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tv   Washington Journal 05142021  CSPAN  May 14, 2021 6:59am-9:01am EDT

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two, national security agency director testifies on u.s. cyberspace operations at a house on services subcommittee hearing. at 2:00 p.m., a discussion about race relations in the u.s. from the washington post. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government, funded by television companies, including media,. >> the world changed in an instant, but mediacomm was ready. schools and businesses went virtual, and we powered a new reality because we are about to keep you ahead. >> mediacom supports c-span as a public service, along with other television providers. get a front row seat to democracy. >> coming up this morning, nebraska representative don bacon joins us to discuss
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defense policy, cybersecurity, and changes the house republican leadership. then steven horsford talks about proposals from abiding ministrations and how to -- from the biden administration and how to pay for them. "washington journal" is next. ♪ host: good morning. it is friday, may 14, 2021. the house returns at 9:00 a.m. eastern, which means a two hour "washington journal" is ahead. we begin with the cdc easing its masked guidance for fully vaccinated americans. in light of yesterday's announcement that those who are vaccinated can go without masks or physical distancing, we want to hear what it means for you or your family. if you are fully vaccinated or on your way, (202)-748-8000 is the number. if you are unvaccinated,
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(202)-748-8001. you can also send us a text this morning, (202)-748-8003. if you do, please include your name and where you are from. otherwise, catch up with us on social media, on twitter, @cspanwj, on facebook, good friday morning to you. you can go ahead and start calling you now. this is the cdc director yesterday with the announcement. [video clip] >> today, the cdc has updated our guidance for fully vaccinated people. anyone who is fully vaccinated can participate in indoor or outdoor activities, large or small, without wearing a mask or physical distancing. if you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things you had stopped doing because of the pandemic. we have all long for this moment when we can get back to some sense of normalcy.
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based on the continuing downward trajectory of cases, the scientific data on the performance of our vaccine and our understanding of how the virus spreads, that moment has come for all who are fully vaccinated. now, if you are immune compromised, you will most definitely want to talk to your doctor before giving up your mask. also, locations such as health care facilities will continue to follow infection control recommendations. lastly, this past year has shown us the virus can be unpredictable. if things get worse, there is always a chance we may need to make a change to these recommendations, but we know that the more people who are vaccinated, the less cases we will have and the less chance of a new spike or additional variant emerging. [end video clip] host: the cdc director rachel wolinsky making that announcement. within an hour of that
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announcement during a row called quote on the house -- roll call vote on the house floor, this was a congressman. [video clip] >> for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition? >> i asked that given the updated cdc guidance, we all take off these stupid masks. [cheering] [end video clip] host: congressman brian mast on the floor yesterday. and this is republican congressman dusty johnson posting this video to his twitter page. [video clip] ♪
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[end video clip] host: south dakota republican dusty johnson on his twitter page yesterday. from c-span's capitol hill producer, this was the guidance from the attending physician, announcing revisions to the congressional covid-19 mask requirements through the house chamber, saying those rules remain unchanged until all members and floor staff are fully vaccinated. dr. monahan going on to say the fully vaccinated numbers and all other areas can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic. you can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying six feet apart. he went on to say for individuals not fully vaccinated her with medical conditions elevating the risk of infection, they should continue to comply with mask wearing and social distancing guidelines. that is some reaction on capitol hill. we would like to know what this means for you and your family
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and a few you will continue wearing a mask in public if you are fully vaccinated, (202)-748-8000 is the number. if you are unvaccinated, (202)-748-8001. first out of tallahassee, florida, greg. caller: good morning. thank you for c-span. i will continue to wear a mask because i think the limitation is if you are still in a compact area, which could be everything from an amtrak train to an airline to a concert hall, it is best to continue to wear a mask because the other thing is when president joe biden gave his remarks, i found the first fact that being left out is when will the white house be reopened for visitors who are fully vaccinated? there is a whole lot of sports national championship teams waiting for their invite. host: >>, which team do you want
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to see at the white house? caller: let's start with the tampa bay tech veneers -- the tampa bay buccaneers and the crimson tide. but we go all the way back to the los angeles dodgers and the tampa bay lightning last year. host: greg in tallahassee. this is president biden from the rose garden yesterday. [video clip] pres. biden: over the past 114 days, our vaccination program has led the world due to the incredible hard work of so many hard people, the scientists and researchers, the drug companies, the national guard, u.s. military, fema, the nation's governors, doctors, pharmacists, everyone who has moved heaven and earth to get as many shots in arms and as many americans as possible. it has truly been all hands on deck for the effort. some people say we cannot do
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this and it would not be until the fall that we have had this many people vaccinated, that 2021 might be a last year for our country as 2020 was, but we have proved doubters wrong. i need to single out one more group to praise. the american people, the american people. for more than a year, you have endured so much and so many lost jobs, so many businesses lost, so many lives upended, and so many months that our kids cannot be in school, you cannot see your friends or family. all the moments that mattered so much, from birthdays, weddings, graduations, all postponed and most tragically of all, the lost lives.
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[end video clip] host: president biden at the rose garden asking, what this means for you and your family this morning, ronald called in on the line for those who are vaccinated. go ahead. caller: in morning. i got my second shot last saturday, and i am glad because that means from june, i will be able to go see my grandson graduate because they will be in the open air, and i will be able to see him graduate, which i am very proud of, and even though i am vaccinated, i am still going to wear my mask so i am fully protected and thank you. host: linda, marx, mississippi. vaccinated. good morning. caller: good morning. yes, i am fully vaccinated and this summer will be a change season for me, and like the
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person in front of me, i am still wearing my mask because i am fully vaccinated, but there are those who are not and those who will not get vaccinated, so i am proceeding with caution. thank you. host: robert from connecticut. good morning. vaccinated. caller: hi, yes. my concern with this that the cdc just released this directly to the public without going, telling the states first, i think today is going to be a scary day because you are going to have people going into the supermarkets today not wearing the mask, the supermarkets are going to start challenging these people. here in connecticut, our governor came out yesterday and it was not well publicized, but they are going to not take this guidance until next wednesday, so it is going to happen for the next week? that is what i'm worried about. those are my thoughts. host: we are taking your phone
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calls. a couple of callers on the fully vaccinated line already saying they plan to continue to wear the mask, even though they are fully vaccinated. dr. fauci was asked about those who choose to continue to wear the mask, even though they are fully vaccinated at the cdc press conference. yesterday, this is what he had to say. [video clip] dr. fauci: people have to make their own personal choice prayed what you heard from dr. wolinsky, it is the recommendation based on science and that is just a recommendation, and when people want to do that, the at least have the science behind them. there is nothing wrong with individuals who have a certain level for risk aversion as we know the risk is extremely low is getting vaccinated, whether you are indoors or outdoors, but there are those people who do not want to take that risk, and
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there's nothing wrong with that and they should not be criticized. [end video clip] host: dr. anthony fauci yesterday at that cdc announcement, that press conference in which the cdc announced those fully vaccinated no longer have to social distance, where there mask in public and outdoor or indoor spaces. some reaction from social media on twitter, this is libby, "i have faithfully won my mask and followed mitigation protocol since march 1, 2020. i am fully vaccinated. my mask is off. my conscience is clear." john's saying, "i am so glad the trump faxing is working and allowing americans to go mask list." this from libby, "it will be a long time before a restaurant." we are taking your calls for the first 20 minutes on "washington journal." a shorter show because the house will be in at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business, and we will take you there for gavel-to-gavel coverage when
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they come in. roosevelt in louisiana on the line for those vaccinated, what does the new guidance from the cdc mean for you? caller: i took the vaccine in april, and i work for the school system, so as soon as he opened it up, i took my shot. i remember it. host: you think you will always room for that date, roosevelt? caller: yes, april 8, that was my day. host: on the line for those on vaccinated, robert, what does this announcement mean front unvaccinated american? caller: john, i would like to start the show off on the president. we had a problem here in
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kentucky a couple of months ago, and if the president is watching, people in kentucky thank you. we really do respect you in this state. we have a democratic governor. we have to thank you for that. i just had so much american pride. if it would have started in nebraska, kentucky or tennessee, the covid, china did not change any way that i lived. host: robert, you say you trust dr. fauci or you respect dr. fauci. dr. fauci is urging people to get vaccinated. why have you decided to remain unvaccinated at this point? caller: i am from a small town in eastern kentucky, a coal mining town. but it is a small town, no one
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in my family has actually caught the covid or anything. we have been very, very lucky. i just have too much american pride. basically, i would like to thank the president for reaching out to the kentucky flood victims. host: robert in kentucky. staying on the line for unvaccinated, this is charlie in santa clarita, california. caller: good morning. i chose to wait until the j&j vaccine came out again, and just yesterday, i heard that seven new york yankee players and coaches have proven that they got it again and came down with the virus, tested positive after having taking that -- having taken that after the season started. i have been wearing the mask the past 14 months, and i expect to
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be wearing the mask probably until next christmas. i do not know at this stage really what to do, whether to get the johnson & johnson vaccine and if it's worth a darn because if you can test positive after getting the vaccine and being able to take off your mask again, if someone breathes in the virus, every time they sneeze or cough, even though they will not get it, they shoot it out into the air for somebody who is not vaccinated, so i will go on wearing the mask. i does not bother me at all, the n95, and i have been wearing them so long, i don't even think about them. it is just a little bit hard to breathe, but i will put up with
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that rather than going through what i've heard people go through. host: charlie, have you had the option of getting the pfizer or during a vaccine? or you want the one shot, johnson & johnson? caller: yes, i have had the chance to get the pfizer or the moderna for the past three months through my insurance plan, but the thing is, i am wary of that because of how it feels with your rna. not the dna, but the rna. that is why i have held off and kept waiting for the johnson & johnson. now you have the thing with how people get it again and also the blood clots. at this stage, i really do not know what to do, so i am going to be calling my doctor next week, and we are going to have a heart-to-heart on the telephone with the telephone appointment. host: charlie from california, thank you.
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that story you mentioned about the new york yankees, here is the cnn story. eight vaccinated members tested positive for covid-19. taking a look into how that could happen, noting that they were inoculated with the johnson & johnson vaccine. that is what the caller was referring to. when it comes to the distribution of the johnson & johnson vaccine, the number of shots in arms, an interesting chart from usa today, china put it into perspective, some 100 46 million pfizer shots have been given in this country -- 146 million pfizer shots have been giving, 136 million given on the moderna, and there was the cause on the johnson & johnson vaccine can see the comparison to the other two shot vaccines. taking your calls this morning, asking you what this updated mask guidance from the cdc, what
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it means for you and your family. rob in easton, north carolina, good morning. caller: good morning. it looks like a nice day, not going to be too hot washington. give me 90-seconds. i have a thing i need to go through here. i got both modernas, the inner rna, where the docking ports works against the covid-19. the thing that we have to really be aware of is there was a public-private partnerships that took place two years ago, and they invest in these vaccines, and they were available and they distribution and the phase one and two and three trials for the
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physiologist researcher, worked in china in different labs, they actually did gain a function research and lost track but that is water under the bridge and can't do anything about it now. the thing about it happening right now is we have numbers of crisis sees. we lost track of covid at the border, who they are, and whatever it is, and we just inject them into our society, and then we have the energy crisis cut off from the first day mr. biden was in, and the things that have happened with the cyberattack on colonial and we have the middle east, where we are not supporting abraham accords, and they are talking favorably to the iranians, and we have gotten them enough money and slack where they are almost starting a war with israel right
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now. there is no response from this, and yesterday, homeland security made me afraid to live in this united states. all i have got to say is if you can do everything wrong and get it to a nexus of fear and lockdowns, you can control people for numbers of years, and the oligarchs and rich people will not get hurt too much because they are out money from the treasury and the fed like confetti. sooner or later, it will bec about 10ents on the dollar, but if you work -- if you are worth $10 million or more, it will not hurt you a bit. host: that is rob bringing up a number of issues on the front pages of the national papers this morning, including that cyberattack on the colonial pipeline. the headline from "the washington post," that cyberattack a wake-up call as leaders face questions on energy
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infrastructure in this country. yesterday was president biden delivering remarks on the colonial pipeline cyberattack. he explained the details of an executive order he signed wednesday night, having to deal with cybersecurity. this is the president yesterday. [video clip] pres. biden: last night, i signed an executive order to improve the nation's cybersecurity. it calls for the public sector to work closely with the private sector to strengthen cybersecurity practices and increased reliance against cyber attacks. it outlines innovative ways the government will drive to deliver security and software using federal wind power to jumpstart market and improve the products at -- that all americans use. to protect our nation against cyber attacks, i am calling on the united states to move quickly to confirm chris ingalls as our director and to be the
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director of cybersecurity. in america, we have seen critical infrastructure taken off-line by floods, fires, storms, and criminal hackers. in texas last month, we saw what happens when storms hit power systems that are not fully modernized. we have extreme weather with tragic results. now we are seeing criminal hackers with gas lines throughout the southwest, excuse me, the southeast, and we are in a competition with china and the rest of the world to win the 21st century and we are not going to win it with a modern infrastructure out of the 20 century. my plan includes transformative investments and modernizing and securing our critical infrastructure. later this afternoon, i will
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meet with republican senators to discuss ways we can move forward on modernizing the infrastructure we have today and building the infrastructure we need for tomorrow. i am willing to negotiate, as i have indicated yesterday, to the house members and leadership, but it is clearer than ever that doing nothing is not an option. [end video clip] host: president biden yesterday on that colonial cyberattack. much more in the days to come in through the weekend on "washington journal." time for a few more calls this morning in the wake of that announcement yesterday by the cdc, that fully vaccinated americans can do away with masks when it comes to being outdoors, indoors and do away with social distancing, as well. susan in germantown, maryland, on the line for those who are vaccinated, what does that mean for you and your family? caller: i will fully be vaccinated as of next wednesday
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with moderna. like the previous caller, i am still going to wear my mask, probably until the end of the year and early next year. i am just not taking any chances and i don't think anybody should get over excited. we should proceed on the side of caution. you talked about those new york yankee players diagnosed with it. one more, bill maher on hbo, he was fully vaccinated, now he has been diagnosed with it. i think hbo was postponing his show, so i think we should all proceed on the side of caution. this is very good news, but let's just be cautious about it. i am still not going to go in restaurants or anything. take out food works for me. that is all i have to say. host: susan in germantown, maryland. on bill maher, this is the tweet after the news came out saying,
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"thanks all those wishing me well to get well. hard to do since i feel perfectly fine, but i appreciate it. most upset about ending my streak of going back to 1993 of never missing a politically incorrect or real-time episode. oh well, even cal ripken had to sit one out at some point." time for one more call, north in manchester, tennessee, the line for those vaccinated. what did this -- for those unvaccinated. what did this announcement mean for you? caller: i have not wore any masks or taking any shots. i have been around since the 1940's and 1950's, and if you did not have cable television, cell phones and the internet right now, you are not hear a thing about this. it would be like the swine flu, been through that flu, the asian flu, that's all i had to say about it. host: our first segment of "washington journal" this morning, but stick around. we will be joined by two members
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of congress to talk about the cdc guidance and another busy day on capitol hill. first, republican congressman don bacon of nebraska and later, democratic congressman steven horsford of nevada. we will be right back. ♪ >> coming up today, the house is back at 9:00 a.m. eastern to complete work on legislation that requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers, live on c-span. at 11:00 a.m. on c-span2, general pollock with sony testifies on u.s. cyber space operations. at 2:00 p.m., a on race relations in the u.s. from "the washington post." >> go to for the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. if you miss our live coverage,
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it is quickly to find the latest briefings and the biden administration response using interactive gallery of maps to follow the cases in the u.s. and worldwide. go to >> "washington journal" continues. host: always glad to be joined by nebraska republican don bacon. just ahead of today's house gop conference about on who will replace liz cheney as conference chair, congressman, your colleague elise stefanik expected to get that post. some of your fellow republicans say she is not conservative enough. what do you say? guest: they are both my friends, he was very articulate, recommending that we certify the vote on the sixth of january. i think elise stefanik will be a great addition to the leadership team and great spokesman for the gop conference, so i will
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support her. either way they are both wonderful representatives. host: chip roy of texas with that last-minute bid for the republican conference chair. tell us what happened in that candidate forum last night. guest: both of them spoke for about one hour. very civil and respectable. we will be well served with either one. i have been immense respect for chip roy. i respected how he was a great spokesman during the sixth of january and then for the certification debate and impeachment but in the end, i think elise will be what we need at the conference. she will do great addition and i think she will be a great spokesperson, and i think she provides a different geographical diversity for the conference at new york, and she brings a different perspective that will balance the team. host: what does she bring? what are you looking for?
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what is the conference need right now in the wake of the shakeup and what happened with liz cheney on wednesday? guest: elise won in a district that won president obama and double digits. she knows how to win in areas that are purple and blue. we need to infect the house november 2022. we cannot afford another two years with speaker pelosi having the gavel. we need a check and balance, so we need to have a new speaker, a check and balance, and i think elise will bring that to the table. she will help us win back these purple district so we are in the majority in two years. host: how much are the colleagues in the conference focusing on the qualifications you talked about, and how much are they just focused on the endorsement of elise stefanik by former president trump? guest: in my case, not at all
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with the endorsement. i am looking at who brings the most to the table, who will add to the leadership, who will add more to diversity of our leadership team, and how do we win in november 2022? i think elise brings the best potential for that. even joe biden's team says it has been the most aggressive agenda, and nancy pelosi passes the most radical agenda out of the house, and we cannot afford four years of nancy pelosi and joe biden, so we have to win back the majority and that is what i am focused on. host: congressman don bacon with us just before 8:00 a.m. eastern, democrats, (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. independents, (202)-748-8002. congressman bacon a member of the armed services committee and agriculture committee. switching gears to national
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security, we talked about the colonial pipeline cyberattack already this morning, but the national security implications there in your mind? guest: first of all, it is discouraging to know the company paid $5 million ransom. when it was initially released, the president said, if they paid $5 million, it is up to them, they are a private company but i would have expected more from the president. whether it is criminals, russian mafia or the russians themselves, cyber should be the forefront of security discussions. frankly, i country has got to do more to protect companies like that. the initial response by the administration was poor, at best. host: the dhs industrial control systems act, what is that? guest: it is a bill that i passed. it is my goal originally, and they are pushing that bill, and
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we have to provide other oversight to protect these control systems to run -- that run our gas and utilities, they are vulnerable. also criminals. we just saw that. so it provides dhs protection and helps private companies, so really expensive security capabilities for private companies. host: right now for a pipeline company like colonial, who was in charge of the physical and cyber security? visit the company itself? the federal government? is it shared responsibility? guest: it is shared, and it is really the private companies responsibility but our nsa's monitoring networks, and when they detect an intrusion from some type of colonial, they will contact the company and let them know, so it is a shared effort but ultimately the private company. host: plenty of calls already, but just your reaction on the
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cdc announcement yesterday on easing mask rules for the fully vaccinated. guest: i think it is good for america. most americans want to go back to normal. we want to start living our lives, getting back to work, get the schools open. i think this is a great new chapter, so if you have both vaccines and are able to wear masks, most americans love that. host: first up, a democrat, you are on with congressman don bacon. caller: yes, congressman. i want to ask, you talk about that name out of new york that is going to take -- host: elise stefanik? caller: yeah, yeah, her. you talk about how she is a champion. what does she champion? you have to be more specific with me. that is one thing i wanted to ask you. the other thing is, why are you guys stay dvd in a dead horse of
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trunk -- stay beating a dead horse of trump? this guy has done everything illegal in the books. and the republican's steady following that stuff. man, i just want to know why it is so important to follow that dead horse. guest: thank you, sir, for your call. actually, i would like to move forward. i do not want to talk about november. i want to move forward. we have a very liberal majority in the house, senate, and actually has a very far-left agenda, so frankly, speaker pelosi would like to talk about donald trump all the time. elise stefanik lets us move forward. we do not want to look back words. even with the majority, we are looking forward. we do not want to focus on what happened in the past.
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i am on record on the sixth of january, i condemn what happened. i recognize that joe biden won. it is time to move forward. host: some of your former republican colleagues joining with prominent republicans from around the country, here is the op-ed in today's washington post, the gop has lost their way, join our new alliance. the op-ed noting if we cannot save the republican party from itself, we will help save america from extremist elements of the republican party, and that means hastening the creation of a political movement dedicated to founding principles and a voice the gop obsessive cult personality around a deeply flawed man. that is from former congressman charlie dent of pennsylvania . from mary peters, denver enrollment represented the fifth congressional district in the house and a former chairman of
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the republican national committee. guest: i know three of those folks very well and i respect them. if you are pro-life and believe in federalism and local control of government, at the state level, not the federal level, if you believe in peace strength, if you believe that family is the most important institution in our country, the gop is the party you would like to be in. i am focused on ideas, values, and what the gop stands for. so, if you support those values, the gop is the right way to go. host: lewis, beverly, new jersey. good morning, republican. caller: i have just got one thing to say. if trump had been in office, that pipeline never would have been shut down because they are afraid of him. thank you. guest: i appreciate your comment. people do respect president when it came to our strength and are
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willing to defend ourselves. look at the general who killed nine americans in iraq alone. also, when you look at several hundred in lebanon, and we had terrorist strikes against americans in saudi arabia, donald trump would go off the this soleimani guy who murdered americans, so people knew we would take action. whoever did this thing against colonial, we need to respond to. host: kathy, arkansas, independent. good morning. caller: good morning. hi, representative bacon. why can't you all do something to close this border and stop letting these illegals flooded here illegally? i want to say this, i hope and pray you all take back the house. we need you all badly. biden is destroying our country. host: kathy, before you go, you
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called another independent line. why are you an independent? caller: i am an independent because i want to be independent. i am not a democrat or republican, but i vote for the one with the best political values for our country, and i believe the republicans have that. guest: thank you, ma'am. i appreciate it. we do have a crisis at the border. the last months, thousands of people illegally crossed. it is the worst in 20 years. we have to ask ourselves, why? the president rescinded multiple executive orders from the previous president and basically threw down the welcome mat for this to happen. it has hurt country. we have localities who cannot afford this influx of folks. it is going to hurt our foster care system. we have 400,000 kids in foster
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care we have added another 15% to the foster care system, so it is already under a lot of stress. the pressure will hurt that. we have to put pressure on joe biden. if public opinion is strong enough, he will respond. that is how the country works. i think we will pushing to do the right thing eventually. if not, it will show itself in the elections of 2022 when we retake the house and senate, as well. host: randy in michigan what a me to ask you, if i hear you correctly, you would like the government to take over our gas distribution in the country after the heck? randy saying it was a good idea. guest: i would not go that far. i do think our cybersecurity needs -- we need a better partnership with private industry, and i was a cyber guy in the military, a 30 year air force guy, involved in the cyber
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community, and we need to have a better partnership, but also when somebody does this, they need fear that america will strike back. so the perpetrators of this need to know that america is looking for them. if they are criminals, we are going to go arrest them. they will spend time in our jails. if they are a country, they should fear countermeasures by us. host: are you saying we should hit other pipelines in other countries if this is happening to us? guest: there should be fear that america will strike back. i would not necessarily say through a pipeline paired we have the best cyberattack capabilities in the world, so somebody does this, they should know that we could counter, as well. we should be seeking them out and arresting them if they are a local enterprise. host: drawing on your experience in the field, what should people know about our cyber abilities and what do people not understand?
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guest: we have the best cyber attack abilities in the world. nsa and cyber command work together and are outstanding. we also use computers and digital communications more than anyone in the world, which also makes us full noble to other countries and criminals attacking us. -- x is vulnerable to other countries and criminals attacking us. to counter that, we have a good defense with carriers up and security in place. also, other countries, we have similar capabilities or better, and they should fear that, as well. host: chesapeake, virginia, travis. republican. go ahead. caller: auch is going to say -- i was just going to say that i am a george w. bush republican, i voted for romney. the idea that there is the trump thing at this point, and you have a traditional, conservative republican, i am all for it. the lack of integrity, the lying
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, the denial of january 6, the idea that we have military people attacking the capital is ridiculous, not to mention we had citizens attacking the capitol. we cannot deny it happened that day. president trump did not say go attack the capitol, but his rhetoric leading up to that, there was no surprise what led up to that day. we cannot deny the reality of the situation. the last four years or five years, we had lies, at least from my perspective. we need to bring republicans back to the party like cheney ann romney. host: what makes somebody a trump royalist in the party, what is the line for you? caller: denial of reality. that is what it comes down to, denying reality. if you go on television and say things that were immediately disapprovable and congress and
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the senate would go back to the senate and what they say is false. host: congressman? guest: i appreciate the comments. first, i condone what happened on the sixth of january. everybody who broke into the capitol or hurt a policeman, they should be arrested and charged. i want to hold these people accountable. i also have to say there were a couple of military people there but it was a minority. 99% of our military would reject this behavior. i am a 30-year air force guy. i love our country. i believe in peaceful protest and not what happened. i want to say that right away. gop should be the party of ideas. a party that believes in federalism, power at the local level, family, pro-life, defending all of our bill of rights. that is what this party is
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about. it should not be a party of any personality. in the end, we are the party of lincoln. that is what i stand for. i think most republicans do. host: take you home to omaha, spencer, democrat, good morning. spencer, you with us? caller: yes. host: go ahead with your question or comment, spencer. caller: oh, ok. i had a question because i don't understand how every state from the union can legalize things and this is the last state to do it. everybody hearing nebraska field the gop's are going by an ex-gop governor, whatever he is, as long as he is in, they will never legalize drugs and nebraska. they could cut all of our taxes and we would be doing better for the state, yes, i am here. host: spencer, i think he is
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talking about legalizing marijuana? guest: yes, there is. we had about yesterday in nebraska or the day before, trying to legalize medical marijuana. it was voted down in the legislature there in nebraska. probably a loading measure for november 2022 where the voters will look at this again. that is where it should be. let's leave this to the voters. i will respect that. it is a federal crime. i think because it is class 1, our fda has not even been able to do tests on marijuana. so there needs to be a relook at our policy. in the end, i think this is a state issue. that is my view. host: terracing, wisconsin, rich. good morning. caller: the morning. representative bacon, question, so you are in computer security when you are in the service? guest: also intelligence, electronic warfare, so more cyberattack, not cybersecurity
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part of it. caller: oh. beautiful. why were the routers hooked up in arizona, and why would they not turn those over? and as far as the election goes, there were too many anomalies not for something to have happened. if you guys can explain how seven states decided to stop counting in the middle of the night and then they all picked up basically at the same time and it came back fine, we were miles away from where we were when we started. host: we got your questions. go ahead. guest: most of those late votes on election night work for mail-in ballots. every state as it differently. in nebraska, you have early votes counted first, and they do all the mail-in ballots, then they do the late votes that day. every state as it is rightly prayed many of the states to the mail-in ballots at the end -- every state does it differently. many states do the mail-in ballots at the end that skews how the votes would go.
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president trump would have a good lead for the votes of that day, and democrats vote more using mail-in ballots, so their votes counted more at the end for many states. i believe that the election results, if i look at it really, president trump lost suburbs. as a republican, we need to examine, how do we do better in the suburbs?that is the key to winning the presidency. we have done very well in the rural areas, but to win the presidency, you have to compete well with suburban areas too. that is where i would put the focus. every state needs to ensure that it has voter protection, and we want to assert that one vote for every person is a legal vote, and we want to encourage everyone to vote and every state has that responsibility in the constitution. whatever happened in arizona, the people of arizona should take control of that to their representatives through safe and
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legal voting. host: coming back to the issue of vaccines in this country, we talked in actors 25 minutes this morning, to unvaccinated and vaccinated american speedway do you fall? guest: i have both shots from pfizer. i think it is smart to get vaccinated. i was a military guy. i have had every vaccination you can think of. i do know for a fact that the testing was thorough. there were no issues itself. host: from your colleagues on capitol hill, cnn confirmed 100% of congressional democrats are vaccinated in the house and senate. republicans, however, at least 92% in the senate but only 44.8% of house republicans confirmed that they are. guest: i suspect it is higher than that. i got vaccinated in omaha, so i
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have to make sure our own congressional doctor has my data, but i encourage everyone to do it. that is how we will defeat the virus and reopen our economy. it is how we will lead our lives back to normal. vaccinations is the cornerstone of doing that. host: do you think it is a higher number but they are not telling cnn? guest: i suspect that. i don't know if it is cnn, no one asked me, but i got vaccinated in omaha, so i would be part of the 50% they did not get, but i have both vaccinations and i did it back home. i don't know if anyone asked for my data, for example. host: to date, ohio, jay, line for republicans. good morning. caller: representative bacon, everybody knows this election was stolen. everybody knows it. the fact you are denying it, there was not enough investigation. if you want us to believe the sitting president got most votes of any sitting president, if you
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want us to believe that, then we need investigations. transparent investigations. there was none of that. that is why i believe the election was stolen. host: jay, do you trust the court system in this country? the judicial system? i think jay hung up. guest: i will answer. i welcome investigations, we should. i want people that confidence in our voting system. arizona right now is doing a review. i do not shy away from that. we need that. i want to build back the confidence of those who worry about the election integrity. i would recommend for all the states, and sylvania, georgia, however it may be, to have that review. i think it is important to be transparent. have independent people look at this. i think in the end, you will see that covid skewed some of the stuff with the mail-in ballot ing.
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it was not a normal election, but in the end, the states are charged with this. the federal government is not. each state has to ensure election integrity. if folks are concerned about their stay, they need to let their state representatives and governor no. host: a couple minutes left with congressman don bacon of nebraska. this is stephen of lexington, kentucky. a democrat. good morning. caller: good morning and happy friday to c-span. guest: go big red. caller: my first question is going to be about marijuana being touched on that and my second issue i really want you to comment on is the u.s. population is not growing as fast. one of the solutions is to make it easier for women to get childcare and be able to be in the workforce and have a family, as well. can you comment on that, please? guest: sir, i think you are right. we should try, and i think employers who want to expand
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their workforce and hire more women, particularly moms, she tried to help with that, as oprah you are right, our population had the slowest growth since 19 -- up with that. you are right. our population had the slowest growth since the 1930's. 44 percent of all businesses are looking for employees right now, so there is a demand for all workers. that is why it was very strange to see unemployment go up. i do think the covid bill passed back in january, february actually incentivized people not going back to work. back to your question, i think you have a very good point. we need to review different policies we can to help facilitate those who want to go back to work who are moms. thank you. host: marie in fort atkinson, wisconsin. independent. good morning. caller: hi, good morning. first, i would like to think the congressman for being brave enough really to come and paste the questions.
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i would encourage him and congress to put more dollars into public television, as well as c-span. c-span should be a part of regular accessible television, not just cable subscribers. host: marie, i appreciate your support. no public dollars into c-span. we are paid for by your cable bill. caller: i know, i am distinguishing between the two. they should fund public television, but what i am saying on cable television, funded by cable providers, should be assessable to americans who are not cable subscribers. it should be part of some sort of transmission, and there should be a relationship there. host: i appreciate that. i would say caller: i would like everyone to see c-span is what i'm saying. it should be available to non-cable subscribers.
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host: we want everyone to see it, as well. is where folks can go to do that and stream the house and senate. for folks who do not subscribe, that is the place to go. we have 1.5 minutes left with the congressman. do you want to ask him a question? caller: many people don't have access to broadband and internet, for example. it is just a matter of let's make this accessible to those, talking about moms, kids and older seniors. a lot of them cannot afford those services. i look forward to the working on that issue. guest: i appreciate your comments. i love c-span. i love coming on the show. john does a great job. i talked to him twice a year, and i would do more they let me come on. i am a supporter of public tv. i have been a good supporter of public tv systems in nebraska. i would say this, the criticism i do hear, you do not always get balanced views on some
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public tv. if you are running a public tv show, make sure you have liberals and conservatives. that is the number one criticism i hear. i support public tv. i think it serves a great role. host: i think i can get you 14 times year, how does that sound -- four times a year, how does that sound? guest: i love it. host: congressman, appreciated. see you next time. guest: john, you do great. host: we will stick with the callers as we wait for steven horsford to join us from nevada, in 10 or 15 minutes. until then, returning to the question we asked about cdc guidance that came out yesterday , lifting the mass recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals, asking you will you continue wearing a mask in public? (202)-748-8000 if you are vaccinated. (202)-748-8001 if you are unvaccinated. with that cdc announcement,
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yesterday, we talked about reaction on capitol hill. several members using that internet fad, the social media fad of how it started and how it is going to change their profile pictures on their official congressional twitter handles. that is congresswoman stephanie murphy there, the democrat with how it started masked and how it is going. and congressman jake angeli touched, as all with how it is going. and then don bacon, -- sorry, don buyer, we were just talking to don bacon, with how it started and how it is going, as a. taking your phone calls. we want to know how it started and how it is going for you, will you continue to wear the masks? what is the cdc guidance mean for you? in north carolina, tim, what do you think? caller: i just have a couple of
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comments. one, do you miss trump now? two, in 2024, he is back. host: why do you think he is back? what is the argument for him, tim? i think we lost tim. but with that cdc announcement yesterday, it was president biden who took to the rose garden to talk about what it means for this country, what it means going forward. this is more from the president yesterday. [video clip] pres. biden: it is going to take a little more time for everyone who wants to get vaccinated to get their shots, so all of us, let's be patient. be patient with one another. you know, some may say, i just feel more comfortable continuing to wear a mask. they may feel that way. if you are someone with a mask, you see them, please treat them
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with kindness and respect. we have had too much conflict. too much bitterness, anger and politicization of this issue on wear a masks. let's put it to rest. let's remember, we are all happens. let's remember that we are all in this together. if you are fully vaccinated and can take your mask off, you have earned the right to do something that americans are known for all around the world, greeting others with a smile. with a smile. so, it is a good day for the country. we are not done yet. we are still losing too many americans because we still have too many unvaccinated people. we have to get to 70% of adults started on vaccinations by july 4, and we have to take this pandemic, tackle it.
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not just here but overseas, as well, to truly be safe in the long run. there is still more work ahead. [end video clip] host: president biden yesterday from the rose garden, getting your reaction this morning. in kentucky on the line for those unvaccinated. caller: yes, good morning. i have not got the vaccination, not going to get it. 60 years old. worked all through the covid. the mask at the company was if you want to wear it, where it. if you do not, do not. there were a couple employees that actually got the covid that wear masks. and me, being 60, a little scared, but i do not wear my mask. i am still covid-free. thank god.
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but for each his own. you know, if you want to wear a mask, wear a mask, but nobody is going to make me wear a mask. host: why not take the shot? caller: well, i mean, it just took so long for any kind of shot to come out to the public. it takes years, and all of a sudden, they just pump this out and say, oh, it is good. host: when do you think you will be able to trust it? glenn willoughby enough shots in arms for you to say cap -- when will it be enough for you to say shots and arms are ok for you? caller: my wife was an advocate and i took it and i got sick and i never took another one since. i'm not going to take it, if
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they nail me down and make me take it, i don't have a choice. has your wife taken the covid shot? caller: she has. for me, it's more than that. for me it's about biden trying to make somebody and the government trying to make somebody do something that is wrong. you cannot make people do things to that affect. host: that's rate in kentucky to sioux falls, south dakota, mona, vaccinated, good morning. caller: i've been fully vaccinated for some time and will probably continue to wear a mask. for the short term until there are quite a lot more of the public vaccinated. i am concerned especially given what's happening with the new york baseball team. there are still all of our
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children that are not vaccinated and their crystal fellow citizens -- and there still are fellow citizens so it's my responsibility to continue wearing a mask at least indoors. i wouldn't do it outdoors necessarily except i'm seasonably allergic to the mass wearing has helped me in that respect. host: when will you feel safe enough to take it off indoors? caller: at least getting closer to herd immunity levels because that's when you know the people that cannot be vaccinated will be safe stop i want to comment on a previous caller whether it's the flu vaccine, i have people in my own family who have said i'm not going to get the flu vaccine. i never get the flu on their own is tell them that's because i'm protecting you, because i do get vaccinated. we have a responsibility to protect one another and until we
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get a little bit higher, i think we still want to protect transmission and i know i am probably low on the transmission because i'm vaccinated but i wouldn't know if i had it now probably because if i get it, i will probably be asymptomatic and i am not absolutely sure i couldn't transmit it if i were with someone who is not vaccinated. i just wanted to errr on the side of caution. host: when it comes to north dakota, 45 .8% of americans are vaccinated. they have received at least one shot. the chart is on the back page of today's usa today where they keep track of the vaccination numbers and infection rates in this country. taking your calls on the mask issue and whether you will continue to wear it in the wake of cdc guidance.
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thomas, illinois, vaccinated, good morning. caller: good morning, i am vaccinated back in december because i am a nurse. i will still continue to wear my mask. we need to pay particular attention to india because it's going to spread throughout this country. if people get too comfortable and i see that happen across this country. it's happening state-by-state and i think people need to practice safe social distancing and listen to the experts but yes, i will continue wearing my mask. host: as a nurse, what did it mean in the hospital for you? were you wearing masks all the time in the hospital before covid and do you think masks are here to stay in the hospital setting? caller: i was only wearing a
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mask under surgical, sterile procedures in the emergency room. other than that no, but since covid, i wear in the hospital all the time pretty much especially when i'm around a bunch of people or on units that have covid patients. when i am in open areas, i tend to take my mask down and take a fresh breath of air. yeah, i see numbers going up and down but we still need to practice -- we need to listen to the experts pretty much. wear a mask, do what they tell you to do. host: thank you for the call and thanks for what you do. joints now from up on capitol hill, we will take you back up there with steven horsford who is a member of the ways and
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means committee. on the conversation we were just having on the mask announcement yesterday by the cdc, your reaction to it and what it means for increasing the numbers of fully vaccinated americans across this country. guest: good morning, it's great to be with you. it's a new day in america. we are closer to crushing this virus, getting our economy back on track, helping people return to work safely, having her children be able to restart in person learning in their schools, or college campuses and universities, our businesses being open again without restrictions and it's in large part because of the work of president biden and the commitment of democrats here in the house and the senate to pass the american rescue plan and provide the resources so we can crush this virus and build back
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america stronger and better than ever. host: a caller in our first segment said he was concerned about today in the wake of the mask announcement from the cdc. what will happen to businesses today that require masks indoors, will there be confusion of people hearing this announcement from the cdc? what is your advice for both shoppers and business owners today? guest: i know in nevada, additional information went out from our state officials that have been handling the front lines of this crisis from the very beginning. they provided additional information to our small business owners. the cdc guidelines are the floor , businesses can choose to have additional guidelines for their employees. wynn resorts announced yesterday that they will no longer require
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employees who are fully vaccinated to wear masks but those employees who have not yet been vaccinated will have to continue to wear them. other properties in las vegas will issue those same types of guidelines. each individual company, small business owner will decide how to approach this based on the guidelines that came from the cdc yesterday. host: congressman stephen horsberg joining us representing nevada's fourth district. if you want to join the conversation this morning, -- he will be with us until the bottom of the hour. you talked about getting americans back to work. we saw a much weaker than expected jobs report last week. tell us what you are seeing on the ground in the fourth district when it comes to
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getting people jobs. caller: guest: nevada experience some of the highest unemployment because of a hospitality and tourism economy and even small businesses rely on the vibrant hospitality industry in order for their doors to be open and have customers. our numbers have improved. in fact, our jobs report in nevada showed the hospitality sector actually helped return more workers than a lot of other sectors. to be clear, many people are still hurting and that is why i have been working hard to make sure we have this bridge in place to help people until they are able to return to work safely through expanded unemployment and making sure we have child care assistance and housing assistance for those families who needed step we are going to crush this virus. our economy will come back strong but until that happens,
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we need to make sure there is a bridge for american families and for families throughout nevada's fourth district. host: childcare assistance is the top topic in usa today. good childcare is difficult to find. the pandemic forced centers to close. how do you reverse that? guest: i participated in a session yesterday with the women's democratic caucus in the house to listen directly to women, mothers who are facing the challenge of childcare. they know that some of the real barriers to returning to the workforce relate to childcare and also to long-term care for parents that people have to take care of, it's the sandwich generation where we were -- where we are kate taking care of both parents and children at the same time. these were issues before covid and that's why president biden
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has proposed the american families plan that will invest in resources, not just the child tax credit which will provide a tax cut to most american families, but also investing in high-quality childcare and actually creating trained workforce for the childcare sector. we desperately need this. these provide the resources for people to go into public education and it starts by providing pre-k childcare resources in early childhood education starting at three and four years old. host: the american families plan, the american jobs plan adds up to the tune of over $4 trillion in spending. can we afford that? guest: we have to invest in the american family. what covid-19 has shown us is that there are real disparities
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and inequalities among genders, inequality among income and there is inequality among racial groups. under president biden's leadership, the american families land, the american jobs plan and the american rescue plan is about investing a once-in-a-lifetime, a once in a generation opportunity to actually address structural changes. when we talk about investing in infrastructure, it's not just roads and bridges, it's also broadband, it's also community health centers, it's also childcare. and it's also home health care workers which provide essential services to some of our most vulnerable populations which consistently are represented in that workforce by women and women of color who have been paid low wages for far too long and under the american families
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plan, we will change that by increasing their wages, increasing the quality of long-term and home health care and making sure those investments reach every family in every community and doesn't leave anyone behind. host: a little bit of time and a lot of callers, norman from new jersey, democrat, go ahead. caller: good morning, i don't understand one thing, it's ok to go without masks now but only 1/ of the country3 has been vaccinated. isn't that a little dangerous? we don't know who's been vaccinated. we go to a group about six people that we know are fully vaccinated. i am comfortable with that to go into a store, you don't know the
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people in the store and the restaurant that are not fully vaccinated. can you explain why it's ok to do that now? guest: i appreciate the fact that we have to trust the experts at the center for disease control. what they have indicated is if you are 100% vaccinated, it is now safe for you to be outdoors and indoors in some circumstances without wearing a mask. based on the effectiveness of these vaccines and all of the research we now have available, it protects against you becoming sick, seriously ill with the coronavirus who were spreading it to other individuals. you are correct that those individuals were not yet vaccinated need to go out and do so. i appreciated the earlier caller
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who said it was her responsibility -- this is about patriotism. let's get our country back. let's restore who we are as a nation and everyone of us can do this. if not for yourself, then for your family members, your loved ones, your grandchildren, your community. this is about doing what is right to crush a virus that does not discriminate and has targeted every segment of our nation and it's time for us to crush this virus a let's get out and get vaccinated. host: the usa to numbers, 47 percent of americans have received at least one shot of the covid-19 vaccine. some of the countries with higher rates include the united kingdom, israel with higher vaccination rates but the u.s. is certainly in the top tier. eric from virginia, republican, good morning. caller: good morning, when you
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hear about a vaccine, there were two things you need to look at. the first thing is whether it works or not. i think it's been shown that it works. it's a known efficacy. the other thing we look at in a vaccine is safety. short-term safety and long-term safety. we just don't have that data. it is a personal choice whether they want to receive a medical intubation -- intervention like anything else but people like this congressman here are giving out medical advice on a medical issue when there isn't any long-term information. host: maybe it will help if i play the cdc director from yesterday. this is about 30 seconds but she talked about what changed in recent weeks that has led to this new guidance from the cdc, this is the cdc director. [video clip]
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>> several things have happened in the last two weeks, the cases have dropped by a third and we have had increasing available vaccine and we now have available eligible people between the ages of 12 and 15 and we have had a coalescence of more signs that has emerged in the last week. the science has been three areas , the effectiveness of the vaccine in general on the population and one is the effectivenesss against variants which was just published last week and the effectiveness in preventing transmissibility. host: congressman, i will let you respond. caller: eric, thank you for the call. i'm not giving medical advice, i listen to the experts in the experts at the cdc just outline for you the three reasons why the virus is going to be crushed, why the vaccine is effective and why, for those who
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have been fully vaccinated, that they no longer have to wear masks in public or in private unless they choose to do so. i personally will probably wear a mask. i have underlying health issues at certain times so it may be in my interest to do that on a plane or in a group that i don't know. you can choose to do what you want. i was simply saying this is about our nation, our responsibility as citizens, our civic duty and their patriotism to our nation to get out and do what is necessary to protect ourselves, our grandchildren and the public at large. caller: i am a relative of abraham lincoln and although he was considered republican, that time, they were liberal republicans.
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whether he was a republican or democrat, he was a liberal all stop as far as the vaccination, i am fully vaccinated. i will still wear a mask other people outside do not know that i am fully vaccinated i have the card and they would probably stop me and we would have a confrontation if i didn't wear my mask stop i was a respiratory therapist and i know what viruses can do to the human body. also, i caught the virus from one of my patients 12 years ago. i have been medically disabled because i lost 68% of my lung capacity due to a virus, not the covid, but of regular virus.
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i lost 68% of my lung capacity. host: thanks for sharing your story. not your party, not sure conference but your thoughts this week on your gop colleagues in the house ousting ms. cheney from the leadership post. guest: i don't know much of what to say about the house republican conference. all i know is on january 6, an insurrection occurred on the u.s. capitol. it was an attack naches to be building but of democracy and the underlying values of what we hold dear as. that attack ensued because of the rhetoric by the former president and by certain members
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of congress both in the house and the senate and i was here on the -- in the capital, not in the capitol complex but in my office where i witnessed firsthand the attack on our police officers and the -- in the capital complex that resulted in the death of several individuals as well as staff and members of congress. i believe that this issue is much larger because it goes to the heart of the big lie. that big lie is the 2020 election was somehow stolen from donald trump. every governor, the electoral college and the court civil determined that the election of president biden was in fact official. it's time for the republicans to accept the truth and for us to
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not continue to pass along the lies to the american people. host: we will find out what house republicans decide when it comes to the number three position in their conference, they are getting ready to hold that vote in about 10 minutes this morning. we might have news before the end of the program but a few minutes left. harry has been waiting in pennsylvania, independent, good morning. caller: hi, i don't think it matters whether you are republican or democrat. if you watch the news for the whole last year and saw people dying in on respirators and you can't see anybody in your family, to me, i'm fully vaccinated but i'm still going to wear my mask because people are lying and saying they been vaccinated and they got fake covid cards. i don't know what their problem is. it's not a political thing.
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it's ignorant and selfish to not care about other people and it's a patriotic thing, it's not political. everybody should care about the other person, or this thing will never end. host: we will stay in the keystone state, this is ed, a democrat, good morning. caller: i am very disappointed what i see going on in congress. one party says to the other party we will do it with or without you. i don't believe the government any longer represents the people they represent the party. guest: good morning and thank you for calling in. i'm a member of the problem solvers. i meet with a group of republican members on a weekly basis. we are working to solve problems including police accountability, infrastructure, i have a bill right now i am working on with
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members on both sides of the aisle around transmission, infrastructure for renewable energy projects that will create millions of jobs and help resumes -- reduce costs for energy to consumers, not just in nevada but throughout the country through an investment tax credit i am proposing in the ways and means committee. we work pretty hand-in-hand with people who are willing to work with us to solve problems. unfortunately sometimes, that may not get all the attention because the attention tends to go to the extreme but i want you to know that we are working and that is why i am really excited about the child tax credit that's going to provide a tax cut for the majority of americans in my home state of nevada. it's about 200,000 families that will receive this child tax credit. they have to file their tax returns by the deadline on may
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17 to start getting that $300 payment in july but there are things we can do for to pass the jobs plan, to invest in families, to cross this virus and get our economy back on track. we can do it by putting the american people first. host: is gun violence prevention and issue that we can find a way forward on? guest: i personally have been impacted by gun violence. my father was shot and killed when i was 19 years old. i was a freshman in college and i know what the impact of gun violence hasn't a family and i talked and met with constituents who have lost loved ones due to gun violence. it's not only about passing legislation on gun violence which i am for, it's also about passing community-based interventions to break the cycle
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of violence. i'm working on an act to invest in community initiatives and efforts that will stem the tide's that contribute to gun violence. we need more funding for community-based projects for jobs for youth, for pre-apprenticeship training programs, for efforts to invest in community learning centers that will provide resources and connect people to the programs they will benefit from. i believe we need to take a comprehensive roach, passing the background check legislation, eliminating the gun show loophole and other commonsense measures makes sense. we did have republicans that supported us in the house and i believe can support us in the senate. host: time for one more call for you. bill from erie, pennsylvania,
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republican, go ahead. caller: thank you very much. the big lie that everybody is talking about, let's home in on the big lie. the big lie was that president trump was a russian agent. let's start there. that was one of the big lies, that was the original big lie. i want to ask the congressman, you were there january 6. the news media has been telling us day in and day out that five americans were murdered on january 6. there was a lady named ashli babbitt. can you tell me what happens to her, please? guest: she was one of the people that were attacking the capital. she was shot by a capitol police officer and died.
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we've got real issues that have occurred and that is why we have to be able to explain the facts and that's why i support the commission in order to get all the facts in the january 6 insurrection and to make sure we never have those types of events occur in our nation again. this is not an attack on our capital but an attack on our democracy. host: congressman stephen ho rsburg, democrat from nevada, we appreciate your time. the house is coming in at about half an hour and we will return to that question we have been asking this morning -- in the wake of the new cdc guidance for fully vaccinated people, will you continue to wear a mask in public?
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go ahead and keep calling in and we will be back. ♪ >> american history tv on c-span3, exploring the people and events that tell the american story every weekend. saturday at 8:30 a.m. eastern, biographer jon meacham on the legacy of the late congressman and civil rights leader john lewis. saturday at 8 p.m. eastern on lectures in history, virginia tech professor jessica taylor on trade between native americans and the virginia colonists sunday at 6 p.m. eastern on american artifacts, a tour of richard nixon's birthplace located on the grounds of the richard nixon presidential library. and sunday at 8 p.m. eastern on the presidency, three programs on thomas jefferson, on the president's view on education, and interpretation conversation between jefferson and abigail adams and a tour of his gardens
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at monticello. exploring the american story, watch american history tv this weekend on c-span3. ♪ ♪ >> "washington journal" continues. host: i half an hour before the house comes in and we will take you there live for gavel to gavel they do. in the meantime, in the wake of
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the cdc guidance yesterday, will you continue wearing a mask in public? as you call in, a preview of some action taking place right now within the house republican conference. scott long, good morning to you. it's a leadership vote on liz cheney's number three position. take us through the latest on who will be replacing her? guest: it really has been a to mulch was three weeks in the house republican conference. you saw liz cheney two days ago loser number three position in leadership. she was ousted by her own republican colleagues for taking a stand against president trum'' s lie about the 2020 election.
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she called him out over his involvement and responsibility in the january 6 attack on the capital here. we are where we are at this point, republicans are gathering now to replace liz cheney in that number three position. for the past week, there has only been one candidate who had a margin that was elise stefanik of new york. she is an ambitious politician from upstate new york and had a moderate record when she first arrived in congress in 2014. her district in upstate new york went for president obama twice and in 2016, turns to president trump and we saw her emerged as one of president trump's most vocal defenders, particularly during the impeachment. we thought it was going to be a one person race until late last night when chip roy, the conservative freedom caucus member from texas jumped in the
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race at the last minute, appearing at a candidates forum, the two lawmakers, elise stefanik and chip roy address the conference and laid out their vision, their messaging strategy for the next two years. the big difference between the two of them is their voting record. chip roy has a much more conservative voting record. elise stefanik has the support of president trump and he endorsed elise stefanik a couple of days ago and reiterated his support and a tweet, slamming chip roy for jumping in the race against elise stefanik last night. what that says is that loyalty to president trump because of the support gathering, loyalty to the president trumps conservative principles at this
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moment in time in the republican party. host: how is that breaking down conservatives in the caucus who support president trump? >> they are divided in this rate because it -- and this race because one of their own is running. over the last several years, we have seen the house freedom caucus align with president trump, jim jordan, the founding chairman is one of trump's closest allies. he has endorsed elise stefanik over his colleague in the freedom caucus, chip roy. the freedom caucus is divided and i think that's why we are anticipating this to be probably a lopsided vote in favor of elise stefanik. she started early and has had more than a week of preparation, calling members, locking down support across the entire spectrum for moderates to the
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republican study committee to the freedom caucus including jim jordan, their founding chairman. it looks like this is a done deal as one fellow texan lawmaker told us yesterday, the cake is baked that looks like elise stefanik will be cruising to a victory in just the next hour or so. host: this is a photo of chip roy walking into the republican conference. i know you have to go cover this. how long do we expect this to go? the liz cheney vote was unexpectedly quick but will we have the news before the house comes in before nine? >> it's possible it could be a fairly quick vote. the difference with the liz cheney vote that they never held a roll call. they simply did it by voice vote. there was a desire from the leadership and rank and file
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republicans to move as quickly as possible so they didn't go through the motions and have a roll call recorded what that did is it allowed republicans to come out of that contentious meeting and say we are united. it was a voice vote in favor of removing liz cheney stop this time, because there are two candidates, we will have a recorded vote but it will be a secret ballot meaning we won't know how each individual member votes unless they want to come out of that room and put out a statement or talk to reporters about why they voted a certain way. i did speak to one republican this morning a few moments ago who said he will be supporting chip roy and the reason why is because chip roy, the difference between the candidates, elise stefanik voted to decertify the 2020 election in the state of
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pennsylvania on january 6. chip roy was somebody who spoke out and said he supported the certification of joe biden as the 2020 victor in that election. he believes that congress should not have intervened and had any say in the election results as states were sending in the results to be certified by congress. that's another big difference between stephan and chip roy. this repent think you republican said that's why he would support chip roy. host: i don't want to get you in trouble with your editors. we will let you go to get in there, thank you for the help this week on covering this story. >> any time, thanks so much. host: we will update you if there is news before the house comes in at 9:00 a.m. on that election for the number three sport in the house republican leadership.
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in the wake of the cdc guidance, fully vaccinated americans can go without social distancing and without masks indoors and outdoors, what does it mean for you and your family? hopewell junction, new york, the line for those who are vaccinated, good morning. caller: good morning to you. my wife and i received the vaccine, we are two weeks out from her last one. officially, we can be normal people, i guess. going about in my community, most people are wearing a mask, than i will do that to make them feel comfortable. it doesn't particularly bother me. i think it's a shame it was politicized because it has nothing to do with that. if there was a war and they were
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giving out optional helmets, i would wear one. i really don't see much of a difference and it's really not much of a bother to me. i just kind of do it to make people feel comfortable. there will come a point where for me, the data is really good and the numbers are declining in the area. our community was high in our county for some reason. i am a little leery about the way people conducted themselves in our community. i don't understand why but i wille on the side of caution. rr from what i hear, the wearing of masks in the social distancing that we employed over the past year put a big dent in the annual flu season that we battle every year.
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apparently, that was not due to a higher vaccine reach for the flu. it was about not being close to one another. host: thank you for the call. some news from the deputy press secretary at the department of defense -- the deputy secretary of defense has announced to the defense department and its workforce that in accordance with the up dated cdc guidelines, fully vaccinated personnel are no longer required to wear a mask indoors or outdoors at dod facilities. you are seeing some of the reaction to that announcement today, the official reaction from government agencies. dave in san diego, what does this mean for you? caller: good morning, i will continue to wear a mask.
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i've been wearing at the whole time and working the whole time and working facilities, doing maintenance for our research company. we just recently were mandated to sign a form for hep-b, a waiver because i am in, -- potential contact with blood and i was given the option to take it or not. with no explanation, they just put out another mandate for the covid vaccine. there is only a medical and religious exemption for it. we are basically being forced to take the vaccine which i believe does work short-term. long-term, there is no medical data yet. there is a that
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we cannot sue in the long term in a year or five years. host: a lot of discussion yesterday after the announcement that this could be a caret to get unvaccinated people to be vaccinated, the cdc after releasing that guidance updating their mask guideline risk levels, saying all of the activities that they used to be concerned about when it came to folks during the covid pandemic, if you are fully vaccinated, saying you are safe to do those activities. do you think this will be a ca rrot to get more people vaccinated? will this push the numbers up? caller: it's a carrot to some people but it should be a guarantee from the fda, on an fda approved drug and once is there, i think you will see people are more willing to take it because of the risk of their
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health. there is no long-term data. i believe the vaccine does work, i am not denying that but we have no data long-term. i will continue wearing a mask and social distancing and watch my hands in the whole nine yards. i feel very comfortable about it will stop i met this far and had three blood tests and they have all come up negative. i am happy with that. host: that's dave in san diego this morning. some news on school reopening's, tied to the covid issue and the vaccination issue especially comes to teachers. the president of one of the natures destinations largest teachers union says school should open five days per week in the academic research on the emotional and social effects that more than a year disrupted school have had on students, there is no doubt schools must be open in person five days a
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week with space and facilities to do so. chuck from georgia, you're next. caller: good morning. i think most of the country has been brainwashed by politicians. the shots work -- do the shots work? most doctors say they work and you won't get covid if you have a shot. so what is the point of the mask? if you cannot get covid, you don't need a mask. people are just brainwashed. what is going on with the american people? it's like we are living in a country where you have to be told everything. you cannot use your own common sense. if you have the shot, you will not get covid.
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you do not need a mask. outside, there is less than 1% chance of getting covid even if you haven't been vaccinated. people are crazy. they been brainwashed. host: that's chuck and jefferson, georgia. this is dr. anthony fauci yesterday at that cdc press conference. he was asked about fully vaccinated people making the decision to continue to wear a mask. [video clip] >> people have to make their own personal choice. what you heard from dr. lewinsky is the recommendation based on science and that's just a recommendation. when people want to do that, they at least have the science behind them. there is nothing wrong with an individual who has a certain level of risk aversion and their risk is low of getting infected if the aura vaccinated for
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whether you are indoors or outdoors but there are those people who don't want to take that risk. there is nothing wrong with that and they should not be criticized. host: dr. anthony fauci. some of your comments on text messaging -- this is maria from boston on the line for those who were vaccinated. caller: i was just listening to the gentleman from georgia i think it was.
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i never wore the mask when i was outside or walked by people and things like that because it didn't make sense to me outside. i will respect everybody. i will not put myself in jeopardy or put other people in jeopardy. it goes by the state. it's not the cdc, it's the state, it's the stores stop they will make the rules. like that guy said, we really don't know much about the vaccine. it hasn't really been fda approved. it's been emergency approved and nobody really knows. i am just sick -- sitting back and hoping for the best for the country that it works and maybe i will consider it. up until that point, i'm just going to do what i've been doing for the last year and a half. when i'm indoors and around people, i will wear the mask and social distance. it's necessary.
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host: how long will you wait until you feel you are ready to do it? what do you want to see? caller: my doctor tells me she wants me to get it. what i want to see is flu season. next sit timber or this september, that's when flu season starts. that's when the virus will be reactivated again. that's what i want to see. i want to see in september if this thing is still viable. we are being told about a booster shot or variants and we don't know how long the vaccine is good for. like -- i don't like needles or vaccines so i think people are jumping the gun and people are excited but really, nothing
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really changed that much. i've never seen the logic of wearing a mask outside. host: we got your point. this is izzy out of columbia, maryland, go ahead. caller: how are you this morning? you know what? i'm fully vaccinated. i think that a lot of folks don't realize that being vaccinated is important. you talkc about aarrot and a lot of people who aren't vaccinated are talk -- or walking around without masks. you have the trump supporters saying don't trust the government. you are not going to be forced to get the shot if you don't want to. they need to stop going around saying the government is doing this in the government is making me do that.
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it's crazy the way these folks are acting during this pandemic. if you're not vaccinated, get vaccinated. when it comes to january 6, i have a big issue with that. i am a disabled that and you have a lot of folks there that were either reserved national guard active duty and we took an oath to protect the united states foreign or domestic. those folks broke their oath which means they should be prosecuted through the dod. just like the congressmen and senators, they took an oath when they became congressman. you got senator ted cruz, not only did he take an oath when he became a citizen but also when he became a congressman and he still doesn't really care that
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there was an insurrection. we know it was trump's rhetoric. when he caught covid, he didn't have any issues with shots. all of a sudden, people say they are brainwashed and they are trying to get you to do -- a lot of people under the trump administration are brainwashed and believe in what he said. host: back to our text messaging service. this is the washington post this morning --
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the colonial pipeline story was bumped down to the bottom of the page. they said it was a wake-up call to the country. this is "the wall street journal," the cdc guidance getting the lead story spot on the front page.
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a story with workers with low wages in high demand now. that's a bit of how it's playing out on the front pages of today's national newspapers. time for a few more calls before the house comes in, mark in new jersey, unvaccinated, good morning. caller: good morning, how are you? i agree with the previous caller . i am not vaccinated quite yet, i'm not afraid to get the vaccine, i am holding out because i want to see what the efficacy rate is. today in one of the papers, we are seeing one of the ballplayers on the yankees who is fully vaccinated now caught covid again. host: eight members of the yankees and a member of the coaching staff. caller: right, and also bill
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mahr from hbo. he said he was fully vaccinated. he has canceled friday show because he is now tested positive for covid again even though he is fully vaccinated. it concerns me. i just don't want to take a vaccine only to find out that i will get it again. i think this is been pushed a little too quickly. as far as masks are concerned, i will make -- i will wear a mask inside anyone store they want me to but outside, taking a walk or going for a run, i don't wear a mask and i have had covid and it took me around six months to recover from it. it's a tough virus, it really is so i'm not looking to play with fire but definitely respect others around me by wearing a mask.
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nobody wants to stop wearing ms more than i do but as far as the vaccine, i will hold off until at least another several months until we find out more information.i think that is a safe bet. host: bill mahr tweeted this out yesterday kc from randall's town, maryland, vaccinated, good morning. caller: i agree with wearing the mask and i think it's highly politicized. my real issue with the infrastructure program from this administration, i feel that the
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problem with the infrastructure is republicans always talk about infrastructure and they talk about it costs too much and i want to trim the budget but i am a veteran also, a vietnam veteran, so i know about a lot of the infrastructure problems. this country is below its level of infrastructure. it hasn't had a real infrastructure bill since pre-world war ii. host: do you think this major infrastructure plan, the american jobs plan, do you think it will happen? caller: i would hope it would because they always talk about having bridges falling in situations where weather patterns have caused major catastrophes and they always say it costs too much but they never say anything about how much it
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costs for wars and missiles and bombs and ships. host: two point $3 trillion is what they expect on this. is that too much? caller: they say that's too much but they don't talk about a 20 year war trying to be wound down. host: time for a couple of more calls before the house comes in. ron in missouri, the line for those who were vaccinated. caller: i think the whole thing with the virus -- i mean the vaccine, this is a symptom of trumpism. from the very beginning, it wasn't anything, is just like he said two years ago, can you imagine if i lose, it will be rigged? they plant the seeds and the seeds grow. the doubt and the vaccine.
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saint joseph out here which is a town of 80,000 people, only 20% of the people are vaccinated in that town. most of them are elderly and obese, that entire population. i just don't get it. i think it's part and parcel of the same thing. it's just the republicans, and right now with biden, is just anything they can throw under the bus with him on fox news, they always talk about the mass media. they are the mass media. anything on am radio and fox news is nothing but propaganda. host: that's ron and missouri and when it comes to the missouri vaccination rate, 39.3% of the population in missouri has at least one shot. usa today has that covered
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showing the ranges and all the states. we will try to fit in one more call, good morning on the line for those who are vaccinated. caller: thanks a lot. it seems like the cdc changes. they start off by saying no masks and then wear a mask and then you get on services -- and then it can get on services. they change their mind on surfaces and then you had to be six feet away from everyone and they did a study that said it's actually three feet. then it was you can't go outside because there is a 10% chance you could get the virus. it turns out no, it was .01% so everyone was staying outside testing inside when they should have been getting outside getting exercise.
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they keep changing the information. host: our last caller. stay tuned for the vote happening in the house republican conference for the number three position where the voting is taking place right now to see who replaces liz cheney for that job. for now, we take you live to the house floor for gavel to gavel coverage. [video clip] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2021] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speak er. the clerk: the speaker's rooms, washington, d.c. may 14, 2021. i hereby appoint the honorable henry cuellar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by chaplain kibben. chaplain kibben


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