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tv   911 20 Years Later  CSPAN  September 11, 2021 11:00am-2:01pm EDT

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service personnel, thank you so much for the opportunity to join you all on this somber anniversary. 20 years ago i was waking up to get my first grader ready for school and was stunned by the news on the radio. i rushed to turn on the tv and i watch the imagery in disbelief. like many parents, i took my child to school. the pickup line was longer than i know the parents wanted to hold their children close as long as they could. consider being in a rush to get to their next event, parents, students, teachers, and school support staff join hands around the school for a moment of silence. we mourn together. every year on this day, we remember those we lost. remember the first responders who ran and when everyone was
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running out. we remember the emergency crews who helped in the aftermath of that fateful day. we remember where we were and how we felt. on this hallowed ground, we remember the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice to save others. we honor their families and we recognize the selfless patriotism they demonstrated on that september morning 20 years ago. it is with the support of the families of flight 93, the flight 93 advisory commission, the flight 93 memorial task force, friends of flight 93, and the national park foundation that this memorial serves as an enduring reminder of their bravery. there is no way to know how many lives these heroes saved, but we
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show our gratitude by visiting this place. gathering with loved ones and most importantly, building a country where their children and grandchildren can thrive. building a country of which they would be proud. we at the interior department will live up to that sacred responsibility by being good stewards of this memorial for generations to come. i appreciate everyone who works so hard every day, including our national park service employees and volunteers to care for this land. to honor it for those who were lost so that we may never forget their sacrifice. my child is grown now. many like them have little if any memory of that day when our nation came together in grief. thanks to this memorial, they and other children will know the
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story of what happened here. a set of brave individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. their story will live on. to continue our remembrance, it is my honor and privilege to introduce our esteemed vice president, kamala harris. [applause] vice pres. harris: it is my pleasure to be here on the stared stage with you today. governor, superintendent, madam secretary, and the president of the families of flight 93, it is
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truly an honor to be here with you at this field of honor. we are joined today by the family and friends of the 40 passengers and crew members of flight 93. as we stand today with all of those who lost someone on september 11, 2001 and in the aftermath of the attacks. so many in our nation, too many in our nation, have deeply felt the passage of time these last 20 years. every birthday your loved one missed. every holiday. every time her favorite team won or his favorite song came on the radio. every time you dropped your children off at college. you have felt every day, every
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week, and every year that has passed these 20 years. please know that your nation sees you and we stand with you. we support you. we are gathered today on hallowed ground. at this place that has been sanctified by sacrifice. to honor the heroism that the 40 passengers and crew members showed in the face of grave terrorism. i remember when i first learned about what happened on that flight. what happened on flight 93 told us then and it still tells us so much about the courage of those on board who gave everything they possibly could. about the resolve of the first responders who risked everything. about the resilience of the
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american people. on this 20th anniversary, on this solemn day of remembrance, we must challenge ourselves to look back, to remember. for the sake of our children, for the sake of their children, and for that reason we must also look forward. we must also look toward the future. because in the end, i do believe that is what the 40 were fighting for. their future and hours. on the days that followed, september 11, two thousand one, we were all reminded that unity is possible in america. we were reminded also that unity
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is imperative in america. it is essential to our shared prosperity, to our national security, and to our standing in the world. by unity, i don't mean uniformity. we have differences of opinion in 2001 as we do in 2021. i believe in america, our diversity is our strength. at the same time, we saw after 9/11 health fear can be used to so division in our nation. our seek and muslim americans were targeted because of how they look. we also saw what happens when so many americans in the spirit of our nation stand in solidarity
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with all people and their fellow americans with those who experience violence and discrimination. when we stand together. looking back, we remember. the vast majority of americans were unified in purpose. to help families heal. to help communities recover. to defend our nation, and to keep our nation safe. in a moment of terror, we turned toward each other. in the face of a stranger, we saw a neighbor and a friend. that time reminded us the significance and the strength of our unity as americans. that it is possible in america.
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moments from now, we will leave this hallowed place. still carrying with us the pain of this loss. and still, the future will continue to unfold. we will face new challenges. challenges that we could not have seen 20 years ago. we will sees opportunities that were at one time unimaginable. we know that what lies ahead is not certain. it is never certain. it has never been. but i know this. if we do the hard work of working together as americans, if we remain united in purpose,
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we will be prepared for whatever comes next. the 40 passengers and crew members of flight 93, as we all know they didn't know each other. they were different people from different places. they were on that particular flight for different reasons. they did not focus on what may separate us. they focused on what we all share. on the humanity we all share. in a matter of minutes in the most dire of circumstances, the 40 responded as one. they fought for their own lives and to save the lives of countless others at our nations capital.
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after today, it is my hope and prayer that we continue to honor their courage, their conviction with our own. that we honor their unity by strengthening our common bonds. by strengthening our global partnerships. and by living out our highest ideals. this work will not be easy, it never has been. it will take all of us believing in who we are as a nation. it will take all of us going forth to work together. thank you all, may god bless you, and may god bless america. [applause]
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>> thank you again, madam vice president. beautiful words. before this national memorial was created, local residents calling themselves ambassadors took responsibility to watch over this hallowed ground and welcome visitors from near and far. next year in january, we will mark the 20th universe three -- anniversary of that group. i would like to thank everyone who has given their time as a flight 93 ambassador over the years as you are in many ways the heart and soul of this very special place. thank you all. [applause]
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it is literally over 10,000 hours per year by our ambassadors every day of the year including the bitter cold western pennsylvania february mornings. you will see our ambassadors. they are truly incredible people and they were here since day one. as we close, if i may, today i am wearing a watch worn by my great uncle william joseph clark who was killed in the first world war. i wear it three times per year. memorial day, veterans day, and
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september 11. it is a cherished heirloom and an instrument which marks the passage of time. 20 years, the amount of time since september 11 2001 is but a brief span in the history of the station. time. we will always room member what happened more than 200 years ago at independence hall where our country was born and our constitution was signed. time. we will always room member what happened more than 150 years ago at countless fields when our country fought an internal conflict from which it emerged even stronger and even more than united than ever. time. we will always remember what
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happened more than 100 years ago when our nation joined the struggle to make the world safe for democracy and secured voting rights for women here at home. time. we will always room member what happened more than 50 years ago across this country when brave citizens risked their lives to make our nation live up to its founding principles. time. undoubtedly, we shall always remember what happened 20 years ago today when attack on our nation brought forth an inspiring display of courage from 40 passengers and crew members aboard flight 93. again, confronted by an unprecedented situation, they drew upon reserves of inner strength, acted, and saved many
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lives. time. as the years go by, the passage of time will only strengthen the importance of their story and this place in the history of our nation. let us never forget what they did here. let us always room member the lives lost that day in new york, at the pentagon, and here in this field of honor. among the more than four hundred sites cared for by the national park service are many of our historic places. this hallowed ground next to us, the resting place of the 40 euros a flight 93. ladies and gentlemen, your loved ones in such a place, it is one of the most important sites in
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our country. a place where men and women made history and shape the future. when the events of september 11 have passed from living memory, this memorial created through the tireless efforts of so many will allow future generations to remember the inspiring story of flight 93. once again ladies and gentlemen, we truly are grateful to all of you for making and taking time on this special day to join us in remembering and honoring the 40 heroes whose names are inscribed on that wall. to those around the world, to everyone with us today, and our cherished family members, thank you also very much. thank you. [applause]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please remain seated until the ceremonial gate has been opened.
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>> you have been watching live coverage from shanks will, pennsylvania. flight 93 crashed into the ground on 9/11. we will now return to new york for the reading of the names.
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[reading names] you with us flies of our daughter. -- you are always with us
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through the beautiful eyes of our daughter. to my best friend, it has been 20 years ago today that you are gone. this year will never erase the memories that we shared. you are a special friend. you cannot be replaced. our lives move on, but your hammer -- happy memories are still with us. i am glad i am still in touch with your sister, maria. her brother, frank, and our best friend. i love you and i really really miss you. ciao, bella.
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robert c. mclaughlin, jr. gavin mcmahon robert d. mcmahon edmund m. mcnally daniel walker mcneal walter arthur mcneil christine sheila mcnulty sean peter mcnulty robert william mcpadden terence a. mcshane timothy patrick mcsweeney martin e. mcwilliams rocco a. medaglia abigail medina ana iris medina damian meehan william j. meehan, jr. alok kumar mehta raymond meisenheimer manuel emilio mejia eskedar melaku antonio melendez mary p. melendez christopher d. mello yelena melnichenko stuart todd meltzer
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diarelia jovanah mena dora marie menchaca charles r. mendez lizette mendoza shevonne olicia mentis wolfgang peter menzel steve john mercado wilfredo mercado wesley mercer ralph joseph mercurio alan harvey merdinger george l. merino yamel josefina merino george merkouris and my cousin. our family misses your love and smile. you live in each of us every day. we love you and please give dad a hug for us. god bless you all and god bless america. >> and my father. 20 years ago, i met my
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grandfather. he held me in his arms. his first of six grandchildren. seven days later, he was gone from the city and family he loved. we will love and miss you forever. never forget 9/11 and our first responders who protect our city every day. we thank our military and our first responders through our country and god bless america. [applause] ♪ >> deborah merrick raymond joseph metz iii jill ann metzler david robert meyer nurul h. miah william edward micciulli martin paul michelstein patricia e. mickley ronald d. milam peter teague milano gregory milanowycz
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lukasz tomasz milewski sharon christina millan corey peter miller craig j. miller douglas c. miller henry alfred miller, jr. joel miller michael matthew miller nicole carol miller philip d. miller robert alan miller robert cromwell miller, jr. benny millman charles m. mills, jr. ronald keith milstein robert j. minara william george minardi louis joseph minervino thomas mingione wilbert miraille domenick n. mircovich
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rajesh arjan mirpuri joseph d. mistrulli susan j. miszkowicz paul thomas mitchell richard p. miuccio jeffrey peter mladenik frank v. moccia, sr. louis joseph modafferi and my father. your strength continues to motivate us. may we continue to make you proud. we love you, we miss you. until we meet again. >> and to my father. he was the coolest guy on the block from his neighborhood in brooklyn. he was the best house dj the neighborhood ever saw.
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he taught me to be proud of my heritage and my blood and i will always charge forward with that. thank you. [applause] ♪ boyie mohammed dennis mojica manuel d. mojica, jr. kleber rolando molina manuel de jesus molina carl molinaro justin john molisani, jr. brian patrick monaghan franklyn monahan john gerard monahan kristen leigh montanaro craig montano michael g. montesi carlos alberto montoya antonio de jesus montoya valdes cheryl ann monyak thomas carlo moody sharon moore krishna v. moorthy
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abner morales carlos manuel morales paula e. morales sonia mercedes morales puopolo gerard p. moran, jr. john christopher moran john michael moran kathleen moran lindsay stapleton morehouse george william morell steven p. morello vincent s. morello yvette nicole moreno dorothy morgan richard j. morgan nancy morgenstern sanae mori blanca robertina morocho morocho leonel geronimo morocho morocho dennis gerard moroney
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and my aunt. losing you was a nightmare and we mourn every laugh, every smile, every story we will not be able to share with you. your place, and emptiness that will never refill. you were the best person we ever knew and we were so lucky to have you in our lives. every moment was a joy. a gift we will always treasure. for as dark as that day was, to know you was to know a love and a light that shines so much brighter. >> and to my grandfather. my hero i never got to meet. i know so much about you because you are still talked about every single day. please continue to watch over the rest of the family and i. you are so missed by all of us and will be gone but never forgotten. i am so proud to be your granddaughter. rest in peace.
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♪ lynne irene morris odessa v. morris seth allan morris steve morris christopher martel morrison ferdinand v. morrone william david moskal brian a. moss marco motroni cynthia motus-wilson iouri a. mouchinski jude joseph moussa peter moutos damion o'neil mowatt teddington h. moy christopher michael mozzillo stephen vincent mulderry richard t. muldowney, jr.
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michael d. mullan dennis michael mulligan peter james mulligan michael joseph mullin james donald munhall nancy muaiz francisco heladio munoz carlos mario munoz theresa munson robert michael murach cesar augusto murillo marc a. murolo brian joseph murphy charles anthony murphy christopher w. murphy edward charles murphy james f. murphy iv james thomas murphy kevin james murphy patrick jude murphy patrick sean murphy
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raymond e. murphy >> and my grandfather and my grandmother. we miss you and love you so much. we wish we had more time with you and i know you are looking over us every day. >> and my brother. manny, as he was known. for piloting his plane, riding his motorcycle, and being in service with his friends. he was adventurous, loving, and a god-fearing man. we all miss him and remember him especially mom watching from puerto rico. most importantly, he is remembered by god as are all the victims. we have faith in the promise he had mentioned in the book of john verse 28 and 29.
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[applause] ♪ robert eddie murphy, jr. john joseph murray john joseph murray susan d. murray valerie victoria murray richard todd myhre louis j. nacke ii robert b. nagel mildred rose naiman takuya nakamura alexander john robert napier frank joseph naples iii john philip napolitano catherine ann nardella mario nardone, jr. manika k. narula shawn m. nassaney
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narender nath karen susan navarro joseph m. navas francis joseph nazario glenroy i. neblett rayman marcus neblett jerome o. nedd laurence f. nedell luke g. nee pete negron laurie ann neira ann n. nelson david william nelson ginger risco nelson james a. nelson michele ann nelson peter allen nelson oscar francis nesbitt gerard terence nevins renee tetreault newell christopher c. newton christopher newton-carter
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nancy yuen ngo and my younger brother. he was a wonderful son, brother, husband, and father. we miss him every day. i know you must be so proud as i am of your beautiful daughter, caroline. your nephew, paul, and your niece who is a sergeant in the army. you are always in our hearts. god bless america. >> we miss you and love you very much. ♪
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khang ngoc nguyen jody tepedino nichilo kathleen ann nicosia martin stewart niederer alfonse joseph niedermeyer frank john niestadt, jr. gloria nieves juan nieves, jr. troy edward nilsen paul nimbley john ballantine niven katherine mcgarry noack curtis terrance noel michael a. noeth daniel r. nolan robert walter noonan jacqueline june norton robert grant norton daniela rosalia notaro brian christopher novotny
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brian nunez jose nunez jeffrey roger nussbaum dennis patrick o'berg james p. o'brien, jr. scott j. o'brien michael p. o'brien daniel o'callaghan timothy michael o'brien diana j. o'connor dennis james o'connor, jr. richard j. o'connor keith kevin o'connor marni pont o'doherty amy o'doherty
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>> and my cousin who was like a sister to me. your daughter, your sister, your mother, aunts, uncles, and many cousins miss you terribly. we hope to see you again one day. [speaking foreign language] >> albert and my hero and my father donald gregory. my dad was a gregarious yet sensitive man who had a great distance of humor and a deep love for his family and friends. he loved his job and his peers, but he knew had to come off the train leaving work at work and engage and connect with us. a few weeks before september 11, he had a heart-to-heart talk with me about how he wanted to prioritize his health so he
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could be there for my sister, brother and i through our milestones of marriage and children. although he was not here with us, he was never missing in our hearts. the legacy of his life lives on with all those who miss him and now with his five grandchildren who will learn to learn -- to love their grandpa. it is only with acts of kindness, charity, and love that we can negate the intentions of those who wanted to bring down this country and this will be what we will teach our children. i am deeply grateful to all those who have served in sacrifice to protect our country especially in afghanistan. to those who are still suffering from 9/11 related physical and mental illness, you are not forgotten or alone. i pray that we can once again be the country we were on september 12. dad, i love you and i miss you always. [applause] ♪
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james andrew o'grady thomas g. o'hagan patrick j. o'keefe william o'keefe gerald thomas o'leary gerald michael olcott christine anne olender linda mary oliva edward k. oliver leah elizabeth oliver eric taube olsen jeffrey james olsen barbara k. olson maureen lyons olson steven john olson
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matthew timothy o'mahony john p. o'neill peter j. o'neill, jr. sean gordon corbett o'neill betty ann ong michael c. opperman christopher t. orgielewicz margaret quinn orloske virginia anne ormiston ruben s. ornedo kevin m. o'rourke ronald orsini peter keith ortale juan ortega-campos jane marie orth alexander ortiz david ortiz emilio pete ortiz pablo ortiz
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and my uncle. god bless you and god bless america. >> and my brother firefighter michael lynch. we know what you were doing on that day and your boys are doing dutifully. jack was six months old and michael was three years old when you were murdered. all we do now is tell them about your past glory days. [applause] ♪ paul ortiz, jr. sonia ortiz masaru ose patrick j. o'shea robert william o'shea
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timothy franklin o'sullivan elsy carolina osorio oliva james r. ostrowski jason douglas oswald michael john otten isidro d. ottenwalder michael chung ou todd joseph ouida jesus ovalles peter j. owens, jr. adianes oyola angel m. pabon, jr. israel pabon, jr. roland pacheco michael benjamin packer diana b. padro deepa pakkala jeffrey matthew palazzo thomas palazzo richard a. palazzolo
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orio joseph palmer frank anthony palombo alan n. palumbo christopher matthew panatier dominique lisa pandolfo jonas martin panik paul j. pansini john m. paolillo edward joseph papa salvatore t. papasso james nicholas pappageorge marie pappalardo vinod kumar parakat vijayashanker paramsothy nitin ramesh parandkar >> and my uncle isla hydro.
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even though your nieces did not meet you, we still feel like you are here with us. we cherish you in our hearts forever and we love you. you are missed by mama, papa, your brothers, and the whole family. we love you. >> and my father glenn davis kerwin. we love you, we miss you, you inspire me to wear the uniform every day. carry-on. [applause] ♪ hardai parbhu james wendell parham debra marie paris george paris gye hyong park philip lacey parker michael alaine parkes robert e. parks, jr.
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hashmukh c. parmar robert parro diane marie parsons leobardo lopez pascual michael j. pascuma, jr. jerrold hughes paskins horace robert passananti suzanne h. passaro avnish ramanbhai patel dipti patel manish patel steven bennett paterson james matthew patrick manuel d. patrocino bernard e. patterson clifford l. patterson, jr. cira marie patti robert e. pattison james robert paul patrice paz
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victor hugo paz stacey lynn peak richard allen pearlman durrell v. pearsall, jr. thomas nicholas pecorelli thomas pedicini todd douglas pelino mike adrian pelletier anthony g. peluso angel r. pena robert penninger richard al penny >> and my father. >> and my uncle. ♪ >> salvatore f. pepe carl allen b. peralta robert david peraza
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jon a. perconti, jr. alejo perez angel perez, jr. angela susan perez anthony perez ivan antonio perez nancy e. perez berry berenson perkins joseph john perroncino edward j. perrotta emelda h. perry glenn c. perry, sr. john william perry franklin allan pershep danny pesce michael john pescherine davin n. peterson donald arthur peterson jean hoadley peterson william russell peterson mark james petrocelli philip scott petti glen kerrin pettit
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dominick a. pezzulo kaleen elizabeth pezzuti kevin j. pfeifer tu-anh pham kenneth john phelan, sr. sneha anne philip eugenia mccann piantieri ludwig john picarro matthew picerno joseph o. pick christopher j. pickford dennis j. pierce bernard pietronico nicholas p. pietrunti >> and my loving father, john. thank you for watching over me, your family, and your future grandchild. we miss you and we love you. >> and my uncle fred what all. -- woodall. [applause]
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♪ theodoros pigis susan elizabeth pinto joseph piskadlo christopher todd pitman joshua michael piver robert r. ploger iii zandra f. ploger joseph plumitallo john m. pocher william howard pohlmann laurence michael polatsch thomas h. polhemus steve pollicino susan m. pollio darin h. pontell joshua iosua poptean giovanna porras
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anthony portillo james edward potorti daphne pouletsos richard n. poulos stephen emanual poulos brandon jerome powell scott alan powell shawn edward powell antonio dorsey pratt gregory m. preziose wanda ivelisse prince vincent a. princiotta kevin m. prior everett martin proctor iii carrie beth progen david lee pruim
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richard a. prunty john foster puckett robert david pugliese edward f. pullis patricia ann puma jack d. punches hemanth kumar puttur >> and my husband patrick sean murphy. we will continue to live your legacy of love, good humor, and generosity. thank you to my family and friends who loved and supported me, maggie, and sean for the past 20 years. the key to our brave men and women in uniform for your courageous service and sacrifice. you are our real heroes. >> and my brother bart.
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i speak for all of us who loved into new bart when i say that 32 years was not enough and 20 years feels like yesterday. we remain forever inspired by his spirit, embodied in his favorite quote. life is not measured by the numbers of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away. a heartfelt thank you from all of us to our amazing first responders and our brave military servicemen and women who kept the rest of us safe from terror on our homeland these past 20 years. may god bless you all. [applause] joseph j. pycior, jr.
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edward r. pykon christopher quackenbush lars peter qualben lincoln quapp beth ann quigley patrick j. quigley iv michael t. quilty james francis quinn ricardo j. quinn carol millicent rabalais christopher peter anthony racaniello leonard j. ragaglia eugene j. raggio laura marie ragonese-snik michael paul ragusa peter frank raimondi harry a. raines
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lisa j. raines ehtesham raja valsa raju edward j. rall lukas rambousek maria ramirez harry ramos vishnoo ramsaroop deborah a. ramsaur lorenzo e. ramzey alfred todd rancke adam david rand jonathan c. randall shreyas s. ranganath anne t. ransom faina rapoport rhonda sue rasmussen robert a. rasmussen amenia rasool
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r. mark rasweiler marsha d. ratchford david alan james rathkey >> and for my grandfather who i was never able to meet but i'm sure we would've had a lot of fun together. >> and my brother, dennis. and his brother-in-law, thomas. thomas, we love you and miss you every day. the memories of the flash comic books. dennis, the hotel california song. all of the memories. to quote my brother, keep the sam adams on ice until we meet
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again. dennis and tom, this is for you. [applause] ♪ >> william ralph raub gerard f. rauzi alexey razuvaev gregory reda sarah anne redheffer michele marie reed judith ann reese donald j. regan robert m. regan thomas michael regan christian michael otto regenhard howard reich gregg reidy james brian reilly kevin o. reilly timothy e. reilly joseph reina, jr.
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thomas barnes reinig frank bennett reisman joshua scott reiss karen renda john armand reo richard cyril rescorla john thomas resta sylvia san pio resta martha m. reszke david e. retik todd h. reuben luis clodoaldo revilla mier eduvigis reyes, jr. bruce albert reynolds john frederick rhodes francis saverio riccardelli rudolph n. riccio ann marie riccoboni
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david harlow rice eileen mary rice kenneth frederick rice iii cecelia e. richard vernon allan richard >> and my father police officer paul. we miss you, we love you. amy and i know that your grandchildren samantha, jack, lily, and daphne are all in the arms of an angel. god bless america and god bless our law enforcement. >> and my husband, stephen goldstein. i still see your face every day when i look at hannah and harris. there the living representation of all that was good in you. we miss you and we love you.
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>> claude daniel richards gregory david richards michael richards venesha orintia richards my father, jimmy riches >> alan jay richman john m. rigo frederick charles rimmele iii rose mary riso moises n. rivas joseph r. rivelli, jr. carmen alicia rivera isaias rivera juan william rivera linda ivelisse rivera david e. rivers joseph r. riverso paul v. rizza john frank rizzo stephen louis roach joseph roberto leo arthur roberts
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michael e. roberts michael edward roberts donald walter robertson, jr. jeffrey robinson michell lee jean robotham donald arthur robson antonio a. rocha raymond james rocha laura rockefeller john michael rodak on tonio jose rodrigues anthony rodriguez carmen milagros rodriguez gregory e. rodriguez marsha a. rodriguez mayra valdes rodriguez richard rodriguez david bartolo rodriguez-vargas >> and, my brother, agree, we have gone -- my brother, greg.
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i cannot believe it has been 20 years. >> my uncle and godfather, you are missed by all, loved by everyone and your memories will keep us laughing, believing if we lived 100 years but may die tomorrow. keep showing signs, we love and miss you, god bless america. >> matthew rogan jean destrehan roga©r karlie rogers scott william rohner keith michael roma joseph m. romagnolo efrain romero, sr. elvin romero james a. romito sean paul rooney eric thomas ropiteau aida rosario angela rosario
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mark h. rosen brooke david rosenbaum linda rosenbaum sheryl lynn rosenbaum lloyd daniel rosenberg mark louis rosenberg andrew ira rosenblum joshua m. rosenblum joshua alan rosenthal richard david rosenthal philip martin rosenzweig daniel rosetti richard barry ross norman s. rossinow nicholas p. rossomando michael craig rothberg donna marie rothenberg mark david rothenberg
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james michael roux nicholas charles alexander rowe edward v. rowenhorst judy rowlett timothy alan roy, sr. paul g. ruback ronald j. ruben joanne rubino david m. ruddle >> and my lovely mother. i miss you every day, and i wish you were here to meet your grandchildren. we miss you. >> and my beloved father, gerald. you are missed, and loved beyond words. your legacy continues on for your children, and your eight
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ran children, until we meet again. -- grandchildren until god -- until we meet again. may god bless america, let freedom ring, and peace be with you all. [applause] >> bart joseph ruggiere susan a. ruggiero adam keith ruhalter gilbert ruiz robert e. russell stephen p. russell steven harris russin michael thomas russo, sr. wayne alan russo william r. ruth edward ryan john joseph ryan jonathan stephan ryan matthew l. ryan
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tatiana ryjova christina sunga ryook thierry saada jason elazar sabbag thomas e. sabella scott h. saber charles e. sabin, sr. joseph francis sacerdote jessica leigh sachs francis john sadocha jude elias safi brock joel safronoff edward saiya john patrick salamone marjorie c. salamone hernando rafael salas juan g. salas esmerlin antonio salcedo john pepe salerno
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rahma salie and her unborn child. richard l. salinardi, jr. wayne john saloman nolbert salomon catherine patricia salter frank g. salvaterra paul richard salvio >> and my aunt. not a day goes by without you being missed and loved. i have never gotten to meet you but i am sure we would have gotten along so well. you were gone too soon, but the memory of you will forever be in our hearts. >> and my husband, michael joseph, your family and friends love you and miss you. your mom is reunited with you. may you continue to watch over our 20-year-old son. he is just like you in many ways. he is amazing.
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we love you, and god bless america. [applause] >> samuel robert salvo, jr. carlos alberto samaniego john p. sammartino james kenneth samuel, jr. michael san phillip hugo m. sanay alva cynthia jeffries sanchez jacquelyn patrice sanchez jesus sanchez raymond sanchez eric m. sand stacey leigh sanders herman s. sandler jim sands, jr. -- jim sanders jr.. ayleen j. santiago kirsten reese santiago
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maria theresa concepcion santillan susan gayle santo christopher a. santora john august santore mario l. santoro rafael humberto santos rufino c.f. santos iii victor j. saracini kalyan k. sarkar chapelle renee stewart sarker paul f. sarle deepika kumar sattaluri gregory thomas saucedo susan m. sauer anthony savas vladimir savinkin john michael sbarbaro david m. scales robert louis scandole
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michelle scarpitta dennis scauso john albert schardt john g. scharf fred c. scheffold, jr. angela susan scheinberg scott mitchell schertzer sean schielke steven francis schlag robert a. schlegel jon schlissel karen helene schmidt ian schneider thomas g. schoales frank g. schott, jr. gerard patrick schrang jeffery h. schreier john t. schroeder susan lee schuler edward w. schunk mark evan schurmeier
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john burkhart schwartz mark schwartz adriane victoria scibetta raphael scorca >> and my father. >> and my father, vietnam veteran, executive director, marcia mcclellan, member of the ancient l -- order of hibernia whose 18 mother -- members were lost on september 11, proud son, loving husband, proud father, uncle, and cousin. defender of the faith and good friend. and on this day as i said to my loving son, do not grieve, for we all shine on like the moon and stars, and the sun. thank you. [applause]
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>> janice m. scott randolph scott christopher jay scudder arthur warren scullin michael h. seaman margaret m. seeliger anthony segarra carlos segarra jason m. sekzer matthew carmen sellitto michael l. selves howard selwyn larry john senko arturo angelo sereno frankie serrano marian h. serva alena sesinova adele christine sessa sita nermalla sewnarine
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karen lynn seymour davis grier sezna, jr. thomas joseph sgroi jayesh shantilal shah khalid m. shahid mohammed shajahan gary shamay earl richard shanahan dan f. shanower neil g. shastri kathryn anne shatzoff barbara a. shaw jeffrey james shaw robert john shay, jr. daniel james shea joseph patrick shea kathleen shearer robert m. shearer linda june sheehan hagay shefi antionette m. sherman
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john anthony sherry atsushi shiratori thomas joseph shubert mark shulman see wong shum allan abraham shwartzstein clarin shellie siegel-schwartz johanna sigmund dianne t. signer gregory sikorsky stephen gerard siller david silver craig a. silverstein nasima h. simjee bruce edward simmons diane m. simmons donald d. simmons george w. simmons arthur simon kenneth alan simon >> and my husband.
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mark, your whole family loves you and misses you every single day. your legacy lives on in your three children, they are so much like you. i can still feel you watching over us and i will love you forever. >> and my father, joseph p mcdonald, i miss you every day and wish you were here to experience all of life's moments. i miss your smile, hugs, and hearing never ending jokes. seven years was not enough time together but i am grateful for my memories and the stories that i hear about you from my family members, which makes me feel like you are still here. i love you, and i try my best to live up to your legacy every day. [applause] >> michael j. simon paul joseph simon marianne liquori simone barry simowitz
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jane louise simpkin jeff lyal simpson cheryle d. sincock khamladai khami singh roshan ramesh singh thomas e. sinton iii peter a. siracuse muriel f. siskopoulos joseph michael sisolak john p. skala francis joseph skidmore, jr. toyena corliss skinner paul a. skrzypek christopher paul slattery vincent robert slavin robert f. sliwak
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paul kenneth sloan stanley s. smagala, jr. wendy l. small gregg h. smallwood catherine t. smith daniel laurence smith gary f. smith george eric smith heather lee smith james gregory smith jeffrey r. smith joyce patricia smith karl t. smith, sr. kevin joseph smith leon smith, jr. moira ann smith monica rodriguez smith
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rosemary a. smith bonnie shihadeh smithwick rochelle monique snell christine ann snyder dianne bullis snyder leonard j. snyder, jr. astrid elizabeth sohan sushil s. solanki ruben solares naomi leah solomon daniel w. song mari-rae sopper michael charles sorresse fabian soto timothy patrick soulas gregory thomas spagnoletti donald f. spampinato, jr.
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thomas sparacio john anthony spataro robert w. spear, jr. robert speisman maynard s. spence, jr. george edward spencer iii >> and my uncle, we love and miss you every day. give grandmother a hug for me. >> and my brother, september 11 we come here every year to come together as a nation, it is a useful way to mourn, grieve, and remember. 20 years is a nice round number but for me and other family members it is another day, another month, another year. i still get angry at all the things that my brother missed,
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joe we love you. and, we miss you. [applause] >> robert andrew spencer mary rubina sperando frank spinelli william e. spitz joseph patrick spor, jr. klaus johannes sprockamp saranya srinuan fitzroy st. rose michael f. stabile lawrence t. stack timothy m. stackpole richard james stadelberger eric adam stahlman gregory stajk alexandru liviu stan corina stan mary domenica stanley
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anthony starita jeffrey stark derek james statkevicus patricia j. statz craig william staub william v. steckman eric thomas steen william r. steiner alexander robbins steinman edna l. stephens andrew stergiopoulos andrew j. stern norma lang steuerle martha jane stevens michael james stewart richard h. stewart, jr. sanford m. stoller douglas joel stone
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lonny jay stone jimmy nevill storey timothy stout thomas strada james j. straine, jr. edward w. straub george j. strauch, jr. edward thomas strauss steven r. strauss larry l. strickland steven f. strobert walwyn wellington stuart, jr. benjamin suarez david scott suarez ramon suarez dino xavier suarez ramirez yoichi sumiyama sugiyama william christopher sugra daniel thomas suhr
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david marc sullins christopher p. sullivan patrick sullivan thomas g. sullivan hilario soriano sumaya, jr. james joseph suozzo >> and my aunt, who was funny, outgoing and always kept the family together. i was only one week old when she passed away but i honor you every single day that -- by the name you gave to me. you are my hero and the bravest person i have known. we love and miss you. >> and my father, richard. and my uncle, james. 20 years ago today i went to school that beautiful morning, never anticipating the horror that was to come to my family and so many others.
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i have lived almost half of my life and it has been bittersweet. my dad and uncle have missed so much, our family has grown. my father did not get to see the nephews grow into the amazing young men that they are today. he did not get to witness the birth of my two nieces and daughters. it is heartbreaking that they will never get to hear his laugh. i often wonder what nicknames he would have given them. my uncle has two grandsons and two granddaughters that will never get to enjoy them -- enjoy him as their grandpa. daddy, and uncle jimmy your absent is felt so much more as time passes. we long to hear you both laughing and joking. there is a giant hole without you both. we love and miss you more than i can put into words. [applause] >> now nearly 3000 people died in the 911 2001 terror attack
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and the reading of the names is an annual tradition up in new york at ground zero. we will continue to listen to that, but we will take you back to shanksville, pennsylvania. president biden has landed, he has not speaking there, but he is laying a wreath and meeting with the families. he is behind the curtain right now and will be coming out shortly to lay the wreath. we will continue listening to the names and we will watch the president as well. >> kenneth swenson. thomas f swift. derek ogilvie sword kevin thomas szocik gina sztejnberg norbert p. szurkowski harry taback joann c. tabeek norma c. taddei michael taddonio
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keiichiro takahashi keiji takahashi phyllis gail talbot robert r. talhami john talignani sean patrick tallon paul talty maurita tam rachel tamares hector rogan tamayo michael andrew tamuccio kenichiro tanaka rhondelle cherie tankard michael anthony tanner dennis gerard taormina, jr. kenneth joseph tarantino allan tarasiewicz michael c. tarrou
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ronald tartaro deborah tavolarella darryl anthony taylor donnie brooks taylor hilda e. taylor kip p. taylor leonard e. taylor lorisa ceylon taylor michael morgan taylor sandra c. taylor sandra dawn teague karl w. teepe paul a. tegtmeier yeshavant moreshwar tembe anthony tempesta dorothy pearl temple stanley l. temple david gustaf peter tengelin
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brian john terrenzi lisa marie terry goumatie thackurdeen harshad sham thatte michael theodoridis >> and my brother, angel perez. we continue to mourn our loss as it was that horrific day 20 years ago, september 11, 2001. our love ones have -- loved ones have left with us precious memories that we shared together. my brother angel, i know that you received my mom. mom, with open arms. angel, i see you in my dreams, next to mom.
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angel, i hear your laughter in my son's. and iac your smile and your big heart will live with us -- i see your smile and big heart will live with us forever. troops who fought for our nation, and continue to fight, we will -- they will never be closure until we meet again. >> and my cousin, michael. michael, you live on in the lives and hearts and minds of everyone whose life see you touched, may your memory be a blessing. [applause]
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thomas f. theurkauf, jr. lesley anne thomas brian thomas thompson clive ian thompson glenn thompson nigel bruce thompson perry a. thompson vanavah alexei thompson william h. thompson eric raymond thorpe nichola angela thorpe tamara c. thurman sal edward tieri, jr. john patrick tierney mary ellen tiesi william randolph tieste kenneth tietjen stephen edward tighe scott charles timmes michael e. tinley jennifer m. tino robert frank tipaldi john james tipping ii
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david tirado hector luis tirado, jr. michelle lee titolo alicia nicole titus john j. tobin richard j. todisco otis v. tolbert vladimir tomasevic stephen kevin tompsett thomas tong doris torres luis eduardo torres amy elizabeth toyen christopher michael traina daniel patrick trant abdoul karim traore glenn j. travers, sr. walter philip travers felicia yvette traylor-bass james anthony trentini mary barbara trentini lisa l. trerotola karamo baba trerra
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michael angel trinidad francis joseph trombino gregory james trost willie q. troy william p. tselepis, jr. zhanetta valentinovna tsoy michael patrick tucker lance richard tumulty ching ping tung simon james turner donald joseph tuzio robert t. twomey jennifer lynn tzemis john g. ueltzhoeffer >> and my uncle, everyone's favorite uncle, mike. >> and my brother joey. it has been a long time now.
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and i am sure that he really thinks this is a riot, the fact that i am doing this. i am sure he is enjoying himself. he was one of the kindest people that you will ever meet. just an all-around good man. i mean, it could've happened to anybody, and the men and women in green wrapped his body for freedom and the men and women in blue, police and fire, they are fighting for our safety. so, god bless and error -- god bless america and god, keep an eye on new york city. [applause] ♪ >> tyler victor ugolyn michael a. uliano jonathan j. uman
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anil shivhari umarkar allen v. upton diane marie urban john damien vaccacio bradley hodges vadas william valcarcel felix antonio vale ivan vale benito valentin santos valentin, jr. carlton francis valvo ii pendyala vamsikrishna erica h. van acker kenneth w. van auken r. bruce van hine daniel m. van laere edward raymond vanacore jon charles vandevander frederick t. varacchi gopalakrishnan varadhan
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david vargas scott c. vasel azael ismael vasquez ronald j. vauk arcangel vazquez santos vazquez peter vega sankara sastry velamuri jorge velazquez lawrence g. veling david vera anthony mark ventura loretta ann vero christopher james vialonga matthew gilbert vianna robert anthony vicario celeste torres victoria joanna vidal john t. vigiano ii joseph vincent vigiano frank j. vignola, jr. joseph barry vilardo
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claribel villalobos hernandez sergio gabriel villanueva chantal vincelli melissa renee vincent francine ann virgilio lawrence virgilio joseph gerard visciano joshua s. vitale maria percoco vola lynette d. vosges garo h. voskerijian alfred anton vukosa gregory kamal bruno wachtler karen j. wagner mary alice wahlstrom >> and my father, keith. not a day goes by that i do not think about the father -- my father and the horrible way he was taken from me. he worked so hard and deserve to raise his children and be with
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his wife. but, cowards took him from me. i think about how he should've been there for my graduation, all of them and he should be here now. i cannot change that, but i know that he is here in spirit. but, cowards talk a lot of things from us, but there are things i could not take. they cannot take our spirits, their spirits, our memories, our freedom, they cannot take our love, our country, they cannot take those that are defending it, so god bless america. god bless everyone who defends it every day to prevent another tragedy like this. thank you. [applause] >> and, my husband, engine company -- from engine company 201. not a day has gone by that i have not missed your smile.
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our boys are now young men, they are also proud of their incredible dad. i love you as much as the day i met you 31 years ago. they have missed you so much, and they are always with me and the boys with their full love and support, to remember and celebrate your life. you are one of the heroic 343 who gave their lives so others can live. and we pray for our military, never forget all of the troops who died for our flag and country, they are such -- they are shining lights and define what it means to be an american. [applause] >> honor elizabeth wainio gabriela silvina waisman wendy alice rosario wakeford courtney wainsworth walcott victor wald
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kenneth e. waldie benjamin james walker glen wall mitchel scott wallace peter guyder wallace robert francis wallace roy michael wallace jeanmarie wallendorf matthew blake wallens meta l. waller john wallice, jr. barbara p. walsh jim walsh jeffrey p. walz ching wang weibin wang michael warchola stephen gordon ward timothy ray ward
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james a. waring brian g. warner derrick christopher washington charles waters james thomas waters, jr. patrick j. waters kenneth thomas watson michael henry waye todd christopher weaver walter edward weaver nathaniel webb dinah webster william michael weems joanne flora weil michael t. weinberg steven weinberg scott jeffrey weingard steven george weinstein simon weiser
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david m. weiss david thomas weiss chin sun pak wells vincent michael wells deborah jacobs welsh timothy matthew welty christian hans rudolf wemmers ssu-hui wen john joseph wenckus oleh d. wengerchuk peter m. west whitfield west, jr. meredith lynn whalen eugene michael whelan adam s. white edward james white iii james patrick white >> and my father. >> are you ok?
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and my uncle, william. i did not get to know him very well, but i know his children, and grandchildren and i am very great to know them every single day because i know that he will be proud of them because i am proud of them every single day. i miss you. >> we love you and miss you so very much. you will live on in our hearts forever. and may love and peace always prevail. [applause] >> john sylvester white kenneth wilburn white, jr. leonard anthony white malissa y. white
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maudlyn a. white sandra l. white wayne white leanne marie whiteside mark p. whitford leslie a. whittington michael t. wholey mary lenz wieman jeffrey david wiener william j. wik alison marie wildman glenn e. wilkinson ernest m. willcher john charles willett brian patrick williams candace lee williams crossley richard williams, jr. david j. williams
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david lucian williams debbie l. williams dwayne williams kevin michael williams louie anthony williams louis calvin williams iii john p. williamson donna ann wilson william eben wilson david harold winton glenn j. winuk thomas francis wise alan l. wisniewski frank paul wisniewski david wiswall sigrid charlotte wiswe michael r. wittenstein christopher w. wodenshek
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martin phillips wohlforth katherine susan wolf jennifer yen wong siucheung steve wong yin ping wong yuk ping wong brent james woodall james john woods marvin roger woods patrick j. woods richard herron woodwell david terence wooley john bentley works martin michael wortley rodney james wotton william wren, ret. john w. wright, jr. neil robin wright
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sandra lee wright jupiter yambem >> and my father. we remember his dedication, sacrifices, love, laughter, support, wisdom, humility, and his hard work. he was not just a 9/11 victim and hero, he was a father, husband, brother, and friend and will never be forgotten. we love him. >> and my father. who i never met because my mom was only pregnant with me. thank you for my life, my name, and everything in between. thank you for alex and my mom. i miss you every day and love you so much more. mommy, alex and i miss you more
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and love you. i will meet you one day, but today i will live your legacy on. [applause] >> john d. yamnicky, sr. suresh yanamadala vicki yancey shuyin yang matthew david yarnell myrna yaskulka shakila yasmin olabisi shadie layeni yee kevin w. yokum edward p. york kevin patrick york raymond r. york suzanne martha youmans barrington leroy young, jr. donald mcarthur young edmond g. young, jr. jacqueline young
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lisa l. young elkin yuen joseph c. zaccoli adel agayby zakhary arkady zaltsman edwin j. zambrana, jr. robert alan zampieri mark zangrilli christopher r. zarba, jr. ira zaslow kenneth albert zelman abraham j. zelmanowitz martin morales zempoaltecatl zhe zeng marc scott zeplin jie yao justin zhao yuguang zheng ivelin ziminski michael joseph zinzi charles alan zion
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julie lynne zipper salvatore j. zisa prokopios paul zois joseph j. zuccala andrew steven zucker igor zukelman >> and, my cousin. and cammie, who are both brother and sister, and my uncle. it has been 20 years, but there is not a day that goes by that we do not think of you. we miss your smile, your laughter, your hugs, and the joy that you brought to our families. we love you and until we meet again.
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thank you. >> and my brother, nicholas. losing him has left a hole that nothing can replace. and thank you to the people of new york forgiving the families this beautiful space where we can honor and remember our loved ones. [applause] >> michael edward asher. scott walter cahill. michael scott carlo. durell coleman. michael l collins. linda m: -- coleman. stephen.
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peter gerard bellina carissa m martin. daniel r nolan. norman s rozen how. and, my brother, my little brother, steven gerard hoffman. he loved and lived in a big way, may we never forget. [applause] [playing taps]
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[drumming] >> that concludes the official 9/11 memorial new york ceremony. in a late schedule edition, former president trump is due to come to ground zero at about 1:30. if that happens it will show -- we will show it to you.
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president biden is meeting with the families of flight 93 in shanksville, pennsylvania. he is scheduled to be at the pentagon leader this afternoon. in the meantime we want to go to your voices, calls, and memories of 9/11. 202-748-8921 for the mountain and pacific time zones. if you are watching us internationally or want to comment or talk about your memories of 9/11. 202, 7 48, 892 two is the number for you to call. here is the fourth number for text messages only. if you send one include your first name and city. tell us where you were and what you remember about 9/11. 202-748-8903.
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we will begin taking the calls and texts, and messages in just a minute, but let us check in with greta. greta: and we will begin with the timeline that historic day, that morning at 8:46 a.m. eastern time when the first flight, flight 11 struck the north tower. at 9:03 united flight 175 strikes the south tower. 34 minutes later, 11 -- american flight 77 strikes the pentagon. at 959, the south tower collapsed. 10:03 knighted flight 93 crashed into pennsylvania and at 10:28 a.m., the north tower collapsed. now, we mentioned that you have seen president biden throughout the morning in new york, take a look at this image that he treated out -- tweeted out earlier from his potus twitter
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feed. an image with him with the former president clinton and obama down the first ladies in new york remembering the victims. he then went on to shanksville and he says he has been meeting with the families of those victims. he did, last night, he does not have a speaking role today, but he did last night put out this message on twitter. take a listen. [video clip] pres. biden: i am thinking about my friend davis, who grew up in delaware. on this day 20 years ago he and his family had just passed the first year without their youngest of three sons who died in a boating accident at age 15. his eldest son, davis jr. was just six days into the new job on the 104th floor of the south
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tower of the world trade center. davis went straight to ground zero to search for his son, and searched deep into the end of hope, as he put it. a few days later i spoke with davis and talked to his father. i was on my way to speak to the students at the university of delaware about what to make of the new world that we were in. he told me to tell people "do not be afraid. he said tell them, "do not be afraid." the courage after two unimaginable losses is extraordinary, yet the most ordinary of american things. life can be unfair and uncertain, a cruel twist or deliberate act of evil, even in the darkness there can still be the light, to the families of the 2977 people for more than --
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for more than 90 nations killed on september 11, 2001 in new york city, arlington virginia, and shanksville, pennsylvania and the thousands more who were injured. america and the world commemorate you and your loved ones, the pieces of your soul. we honor all of those who risked and gave their lives in the minutes, hours, months, and years afterwards. the firefighters, police officers, emts, construction workers, doctors, nurses, faith leaders, service members, veterans, and all of the everyday people who gave their all to rescue, recover, and rebuild. it is so hard, whether it is the first year or the 20th, children growing up without parents, parents have suffered without children. husbands and wives have had to
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found ways forward without their partners in their life with them. brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, loved ones and friends have had to celebrate birthdays and milestones with holes in their hearts. no matter how much time has passed, these bring everything painfully back, as if you just got the news a few seconds ago. and so, on this day, jill and i hold you close in our hearts and send you our love. for people around the world that you will never know, who are suffering through their own losses, who see you and your courage. your courage gives them courage that they too can get up and keep going. we hope that, 20 years later, the memory of your beloved brings a smile to your lips, meanwhile still bringing a tear to your eye. the days that followed september 11, 2001, we saw heroism
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everywhere, and places expected and unexpected. we all saw something too rare, a true sense of national unity. unity, resilience, the capacity to recover and repair. unity and service, the 9/11 to get those terrorists who were responsible, to show everyone seeking to do harm to america we will hunt you down and make you pay. that will never stop today, tomorrow, ever from protecting america. we witnessed darker forces, fear and anger, resentment and violence against muslim american , true and faithful followers of a peaceful religion. with our national unity band. -- bend. that must never break. unity is who we are.
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that is the central lesson of september 11, at our most vulnerable, with a push and pull of all that makes us human, from the battle to the soul of america, unity is our greatest strength. it doesn't mean we have to believe the same thing we must have a fundamental respect and faith in each other and in this nation. we are unique in the history of the world because we are the only nation based on an idea that everyone is created equal and should be treated equally throughout their lives. that is the task before us, to once again lead not just by the example of power but by the power of our example. i know we can. i know hope is not simply an expectation. hope is a conviction. hope allows us to act with courage, to act and honor those we lost 20 years ago and those
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who have given their whole soul to the cause of this nation every day since. to build a future, not a reactionary one or based on fear, but future of thomas, strength, and grace, worthy of their dreams and sacrifice and ask and keep the faith that while life is fragile, it is truly something wonderful. we must not be afraid. god bless you all. may god bless the lives lost september 11, 2001 and left wins -- the loved ones left behind. on every 9/11, i am thinking about my davis, who grew up with
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in delaware. on this day 20 years ago -- host: that was a tweet the president sent out last night commemorating 911. he had -- 9/11. he has been in new york and he is in shanksville, pennsylvania and later this afternoon will be at the pentagon. we want to hear your memories of 9/11 now. 202-748-8920 est, 202-748-8921 in the mountains and international, and internationally, 202-748-8922 you can also send a text message to 202-748-8903 please include your first name and city.
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justin in florida, what do you remember about 20 years ago? caller: 20 years ago today i was an 11-year-old and i remember learning about the north tower being hit by the flight and walking into my geography class, we actually witnessed the plane hitting the south tower. it was a traumatic experience to witness that. my heart and prayers went to every family member. i've never been to the world trade center. i am going to try to go to the memorial but when we learned about the pentagon and what happened in shanksville, i have bent washington and seen the pentagon memorial.
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to have a clear morning just like it was today, is one of those feelings that will never ever leave you. host: you and all of your classmates, 11 years old saw the second plane hit. it did the teacher -- when did the teacher say? caller: he had the same reaction as us, stunned silence. we saw the image of the plane coming from the statue of liberty, coming into the view of the camera and then impacting. there were no words for what is going on. host: jennifer in virginia, you are on. tell us about 9/11, 2001 for you. caller: every year i watched this because i was a night shift
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nurse at the local hospital and i slept through the whole thing. i went to sleep around the time the first lane hit. i had no idea what was going on until 2:00 in the afternoon and the church called and said we are having a prayer for the world crisis and a call back and said what are you talking about? the first images i saw when i picked up my older son. i have spent all these years trying to understand that i went to sleep in one uterus and woke up in the other peer die have been trying to go back and understand the disconnect. i watch it over and over and i still can't comprehend how
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things changed so desperately. when my older son was a baby, i sat on the very couch watching the same tv watching him -- watching them sift through the merrill building -- murrah building. but both of my kids the year they were born was a tragedy. host: matthew is in emerson, new jersey. please go ahead and share your memories with us. caller: we lost a close friend and neighbor who worked at the port authority and the officer gave his lifetime to save these innocent people. i would like to say god bless the families of our police our military who say there --
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sacrifice the lives to save others. to see this president leave behind americans and leave them the terrorists. host: that is matthew. greta: nearly 3000 people died on 9/11. this is from abc's courtesy of abc, 2700 53 people died at the world trade center site, 343 of them new york city firefighters and 23 were new york police department officers. 37 were police officers from the port authority of new york and new jersey. 84 people were killed -- 184 were killed on the plane that
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crashed and pentagon and 48 on the plane that crashed in shanksville. this is from al jazeera and they mark the anniversary by saying that the number of people that died that day and then adding come over 63,000 people developed 9/11 related illnesses and that day and over 3001st responders died from them come over 1000 victims have not yet been identified. cbs reported 60% of those that died at the world trade center site have not yet been identified. and this is from the new york city benevolent association they say 354 names and stories with one thing in common, there were new york city police officers who responded when our city was
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attacked and paid the ultimate price. sadly, this list is not complete. it will keep growing for years to come. our numbers from that day, the cleanup at ground zero, finished may 30, 2002. it took 3.1 million hours of labor to clean up, 1.8 nine in tons of debris. the total cost of cleanup was $750 million. 500,000 is the estimate of money it took to plan and execute the 9/11 attacks and one management $3 billion is the estimated economic loss during the first two to three weeks after the world trade center towers collapsed. $40 million is the damage to the buildings and surrounding if the structure and $40 million is the
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value of the emergency package that congress passed in the days following the 9/11 attacks. host: our next call is deborah in pensacola, florida. caller: i remember that i was fixing to go get some crown molding off of the bathroom could we had a plumbing adventure with a bathtub leak and had to have the bathroom redone upstairs. i was watching a program and then i saw a plane go into the tower. then i was watching it again and i thought that maybe it was an aviation error. then i saw the plane going into the other tower and then i figured something is up.
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not even an hour and a half ago, -- not even an hour and a half, i saw the two towers collapsed. it was something. i had my daughter in school and i regret not getting her out of school. i regret it to this day. i can't drive and i still can't drive and i thought maybe it was best to leave them there. i was working at the blind services and was it mistreated director and said, get to the tv, there is something going on. all of the people there were gathered around. host: how do you think our country has changed in the last 20 years? caller: i don't want to say. i think afghanistan, the thing
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of it is, the way we got out of afghanistan it shouldn't have happened. i know how it changed the day of 9/11. i know that it was more patriotism. people were more behind the flag than they ever were in my whole life before that. host: thank you for calling in peer denise in spring for, massachusetts, tell us your story. caller: i was getting up to go to work. i had the radio on, i didn't hear anything. i get to work and my boss walks in and said did you hear what happened in new york and i said no, what? and he said the towers got attacked. when i got home later that day, i turned the tv on and i couldn't believe my eyes.
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december 7, 1941, we learned about it and when they said it was a day of infamy, and then we get attacked by foreign people, this is ridiculous. to see those towers come down and then the pentagon. and thank god those people in that plane got the courage to take that plane and not go into any other buildings. host: have you been watching the ceremonies? caller: since yesterday. and i have two books. they are heroes. host: have you visited the flight 93 memorial in shanksville?
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caller: i haven't had the opportunity yet. host: that is denise in massachusetts. this is john in illinois. what do remember about that day 20 years ago? caller: what do my very best buddies worked for united airlines and was mechanic at logan airport. you worked midnight that night. when he left work, everything was on the up and up. he left work and he stopped at a grocery store on the way home from work to get a cup of coffee and the lady behind the county says, jimmy, do you know what happened. my buddy says no and she said an airplane ran into the trade centers. he was dumbfounded. he went home and then got the
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information about the airplanes leaving. one of his compatriots, a fellow jet mechanic had work done that very night. when he left in the morning, he was just happy to be off of the job, like a normal day. and then you know what the fan for all of america. host: that is john in illinois. greta: headlines from september 12 2001, the new york times, we will begin with their headlines. u.s. attacked is all they wrote on the front page of their newspaper that day. the new york post put out a special edition in the afternoon , act of war is what they call it. the new york daily news with their own special edition, it's more.
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the boston globe, a new day of infamy. and from the arkansas democrat gazette, they wrote, who would do this? this is from the houston chronicle that day, terror hits home for from the los angeles times, terrorist attack in new york and pentagon. and this from the detroit free press, america's darkest day. and from usa today, act of war, quoting the president. from the washington post, terrorists hijacked four airliners, destroy the world trade center, the pentagon, hundreds are dead. and below that is the evidence pointing to the osama bin laden network that day. finally from the san francisco examiner, fosters on their front page. host: broke in north carolina. tell us about your remembrance
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. caller: i was nine years old and i'm sitting in the classroom and it happened to be crazy hair day. all the principal came on and told the teachers to turn the television on. we sat there and just watched and we saw the second plane hit. and being so young you didn't really understand, but then all of a sudden, i didn't know what was falling from the building, and they were people. they were falling to the ground. host: as a nine-year-old, what was it like to experience that? caller: it was terrifying. you didn't understand how something like that could happen here.
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host: is your memory -- can you still see it clearly at this point? caller: i can see it just like it happened yesterday. host: suzanne in idaho, please go ahead. caller: i was working on the highway in california and we were grinding out the roadways and a guy started to show up to work and we were telling the stories of the planes hitting the trade centers. there was no television where we were working. i turned the radio on and i am sitting and they were describing what was happening and we could notice on the highway that it was becoming very eerie. traffic is going very slow. at this time i'm listening to the radio and hearing that they
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are talking about the planes. it took us four hours to open the highway back to the public. by that time, every plane was down and it was so impressive. after the shift when i finally got home and heard -- turned the television on, to listen to all of the commentating was incredible to see the television and they did such a wonderful job explaining it, but to see the suffering was heartbreaking. i know that the country was so slow-motion for days, and the good thing is my niece is being married today to her fiance,
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john. it is happening here just in a few minutes. they wanted something beautiful to happen instead of something that was hard to remember and hard to forget. host: it sounds like the memories are still sparking emotion? caller: sure, sure. i didnn't know anybody directly affected, but listening to people's stories, i have empathy for them. it is still a tragic day. anyone who remembers 9/11. host: all the best to your knees and her fiance -- your niece on this day and her fiance. host: to ohio. caller: i was a new jersey state trooper. i still get emotional, excuse
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me. i was taking a course in new jersey and we got notice that the first plane had crashed into the tower the television was brought into the room and we watched the second tower. shortly after that, a woman in the class got a phone call -- excuse me, i'm sorry. and she lost someone. i never got her name. i pointed to someone else in the class. i never got his name. i drove her car home and he drove my car.
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it was about a 10 to 15 minute ride. she was with me. neither one of us spoke a single word the whole way there and when i went back, but i know she lost someone. i think it was a son. she heard my story, i wish her well. host: that is thomas and western polk, ohio. diane in oregon, please go ahead. caller: i heard the bell. i was watching c-span that day and i had been watching it all day long. if you will recall, that afternoon, a young man called in who was actually on the ground in the building with father judd that morning and he was the new
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york city chaplain. the young man called in on 9/11 crying, destroyed, -- distraught, horribly, horribly anguished because father judd had been killed. he told the story to either steve scully or brian lamb. ever listened to it let them speak for hours. host: i think you are talking about the first call we took the next morning. we went on the air early next morning and brian lamb was hosting good he came on and it was at 6:00 a.m. if you go to the c-span archives, look up 6:00 a.m. september 12. that young man told about a 10 to 12 minute story about being in the tower. is that the one you are thinking
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of? caller: yes. he called in twice. i am pretty sure he called in the first day. then he called in the next. the thing is, i often wonder about him. i am a c-span writer and i wrote about him. i was on the 25th anniversary for c-span. i have often wondered about him. i have anguished over him, where he is, how he is, what happened to him. host: we never got his name. caller: i was hoping someday he would call back. host: thank you for calling in and remembering that. as you can see, president trump is in new york done at ground zero. i am not sure if we can hear him . we are going to listening.
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>> i appreciated during the election the new york city police. the first time they ever endorsed a candidate. maybe they do it every time, i don't know, but they told me it was the first time they endorsed a candidate for president. it is a great honor having that endorsement. it meant more to me than anything. i really appreciate it. you have heard so many words. what you hear is words and they become meaningless after a while when you are some politicians talking. if you have any questions, please ask. anybody have any questions? look at the size of that guy. >> are you going to run again, mr. president?
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>> that is a tough question for me it is an easy question. i know i am going to do but we are not supposed to be talking about it because of campaign finance laws which are ridiculous. but we have to live with it. i think you are going to be happy. i think you are going to be very happy. we had the greatest economy in the world, we did things that nobody thought possible. everybody had the best jobs. we were even getting along with the other side. the radical left, they couldn't compete with what they were doing, from jobs to regulation to rebuilding the military. they gave $85 million away, brand-new apache helicopters. can you believe it? we had all the time in the world. we have the taliban on hold. i dealt with the top guy and there was nothing he was going to do with us. all of the sudden, we have a
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rigged election and the flee afghanistan and that is why i am saying, what horrible timing, the 20th anniversary. not one person spoke about the fact that three days ago we fled afghanistan and left americans behind. and we left $85 billion of the best equipment ever made, much of it that i bought, they left it behind. we could have stayed there for one month or three years and they weren't going to be able to do anything, but they left. and when they left there was a vacuum. whoever thought of this, a five-year-old would have said the military goes out last. that is what they wanted or they couldn't believe they were leaving. it was gross incompetence. i hate to talk about it on this day people are asking them why are they talking about what we did. i think you are going to be very happy.
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>> i have a question. if you are elected again, you strongly consider having days of recognition of the outstanding service of the police robbins across the country? would you consider -- of the police departments across the country? would you consider that? >> it is an incredible question. you won't believe this, i've never been asked that question. that is a great question. yet i have answered every question from her and everybody. i like the idea. i think they deserve it. >> there is consider and i am asking you to strongly consider it.
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>> you have a deal. it is amazing that no one has ever brought that up. when i see what they do and the things that take place, i was responsible for getting a lot of money, billions of dollars for the victims. you remember the signing i had with the police department and fire department and many others, that was on my watch. they were talking about it but they didn't mention it. i think one or two of the people from your precinct were there. we had a ceremony and it was a massive amount of money for the victims and families and people who died in the world trade center. it's hard to believe. they were trying to get that for a long time. nobody mentioned my name, but that was ok. the other side was trying to take credit but they had nothing
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to do with it. i think it is a good point and i like it. aref question i haven't heard before. and i should've been hearing that one a lot. >> no question i just want to say thank you for coming down here. we appreciate it. >> i appreciate you and you don't get enough credit. look at the crime in new york and in chicago. i had a very strong conversation with abdul from the telegram. i will tell you that we told him and this is what you could do very easily. we told him many -- if any american soldier is killed, you will be hit harder than any other country has been hit. he understood that. we had a good conversation. after that it was a much easier conversation. we didn't lose one soldier in 18
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months. yet you look at the cities, and that is in afghanistan, and you look at these cities were 88 people were shot in chicago over the weekend. many people died. the same thing here. if they would let you do your job, you could do this job very quickly. if they said ok this time, we can't have this. they would not have come and ended with they did they would not have come close. every time they did, we had them with our planes now they have our planes. how about that? why didn't we fly them out? it would've taken 200 pilots, fly them all out. it is a horrible thing that took
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lace. it is an embarrassment, the likes of which are country has never been embarrassed before. we have never had anything like this happen. it look like we retreated, gave up, they use the word surrender. we didn't surrender, our people didn't surrender in our soldiers didn't surrender. you can straighten out this city, with the proper leadership, you could separate this out in one week. you know who the bad guys are, because you see them and get taunted by them. i know you taught them and are not allowed to do anything. the old days when i was growing up in brooklyn and queens, they didn't have to take that. they were tough guys. and you have crime statistics
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that are crazy. the only when they go after his republicans or me. they go after me. prosecutors go after me. it is a disgrace. if you murder somebody, no problem. and no cash mail, it is a disaster. if they would let you do your job, you would have it cleaned up. and don't nod because you will get in trouble. but if they let you do your job, you wouldn't have crime in new york. i just want to thank you very much. you are incredible people. i want to thank you for that endorsement. it meant so much. i don't think any police department anywhere indoors of the other guy. there are a couple of strays
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everywhere paid we are trying to figure out who they are. we get the military -- everywhere. we are trying to figure out who they are. we got the military. i just wanted to thank you. >> if you decide not to run, would you consider running for the mayor of new york city? >> that is an interest in question. i would love that. we could straighten it out. i would be announcing in one week there is no crime in the city. that would be such an easy job, but i appreciate that question. if i give you a positive little like jokingly, they will say trump is running for mayor. if they let you do your job we will be proud again. when you have antifa running
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down your buildings and they don't do anything about it. it can't go on for much longer. you are incredible men and women and thank you very much. to answer your question, the answer is yes. good luck, everybody. [applause] i will not catch anything from you. were not catching anything from anybody -- we are not catching anything from anybody. >> we have a couple of cameras. i am going to place the cameras and we will get a picture. host: that was a late schedule addition from former president trump done at ground zero. this is the police station adjacent to ground zero. nobody knew about it until about
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a half hour ago. i am glad we got to see a little bit of it. joe biden is in pennsylvania here and he is just visited shanksville memorial. now, according to the producer, he is having hotdogs at a local fire station nearby the flight 93 memorial. the president is due to come back and visit the pentagon this afternoon. all that is still happening on this 20th anniversary. we want to hear your voices again, your memories of 9/11. nancy in cincinnati, please go ahead. caller: i just want to talk about my day with 911. i was a school bus driver, i had a group that was going to canada. we arrived somewhere around montreal and it happened, the towers went down and the people
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were so wonderful to us. the canadians kept coming over to us and we were out to lunch and they kept coming over to the table saying how sorry they work for us, because they knew we were americans because we didn't speak french and they were speaking english and french. we were worried if we were going to be able to get back into the united states because they were shunting the borders down. when we got to the area we were going back the next day, we got to where the canadian, i forget what it is called when they go to the gate or whatever it is to get to the other side, they were so nice. this was before you had to have a passport. we got into the states and we stopped one more night and home.
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we were scheduled for two more nights. i can't tell you how the canadians treated us. we were special people to them. what happened, they were crying for the americans. host: did you ever see the stories about gander newfoundland and the international airport and all of the flights that had to land there because we shut our airways down? caller: no, i didn't hear that. host: i think you would enjoy that. gander newfoundland on 9/11, if you type that into a search engine, you will find that story. all of the flights had come into gander. a lot of those people were stuck there for several days. but all the people in newfoundland took care of them as well. another nancy, this nancy is in rockaway beach, oregon. go ahead.
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caller: thank you so much. i am two blocks of the pacific ocean and outside it is as youthful as it was that two-state on 9/11. i just wanted to share that with everyone. it is beautiful us the country, except for what we have to remember today. i am calling in because i was at world headquarters for world airlines. i was the domestic and international pricing hotline for internal agents and travel agents and so that morning you can imagine i started to receive calls right away about what is going on because i coordinated waivers, with the united policy would be for weather events or other anomalies. so quickly i went up to
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reservations to work with my counterparts so that we knew what was going on and what we could advise our agents. none of us relate knowing what was going on yet. while i was on the teletype, we had those then, the second announcement that we had lost united flight 93, we could not locate it and lost communications with its, -- with it, we all jumped into found -- find our car parts and other apartments, trying to inform our agents as to what we should be telling the public about what we knew and what we didn't know. i can just tell you it was a very busy day. i was unable to see what the rest of the world was seeing until i got home.
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i've opened the back door and ran into my husbands -- husband's arms, and i said, they took my plane. they took our plans and did this at. for the next few days, only essential workers were a lot back. when i came in it was eerie, but we had such resolve to try to deal with the situation. on thursday, i had all of the paperwork in my arms heading up to the other end of the building to the ceo's office for final signoff for the passenger waivers, and we had a bomb threat, cyber but to evacuate. i was separated from my group.
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finally, some of us went back into the building. we didn't have our car keys to get home. that was hoopty. flights do not fly until beginning saturday. you can imagine trying to contend that at o'hare or miami, but that was the groundstop of the united states. trying to figure out what planes could take off when, what was their capacity, what passengers were still there. we were taking care of other airline passengers because when you are told to stop you have to land. you could be going from chicago to texas but end up in tennessee. it just was quite something to
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deal with all these thousands of people and aircraft. host: are you still with united? caller: there was a 10% cut due to the recession, so i was part of that 10%. we only had 10 to 12 people in our department. it was a blessing. i became a k-12 substitute teacher but i am still in contact with many friends at united. every year my best friend there, who was on the critical support team which went to shanksville to support family members, they had to drive, no planes. i just talked with her last night. she did not leave until the last family member left shanksville.
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we are in very close touch. monday she and i were standing together after that 9/11 when bush flew into o'hare to talk to industry -- airline industry personnel to give us support. it was so crazy, behind him, one of the airlines that i can't remember what he said, but it is basically, we are united we will stand together. it was a spirit airlines flight hind him. he had no idea -- flight behind him. he had no idea we all applauded in an upper that we would try to do every thing we could. host: thank you for sharing that story with us and our viewers today.
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greta: the previous conversation with nancy about the international outpouring that day is reminiscent of this photo. it was captured three days later after 9/11. this is a german warship and german sailors dressed in boots doing a manning of the rails ceremony which is only reserved for dignitaries and they are doing it as they pass to u.s. warships and a sign on board, god bless america. we stand with you and they were flying the american flag along with the german flag at half mast that day. another iconic image from 9/11 is this firefighters hoisting the flag amid the rubble at the world trade center tower. this photo taken by thomas franklin, a photojournalist who worked for the record at the time. usa today notes in a tweet that
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his shot of those firefighters ended up on calendars, shirts, stamps, and now social media. how thomas franklin took a viral photograph before there were viral photographs. many people honoring firefighters today, including mike brunel, volunteer fireman. let me show you this video. he does this annually. he climbs 110 flights to honor firefighters who lost their lives at the world trade center climbing 110 flights that day. there is also this video out of england today, firefighters in that country climbing 110 flights to honor those who lost their life that day for 102 minutes, the time between the first tower was hit and the
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towers fell. that is in bristol, england today. in our country, this at a football game, the u.s. navy team arriving on the field. each of them carrying an american flag today. and at the university of iowa, students lang flags to honor those who lost their lives that day. here are firefighters in red rock park in colorado, also taking flights of stairs to honor those who passed that day. i want to play this. this is the queen's at windsor castle band playing the national anthem today. she ordered them to do the same 20 years ago. listen to this.
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>> halt. [playing the national anthem] ♪
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host: we are back listening to your phone calls. president biden still in pennsylvania at shanksville. he will be flying back to washington soon. he will be at the pentagon later this afternoon for another commemoration. he will have made it to all three of the places where america was attacked 20 years ago today. lonnie in brownsville, pennsylvania, what are your memories of that day 20 years ago? caller: i remember it like it
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was yesterday. i was on i-94 in chicago. a fellow on a cd radio -- cb radio said the united states was attacked. the fella on the radio stated don't be by any big buildings or airports. i looked over to my right to what was called the sears tower. i kept watching it the whole time. the load of steel i went on to the end of the runway to a metal fabrication shop at the end of o'hare airport. i just wanted to get it off and get home with my family. that weekend, me and my wife took a motorcycle right up to shanksville, and believe it or not, there was still smoke coming up from where the plane crashed. host: line, thinks for calling in. -- lonnie, thanks for calling
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in. linda is next. caller: first of all, i will briefly say when i saw trump on the air, horribly despicable. you can't buy a class and that is why he is not our president. i hope he doesn't come one. 9/11 is a sacred day. there should be no politics taken. biden is handling it so classy. i appreciate his adultness of handling things like a true leader, a true adult. it is what we need in this country. host: what are your memories of 20 years ago? caller: i will try to make it brief. my husband and i has visited -- had visited new york and saw the twin towers. we loved new york so much we wanted to come back with our doctors.
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we were a cash with our daughters. -- come back with our doctors. -- with our daughters. we wanted to come back, but we were struggling, and then 911 happened. the horror going on our hearts so heavy, as did the country. that date was extremely special to us. a couple years later when we were able to afford to go back to new york, had the opportunity to do that. i think we brought one of my daughters or both. my husband and i specifically, we brought the girls, we wanted
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to touch that fence when they were rebuilding or deciding on what they were going to do for the twin tower memorial. the clean up and all that, there was a chain length fence, there were still letters and flowers and beautiful tributes on this wall. we wanted to touch that and be part of that and just say, new york, and the rest of the world, we are here and we want to get our energy to this collaborative, that we are in it together. ironically, 11 years later from 9/11, my husband was diagnosed with a glioblastoma brain tumor. he ends up -- it was critical. the morning of an anniversary date in 2012, it was a beautiful
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morning and i was getting my coffee in my kitchen and i looked out and i see most gorgeous white crane bird is what i called it on my neighbor's roof. it looked like a huge stork. it was so white. i had never seen a bird like that so white and util, and it was -- so white and beautiful, and it was on my neighbor's roof. i called the neighbor and said look at this as proof that i'm not seeing things. wouldn't you know it, that afternoon, my husband was at home and he passed away on nine /11/2012. it was ironic, because the white
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bird i thought came for the people of 9/11, later my doctor said the white bird represents a spirit going back to the heavens. host: linda, thank you for that, a very significant day in your life. let's check in one more time with greta. retta: i want -- greta: i want to show the viewers of the uss new york. built from 24 tons of steel from the fallen towers of 9/11. notice the twin towers on her dac, her motto is strength forged through sacrifice, never forget. the uss arlington displays 9/11 tributes throughout the ship. it honors the 184 victims of the 9/11 attacks at the pentagon. there is also in the fleet the
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uss somerset, a tribute to passengers of flight 93 with the motto "let's roll." host: gym in chapel hill, north carolina, what do you remember about that day 20 years ago? caller: i want to thank c-span for the invaluable service you all provide for us day after day , very, very thankful you all are allowing us to call in and remember. 20 years ago, i was a 21-year-old student at a community college. i remember going out to run that morning and i think like many of your callers, i remember the beautiful, blue skies in bristol, tennessee. i came in from my run and do what my mother taught me to do, i turned on the news which was a habitual practice. i saw this image of the world
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trade towers on fire. i don't if you remember this or not, at the end of the 1990's, there were all of these apocalyptic movies and i thought, well, this is a preview for another film, like independence day. i quickly learned that was definitely not the case, very serious. i remember being on the phone with my mother. what i was telling your screener, the strange thing is i attended a community college in rockville, tennessee that was located next to a regional airport. president bush -- the faa down the airspace and the school i attended did not close. there were other schools across the country that were not near when the major impact zones and they closed.
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i remember being in a computer science class in the afternoon, maybe around 4:00, and it was an adjunct professor, and he was older, nothing wrong with that, and he is teaching us the sort of quantitative methods and he looks around the room and says, why are you all not paying attention? we all have the desk top computers and we are scanning cnn, fox news, and i looked up and said, are you kidding? our nation is under attack. all of us are looking at one another and said, if we hear an airplane, what can that possibly mean, because hindsight is 20/20, but we know there wasn't another plane, but i remember that vividly.
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i may have another memory that is worth an memory, but i was also employed at a coffee shop in downtown bristol. we were the only game in town at that time for espresso. i remember that evening that there was a race to get gas. kind of like a recent gas crisis. i remember my boss saying you don't need to go get gas, there isn't going to be a gas shortage. everyone, places were running out of gas. i remember george bush issued a moratorium on raising prices. >> we are going to have to leave it there. quickly, karen in tucson. share your story. >> my brotin


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