lawmakers continue to debate the challenge that he was following the advice of the house physician and did
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not plan to return to the house floor to vote until he was cleared to do so. that was his chief of staff in a text message, courtesy of "the ."nsas city star when it comes to the president-elect and concerns he has over inoculation, abc news wants to set up federal vaccinate -- that he wants to set up federal vaccination centers and set up more money as part of an aggressive approach. biden said that the administration could rely more on the military or national guard to deploy clinics and set up mobile vaccination options, "so i am going to need the help of congress to make sure that we establish thousands of federally run vaccinations centers across the country located in high school gyms or nfl football , adding that the vaccination project needs to involve multiple levels of the government.
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host: your calls and just a moment on twitter. , "viva america." "there will be time in the coming days to figure out the failure of the capitol police but donald trump and really giuliani -- rudy giuliani incited the but -- the riot. i don't care who resigns, it's a worthless administration that will be gone in 13 days and the damage has been done or from "19th-century, congressman went to work carrying pistols and knives and sometimes used them on ."lleagues there's a drawing their of preston brooks, from south , caning on the senate floor charles sumner of massachusetts in 1856 in a prelude to the u.s. civil war.
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auburn, new in york. democrats line. caller: oh, good morning, c-span. i have seen the enemy and he is us. that's a quote from pogo. also, i believe that you moderators on c-span should, a for youran award patients and poker faces. i think you guys have to put up with a lot of crap. ok, here's my point. i think mathematics is under taught. lose byblicans did not a 49 to 50 margin. 34% to 33% margin
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of eligible voters. 33% of eligible voters did not vote this time. ignorance is bliss and these people must be pretty happy because they are not paying attention to politics. the political class is fairly comfortable. this insurrection -- i come from a town, auburn, it's a prison town. but we are also home to william seward, who they attempted to assassinate the same night as they did assassinate abraham lincoln. and they also attempted to assassinate the vice president of the united states. this was a coup attempt. these people, the truth shall set you free. and --ng all the lies believe all the lies and conspiracy theories you want. where do i get my tinfoil hat? when do i drink the kool-aid?
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am i going to march off a cliff like the other lemmings in the republican party? i believe in free thinking and think for yourself. don't believe everything you read on the internet and don't be so gullible. you people, an oxymoron, my definition is a poor trump supporter. hear from d in the nation's capital on the independent line. caller: good morning to you all and congratulations on the incoming president and vice president joseph biden junior and kamala harris. to the combat hauler from connecticut, iq for your service . however, please pay attention to the history of the country that you serve. it was founded by moneyed white males who condone violence, pillaging, theft of land and subjugation of culture. slavery and the systemic
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disenfranchisement of any human being the that did not identify as a moneyed white male. why would you expect the miscreants who destroyed property and have broke every rule of civilized protest during the pandemic yesterday to observe their own hypocritical claim of the law and order? for vice president pence, you do deserve a nod for doing your job and also to be admonished for taking so long to assert leadership and independence. for far too long you allowed the outgoing president to wreak you arechecked and if angry with anyone, vice president pence, be upset with yourself. we love all and we wish all shall heal in the era of the pandemic and may we as a nation continue to forge forward. again, thank you, c-span. host: thanks. i think we have a tweet from
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, showing damaged and broken glass throughout the capital. this was a tweet from yesterday, several photos as of this morning. we will show some of those and go to new york on the republican line. go ahead. morning, good everyone. thank you for having me. i have a couple of things i want to say. first of all, we saw this coming. president trump at the same message from 2016. that if he lost, there was no way he could have lost, the only way he could lose was for it to be rigged. same as then, it's just a delayed version that we saw playing out. like lindsey graham and so on, who are enablers to the president, they could have said that biden was
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the winner the day he was declared. instead they let this play out. think about the child who doesn't know anything about stealing and he picks up a candy and takes it home to his mother and instead of his mother saying that's wrong you should put back the candy, the child doesn't know better, the mother complements him and says ok, that's wonderful. what do you think will happen to the child? the mother is an enabler. it's the same with lindsey graham and others. better.see them as any your signal losing there in new york. we will go to valerie in brooklyn, maryland. democratic line. caller: yes, good morning. host: valerie, go ahead, you are on the air. caller: i only had two points. one, most trump supporters are
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not solid people. what we saw yesterday was violent. for those that say that they have been to trump rallies that were never violent, remember, it was trump supporters that tried to kidnap a sitting governor. that's my first point. my second point is that if it's true, and i have heard some callers make the assumption or assertion that there were an t5 and black lives matter movement supporters among the rioters yesterday, i just want to make the point that if that is true, than the inverse is also true. the inverse would be that this past summer, when there were rioters among the black live movement protests in the cities around this country this past those riotersmong were also some trump supporters. that's all i have to say. thank you. afternoon as the
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rioting and violence continued in the u.s. capitol, joe biden came out to make a live statement on the stage in wilmington, delaware, calling on the president, president trump to make a statement to end the violence. here's what else he had to say. [video clip] >> think with the children watching television or thinking. think about what the rest of the world is looking at. for nearly two point five centuries we, the people, in search of a more perfect union, have kept our eyes on that common good. thanca is so much better what we have seen today. watching the scenes from the reminded, as i have prepared other speeches in the past, reminded of the words of abraham lincoln in his annual message to congress, whose work has today been interrupted by chaos. lincoln said, he said we shall
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lose thee or merely .ast, best hope on earth went on to say that the way his just. peaceful, generous, followed the world will forever applaud and god must forever bless. the way his plane here, too. that's who we are. it's the way of democracy. of respect. of decency. of honor. and commitment as patriots to this nation. what i sawding today, what we are seeing today, i remain optimistic about the incredible opportunities.
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there has never been anything we can't do, when we do it together. this god-awful display today is bringing home to every republican, democrat, and independent in the nation that we must step up. this is the united states of america. there's never, ever, ever been a thing that we have tried to do when we have done it together that we have not been able to do it. so, president trump, step up. may god bless america. may god protect our troops and all of those folks in the capital who are trying to preserve order. want just want to know --
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to let you know that the president-elect will be speaking today and we will keep you updated on the coverage plans. new reporting from roll call this morning, their headline, democrats laying groundwork for pandemic aid, infrastructure packages, jumping to the forefront. to hear more about yesterday and related stories, pedro? >> international reaction from yesterday, starting with benjamin netanyahu commenting on the insurrection on thursday as he began a meeting with steven jerusalem, saying that lawlessness and violence are the opposite of the values that israelis and americans cherish and that the rampage was a disgraceful act that must be vigorously condemned and that he has no doubt that american democracy will prevail, it always has. justin trudeau says that he was monitoring the situation and said that the american democratic institutions are strong and hopefully everything will return to normal shortly.
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he did that on a radio interview. in iran it was the president there who said that what we saw in the united states last night was annihilation of them western democracy in the world and everyone saw what a populist did to his country, damaging that country's reputation in the international arena, followed up by the ukrainian minister of foreign affairs, who said that the situation had to be quickly resolved for the good of the u.s.. it also quotes a palestinian official saying that while people in other places it in the world are struggling to achieve democracy there are those in the u.s. actively sabotaging bears. despots everywhere thrive on oppression and violence. that's a bit of the world round up of the events of yesterday. the: taking a look at inside of "the new york times," you have seen this photo before likely, it's from getty images. the headline here, a mob of people loyal to trump storm the
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capital and halted the counting of electoral votes, upending what is usually a procedural action and not changing what the final outcome will be. one of those captured here in this photo above the east door is pictured near one of the many sayings along the balcony of the senate and the senate chamber. according to the office of the architect of the capital, it's a latin phrase that means it -- means that god has favored our undertakings. ashley, independent mind, go ahead. caller: i just wanted to say that when i turned 18 i was so excited to vote for the first time and i registered as a republican and now i'm in my 30's and i'm registered as an independent and i'm really concerned about what's happening to the republican party overall. donald trump has such a large personality that we really focused on him without focusing on the fact that the republican
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party laid the groundwork for donald trump and even as he leaves office there is still this enormous faction of people who i feel like if you really were checking in with your values and you go issue by issue, we have more in common with democrats than we do with republicans and we should be definitely denouncing all this violence, any form it takes. what happened during black lives matter, the violence there was wrong, to and ultimately we are trying to strive for a better america. this is not appropriate and we have to check ourselves as republicans, what that means and how we will check our values in the future. video now is inside the senate parliamentarian's office with the damage and the destruction that happened certainly the ransacking of that office. in austin, texas, mark is next on the democratic line.
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caller: good morning. the span, i have a couple of things i want to say. happy new year to everybody, to. if the united states had not let donald trump, starting with not showing his taxes when he was running for president, once he saw that he could do that and get away with it, he tried any and everything. theumber two thing is minimum wage. think about this, america. a pack of cigarettes costs more than what the minimum wage is in the united states of america. what kind of sense does that make? my number three thing is about the riot yesterday. i wake up to hear fox news saying now that it was antifa. that they was, they wasn't trump supporters, these were antifa that stormed the building. that's not true. and we are allowing them to get away with this. number four, term limits for the
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senators and congressmen. we wouldn't have this if we had term limits. them, this wayn we could make power equal upon each other. that's all i have to say. thank you. santa rosa, california, republican line is next. this is brian. thank you, c-span, for letting me on this topic. i want you to know that i think that c-span is biased and you do cut off trump supporters. you cut off people who are saying a truth you don't want to hear. so i hope i'm allowed to speak a little bit here. provocateursnt -- in every significant protest. i used to be on the left. there are definitely agent
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provocateurs and i hope you don't turn me off. here's the other thing. we have, when we saw trump come , thishe escalator, we saw was in 2015, we saw people mobilize against him immediately because he said he was going to put tariffs on china. we have a vice president whose son's laptop shows emails of a collusion between biden and the chinese government for business dealings. so, we have someone who has been compromised by communist china. and yet we have a media that actually seems to want to get inroads into communist china, so they shut down the talk about the laptop before this election. we have lots of conspiracy
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people the media, the like mitch mcconnell and his wife, who are connected to communist china, and their business interests. that's driving all of this. all the pearl clutching over what happened in the capital? we have probably agent provocateurs who slipped in, did a very good job of smearing the make america great again movement. host: reid wilson tweeted this update on the special election in louisiana. john bel edwards, the governor there said that there will be special elections for house seats, one left vacant by luke letlow, the other vacated by cedric richmond, who is going into the biden administration. the special election is now set in louisiana for march 20. the independent mine, patricia
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is in knots island, north carolina. hello there. patricia? are you on with us? caller: yes. host: go ahead. caller: am i ready? host: you are on the air, go ahead. caller: ok, well, seemed like everybody else has set almost a everything -- almost everything except that i think trump should be tried for murder for the woman that was shot and i think that the family of them should go after him. as for the politics stuff, seems like everyone else has said everything that i probably would have said. i'm not going to take the time. i'm an independent and i hate to say it, but i did vote for trump, which right now i realize was a bad mistake and i'm sorry that i did. but who would have known at the time. so, i really just think that his wife should get rid of him, they all should sue him and taken to
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court for murder for that woman. because that is not right and it makes me sick in my stomach just to think all these people were hurt and that a woman died because of him. him. him. our president. host: also in north carolina, brian, democratic line, oak city. caller: notwithstanding that a woman died and all the rest of the madness today, not dismissing that, but i'm looking at it from my perspective, which has a black man is kind of a little less emotional for a lot of these things. trumpurs to me that really is using the law, again, keep in mind, this is from my perspective, a black man's perspective, he uses the law against this country to get his way the same way that a lot of black people are misused by the law on regular people levels.
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i just thought about this when i realize how he's using the courts. that's all. "wall street journal," opinion piece, the peace in the journal this morning, his "donald trump turned georgia blue." "voters recoiled against him
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host: that's from "the wall street journal," republican line, new jersey, rich, hello there. caller: good morning. i have a few things here. first of all, biden's statement. he's a fraud. he didn't say anything for months and months and months when they were burning downtowns
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, burning cities down. also, he never said anything and the media is so out right now, but when they were burning down the federal buildings in seattle in other places, ok? blocking it so the officers couldn't get out? nobody was outraged. ok? nobody was outraged. when maxine waters and others were telling supporters to go after republican, no one is outraged. but cnn, cuomo or tapper said, if you can bring it up ok, who said that protests have to be peaceful or nice, ok? that's their. the media has caused so much of this. it's just so ridiculous. i don't condone any violence. them people that did that should be held responsible, whoever they are and the media don't even know who they are yet. ok?
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when i hear people on the floor of the senate and the congress, like romney and the democrats condemning all this, when they said nothing for months when they were burning down innocent people plus businesses and beating up people, antifa are terrorist groups. the people that did that yesterday, if they are found out, whoever they are, ok, should be considered terrorists also. but this double standard by the media, but i listened to last night for hours, for hours, ok, of them condemning trump and his supporters without knowing any facts? that's the problem in this country. c-span, please bring up the cnn thing of tapper or cuomo, whoever it was, with their was, yous when blm know, burning down, you know,
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burning towns down and the federal buildings, nobody said anything about burning down them federal buildings. they were all cheering it on. sean, lakeland, florida, independent mine. yes, sir. the united states, the most powerful nation in the world, that's what they say. they let their capitol building get overrun by a bunch of hillbillies? a bunch ofture people running over the capital in china? can you imagine people running over the capital in great britain? i honestly was shocked. i did not know what was going on. i turned the tv on and i seen a guy sitting at nancy pelosi's desks. that was the first image when i turned it on, he was holding up a paper with her signature on it, meaning he went in her desks . she's the third most important person as the speaker of the
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house and in that same building they had the second most important person in the united states, the vice president. you had the two most important people besides the president in that building and they let people storm the building? i'm looking at this and i'm like my goodness, i know at least 20 or 15 people are shot and dead because of this and right when i say this in my mind a news reporter comes on and says one woman, one girl got shot? it woman was shot yesterday in the capital. three others died due to medical emergencies. reporting from politico magazine, their headline on the piece is is this really happening, the seizure of congress, a scene from the inside with members and staff ducking for cover and hiding here in the chamber of the u.s. senate. they write that it was an unusual session of congress to start with, a piece of political
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theater around the normal ceremony, the moment when america finally ratifies the choice for president. then the shouts in the hallways, broken glass, panicking texts and confusion and an abrupt halt to the basic workings of government and on wednesday when waves of riders overwhelmed capitol police and surged through the lobbies and stairways, they trapped journalists and nearly all members of congress. some of them had ways out. mike pence was quickly ushered to safety. some didn't. members dove to the gallery floor. rooms were quickly pressed into service as safe spots for journalists. five of the journalists were congressional reporters for politico whose normal beats are of the far more daily bureaucratic business of congress. we asked of those outside to describe by phone what happened in those frenzied, confusing hours. you can read and see more at
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a tweet here from chris silla's a at cnn on the objections to electoral counts in certain states, rejecting the arizona devote results, 138 republicans voted to object, 138 house republicans voted to object to the pennsylvania results, including kevin mccarthy and steve scalise. one of the principal initial objectors was congressman mo brooks of alabama and he made his case on the house floor. [video clip] here refutable, noncitizens overwhelmingly voted for joe biden in exchange for promised amnesty and citizenship and in so doing helped steal the election from donald trump, republican candidates, and american citizens across america . madam speaker, in my judgment if only lawful votes were cast by
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eligible american citizens, joe biden lost and president trump won the electoral college. as such, it is my constitutional duty to promote honest and accurate elections by rejecting electoral college submissions from states whose electoral systems are so badly flawed as to render their vote submission unreliable, untrustworthy, and unworthy of acceptance. we will get back to your phone calls and just a moment. let's check in first with pedro. senator tim scott put out a tweet about what was going on yesterday amongst the senators after the first news came out guarding the entrance of the protesters into the capitol building, sending a tweet with a picture saying that as we were first taken to a secure space yesterday anxiety and tension was high and rightfully so. with the entire senate together i stood up and asked my
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colleagues to join us in prayer. the chaplain led us in the moment. there's a picture that accompanies the tweet from the senator. a couple of editorials calling out legislators over the actions yesterday, this is the york dispatch about representative scott perry, writing in part that the shocking and frightening display of lawlessness followed after midnight by the sight of representative perry leading a gang of congressmen in an ill advised ultimately fruitless attempt to disenfranchises him constituents by objecting to the counting of votes from pennsylvania, he truly believes that the election that returned him to the capital for a fifth term was illegal and should be overturned, has a personal recourse, he can and should resign immediately. that's the editors there. if you go to the journal on the website of the poynter institute, they highlight senator josh hawley from the thats city star, who wrote
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no one other than president donald trump himself is more responsible for the coup attempt at the u.s. capitol on wednesday and the editorial went on to it had such impact that he deserves an impressive share of the blame for any bloodshed. holly saying that he was at first going to object to the electoral college certification. here,back to your calls conrad, democratic line. caller: i want to talk to you about what i didn't see yesterday. i didn't see a police officer with his knee on anybody's neck for eight and a half minutes. a police officer putting anybody into a chokehold. i didn't see a police officer shoot anybody in the back seven or eight times. the most powerful weapon in this country isn't a gun, its caucasian flesh. if that crowd yesterday was comprised of african-americans, muslim americans, or hispanic americans, they would not have
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got within 1000 yards of the capital and the people who call up to complain about what happened over the summer with black lives matter, it doesn't even come close. it's not like a bunch of black people decided to burn down businesses in buildings last summer. they were responding once again to police officers who feel they have carte blanche to take the lives of people who look like me and face no accountability. that's what triggered the riots last summer. what you saw yesterday was months and weeks of a crybaby president who claimed that the election was rigged, no evidence, that there were fraudulent votes, no evidence again to that, and when his followers decided they were going to burn down the capital or destroy it, these people who say that antifa had something to do with it, that's nonsense as well. antifa is against the president. why would antifa join a group of people who are pro-trump? antifa is an excuse that far right wing lunatics want to use not to take responsibility for
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their own actions. host: another view on the protests yesterday from georgia and tennessee, who said he saw a reporter reporting on riots months ago that the protests were mostly peaceful and using that standard, the protests that standard were also -- using that standard the protests yesterday were also mostly peaceful. this from tim ryan in "the new york post," that the congressmen responsible for funding the capitol police has insisted heads will roll over the embarrassment of officers being so easily overrun by rioters and that it is pretty clear there will be a number of people , heout employment soon talked of police being overrun by the mob, saying that this was an embarrassment on behalf of the mob and the president and the insurrection and the attempted to, but also the lack of professional planning in dealing with what we knew was going to occur.
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host: louisiana, next up we hear from tonya on the republican line. go ahead. caller: i just wanted to say that the riots yesterday was bad , but you know these callers calling in saying that antifa and blm didn't have a lot to do with it? specifically the guy with the horns on his head was also photographed in a blm riot in arizona. so you know, i think that blm and nt 4.0 was strategically placed within the group to incite the anger and to basically get the riots going.
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and although, you know, i can tell you personally, looking at the presidents tweets on twitter, there's been times when i wish you would have just kept his mouth shut on twitter, he has done a lot of good things for this country that i don't think he got credit for. you know, when you look back at all the accomplishments of his presidency, you know, you will see that there were so many things that he did do that no other president was able to accomplish. , you know, the left was, is afraid of that. they are afraid of his strength and what he can do and it doesn't fit their agenda. he didn't get a fair shot any of the four years he was in, from the moment he took office, from the moment he was declared our president, his attacks started. host: to the allegations of nt for allegedly being involved,
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someone inside the capital tweeted "be embarrassed and hide if you need to, but i was there, it was not antifa at the capital, it was freedom loving patriots desperate to hope for the -- fight for the final hope of the republic, and no one cares about them and announced them, i will not." gaba, independent line, the bronx. good morning.abe, i just want to say this, bin laden didn't fly the planes, but that doesn't mean he wasn't responsible for what happened on 9/11. as far as i'm concerned, the people that stormed the capital yesterday, pretending they are patriots flying american flags? they may has well-being flying the banner of isis or the taliban. i think it's a disgrace. you know, by the way, as to the last caller's comments, there's no difference between right wing
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violent extremists. they are all the same thing. it's the terrorist leaders that need to be held to account and i think that donald drake trump -- donald j. trump is an enemy of the usa. thank you very much. host: opinion this morning from trumpew york times," "mr. is the blame for the capital attack. he summoned his supporters to gather in washington on this day and encouraged them to march on the capital, telling them that the election was being stolen, he told them to fight and that he might join them and even as he stormed the building he declined for long hours to tell them to stop, to condemn their actions. to raise a finger in defense of the constitution that he swore to preserve and protect and when he finally spoke late in the day he affirmed their anger, telling them again that the election was stolen but asking them to go home anyway. the performance of a man unwilling to fulfill his duties as president or confront the
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consequences of his own behavior." democratic line, west newton, pennsylvania, we go to ed to. ed.e go to caller: i have a different perspective. the american people are very frustrated with our politicians, democrats and republicans and they are all responsible for what happened there yesterday. i feel that they no longer represent us. thank you. ok.: rocky, texas, independent line. your thoughts? yesterday evening i watched greta between sessions, you know, when the house in the senate were getting ready to go back in. twice she referred to the mayor -- theace in a statewide mayor placing a statewide curfew
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in d.c. i would like to know when d.c. became a state. she said that twice. do you guys know something we don't know? one other thing, the lady that was killed yesterday, that 14 year air force veteran, i happen to be retired military, she was assassinated by a white house policeman. i mean, by a capitol hill policeman. where is the riot? whether you are white or black, whoever kills you that is a policeman, i was always taught in the military that you don't fire on your own people? why is it capitol hill policeman are allowed to assassinate people without repercussion? president trump didn't have anything to do with this assassination. host: rocky in texas. let's check in one more time with pedro. caller: the woman who called --
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host: the woman who called about the man with no shirt in the horns on his head, one face stood out from the crowd, "tattooed shirtless man donning red, white, and blue face paint. the horned man in question is none of that than jake and jelly, familiar base at pro-trump rallies and qanon conspiracy us sometimes referred --as the queue and on shaman .anon shaman he has been spotted at multiple protests across the country supporting president trump supporting presidentthere were t the rnc and dnc headquarters, devices found on wednesday that were actual explosive devices,
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not phonies, according to a senior federal law enforcement visual briefed on the investigation. tonya riley reporting that we know of at least one laptop that was stolen from the capital yesterday, adding that it -- there could be more and that the person that she spoke with walked through the security implications of that and you can find that at "the washington post." one more resignation to tell you about, washington tully, senior director for european and russian affairs, quitting after the events at the u.s. capitol according to jennifer jacobs. host: twitter set to restore the trump account after blocking him for fomenting capital riot, set to restore access to the trump account 12 hours after the tech giant blocked him from blasting out a series of falsehoods as writers stormed the u.s. capitol . let's hear from mary elizabeth in new york city on the democratic line.
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mary elizabeth, good morning, make sure that you mute your volume and go ahead with your comment. caller: i did. host: great. caller: distressed watching the spectacle of people climbing the walls in washington yesterday. distressed toery hear a lot of comments that people are making, excusing the behavior of our current theseent and aching theories about the election. remember, we have to have a perspective, a historical perspective, of the country and even recent events. office, there was this whole business where he was going on about mail-in ballots. , the ballots were supposedly received late? well, he had already constrained the post office.
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to hear people making all the behaviorto defend this of a person who took an oath to defend the constitution and to fromt tech to all of us all enemies, domestic and he was impeached. but the senate refused to remove him. we showed you some comments earlier from mo brooks on the floor of the house. congressman brooks tweeting this morning saying "please don't be like fake news media, don't rush to judgment on assault on capital, weight for investigation -- wait for investigation, all might not be what it seems, evident growing that nt felt orchestrated capital attack with clever mob control tactics. -- tactics." , response from jim mcgovern
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"are you kidding me? we all watched on tv as the president said trial by comment, delete this account and this tweet, mo brooks." fort worth, texas is next. linda, republican line. good morning. i'm really a democrat, i was trying to get in on any line and i just wanted to thank the democrats because i will be waiting for my $2000. thank you very much. host: on the democratic line in bloomfield hills, michigan, wendi, go ahead. yeah i just, several things, the barriers that trump set to constrain people from incitedas definitely
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it. there were so many incremental elements that led up to blowsday that it just, it my mind, it infuriates me, how blind and mentally ill or able tohed the been happen, the media, allowing this thatric, this falsehood our president and his enablers have been able to put forth. what has now led to, in our security threats, is beyond belief. trump telling his followers to head to the capital? blatant, what the hell happened yesterday? documents that they took
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from the capital? in addition to putting more security threats. we don't know what they planted. we don't know what things they were taking pictures of and what information they got a hold of. wendi, in michigan. more of your calls, coming up. , congressman, welcome. we know it has been a long night for you and your colleagues in the house. we appreciate you joining us this morning. first of all, take us back to yesterday afternoon and when you first noticed something was going wrong. all of us were just processing and moving forward from the perspective that this was a historic occasion. an exercise of our democracy. our job and our responsibility. the speaker, the vice president presiding. i was in the chamber at the
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time. close to the presiding officers, the vice president and the speaker there. i think we first noticed when we traffic of the twitter that folks had breached the building. the speaker came off the rostrum. that was the first point at which we thought something was different and that -- and then it obviously escalated from there. you, your staff, and your colleagues able to stay safe? yes, we were and we appreciate the work those officers did in getting us to a secure location. my staff was not in the capital the entire day. my colleagues and i just followed instructions. capitol police spoke to members on the house floor and in the gallery, gave us instructions.
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we were told at one point to get our gas masks ready. difficult and trying time, obviously. host: you are part of the democratic leadership and we have been reading stories this morning, your colleague, tim ryan, overseeing jurisdiction over the capitol police, there is concern that they weren't prepared for the actions of the mob outside the capital. what do you think? absolutely right. we both serve on the appropriations committee that has purview over the processes on capitol hill. there's a lot of questions to ask. without a doubt, first and foremost we need to make sure that the plans for january 20 are in place. so, we will move forward and ask those difficult questions. there will be plenty of time to have a deep dive and take a look at what transpired over the last
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10 days. the president, you know, fomenting this. the planning and the lack of planning and execution to keep the building safe is difficult. those officers have a difficult job. there's no question about that. but clearly a lot of steps were missed and that's the unfortunate part that we will have to get to the bottom of. host: how or do you think that president trump will be held accountable for this? all options should be on the table. the president fomented this by encouraging those individuals to go to the hill and i think he bears a level of responsibility. there's no question about that. and 300 hours we will be passed in this president.
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but in the meantime whether it is the 25th amendment or other avenues, like impeachment and censure, all the options should be on the table. clearly, this president is lawless and we need to make sure that we are doing everything we can to protect democracy. that's what we did and what we thought was so important by going back last evening and through this morning to do our job to make sure to keep proceeded and, we counted the electoral ballots. as the inauguration happens in two weeks, now with the two new democratic senators coming into the u.s. senate, does that change the calculus on what you hope the house can get past? what's priority number one to get done? guest: continued covid relief, without a doubt. we are in the middle of a pandemic. americans are hurting.
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there are folks in my community out there in california who are continuing to struggle. our hospitals are overrun. we are at 0% capacity locally in the icus. this is a huge issue and we need to make sure we are giving our first responders everything they need. you know, one of the pieces that is important as well that we fought for as house democrats was state and local assistance within the last package. ensuring that our first responders, states and localities have the resources that they need to take that vaccine and turn it into a vaccination as well as mitigate the costs of the crisis, that's the first priority. clearly a senate that is 50-50 is going to be more helpful to us in that regard. congressman, appreciate
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you being with us on this notable morning here in the nation's capital. guest: thanks for having me. host: a couple more of your calls and comments, thanks for waiting as we wrap up program. in a couple of minutes we will .ear from randy in pennsylvania sorry, paul. paul, hang on a sec. we will try to get to you. randy, pennsylvania, independent line. caller: yes, sir, thank you for taking my call. host: you bet. caller: i am, i am a veteran and i just want to say that this is pathetic and shameful. as americans, we should all be ashamed of what's going on and what has been going on. butyears it's been nothing a blame game, one side blaming the other. unfortunately, the media has done nothing but sensationalize the blame game. it's time for the blame game to end.
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time to implement a focus on corrective actions that are best for the american people as a whole, regardless of party affiliation or, or, or gender, or, or race. it might not be good tv, but it certainly would be good for the american people. thank you. talking about the capitol police, tom winter tweeted this a few minutes ago, saying the capitol police have a 2300 member department, 400 and $60 million budget, issued no public statements and are exempted from public records request. in d.c. here in the nation's capital, this is kevin on the democrats line. caller: i want to put in a plug in for news to share, fort fisher. they said there would be a lot trump reallyith deserving the blame here. you had kylie on on monday advertising the march.
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houras on for like half an , repeating a lot of false claims. terry murphy, your programming director, had her on for the morning show on monday. i would like to see some accountability, you know, impeachment, also that terry murphy is held to accountability. host: that will about wrap it up for this morning's program. we appreciate your calls and comments. >> tv on c-span2 has taught nonfiction books and authors every weekend.


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