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tv   U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  July 28, 2021 2:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? >> as the member designated by mr. katko from new york, pursuant to house resolution 8, i inform the house that mr. katko will vote yea on the motion to adjourn.
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the speaker pro tempore: the yeas are 174. the nays were 216. the motion is not adopted. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? the gentlewoman will suspend. the gentlewoman is recognized.
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>> thank you, mr. speaker. pursuant to house resolution 567, i call up the bill h.r. 4373, the department of state, foreign operations, and related programs appropriations act of 2022 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 59, h.r. 4373, a bill making appropriations for the department of state, foreign operation, and related programs for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2022, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 567, the amendment printed in part c of house report number 117-110 is adopted. and the bill as amended is considered as read. the bill as amended is debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations or their respective dez ig knees. the gentlewoman from california, ms. lee, and the gentleman from
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kentucky, mr. rogers, each will control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. lee: mr. speaker, i yield myself as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady will suspend. ask members to take their conversations off the floor. the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, mr. speaker. again i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. lee: thank you. i'm very proud, mr. speaker, to present the fiscal year 2022 state foreign operations and related programs appropriations bill for the first time as
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chairwoman of this critically important subcommittee. indeed, it is an honor to be entrusted with the responsibility of managing the sfops bill which has been a key component of united states foreign policy since world war ii. the resources provided in this bill are based on the fundamental generosity of the american people. but they also protect and advance our national security, economic prosperity, and global leadership. i commend the biden-harris administration and our chair, rosa delauro, for recognizing the importance of the state and foreign operations budget and urge my colleagues to follow suit by supporting this bill. with unprecedented levels of human suffering and so many complicated challenges around the world, the bill rightfully increases funding for global health and the prevention of future pandemics and for migration, refugee, and disaster
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assistance, and continues our support for key allies and partner organizations such as the united nations. these are just a few of the many ways the s fops -- sfops bill meets surgent humanitarian needs many of which have been exacerbated by the covid-19 pandemic. the covid pandemic has caused significant economic and social harm. that is why the development investments in this bill are especially crucial as we strive to achieve the sustainable development goals by 2030, including eliminating extreme poverty, achieving an aids-free generation, and supporting efforts to build inclusive, equitable, and accountable societies for everyone. let me address directly some of the questions i have heard about what the sfops bill does and does not include. to my friends who focused as i do on women's global health, the fiscal year 2022 sfops bill
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substantially increases funding for bilateral family planning for the first time in a decade to $760 million which is $185 million increase over last year. it also more than doubles our contribution to u.n. f.t.a. to $70 million which we know was completely cut off and politically scapegoated during the previous administration. just as important, the bill does not include provisions for year's policy riders like the harmful helms amendment and the global gag rule which overwhelm served to undercut our programs' effectiveness and ability to provide women, especially women of color around the world, with comprehensive health care. to my friends committed to fighting the climate crisis, this year's sfops bill provides $1.6 billion contribution to the
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green climate fund, which is the first direct appropriation that this house has provided for the fund. along with an additional $1.4 billion for our other environmental programs, this bill invests $3 billion to combat the climate crisis which will help ensure that the united states resumes its leadership in this global fight and work in partnership with other countries. to my friends who requested increased funding for our own hemisphere, this year's bill includes a 25% increase for the caribbean, including 10 million in new funding for projects in the caribbean to promote inclusive economic growth. the bill also includes $350 million more than last year for assistance to central america, which is urgently needed in the northern triangle to address the causes of migration and combat corruption and impugn it which are -- impunity which are so
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endemic among local government officials. we all have met and haunted by the experiences migrants have conveyed to us. despite all odds about their dangerous journey across mexico. we must do better so that the united states border is not their last and best hope for survival. that is why the house bill makes targeted investments in local communities through trusted n.g.o.'s while holding national governments accountable. the bill also provides critical support for vulnerable communities in africa and uphold our abiding commitments to the security of our allies such as israel, jordan, ukraine, and colombia. many of our partners continue to struggle with growing economic challenges at home resulting from conflicts in their region, migration, and the impact of covid-19. the sfpos bill in the report make clear i support for a
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two-state solution for the israeli-palestinian conflict and increased assistance to the palestinian people by $150 million over last year's bill and eased the burdensome requirements on the administration's ability to contribute to ena. concurrent resolutionly and great importance to me, the bill also helps ensure that our nation's diplomatic and development work force reflects the diversity of the american people by invees ceasing funding and providing authority and guidance to equip the secretary of state and usaid administrator to make meaningful progress in increase in diversity and inclusion in the nation's international affairs work force. lastly, to my friends who passionately advocate for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law i share your goals and your values. the sfops bill may not solve all of the world's problems, but it certainly makes new and significant games on many -- gains on many different fronts. we include new oversight, new
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oversight and accountability requirements on our security assistance which better aligns such aid with our national security policy before it's provided. and we provide support to civil society leaders around the world who are making their communities and societies more equitable and inclusive. we also include $18 million for the tibetan people. i want to especially thank the speaker and our good friend chairman mcgovern for their work on this issue. i have many more examples but my time is limited and i will conclude by urging my colleagues to consider the very positive and considerable progress we have made in this year's sfops bill and reversing the devastating consequences from the last administration's foreign policy failures. restoring american credibility and leadership on the world stage is no easy task. but this bill make unequivocal commitments to diplomacy and development in addition to improving the lives and lively hoods of millions of people around the world.
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i ask your support of the sfops bill and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers:. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i rise in opposition to the bill. at the outset, i want to congratulate our subcommittee chair on her first bill to the house floor. the bill provides 62.2 billion for the department of state, foreign operations and related programs. that's a 12% increase, mr. speaker, over the fiscal year 21 enacted level. the bill provides important funding for our national security including $3.3 billion
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for yoal. the recent conflict between israel and hamas and the looming shadow of hez and -- hezbollah and iran reminds us of the threats it faces to its security every day. the fighting in gaza stopped when it did because of the diplomatic efforts by egypt. egypt was vital to helping arrange the christ fire and remains an essential partner for the united states in the region. while the bill maintains funding for egypt at the current level, i strongly disagree with additional conditions that this bill places on egypt. the bill continues critical funding for jordan, supports
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funding for countries facing aggression and increasees our efforts in the independento-pacific including chinese influence funding. it provides funding for colombia. this is a critical moment for that country and we should be doing all we can to support them. however, i regret that new conditions that this bill places could undermine our counternarcotics efforts, which are critical in colombia. our programs there are our own self-interest, especially given the amount of cocaine that floods american streets and
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causes so much destruction in our communities back home. another drug problem sowing chaos back home is the opioid epidemic. the bill includes new language that directs the state department to expand their current efforts to tackle the opioid crisis and better address this terrible problem. mr. speaker, i wish i could stop there and say this is a good bill. unfortunately, the spending increasees outside of these critical areas is just too great and the policy riders are too extreme. first and foremost change is made to the longstanding measures that protect the sanctity of life. these are commonsense provisions that have enjoyed bipartisan
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support for decades. of greatest concern is the removal of the most important condition in any state, foreign operations bill that no funds can be used to pay for abortion. the removal of that language is unprecedented. but it doesn't stop there. the bill also includes a permanent prohibition of the mexico city policy, weakens the restrictions on coercive abortion, increasees funding to the u.n., among many other controversial changes. another tough bill -- pill for the american taxpayer to swallow is more than $3 billion included in this bill for environmental programs that bring a high potential for duplication,
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wasteful complexity and wasteful oversight challenges. the bill increasees funding for the united nationses andor international organizations while ignoring the need for long overdue and desperately needed reforms. the absence of conditions on the world health organization is particularly concerning given what we all know about their compliesity in covering up the covid-19 outbreak. despite some areas of agreement, the unrestrained spending and unpressity -- unprecedented riders require that i oppose this legislation. and i therefore urge my colleagues to oppose this bill. thank you, mr. speaker, and i
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reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from connecticut, our very distinguished chair first time this year as the chair of the appropriations committee and has done a tremendous job. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i thank the chair. both of us, this is a maiden voyage and thank you for the work that you have done. i want to say thank you to our ranking member as well for the work on this bill. mr. speaker, the past four years have seriously eroded our nation's position in the world. under president trump, our government was more disruptive than constructive and more absent than present on the world stage. this is true in the midst of the worst public health and economic crisis in a generation.
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president biden has made it clear that america is back. the state foreign operations and related programs funding bill puts those words into action and makes america stronger at home and respected again in the world and restores leadership by responding to global health threats including the ongoing pandemic and addresses urgent human needs. as we seek the pandemic is far from over. we are seeing 400,000 new cases per day and over 8,000 deaths. to confront this crisis, this bill invests in global health and the prevention of future pandemics to support the health of families and global communities including $1 billion in global health security to bolster the public health surveillance, protection and response capabilities of
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countries around the world. given the global devastation brought by the pandemic it provides $8.5 billion to meet urgent needs and empowers women to build a brighter future by providing $760 million for family planning and 70 million for the united nations population fund. finally this bill prepares us for the threat of climate change. it provides more than $3 billion to address the climate crisis and other environmental programs including $1.6 billion for the green climate fund. with this bill, we are proven that america is back and ready to confront the biggest challenges facing our nation and the world. i thank chairwoman lee for her work, her support for the bill.
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and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman from california -- gentlewoman california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentlelady from texas the ranking member of the appropriations committee, four minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for four minutes. ms. granger: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in strong opposition to h.r. 4373, fiscal year 2022 state and foreign operations appropriations bill. this bill has many fatal flaws in spite of republican efforts to improve it. the concerns raised during markup were not addressed. and many of the amendments we offered at the rules committee have not been made in order on the floor today. i will begin with our list of major complaints. to put it simply, the spending
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level is too high, the policies are too controversial. this bill alone includes a 12% increase over current levels with $3 billion directed to climate change programs like the green climate fund. for the sake of generations to come, we can't afford to spend like this. in addition to these unrealistic spending levels, the majority has made policy decisions that will complicate any attempt to come to a bipartisan agreement. most certainly -- most concerning this bill includes alarming changes to longstanding plans to protect the unborn, language that prohibits foreign aid from being used to pay for abortions was dropped entirely. the bill also includes other controversial changes such as a permanent repeal of the mexico
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city policy which prohibits organizations to receive foreign assistance from performing abortions. as the former chair of this subcommittee i'm disappointed to see these activities put in jeopardy because of partisan politics. be must develop top line spending levels that both sides can support and must agree to drop controversial policy provisions. if we want to avoid a long-term continuing resolution or worse, a government shutdown, we must get serious and do the work that our constituents sent us here to do. i urge my colleagues to vote against this bill. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentlewoman from -- the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: i yield to the gentlewoman from florida.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. wasserman schultz: congratul ations on presenting her first bill as a cardinal on the appropriations committee. long time coming and pleasure to work with you. the bill invests in health and upholds american global values abroad. the f.y.2022 state and foreign operations appropriations bill in a historic bill removes the helmman which prohibits abortions to women for decades. that is a significant decision and one that enables access to health care for millions of women across the globe. i am pleased this bill includes language to support countries like colombia. and it funds pro-democracy and human rights programs in venezuela as well as in cuba. this ensures to broadcasting on
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the internet in cuba. it will provide support for the cuban people. and finally, this bill continues to support the critical u.s.-israel partnership by funding security assistance to israel. ensuring that israel maintains her military edge for stability in the middle east and i thank chairwoman lee working with me and others on this bill. this is as we always say in the poaptions committee, mr. speaker, the spending decisions that we make are an expression of our values and this bill telegraphs that expression of our values, america's values and the strength that we have at the same time providing us the ability to provide assistance to millions of vulnerable people across the globe and proud to support it and work with chairwoman lee to see this become law. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. smith, for four minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr.smith: by executive order president biden reversed the global life assistance policy which was a reiteration which was an expansion of president reagan's mexico city policy. the policy was designed to environs shir that u.s. taxpayer money was not funneled to foreign nongovernmental organizations that perform or promote abortion. my amendment, which was not made in order, would have inserted new text that reinstates the mexico city policy and it would have taken out new language that says no president in the future can promulgate any iteration of the mexico city policy.
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it established pro h pro-life safeguards. for years, foreign nongovernmental organizations have been empowered by taxpayer funds and this is grant money to weaken, underminorry versus pro-life laws in other nations and to destroy the precious liebs of unborn children. 6.. the poll found 85% of independents, 95% of republicans were against using taxpayer funds to pay for abortion in other countries. u.s. foreign assistance, mr. speaker, and other foreign entities that we fund with
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billions of dollars of grant money should consistently affirm, care for, and tangibly assist women and all children. all children including unborn babies, regardless of their age or condition of dependency. second, mr. speaker, since 1973 the helms amendment has prohibited using taxpayer funds to directly pay for abortions in other countries. helms is the hyde amendment for the rest of the world. the bill before us today, however, completely reverses the helms amendment. i had offered in rules a second amendment that would have reinstated helms. it was not made in order. taxpayers should not be forced to pay for child dismemberment, including severing arms and legs and actual decapitation of the baby with sharp knives or deadly poisons or drugs like ru-46 which starves the baby to death. children alive but not yet born killed by abortion after 20 weeks or later experience
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excruciating suffering and pain. until they are rendered unconscious or dead by these hideous procedures, the baby feels the pain of every cut. years ago senator biden said and wrote to constituents that opposition to abortion funding would, quote, protect women and her unborn child. he said, those of us who are opposed to abortion, this is joe biden, should not be compelled to pay for them. finally, i had asked for support for the amendment on the u.n. population fund because, as my good friend and colleague hahl rogers said, this legislation weakens the language significantly. i would just point out to my colleagues because i offered the first amendment on this floor back in 1984. on the complicit of the u.n. copulation -- complicity of the u.n. population fund. for over four decades the u.n. population fund vigorously
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supported, funded, defended, promoted, celebrated the chinese communist parties coercive population control program. i met with the head of the chinese program back in 1991 in beijing. almost a three-hour hearing. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. rogers: i yield the gentleman an additional minute. mr. -- the speaker pro tempore: one minute. the gentleman is recognized. mr. smith: over and over again there is no coercion in the chinese program. even though everyone who has followed this bill there is because the unta was there on the ground certifying that was the case. where we are missing maybe 60 million females, women of all ages now because it's been a systematic extermation of the girl child in china. it's one of the reasons why human tasking has exploded in china because they have been killed, exterminated through forced abortion.
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and the unpfa has been silent on that issue again giving them a clean bill of health. the doubling amount of money in previous bills from $35 million to $75 million trivializes these crimes against women and children. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: before i yield i would like to respond to the gentleman from new jersey and read a second of this bill. it says, none of the funds made available in this act for any unobligated balances from prior appropriations act may be available to any organization or program which as determined by the president of the united states directly supports or participates in the management of a program of abortion or involuntary sterilization. that any determination pursuant to this paragraph must be made not later than six months after the date of enactment of this act and must be accompanied by
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the evidence and criteria utilized to make the determination provided for that none of the funds may -- none of the funds made available under this act may be used to lobby for or against abortion. finally, i would just say that research recently conducted a poll across the political spectrum and found that over 60% of the american public supports reproductive freedom or women. -- for women. i yield to the gentlelady from california, four minutes, who serves as the very val ubde member of the sfops committee and had tremendous input in this bill. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of this legislation. and thank congresswoman delauro and our congresswoman, chairwoman, lee for her hard
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work and support of the priorities that i have included in this bill as it relates to the central american region. mrs. torres: we must ensure our aid to central america helps the people it is intended to help. and advance our policy goals, including reducing migration. my republican colleagues yesterday noted that what we have done in the past is not working and has not worked. i agree with them 100%. the trump administration turned a blind eye to corruption in the region and emboldened predatory corrupt government officials. for the last four years we effectively looked at the symptoms and not at the systemic failures that force the region's most vulnerable asset, their young people, to flee to our
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border. if the president truly does believe in the rule of law, he should show us with his actions. recently they have fired sandoval. he needs to be reinstated. guatemalan people and guatemala deserve a judicial sector and leaders with his credibility and advance his cases of corruption. i am so glad to report that my priorities in this bill include restricting 75% of the funding that has gone to all three governments of el salvador, honduras, and guatemala to ensure the money is reaching the people it is intended. furthermore, we have never in
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the past restricted or put conditions on funding to their attorney general's office. in this bill we have included an amendment that restricts all funding to the attorney general. our goal here is to reduce migration and to ensure that the young people in the region can see a future for themselves and take their governments back. with that, mr. speaker, i support this bill. i thank our brand new congresswoman for the hard work she has put before us in this committee. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yield back. the gentlewoman from california reserves. the chair will receive a message. the messenger: mr. speaker messages from the senate. the speaker pro tempore: madam secretary. the secretary: mr. speaker, i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has passed h.r. 1002 to
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amend the controlled substances act to authorize the department of certain reg trations and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentlewoman from indiana, miss walorski, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yind is recognized for two minutes. mrs. walorski: thank you, gentleman, for yielding. i rise today once again to stand for life and to prevent american taxpayers from paying for abortion services overseas. americans should never be forced to fund abortions against their conscience, period. i have long supported the hyde amendment which prohibits taxpayer funding from paying for abortions domestically. yesterday i proudly spoke in support of this key prolife protection which the democrats stripped from these appropriation packages. now democrats are trying to force americans to foot the bill for abortions abroad. for decades, the helms amendment has prohibited abortion services from being included in our nation's foreign aid.
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driven by a radical agenda, democrats and the biden administration have removed this long-standing, commonsense prohibition from the state and foreign operations bill on the floor today. to make it clear, congressional democrats and the biden administration are trying to force the american taxpayer to fund abortions in foreign nations. the facts are on our side. 77% of americans oppose using taxpayer dollars for this purpose. it is deeply disappointing but not surprising that democrats are continuing to attack our pro-life values and americans' fundamental conscience rights. taxpayers in indiana and around the country should never, they should never be forced to bankroll abortion services here and at home. and we most certainly should not be forced to bankroll abortions abroad. this is a dangerous path of destruction. i urge my colleagues to oppose the bill. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentleman from louisiana, the republican whip, mr. scalise, for three minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from louisiana, republican whip, is recognized. mr. scalise: i thank the gentleman for yielding. mr. speaker, i rise in strong opposition to the bill, but i specifically want to talk about a provision that is being gutted that for decades has been bipartisan. mr. speaker, that's the hyde amendment. back in the 1970's when henry hyde came to congress from illinois, one of his main objectives was to protect life. he started on a quest to do that on a number of different fronts. he ultimately found a bipartisan consensus, put into law back in
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1976, to say that no taxpayer funds should be used for abortion. it was something that republicans and democrats rallied around. since that time every appropriations bill that's moved through congress for over 40 years has included hyde protections. until today. this is a sad day when you see how the democrat party has changed from the party back then , including, i want to read a quote, mr. speaker, this from 1994. prominent united states senator said, quote, those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them. close quote. you know who said that? joe biden said that, mr. speaker. where is that joe biden today? where is that democrat party today that has changed and moved so far away from those principle that is were bipartisan?
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by the way where most americans are today. including many people who consider themselves pro-choice think it's wrong to use taxpayer funds for abortion. and yet this bill guts that decades long tradition. i will read from joe biden himself. quote, those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them. why would we be abandoning that decades long held tradition that is also held by most americans across this country? and not only, mr. speaker, are they gutting hyde protections in this bill, they actually put millions of taxpayer dollars in this bill to fund planned parenthood facilities. so that's how far the party of old on the democrat side has gone to this democrat socialist party that now supports taxpayer funding of abortion, including
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directly to the most -- the largest provider of abortions in america. this must stop. we will fight to stop the gutting of the hyde amendment and the break from this bipartisan tradition before this process is over, let's get back to those principles that unite most americans and should unite all of us in congress that no taxpayer funds should go to provide for abortions. with that i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: mr. speaker, i have no further requests for time. and i wonder if the gentlelady has such a request. if not we are prepared to close. ms. lee: we have no further requests.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i beg your pardon, we do have an additional request. mr. smith from new jersey. mr. smith: i thank my good friend from kentucky for yielding. this needs to be clarified. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. smith: for all members listening, the language that has been the law and has been supported in a bipartisan way for years because we are so unalterably opposed to coercive population control, says we will not support any organization that supports or co-manages a coercive population control program. the new language takes out supports and manages and puts directly involved with abortion. china is an absolutely closed society. . i chaired 72 congressional hearings on human rights in china including women who have been forcibly aborted.
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the ones who come here and get asylum can't speak out about it. it is totally closed. it is president xi isn't going to let you in. and we can't even get answers about wuhan. no matter how you feel to population control, absolutely opposed to coercion. nobody should be forced. mr. rogers: i am prepared to close if the gentlelady is so inclined. ms. lee: we can close now. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i urge a rejection of the bill and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the
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balance of his time the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: thank you, very much, mr. speaker. let me just say really long overdue to score political points over u.n. f.p.a. opposes any and all coercive practices and only supports to safe and voluntary family planning. any suggestion to the contrary is simply false. mr. speaker, i am very proud of the resources and programs in this bill which provides us the unique opportunity to restore america's global leadership that has been missing in recent years. together, we can address the greatest challenges facing the united states and provide vital support to the world's most vulnerable people. i wanted to take a minute to thank our staff on both sides of the aisle. as a former staffer, i know how these bills get put together and
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length of time they put in and the real forth right and straight up honest negotiations given our differences and i think the bill is a very good bipartisan bill. and in many respects due to our staffs, relationships and their respect for each other. and i want to mention craig and jason, jean, celia, macy, greg and julie, susan, john and all of the members of our stoof that hasn't been mentioned because i know a heck of this goes into our support day and night for their diligence and brilliance and respect for the process. i urge my colleagues to support
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h.r. 4373 and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. all time for debate has expired. each further amendment printed in part b of house report 117-110 not earlier considered as part of amendments en bloc pursuant to section 7 of house resolution 567 shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a member designated in the report, shall be considered as read and shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, may be withdrawn by the proponent any time before the question is put thereon, shall be not be subject to amendment and shall not be subject for demand for division of the question. it shall be in order any time after debate for the chair of the committee on appropriations or offer amendments en bloc
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consisting of further amendments not earlier disposed of. amendments en bloc shall be considered as read and debatable 20 minutes equally divided by the chair and ranking member on the committee of appropriations, shall not be subject to amendment and not subject to demand for division of the question. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? ms. lee: pursuant to house resolution 567 i rise as the designee as the gentlewoman from connecticut to offer amendments en bloc. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will designate the amendments. the clerk: amendments number 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 32, 33, 35 and
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36 printed in part d of house report 117-110 offered by ms. lee of california. pursuant to house resolution 567, the gentlewoman from california, ms. lee and the gentleman from kentucky, mr. rogers, each will control 10 minutes, the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: i rise in support of en bloc amendment number one and yield myself such time as i may consume. and let me just thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for these amendments. now i would like to yield to the gentleman, our ranking member, mr. rogers. i reserve the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i rise to claim time in support of the amendment. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. rogers: this amendment contains a number of good proposals by both sides of the aisle. i want to highlight just a few.
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it includes language offered by the gentleman from arkansas, mrm florida, mr. deutch, to increase funding for the office of the special presidential envoy for hostage affairs. this will help ensure that this office has resources we need to ensure that u.s. citizens unlawfully or wrongfully detained abroad receive priority attention from our government. it also includes a provision supported by the gentlemanfrom wisconsin, mr. tiffany, that is in support of our close friend and partner taiwan. at a time when the chinese communist part has taiwan in its crosshairs. we need to do all we can to support our democratic friends on that island. i thfer urge members to support the amendment.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserve? mr. rogers: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: i yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from north carolina. >> my amendment, amendment number 5 seeks to draw attention to the need to resolve the significant delays in passport services at the department of state. the covid-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on international travel. according to the department of state passport services, americans who submit new passport applications today may not receive their new passports for another 18 weeks well into the fall. even customers who pay an additional fee for expedited service may not receive their passports for another 12 weeks. in response, the state department's passport services recommend americans planning to
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travel internationally apply for a passport at least six months in advance. these delays are unacceptable. the north carolina 6th congressional district, my constituents have been unable to travel to visit family and seek important medical care and conduct important business meetings. it is essential that congress send a message loud and clear, we must have better service on passports. we need to address passport delays so americans can get their passports in a timely manner. thank you, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back and the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. tiffany, two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. tiffany: i thank the gentlemanfrom kentucky. mr. speaker, my amendment which
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is included in this en bloc would prohibit the use of any funds to create, procure or display any map which depicts taiwan as part of the peoples republic of china. this is a commonsense measure. taiwan has never been part of communist china. the people of taiwan elect their own leaders and raise their own armed forces, conduct their own foreign policy and maintain their own international trade agreements. by every measure, taiwan is a sovereign, democratic and independent country. any claims to the country are simply false. since the 19p 0's, america's so-called china one policy has acknowledged beijing's boldest argument that taiwan is part of communist china. this is a dishonest policy and one that america should abandon. while we cannot end this policy
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with my amendment today, we can at least require honest maps that stop perpetrating the one china lie. communist china is communist china, mr. speaker. and taiwan is taiwan. i ask for a yes vote on the amendment. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: i yield two minutes to the the gentlewoman from virginia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from virginia is recognized. >> i stand in support of my amendment demanding action to the response of havana syndrome. the recent string of attacks on personnel often called havana syndrome is a serious threat. having spoken directly with individuals impacted, i know
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these attacks are having detrimental effects. i stand here today to call for robust interagency response one that reflects the severity and urgency of the situation. the state department must play an active role in this response and share relevant information with congress and the foreign affairs committee and make sure affected personnel receive prompt care. we need the answers. as a former federal employee i intend to keep pressing the information to better protect our diplomats and employees serving at home and aboard. i know their devotion to our country and the proposal hises we have made to them. i urge my colleagues to join me in this cause. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back.
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the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: gentlew oman -- the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from california. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. >> i thank my dear friend and i rise in support of my amendment to highlight the urgent humanitarian crisis in afghanistan. expire expire we have taken -- ms. speier: we have taken action to make sure that the persons who have assisted us as drivers and interpreters can find a pathway to freedom. but conditions for others are quite trying. journalists, human rights defenders and others continue to
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deteriorate with afghans facing death and heightened restrictions in taliban-controlled areas. a recent wave of targeting, more than 700 killed and 540 wounded in 2020 represents a 45% increase from 2019. the number of women killed doubled between 2020 and 2021. the expansion of taliban in our wake requires urgent action. the failure to help those who helped us and those in the crosshairs would make us complicit in any further bloodshed. i'm interviewing today the improving access for refugees act to provide vulnerable
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afghans with priority to receive teu gee status to expand access to our receive teu gee system. i urge my colleagues to support this bill because we have a moral obligation to do so. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. . poin the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. i want to reiterate my support for this en bloc amendment and urge my colleagues' support and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back -- reserves? yields back. and pursuant to house resolution 567, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en
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bloc offered by the gentlewoman from california, ms. lee. the question is on the amendment en bloc. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the en bloc amendments are agreed to. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. pursuant to house resolution 567, i rise as the designee of the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. delauro, to offer amendments en bloc. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will designate the amendments en bloc. the clerk: en bloc number 2 consisting of amendments
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numbered 4, 12, 13, 21, 24, 29 and 34, printed in part d of house report 117-110 offered by the gentlewoman from california, ms. lee. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from california, ms. lee, and the gentleman from kentucky, mr. rogers, will each control 10 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: i rise in opposition to en bloc amendment number 2 and i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. lee: this amendment includes changes to the bill that i believe would be counterproductive and i ask my colleagues to oppose this amendment. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam speaker, i rise in support of this amendment en bloc. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. rogers: the en bloc amendment before us includes
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seven amendments that would significantly improve the quality of this bill. it includes an amendment that would prohibit funding through the u.n. population fund and strike funding for family planning and reproductive health. i'm grateful concerned about the long standing pro-life provisions that were stripped from the bill this fiscal year, all of them, allowing the bill to proceed without protections for the unborn, like those in this amendment. it's unprecedented and a direct hit to the sanctity of life around the world. also included in this bloc is an amendment that would prohibit contributions to various climate organizations, such as the green climate fund. the underlying bill provides over $3 billion for climate change programs. including nearly $2 billion for
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ill-advised contributions to international climate funds. at a time when american families continue to struggle to make ends meet and foreign aid is under great scrutiny, proposing such politically motivated misuses of taxpayer funding adds insult to injury. the en bloc amendment also includes an amendment that would prohibit funds for u.s. membership and/or contributions to the world health organization. the underlying bill, as currently written, includes no reforms of the w.h.o., even though they're complicit in covering up the covid-19 pandemic without necessary safeguards in place to ensure w.h.o. transparency. american taxpayer funds should
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not be used by -- for this organization. similarly, this en bloc amendment includes a proposal to reduce funding for the contributions to international organizations account. the base bill includes an increase for international organizations but without conditions or requirements for reform. this is simply too much funding. the amendments included in this amendment give the bill a far greater chance of being signed into law. it includes long standing pro-life provisions that enjoy support from the majority of the american public and commonsense safeguards to ensure taxpayer dollars are used in the most efficient manner. i urge support for the amendment and reserve the balance of my
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time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves, and i -- i'd like to remind members to refrain from trafficking the well while others are in recognition. and the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. i yield three minutes to my good friend, the gentlewoman from florida, ms. frankel. ms. frankel: thank you, congresswoman lee. thank you for your great work on this sfops bill. madam speaker, my, my, my. republicans are trying to block safe, legal abortions in every nook and cranny on the earth. now they're trying to cut funding for family planning. those who don't follow it, the united nations sexual and reproductive health agency,
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here's what it does. it supports reproductive health care for women and youth in more than 150 countries, home to more than 80% of the world's population. it supports the health of pregnant women as well as reliable access to modern contraceptivings, and the training of -- contraceptives and the training of thousands of health care workers. it supports the prevention of gender-based violence, including the abandonment of female gentile mutilation. and it supports efforts to end child marriage. i want to just say this to make it very clear. unfp has never supported forced abortion anywhere. -- abortion. anywhere i heard that is a lie. and this bloc amendment seeks to cut family planning. are you kidding? really? well, you're trying to stop abortions, and then my friends on the other side of the aisle think you're going to stop it by
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stopping access to contraception and blocking the work of health providers who deliver reproductive care, to me that's just crazy, madam speaker. crazy, crazy, crazy. and madam speaker, i said this before and i want to say this again. for women and their families to be safe, for communities to be prosperous, for the world to be peaceful, women must succeed. and that means they have to be healthy, free from sexual violence and free to make their own personal decisions about whether and when to become a parent. i oppose this bloc amendment and urge my colleagues to do the same. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentleman from texas, mr. gonzalez, three minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky -- from texas is recognized. mr. gonzalez: madam speaker, i
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ask unanimous consent to include the text of the amendment in the record immediately prior to the vote on the motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. gonzalez: our ally, israel, was forced to defend itself in may from hamas and the palestinian islamic jihad who, over the course of 11 days, indiscriminately fired over 4,000 rockets from gaza into israel. my motion to recommit would provide $1 billion to israel to replenish and help the iron dome defense system. we must continue to stand with our ally, israel. we must continue to show the united states believes in their right to existence and defend themselves. we must do everything within our power to ensure they are equipped to defend against these heinous attacks and defeat these terrorists. madam speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. i'd like to yield three minutes
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to the gentlewoman from california, ms. jacobs. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. jacobs: well, thank you, madam chair. i rise today to oppose my colleague, congresswoman claudia tenney's amendment number 34, which would maintain the 25% cap on u.s. contributions to u.n. peacekeeping operations. i recently introduced legislation, the u.s. commitment to peacekeeping act, that would, among other things, permanently repeal this cap and ensure that the united states is fulfilling its commitment to the united nations. as someone who used to work at the u.n. department of peacekeeping operations, i know firsthand how the cap and resulting arrears have harmed our interests. it damages our standing and credibility at the u.n., making it difficult to effectively advocate for human rights. it reduces our ability to conduct proper oversight and accountability through needed reforms, something my colleagues on both sides of the aisle agree is important. it also impairs peacekeeping
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missions' delay funding to peace keepgs. -- peacekeepers. all of it is hard for u.s. to secure its interests. we need to fully commit to our obligations. tenney amendment number 34 is counterproductive. i oppose it in the strongest terms and urge my colleagues to join me in rejecting these efforts to weaken our standing at the u.n. and around the world. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pallone. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pallone, is recognized for two minutes. mr. pallone: thank you, madam speaker. and a special thanks to you, chairwoman barbara lee and your team for putting together sump a robust -- such a robust state
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and foreign operations bill. i really think this was a major achievement. i come here as the co-chair of the congressional caucus on armenian issues and i'm extremely pleased to see $50 million in assistance to help bolster armenia's economic and other transformations. this funding will go a long way to helping continue economic, governance and law of rule reforms while strengthening our partnership with this young democracy. the language included in this bill addresses the humanitarian needs as a result of the 44-day war perpetrated by asker beigean -- azerbaijan and turkey last fall. i also want to thank chairman mcgovern for his steadfast commitment to the armenian people and share my appreciation for the co-sponsors of my amendment, which will pass as part of this package. this amendment prevents u.s. security funding to azerbaijan through the international military education and training
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and foreign military financing, which is sorely needed to combat azerbaijan's aggression in the region. so let me clear, madam speaker. this bill sends a strong signal we will not aid or tolerate authoritarian regimes that threatens peace and security, especially when those actions are aimed at a fellow democracy. again, let me thank the chairwoman. i know she's been a supporter of the armenian people for many years. i've been to her district who have seen the armenians who really love her. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam chair, i have no further requests for time and am prepared to close if the gentlelady is so inclined. ms. lee: i'm prepared to close, mr. rogers. mr. rogers: in that event, madam speaker, i urge a yes vote on
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this amendment and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. one of the reasons, just one of the reasons i oppose this amendment is because it proposes to eliminate all funding for family planning. now, a woman's ability to thrive is dependent on her health and participation in society. the house bill we are considering will improve her opportunities. let me review what countless studies have already shown. reproductive health services prevent, mind you, prevent unintended pregnancies, maternal deaths and abortions. reduce rates of infant and child mortality. empowers women to stay in school and join the workforce. creates stronger and healthier families and improves the economy. as we sit here today, more than 200 million women around the world still lack access to modern contraceptives.
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if we want to build on the self-reliance on countries, one of the most cost-effective measures is to increase access to family planning. attacks on women health must stop. now, to oppose family planning and contraceptives and birth control, then to oppose abortions, that doesn't make any sense. of course, my colleague from florida said it very clearly that it's just downright crazy. . i yield back the balance of my time and thank you, again, and urge opposition to this en bloc the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 567, the question is offered on the amendments en bloc offed -- offered by the gentlewoman from florida, ms. lee. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no.
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in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. >> i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 3-s of house resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? ms. lee: madam speaker, i rise as the designee of the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. delauro, to offer amendments en bloc. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will designate the amendments en bloc. the clerk: en bloc number 3 consisting of amendments numbered 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18, 25, 26, 28, 30 and 31 printed in part d of house report 117-110 offered by ms. lee of california. the speaker pro tempore:
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pursuant to house resolution 567, the gentlewoman from california, ms. lee, and the gentleman from kentucky, mr. rogers, each will control 10 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. ms. lee: madam speaker, i rise in support of en bloc amendment number 3 and yield myself as much time as i may consume. let me first thank my colleagues for raising these important issues. now i would like to yield one minute to the gentlewoman from california, ms. jacobs. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. jacobs: thank you, madam chair. i rise in support of this en bloc package and thank you for including my amendment today. before coming to congress, i served as the state department, working on countering and preventing violent extremism and saysing the real drivers behind it. what we know is that it's not possible to solely rely on security assistance and military tools to counter violent extremism. in fact, one of the common drivers of local recruitment
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into these groups is abusive bistate security forces. when the united states provides security assistance to militaries tasked with countering violent groups, we need to ensure that the assistance we provide is not going to people who will abuse their own citizens and in turn exacerbate the very problem we're seeking to address in the first place. we need to properly allocate resources to actually address the drivers of violence and conflict, which means more funding to efforts like the global fragility act. i look forward to working with my colleagues on these efforts. thank you, madam chair. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam speaker, i rise to claim time in opposition to the amendment. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. rogers: this en bloc amendment contains several measures that could have enjoyed
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broad support. unfortunately it also includes several amendments that some on our side are unable to accept. one is by the gentlelady from minnesota, ms. omar, which would transfer funds from foreign military financing to the development assistance account. at a time when the united states is facing serious national security challenges around the globe, including from china and russia, we should be increasing u.s. security assistance rather than holding it flat or, worse yet, reducing it to increase an account that this bill already increases by 15%. we simply faced too many challenges to be cutting national security funding at this time. finally i, also need to mention the self-executing manager's
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amendment offered by our distinguished subcommittee chair relating to the expansion of global currency reserves by the international monetary fund. this amendment would require the secretary of the treasury to support the issuance of an additional $2.1 trillion of special drawing rights, an i.m.f. reserve asset, to all member countries of the fund. this is in addition to a whopping $650 billion that was already issued earlier this year. this is a highly controversial proposal that appears to run counter to other administration policies, including claims of prioritizing efforts to counter the malign influence of russia and china. this plan could result in many
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billions in additional reserves being sent to the world's most notorious dictatorships and state sponsors of terror such as iran, venezuela and russia and china. not only does this unwise scheme go against the stated goals and objectives of the white house, but it also could hinder treasury's efforts to penalize and pressure these maligned state actors through extensive u.s. sanctions -- u.s.-sanctioned regimes. why go to all the trouble of putting in place and enforcing these sanctions when the -- this proposal for the i.m.f. to issue trillions in additional liquidity that could significantly undercut years of pressure carefully designed to advance our national interests? for these reasons, madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to
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oppose this amendment and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: i yield now one minute to the gentlewoman from new york -- new york, ms. ocasio-cortez. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new york is recognized. ms. ocasio-cortez: i thank the gentlelady from california for the time. i rise in support of my amendment, in order to increase and decrease funds in the state department to highlight the need for stronger congressional oversight and robust human rights measures and transparency in u.s. arms sales to countries. the united states, the fact of the matter is, despite leaky laws in place, the united states has quietly trained and armed actors who have eventual -- who eventually engage in human rights abuses all over the world. through a state department program known as direct commercial sales. this program allows the state department to sell up to 100 -- $100 million to $300 million in
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military training, weapons and services without so much as notifying congress. it was through this policy that the u.s. provided paramilitary training to saudi operatives that later went on into the killing of jamal khashoggi. as well as for the sale of arms that abducted and -- for the abduction -- that were engaged in the abduction -- later used in the abduction and killing of more than 300 colombians in the may, 2021, protests over labor rights. the u.s. must stop arming and funding human rights violations. we must have stronger congressional oversight, robust human rights standards and transparency in all u.s. arms sales and i yield back to the gentlelady from california. ms. lee: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. grothman, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from wisconsin is recognized. mr. grothman: thank you. i'd like to talk about this bill overall. as well as potential amendments to the bill.
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above all, this time around, after the massive increase in spending due to covid, i think we ought to look as to whether this budget is frugal and whether the increases in the budget are actually necessary. i am going to address the line in the budget for international organizations. contributions to international organizations. the bill is proposed on the floor today, a 10% increase over last year. a lot of that money going to the united nations, a body that seems to delight in being critical of the united states, and a body in which the clear majority of members operate governments in which would you not want to live there at all. human rights abuses and otherwise. in any event, i think we should go back to the last en bloc and there's an amendment in there, rather than increase the amount to these international organizations of 10%, decrease the amount by 10%. we are putting so much pressure on the value of the dollar, so much debt on our children or
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grandchildren, the idea of going back, not to a draconian low level, but the idea of going back somewhere between where we were in 2019 and 2020, not a radical number, i think would be prudent. and i think in this line, as well as other lines in the budget, we should be looking to hold things about even or a mild step back. not another massive 10% increase, which will largely fund an organization that takes delight in making fun of the united states and the freedoms that we have. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from michigan, mrs. dingell. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from michigan is recognized. mrs. dingell: thank you, madam speaker. and i thank the distinguished subcommittee chair as well. i rise in support of the en bloc, which includes my
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important amendment highlighting the united states' continued enabling of the saudi arabia-led coalitions -- coalition's ongoing blockade of yemen. the war in yemen is now in its sixth year. and it's clear that there is no military solution to the conflict. while the biden administration announced earlier this year that it would limit u.s. involvement in the conflict, it has never been authorized by congress and more needs to be done. this begins by pushing for an end to the saudi blockade of yemen, which is exass -- which has exacerbated what continues to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis. with at least 400,000 yemeni children facing starvation and potential death. the blockade limits deliveries of food, fuel and other critical supplies to the yemeni people. this is unconscionable.
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when yemen is already facing the devastation of civil war and an ongoing public health crisis caused by covid. we've got to do better and i encourage my colleagues to support this en bloc, to send a message that the blockade of yemen need to end. thank you, madam speaker, and i yield back. ms. lee: i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: let me advise the chair that we have no further requests for time on this side of the aisle and if the gentlelady is so inclined i'm prepared to close. ms. lee: thank you. i want now to yield 1 1/2 minutes to mr. philips, the gentleman from minnesota. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. phillips: thank you, madam speaker, and thank you to the gentlelady from california. i rise in support of my amendment which affirms president biden's budget request of $2 million for the purposes of supporting the planning for the 2025 world expo in osaka,
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japan. my amendment sheds light on a win-win situation for both our country and for my home state of minnesota. when i took my oath of office 2 1/2 years ago, my team and i set out on an ambitious goal to visit every city and town in minnesota's third district. within the first six months of my service. to listen and to learn from the local leaders who know our communities best. because i believe representation begins with listening. in the city of bloomington, the famous home of the mall of mark, we learned that city leaders were determined to bid for the host city of the 2027 world expo. and that's good news. i'm proud to share with you that bloomington was selected as the united states designee to compete on the world stage for hosting rights. bloomington, the twin cities metro area, the state of minnesota, and the united states will benefit from showcasing american innovation on the world stage. with the funds highlighted in this amendment, we will ensure that bloomington has the financial support it needs to put the full strength of american ingenuity on display. i want to take a moment to thank
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the city of bloomington, global minnesota and the entire minnesota delegation for supporting efforts like these. this is how democracy should work. democrats and republicans in congress working together with constituents and government agencies to craft legislation to benefit localities and our entire country. i look forward to working with the biden administration just as we did with the trump administration, to bring the world expo home to minnesota. thank you and i yield the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i yield to the gentleman from florida three minutes, mr. diaz-balart. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized. mr. diaz-balart: thank you, madam speaker. for more than two weeks we have seen the horrors of the oppression taking place in the island of cuba. by the communist jet stream. let me tell you, i am outraged that the democratic majority refused to make in order two amendments, bipartisan
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amendments, which i co-sponsored, that were led by two of my democratic colleagues who, by the way, are passionate about the cause of a free cuba and the freedom of the cuban. people the murphy amendment would have provided an additional 7.5 million in democratic -- $7.5 million in democratic assistance to support the free flow of information to the islands in this moment. the amendment would have provided an additional $50 million to usagm for cuba bro casting. at a time -- broadcasting. at a time when the cuban people are struggling by this incredible oppression, getting murdered, getting killed, getting dragged out of their homes, the fact that we are inadequately funding the broadcast, the radio broadcasts onto the island, is hard to accept. and hard to believe. it's disgraceful. while the cuban people are risking everything for freedom, the democratic majority refused to allow these amendments to even be debated here on the floor of the house. i want to thank the republican
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leadership and our conference for their steadfast support for years for the cause of a free cuba. but i also want to thank those democratic colleagues who are true defenders of freedom for the cause of the cuban people. representative murphy, wasserman schultz, who fought hard to get these amendments here on the floor. as i stated in the full committee, it is unconscionable that in this moment in this moment when the cubans are doing everything they can and they've hit the streets and they're getting bludgeoned and murdered and imprisoned, that this majority, this majority would not even allow those amendments to be heard on the floor of the house. . madam speaker, history will remember those who stood for the cause of freedom, freedom of the cuban people, and those who align themselves with the oppressive, murderous regime that represses them, for now,
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more than 62 years. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. ms. lee: thank you, madam speaker. i yield one minute to my good friend, the gentlewoman from minnesota, ms. omar. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: thank you, madam speaker. thank you, chairwoman, for your leadership and for including my amendment in this en bloc. as a member of the foreign affairs committee, i travel around the world and hear so many of our diplomats emphasize the importance of balancing development, diplomacy and defense. so -- but in so many places, i don't see that balance. my amendment is about restoring balance to our foreign policy, by moving arms sales to addressing the root cause of conflict.
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i urge my colleagues to support this en bloc, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from california reserves. the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i have no further speakers, and i wonder if the gentlelady would be interested in closing. ms. lee: madam speaker, first of all, let me just say i'm very proud of the resources and programs in this bill, which provide us the unique opportunity to restore america's global leadership that has been missing in recent years. together, we can address the greatest challenges facing the united states and provide vital support to the world's most vulnerable people. i urge my colleagues to support this en bloc amendment and the underlying bill. madam speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 567, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en bloc offered -- ms. lee: madam speaker, may i yield to the gentleman from
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kentucky to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky -- the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: i urge a no vote on the amendment and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. the gentleman from kentucky yields. and the gentlewoman from california has yielded back. pursuant to house resolution 567, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentlewoman from california, ms. lee. the question is on the amendment en bloc. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the en bloc amendments -- the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. rogers: madam chair, i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 3-s of house resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed.
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the gentleman will suspend. pursuant to clause 1-c of rule 19, further consideration of h.r. 4373 is postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? mr. ryan: madam speaker, pursuant to house resolution 567, i call up the bill h.r. 4346, the legislative branch appropriations act of 2022, and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 55, h.r. 4346, a bill making appropriations for the legislative branch for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2022, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 567, the amendment printed in part a of house report 117-110
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is adopted, and the bill, as amendmented, is considered as read. the bill, as amended, is debatable for one hour controlled by the chair and the ranking minority member of the chair on appropriations or their respective designees. the gentleman from ohio, mr. ryan, and the gentleman from florida, mr. diaz-balart, each will control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. ryan: madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. ryan: i rise in strong support of the legislative branch appropriations act. while the subcommittee may be small, it has a very important role. i very much appreciate the hard work and collegial attitude of all the members of this subcommittee, particularly the
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contributions and cooperation of our ranking member, ms. herrera beutler. this is a good bill and i'm proud of this bill and i'm proud it makes a substantial investment to expand recruitment and retention of staff, prioritizes funding to expand diversity and inclusion campuswide and funds needed investment to support the day-to-day operations of the house so we can support our constituents. included within this bill is a 21% increase for the members' representational allowance which covers staff, district office, space, and day-to-day operations for lawmakers to best serve our constituents. this has been a priority for me as i recognized the important role of expanding pay and benefits for our staff as we strive to recruit a more diverse workforce in our offices and then to retain these staff instead of losing them to the private sector. additionally, this year's bill makes important steps in
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exploring other areas where we can expand benefits for staff to compete with the private sector. and so this year's report directs the chief administrative officer to conduct a benefit and retention study to look at possibilities such as tuition credits, the creation of a 529 account, a housewide leave policy, and childcare subsidy so we can continue to meet the needs of existing and future staff. it is vital we prioritize initiatives to expand a diverse and talented workforce here on capitol hill. the report provides an additional $350,000 to establish a task force within c.a.o. to include the office of diversity and inclusion, the office of congressional workplace rights, and any other house office as may be necessary to develop a methodology for regularly serving the house workforce on pay and benefit issues, to
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provide guidance and support for the content and development of a centralized human resources hub, and to make policy recommendations. additionally, while the bill continues the prohibition of cost-of-living adjustment increases for members, in order to ascertain all the facts on this issue, we also require the c.a.o. to provide a report comparing members' pay with executive and managers' pay in the private sector who have similar levels of experience and responsibility. in a year full of trauma and hurt, with the apex being the insurrection on january 6, our human resource entities within the capitol complex have adapted to the evolving and increasing mental health needs of our campus. the bill includes $2.3 million, a $635,000 increase for the office of employee assistance, and a $1.7 million allocation
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for the office of well-being to ensure that people here on capitol hill have the resources to support their needs, for our community, and to fund culturally sensitive mental health services so everyone feels comfortable seeking the support they need. we've also included $2 million for the house modernization initiatives account to build off last year's efforts to make congress more effective, efficient, and transparent on behalf of the american people. second, the bill provides $15.4 million to expand the paid internship program. this will increase the amount to $35,000 per member office to pay interns. we have also extended this funding to committees and continue to support these funds being used for interns, both in d.c. and in district offices. we want to make sure that any citizen in this country, any
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young person in this country who wants to come to washington, d.c., is able to do that, and we're trying to eliminate those economic barriers so that people can come here and get the experience they need to improve their lot in life and to serve their country. but we also recognize the ongoing inequities in congressional internships. and so we include language directing the office of diversity and inclusion, working in conjunction with the chief administrative office, to conduct a feasibility study on re-creating a centralized house internship program. similar to the old l.b.j. intern program from many years ago, which could provide various support services, such as housing, training, professional development, and focus outreach on students attending historically black colleges and universities, tribal colleges and universities, hispanic serving institutions, and other
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minority serving institutions. i believe this is a vital step for us to create a pipeline for students from all backgrounds, all economic areas to come and work on capitol hill. the bill also includes $3 million for the office of diversity and inclusion and directs the c.a.o. to increase their staff cap from seven to 10 staffers, to allow them the additional workers that they need. additionally, once again, this year's bill includes language to permit daca recipients to be able to work, the dreamers to be able to work for congress and other legislative branch agencies. turning to other legislative branch agencies, the bill provides strong support for the security and operational needs of the house and surrounded capitol complex. h.r. 4346 includes $600 million for the capitol police, which is an almost $90 million increase above the f.y. 2021 bill.
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this bill provides vital resources for training, recruitment, retention, and readiness efforts. this funding will provide for a total of 2,112 sworn officers. additionally, this continues to build off previous efforts in ensuring a robust trauma and resiliency program for our sworn and civilian officers. this is an extremely important investment as they continue to heal from the events of january 6 and good friday. we saw further testimonials yesterday in the hearing as to why exactly this investment is needed. the bill includes an increase of $37 million from 2021 for the library of congress. as it is this subcommittee's duty to protect the valuable collections and preserve the library's ability to chronicle this great nation and provide access to our history for generations to come. and it includes $3.8 million to continue the library's work on
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the veterans history project to collect and preserve the personal accounts of american war veterans. the bill also increases funding for the architect of the capitol over 2021 by $152 million to address necessary construction activities, such as the cannon office building renovation. also included are various other provisions to ensure the capitol visitors center and capitol complex are accessible for individuals with disabilities and all visitors who wish to tour the capitol or meet with their members of congress. and finally, the bill includes language for the removal of statues or busts in the capitol of those who tried to overthrow the government of the united states or were white supremacists. before i finish, i'd like to recognize the staff for all of their hard work and time they have put into this time, from the majority committee staff, i'd like to thank my clerk, steve, and for the minority committee step staff, i
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would -- committee staff, i'd like to thank michelle. and then rosa delauro. the ranking member, kay granger, ms. herrera beutler. this was a team effort to put this together. we're proud to submit it to the body today. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from washington controls the time and is recognized. . >> thank you, madam speaker. first, let me commend chairman ryan for his cooperation on this bill. he has worked in good faith with me and my staff to include requests in this bill every step of the way. ms. herrera beutler: i really appreciate it. i think it's a good model for the rest of how congress should work and i'd work with him any time. and i want to say thank you to his staff and to the staff under chairwoman delauro, steve, and i want to thank my staff, michelle, for getting us to this point. although i don't believe we're
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quite there yet. and i'm going explain why. i'm going to have to rise in opposition to h.r. the fiss -- 4346. this bill does include some provisions that i support. including critical needed funding to address the requirements of the capitol complex. it provides funding that allows members and staff to better serve our constituents by providing better software to improve the accessibility of case work forms that our offices use to help constituents resolve problems and issues with federal agencies. it implements measures to increase staff retention and it allows offices to acquire new technologies to strengthen the protection and productivity of our i.t. infrastructure. this bill also supports the critical mission of the capitol police, by providing funding for additional personnel to replenish their really depleted ranks. you know, new leadership training initiatives and additional resources so they can continue to protect members,
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staff and visitors who come and who occupy the halls of congress on a daily basis. in the aftermath of an incredibly difficult and challenging year, for the men and women of the capitol police, these measures are really an important step forward in improving the police force. however, madam speaker, while there are many parts of this bill that i do support, this bill, like the others that the majority has put forward, is based on what i believe is a flawed fiscal foundation. you know, the majority is forging ahead with massive increases to nondiscretionary or nondefense spending and the bill we're considering today includes nearly a 13% increase over current levels. and i'm going to explain why that in context creates some problems. at a time of record high-def sits and debt we need to, i believe, a more measured fiscal response. in addition, the majority has also included controversial
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policy rides that are our side of the aisle opposes. with the approach that the majority's taking with this bill and really all of them in the appropriations packages, we're considering here today, we're on the path to yet another continuing resolution. if we're to break this cycle, our majority counterparts need to be more willing to work with the minority on all the bills, to create a more bipartisan support that garners more of a bipartisan thumbs up. furthermore, the majority has not put forward any of the reforms, the capitol police reforms, to the board that governs the capitol police for its leadership structure. and that is a real sticking point, madam speaker. while including funding to hire more officers and to get more equipment is a necessary step, i would go to bat for that any day of the week, we will never see lasting improvement to the operation of the force or officer morale without these necessary reforms. we're going to continue to see
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the erosion of the force until those changes are made. and as we grapple with the trillions in new spending that the majority has passed and is proposing already six months into this year, i want to emphasize this point. we must course correct now rather than wait until our nation has passed the point of no return. the democrat majority got out of the gates by pushing through a $1.9 trillion package that includes bailouts for states like california that were already raking in billions more in state revenue than was previously forecast. my colleagues across the aisle and this administration are insisting on using reconciliation to force through a $4 trillion more on a gigantic wish list. and for perspective, the spending i outlined is above and beyond the congress -- the normal congressional appropriations. specifically it's nearly four times what the democrats are
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proposing to spend on this and these appropriations bills that we're considering. last year when the entire nation was grappling with covid-related shutdowns, when hospitals were down to their last box of surgical gloves and congress had to step in to make sure that our health system and our communities didn't collapse, it was need -- those were needed dollars. but we should not make the mistake that national emergencies, like the covid pandemic, should greenlight and invite further spending that is going to usher in record inflation, trillions more in debt, and honestly a reckless increase in spending. i fear that some here are simply not aware of how spiking the prices are of food, of gas and other everyday items impacting families. unbridled spending brings on the kind of inflation that increases prices exponentially. and when we talk about saddling
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the next generation with rush -- crushing debt, we're talking about your kid, madam speaker, and my kids, and our grandkids, and they're going to have to pay for these decisions. i believe that we can do better. the funding increases in this bill i think are going to fuel that fire. i think we need to recalibrate. for all these reasons, i urge my colleagues to join me in opposing this bill at this time and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. >> madam speaker, i yield three minutes to the chair of the full appropriations committee, the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. delauro. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i thank the gentleman and i just might say that, just as it's his first time in chairing the subcommittee and congratulations, and it's my first time chairing the full committee. so we're on the same page. and i want to thank both the chair and the ranking member for their work on this bill.
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madam speaker, as the oldest democracy -- modern democracy in the world, the united states exemplifies the success and long-term sustainability of democratic governance of the great american experiment. if we fail in this experiment, then we fail to honor our sacred duty not only to our own citizens, but to america as an ideal. the events of january 6 threatened that ideal. the brutal, violent assault on other capitol was an attack on the cradlele of democracy -- cradle of democracy and against liberty. it was a determined and violent insurrection aimed at stopping the peaceful transfer of power. something that the united states has exemplified in its history.
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it was an attack not just against this building, but on america's example to the world. this bill also honors the sacrifices of the brave women and the men in uniform who risked their lives defending this institution. shockingly on display at the first hearing of the january 6 select committee. it gives these heroes the funding, the resources and the training they need to ensure what happened on january 6 never happens again and it also says we respect what you do. it includes measures to provide more transparency, diversity and leadership training for the capitol police, to standardize vetting and routinely review staff or employment suitability. to provide for the wellness and the well-being of our capitol
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police. and while securing the capitol police must be our top priority, we must also ensure the institution within these walls remains strong. i am proud that this bill provides increased funding for the members' representational allowance, for standing committees, for select committees, for leadership offices, to help retain and recruit a talented and a diverse work force. and to grow opportunities and create a diverse hiring pipeline. it expands paid internships, opportunities, while providing the authorization for dreamers to work in the congressional offices. together the initiatives in this bill would not only protect the congress and our democracy, it also -- they also strengthen and sustain it. i urge support for the bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. ms. herrera beutler: madam speaker, i would like to yield
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four minutes to the distinguished ranking member of texas, ms. granger. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: thank you, madam speaker. i rise today in strong opposition to h.r. 4346, the fiscal year 2022 legislative branch and appropriations bill. i wish i could support this important piece of legislation, but unfortunately it has too many flaws and it does not reflect the type of bipartisan agreement that we must have to complete the appropriations process this year. at a time of record high-def sits and debt, now is not the time to double down on increasing domestic spending. this bill alone includes a nearly 13% increase over current levels. the bill also includes riders that are more appropriately addressed by authorizing committees, specifically related to immigration policy.
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in addition, the committee report is loaded with unnecessary partisan requirements for the capitol police that will make it more difficult for them to carry out their missions. the committee report also expands data collection efforts on individuals working in the capitol and testifying before congress, including sensitive payroll and financial information. that is not the way to do business if we want to exact full-year appropriation bills this year. we must develop top-line spending levels that both sides can support and we also must agree to draw up -- drop controversial policy provisions. if we want to avoid a long-term continuing resolution, or worse, a government shutdown, we must get serious and do the work our constituents sent us here to do. i urge my colleagues to vote against this bill and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: does
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the gentlewoman yield back? from texas? ms. granger: i yield back. ms. herrera beutler: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. ryan: -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. ryan: the gentlelady from -- does the gentlelady from washington have any more speakers? i know we have one more. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman reserve? mr. ryan: yeah, the gentleman reserves. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. ms. herrera beutler: i'll yield five minutes to the gentleman from arkansas. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from -- mr. ryan: i want to yield to the speaker -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington reserves. ms. herrera beutler: i will reserve my time. mr. ryan: i thank the gentlelady and i apologize to the gentleman from arkansas. the distinguished gentleman from arkansas.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. ryan: i yield as much time as she may consume to the distinguished speaker of the house, ms. pelosi. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman yield one minute? mr. ryan: i yield one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. the speaker: thank you, madam speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding. and i'm pleased to come to the floor to absolute him for his -- salute him for his leadership as chair of this very important subcommittee of the appropriations committee that makes things happen for us in the capitol. to do the people's business. the united states capitol has always been a beacon of freedom, liberty and justice to america and to the entire world. here lawmakers and staff, institutional workers, the capitol police, members of the press, enable the functioning of our very democracy. it is a vie -- it is vital that we ensure that this institution has the funding and resources needed to serve the people. the most exciting part of it is
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when children come to the capitol safely, curiously, excited about seeing where laws are made, what our founders ve vision was, and when -- founders' vision was, and when our men and women in uniform fight to defend as we see in their eyes their aspirations to the future, which is our charge, for the children. that is why today i'm proud to rise in support of the legislative branch appropriation bill which meets these needs and thank you to committee chair rosa delauro, and subcommittee chair tim ryan, for their leadership. this takes a lot of attention, a lot of specificity, meticulous attention to detail and i thank the distinguished chair of the committee for his brilliant attention to all of that. this funding bill does not only
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fund the leg branch, it strengthens it, it does so by advancing a more diverse and inclusive congressional work force. it's long been a priority for many of us to ensure that the halls of the capitol reflect the beautiful diversity of our nation at every level. the bill provides for strong funding for paid internships to support more hardworking interns from middle class families. this has been such a priority for many of us because these internships are an opportunity for young people. . we have seen this over time where that opportunity cannot be not taken advantage of unless there's funding for it. it provides funding for the wounded warrior program which
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helps the heroes who served in uniform to serve in congressional offices and allows dreamers to work in the legislative branch. they make america more american and make sure their voices are heard here in the capitol. this bill is about security and funding and supporting our united states capitol police force, the heroes. in this legislation we secure strong increases for the capitol police force which will provide for the hiring of sworn officers. it also improves training and bolsters wellness for the capitol police many of whom who are suffering from the january just yesterday, we heard from
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four heroic members of law enforcement who suffered horrible injures and trauma that day. that trauma continues. not just among congressional staff but those who maintain the capitol who make it all work for us, custodial and maintenance people in the capitol. every hero of the day needs and deserves our support now that the senate has anouned agreement on security. we will make sure the needs of the capitol and congressional community as concluded in the honore report. thank you for the report that was done, mr. chairman on that supplemental. what we send to the senate is much stronger. we must continue. this legislation honors our
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heroes, respects our values, directs removal of statues of confederate traitors and statues of white supremacist. the statues should embody the highest ideals as americans expressing who we are and who we aspire to be as a nation. removal of these statues is long overdue. i have led the process of legislation now twice to do so. in fact i took down the pictures in the speaker lobby months ago as an example. at the same time, this afternoon, we are considering the foreign apps.
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the bill strengthens congress and it should be passed. and in that spirit, i also support another appropriations bill to strengthen america, h.r. 4273 which advances our leadership in the world. then as the former ranking member of the state and foreign operations appropriations and i salute the chair, barbara lee. including her leadership on pepfar, the global fund and to fight aids. this makes clear as president biden has said, america is back. it is a strong statement of america's leadership in the world. with this legislation america is taking the lead in the climate fight with over $3 billion to
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address the climate crisis in the first ever appropriations to the green climate fund and setting an example on public health providing $10 billion to support family's health around the world and prevent future pandemics. also in terms of global health, we are repealing the global gag rule, a dangerous rule that did he prieives families of family planning services and investing for maternal and child health in fighting infectious diseases including h.i.v. and aids. this funding invests in human rights in other initiatives to support the lgbtq community,
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support disability rights and protect persecuted and religious. billions for refugee initiatives and protecting democracy and the rule of globe and contains billions of economic support to partners to advance peace, prosperity. and proud of the strong support for israel, which is in our national security interests. we are proud of this legislation to implement the allies to expedite access refugee visas. afghans have worked shoulder-to-shoulder with the military are heroes. they have been vital to the safety of american lives and success to our mission.
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we made a promise and now we are keeping it. we must be there for them as they were for us. the funding in these two bills demonstrate and defend american leadership at home and around the world. at home and around the world and i urge a strong bipartisan aye vote for both. and i thank the leadership of rosa delauro, barbara lee and tim ryan and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentlewoman from washington. ms. herrera beutler: i yield five minutes to the gentleman from arkansas. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlemanis recognized for five minutes. >> i thank the ranking member. mr. speaker, i have or i seek unanimous consent to include the text of the amendment in the amount immediately prior to the
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vote on the motion to recommit. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr. womack: mr. speaker, i offer this motion to recommit for one simple reason, so our defenders, the national guard and the capitol police can have the funding they need to continue protecting americans day in and day out. this motion does what congress has been unable to do for months, and that is support our guardsmen and our capitol police. each and every one of these brave men and women have raised their hands and swore an oath to protect our institution and our country. and we can't do our most basic duty of providing funding for them to complete this sacred task. for both the guard and the capitol police, this funding is essential to maintaining operations. we are talking about something as basic as keeping the lights on.
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these gaps were caused by the capitol security mission. they came here to protect us. and it should be this congress through the legislative branch appropriations bill who foots the bill. without this funding, the national guard will be forced to cancel annual training and drill weekends through the end of the fiscal year. they will have to defer 75 training site upgrades. air national guards will see an eight-flying day standdown, and there is much, much more. this imperils unit readiness. that's obvious. and it is a pretty grave outcome. but individual soldiers and airmen and their families, they will see the dire impacts as well. these training cancellations will take an expected check out of their monthly budgets. and unlike congress, these
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families have to operate within their means. there is no option for them to raise their debt ceiling. these guardsmen and women are in your states, districts and hometowns and volunteer to serve our country and did so with only a single expectation in mind, that congress will have their backs. we need to live up to that commitment, just as they have for us. my m.t.r. will ensure the capitol police have the resources they need after their valiant efforts on january 6 and in the days since and provides targeted, necessary funding to enhance the fiscal security of the capitol. without this funding, they will see training delays and furloughs. like the national guard, the capitol police are always ready and always there. they stand watch for us whenever we need them.
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mr. speaker, i am encouraged by the progress that senators lay hey and shelby have made. i hope we vote on their supplemental before we leave. let me be clear, this should have been done after we learned of the shortfalls. instead we let silly games and unrelated providings leave our defenders high and dry. to my colleagues, when you come to vote on this m.t.r. and you put your voting card in the machine, think about the guardsmen in your hometown, the cop, the teacher, the small businessman who put on the uniform to defend us and protect us at home and abroad. i want you to think about that person and commit to supporting them and to supporting their
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family. i urge adoption of my motion to recommit, mr. speaker. and i yield back the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from washington reserves. the gentleman from ohio. ryan ryan i yield myself 30 seconds. just a quick response, mr. speaker. we have passed a bill, rescue package that spent billions of dollars for the local communities to pay for police and fire and first responders, state support for teachers. we passed a supplemental bill out of this chamber that reimbursed the national guard and made huge investments in the capitol police. in both instances, we didn't get one republican vote. and with that, i will yield a minute to the gentleman from maryland, our distinguished
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leader. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized for a minute. mr. hoyer: i thank the chair for making that point. i was going to make the same point. i'm going to make another point, let me say to those who are watching, the gentleman who spoke from arkansas is one of my best friends. he is dead flat wrong in this assertion, his motion will not give a single cent to the national guard, not a single cent to the police. all it will do is send the bill back to committee. it will delay this bill to do all the other things but it does from being enacted. and it is said that the republicans in the senate haven't passed a single appropriation bill. it took them a long time to get them to some agreement on the supplemental and when they agreed on the supplemental, they left the money for the national guard out.
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so i say to my friend from arkansas, who is my dear, dear friend and a wonderful person, your amendment, with all due respect, first of all, you know isn't going to go anywhere. all you are doing is referring the bill to committee and slow this process and not give a single cent to capitol police or any other police. that's the reality. i wanted to rise and speak on behalf of this bill. i want to thank the chairman, mr. ryan. and i thank my good friend who is another dear friend of mine, unfortunately think that everyone dislikes one another, i like the gentlelady who is the ranking member member who is one of the best members in the house on your side of the aisle. i know that this is a difficult
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bill in some cases for your side of the aisle. i have been here a long time. we jerry lewis who was the chairman, he was back and forth. and they to this house and said let's build this institution in the kind of institution that americans want. and that's what this bill does. . and this bill gives us the opportunity to -- the opportunity to hire, retain and pay competitively our staffs. who are extraordinary people and the american people are getting more than their money's worth with our staffs. because they are extraordinarily able people, well-educated people, experienced people and make a difference for america.
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and this bill seeks to compen state them not as much as they get in the private sector but competitively with the executive department so the executive department is not taking all our people. and that is reason enough to be for this bill. now, there's something in this bill i don't like. no other member will probably come to this floor and say it. members of the congress of the united states have not received a cost of living adjustment, forget about a raise, but a cost of living adjustment since, i believe, 2009. 11, 12 years. and this bill says, we're not going to take one this year either. now let me tell you something. the result of this irresponsible demagoguic action and i don't
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say any personal aspersions on anybody is that only rich people will be able to serve in the house of representatives. very frankly, i live alone, my wife died, i'm in good shape. i don't need the cola. it will make no difference in my life. but there are a lot of people who come to this congress with three or four children. they've got to open a second residency, either rent or buy, here, and keep a residency at home. and they are struggling. i know it doesn't sound like you're going to struggle on $174,000. i don't blame people making $60,000 or $80,000 say, what do you mean you're struggling? but the fact of the matter is, all i ask, keep us even. don't give us a raise. just keep us even. as the cost of living goes up,
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just keep us even in terms of our purchasing power. i'm going to vote for this bill but i sure don't like that provision. and now we democrats have put it in, the republicans have put it in, i get it, i get the politics of it. but i will tell you for a long period of time i worked with trent lott, tom delay, roy blunt and with other republican leaders, seems i'm the only one consistently here working on this, make sure that at least 50% of us on each side voted to give us a cola, to keep us even so we did not expect people who had their housing costs go up, their health care costs go up, their educational costs for their children go up, but were frozen. it's tough on families. not tough on me. so i'm not arguing from a
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personal standpoint. frankly, i'm just fine. but i say this because i want the public to know that there's at least someone who is saying look, the job is worth it you may not think we're with worth it. but the job is worth at least keeping even. this is a good bill. i'm going to vote for it. there are provisions in other bills i don't like but i vote for them because on the whole i think this is an excellent bill for this institution and for the american people and i urge everybody to vote yes. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington. >> i'm prepared to close if the gentlelady -- does the gentlelady have remaining speakers? >> i don't believe any more speakers. i did want to use some time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington is recognized. >> thank you, mr. speaker.
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i wanted to speak to the motion to recommit that the gentleman from arkansas offer offered. i know we're just going to, it sounds like the majority, we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this. ms. herrera beutler: i think there are a lot of good things in this bill that i support. but the biggest challenge for me, having spent this year, like the rest of us, trying to help our families, our constituents, move on through covid, how our small businesses survive and then starting off this year in the manner that we did and recognizing the impact on the capitol, not just the capitol campus but the men and women who protect us, the capitol police. i really feel like, in this bill, the legislative branch appropriations, there needed to be some significant reforms to some of the failures in response that we experience. i know that there are other
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efforts not related to this bill that are looking at other actors, other players. i'm setting all of that aside because i don't have control over that. but i do have a say here with my voting card on the legislative branch appropriations bill. and what is frustrating to me, and i heard, you knowing, my good friend from ohio, and the speaker mention it, they said we did this supplemental and we put all this other stuff in here for the capitol police. there are things that were left out of that supplemental that are so crucially significant to reforms that will help prevent another january 6. and they are in the motion to recommit. let me explain a couple of those. one of those that we have in the republican motion to recommit is a reform for the capitol police board. we know that there was a major failure in breakdown in communications on the capitol police board. which inhibited the response,
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the coordinated, collective response of the law enforcement here. talk to any police officer who bravely defended us and they'll tell you that they weren't getting clear directives in their headpieces. they'll tell you the coordination effort from the leadership broke down and they were doing everything they could on the frontlines themselves. so a rational response to that would be, why did that break down? and what can we do to fix it? one of those things is to provide oversight, congressional oversight over that capitol police board by requiring that board who made those decisions, who left a lot of our police officers on their own, to meet together in front of congressional committees. the committees of oversight. as it stands now, we can't get the entire police board together in one room for a hearing. the gentleman and i, on legislative branch
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appropriations, we got to meet with different members of the police board in different hearings at different times. it was helpful but to really correct the problem and when you ask each of them, where was your failing on 1/6, they all do this. or they did this. there are now no actors in there. but i look at the function of the board and i think, commonsense would be put all of those, the architect of the capitol, the two sergeant at arm, the capitol police chief all on a witness panel in front of the legislative branch appropriations committee. or the house rules committee. or the senate, or house administration committee or the senate rules committee. that wasn't in your supplemental. that's not in this legislative branch appropriations committee. it's not in any of president biden's rescue plans. we do throw a lot of money at it but we're not fixing a structural, fundamental problem that helps complicate our response. our motion to recommit fixes.
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that it simply changes the language and allows for all of those folk, requires them, to come before the committees of jurisdiction together and answer questions of oversight capacity for members of congress. that's a simple fix that shouldn't be partisan. it's not in the underlying bill and it should be. our motion to recommit does that. another thing we do in our motion to recommit to improve the underlying bill is we require an improved and streamlined response and give that authority to the capitol police chief to call in the national guard on a quick developing emergency. one of the things we heard in the aftermath of 1/6 was, you know, he said, she said, i called them in, they said they couldn't come. this person said they couldn't come. we just got, you know, a very convoluted response into why the national guard wasn't here quickly. again, i recognize there are other efforts looking into other actors on that front.
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i'm not getting into that. what i'm talking about is what we have control over right here. the underlying legislative branch bill does not improve that streamlined process. in fact it leaves in place the process whereby the chief of police has to go through this bureaucratic, arcane process to get permission from every member of that board before they can respond to an immediate emergency and request the national guard. that was part of the problem on january 6. our motion to recommit fixes that. it says that the capitol police chief can call, in an emergency, a quick-developing emergency, can call on the national guard and has the authority to request them to come. it also has a failsafe in there that says if the capitol police board gets their act together, meetses quickly and sees things differently, it can re-signed sinned that authority. but what it does, it's an opt-in. automatically, the police chief has the authority to call in the reserves when there's an
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emergency. just like you see in other, where a chief in a major met metropolitan area has the authority to call in things, and then they're accountable to the mayor and city council, right now the capitol police chief doesn't have that authority. that was a problem on january 6 and fortunately fortunately if this -- and unfortunately if this bill passes as it is it will still be a problem seven months layer. i urge folks, there are things in the underlying bill i like and support but it's like having the salt for your steak but you don't actually have beef. you got to have the sizzling steak, you add the salt, it's a wonderful meal. that's how i look at. this we do want to put the money forward to make sure that we're adding to the force and we're putting in training programs that is in this underlying bill. those are good things. but we have to change the fundamental flaws with how the board, the capitol police board operations. operates.
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and i would have yielded had the house administration committee wanted to do that, had they done that, you wouldn't hear me piping up about it. but they haven't. we need to take responsibilities for failure here's on our campus that we can address. i urge the motion to recommit. this is where i differ with the gentleman from maryland who i always have great respect for. the problem -- another thing, you know, the underlying bill talks about pay and making sure we're add manager police officers to the force. i'm there every day of the week and twice on sunday. the problem is, they're going to hit a cap. when a police officer, which we saw january, february, march, they would work their regular hours and then because they were short staffed, they'd be called to work overtime. they're accruing that overtime and at some point they will have earned too much money to get paid all of it. because there's a cap in law that says they can only make so much. the underlying bill does not fix that cap.
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however, our motion to recommit does. our motion to recommit removes that cap so that those officers who have been paid that overtime because they worked their tails off, weeks on end, will be able to get that pay and not risk being furloughed as we get to the end of the year. so again, there are good things in the underlying bill but it's not quite good enough. we can make it better. we can make it better by adopting the motion to recommit. with that, i reserve my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from ohio. >> should the gentlelady yield back? is that your final? i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentlewoman from washington.
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ms. herrera beutler, so i'm going to give my -- ms. herrera beutler: i'm going to give my closing remarks and then yield back, right? ok. i want to say it's a privilege to be in this process. it's ironic to me, the legislative branch appropriations bill is generally one that really only or significantly only impacts the capitol community. i serve an amazing district in southwest washington, 2,500 plus miles away from this campus. and generally, the legislative branch appropriations bill isn't high on their radar. until this year. until we saw that there are events and there are actors who, you know, we're going to have to protect against. aened we're going to have to protect the guests and the visitors. this is the people's house. i want the people from my district to have the right and the trust to come here and feel safe, to be able to have their voices heard.
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and that's why this bill went from kind of being one that most people didn't pay attention to to a lot more attention, a lot more front and center. it's such an honor and privilege to get to work on this i believe in a strong spirit of bipartisanship, we can make sure we're lifting up and girding up the capitol police force, making sure that the sergeant at arms are working together with the architect of the capitol to ensure the safety and continuity of the work of the people's house. this is the constitution in act. it's a -- in action. it's a privilege to work on this i think we can improve this underlying bill. i think we need to adopt the motion to recommit. i think we need to introduce some of these ideas so we can stave off a continuing resolution in the 11th hour. i i urge adoption of the motion to recommit and need to send this bill back in order to get it completely right. with that, i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: mr. speaker, i am prepared to close. this is a good bill and we put a lot of work in this bill and the essence of the legislative branch appropriations bill is an understanding that everybody that works on capitol hill is a public servant. the capitol police, those on the dias, the people who clean the offices, the people who do all of the construction, the capitol police, the young staffers, the middle-aged staffers and older staffers have spent decades to help make this government run. and this bill is an opportunity for us to continue to invest into those people and making sure they can stay here and work here and have competitive wages and benefits compared to the
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executive and judicial branches, compared to the private sector. and also and knowing and understanding we have an obligation to protect this capitol. and that's what we have done in this bill. we have made increases to members allowancees so that they can maintain their staff and the talent that they have. we are making sure we have a paid internship program here so that some young person from youngstown, ohio or some small town or city across the united states can take advantage of the opportunity to stay for a summer or semester in one of the most expensive housing markets in the whole united states. i'm very proud of the investments we are making in this bill. i'm proud of all of the efforts to protect this capitol, the first branch of our democracy. and i'm very much looking
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forward to voting on this. this will provide the needed funding for day-to-day operations of the house and i urge members of this body to support this and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time all time for debate has expired. each further amendment printed in part b of house report 117-110 not earlier considered as part of amendments en bloc, pursuant to section 3 of house resolution 567 shall be considered in the order printed in the report, may be offered by a member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for a time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by a proponent and opponent, may be withdrawn by the proponent any time before the question is put thereon, shall not be subject to amendment and not subject to demand for division of the question. it shall be in order any time
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after debate for the chair of the committee on appropriations or her designee to offer amendments en bloc consisting of further amendments printed in part b of house report 117-110 not earlier disposed of. amendments en bloc shall be considered as read and debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment and not subject to demand for division of the question. for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? mr. ryan: pursuant to house resolution 567, i rise as the designee of the the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. delauro to offer amendments en bloc. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will designate the amendments on en bloc. the clerk: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and
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11 printed in part b of house report 117-110 offered by mr. ryan of ohio pursuant to house resolution 567, the gentleman from ohio, mr. ryan, and the gentlewoman from washington ms. herrera beutler each will control 10 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: i yield myself 45 seconds. the en bloc amendments includes proposals offered by my democratic colleagues and reflects our shared values in divest investing in a more diverse work force and providing for the day-to-day operation of the house. i urge my colleagues to support the proposals contained in this and i reserve. ms. herrera beutler: i raise to claim time in opposition and reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio.
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mr. ryan: i yield three minutes to the the gentlewoman from illinois. ms. kelly: i rise in support of the center for audit excellence and its mission in supporting auditing organizations domestically and internationally. a part of the government accountability office, the center for audit excellence provides training and assistance fostering accountability from local governments in the united states and foreign governments across the globe. one of the centers' most essential mission is aiding supreme audit instewings of nations that receive u.s. foreign assistance. this instills good governance and ensures u.s. tax dollars are being used officially. the center is funded slm exclusively -- they do not have
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dedicated funding and must rely on local and foreign governments. providing dedicated funding will ahow tore the center to have more predictable budget cycles and will help governments accomplish sound audit practices. not only is there a need for dedicated funding, there is a need for funding at the center for audit excellence. providing more funding will expand the global footprint and reach more countries supreme audit institutions. this funding will help ensure that governments around the globe and here at home in the united states have the training and assistance to strengthen oversight capacity and reduce government waste. helping to do this cuts down on government corruption. within the u.s., enhanced auditing capacity enhances local
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government practices to better respond to citizens' need. internationally, greatings auditing capacity helps developing nations increase capability. the united states provides funding to state and local governments providing funding for the center for audit excellence will help ensure u.s. tax dollars are spent wisely and as intended. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington. ms. herrera beutler: i would like to yield to the the gentlemanfrom california, mr. mccarthy for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. mccarthy: i rise in opposition to the amendment and to this bill. mr. speaker, earlier today, the speaker of the house said that people who are fully vaccinated
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but don't support wearing a masks are morons and said the house should follow the science. madam speaker, you don't know the facts nor the science, so let's talk about it. the speaker is referring to the c.d.c. current recommendation. i just left speaker with the house doctor. he said he used the c.d.c. recommendation on a report that hasn't been reported yet. he did not know that the report was based upon india about a vaccine that is not approved in america. and now he did not know that it didn't even pass peer review. that's why vaccinated people in
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this house now have to wear a mask. there is no science. but i guess the speaker must have not known that. why wouldn't the speaker not know the facts? you know what frustrates americans the most? hypocrisy. they hate the idea that you tell people to get vaccinated, you don't have to wear a mask. first they said don't wear a mask, wear two masks, then take the mask off. americans got vaccinated, we would get our lives back, and we did, thanks to operation warp speed and the past administration. but they also hate about hypocrisy when you patriotic your own rules it's like telling america you can't get your hair
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cut but you get caught on camera because you do. you tell people don't go out to dinner but in my same state, the governor went out to dinner. a lot of people. today, the speaker who didn't know her own science and said names to people, broke her own rules. twice i saw her speaking in a crowded room without a mask. the mask mandate is not based upon a study. based upon a study in india, based upon a vaccine that isn't approved in america that didn't pass peer review. could this be a plan to keep our schools closed? and worst of all, this
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administration and now this house has broken the country's trust. one size fits all. you know, if you read your c.d.c. recommendation, said you only should wear the mask if you are in a hot spot. i'm sure the gentleman on the other side know what cities and states are hot spots, because those are the facts. you can see the facts and understand the facts. so, what is washington? the vaccination rate for the members of congress is over 85%. and as of today, the transmission rate on the capitol campus is less than 1%. the enacts would tell us this is in a hot spot. so the c.d.c. recommendation doesn't apply to us. meanwhile, the hospitalization rate for the people who are vaccinated are .003%.
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as "washington post" columnist hen ril olson points out, you are more likely to get struck by lightning than to be hospitalized with the vaccine. must be a stormy day in the house. you know what's interesting? we serve in this chamber. we represent our districts and we have senators who represent our state down the hall. the science based upon the speaker of this house changes around the ro tunedda. you see you have to wear your mask here, otherwise you are fined because that's what government should do, they punish people. you get vaccinated. if you walk across the hall, you don't have to wear it anymore. somehow the science is
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different. one thing we do know about covid, it affects older people than younger. those people who serve in the senate are older than the people in the house. but the science is different over there than here. it's interesting, too, because i remember a short time ago, when we had the mask mandate during one of the impeachments the democrats brought up, the managers had their masks on here, but as they walked to the senate, they are able to take them off. i'm not quite sure how much of covid lives on this side of the building. that must be inspects. that must be what the speaker was talking about. the past administration worked hard for operation warp speed. i'm proud of the fact that we voted for when we brought up bills on this floor that talked
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about working towards the vaccine, that's where the money went but not the trillions of dollars wasted that now gave us inflation. americans want to get back to work, back to school and back to health. but the majority doesn't want to base anything on science but base something on a report that is not printed and can't pass peer review and based upon a vaccine that isn't approved in america because the facts and science and the vaccines in america work. they are effective, they're free. i got a vaccine. i recommend all americans get a vaccine. . it's a concern we have. we try to get more americans vaccinated. what do you think the message is today?
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those who run this side of this building believe now if you're vaccinated you have to wear a mask, even though the science doesn't say you should. i'm not sure how many more people are going to rush to get vaccinated. but it's just like their philosophy, they want to mandate, they want to impose, they want want to tell you when you can go to school, when you can eat. you know what they're going to do? if you walk into this building without a mask? they're going to charge you $500. why? because they've got the power to do it. you walk across the hall, not sure where they morph into a different science, but you don't have to. mark my words. this is just the beginning. in a few weeks, schools are supposed to open again.
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we know what the science says about covid and children. we're going to start seeing new reports, won't be printed, that'll try to keep the schools closed. maybe if i whisper the president will listen. he tries it. then they'll try to shut our businesses down one more time. operation warp speed provided vaccines that were tested, that worked, that are effective, study and science prove it sthoasm hospitalization rates prove it so. i don't know of one person in this chamber that's going to get struck by lightning today. but i do know even though the odds are better of getting struck by lightning than being hospitalized if you're vaccinated, that if we don't
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wear a mask we'll have to pay $500. the gentleman over there is going to run for the senate. maybe he wants to do that so he won't have to wear a mask because the science over there is better. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington reserves. the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: i yield two minutes to the distinguished gentleman from california, the distinguished chairman of the veterans affairs committee, mr. takano. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. takano: i thank the gentleman from ohio for yielding. thank you, mr. speaker. i am pleased to join my colleagues in supporting this en bloc which includes a symbolic amendment in support of the office of technology assessment, otherwise known as o.t.a. the reestablishment of o.t.a. has been a top priority of mine since i first came to congress in 2013. since then, debates around emerging technologies and concepts have caught this
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congress by surprise as we struggle toed legislate on complex issues of technological and societal importance. before o.t.a. was defunded in 1995, the office served a critical role in providing members of congress and staff with nonpartisan and expert advice on complex, scientific, and technical issues. o.t.a. served as a model of good governance and innovation in governments and we could use o.t.a. now in this environment of dissembling and shading of the truth around -- around vaccines. today, o.t.a. would be invaluable as we debate issues related to cryptocurrency, nonfungible tokens or n.t.f.'s, and other developing technologies throughout our society. we understand the importance and value of c.r.s. and g.a.o. when
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it comes to researching and understanding complex issues. that's not up for debate. yet o.t.a. is necessary to ensure congress is informed and knowledgeable on some of the most complex issues facing our society today. staff who will work alongside c.r.s. and g.a.o. to provide this expertise will help this legislature not only catch up with the rest of our economy but truly understand how these new forms of technology affect our economy and everyday life. the foundation of good policy is accurate and objective analysis and the re-establishment of the office of technology assessment is how we will pass new and forward-thinking laws for our country. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentlelady from washington. ms. herrera beutler: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the the gentlelady reserves. the gentleman from ohio
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mr. ryan: i don't have any more speakers, i am prepared to close. ms. herrera beutler k spi can -- then ms. herrera beutler: then i can yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. mr. ryan: can i ask how much time we have left? the speaker pro tempore: you have 5 1/4 minutes remaining. mr. ryan: i would like to yield myself such time as i may consume. i'm prepared to close on this bill but since my name was invoked i want to make a couple of comments about what the majority lead -- about what the minority leader was saying. maybe to the shah begin of the staff here. the attending physician of the united states capitol, the top doctor for congress, asked us to put on masks when we come to a chamber with 435 people. i hate these things.
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absolutely -- it's terrible having to put this back on. and we do it because the top doctor for all of us asked us to and i may not be from a hot spot, the speaker may not be from a hot spot, speaker pelosi may not be from a hot spot. somebody in this chamber is coming from a hot spot. somebody represents the hot spots. and they get on a plane and they fly here and think interact with all of us. and then we leave here and we go home to our families. some take care of sick parents. some take care of kids who may have an autoimmune disorder. and i just find it absolutely immature and appalling to somehow diminish it to try to score cheap political points and
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that's exactly what we saw a few minutes ago. that is beneath a minority leader of one of the major political parties in the united states of america. saying we should take no caution, that someone from a hot spot is working in this chamber and could potentially get someone infected that could go home to a sick parent or a immune compromised kid. that is beneath us. that is beneath us. and it's certainly beneath leadership. here in washington, d.c.. so i'm sorry i had to comment on that because it's just -- it's very frustrating. we're dealing with very -- with a complicated pandemic, a new strain and we're trying to figure everything out and the attending physician says since you're a grandpa from all over the country be a little bit cautious and he gets mocked.
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this is the doctor we all go to if we -- we all go to. you're denigrating the attending physician. has it gotten this bad here? we'll be the first one to go down there when we're sick. need an antibiotic. get your checkup. i mean, come on. stop. just stop. with this. craziness. we're trying to be safe. trying to protect our family members. our kids. our parents. close relatives. and in the -- and then the minority leader mocks that. mocks it. and mocks the top doctor. who has a very distinguished record and a very distinguished career and spends his life making sure we're healthy. shameful. i urge a yes vote on en bloc amendment and yield back the
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balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the time has expired. all time has expired. pursuant to house resolution 567, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from ohio. the question is on the amendments en bloc. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the en bloc -- >> the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from washington seek recognition? ms. herrera beutler: i request a recorded vote. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 3-s of house resolution 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? mr. ryan: pursuant to house resolution 567, i rise as the designee of the gentlewoman from
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connecticut, ms. delauro, to offer amendments en bloc. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will designate the amendments en bloc. the clerk: amendment number 2. consisting of amendments 6, 10, and 12, pribted in part b -- printed in part b of house report 117-110, offered by mr. ryan of ohio. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 567, the gentleman from ohio, mr. mr. ryan, and the gentlewoman from washington, msl control 10 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: mr. speaker, i yield myself 45 seconds. theen o'clock -- the en bloc amendment includes a number of proposals offered by my colleagues. this is a bipartisan amendment. it includes funding to prioritize the removal of accessibility barriers on the capitol complex, conduct study on security risks and technical limitations of the capitol switchboard system and provides for a collaborative drafting
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program to help members work bet we are the house office of counsel. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio reserves. the gentlelady from washington. ms. ms. herrera beutler k i seek time to speak to the amendment. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. herrera beutler: thank you, madam speaker. i wanted to specifically call out the gentleman from rhode island's amendment. it increases funding by $3.50 million for the capitol grounds account and it is offset within the bill. the intent of these funds is to be used to prioritize the removal of accessibility barriers on the capitol complex. i am thrilled about the amendment. i think it's going to make what is -- parts of this building and the surrounding complex were built over 100 years ago and so obviously there are accessibility issues that today we're saying, we're going to
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remove those barriers. i want to commend both the amendments, the bipartisan amendments in this en bloc set to the members and say please support it. i think this does good work. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: madam speaker, i urge a -- an aye vote and yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yield back. pursuant to house resolution 567, the previous question is ordered on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from ohio. the question is on the amendments en bloc. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the en bloc amendments are agreed to. without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the gentleman from -- for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? mr. ryan: pursuant to house resolution 567, i rise as the designee of the gentlewoman from
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connecticut, ms. delauro, to offer amendments en bloc. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will designate the amendments en bloc. the clerk: en bloc number 3 consisting of amendments number 7 and 8 printed in house report 117-110, offered by mr. ryan of ohio. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 567, the gentleman from ohio, mr. ho ryan -- mr. ryan and the gentleman from washington state, ms. herrera beutler, each will control 10 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. ryan: while i have offered this en bloc amendment for the purposes of legislative efficiency i strongly oppose it. it makes harmful changes to the bill under consideration. this amendment will strike language that would enable noncitizens who meet requirements under daca to be employed by the united states congress and to cut funding from the office of diversity and inclusion. let's adreth the first point around daca. this is allowing dreamers to
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work for the legislative branch. can't figure out for the life of me why the minority would like to refuse the american dream to people who came to the united states as children. people who for all intents and purposes are americans. i encourage each of -- my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to talk with a dreamer, to listen to their stories. it is heart breaking. they've done absolutely nothing wrong. they were brought to this country by no choice of their own. their parents brought them here. the united states is their home. they have built their lives here. whether that means getting an education, raising a family, or contributing to our economy. we are a generous and
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compassionate nation always looking to form a more perfect union. a country that has empathy for a struggling family in a new country, a country that lifts up the junger -- the younger generation to have a better future. the vast majority of americans overwhelmingly support allowing these young people to continue their relentless pursuit of the american dream. because they know in their hearts they are american. they know there's no better place for them to serve their country than here in the united states house of representatives, the people's house. their parents brought them here and they've been here for years and years and years. they should have an opportunity to get back to this country. i am opposed on the second point to decreased funding for the office of diversity and inclusion by $1.5 million, the office of diversity and
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inclusion is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive work force in the house of representatives. their mission is to i assist in developing practices to recruit and retain the diverse work force. i'm proud of this year's bill, provides $3 million for the office and fiscal year 2022 and increases their staff cap from 7 to 10. the $1.5 million in additional funding for 2022 and expanding staff cap will give them funding to support ongoing operations while providing additional flexibility to expand their work. it will assist the office of workplace rights to establish a task force about the work in the house. as i mentioned in think opening remarks this task force will develop and a methodology forking rely serving the house work force on pay and benefit
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issues, provide guidance to us on how we could create a centralized human resources hub to improve human resource management practices throughout the house. it will allowry creating a centralized house internship program. we have citizens in this country, young student, white, black, brown, who can't afford to come here and work. we need to give them the education they need to move forward. i'm proud of what we have in this bill and i will oppose this amendment. it's vital we prioritize
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initiatives to promote the diversity and opportunity for people to come work in the legislative branch. i oppose this en bloc amendment and urge my colleagues to vote no and yield back the balance of my time. i yield to mr. grothman for such time as he may consume. mr. grothman: we have two separate. right now in this country we i don't think anybody can accuse the united states of being shy
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about letting other people in this country. obviously, if we make a permanent policy that any young person who was brought here automatically can work their way as a united states citizen, we will have again, again and again parents coming here either asking for either ask for asylum or send their children here by themselves knowing we aren't going to enforce immigration laws. the day will come that something will be done with daca recipients and shouldn't be all daca recipients and the idea establishing that if you came here, you ought meat -- i think the inference is you shall going to be a citizen that you are
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working in the capitol is a little ridiculous. one of my amendments removes the provision that says that people who are still in this country illegally can wind up working for the legislature. the second amendment concerns the office of the diversity of inclusion. i think the gentlemanfrom ohio mischaracterized the amendment. we are not cutting anything here. we are leaving things the same way we did in the last budget. we have spent money in the last 12, 14 months of this institution like never before. we went through trillions of dollars and we have one of the reasons we have high inflation and it will be difficult to buy a house and why the cost of food is up. we cannot as we go line by line through this budget create a
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situation we are doubling lines of the budget and that's what we are doing here. and if you go through the office of diversity and inclusion, almost all the things they purport to do are done somewhere else in the leg branch and it is one of these groups that is going to train people to view themselves not as individuals but more as a group but for america as a whole. but again, after going so overwhelmingly in debt, we have a leg. budget and how many of them they are individual salary or compensation went up by 13% in the last year. but congress, no big deal. leg. branch up 13.
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office of diversity and inclusion doubled. dprog groght their function can be dealt with by other groups. i encourage passage of this en bloc amendment. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: who seeks time. the gentleman from ohio. the gentleman reserves the balance of his time the gentlelady from washington. ms. herrera beutler: i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio. mr. ryan: i encourage a no vote and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the question occurs on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from ohio. those in favor say aye
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opposed say know. in the opinion of the chair -- >> i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from washington. mr. ryan: call for the yeas and nays, please pursuant to section 3-s of house resolution 8, yeas and nays are ordered pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further questions on this question are postponed. fowrnt clause 8 of rule 20 the unfinished business is question on amendments en bloc 1 printed in part b of house report 117-110 offered by the gentlemanfrom ohio. the clerk will redesignate the amendments en bloc. the clerk: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and
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11 printed in part b of house report 117-110 offered by mr. ryan of ohio. the speaker pro tempore: the question now occurs on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from ohio. members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? mr. thompson: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. desaulnier, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. desaulnier will vote yes on the amendments en bloc 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? mr. jeffries: as the member designated by congresswoman grace meng, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that congresswoman meng will vote yea on amendments en bloc 1. as the member designated by congressman steven horsford, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that congressman horsford will vote yea on amendments en bloc number 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? mr. correa: madam speaker, as the member designated by congress member napolitano, pursuant to house resolution 8, i inform the house that congress member napolitano will vote yes on the amendment en bloc 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. evans: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. lawson of florida, pursuant to house resolution 8, i inform the house
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that mr. lawson will vote yes on en bloc 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from iowa rise? mrs. axne: as the member designated by ms. wild, pursuant to h.res. 8, i will inform the house that ms. wild will vote yes on the amendment en bloc number 1. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? >> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. carter from the great state of texas, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. carter will vote no on the ryan en bloc number 1. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise? for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey rise? mr. pallone: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. donald payne, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. payne will vote yes on the amendments en bloc number 1. and as the member designated by
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mrs. bonnie watson coleman, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mrs. watson coleman will vote yes on the amendments en bloc number 1. and as the member designated by mr. albio sires, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. sires will vote yes on the amendments en bloc number 1. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. keller: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. kelly of pennsylvania, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. kelly will vote no on the ryan en bloc amendment number 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina rise? >> as the member designated by mr. carson of indiana, pursuant
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to h. res. 8, i inform the house that mr. carson will vote yes, he will vote yes on the amendments en bloc number 1. ivment for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio rise? >> as the member designated by
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mr. katko of new york, pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that mr. katko will vote ney on ryan en bloc number 1. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from rise? mr. stanton: as the member designated by mrs. kirkpatrick, pursuant to h. res. 8, mrs. kirkpatrick will vote yes. as the member designated by mr. grijalva pursuant to h. res.
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8, mr. grijalva will vote yes. and as the member designated by mr. oh hall ran, pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that mr. o'halleran will vote yes. >> as the member designated by ms. wilson, pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that ms. wilson will vote yes on amendments en bloc number 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise? mr. beyer: as the member designated by mr. lowenthal pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that mr. lowenthal
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will vote yes on amendments en bloc number 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan rise? >> as the member designated by mr. aderholt of alabama, pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that mr. aderholt will vote no on the ryan en bloc number 1. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from new york rise? ms. velazquez: as the member designated by by chairwoman carolyn maloney of new york, pursuant to house resolution 8, i inform the house that chairwoman maloney will vote yes on en bloc amendment number 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? >> as the member designated by
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mr. fulcher of idaho, pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that mr. fulcher will be no on ryan en bloc number 1. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does gentlelady virginia rise? ms. wexton: as the member designated by mr. mceachin, pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that mr. mc mceachin will vote yes on amendments en bloc number one. as the member designated by ms. porter pursuant to h. res. 8, i inform the house that ms. porter will vote yes on amendment en bloc number 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois rise? ms. underwood: as the member designated by mr. rush, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. rush will vote yes on the amendments en bloc number 1.
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 220. the nays are 207. the amendments are adopted.
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pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the unfinished business is the question on amendments en bloc 3 printed in part b of house report 117-110 offered by the gentleman from ohio, mr. ryan. the clerk will redesignate the amendments en bloc. the clerk: en bloc number 3 consisting of amendments numbered 7 and 10, printed in house report 117-110 offered by the gentleman from ohio -- offered by mr. ryan of ohio. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the amendments en bloc offered by the gentleman from ohio. members will record their votes by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.] the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does -- for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise?
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mr. thompson: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. desaulnier, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. desaulnier will vote no on the amendments en bloc 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? >> as the member designated by mr. carter from the great state of texas, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. carter will vote yes on the en bloc number 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from new york rise? ms. velazquez: madam speaker, as the member designated by chairwoman carolyn maloney, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mrs. maloney will vote no on en bloc amendments number 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina rise? mr. butterfield: as the member designated by mr. carson of indiana, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. carter
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will -- mr. carson will vote no, he will vote no on the amendments en bloc number 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. keller: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. kelly of pennsylvania, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. kelly will vote yes on en bloc number 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from connecticut rise? mrs. hayes: as the member designated by ms. wilson, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that ms. wilson will vote no on the amendments en bloc 3.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan rise? mr. moolenaar: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. aderholt of alabama, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. aderholt will vote yes on the ryan en bloc number 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from -- the gentlewoman from iowa rise? mrs. axne: as the member designated by ms. wild, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that ms. wild will vote no on the amendments en bloc 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona rise? mr. stanton: as the member designated by mrs. kirkpatrick, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mrs. kirkpatrick will vote no on the amendments en bloc number 3. and as the member designated by mr. grijalva, pursuant to h.res.
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8, i inform the house that mr. grijalva will vote no on the amendments en bloc number 3. and as the member designated by mr. o'halleran, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. o'halleran will vote no on the amendments en bloc number 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois rise? ms. underwood: as the member designated by mr. rush, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. rush will vote no on the amendments en bloc number 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise?
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for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. evans: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. lawson of florida, pursuant to house resolution 8, i inform the house that mr. lawson will vote no on the en bloc 3. thank you. for what purpose does the gentleman from california rise? mr. correa: madam speaker, as the member designated by congress member napolitano, pursuant to house resolution 8, i inform the house that congress member napolitano will vote no on amendments en bloc 3. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise? mr. meuser: madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. fulcher, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. fulcher will vote yes on en bloc
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number 3.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio rise? mr. --
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>> madam speaker, as the member designated by mr. katko from new york, pursuant to h.res. 8, i inform the house that mr. katko will vote nay on en bloc number 3.


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