tv Washington Journal Washington Journal CSPAN March 16, 2022 9:26am-10:00am EDT
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stingers, they need more airplanes. they need more of everything and they're fighting not just for their kids in their future, they are for the free world. zelenksy has the courage of his conviction. the question asked the u.s. government is do we have the courage of ours. >> [indiscernible] >> we should have gotten planes long ago. >> ukrainian president volodymyr
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zelensky addressing congress. you saw congress listening to his virtual address. at the end the ukrainian president speaking in english, saying to president biden, being the leader of the world means being the leader of peace. we want to get your reaction to what you heard from ukrainian president to our congress. democrats dial in at (202) 748-8000, republicans (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. you heard one reaction from senator ben sasse of nebraska saying we need to get them what they are asking for. we will get more reaction from lawmakers as they funnel out of that room and the capitol visitor center after listening to remarks from ukrainian president. you heard the speaker of the house introduce president
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zelensky and after she introduced him she said "glory to ukraine." you heard the ukrainian president invoke memories of 9/11 and pearl harbor for our lawmakers, and then asking for that humanitarian no-fly zone, saying is this too much to ask? then he invoked the words of martin luther king, i have a dream, saying i have a need to protect our sky. he also went on to ask for more sanctions for american businesses to leave russia, for the u.s. to sanction individuals associated with vladimir putin, for russian politicians and oligarchs. he said u.s. courts should be closed -- u.s. ports should be close to all russian goods. you agree with the sentiment? rodney in california, democratic caller.
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we go to you first. caller: good morning. i just heard the speech. i believe in humbleness. all i heard was a political speech. saying the joe biden can do more , it is not appropriate, especially over the air. putin hears that that he knows joe biden will deny that. host: i will interrupt because rob portman it was just in poland is speaking to reporters. >> a picture tells 1000 words and it tells the story of the liberty targeting civilians. war crimes have been committed. it tells the story of freedom being fought on the border of ukraine and russia -- on the
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border of ukraine, in russia, and throughout the country. the president asked for help to close this guys. if it is not a no plot -- to close the skies. if is not a no-fly zone give them the help to defend themselves. that is why he asked for countries -- could be facilitated by ours to get to ukraine. that is why he talked about the planes and the need for them to have the weapons to be able to use the antimissile technology they have. we need to figure this out. we need to be creative. we need to take the funding congress has provided and use it in the most effective way to protect against the civilian casualties that we saw today in that powerful video. >> if not a no-fly zone, what is the most appropriate thing to meet his request?
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>> there are various antimissile and antiaircraft systems in the region that can be effective. yes 300 is one. -- the s 300 is one. they need more missiles, more armaments, they need everything. what we should do is be creative and figure out ways to facilitate the transfer of the weapons into ukraine immediately. we still access to the country to be able to do that. before it is too late, before more people are killed. before kyiv falls, we have to act quickly. it is a matter of days. >> we have imposed a lot of sanctions. he called for a shutdown of any russian ports and a much stronger sanctions package. the administration has been resisting. >> we need to tighten the
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sanctions. you talked about broadening the sanctions to permit officials involved in this. i think that is a good idea. i talked to the ambassador about that. my sense is the american people are ready to do more, that includes being honest about the oil and gas situation. revenues russia is getting from oil and gas sales around the world is what is fueling this war machine. there is more we can do there. as an example we can put sanctions on banks as it relates to energy transactions. they do not go into effect until june 24. june 24 may be too late. we need to tighten sanctions on the banks. do more on sanctioning individuals. i would make a statement to russian officials and commanders. you have a choice. war crimes are being reported. the world is watching.
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you have a choice. you do not need to obey these orders to kill innocent civilians in you rain -- in ukraine. my hope is what comes out of today's discussion with president zelensky and all of us working together in a bipartisan basis is to tighten the sanctions immediately, provide more armaments they need to defend themselves, particular from these bombardments happening nightly, and give them a fighting chance to protect themselves. >> i thought president zelensky was very powerful. he made the case very strongly. when we think about what president biden should do, i think there is a bipartisan movement, provide them the planes. provide them the armament they need to continue.
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to fight a war they did not create. i thought the video was one of the most moving moments. it made the case that the murdering of innocent people, the war crimes being committed. america and the world cannot sit by and ignore. we need to put a stop to this. i think greater pressure, greater armament. why the migs were not provided weeks ago put them at a disadvantage. >> is any scenario where the no-fly zone he requested would be supported by the united states? >> as of right now, providing the migs, they can create a no-fly zone. speaking to the president of ukraine, he is never asked for american men and women to be in a battle. all he is asked for is give them
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the opportunity to defend themselves. i've had conversations with the president long before this moment. my advice was provide them the armament earlier to deter prudent to make these decisions. the entire time president biden said it would be the sanctions afterwards. when the sanctions came he said it would take months to work. the people cannot wait, the world cannot wait once as we sit by and watch innocent people being murdered. we turn it over to our whip. >> president zelensky just gave an incredibly powerful address. people got to see what we have been seeing for weeks. why president zelensky is inspiring the people of ukraine and people around the world who are rallying behind these people during a brutally difficult invasion by vladimir putin. when president zelensky showed
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that video you got to see firsthand the sheer brutality of what vladimir putin is doing inside ukraine. it was difficult to watch, it was heartbreaking. it shows you there is nothing less than genocide going on in ukraine by putin and his army. president zelensky made a plea to the united states, to president biden. he has continued to rewrite the people of ukraine -- he has continued to reiterate the people of ukraine want more to defend our country. that is why getting these migs in is critical. the longer biden weights his costume lives in ukraine. it is a plea president zelensky continue to make as well as a plea for other things american people want to do to give them the tools to defend their country.
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this is another opportunity for america to step up and take away leverage on energy. there is no reason vladimir putin should be pocketing hundreds of billions of dollars a day by selling oil to america and united states when we could cut that off right now by opening up our reserves, opening up areas that have been closed by president biden that does not have that leverage over america or europe to finance this brutal invasion. we'll continue to stand with the people of ukraine and pray for them they're able to have the tools to defend themselves against what vladimir putin is doing. i turn it over to our conference chair. >> the american people stand strongly with the people of ukraine. the speech we just heard was inspiring and talk about a leader who has risen to her catastrophic challenge in a catastrophic crisis in his country. he outlined of the fact this is the message of get national security rises in europe since world war ii. this administration has been far too slow, not only an
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implementation of sanctions but the lack of completeness of sanctions. ukrainian people need those migs now. republicans have been united in advocating for tough sanctions for months predating the invasion. we stand strongly in support of migs and making sure the weapons and ammunition needed get to the ukrainian people as quickly as possible. as a new mom, it is heart wrenching watch the video that president zelensky just played in terms of the bombing of maternity wards in the war crimes being committed today. make no mistake, there will be consequences on the global stage four but a mere prudent. i -- consequences on the global stage for vladimir putin. >> has the conference proposed transferring the migs? >> i think we move forward as they said.
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it is no different than us providing chaplains or others. the problem is the delay -- providing javelins or others. the problem is the delay. the problem is waiting for the situation to be worse. the slowness of moving weaponry to ukraine to have a deterrent where russia would not invade, all of that is a mistake. the week he has waited about whether the migs could go, how many people have died? maternity wards have been bombed. you watched leaders stand in the capital, not requesting american men and women going to war, simply help us provide the weapons we need to defend ourselves. this is an unwarranted war they
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do not ask for. we should stand with anyone who is willing to defend freedom against the atrocities vladimir putin is doing. thank you very much. host: the republican leader kevin mccarthy of california. you heard reaction from a number of republicans there to ukrainian president zelensky's address to congress and the address to american people, pleading for help, for a humanitarian no-fly zone, for more sanctions, for a ban on russian imports. now it is time to turn to you. ronnie in florida, democratic caller. (202) 748-8000 -- caller: i understand that i respect the president of ukraine asking for help. i am drawn back by the republicans with kind of both.
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yes they need our help, but if we chip in and help and start sending -- wouldn't that allow russia to involve us because we are supplying another country with the tools to fight them? wouldn't that help china help russia even more because china is trying to get taiwan, doing the same thing ukraine is doing. how can we get involved without a full escalating war jumping off? host: abc sent out a tweet noting the white house yesterday read rated there would be no no-fly zone because it would be a risk to national security. president zelensky saying to put world peace ahead of our national interest. we go to tony in illinois. independent.
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caller: thank you for having me on. i do not want us to go into a war. however, i do want us to still be able to save democracy in the united states. that democracy means helping you write. -- helping ukraine. democracy and freedom is at risk. host: so what do we do? caller: we have to stop this division and unite. we cannot allow vladimir putin to divide us. he divided us with the previous administration. it is time to see ourselves as americans united with ukraine and united for freedom. host: did you see the video president zelensky played during his address? caller: yes.
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it was heart wrenching. it is disgusting to see maternity hospitals and children died. it broke my heart. if we do not stop it it will lead to other areas. you're going to fight for democracy, you will fight for freedom, we will stand with our president. host: he ended that video with the words close the sky over ukraine. brian in massachusetts. democratic caller. your reaction. caller: i was heartbroken over the video the president of ukraine showed and wanted to quote from his wife. she said i will not have panic and tears, i will be calm and confident. i will be next to my children and next to my husband.
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that was from the first lady of ukraine. her husband is standing in a place that will probably be attacked by a rocket, five missile, and stays there. we need to close these guys. we need to -- we need to close the skies. we need to send a proper equipment to defend themselves like we would defend our country. god bless ukraine and god bless america. host: the leader of poland and the czech republic went into kyiv yesterday to stand in solidarity with the radiance. -- with the ukrainians. david in virginia, republican, you are next. caller: i just watched the zele snky speech to congress. quite moving. i have three things to say.
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remember pearl harbor. remember 9/11. remember ukraine. what would have happened had america not come to the aid of churchill when he requested help against hitler's moving through poland and other european countries? it would have been a different world. the united states cannot provide mig 29's or even surface to surface missiles, surface to ship missiles to give ukraine a fighting chance. that is all i have to say. if zelenksy gets killed and there is no one to inspire the rest of the world, are we are going to do is say we could have done more and we did not do more and we would be ashamed of ourselves for life for not supporting this man and his country. host: you draw a line at a
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no-fly zone? caller: the no-fly zone, i'm not sure what it would take. it would probably take tankers as well as fighter jets. for that, i'm not sure that would be available. i am not a military expert. certainly the airplanes would be a good first step. if there airplanes could get to bombers and other fighter jets they might be able to cross into belarus and take out missile stations. why not? if they are attacking kyiv and they had the resources, ukraine should consider going after minsk. maybe not moscow because russia would certainly crush them then, but they could go on the defensive to some degree.
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as they always say, the best defense is offense. if we just withhold the polish owned mig 29's so they cannot get it. if america does not step up, mainly the u.k. are one of the other european countries could step up at the origin of the planes to get into ukraine. if we do not and he dies, we will regret it the rest of our political lives. host: ukrainian president has made this plea to other nato allies. he started out talking to european leaders. he moved on to the u.k. parliament. he addressed them virtually. then yesterday he spoke to the canadian parliament, receiving a standing ovation from the bodies of government as he asked for the west and nato to help
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protect his country, provide more military assistance to widen the scope of sanctions against russia. the no-fly zone has split american lawmakers and nato allies. one of the reasons why was outlined by congressman jim himes who is our guest earlier, democrat from connecticut. here is what he had to say. guest: people need to understand the no-fly zone starts with united states air force bombing russian military units inside russia. that does not sound like the hundred -- if that does not sound like the start of a hot shooting war with russia, i do not know what does. everything else is on the table. a no-fly zone means war with russia. host: what about the polish jets? guest: that is an interesting question. i think there is a difference between a very united congress and the white house on this
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issue. i can speak for myself and tell you i think president zelensky should get those aircraft. they are a small part of everything he needs. he asked us last week for the department of defense and the white house is not there yet. i do not think putin is the one who should be calling the shots. i think we should give president zelensky what he asks for in terms of weapons. host: that was congressman jim himes before the address to congress in which president zelensky did ask for fighter jets to protect the sky. what you think the u.s. should do in response? cedric in arkansas. democratic caller. caller: i think you're doing a wonderful job. i am down in the heart of arkansas.
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we need help down here with all of the money they are sending overseas. somebody needs to start talking about having peace. sometimes you have to give up and go home. everybody wants to send weapons and all those things. one and we start talking about peace. all of our money says in god we trust. host: we read earlier news reports that the ukrainian president said in peace talks russia is starting to negotiate or realistically. there are also news reports that the ukrainian leaders says he would accept not joining nato as a concession to peace. there are those tops that are ongoing. sherry in ohio, republican. your turn. caller: i am calling about -- when did the united states start backing nazis.
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the nazis in ukraine are who are causing the trouble. host: sydney in california. independent. caller: i appreciate the previous caller was suggesting this is the time for us to think about peace. president zelensky's message was consistent in a sense in that he was asking for peace but calling for us to engage in more more. people are uniting to say it is time for peace. i would have much preferred that at the end of his speech congress were to stand up and say peace now, peace now. we have to stop this concept we fight these types of things with more arms and war. it is going to engage us in another giant world war. the point is people around the world, i encourage all of you to
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start looking for peace. i am watching website called peace2024. it is time to get it done. we've been trying for thousands of years to create peace on this planet and now we are creating -- now we are reaching a point of enormous failure again as we call for more armaments to create peace. we need to stand up and take to the streets around the world. this is an opportunity. this is an opportunity for us around the world to say it is time for peace. thank you. host: you heard several lawmakers talk about president vladimir putin is a war criminal , he has committed war crimes against the ukrainians. today on c-span3 will have coverage of the house foreign affairs subcommittee. they'll will be taking up this issue of alleged russian war crimes and human rights abuses.
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you can watch it on c-span3,, or with our free video app, c-span now. that is 10:00 eastern time in about eight minutes on c-span3. on c-span the house and began playing in at 10:00 eastern -- the house will be gaveling in at 10:00 eastern time and we will bring you covered from that. christina in georgia. as you watched the ukrainian president deliver his remarks to lawmakers and the american people, what were you thinking? caller: good morning. it is heartbreaking. it is so sad to see what is going on. i totally agree with the previous caller. we need to pray for peace. it was just a shame that the president of ukraine gave the speech. republicans cannot wait to take to the mic to make it all about
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politics. we need to stop putting down our president. he is talking with the military, the experts. we need to listen. let the experts take over. not everything is the airplanes. i've heard they said the russians are attacking with long-range missiles. it is not everything that has been done by airplanes. we need to pray and let god take over. we are not doing a lot of that. thank you. host: you heard the ukrainian president thank the congress and the administration for the eight they have received. president biden will announce more at 11:45 a.m. eastern time. he is expected to say the u.s. will provide another 800 million and military assistance, $2 billion has been provided to the
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radiance since the beginning of this administration. the president next week will travel to russia -- to brussels to meet with eu leaders to discuss the response to russia's invasion. see you in virginia, republican -- sue in virginia, republican. caller: we should remember there was groundwork laid from the previous administration. remember during 45 we had a lot of the aid was withheld from ukraine. we need to consider that. and we need to see the lead up into this administration. i think there is a constant testing of the new president and i feel this is where we encountered this test. we had a test during 45 and money was withheld from ukraine. now with 46 the groundwork has been laid.
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we have to be delicate in considering this. this is not national security. we are in the grounds of international security. if we have that no-fly zone we have to think about what we will do about a no-fly zone. this could impact and possibly pushes into world war iii. we have to be cautious. i do not envy 46 and i feel very sorry about the groundwork that has been laid by the previous administration. host: we heard from two members of congress. both served on the intelligence committee. jim's five -- jim himes of connecticut and chris stewart of utah, and they both responded in similar remarks to our viewers about this idea of the no-fly zone, how it would work and what it would mean. if you miss that, go to our website, you can see our interviews where we ask them about their stance on a no-fly zone. charlie and west bend,
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wisconsin. independent. go ahead. caller: thanks for having me. so many people are talking about the president, he has not done enough. mainly republicans saying that. other people calling in and saying we should have more weapons being sent, or think about a no-fly zone. i've been saying since day one, why can't we just start world war iii? i'm a retired veteran. i hate war. there is no way you're going to start vladimir putin without aggression. no way. that is all i have to say. host: michael in pasadena, texas. republican. caller: good morning. in response to the lady that just called and said 45 held back the money from ukraine, that is totally incorrect. we need to look at all of the
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facts. i watch the senate and congress every day. our situation in the united states is just as bad as the countries around the world. i do not believe we would be where we are at today with ukraine or with china or with russia had we had a little bit better development of our situation in united states itself. host: joe in iowa, democratic caller. are you there? caller: i shahram. -- i sure am. please allow me a few points. the very first caller after president zelensky's speech and a democrat? talking about taking the sales out of the wind -- you know what i'm saying.
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president zelensky has addressed how many countries in the last 21 days? he has been sincere, heartfelt. he has been injured, his country is being destroyed. i cannot believe we are not focusing on him as opposed to all of political calls i have heard. the country, his country needs our help. i can see may be the favor in the future. we should not shoot ourselves in the foot. i will tell you, we should recall that this has been our blood that has been spilled already. reporters or the filmmaker who is documenting everything you saw in the film he created. host: i have to jump in because the house doors are about to open up and the gavel into their se
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