tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN September 18, 2021 11:54am-12:24pm EDT
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entitled stronger looking at the impact of the pandemic on women. ♪ >> coming up next week, homeland security secretary and the fbi director, and national counterterrorism director up here before congress on threats to the homeland 20 years after 9/11. we will have lifetime of -- live coverage of their testimony on tuesday at 9:30 a.m. eastern. and, the house homeland security committee at 9:00 a.m. eastern. at 2:30 p.m. eastern jerome powell holds a press conference. watch next week or listen on the radio app. head over to for scheduling information or to stream video live or on-demand.
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>> is c-span's online store. get cozy for cooler weather with the c-span for small sale. browse to see what is new and save 30% on our logo apparel shirts and hoodies, fleece blankets, mugs, and glasses. there is something for every c-span fan. shop the sale through september 21st. it will support our nonprofit operations. go to >> "washington journal" continues. host: we will open up our phone lines for our forum segment. democrats, 202-748-8000. republicans, 202-748-8001.
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independents -- independents, 202-748-8002. tell us your most important political issue. as we start we want to talk about some news going on. we will start with the drone strike in afghanistan. we will start with the story that is out this morning. "aus drone strike killed 10 civilians in afghanistan including seven children, rather than the islamic state extremists that the biden administration claimed it targeted. u.s. central command said at the time that officials knew that the drone strike disrupted an eminence isis-k threat to kabul airport and they were confident that we successfully hit the target.
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an investigation found that the strike killed an aid worker along with nine members of his family." general mckenzie came out and took questions from reporters on the drone strike. here is what he had to say. [video clip] >> can you explain how this possibly could have happened? >> this particulars strike was a mistake and we regret that. it is very clear that we take full responsibility. at the same time we were carrying out a number of complex operations to defend ourselves. we constructed -- we conducted a strike that was successful and other operations across the states to defend ourselves during that very difficult 48 hour period with many threats. i agree that this did not come up to our standards and i regret it. i would not qualify the entire
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operation in those terms. >> will anybody be held responsible? >> we are continuing that line of investigation. i do not have anything because that involves personnel issues. [end video clip] host: this comes as a u.s. central command as they say they inadvertently killed an aid make -- aid worker and nine members of his family instead of the isis-k threat. we want to know what you want to talk about. let us start with scindia from san carlos, california on the republican line. cynthia, good morning. caller: good morning, thank you for your program. i had wanted to speak with mr. gainor. my concerns where i felt that the capital and -- the capitol,
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park police, fbi, and secret service had a chance to find out that their intelligence was a bit off when i think it was mr. pompeo came down and had asked for the walls to be put up because the national guard, secret service, metropolitan police were all being bombarded during black lives matter protests, and many people were hurt during those. and, there was a debacle about getting better protection for the white house, and i think even president trump was taken down to the bunker as the protesters were getting close. and, they had difficulty getting the walls up during that time. so i felt that that was a precursor to what was happening
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around the country, as well as what was happening, then what happened on january 6. i felt, for my friends who did attend the rally, they said they went there to peacefully protest. they did not even realize what was going on with the people who did enter the building. and, then there was another caller who called in and was having a little bit of trouble speaking. i think what he meant to say was that c-span has not had any of the people who were attending the rally, and letting them speak about their experience. host: our phone lines are open every day, so if someone attended the rally wanted to call and speak about it they can always call in on any of our lines. sharon from beaverton, oregon on
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the democrat line. good morning. caller: hello, thank you for taking my call. what i was concerned about is, as i watched it that day, i was overwhelmed about what i saw. hours went by, and i totally understand the police people in the capitol police people being overwhelmed, they could not stop that sea of people. as hours went by there was no backup and no one came into hell. i heard on the news that there were agencies who had people on the ready to go but did not get authorized by the federal government to go, because they would have to cross over from maryland. i could not believe it. that day has played on and on
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for hours, and those men were left by themselves. host: timmy from aberdeen, south dakota on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. i have a couple of comments. it all pertains basically to trusting the government and what is put out. i believe that the congressman in the senate and whenever they have an investigation anybody that our senators and congressmen need to be held accountable for telling the truth. and then, kind of going back to the capitol riot, i wish i could have gotten in when the speaker was on. during that riot there was one person killed, that was ashli
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babbitt. at the time she was shot she did not endanger anybody's life. i want to know what weapons were found, what they are calling weapons, and make a comment that the fbi determined that it was not a planned insurrection. host: went to the fbi determined that? caller: i could not tell you exactly. i am guessing a couple of weeks ago? host: well, yesterday, u.s. capitol police chief tom manger was asked about the credibility of reports about possible violence associated with today's justice for j6 rally. the former president's comments and counter demonstrations.
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here's what he had to say. [video clip] >> it is tough to say if they are credible or not. what we do know is that the chatter that we have heard prior to january 6, it obviously turned out to be many of those threats turned out to be -- we are not taking any chances. >> what specific types of threats of violence are you seeing? are you factoring in the former president donald trump's rhetoric into your security planning? >> so far, the former president has not -- i know that he put out a statement of support for the folks who were arrested on january 6. i don't know there was a specific mention of this rally. your first question was -- what we are concerned about more
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than anything is the possibility of counter demonstrators making it to this demonstration and there being violence between those two groups. that is where chief contee and the police department are going to ensure that does not happen and they don't end up getting together. in my opinion, that is the most likely scenario for violence. we are also planning, just in case, any denim the tray she -- demonstration, the one at union square or counter demonstrators, if they want to breach the fence , if they want to decide to attack law enforcement, we will be ready for those kinds of violence. the biggest concern many of us have our the counter demonstrators and making sure things stay safe with them as well. host: let's talk to dominique,
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who is calling from staten island, new york, on the republican line. caller: thank you for taking me. i really appreciate that. i listened quite a few times to your program. you know what's funny? i believe the whole summer there was a tremendous amount of demonstrations and burning. one of our elector -- electorate officials, in the beginning, she was saying do this and do that. how can that person get away with that? because you are talking about the giuliani inciting. how can that person get away with that and they jump on giuliani? the whole summer was burning up. you know?
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and i can't believe the focus that some people have or lack of focus is the way i feel, anyway. host: let's go to lindel, who is calling from lawrenceville, georgia, on the democrat line. good morning. caller: good morning. i'm disappointed that these insurrectionists can come back and continue this ridiculous behavior. -- continue this behavior. it is ridiculous. it is an attack on democracy. a lot of it has to do with race and it is sad. donald trump is behind it, all the way. and that's all i have to say. host: let's talk to anthony, who is calling from south river new jersey, on the independent line. anthony, good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have a question about
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programming and also, i would like to make a comment about the state of the union. so, here is my question for you about programming. for what reason is the white house briefings not being carried by c-span anymore? host: i can't tell you whether the white house briefings are being carried by c-span or not. i believe they are. i can't tell you what the day-to-day program decisions on whether the white house briefing is being carried live or not. caller: for my comment on the state of the union, i can tell you, because i watch the station. i guess you don't watch the station when you are not working. i don't blame you. for at least a month if not more, ever since jen psaki said we had misinformation coming from facebook and everything like that, we have maybe seen one or two, because i watch
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every day, white house briefings. they are running stuff from five years ago and all this other stuff, repeating washington journal. that seems to be -- i like to get the information straight from the source. host: let me stop you there. i'm looking at the c-span website and you can see a list of the daily briefings being carried by c-span, just about every day. so, i don't know which day you were watching for you did not see it. caller: is that on the tv or online? host: you can check out our website and see when the daily briefings were being broadcast and you can actually watch a copy of a broadcast of the daily briefing. go to and you can search for white house daily briefings and you can find them there. what's your second,? -- comment? caller: when was the last
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broadcast -- host: you can check the website and see when everything was broadcast. you said you had a second common. -- comment. caller: i'm not computer savvy. i'm an old white guy. i like to watch it on tv. i'm telling you it's not on this. here is my thing on the state of the union. i hope i don't get cut off. they were talking about the riot on january 6, a terrible thing. ok. but misinformation, totally. i think that was a comment on the congress. usually the congress approval rating is between 10% and 20%. it really showed a lack of preparedness and a good
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management system, just like when we sent over hundreds of thousands of machine guns and helicopters to the taliban. that's not good gun control. host: let's go to vincent, calling from gaithersburg, maryland, on the republican line. caller: good morning. very quickly, i wish the people who -- president trump, who did so much for this country, that was not told, just educate yourselves. read his last speech. there is nothing in it to insight what happened. nothing. but, you must read the speech. they don't emphasize the fact that he did nothing. why would a man who loves this country want to try to destroy it with an insurrection? when will mayor bowser and
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pelosi, when will they be investigated? why did you hold back the extra national guard and whatever else was needed, while all of this was going on? that's all i have to say to everybody in america. have a blessed day, every day. let's all try to get along. host: let's talk to mike, who is calling from marion iowa -- marion, iowa on the democratic line. good morning. caller: hello. i want to go back a little. terry branstad was elected the governor of iowa and then i think it was the 17th, donald trump sent them to china.
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by the time they got to it, then shortly after that, there was the insurrection. all of a sudden, kim reynolds wanted her $21 million back. and she wanted it. she wanted computers. there needs to be an investigation into that. because, after they jumped on that, then she went and she stopped -- tried to recall everybody's unemployment and just stop it. i received a letter that i owed over $5,000 to iowa.
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so, i think there is something dirty going on there. not everybody needs $21 million or transfers $21 million on the nose, every day. except for maybe donald trump himself. host: speaking of former president trump, i want to remind all of our viewers that you can always go to to find previous programming that has been shown on c-span. for example, our caller earlier said people should go back and watch former president trump's speech on january 6. you can find exactly what president trump said in that speech, on we have all of those videos, everything that has been broadcast on c-span, available to you at all times, 24 hours a day, on so, let's talk to christopher,
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who is calling from morgantown, north carolina, on the independent line. christopher, good morning. caller: thank you for having me on. i want to say, united we stand and divided we fall. we have to get together. this is unreal and unprecedented. they are doing horrible things. if we had a common understanding, this is horrible, you guys. come on, this is america. what happened? this whole thing with trump, you know what you're doing. host: let's go to billy who is calling from long, new york, on the republican line. good morning. caller: what's up?
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i want to say something. to all of these people who are saying the protesters from january 6 are insurrectionists, that is alive. nobody has been charged with treason or insurrection. what about the people who are still being held in jail from that incident who are being denied bail and being divide -- denied bond hearings? where is the sympathy for these people? the people who damaged property, they deserve to be held to justice. but the people who just walked in because there were motions and did not damage anything, they don't deserve to be charged with these crimes. you want to talk about insurrection? how about pelosi? discussing taking the nuclear football away from donald trump because they don't trust him? what about the general?
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that's treason. that is insurrection. where is the outrage, we have 12,000 profs -- plus migrants under a bridge right now. host: let's talk to terrence. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i may have missed this in all the coverage of this justice for j6 rally or riot number two. but, i'm concerned about the decision-making behind allowing any kind of protest or rally to go forward, near the capital -- u.s. capitol less than one year after this horrible riot and it was an insurrection in the making, basically a riot. i would like to know how that
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decision gets made. because, it is unconscionable when people are still being investigated, rests are being made and trials are still occurring, that people are being allowed to demonstrate near the u.s. capitol. host: are you suggesting that constitutional rights of protesting should be illuminated around the u.s. capitol? caller: what i am saying is this is still an extreme situation with people who tried to subvert our democracy. these are people who were supporting the people who were arrested for doing the same thing. this is an extreme circumstance, where we had to have the national guard. we had to have additional security from several jurisdictions. we are basically using taxpayer dollars. this is something that i believe
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should never have been allowed to go forward. people have the right to say what they want to say. but we also have the right to do it in a way and a means that does not cause undue concern to the rest of the population. host: let's go to jim, who is calling from georgia on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. i have a question for you. canteen for, am i wrong or does that -- antifa, am i wrong or does that mean anti-fascist? host: i believe that is the common term for antifa. caller: [indiscernible]
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hitler's. we fought -- we fought hitler's. we fought the nazis. i guess you will have to call me antifa because i am against fascism. host: let's talk to bart. good morning. caller: good morning. i am an embarrassed republican. i think the republican party needs to start focusing on politics instead of hate. by and large, i would like to see -- say that biden is doing a banged up job with -- bang up job with what he was left with from trump.
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it is not the party that freed the slaves or allowed women to vote. they seem to want people not to vote. it is ridiculous. thank you. host: coming up next, jessica mendoza and samantha will be here to discuss their podcast series entitled the stronger, looking at the impact of the pandemic on women. stick with us. we will be back in one moment. ♪ >> weekends bring you the best in american history and nonfiction books. mark sanford reflects on his political career and discusses the future of the republican party in his book two roads diverged. he is interviewed by a
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pennsylvania congressman. -- argues that america is not a nation founded by foreign immigrants but a product of long nihilism and slavery. watch book tv and find the full schedule on your program guide or watch online anytime at book ♪ >> sunday night on q and day, wall street journal columnist -- you and -- q and a, jason riley on his book, maverick. -- have inspired conservatives and libertarians for a half-century. >> i don't think he is as well-known as he should be. i think it is quite unfortunate, if not tragic, the individuals like nicole hannah jones and
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cornell west are better known than thomas sowell. i think he quite frankly has written circles around those individuals. they be all of them combined together. the range and the depth and the rigor of his thinking is something that i don't think they come close to matching. so, one of the reasons i wrote the book is to raise awareness to the younger generation. >> jason riley with his book, maverick, state -- sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span. >> washington journal continues. host: we are back and we are joined by jessica mendoza and samantha laine perfas
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