tv Washington Journal 05202022 CSPAN May 20, 2022 9:34am-10:03am EDT
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the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 11-b of house resolution 188, the house stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m. on tuesday, may 24, 2022. host: we are back and we will rep up today's program with open forum. include your first name, city and state. president biden visiting asia for the first time as president. the headline from reuters, first
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stop samsung. ensuring global supply chains and here's the president's remarks earlier this morning. [video clip] >> i've just seen how this plant makes the most dance semiconductor chips in the world. they are a wonder in innovation, design precision manufacturing. semi conductors enable our modern lives. when it comes the most advanced ships like the ones made by samsung, there is only one of only three companies in the world that makes these chips. it's incredible achievement. because these little chips only a few nanometers thick are the key to propelling us into the next era of technological development. artificial intelligence, 5g and
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so very much more. things we even have -- we haven't even thought of. this plan reflects the close bonds between our countries. much of the technology and machinery used to make these chips were designed and produced in the united states and by uniting our skills and or technological know-how, it allows the production of chips that are critical to both our countries and are essential sectors of our global economy. thanks for the incredible 17 billion dollar investment that samsung announced last may, soon to the united states, a facility like this one in tyler, texas, thank you. [applause] host: president biden in south korea earlier this morning, part of his six day trip to asia and he will be in japan shoring up u.s. relations with these
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countries, talking about supply chain issues and the economy and jobs for americans. is that the public policy issue on your mind? a lot of economic news in the papers this morning. you can call in on that or any other issue. michelle in staten island, new york, independent, you're up first. caller: good morning, i'm upset about how we cannot get along, the north couldn't get along with the north and the whites with the lax. host: i'm listening. caller: i'm sorry, i don't understand why we have all this conflict in the united states of america, the most dutiful country, a strong and powerful country that we are. imagine how much more powerful we could be if we all came together.
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it just breaks my heart and i have to say my prayers are with the families in buffalo. it's sad, it's very sad. host: sylvia in virginia, a republican. caller: yes, thank you. my ears go out to the families of the people who were shot at the supermarket and i think deep down in our souls, we need to see if there is any racism in our family. i remember my grandmother in pittsburgh would just about slide under the seat when my grandfather parked because he would say things. we need to ask for forgiveness, thank you. host: jerry in new jersey, democratic caller, public policy issue? caller: two comments -- because this administration -- i am a democrat -- because this
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administration it made color, gender and sex an important thing, i can see the spokesperson replaced by john kirby. that's not a good thing. then you've got the other thing with the open borders. you can see it's not working and the fact that they made it up priority. that's the problem. he has to get qualified people in there. you can't put people in there because of color. the vice president is a disgrace. host: let's go to brian in tampa, florida, republican. caller: good morning. i was hoping to get on. i'm here. host: you are hoping to get on with the previous guests? caller: yeah. i wanted to ask him on his idea
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that what wrong with humans on this earth is we have a worship of money and their perception of money gives them power. that's obviously why politicians talk about ideology as a point to knock out the other side and say they are that because they want to grab the money so they have power. it's sad. if you took money out of the occasion of our interaction of humans on the earth, there would be a whole different behavior of everybody. i just want to make that point and ask that question of everybody, thank you. host: on saturday at 9 a.m. eastern time, as america gets
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set to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the lincoln memorial dedication, "washington journal" will interview the abraham lincoln scholar life from the national mall. he will discuss the nation's 16th president, the moral creation and construction and the democratic ideals the memorial has come to represent. what's that live at 9:00 a.m. eastern time on c-span2 four here on the "washington journal ." we hope you join us for that conversation. janice in louisiana, democratic caller. caller: hello, this is janice. host: we are listening. caller: i think we should buy and sell guns like we buy and sell cars. with licenses and insurance. don't allow guns strapped in public around your waist or over your shoulder. i have guns.
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i like guns. my father taught me how to shoot us a sport but never point a gun at anyone loaded or unloaded. i have some comments about socialism but i don't know if you want to do that or not. host: go ahead, make it quick. caller: the answer to her overall problems today is socialism. -- to our overall problems today is socialism. socialism is not stalin communism. any population control and cost control. most of europe, england and china are all socialistic and my understanding is that russia wants to be socialistic. socialism is not communism. government of, by and for the people is necessary to save our
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planet and ourselves. host: i will jump in and let folks know about the headlines this morning. many of them are about the baby formula shortage and action by congress yesterday. on capitol hill, the fda commissioner was testifying before lawmakers and here's what he told them about what steps the biden administration is taking to ease the shortage. [video clip] >> united states was facing a shortage even before the recall that beginning february. the pandemic and labor supply issues had an impact and i can assure you the fda has been were tirelessly to address this issue. this week and we set up a mechanism that streamlines the ability for companies that do not normally sell formula in this country to do so and provides other flexibility to increase availability. i want to be clear, under this
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process, this formula would only be imported after the agency determines the product is safe and provides adequate nutrition. safety is paramount and a permanent injunction was entered between the fda and average nutrition. under the consent degree, there were actions taken by the fda and experts that will result in an increase of formula products. as you also know, congress passed the defense production act to make sure manufacturers have enough ingredients to make safe, healthy, infant formula at home and announced operation formula to speed up the production to stores as soon as possible. we know many parents and caregivers are feeling frustrated. we anticipate additional products can enter u.s. stores.
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we have a critical opportunity to invest fda -- fda facility to act with partners. there are millions of infants that rely on or miller as their sole source of nutrition. host: testifying yesterday about the baby formula shortage and he will be testifying again next week before the house energy and commerce committee. he along with manufactures of baby formulas including avid executives will be testifying on capitol hill. that's on wednesday, may 25 and you can go to for more details about that. i want to show you another exchange and capitol hill yesterday on baby formula. this is from the appropriations committee chair and the fda commissioner on the agency's response last october when safety concerns about baby
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formula manufactured by abbott labs first came to light by whistle blower. [video clip] >> food safety is not a priority at the fda. it seems to be a restructuring of the food safety with people who know food safety. dr. woodcock was the acting commissioner when this whistleblower report reached the agency, i'm not at dr. and bacteria mutates over time. it could have changed over time. have you read the whistleblower report? >> i have looked at it. >> what was the allegation that concerns you the most? >> the most concerning, in my
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career i freak really been in the position of being the person in charge whistleblower can planes. the most concerning charge is the integrity of the organization was compromised. once the integrity is compromised, how can you trust any of the systems in place? >> yes, whoever looked at that report felt there was no need to respond at all from october-february until there was a recall. that is a dereliction of duty in my view. in addition to which, the person who is the acting commissioner should have done that and would it would appear that person would oversee this effort. that is the fox in the hen house. host: if you missed yesterday's hearing, you can find it on our website, we are talking about the top
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public policy issue on your mind. we will go to mike, in independent. caller: i believe a lot of problems we are seeing are self-inflicted like baby formula host: nancy in altoona, pennsylvania, democratic caller. caller: good morning, i'm glad to get this opportunity. i've been up tight about this ever since i heard of the 18-year-old who plans to kill and it had been planned for years. it was down there in the black community. i hope we get to the root of the evils of our country. we emphasize too much in white
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and black what we are doing wrong and what we are not doing at all. we are not getting to the root of teaching that we are all equal and quit bringing this to a head. a bad action promotes a reaction. the rise in crime tells us that we are not getting to the root. we are bringing up that parents have to teach that we are all equal and we have a country now that is not getting the basic thoughts into children's heads and we as a adults come as soon as something happens, we low it out and we hear all about white
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supremacists. we have not gotten to the root of the problem and that is quick emphasizing black, white, all the problems we are creating. we are putting this into our children's heads. we just need to be ethical like what has happened in ukraine, why is that that so many people are united and behind it? it's because they do the right thing. host: we get nancy's point there and tony in fort lauderdale, florida, independent. caller: good morning. i have so much information, i want to speak to the psychological part of this.
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guns are not sold like cars because you could buy cars never register them and never have a tag on them were drivers license. there are thousands of vehicles that are confined to farms that have never been registered or insured so they can get away from that step he says you can buy guns over the internet. you cannot. you can have guns and shipped to a dealer. i have bought them that way and i fill out state and federal forms. host: tony in florida. a previous caller mentioned the white house press secretary, the new one, this is the headline in the associated press.
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it seems like we have democrats and republicans, no matter who was in the white house, the other side is totally against anything they do or say about it. we have so many committees, why can't they put a committee together with seven or 10 republicans and 10 democrats in a room and have them come up with an idea and make it law? we spend billions of dollars. why not just get people together that know what they should do to the border and have it done? it seems like both sides don't want to get it fixed. guest: host: mike in california, independent. caller: good morning. i think the analysis that tends to dominate the question of crime and brutality in the american culture is an analysis that traces the cause and effect
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much like a young child who thinks the source of food is a refrigerator. a more perceptive analysis starts from the beginning which is alcohol prohibition promoting violence in the culture. murder rates were radically cut at the end of alcohol prohibition. i predict we would have the same positive results of ending drug prohibition. host: christine in one socket, rhode island, democratic caller. caller: good morning, i was calling and i have been watching c-span since i've been out of work and watching the hearings. the only thing i'm getting from this is the division of this country with democrats,
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republicans being enemies. we are not enemies. we are people that live in the usa we have people that protect our country in tribal countries and get nothing done and they come back to our country and it's so divided. why is this all happening? don't take your eyes off the prize. all of this happen for a reason. when the truth comes out, no matter what it is, believe it. i thought hillary clinton won the election. i was listening to everything from democrats and republicans. by the way, i was a young mom that was a hard working essential worker that worked a job, a part-time job to pay my
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bills. it just got nowhere. there was no help nowhere. people say people want handouts. you need maternity leave or sick time or anything, it's for the families. nobody wants more than anybody else. you just want to make sure you have a decent roof over your head. i've never been on vacation. that's my whole life. host: another headline to share with you from the oklahoman. you can read more if you go to the
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pennsylvania, republican. hi, john. caller: thanks for having me on. it started with spinning biden out of his fiasco and blaming everything on trump. i can't believe he said -- what he said about the tariffs. he raised the inflation from 2.3%. then you try to say that the election wasn't stolen when everybody with half a brain knows it was. then you blame it on the self-loathing white doctor that tried to say that everybody is white is a racist. if you went to philadelphia, key can see that the problem is black on black crime and every time you get these isolated incidents where a white person shoots a black person, a white
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person's race is now. i wish you would have real conservative people on your show and stop being a talking point like cnn, abc, cbs and the rest. host: how often do you watch this program? caller: i watch it now because comcast - concast raised their bill so high that i can't get fox news or ms lsd and other liberal stations. i like to catch the lies and garbage they put out to the american public step host: the terror story was written by fareed zakaria. his argument was that the president could impact inflation
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and bring costs down if he reversed all of the tariffs the former president trump put in place. you can read that online if you like. greg in southpoint, ohio, democratic caller. are you with us? caller: yes, can you hear me? host: yes, go ahead. caller: i'm curious why there are so many people using baby formula now. i was born in the early 50's and i don't understand why there are so many infants on formula. is there a lack of milk or something wrong with the population? host: that debate over the formula shortage will continue next week in washington on wednesday. the fda commissioner and the manufactures of baby formula will testify on capitol hill. go to for more information.
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we will leave it there and be back tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. so enjoy your friday and your weekend. host: caller: [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2022] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> this morning, the white house discusses the state of the u.s. economy with the center for american progress live in 11:00 a.m. on c-span, c-span now or anytime online at . >> in 1997, sovereignty over hong kong was seated from the united kingdom's the people's on
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china. the former bbc reporter and an author talks about the history of british rule in hong kong and the crackdown by the chinese government on demonstrations opposing their authority. >> in hong kong was handed back in 1997, it had a relatively free policy of people protesting and freedom of religious leaves and association step in the last couple of years, china has brought in this national security legislation and that has really changed all of these things. the things that made hong kong hong kong one by one are being dismantled. >> her book indelible city sunday night at 8:00 p.m. on q& a. you can listen to all podcasts and are free c-span now have. -- app.
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>> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more including midoc. midco ♪ ♪ >>midco support c-span is a public service along these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> during his trip to asia, president biden toured the samsung plant in south korea makes semiconductors. he talked about the importance of global supply chain resiliency and the indo pacific will role in the national -- an international community. this is his first visit to asia since becoming president.
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