tv Prime Ministers Questions Time CSPAN April 3, 2022 9:00pm-9:57pm EDT
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from a honorable friend the member for bridge and anna know that the house stands with you and what you get the support that you need to live freely as yourself. mr. speaker i like to thank donna and her whole team for the compassionate approach she's taken throughout this distressing review of maternity care. every woman giving birth has the right to a safe birth and my heart therefore goes out to the families for the distress and suffering that they've endured. my right honorable friend the secretary of state for health will make an statement does have been setting up the guns response. mr. speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. >> while our focus is right on the ukraine the prime minister will be aware of the great concern many people have crossed the baltic states.
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so can he outline the role te joint expeditionary force can play and counting russian aggression and improving defensive posture allies in the baltics? >> i thank you very much, and the joint expeditionary force, or the jef is an increasingly important grouping of the nordic countries, the baltic countries, the dutch and ourselves who are committed to working together in an active way to counter russian aggression and to support our ukrainian friends. we had a very special meeting a couple of weeks ago and will have further such meetings in the course of the next few weeks. >> we now come to the leader of the opposition keir starmer. >> thank you, mr. speaker. can i start by joining the prime minister in his remarks relation to the honorable member for bridge end. does the prime minister still think that he and the chancellor are taxcutting conservatives?
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>> yes, mr. speaker, i certainly do because -- i certainly do because this is the government that is just and reduced not only the biggest cut in fuel duty ever but the biggest cut in tax working people in the last ten years. mr. speaker, 70% of the population paying national insurance contribution will have substantial tax cut as a result of what the chancellor did. and if you take -- they didn't like it but it's true. that i was put taxes, that's right. they love it. they love putting up taxes. but if you take together what we're doing with income tax and national insurance it's the biggest tax cut proposed by my right honorable friend the chancellor for 25 years.
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>> keir starmer. >> cut the nonsense. treat the british people with a bit of respect and let me take him through this slowly. 15 tax rises, the highest tax burden for 70 years for every six pounds they're taking in tax rises there only handing one-pound bag. prime minister is that cutting taxes or is that raising taxes? >> mr. speaker, i don't know where he's been for the last two years but even by the standards, even by the standards of even by -- yes, he has. [shouting] even by the standards of captain hindsight, mr. speaker, to obliterate the biggest pandemic for the last century from his memory come to obliterate the
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408 billion that we've had to spend to look after people up and down the country is quite extraordinary. and this is a government that is getting on with reducing the tax burden were ever we can. what we are doing, mr. speaker, there's one measure think he should be supported and that's the health and care leavy. mr. speaker, to fund our nhs. that's the one they oppose, mr. speaker. every other tax rise they're all in favor of. >> mr. speaker, i can only hope that his police questioner was a bit more convincing than that. [laughing] this year, this year -- [shouting] this year british people face the worst fall in living standards on record while the counting every penny the prime minister is hitting them with higher taxes. but in 2024 when they're just so happens to be a general election
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they will introduce a small tax cut. that's not taking difficult decisions. it's putting the tory reelection campaign over and above helping people pay their bills. [shouting] how did he find a chancellor as utterly cynical as he is? >> what we have, mr. speaker, is a chancellor who took the tough decisions to look after the uk economy. [shouting] throughout the pandemic, who protected, who protected people up and down the land with 408 million pounds worth of support, and by the way if we listen to them come if we listen to captain -- [shouting] if we if you listen to captn hindsight, we would not have come out a block down in july last year, mr. speaker. we would have stayed in over christmas and new year, mr. speaker, with the result that the uk economy would not be
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growing in a way that it is. and so we would not be able to make the investments that we now are. and under labour we would have to tax more and borrow more and they cannot be trusted, mr. speaker, with the economy. >> the tough decisions -- give me a break. we know, we know, we note -- [shouting] mr. speaker, we know who was always asked to pay. income still tax, a tax on working people. tuition fee rate, a tax on working people. national insurance hike, attacks on working people. all while i oil and gas companies see unexpected bump in profits. a windfall tax would raise billions and ease the burden on working people. mr. speaker, the former ceo of bp lord john brown comes as a windfall tax is justifiable.
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the current ceo says they have been his words more cash than they know what to do with. why is the prime minister more interested in shielding oil and gas profits than supporting working people? >> it was because a classic example of what labour has got wrong in their period in office. the oil and gas companies are now investing 20,000,000,000 pounds, mr. speaker, in ensuring that we have long-term energy supplies. i remember the 1997 labour manifesto, actually said the western economic case for more nuclear power. we are now having to -- we are now having to make good the historic mistakes of the labour party by investing in our long-term energy supply. that is what we're doing. everything that they are proposing would mean deterring investment, meaning higher prices for consumers and household up and down the land being worse off.
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>> there we have it. they are the party of excess, oil and gas profits. we are the party of working people. [shouting] mr. speaker, talking -- talking of parties, talking of parties, prime minister, he told the house no rules were broken in downing street during lockdown. the police have now concluded there was widespread criminality. the ministerial code says that ministers who knowingly mislead the house should resign. why is he still here? [shouting] >> hang on a minute. hang on a minute. he just changed his position. [shouting] i mean, we do at least expect some consistency from this human
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weathervane. it was only a week or so ago when he was saying i shouldn't resign. he's got to make dash of what is his position, mr. speaker? we of course, of course the investigators must get on with their job, but in the meantime let them -- in the meantime, in the meantime, mr. speaker, we are going to get on with our job. what we are focusing on is tackling the cost of living, helping people, helping people through the spike until prices, the 9.1 billion that the chancellor has set out but also i've mentioned nuclear power. i've mentioned tackling our energy supplies. labour totally failed to do but what were also doing far more important press given that mr. speaker, we're tackling the literacy and numeracy in our schools and i think we are investing billions in tutoring, mr. speaker. that's what we're focusing on anything but the people of this
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country want us to focus on. >> look, the are only two possible explanations. either he's trashing the ministerial code or he's claiming he was repeatedly lied to by his own advisors like he didn't know what was going on and his own house in his own office. come off it. he really does think that it's one role for him and another roll for everyone else, that he can pass off criminality in his office and ask others to follow the law. that he can keep raising taxes and call himself a tax cutter. that he can hike tax during a cost of living crisis and get credit for giving a bit back just before an election. when is he going to stop taking british public for fools? [shouting] >> mr. speaker, this is the leader of the opposition who would have kept this country in lockdown, and made it absolutely
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impossible. he has zero consistency on any issue, mr. speaker, the one thing we know about is he would like to take us back into the eu, , take us back into the lockdown if he possibly could. thanks to what this government has done we have unemployment back down to the levels it was before the pandemic. the economy bigger than it was. we have record vacancies, mr. speaker. the difference between them and us is the want to keep people -- mr. speaker, they want to keep people on benefits. we want to help people into work and that's what we're doing in record numbers. they want to raise taxes, we want to cut taxes and that's what we're doing, mr. speaker, and we're tackling the literacy. they didn't give a damn, mr. speaker. we are on with making this country the best place to invest. last time i updated the house, mr. speaker, on the number of unicorns that we had come of
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unicorns in this country, that's tech countries with more than a billion dollars, mr. speaker, i said we had 100. i can do for me now, mr. speaker, we now have 120. 120. they don't want to hear. but let me tell you -- [shouting] that's more than france, more than germany, more than israel, it's more than france, germany, israel combined mr. speaker. that's what's happening under this government. that's what's happening because of the tough decisions were taken. we take the tough decisions. we deliver. they play politics, mr. speaker. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. the uk governments work connecting rural areas like bracken and radishes to superfast broadband is coming up hard when it was, withdraws its match funding for this game forcing the cost for installation back on homes and businesses in my constituency.
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welsh labour's decision means my constituents will lose out as local authorities in england continue to find the skin. does he agree with me that broadband is critical for the growth of the rural economy and will he doubled his efforts to connect my constituents despite welsh labour of letting us down? >> yes, mr. speaker, and were spending 69 million already to support rollout of superfast broadband in wales, and i wish that the welsh government had not withdrawn its broadband scheme will do our best to make up the difference as fast as possible. >> we now come to the snp leader, ian blackford. >> thank you, mr. speaker. it's good to see the member for bridge and in the chamber this afternoon. i commend him for his statement earlier today. mr. speaker, last night millions of families have been desperately try to figure out they were possibly afford the
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700-pound energy price hike that will hit them this friday. mr. speaker, at the very same time tory mps were gathering across the street for a champagne bash in the park plaza. we all know -- [shouting] we all know that the tories party during lockdown and now -- [shouting] >> mr. fabricated, easter is upon us. i don't need you to ruin your easter, so let's see -- all of you. snp leader, ian blackford, up. >> you can shout and scream when where raising the cost of living. we all know the tories party during lockdown and now they are partying to the cost of living emergency. last week the chancellor got it badly, badly wrong with the
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spring statement and ever since the prime minister has been busy racing against him saying that more needs to be done. for once i agree with the prime minister. so if the prime minister modi believes that more needs to be done, can he tell us exactly what you will order his chancellor to do to help the millions of families were facing a 700-pound price hike this friday? >> mr. speaker, i thank him very much, and he is, i think he's in error in what he said. he's like me, a living testament to the benefits of moderation in all things. [laughing] mr. speaker i can assure him, i can assure him that we are getting, this week, for instance, to get to his point what's happening actually is the living wages going up again by record amounts, and thanks to what the chancellor has done we are putting 9.1 billion pounds
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into helping people up and down the country. what i might respectfully suggest is actually i think the scottish nationalist government with whom as i say we work inclusively well i think the thing they could focus on long-term prosperity of scotland is educational system where i'm sad to see, where i'm sad to see, i'm sad to see scotland's once glorious record falling behind. >> ian blackford. >> what a load of absolute baloney. [laughing] mr. speaker, the prime minister is dangerously out of touch. food banks are warning the people having to choose the food based on whether they can afford the gas to boil it. families are having to choose what rooms to heat or whether they can turn on the heating at all. some in the tory cabinet clearly believe that better weather means that they can happily sit under hands and did nothing until next winter. they obviously don't get or don't care that in many parts of
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scotland the weather will barely reach above freezing over the next week. the chancellor thinks he's 200-pound loan which is forcing people in the energy data center solution but it clearly isn't. so before the prime minister and as chance would go off on the eastern holidays will the very least finally put some cash into people's pockets when they did right now? >> i think you but, of course, we are doing everything that we can. the 9.1 billion, the cold weather payments, and his right to draw attention to the problem, mr. speaker, and we are making a huge investment in supporting people right now, and another billion by the way through the household support fund to help vulnerable families. but mr. speaker, when he talks about the cost of energy in scotland how absolutely preposterous that the scottish nationalist party should still
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be opposed to the use of any of our native hydrocarbons in this country with the result, with the result of actually have, the europeans are importing oil and gas from putin's russia, mr. speaker, is totally absurd. >> just for the record national party. let's go to mark fletcher. >> thank you, mr. speaker. following on from the publication of the schools white paper one of my most important campaigns is to secure provision of quality posts 16 education within the constituency where there is currently none. young people in my constituency have to travel long distances at considerable cost to access their education. will my right honorable friend to meet with me to discuss how we can right this wrong for the young people at the wells of a constituency and give thee in the education they deserve? >> yes, i thank him very much and he's a great champion for his constituents. and subsidize travel provided to
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students traveling so far, two of the three excellent colleges that are offering key levels from 23 and i will make sure that he gets a meeting with my right honorable friend the education secretary to discuss for the what we can do. >> during the second world war my grandmother like countless other people across our country opened her home to evacuees, including two german jewish boys. boys. over 70 years later the british people want to shelter desperate refugees again. two weeks ago i was speaking to refugee families on the ukrainian polish border. some desperately wanted to come to our country. an elderly couple told me how will they've been told it's just too complicated. now the government own figures say the same. needlework is being put ahead of people. mr. speaker, when wealthy businessmen from over 50 50 countries can come to the uk
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visa free, why does the prime minister insist that a traumatized ukrainian mother and child must first fill out a visa form? >> i think, thank you very much and he's right about the generosity of his country and he's right to draw attention to his own family generosity. in this matter everybody i think is pulling together the number of people who come forward to offer the homes is incredible, but i really don't think that he should deprecate what the uk is offering. we've already given 25,000 people have already got visas, mr. speaker. we are processing 1000 a day, 1000 a day, and there is no limit, no upper limit to the number that we could take. this is a country that is artie been the most generous in taking
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evil from afghanistan, the 15,000 under operation pitting, 104,000 applications on the hong kong chinese. this is a country that is overwhelmingly generous to people coming in fear of their lies. yes, it is, mr. speaker, and so is this government. >> johnny mercer. >> thank you very much vista speaker. i don't think anybody involved in partnering operations over the last ten or 20 years can fail to be humbled by the extraordinary courage and commitment to the ukrainian people in defending their country. eight and affected by the lethal aid of this country which they are appreciative of this government and this prime minister being first out the door to deliver that. would the prime minister agree with me that whilst others may now begin to tire now is actually time to double down on the aid that we give the ukraine, that actually might end up breaking a pretty poor russian army and being priest to the part of the world wants consigning the likes of vladimir putin to the dustbin of history where he belongs?
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>> mr. speaker, i think that is absolutely right, thank you very much, i thank him for his own bravery in going to see for himself, only the other day. mr. speaker, yes, it is right we should double down on military defense of support in the way that we are. and by the way, can anybody imagine a labour government, eight of whom front bench voted to get rid of our nuclear deterrent? can you imagine, yes, they did. can you imagine, recently. can you imagine them doing the same? we will go on with that, mr. speaker, but what we will also do and i hope we have the support of the opposition in this is make sure that there is no backsliding on sanctions by any of our friends and partners around the world. in fact, we need now to ratchet up the economic pressure on vladimir putin and it is certainly inconceivable that any sanctions could be taken off simply because there is a cease-fire, mr. speaker.
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that would be absolutely unthinkable, in my view. >> households are experiencing soaring energy costs. we're in the middle of a global climate emergency. against this backdrop norway can feed energy into our national grid at a cost of one pound 36 per megawatt hour. france paid 17p per megawatt hour. germany, the netherlands and luxembourg pay nothing to feed into our group. can the prime minister then explain why scotland's renewable sector has been punished with connection charges of seven pounds 36 per megawatt hour? >> mr. speaker, scotland's renewable sector is leading the world, and i'm grateful to all the scottish government, the scottish government for all the help and support that they are
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giving in developing that incredible resource in the north sea. i think there's also a role by the way for hydrocarbons as we transition, mr. speaker, but what we need to do is make sure we have agreed that enables us to take that electricity onshore and transmitted around the country and that is what i will be sending out in the british energy security strategy, mr. speaker. that is investment long-term investment that this country needs and which the party opposite completely failed to address. >> greg smith. >> thank you, mr. speaker. last week following a huge resident and parish council led campaign planning application for new mega present in my constituency was refused but what my right honorable friend agree that with the proposals for that site being very close to her hs2 an east west rail across this is a matter of fairness whereby communities already suffering at the hands of the construction of big state infrastructure should not be asked to take more and will he
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instruct the ministry of justice not to appeal this planning decision? >> well, i thank my honorable friend who's a doughty campaigner for his constituency. he's made an important point about a planning that of it which i don't think should really comment but i'm sure the relevant ministers would have heard loud and clear. >> thank you, mr. speaker. with the government losing an estimated 4 billion pounds to fraud in the furlough scheme, surely the prime minister should have tackled that fraud, especially when in his own party -- [inaudible] was claimed for a member of party staff even though he continued to work. >> if she's really saying, mr. speaker, that we should not have rolled out the furlough scheme at the speed that we did, then i
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think everybody in this country understands that it was a heroic thing. and i remember two years ago, mr. speaker, they were yammering and clamoring for us to go faster, and we did, mr. speaker. we produce a fantastic team and just fraudsters will be hunted down. we put another 100 million into tracking down fraud in this country. 23 billion pounds a year or lost under labour on fraud. >> mr. speaker, thank you. i was delighted to learn this week that 37 of the 39th state schools in my constituency are now graded good or outstanding. with the prime minister join with me in thanking our fantastic teachers, , staff, governors and pupils, and does he agree that the new education white paper offers a blueprint for our schools that we can all be proud of? >> yes, i do, mr. speaker, it's a fantastic white paper.
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>> over 2 million tons of edible food is wasted on farms and factories every year and funding was introduced in 2019 to cover the costs of getting food to charities to reach those in need. however, the prime minister will know his government have now cut that critical funding to zero. mr. speaker, funding for food waste diversion helps support committee projects like, for example, three hills immunity supermarket in glasgow. so can the prime minister explain why he's ignoring calls from feeding britain, good food scotland and fair share to continue this initiative and instead cutting off a lifeline to those struggling with the cost of living crisis? >> i thank you very much. i think he's referring to the strategy that we have for food waste. as far as i know we continue to support it but i would be happy to update him. >> thank you, mr. speaker.
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can i think the prime minister for his early remarks concerning the donna aachen hawkinst into avoidable mercury deaths and injuries. the report makes for devastating reading. the more so because women's voices were ignored. my constituent haley mathews bae staff for a c-section the router 36 36 hour labour but was forced into a natural birth. her son jack arrived blue and sloppy and within hours of his birth he tragically died. will the prime minister join in offering heartfelt sympathies to all the families affected and also grateful thanks to the 1862 women who shared their experiences with the review to ensure that maternity care a savior, kinder, and more compassionate for the women that come after them? >> i think my honorable friend for a question. i think everybody will think the
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women concerned come taking up the issue in the way that they have and we extend our heartfelt sympathies to the victims and their families from what they have severed. it's very important that people get the answers that they deserve, mr. , mr. speaker,o that we have the right approach to this issue in the future, and that's why we're investing very substantially in maternity services and also of course very substantially in midwives and in our nhs altogether. >> thank you. prime minister, every day i hear from more and more of my brother and constituent were struggling to put food on the table, to keep the lights on, to fuel their cars. the office of budget responsibility estimate the government measures will only offset falling living standards by a third. this is the biggest financial squeeze since the 1950s.
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don't blame ukraine. don't blame covid. this is down to your governments policies and your political choices. [shouting] >> i do agree that people are facing a very tough time at the moment, and we've got to do everything that -- i don't agree with her analysis but i think the causes are certain to do with the inflationary impact of the world coming out of covid and energy price spike is at the root of it. what we're doing, mr. , mr., is to help people with a universal credit which we lifted by 1000 pounds, help help people with a living wage which is going up now by a record amount, mr. speaker, and cutting taxes on working people. in the way that we are. but, of course, we can't do everything, mr. speaker, right now, and what we will do is
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ensure that we have a stronger economic performance and with people in work, and the most important thing is that we have people didn't into work now in a way that was impossible certainly wouldn't have been possible if we stuck to the policies that were proposed by the labour opposition. and that's why we have a strong economy and that is the best recipe is better to be off benefits and into work and that's what we're doing. >> one of my earliest campaigns was to reopen staffordshire hall consult delighted this iconic building is finally set to reopen the summer. so can i think the government from providing 1.6 million in funding to create the hub for small businesses in the hall? but can i also asked my honorable friend to help regenerate the rest of the town center and are high streets to level up the west midlands and support our local businesses? >> i thank my honorable friend
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for her fantastic work to reopen the hall. she's a passionate campaigner for stafford, and stafford was awarded over 14,000,000 pounds lately, mr. speaker, through through the future high streets fund. >> thank you, mr. speaker. my constituency has one of the highest rates of child poverty in the entire country with too many already struggling between heating and eating. the government recent real term social security cut will now pushed even more families of children and pensioners into desperation. does the prime minister agree the biggest squeeze in household finances since records began to suck him out of the blue but is due to conservative economics and the notion that while some have the pleasure of partying, the rest of us should suffer? [shouting] >> no, mr. speaker, we're absolutely dedicated to level up across our entire country and making sure that we reduce poverty, and that's why i'm proud that are now half
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1 million fewer kids actually in worthless households, 200,000 fewer kids, , 200,000 fewer in poverty, mr. speaker, and 1.3 million fewer in absolute poverty. and the way we have done that, the way we have done that, the way we've done that, mr. speaker, is by helping people into work. we are going to go further investing in more work coaches, massively increasing our training budget so people get the skills that they need. that's our approach, mr. speaker, helping people by giving them into work. >> today's announcement by our serving united kingdom judges of the withdrawal from the hong kong court of final appeal to stop right decision and i supported, as does my right honorable friend. does he agree with me that on this sad day for the people of hong kong and at a time when the international rule of law is under unprecedented challenge it
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is for us here in britain to stand up for what is right, , to be resolute in the face of tyranny, and to make sure that the international rules-based order is offended at every opportunity? >> i think my right honorable friend very much, and i know how passionately he's campaigned on this issue himself, and i can tell him that's bit and i want to think the judges in hong kong's court for everything they've been doing but it think they have evidently concluded that the constraints of the national security law make it impossible for them to continue to serve in the way that they would want. i appreciate and understand their decision. it is vital that we all continue to make our points to the chinese as i did in my conversation with president xi the other day. but friedman hong kong and about the treatment of the uighurs and will continue to do that.
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>> catherine west. >> thank you very muc h, mr. speaker. gas and electric prices and bills are through the roof. they are just about managing are no longer managing, coming to searchers, queuing at the bank. last week the government had a golden opportunity to tackle this. why the devil didn't they take that opportunity to do something and relieve the pressure on our constituents? >> mr. speaker, i understand the pressure that people are under but the best thing we can do rather than endlessly taxing more and borrowing more is make sure that we support people through this tough time, which we are, and also ensure that we have a strong and growing economy in which you get people into work. so we are cutting the cost of energy but we we're also take long-term decision which the party opposite fail to do to invest in our energy to the future. >> sir roger gale. >> mr. speaker, today's updated
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government figures show that 28,300 applications submitted under the sponsorship scheme by people displaced in putin's war. just 2700 have been processed. could my right honorable friend please tell the house how many to date of those people have actually arrived in the united kingdom? will he give his support to my noble friend lord harrington to cut through the home office redtape, simplified application process, and get people into the country? >> mr. speaker, we're processing 1000 a day, and i think that, i think that the country -- 25,000 visas have already been issued as i just told the house, mr. speaker. almost 200,000 families homes have opened their arms to ukrainians coming in fear of their lives, and there is no limit on the scheme, mr. speaker. i think we can be incredibly
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proud of what uk is doing. >> patricia gibson. >> thank you, mr. speaker. a cornerstone of the last conservative manifesto was a guaranteed basic state pension would rise by either 2.5% inflation rate or earnings growth whichever was highest. instead come from april the state pageant will rise by less than half of the current inflation rate. how does the prime minister explained this abject betrayal of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities who are squeezed by rocketing energy and food prices on the one hand, and the mindlessness of this government on the other? >> actually mr. speaker, what we've done is to the triple lock protected pensioners so that their incomes as result of the triple lock our 720 pounds higher than they would have been if we just relied on inflation. as it is, their incomes continue to increase with inflation. and they've gone up, mr.
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speaker, faster and further than those who are in work. we look after elderly people and we always will. >> john baron. >> thank you, mr. speaker. on monday the foreign secretary agreed we need to expand our soft power capabilities in these uncertain times and get the government is imminently about to make a funding decision that could see may see the closure of british council country operations and the reduction and its international footprint. will the prime minister now intervene to ensure this doesn't happen given that i know he understands and appreciates the important work the council does? >> very happy to meet my honorable friend on this issue, i think he has campaigned on it many times but i can tell in that the british council which i have a huge regard has received massive grant and indeed loans to allow them to continue their activities. >> thank you. thank you, mr. speaker. you'll forgive me if i may start but given the prime minister's preferences for both nancy
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castles and have paid he's very welcome to come and visit playland at warwick castle this week. [laughing] in warwick and limiting as across the country cost of living crunch is really serious. energy bills as we've heard looking to double by the end of this year. food up ten-15% by urine. fuel already up 22%. it must be hard for the prime minister to stay in touch with financial reality given that donors and friends pay for flights and holidays and many of his bills. and we also have, , we also hava $200 million man chancellor, a $200 million chancellor whose so out of touch -- he so out of touch -- [shouting] so out of touch he's contactless. [laughing] mr. speaker the public believes -- >> you will be sitting down, so
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please. >> i hope we've come to the end of the question. prime minister. >> what was the question? [shouting] >> so out of touch he is contactless. mr. speaker, the public believes -- the government -- [shouting] >> shut up and be quiet. behave yourselves. i hope that's the end of the question. i think the primary is got the gist of it because i certainly have. prime minister. >> and i say to the honorable gentleman much as i admire his style i think he would be better a a sort of a light essay in "the guardian." [laughing] i don't -- what we doing, mr. speaker, is tackling the cost of living by dealing with the spike in energy prices and making sure that we take the right long-term decision to take this country forward which the right decisions, that party opposite completely shirks. >> when saxby.
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>> i woke what this government is doing to help her again with the cost of living crisis but in north devon and across the southwest we have housing crisis that needs urgent access. will my right honorable friend meet with me to better understand the severity and complexity upper housing shortage of potential steps the government may take? >> prime minister. >> my honorable friend is absolutely right and she's right about the need to provide local homes for local people. .. >> on the second row, and we are using to build 180,000 affordable homes across the country and it is always the
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conservatives to build affordable homes. >> thank you very much and oil spill, river which flows not too far from the ten and it cannot be seen as moments as water and hope in proposing a service that to the fish and local life and their understaffed and underfunded while also companies a sewage discard and strengthening the powers and protections as a try to do for the environment now and able to hold this up to the authorities to a café environment in the same way they're able to. >> i know what defines or questions and return to the jurisdiction of the european union and what we want to do is make sure that we use our
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landmarks and environments bill to continue to improve the quality of our rivers and that's what we are doing. >> and now t >> middle and high school students per dissipated in c-span's didn't documentary competition. when we asked the question how does the federal government impact your life. our second prize high school winners are 12 graders from which fit high school in columbia, south carolina. the winning entry is titled missing white woman syndrome. >> before amber alert scum advertisements on no cartons were used to publicize missing
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children. the tactic slowly began to fade because people started to get used to seeing them. according to the black and missing foundation, the coverage of white and minority victims is not proportionate. 40% of missing persons or persons of color yet african-americans make up only 13% of the population. >> nancy carrigan and tonya harding and way above its, everyone knows what happened. >> i call it the missing white woman syndrome. if there is a missing white woman, we are going to cover that everyday. >> when social media star gabby petito went missing, a lot of people began to wonder why she was getting the amount of coverage she was. people started to connect her case to the missing white woman syndrome. >> better control, better access
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of getting to the media than the african-american. >> i do think that case does have -- in how -- >> i am happy that gabby petito got the attention she did get . like every other missing or at risk person, she deserves that. we know looking at how things play out nationally and worldwide, the same coverage and the same consideration at attention is not shown to other people, other races in particular. >> you probably only wrecking eyes a few of these faces peered the face eyes that were highlighted were fairly represented in the media. >> law enforcement does wonderful work. i cannot find everyone but they are doing much better work now than they were doing 40 years ago.
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we've much better laws, much better practices in place. >> when you talk about environment, talk about family life, talk about past history, you have to look at all of those factors involved in that person. every case is different. >> bad ending to the search for a missing teen. the body was found in lexington county. >> her friends and family are not getting the attention they needed. >> i felt like i was screaming into an empty room. and nobody was even in there to listen. everything i had given to law enforcement upfront was dismissed. >> her daughter voluntarily left with someone. we did investigate it.
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unfortunately the outcome was not what anybody would want to happen. >> thousands of minorities go missing every year with little to no media coverage. the stories are often invisible. this is because the lack of representation. > i'm of the natalie holloway case, we got some flack from african-americans saying why you're not covering my daughter? i would make a point of covering those other missing children and give them as much airtime because they deserved it. >> there really is slow in sharing the flyers on tv and putting the information out over the news. but the moment something went wrong with her, they were all on the phone with me trying to get an interview. >> did someone observe them being forcibly taken? when we have information like
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that, that is something that means -- the amber alert is usually issued at that point. we use the public and the media to get the word out as much as we can. >> you don't see your child being abducted. you cannot necessarily call it an amber alert. it is just a missing child. i would have had to see someone forcing my daughter into this vehicle in order to get an amber alert. >> which brings us to our question. what needs to be done to hold not only the media but also the government and police force accountable? >> to shine a light on this issue. >> there was no way to put missing children into nci safe. in 1982, the missing children's act change that. additional requirements about the reporting of these children
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pewter requires states cannot have a waiting period to take a report. it says they shall be placed into within two hours. >> like the missing children on the milk carton, the growing issue needs to it away and bring awareness to inequality when it comes to missing minorities. >> they need to be able to have that awareness to prevent the disparity in the reporting. >> to watch this and all winning entries, visit our website at >> this week on the c-span network, both chambers of congress are in session with the house voting to hold peter
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navarro indents giving in criminal contempt for failing to comply with subpoenas by the january 6 could pity -- january 6 committee. the senate judiciary committee must vote on judge jackson's nomination. we will have that live monday. at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span and c-span2. members of the president's cabinet have begun testifying before congress on their department's budget request. defense secretary lloyd austin and the chair of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley testifying before the senate armed services committee. health and human services rick perry javier becerra resents his department's 2023 budget to the senate finance committee. wednesday, treasury secretary janet yellen testifies before the house financial services committee on sanctions and
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international financial system. also wednesday at 10:30 a.m. eastern on c-span3, presidents and ceos of six oil companies testify before the house energy and commerce committee on rising gas prices. watch this week live on the c-span network or on c-span now, ever free mobile video app. head over to for scheduling information or to stream video live or on-demand any time. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> at least six presidents recorded conversations while in office. there are many of those conversations on c-span's new podcast, presidential recording. >> season one focuses on the presidency of lyndon johnson. you will hear about the 1964 civil rights act, 1954 presidential campaign, the march
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in selma and the where and a vietnam. but everyone knew they were being recorded. >> certainly johnson secretaries knew because they were being tasked with transcribing many of those conversations. they were the ones who made sure the conversations were taped as johnson would signal to them through an open door between his office and theirs. >> you also hear some blunt talk. >> number of people who signed the kennedy the day he died. >> presidential recording. find it on the c-span mobile app or wherever you get your podcasts. >> listen to c-span radio with
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our free mobile app, c-span mel. get free to what is happening in washington. livestream of the floor proceedings and hearings from the u.s. congress. campaigns and more. plus analysis of the world of politics with our informative podcast. c-span now is available at the apple store and google play. download it for free today. c-span now, your front row seat to washington anytime, anywhere. >> next, a hearing on threats posed by weapons of mass destruction. pentagon officials testified on the defense department strategy, policy and programs for countering wmd. the house subcommittee hearing is just over an hour.
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