tv Washington Journal CSPAN March 6, 2022 12:37pm-1:07pm EST
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c-span network or c-span now, our mobile video app. also, had to for set -- registering information. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. announcer: weekends on c-span two are an intellectual feast. you will find events and people who explore our nation's past on american history tv. sundays, book tv brings you the latest on nonfiction books and authors. it is television for serious readers. learn. discover. explore. weekends on c-span two. announcer: washington journal continues. host: we're back and we're in our open forium segment where you our viewers can call in and talk about whatever the most
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important political topic of the day to you is. we're going to open up our regular lines. that means the numbers are on your screen. keep in mind you can always text us and we're always reading on social media, on twitter and on facebook. before we get into your calls, let's go back and find out a little bit more about what's happening in ukraine today as reported by the hill newspaper. and the hill newspaper has a story this morning that's talking about ukraine and the attempts to find out about the ukraine aid moving in to -- moving out of -- into ukraine. sorry about that.
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once again coming from the hill newspaper where lawmakers are fearing that time is running out to deliver ukraine aid. once again, we want to know what your top political issue to talk about this morning is. let's go to our phone lines and let's start with craig from washington, d.c. on the democrat line. caller: good morning. i would like to make a suggestion i would feel that i can understand, i can see where putin don't bant nato right at his front door. so i was wondering if it would be a good thing if biden was to
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call him and just say look we're not going to let ukraine into nato so i think that would be a good thing for him to say so that maybe putin will stop this mess. so that's basically really what i just wanted to say. host: let's go to rj from oklahoma on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i'm from tulsa. i would like to bring two points of what we're looking here the way -- [inaudible] is that the public -- [inaudible] that's going to go on.
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also just a side note that pandemic, what the pharmaceutical companies were doing. but the point here is that in 2015 u.s. was [inaudible] bioweapon labs to ukraine, kazakhstan. host: i think we're losing rj. let's go ahead and go on to alexis from north carolina on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for having me on. i first want to say your first host was outstanding. she explained things very well. she got in and talked fast. i wanted to say one thing. she used the word algorithm and
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maybe people might understand that better when they go on, i don't know, to play a game and the a ad shows up and you go, oh, i was looking for shoes and you click on it all of a sudden it's on your laptop everywhere you go website there's an ad for the shoes you were looking at. so that's basically what an algorithm it follows you. and what you want they try to get. the other thing i wanted to say -- you cut me off already? host: no, go ahead. caller: thank you. the other thing i wanted to say was she was wonderful about explaining the legislature and how the three branches work. i might suggest that people stay off the news media and just watch what's going on on the floor and hear how their
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representatives talk. and whether you like what they say. because that's the way they're going to vote and you need to know whether they're on board with you or whether you need to choose someone else. host: let's go to haired from kansas on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i am calling about a program note. i love the open forium, i like to talk about the things important now. but the show's kind of become like an advertisement for pod katzes. i'm sorry i don't listen to them. have never listened to a podcast. it's not on my radar. it just seems like that's what it is. it's podcasts, so callers out there if you've got a comment too much podcasts on c-span, call in let me know. thank you. host: let's go to maurice from
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illinois on the democrat line. good morning. caller: i think the current administration is the epitome of hypocracy. in countries in africa they would be having other countries invading them and it never raised to fight or defend them. and their people, too. it seems when it's people of color, black people. black people, black countries, america just sits by idly by and watches. watches the countries fall. so now every time it's the europeans, white country, everything now alarms got to be raised, everybody's got to stand locked in the center and help the european countries
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out. and now we've got to pay the price if our bank account. it's unfair. if you're going to be -- especially since it's not a country of nato. they're not -- their countries in africa were part of the nato but nobody stood by and helped them. you had this max guy on there and been around, people, he was there when they went into darfur. i think it's full of it. every time, every time european countries now you've got to jump in and now they've got to dom up with this $8 billion. what about, how about here back home? speak host: speaking of the federal government and spending there's a story in the "washington post" that talks about the negotiations between republican and democrat over funding the
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federal government which could affect ukrainian aid. and here's the "washington post" story from earlier this week. senate republicans have issued a series of early threats against a still forming deal to fund the federal government. signaling that they should delay the package which may include emergency aid to ukraine over concerns about exezz excessive spending and vaccine mandate. the early morning delivered in two letters to schumer could slow lawmakers time sensitive work as russia's incursion into ukraine is intensifying all while washington faces a march 11 deadline to fund federal agencies and avoid a government shutdown.
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once again that's from the "washington post" with republicans threatening to slow effort to aid to ukraine. we want to know what your topic is for today's open forium segment. let's talk to chris from connecticut on the independent line. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. my biggest topic is the situation in ukraine and how it spills over to china.
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rer we going to provide weapons to taiwan air force? are they prepared for what may happen? and what are we doing right now? host: let's go to henry who is calling from new york on the democrat line. caller: i would like to know why is it russia scared of our nuclear weapons? and if he fires one nuclear weapon on us, russia would be gone. so why should we let one man rule the whole world because he's got a nuclear weapon? we should go after russia. and it won't destroy the whole world. that's my comment. thank you. host: let's go to robert from greenville, kentucky on the republican line. caller: good morning. i believe inflation is our biggest problem right now.
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and i believe we need to reopen our world explorations and fix our infrastructure for the gas. we've had several plants shut down over the last a 15 years. host: ok. let's go to russ from kansas. caller: we're a suburb of kansas city. on the eastern edge. i want to talk about the inflation that everybody seems to be concerned about. they seem to be blaming biden on this. the truth of the matter is that opec is really the biggest problem right now. opec has held their production down just to get these prices up because that's how they make their money. they control approximately 80%
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of all the oil in the world. they've asked opec to increase production. biden has done that. back in 2019, putin was upset about the fact that when oil was down to $30 a barrel, that they weren't making money because russia became 90% of their income from oil and gas. the thing is, he went to trump. trump then went to opec who went to -- or went to saudi arabia and they came up with a deal because putin wanted them to raise, they didn't want them to do it, at that time. or stop production. now it's all connelling to a head right now. it's taken a year-and-a-half to get to that point. so when people complain about the higher gas prices in inflationary prices, they need to understand this is about simple supply and demand.
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if you have less supply, the price -- and higher demand the price is going to go up. you have nothing to do with infrastructure. it has nothing to do -- our oil pro production in the united states has gone up from last year. this is all about corrections being made from the pandemic when we weren't using as much oil and i believe that that is what's driving everything right now. i think that's one of the big things we need to do. we need to shut off russia's oil exports, put a stranglehold on them, and then move forward. we're going to pay higher prices, people need to get that in their heads. it's coming. host: john from south dakota on the democrat line. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to say there's a
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lot of places to get information. it feems the fossil fuel industry control the networks. on facebook and other places, with demrashers collapsing in three to five years and with the events in the arctic and unborn child may never live to see retirement. we need to get off of fossil fuels immediately. and all this fighting we need to just get together and go to electric renewable energy. i host: mark from maryland on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning, sir. thanks for taking my call. thanks for c-span and your good work. this is god's work here. thank you. i had three points following up
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on your good speaker before on what's fundamental national security in terms of the u.s. and our allies and those who want to be our allies around the world. three points. one simply congressional repeal of executive orders to ban drilling of proven oil and gas on federal lands currently. forget about new leases or anything else. let's just go with what's already in the ground and the executive orders which were put in within the first weeks of the administration. and that's pricing serves up from there. that's first and foremost the here and now that the be done immediately. two other points. the second point is on the production of any energy in the united states above precovid levels. essentially any producer soup to nuts, green to brown to carbon to noncarbon soler wind whatever kind of under old bush
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administration policies all of the above solutions from the early 2000s to get production above precovid levels immediately with two in centives. one, new projects within a five-year basis would have capital gain exclusions. two, income. and that is income tax. setting income tax at 10% on that production which would essentially pave the way for an intermediate to long-term profile to get back to the independence that we had at the swing producer. and really who cares what owe peck does and doesn't do because we need to get back to $7 barrel oil where we were in the late 1990s which cuts off the oxygen from putin and the kremlin and all of the cronies. that is the recipe for our success in the short, intermediate, long term and hopefully people who are listening can put this into motion.
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host: caller from virginia on the democrat line. good morning. caller: good morning. first i would like to say c-span you are doing a great job informing the country. i was working in the u.s. house of representatives when they passed a bill to open up the air where people can see inside of congress. so i appreciate that. and i've been watching ever since. but two statements. first of all, the first bill, if i were nancy pelosi i would bring a bill up about the gas for joe biden to stop russia from the gas issue because what's going to happen if we stop the gas the same republicans are going to go at him and his president is going to be gone because what's going to happen to voteder they're going to go to him. put congress on the record letting them vote yes or no and then joe biden, send the bill to joe biden. my second issue is the proud boys since they love to carry
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guns and fight, we've got a war going over there across the country over there, let them go over there and help the country out. you all have a good day. thank you. host: cnbc has a story coming out that talks about gasoline prices surging to the highest price since 2008. i'll read a couple paragraphs of that story to you.
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california's average is now 5.28 a gallon. once again that's coming from aaa and cnbc news where the national average of gas topping $4 the highest price since 2008. let's get a few more calls in. we'll start with sheila from georgia on the independent line. caller: good morning. i want to thank you for all that you do to allow us to be able to call in to the this forium.
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host: are you still there? caller: i'm looking at the television. anyway, i just wanted to say that i saw a documentry last night about olgarks in ukraine and it was by aljeersa of all things. but it's talking about the immense corruption in ukraine. you would not believe the scale of money that has flown from that country into other countries like britain. like london, for instance. and also russians are buying property in america as well in the heartland. i think that this war, this is just a hypothesis but this war may be to cover up all that corruption that is happening. because not annual the soviet union involved, but they literally stole money from
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ukrainian people. they funneled money into that country and used it to launder money out of -- we cannot deny that. and you know, i was watching also a you tube video when russia was invading ukraine they were burning documents, they were literally burning documents on the lawn of their capital. so how could you deny that this has something to do with all the corruption and covering up the immense scales of the corruption and how -- and i would also like to say, and i support the united states of course i'm an american but how can you deny our long history over there trying to promote democracy which i think is a good thing but promoting democracy, trying to get them to join nato. and just pushing it so far that we actually inadvertently
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caused this war. host: let's go to constance from florida on the democrat line. good morning. caller: my biggest concern is the fact that e we've got all this russian money in our own government on the republican side. this q anonthing was started by them. it's obvious. and trump was in cahoots with russia to weaken nato and to set us up for a fall. he went to foreign governments all that don't like us to gang up on us. that's what he did. and these republicans that are trying to hurt women, it's a vile act to try to take their birthright, i mean their rights to say whether they want to have a baby or not. and that shows me that these people want to make slaves, future slaves, future children
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they can program the way they want like little nazis. or, they're trying to make slaves of people. but i would hate to see america, if we hadn't gotten joe biden in there, if we still had the monster little orange cheato man, we would have been doomed. people like me would have locked up. -- i have a big mouth and i am sticking up for freedom all the way. host: we would like to thank our guests and viewers and colors. steak with us, we will be back tomorrow morning for a new show. everyone, have a great sunday and continue to wash your hands. have a great day, everyone. ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2022]
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>> c-span's washington journal. we had taking a questions live, on and. -- we are taking your questions live and on and. the quincy to discusses -- institute discusses the potential for nuclear conflict in the, -- conflict. former health and human services official during the trump administration. watch washington journal on c-span or c-span now, our free mobile app. join with your phone calls, text messages and tweets. this week on the c-span network, the house and senate are in washington dc to work on passing a bill before friday's deadline
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to avoid a shutdown. the senate plan -- plans to vote on a bill. on tuesday, on c-span3, directors of the top u.s. intelligence agency will have a committee on threats facing the u.s. and its allies. at 3:00 p.m. on c-span3, the foreign relations committee discusses russia's invasion of ukraine and the international response. on thursday on the c-span network, and c-span now, testimony continues, as the heads of the intelligence community returned to capitol hill to appear before an intelligence committee about national and global security threats. watch this week, live on the c-span network or c-span now, our free mobile at -- app.
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c-span, your unfiltered view of government. congress returns in the house and senate. they must pass a bill before thursday night to avoid a shutdown. the house will also work on legislation aimed at preventing threats of violence. when the senate returns, they will vote on a postal service performed bill and consider the nomination of texas sheriff as director of the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement. watch live coverage of the house on c-span and the senate on c-span two.
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