tv January 6 Hearings Eighth Hearing on Capitol Attack CSPAN July 21, 2022 8:01pm-10:50pm EDT
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i received the initial two shots and all of the boosters. so far, i have been blessed to experience very minimal symptoms. because i am still quarantined, i cannot participate in person with my colleagues. i have asked the vice chair to provide -- preside over this in his hearings. over the last month and a half, the select committee has told the story of a president who did everything in his power to
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overturn an election. he lied, he believed, he betrayed his oath. he tried to destroy our democratic institutions. when he heard that the mob was heavily armed and angry, he commanded the mob to go to the capital and he emphatically commanded the heavily armed mob to fight like hell. in the weeks before the election, donald trump was a force to be reckoned with. he glossed over the advice of his knowledgeable and printable advisors. instead, he recklessly blazed a path of lawlessness and corruption, the cost of which democracy be damaged.
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then he stopped. for 187 minutes on january 6, this man of unbridled destructive energy could not be moved. not by his age, not by his allies, not by the writers or the desperate pleas of those facing down the right. donald trump ignored and disregarded the desperate pleas of his own family including ivanka and don jr.. even though he was the only person in the world who could call off the mob. he said he could not be moved to rise from his dining room table and walked a few steps down the white house hallway into the press briefing room where cameras were anxiously and desperately waiting to carry his message to the violent mob
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savagely beating and killing officers, avenging the capital and hunting down the vice president and various members of congress. he could not be moved. this evening, my colleagues will take you inside the white house during those 187 minutes. we will also remind you of what is happening at the capital. all while he ignored his advisors, stood by and watched this unfold on television. let me offer a final thought about the select committee work so far. as we made clear throughout these hearings, our investigation goes forward, we continue to receive new information every day. we continue to hear from
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witnesses. we will reconvene in september to continue laying out our findings to the american people. as network goes forward, a number of facts are clear. there can be no doubt there was a coordinated effort to overturn an election overseen and directed by donald trump. there can be no doubt that he commanded a mob. a mob that he knew was heavily armed, violent and angry to march on the capital to try to stop the peaceful transfer of power. he made targets out of his own vice president and the lawmakers gathered to do the people's work . these facts have gone on disputed so there needs to be accountability. accountability under the law, accountability to the american people, accountability at every
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level from the local precincts in many states where donald trump and his allies attacked election workers for just doing their jobs. we will not overcome the ongoing threat to our democracy. there must be stiff consequences for those responsible. now i will turn things over to our vice chair to start telling the story. >> thank you, mr. chairman.
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the presiding officer is declared to -- is able to declare the committee and recess at any time. i announce that the committee has approved the release of the deposition material resented during today's hearing. let me begin tonight by wishing chairman thompson a rapid recovery from covid. he has expertly led us through eight hearings so far and he brought us to where we are today. we described what ultimately became donald trump's several -- have been part of plan to overturn the 2020 election. a plan stretching through january 6. we will have addressed each element of that plan. over the course of these hearings, we have received these elements that have stepped
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forward. efforts to litigate and overcome immunity and executive privilege and those continued. doors have opened. new subpoenas have been issued and the dam has begun to break. now, even as we conduct our night hearing, we have considerably more to do. we have far more evidence to share with the american people. eric committee will spend august pursuing and merging information on multiple fronts before convening further hearings for september. today, we know far more about the president's plans to overturn the election. or when he was tried by the senate in february of that year. 57 of 100 senators voted to convict president trump at that time. more than 20 others said they
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were voting against conviction because the president's term had already expired. at the time, the republican leader of the united states senate said this about donald trump. >> a bob -- a mob was assaulting the capital. these criminals were carrying his banners. they were hanging his flags and screaming their loyalty to him. it was obvious. it was obvious that only president trump could end this. he was the only one. >> leader mcconnell reached his conclusions based on what he knew then without more of the detailed evidence you will see today. lawlessness and violence begin at the capital on january 6 2021
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before 1:00 p.m. and continued until well after darkness fell. what was our commander-in-chief doing during the violence? we address that issue today. everything you have heard in these hearings thus far will help you understand president trump's motives during the violence. you already know donald trump's goal. hault or delay congress's proceedings to count electoral votes. you know that donald trump tried to pressure his vice president to illegally reject votes and delay the proceedings. you know he tried to convince state legislators to flip their electoral votes from biden to tr ump. you know that donald trump try to correct this to it is scheme. by january 6, none of that had worked. only one thing was succeeding on the afternoon of january 6.
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they broke through security and invaded the capital and forced the vote counting to stop. that mob was violent and destructive and many came armed. as you will hear, secret service agents protecting the vice president were exceptionally concerned about his safety and their own. republican leaders, kevin mccarthy was scared. as were other in -- others in congress. even those that helped to provoke the violence. as you will see today, donald trump's own white house counsel, numbers of his own family all implored him to immediately intervene to condemn the violence and instruct his importers -- supporters to stand down. for multiple hours, he would not.
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donald trump would not get on the phone and order the military or law enforcement age and to help. donald trump chose not to enter the police from congress, his own party and all across our nation to do what his oath required. he refused to defend our nation and our constitution. he refused to do what every american president must. in the days after january 6, almost no one of any political party would defend president trump's conduct and no one should do so today. thank you and i now recognize the gentleman from virginia. >> article two of our constitution requires that the president where a very specific oath every four years -- swear a very specific oath every four years.
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to execute the office of the president of the united states and to the best of their ability preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the united states. the president also assumes the constitutional duty to take care , that our nation's laws successfully be executed and as the commander-in-chief of our military, our hearings have shown that these committees try to stop the peaceful transfer of power in the days leading up to january 6. with each step of his plan, he betrayed his oath of office and was derelict in his duty. tonight we will further examine president trump's actions on the day of the attack. early that afternoon, president trump instructed tens of thousands of supporters, a number of new -- a number of whom he knew were armed with various types of weapons to
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march on the capital. after telling the crowd to march multiple times, he promised he would be with them and finished his remarks at 1:10 p.m. like this. >> we will walk down and i will be there with you. we will walk down, we will walk down. anyone you want. i think right here but i think we will walk down to the capital. let's walk down pennsylvania avenue. >> the vice president was in the capital. >> the proud boys and other writers had stormed through the barrier ended on the attack. radio communication from law enforcement informed secret service and those in the white house situation room of these developments in real-time. at the direction of president, thousands more writers marched
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to the capital and they joined the attack. as you will see in great detail so i, president trump was being advised by nearly everyone to immediately instruct supporters to leave the capital, disperse and halt the violence. virtually everyone told president trump to condemn the violence in clear and unmistakable terms and those on capitol hill and across the nation begged president trump to help. the former president chose not to do what all of those people begged. he refused to tell the mob to leave until 4:17 when he tweeted out a video statement filmed in the rose garden. ending with this. >> go home, we love you, you are very special, you have seen what happens, you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. i know how you feel but go home and go home in peace.
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>> by that time, two pipe bombs had been found near the capital. hours of hand-to-hand combat seriously injured scores of law enforcement officers. the capital had been invaded, the electoral account had been halted as members were evacuated. writers took to the floor of the senate. they rifled through desks and broke into offices and nearly caught up to vice president pence. guns were drawn on the house floor and a rioter was shot. attempting to infiltrate the chamber. we know virtually all the rioters were motivated by president trump's rhetoric. the election had been stolen and they felt they needed to take their country back. this hearing is about what happened in the white house that
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afternoon. from the time that president trump ended his speech to the moment when he finally told the mob to go home. a span of 180 seven minutes, more than three hours. while his seniormost staff and family members begged him to do what is expected of any american president. i served proudly as an officer in the united states navy. veterans of our armed forces know the leadership that is required in a time of crisis. on january 6, when lives and our democracy hung in the balance, president trump refused to act because of his selfish desire to stay in power. i yelled to the gentleman from illinois.
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>> one week later, kevin mccarthy acknowledged the civil truth, president trump should have acted immediately to stop the violence. during our investigation, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff also remarked on the president's failure to act. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what unfolded. these facts require immediate action from president trump >> you are the commander-in-chief, you have in us all going on on the capital of the united states of america. no call, nothing. >> like my colleague from virginia, i am a veteran. i served in the air force and i
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currently serve in the national guard. i can tell you that reaction to president trump's conduct is 100% correct. and so was leader mccarthy's. what explains president trump's behavior? why didn't he take action in a crisis? the mob attacked the capital quickly. the count ground to an absolute halt and was ultimately delayed for hours. the mob was accomplishing president trump's purpose. so of course he did not intervene. president trump did not fail to act during the 187 minutes between living the ellipse and
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telling the mob to go home, he chose not to act. there were hundreds that day who put their lives on the land to protect the people inside the capital and safeguard our democracy. many of them are here with us and many more are watching from home. as you already know, their service and sacrifice shunt a bright light on president trump's designer and dereliction of duty. >> i would like to begin by welcoming our witnesses this evening. tonight we are joined by mr. matthew conger. he is a decorated former marine, intelligence officer who served this nation on tours of duty in afghanistan and iraq. he served in the trump white house from the first day of administration through the early morning hours of january 7, 2021. the last role he served was as
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deputy to the national security adviser of the united states. we are also joined by sarah matthews. she started her career in communications working on capitol hill. before joining the trump white house in june of 2020. she served their as deputy press secretary and special assistant to the president until the evening of january 6, 2021. i will now swear in our witnesses. the witnesses will please stand and raise your right hand. do you swear under penalty of perjury that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god? thank you, you may be seated and let the record reflect that the witness has answered in the affirmative.
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thank you both again for being here tonight. thank you for your service to the nation as well as for joining us this evening. can you please briefly explain what your response abilities were as deputy national security advisor to the president? >> thank you madam vice chair. when i started at the white house, i was a senior director for asia. that was a job that helped coordinate the president's asia policy. i supported the president when he met or interacted with asian leaders. in 2019, i was promoted to the job of deputy national security advisor. in that role, i was the chairman of the deputies committee. that is a meeting of all the deputy cabinet secretaries.
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we would tee up options for the president and his cabinet members. i felt then as we do now that it was a privilege to serve in the white house. i am very proud of president trump's foreign policy accomplishments. we were able to finally compete with china. we were also able to broker peace agreements between israel and those states. those are the types of policies that made our country safer. >> were you in the white house during the attack on the capital january 6? >> for the most -- for most of the day i was in the white house. i was actually off-site in a scheduled meeting with india's ambassador to the united states. the national security council staff was not involved in organizing the security for what
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was a domestic event but i did return to the white house at 2:30 p.m.. >> my colleagues will have additional questions for you that afternoon. how did you come to join president trump's white house staff? >> i am a lifelong republican and i joined to the trump reelection campaign in june of 2019. i was one of the first communication staffers on board for his reelection campaign and during that time, i traveled all around the country and met this person who was also working on the reelection campaign. i worked there for a year and i formed a close relationship with her. she moved over to the white house in april of 2022 start as white house press secretary and she over a group of campaign staff with her so i joined her
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over at the white house in june of 2022 start as her deputy. >> were you at work at the white house on january 6? >> yes i was working out of the west wing out of that day -- i was working out of the west wing on that day. >> thank you. president trump summoned to the mob to d.c. on january 6. before he went on stage, he knew that some of them were armed and prepared for combat. he implored them to march to the capital as he had always planned to do. by the time he walked off the stage, supporters had already breached the capital at the foot of capitol hill. since our last hearing, we received new testimony from a security professional working in the white house complex on january 6 with access to relevant information and responsibility to report to
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national security officials. this security official told us that the white house was aware of multiple reports of the crowd that morning. -- of weapons in the crowd that morning. we as a committee are cognizant of the fears who have come forward to tell the truth. we have taken steps to protect this national security individual's identity. listen to this clip. >> to be completely honest this is just a physical feasibility of doing it. this was going to move to something else.
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we all knew this would move from a normal democratic public event to something else. >> what was driving that sentiment? >> why were we alarmed? >> there were thousands of people at the capitol. >> even though he understood that thousands of his supporters were armed, the president was so adamant to go to the capital. the secret service agent was adamant that he could not go. we have evidence from multiple sources regarding an angry exchange in the presidential suv including testimony that we will
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disclose today and to witnesses who confirmed that a confrontation occurred. the first witness is a former white house employee with national security responsibilities. after seeing the initial violence at the capitol on tv, the individual went to see the deputy chief of staff. it was bobby ingle, the lead secret service agent to the president. this employee told us that he said that the president was irate when mr. ingle refused to drive them to the capital. the second witness is retired sergeant mark robinson of the d.c. police department who was assigned to the presidential motorcade that day. he sat and lead vehicle with the secret service agent responsible for the motorcade. here is how he remembers the exchange. >> was there any description of
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what was occurring in the car? >> no. the only description i received was that the president was upset and adamant about going to the capital and there was a heated discussion about that. >> when you say heated, was that your word? >> no, the president was upset and he was saying there was a heated argument or discussion about going to the capital. >> how many times would you say he had been part of that motorcade? >> probably over 100 times. >> in that 100 times, did you ever witness another discussion or argument of a heated discussion with the president where they were contradicting where he was supposed to go? >> no.
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>> like other witnesses, sergeant robinson also testified that he was aware that individuals in the crowd were armed. >> yes, i believe they were on the special event channel and i was monitoring the traffic so i could hear some of the units pointing out individuals along constitution avenue that were armed, up in the trees. i could hear the units responded to those individuals. there is always a concern when that is happening in the area. >> like other witnesses, sergeant robinson told us the president still wanted to travel to the capital. even after returning to the white house. >> at the end of the speech, we
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know that the president was still adamant about going to the capital. that is being relayed to me by the tsa agent. we responded back to the white house but the potus motorcade was placed on standby. we were told to standby until they confirmed whether or not the president was going to go to the capitol. i would just estimate 45 minutes to one hour waiting for secret service to make that decision. >> the motorcade waited at the white house for more than 45 minutes before being released. the committee is also aware that the angry confrontation in the presidential suv circulated by
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the among the secret service since january 6. recent disclosures have caused the committee to subpoena further information from the secret service which we have begun to receive and will continue to assess. the committee is also aware that certain secret service witnesses have no retained new private counsel. -- have no retained new private counsel -- now retained new private counsel. what you see on the screen is a photo of him inside the oval office. immediately after returning from the rally, still wearing his overcoat. they informed of the president as soon as he returned to the oval about the riot. within 15 minutes of leaving the stage, president trump knew that the capitol was besieged and
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under attack. from 1:25 until 4:00, the present state in his dining room. just to give you a sense of where the dining room is situated, let's take a look at this floorplan. the dining room is connected to the oval office by a short hallway. witnesses told us on january 6, president trump sat in his usual spot, facing a television hanging on the wall. we know from the employees that the tv tuned in. they are showing coverage of the joint session that was airing that day at 1:25. other witnesses confirmed that president trump was in the dining room with the tv on for more than 2.5 hours. there was no official record of what president trump did well in the dining room. on the screen is the presidential call log from january 6. as you can see there is no
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official record of president trump receiving or placing a call between 11:06 and 6:54 p.m. the presidential daily diary is also silent. there are no photos of president trump during this critical time during 1:21 and the oval office and when he went outside to the rose garden. the chief white house photographer wanted to take pictures because it was in her words, very important for his archives and for history. she was told no photographs. despite the lack of photos or an official record, we learned what president trump was doing while he was watching tv in the dining room. before we get into that, it is important to understand what he never did that day. let's watch. >> are you aware of any phone
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calls by the president of the united states to the secretary of defense that day? >> not that i am aware of. >> are you aware of any phone calls from the president to the attorney general? >> no. >> are you aware of any phone calls to the home and secretary -- secretary of homeland security that day? >> no. >> did you hear him ask for law enforcement response? >> no. >> as somebody who worked in the national security state, if there were going to be troops calling for a rally in washington dc, is that something that you would have done? >> i would have. >> do you know if he asked anybody to reach out to any of those that we just listed off? national guard, homeland security, secret service, the
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capitol police about the situation at the capital? >> i am not aware of any of those requests. >> we have confirmed in numerous interviews, vice president pence 's staff in d.c. government officials, none of them, not one heard from president trump that day. he did not call to issue orders, he did not call to offer assistance. we received additional testimony from other witnesses about why the president did not make any effort to quell the attack. the former white house employee with national security response ability told us about a conversation with the senior advisor. this conversation was about a pending call from the pentagon seeking to coordinate on the response to the attack.
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he turned and said the president did not want to do anything. so mr. cipollone had to take the call himself. what did president trump spent his time doing that afternoon? he was calling senators to encourage them to delay or objection to the certification. here is his press secretary kayleigh mcenany to explain. >> he is calling this list of senators one by one. do you know which ones he called? >> no. i know he wanted a list of the senators and because the presidential call log is empty, we do not know concisely which senators president trump was calling. what we do now from rudy
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giuliani's phone records is that president also called him at 1:39 after he had been told the right was underway at the capital. mr. giuliani was president trump's lead election attorney. the president's call with him lasted about four minutes. fox news was on in the dining room. let's take a look at what was airing as this call was ended. -- ending. >> there are tens of thousands, maybe 100,000 or more going to the capital or elsewhere in the city and they are very upset. i jumped down as soon as we heard the news that brett gave you. i said what do you think? an air force veteran said she was disgusted to learn that news and today it was his duty.
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i said there was nothing in the constitution. she said that does not matter, he should have fought for trump. >> at 1:49, here is what was happening at the capital with president trump's fired up supporters. >> it is a riot. >> what did president trump do at 1:49 as the d.c. police were declaring a right at the capital -- capitol? he tweeted out a link to his speech in which he knowingly sent an armed mob to the capital. president trump made no comment about the lawlessness and
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violence. i yelled to the gentleman from illinois -- yield to the gentleman from illinois. >> the next action that president trump took was to tw eet. what happened between these tweets, his staff repeatedly came into the room to see him and pleased that he make a strong public statement condemning the violence and instructing them of to live the capital. he did not blend until after 4:00 when he went out film his coho message. >> when did you first realize -- his go home message.
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conversations with the president but i can say that people need to be told there needs to be a public announcement that they need to leave the capitol. >> pat, could you let us know exactly when you said that? >> approximately one? almost -- when? almost immediately after i found out that people were approaching the capitol and it was violent. >> mark meadows, with respect to his dispute with the president -- >> many people suggested it. many people felt the same way. i am sure i have conversations with mark about this to express
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my opinion very forcefully. >> when there were tweets put forth, did you continue at just throughout this time to push for a stronger statement? >> yes. >> were you joined in that effort by ivanka trump and mark meadows? >> yes. >> i am confident that if ivanka trump wanted there to be a strong statement to condemn the writers -- rioters. she came to the chief of staff
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office. she was talking about the speech later that day and trying to get her dad on board with saying something that was more direct then he had wanted to at the time. >> i remember him getting ivanka involved. i don't think jerry was there -- jared was there. of course, pat was expressing the same thing. pat, like i said, i don't think there was one of these meetings -- the both of us were going down there, going back. >> pat cipollone and cassidy
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hutchinson told us about the hang mike pence chants. difficult conversations about those chants in the west wing but he relied on executive privilege to retain confidentiality over his and other direct communications with the president. although he was unwilling to provide more detail, you can see that for yourself. >> until mark hung up the phone, handed it back to me, i went back to my desk a couple of minutes later. he and pat came back. i am pretty sure that eric herschel was there. i am confident it was pat that was there.
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i remember pat saying something to the effect of mark, we are literally calling for the vice president to be hung. he said he did not think they were doing anything wrong to which said something like this is crazy. >> do you remember any discussion about members of the capital chanting "hang mike pence?" >> i remember hearing about that. . >> i am just curious. could you share with us what you remember about that discussion? >> i can tell you my view of
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that. my view of that is that it is outrageous and for anyone to suggest such a thing, for people in the crowd to be chanting that, i thought it was terrible. i thought it was outrageous and long and i expressed that very clearly. . >> how did the vice president respond? >> i believe i raised the concern about the vice president and the nature of his response was people were doing all they could. >> what about the president?
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>> in addition, mr. cipollone said -- testified it would be feasible for president trump to immediately appear at the podium to address the nation. >> would it be possible for the president to walk down to the podium and talk to the nation at any time? would that have been possible? >> yes. it would have been possible. >> we heard that mr. cipollone said that president trump could have gone to the press briefing room to issue a statement at any moment. to give you an idea of how simple that would have been, let us show you a map of the west
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wing. this is at the bottom of the map. the press briefing room is highlighted in blue and the rose garden ultimately found his go home video in this rose garden right here. that is highlighted in green. how quickly could the president have gotten on camera in the press briefing room to deliver a statement to the nation? >> as you outlined, it would take less than 60 seconds from the oval office dining room over to the press briefing room and for people who might not know, the briefing room is the room where you could see them do a background with the blue backdrop. that camera is on there at all times. if the president wanted to make a statement and address the american people, he could have been on camera almost instantly and conversely, the white house press corps has offices that are
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located directly behind the briefing room. if he wanted to make an address from the oval office, we cap have -- could have assembled this in a matter of minutes to do an on camera address. >> other witnesses have given us the views on that question. for example, some staff were concerned that a appearance by the president at the microphones at that moment could actually make matters worse. he told us he recommended against doing a press conference because during his four years in the trump administration, there wasn't a single press conference we have had. presented advisors were worried about what he would say in unscripted comments. i yelled to the gentlewoman from virginia -- yield to the gentlewoman from virginia.
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>> personally, i recall being evacuated from the house office building where we were sitting before this time. it was due to the discovery of two pipe bombs in a nearby building. around the same time, you were watching the violence unfold on television and social media with colleagues. including with ben williamson. you told us that before president trump sent his next week at 2:24, mr. williamson went up to see esther meadows. why did you both to that -- mr. meadows. why did you both do that? >> we both recognized that the situation was escalating quickly and that the president needed to be out there immediately to tell these people to go home and condemned the violence that we
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are seeing. i told him that i was going to make that recommendation and he said he was going to make the same recommendation to the chief of staff, mark meadows. >> one of your colleagues also want to see -- went to see kayleigh mcenany at that time. let's hear what they said. >> it appears that individuals are storming the u.s. capitol building. they also appear to be supporters of donald who may have been in attendance at the rally. we are going to need to say something. >> do you have a view of what is going on at the white house? >> if i recall, i told kaylee
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that i thought we needed to encourage individuals to stop, to respect law enforcement and to go home. >> although president trump was aware of the ongoing riot, he did not take any immediate action to address the lawlessness. instead, at 2:03, he called rudy giuliani again and that call lasted for over eight minutes. at 2:13, rioters broke into the capitol building itself. they smashed a window and rioters floated into the building -- flooded into the building.
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if we are going to leave, we need to go now. >> they gained access to the second floor and they are about five feet from me down below. >> they are on the second floor, moving in now. we may want to consider getting out and leaving now. >> account for any individuals if we made our way through here. >> there are officers that are -- there are people that are five to 10 feet away from me. >> we need to clear this out. >> is that route compromised? >> it is insecure. some protesters are being contained but there is smoke, unknown what kind of smoke it is. >> we are coming out now.
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make awa -- a way. >> the president's national security council staff was listening to these developments and tracking them in real time. on the screen you can see excerpts from the chat logs among the president's national security council staff. at 2:13, the staff learned that the ruio -- rioters were kicking in the windows of the capitol. the vice president was being pulled. the secret service agents at the capitol did not sound good right now. you heard from a security professional that was working at the white house complex on january 6. with the responsibility to report to national security, we
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asked this person what was meant by the comment that the secret service agents did not sound good right now? following the testimony, the professionals discuss what they heard from listening to the incoming radio traffic that >> the capitol does not sound good right now. >> correct. >> what does that mean? >> members of the d cpd of this time were worried for their lives. there was a lot of yelling. a lot of personal calls. there were calls to say goodbye to family members, whatever the
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reason was on the ground, the d.c. pd felt that it was going to be very ugly. >> and when you said that over the radio, what was the response? 's -- >> at that point it was just reassurances, there was talk of reinforcements coming. it was getting very ugly. >> what prompted you to put into an entry. >> we were running out of options, we were getting nervous. we were getting close to needing to use the legal options, or worse. was the pd compromised, we didn't know. if they were screaming and
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saying things like saying goodbye to family -- >> this next video shows, the rioters anger was focused primarily on vice president mike pence. >> this woman came up to the side of us and she says, pencil folded -- pence fo. -- pence folded. in my mind i was thinking, that is it. my son-in-law looks at me and says, i want to go in. >> what percentage of the crowd is going into the capital? >> 100%. they betrayed us, all one million of us are marching on the capitol. it is insane.
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>> what happened? >> mike pence has -- >> did people appear angry as you walk to the capitol? >> yes a lot of people appeared upset. >> people were screaming all types of stuff. they were mad, vice president pence was going to accept the electoral's. >> i believe that vice president pence was going to certified the electoral votes -- or not certified them, the position changed. it's a big disappointment.
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there are 700,000 people here who are very disappointed. >> president trump did not try to call -- did not try to calm his supporters. at the same moment that the riot was getting out of hand, he sent his 224:00 tweet. the president said, vice president pence -- president trump called vice president pence a coward and placed all the blame on him for not turning -- when we ask you about your reaction to seeing 224:00 suite in real-time, you used the same imagery to describe it. you made the decision to resign
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after seeing this tweet, could you please tell us why? >> yes. that was shortly after i'd gone back to the white house. i began to see, for the first time, those images on the tv of the chaos that was unfolding at the capital. one of my aids handed me a -- one of my aides handed me a sheet of paper. i was quite disturbed by it. i was disturbed and worried that the president was attacking vice president hence -- vice president for trying to do his duty. we needed at that moment was a de-escalation. it looked like fuel being poured on the fire. that is the moment i decided i
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would resign. it would be my last day at the white house. i simply did not want to be associated with the events that were unfolding at the capitol. >> what was your reaction to the tweet about vice president pence? >> the situation at the capitol was violent and escalating quickly. i felt that the tweet about the vice president was the last thing that was needed in the moment. i remember thinking that it was going to be bad for him to tweet this, because it was potentially giving the green light to these people. telling them that what they were doing by entering the capitol was ok and that they were justified in their anger. he shouldn't have been doing that, he should of told people to go home and leave and condemned the violence that we were seeing.
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i am someone who worked with him, i worked on the campaign, i traveled around the country going to countless rallies with him. i see what his -- i see the impact that his words have on his supporters. they latch onto every tweet and word that he says. i think at that moment for him to tweet out about vice president mike pence was him pouring gasoline on the fire and making it much worse. >> thank you, both. let's watch others speak about their reaction to that tweet. >> my reaction to it was that it was a terrible tweet, i disagreed with the sentiment. i thought it was wrong. >> what was your reaction when you saw that tweet? >> extremely unhelpful. >> why? >> it wasn't the message that we
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needed at that time. it wasn't going to -- the seeds at the u.s. capitol were only getting worse at that point. this was not going to help that. >> would you say it was making it worse? >> certainly. >> what was your reaction when you saw this tweet? >> as a staffer that works to always represent the ministration to the best of my ability -- represent the administration to the best of my ability and to showcase the good things he had done for the country, i robber feeling frustrated, disappointed -- i remember feeling frustrated, disappointed, it felt personal and i was sad. as an american, i was disgusted.
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being evacuated from the senate, president trump called tupper ville -- senator tuberville. let's listen. >> he -- i told him, mr. president, we are doing much work right now because they sent the vice president off. i need to hang up on you. i need to leave. >> mr. josh hawley also had to flee. earlier that afternoon he walked across the east of the capital -- capitol. >> as you can see he raised his fist, with the protesters at the
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gate. holly's gesture growled up the crowd, and it bothered her greatly because he was doing it in a safe space protected by the officers and the barrier. later that day, senator hawley fled after those protesters he helped to rile up storm to the capitol. see for yourself. -- stormed the capitol. see for yourself. >> think about what we have seen. undeniable violence at the capitol. the vice president being evacuated to safety by the secret service. senators running through the hallways to get through them -- to get away from the mom.
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-- mob. >> do you believe, jared, that the president has the obligation to ensure the peaceful transition of power? >> yes. >> do you think the president has the obligation to defend all three branches of our government? >> i believe so. >> i assume, you also would agree that the president has a particular obligation that all of the laws be faithfully executed. >> that is one of the president's obligations, correct. >> there is a constitutional duty. he is the commander in chief. that was my biggest issue with him as national security advisor. >> rather than uphold his duty
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>> the january 6 hearing will recommence in about 10 minutes or so, live, of course on c-span. a reminder, this january 6 committee hearing and all other c-span programming is brought to you by -- as a public service by cable companies including cox, comcast, and spectrum. if you are away from your tv.
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you can always watch this live on c-span now, our free mobile video app. is another way to watch tonight's hearing. and all of our coverage at any time. if you go to 6, you can find all of c-span's coverage of the events of january 6 and the committee's investigation. we will now return to the cannon caucus room. [indistinct chatter]
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>> you are watching c-span's alive gavel-to-gavel coverage of january 6 hearing. this is the eighth in the series. if you have been watching, you probably heard congresswoman luria indicate that there could be more hearings in the future. this hearing will resume and about four minutes, and it will go and -- it will go for another hour. after that your phone calls and social media reaction. we will be taking your calls following any press conferences that may be following as well.
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>> the committee will be in order, i now recognize the gemma from illinois -- the gentleman from illinois. >> we left at the recess just after 2:24 attacking the vice president. the president had been in his room -- his dining room for over an hour. if you have the power to end the violence, you would have immediately and forcefully have told the rioters to stop and leave. and you heard, that is exactly what his senior staff had been urging him to do. but he resisted. and he kept resisting for almost another two hours. in the meantime, all the president did was supposed to tweets. one at 2:38 and one at 3:13.
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one said, stay peaceful. one said, remain peaceful. but the president already knew that the mob was attacking the police. ed had dated the pat -- and had invaded the capitol. he told them -- how obvious it was a president trump was not meeting this moment. it is helpful to look at the real-time reactions of his own son, don jr., captured in a series of text messages with mark meadows. i want to warn that these messages include strong leg wedge. he first texted mr. meadows at -- he needs to come -- condemn this shit. i am pushing it hard, i agree.
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>> they will try to fuck his entire legacy on this. >> here is what don jr. meant by going to the mattresses. >> when you say that mr. meadows needs to go to the mattresses on this issue, what is that mean? >> it's a reference to going all in, a godfather reference. >> sean hannity agreed and turned to the president for help -- hannity texted at 331 pending -- 3:31. mr. meadows responded that he was, quote on it. sean hannity was not the only -- to tell them up to leave to go home.
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throughout this attack mr. meadows received texts from republican members of congress, current and former trump administration officials, from media personalities and friends. like president trump's staff, they knew president trump had to speak publicly in order to get them out -- to get the mob to start. -- to stop. fox news personality laura ingraham said, the president needs to tell the people in the capital to go home. mick mulvaney urged, mark, he needs to stop this now. fox news personality brian kyl mead said, please get him on tv, destroying everything that you guys have accomplished. wembley -- when we interviewed pat cipollone he, he said he knew that the presidents to tweets were not enough. let's listen to what he said. >> what did you think about not
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using your advice to the president. >> i believed more needed to be done. i believed it -- i believed a public statement needed to be made. >> when you talk about others on the staff again more should be done or telling people that they need to go home, who would you put in that category? >> well, i would put eric hirschman, overall, mark meadows, ivanka, once jared got there, jared, general kellogg, i'm probably missing some.
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dansk aveeno. >> and who on the staff did not want people to leave capital -- capitol? >> on the staff? >> in the white house, how about. >> i can't think of anybody, who didn't want to get out of the capital once the violence started. i mean -- >> what about the president? >> she said the staff, so i answered. >> she said the staff -- i said the president -- i said the white house.
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>> i thought you said who on staff. i can't reveal communications. obviously, i think -- yeah. >> let's pause on that last statement. although pat cipollone he is be careful about executive privilege, there is no ambiguity about what he said. almost everyone in -- almost everyone wanted president trump to instruct the mob to disperse, president trump refused. let's examine his 2:38 tweet and more detail. for context, here is what was happening at the time. >> [shouting] >> they broke the glass?
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>> stay down. >> there are people flooding the hallways outside, we have no way out. >> we were just told that there is teargas in the rotunda, each of us needs a gas mask. >> we went from a peaceful protest and this is a dangerous situation right now. there are, i am being told, protesters on the inside are around both chambers and there is new -- now teargas inside the capitol rotunda members inside the house are being instructed to put on masks. >> after president trump's tweet about vice president trent -- vice president pence, you spoke to kayleigh mcenany, what did
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you tell her and where did she go afterwards? >> after the tweet about the vice president, i found kaylee and said that the president needed to immediately condemn what we were seeing. she aggrieved -- he agreed and walked to the oval dining room to see the president. others were urging to put out a statement. what did she tell you about what happened in that dining room. >> when she got back, she told me that a tweet had been sent out, and i told her that i did not think the tweet went far enough. we were in a room full of people. but people weren't paying attention. she looked directly at me, in a
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hushed tone, she shared that the president did not want to -- any mention of peace and that tweet. there was a back and forth, she said. going over different phrases, to find something that he was comfortable with. it wasn't until ivanka trump suggested the phrase, stay peaceful, that he finally agreed to include it. >> the president resisted writing stay peaceful in a tweet. he told mark meadows that the rioters were doing what they should be doing and that the rioters understood that they were doing what president trump wanted them to do. president trump's message was heard clearly by stop the steal organizer allie alexander. at 2:38, he told another organizer that potus was not ignorant of what needed to be done.
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in this video, you will see surveillance footage from the rotunda that shows a group of oath keepers, including jessica watkins was been charged with seditious conspiracy. you will hear her walkie-talkie communications with others as they share intelligence and communicate about president trump's 2:38 tweet in real time. again, we warned the audience that this clip also includes strongly wedge. >> cnn just said that they evacuated all members of congress to a safety room. >> there is no safe place in the united states for any of these motherfuckers, i'll tell you that. right now. >> we are not joking around. >> military principal 105, cave means grave. >> trump just tweeted, please
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support the capitol police they are on our side. do not pardon them. >> what he didn't say, he didn't say not to do anything to the congressman. >> he did not ask them to stand down, he just asked them to -- to support the capitol police, they are on our side, they are good people. i have it on tv. it is looking pretty friggin radical to me. cnn says that trump is egging it on and watching the country burn before he leaves office. he is not leaving office, i don't give a shit what they say. >> we are in here. >> god bless, godspeed, keep going. >> this is what we fucking lived up for, this is what we
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fucking train for. >> were in the capital bro. >> we have now seen president trump's supporters react to his tweets. you told us that you consider the tweets at this point to be wholly inadequate given the urgency of the crisis. what, in your view, would be needed? >> it was insufficient. you could count me among those who was hoping to see an unequivocal, strong statement, clearing out the capital, telling people to leave and go home. i think that's what we were hoping for. something more definitive and not ambiguous. he had that power over his folks. >> you said, the president
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should not condemn the violence. could you tell us about that moment and your reaction? >> a conversation started in the press office after the president sent out those two tweets that i deemed insufficient. a colleague suggested that the president shouldn't condemned the violence, because they thought it would be, handing a win to the media if you were to condemn his supporters. i disagreed. i believed to be should condemned the violence and condemn it unequivocally. we needed a call to action and to tell these people to go home. a debate ensued over it and i became visibly frustrated. my colleagues were well aware of that. i couldn't believe we were arguing about this in the middle of the west wing, talking about the politics of tweets, when we had just watched all of the violence unfold at the capital. i motioned to the tv, and i said
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, does it look like we are thing winning -- that we are effing w inning, the president needed to condemn the violence. it didn't matter if it came from the left or right, you should condemned violence 100% of the time. >> we heard that dashboards pressing the president to do more, to urge -- we heard -- pressing the president to do more. kevin mccarthy asked -- leader mccarthy reached out for help to e ivanka trump, who was at the white house and jared kushner who had just arrived back from a flight to the middle east. >> at some point in the
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afternoon, mr. mccarthy put a phone call to mr. sue pinots desk line and it was connected to the president, is that correct? were you involved in transferring that call? >> yes. >> where was the president at the time that he took that call? >> he was in the dining room. >> would you personally reach out to the president for more support? >> i already talked to the president, i called him. i said we -- i think we need to make a statement, make sure we can calm individuals down. >> did mr. mccarthy indicate that he had been in touch with president trump? >> he indicated that he had some conversation i don't recall if it was with the president or someone at the white house. he expressed frustration that they were not taking the circumstance as seriously as they should at that moment. >> i asked the republican
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leader, he got through to president trump and he said, you need to get on tv, you need to get on twitter, and call these people off. the president said to him, these are my people -- these aren't my people, these are antifa. they are your people, my staff are running for cover, the running for their lives. need to call them off. the president's response, to me, was chilling. he said well kevin, he is more -- i guess they are more upset about the election then you are. kevin mccarthy and the president had a swearing conversation. the president was basically saying, i am ok with this. >> the president has a briefing room steps from the oval office. the cameras are hot 24/7, why hasn't he walked down and said that now? >> i conveyed to the president
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what i think is best to do. >> have you spoken with his chief of staff? >> i've spoken with the president, and other people in there, and the white house as well. >> who reached out to the white house about the attack on the capitol? >> i believe at one point, mccarthy did. >> i heard my phone ringing, it was a leader mccarthy who i had a good relationship with. he asked if there was anything i could do to help, i don't recall a specific ask, anything you could do. i got the impression that they were scared. >> they meaning leader mccarthy and the people on the hill, because -- >> they were scared, yes. what's think of that, leader mccarthy one of the presidents
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biggest supporters was scared and begging for help. president trump turned him down. so he tried to call the president's children. mike gallagher also implored the president to call of the attack. >> mr. president, you have got to stop this. you are the only person who can call this off. call it off. the election is over. call it off. >> president elect joe biden was also live on tv to demand that president trump tell the mob to leave. >> i call on president trump to go on national television now, to feel his old -- his oh -- his oathe, to have filled the converse -- to the to fulfill --
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>> the president still did not ask. i yield to my friend from virginia. >> thank you mr. cousins are. -- thank you mr. kessinger. at 4:17, more than three hours after he stopped speaking at the ellipse, that is when he tweeted a video telling rioters to go home. while also telling them that they were special, and that he loved them. by that time, the violence was far from over. law enforcement had started to turn the tide, reinforcements were on the way, and elected officials were in secure
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locations. the writing was on the wall. the rioters would not succeed. here is what was showing on fox news, the channel the president was watching all afternoon. >> brent with more information, what do you have. >> confirming the defense department has now mobilized the entire d.c. national guard, it takes troops a wild to get up and running. -- a wild to get up and running. you just heard that the fbi is sending troops to the capital -- to the capitol. >> it's no coincidence that president trump gave in and went out to the rose garden at 4:03. his staff gave him a speech to read but he refused to read it. the script said, i am asking you
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to leave the capital region and now and go home in a peaceful way. the president was urged to speak -- to stick to the script but he spoke off the cough -- off the cuff. let's hear what they had to say and hear the never before seen raw footage of the president recording this video message. >> ultimately these remarks that you are seeing an exhibit at 25 were not the remarks that the rose garden. do you know why the president decided not to use these? >> i don't know sir, i do not know why. >> did the president use any written remarks to your knowledge or did he go off-the-cuff? >> to my knowledge, it was off-the-cuff, sir.
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>> tell me when. >> when you are ready sir. >> who is behind me? >> we are all clear now. >> i know your pain, i know you are hurt. -- i know your pain, i know you're hurt. we had an election stolen from us. it was a landslide election, everyone knows it, especially the other side. but you need to go home now, we need to have peace, we need to have law and order. we need to respect people in law & order. there has never been a time like
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this where such a thing has happened that they could take it away from all of us. from me, from you, the entire country. this was a fraudulent election. but we can't play into the hands of these people. we have to have peace. go home, we love you, you're very special. you have seen others and how they are treated who are so bad and so people. -- so people -- so evil. go home in peace. >> was there any discussion about the president releasing a second video that day? >> not that i recall. when he finished his video, i think everyone was like, days over. people were drained. >> were what? >> drained. >> when you say, day over, there
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were still people in the capital at that point weren't there? >> at this stage, i believe law enforcement was either they or moving in. people were emotionally drained by the time that videotape was done. >> emotionally drained? at the white house? here is what was happening at the same time at the capitol. we warned the audience that this clip also includes strong language and violence. >> [shouting] >> there is another officer unconscious. >> everybody, we need to gas
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so that we can go back inside and finish up the people's business. >> this is secretary senator schumer, it could take several days to secured the building, do you agree with that analysis? >> i'm not sure that i agree with that analysis. >> when is the earliest that we could safely resume our meeting in the senate house chamber? >> my assessment, we are looking at four or five hours. >> the vice president also worked the phones from his own secure evacuation location, including conversations with
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acting as secretary of defense miller and other leaders. let's look at some never before seen photographs of the vice president during this critical time and here the vice president's conversation with military leaders to secure the capital and ensure everyone is safe. >> vice president pence was very candid, he issued explicit, direct, under big u.s. orders. there is no question about that. i can get you quotes from some of our records somewhere. he was very animated. direct. firm. get the military down here, get the guard down here, etc.. >> as you heard early in the hearings, the president did not call the vice president, anyone
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in the military, not a single person. the contrast between that call and the call with vice president pence tell you everything you need to know about president trump's dereliction of duty. let's listen. >> this is from memory, he said, we have two kill the narrative that the vice president is making all of the decisions. we need to establish the narrative that the president is still in charge, and things are steady or stable. >> i interpret that as politics, red flags for me personally, no action. i don't do political narratives.
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>> while president trump and his advisors were drained, other leaders upheld their 02 do the right thing -- upheld their oathe to do the right thing. think of the law enforcement officers that were attacked by the mob that day. president trump himself summoned them to washington. what about president trump, he watched, tweeted, called rudy, and argued with his staff who were insisting that he should call off the attack. >> i was struck by the fact that he chose to begin the video by pushing the lie that there was a stolen election. as the video went on, i felt a small sense of relief because he finally pulled these people to go home.
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that was immediately followed by him saying, we love you, you are very special. that was disturbing to me. he couldn't distinguish between those who attended his speech earlier that day and those that we watch because balance -- because violence at the cap -- cause violence at the capital. violently attacked police officers and chanted heinous things like hang mike pence, we love you and you are very special? as a spokesperson for him, i would be asked to defend that. his refusal to act and call off the mob that day, his refusal to call off the violence was indefensible. i knew i would be resigning that evening. i finished up the workday, called my loved ones and let
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them know my decision and resigned that evening. >> thank you. indefensible. let's hear what your colleagues had to say about their reaction to the 4:17 message. >> i felt it was the absolute bare minimum of what could be said about point, especially on camera. a more forceful, dismissal of the violence/a more forceful command to go home, a more forceful respect for law enforcement. even a comparison to the respect that we had given to law enforcement as it relates to
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what was done to them in the prior summer. i thought it was important that a acknowledgment be given to the u.s. capitol building itself, what is a symbol of -- what it is a symbol of, what it means, not only for the people who work there but for the american people, generally. and the work by congress, by law, that needed to be conducted that day. >> do you wish that the president had asked the protesters to leave earlier then he ended up doing that? >> of course i wish that message had happened earlier in the day. >> the president's words matter, we know that many of the writers were listening to president trump. let's listen to what he had to say about the 4:17 message from the president and hear how
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writers reacted to the president's message in real time. >> when we were there, as soon as that came out, everyone started talking about it. it started to do sports -- to disperse some of the crowd. >> he said go home. >> he said to go home. >> just as mr. eric said, police were still removing the last -- i yield to the gentleman from illinois. >> what does president trump to? after the city-wide curfew went
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into effect, he posted his last tweet of the day. with over 100 police officers sustaining injuries after hand-to-hand combat, president trump justified the violence as a natural response to the election. he said, these are the things and events that happen when asap grade -- when a sacred landslide victory is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away from great patriots who have he called the mob great patriots. he told people to remember the day forever. he showed absolutely no remorse. a few minutes later and 6:27, the president left the dining room and went up to the white house residence for the night raid on -- for the night.
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on the screen is the last photograph of the president of the night. as he was in the dining room getting ready to leave, president trump reflected on the events of the day with a white house employee, the same employee who met president trump at the oval office after he returned from the ellipse. president trump said nothing to the employee about the attack. he said, "mike pence let me down." miss matthews, what was your reaction to president trump's 6:01 tweet? ms. matthews: at that point, i had already decided to resign. this tweet this -- this tweet cemented my decision. i thought january 6 was one of the darkest day in our country's history and president trump sent
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that tweet, it just cemented my decision to resign. >> who asked you about this tweet before it was sent? >> the president. >> tells everything you said and he said to the best of your recollection. >> he said, what do you think of this? i believe i saw the text message on his phone. and i remember saying to him, the wording on the first sentence would lead some to believe that potentially, he had something to do with the events that happened at the capitol. >> what did he say? >> i don't recall him saying anything in response. i believe that was the end of the conversation. >> did you change anything in light of your comment?
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>> no, sir. >> what made you think someone might perceive the president having a role in events at the capitol? >> at was my interpretation of the words. i don't write speeches or anything, but the phrase, "these are the things that happen" sounded to me as if culpability was associated with it -- to make. >> i don't think it is a patriotic act to attack the capitol, but i have no idea how to characterize the people other than that they trespassed, destroyed property and assaulted the u.s. capitol. calling them patriots is a stretch, to say the least. >> is that all, i stretch, or is it flatly wrong? >> i don't think it is a patriotic act to attack the u.s.
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capitol? -- the u.s. capitol. >> would you call it unpatriotic, or a criminal act? >> unpatriotic, sure. >> it was a terrible day. it was a terrible day for this country. i thought it was inappropriate. in my mind, it was a day that should be remembered in infamy. that wasn't the intent of his tweet. rep. kinzinger: despite the violence of the day, the effort to continue certification continue. -- continued the effort to continue certification continued. president trump called rudy giuliani and a gathering included rudy giuliani, marsha
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blackburn, senator tommy tuberville and ted cruz. let's listen to the start of this. >> senator tuberville, coach, this is rudy giuliani, the president's lawyer. i am calling because i want to discuss how they are trying to rush this hearing and how we need you, our republican friends, to try to just slow it down so we can get these legislatures to get more information to you. rep. kinzinger: mr. giuliani did not even mention the attack on the capitol. instead, he was pushing on behalf of president trump to get members of congress to further delay the certification. even though some members did proceed with objections, vice president pence and congress stood firm to successfully conclude the joint session in the early morning hours of january 7. here is what some members of the
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president's party said in the days and weeks after the attack. >> there is no question -- none -- that president trump is practical and morally responsible -- practically and morally responsible profile -- morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. there is no question about it. the people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president, and having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and recklessness, which the defeated president cap shouting into the largest megaphone on planet earth. >> violence, destruction and
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chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable, undemocratic, and un-american. it was the saddest day i have ever had serving as a member of this institution. >> madame speaker, today the people's house was attacked, which is an attack on the republic itself. there is no excuse for it. a woman died and people need to go to jail. and the president should never have spun up certain americans to believe something that simply could not be. rep. kinzinger: congress certified the 2020 election results. soon after, this statement by president trump was posted on dan's camino's twitter account because by now, president trump's twitter account had been suspended. as you see, president trump stuck with his big lie that the election was stolen, but he did say there would be an orderly transition. but we learned the statement was
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not necessarily his idea. jason miller, a campaign advisor, told us that after the joint session started, eager nothing from president trump or the white house about assuring the nation that the transfer of power would take place, so mr. miller took it upon himself to draft a statement and called the president at 9:23 that night, to convince him to put it out. let's listen. >> did he say there was a particular word or phrase he did not want included? >> he wanted to say peaceful transition and i said, that ship has already failed, so we are going to say orderly transition. that was about the extent of disagreement or pushback in the conversation. rep. kinzinger: the last person president trump spoke to last night was johnny mac and tea, his head of personnel.
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mr. machen t --johnny mcentee, his head of personnel. the decision to resign was one that weighed heavily on people in the discretion. on one hand, people like mr. pottinger and miss matthews refused to be associated with president trump's dereliction of duty. but others were worried that leaving president trump to his own devices would put the country at continued risk. listen to what we heard about that tension from pets up alone, general mark milley and eugene scalia, secretary of labor. >> and after that, some people work resigning obviously over january 6. we know who they were. did i consider it? yes. did i do it? no. i was concerned that if people in the counsel's office left,
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who would replace me, and there were concerns it might be somebody who had been getting bad advice. >> on the morning of january 7, the decision i arrived at was the most distraught -- the most constructive thing i could think of was to seek a meeting of the cabinet. i thought that trying to work within the administration to steady the ship was likely to have greater value than simply resigning, after which point i would have been powerless to protect things within the administration. >> so, you thought there should be a cabinet meeting? >> i don't remember why. it probably had something to do with mark's view of how the president might react, things like that. >> there was a couple of calls
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where meadows, pompeo, like pompeo might say, how is the president doing? and meadows would say, he is in a really dark place. here is one, for example, on january 7. potus is very emotional and in a bad place. rep. kinzinger: you heard secretary scalia wanted president trump to convene a cabinet meeting. he put his request in a memo to the president. here is what it said. you can see that secretary scalia recommended that the president "no longer publicly questioned the election results after wednesday. no one can deny this is harmful." secretary scalia also highlighted the importance of the public knowing the president would invoke his cabinet in
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decision-making and not "certain private individuals." although secretary scalia did not say it, he was referring to rudy giuliani and the rest of the so-called clown car working with president trump to try to overturn the election. secretary scalia understood the president needed to do more to reassure the public about the last few weeks of the trump administration. mr. pottinger, when you made the decision to resign, did you walk out of the white house immediately? mr. pottinger: no. i wanted to first talk to my immediate boss, the national security robert o'brien. robert o'brien was traveling on the sixth. i reached him at 4:30 p.m. and told him i was submitting my resignation. he accepted the resignation. but he also asked whether i could stay until he could get
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back to the white house. and i agreed to that. we both wanted to make sure i was leaving in a responsible way. we still have foreign adversaries to worry about -- hackers, terrorists, nationstates, and i did not want to leave my chair empty given that i was the top national security staff in the white house. so, i ended up staying at my desk through the night. when robert o'brien arrived at the white house the next morning, the morning of the seventh, i with him and left for the last time. rep. kinzinger: you and i share a passion for the national security of our country. can you share with me, what is your view of how january 6 impacted our national security? mr. pottinger: when you have a presidential transition, under
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the best circumstances, it is a time of vulnerability. it is a time of vulnerability. when you have a contested election, i was certainly concerned that some of our adversaries would be tempted to probe or test u.s. resolve. as an example, in late december, the iranian government attacked the u.s. embassy in baghdad. they did that using terrorist proxies. president trump did handle that, he sent a very clear warning to the ayatollah and his regime, which i think had a useful effect. i think that we would have handled other threats of that nature and luckily, no other threats materialized before the inauguration on the 20th. but our national security was harmed in a different way my
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january 6, and that is that it -- i think it emboldened our enemies by helping give them any munition -- give them avenue -- give them ammunition that our system of government doesn't work, that the u.s. is in decline. china, the putin regime in russia, tehran, they are fond of pushing those kinds of narratives. and by the way, they are wrong. we have been hearing for the entirety of u.s. history, from kings and despoit -- kings and despots that the united states have been in decline, and those kings and despots have been wrong every single time.
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but i think january 6 fed a perception that emboldened our allies. the other thing is our allies, i heard from friends in asia and europe, allies, close friends and supporters of the united face, that they were concerned about the health of our democracy. so, i think it is incumbent upon us to put their minds at ease and put our own hearts at ease by investigating what happened on january 6 and make sure it never happens again. rep. kinzinger: democracies are not defined by bad days, they are defined by how they recover from those bad days, and that is what we are doing here, to bring accountability to that so we can come back even stronger than when we went into january 6 miss matthews, as you left the white house for the last time that night of january 6, what did you think americans needed to hear from president? ms. matthews: the american people needed to see him and hear him commit to a peaceful or
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at least orderly transition of power. in the aftermath of the capitol attack, it wasn't enough for him to just condemned the violence. he needed to agree that he would peacefully transfer power to the incoming administration. because that is one of our fundamentals, and what it means to live in a democracy. no, that he when i resigned, the resignation statement that i drafted, i referenced this and i said our nation needs a peaceful transfer of power, in hopes it would put some sort of public pressure on the white house and president trump to publicly agree to an orderly transition. rep. kinzinger: thank you. i yield to my friend from virginia. rep. luria: thank you. the staff who remained at the white house on the morning of january 7 new that the president needed to address the nation again. and they had a speech prepare for him that morning. but he refused four hours to give it. as you heard cassidy hutchinson
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testified previously, president trump finally agreed to record an address to the nation later that evening, the evening of january 7, because of concerns he might be removed from power under the 25th amendment, or by impeachment. we know these threats were real. sean hannity said so himself in a text message that day to press secretary kayleigh mcenany. he wrote, "no more stolen election talk. yes, impeachment on the 25th amendment are real." we obtained never before seen raw footage of the president regarding his message to the nation that day on january 7, more than 24 hours after his message from the rose garden let's look. >> whenever you are ready. >> i would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack
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yesterday and to those who broke the law, you will pay. you do not represent our movement. you do not represent our country. and if you broke the law -- i can't say that -- i already said you will pay. the demonstrators who infiltrated the capital have defied the seat -- defiled, right? i can't see this very well. let's do this. but this election is now over. congress has certified the results. i don't want to say the election is over, i just want to say congress certified the results announcing the election is over, ok? >> now congress? >> right. let me see. ok?
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i would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack yesterday. yesterday is a hard word for me. >> [inaudible] >> take the word yesterday outcome of because it doesn't work with the heinous attack on our country. say on our country. what to say that -- once to say that? my only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. my only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. rep. luria: on january 7, one day after he incited to insurrection based on a lie, president trump still could not say that the election was over. mr. pottinger, you have taken the oath multiple times, in the marines and as an official in the executive branch. can you please share with us your view about the oath of
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office and how that translates into accepting election results and a transfer of power? mr. pottinger: sure. this isn't the first time we have had a close election in this country. and president trump had every right to challenge, in court, the result of these various elections. but once you have had to process under the law, you have to conform with the law no matter how bitter the result. once you have presented your evidence in court, judges have heard that evidence and judges have ruled, if you continue to contest an election, you are not just contesting an election anymore, you are actually challenging the constitution itself. you are challenging the societal norms that allow us to remain
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unified. for example, you have got vice president richard nixon in 1960, he had lost a hard-fought election against senator john f. kennedy. there were irregularities and not vote, according to histories , and a lot of president -- a lot of senator nixon's support urged him to fight, contested, don't exceed. but in one of his finest moments, vice president nixon said no, said it would tear the country to pieces. and he conceded to jack kennedy and announced he would support him as the next president. we have an example of a democratic candidate for president, vice president al gore, who faced a very similar dilemma. he strongly disagreed with the supreme court decision that lost
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his election bid and allowed president george w. bush to take office. but he gave a speech of concession in mid or late december of 2000 where he said, this is for the sake of the unity of us as a people and for the strength of our democracy, i am going to concede, i'm going to support the new president. his speech is actually a good model for any candidate for any office, up to and including president, and for any party to read, particularly right now. the oath our presidents take is very similar to the oath of office i took as a u.s. green officer in the oath i took as a white house official. it is to support -- a u.s.
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marine officer and the oath i took as a white house official. it is an oath to defend and protect the constitution. it is an oath we take before our families. it is an oath we take before god. and i think we have an obligation to live by that oath. and i still believe that we have the most ingenious system of government on earth, despite its imperfections. i don't envy countries that don't have this system that actually allows for a predictable, peaceful transfer of government every four to eight years, and it is not something that we should take for granted. rep. luria: thank you. as we heard at the start of the hearing, in the immediate aftermath of january 6,
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republican leader mccarthy understood that president trump bore responsibility for that day and should have taken immediate action to stop the violence. he was even more candid in calls with republican colleagues. as you will hear, recordings of some of these calls were later published by "the new york times." the context of the calls set a resolution had been introduced in the house calling for vice president pence in the cabinet to remove president trump from power under the 25th amendment. let's listen. >> i have had it with this guy. what he did was unacceptable. nobody did defend him and nobody should defend him. the only thing i told him was that i think this will pass and my recommendation is that you should resign. that was my take, and i didn't think he would take it. let me be very clear to all of
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you. i was very clear to the president. he bears responsibility for his words and actions, no ifs, ands or buts. i asked him if he had responsibility for what happened or felt bad for what happened. he told me he did bear some responsibility for what happened. he needs to acknowledge that. rep. luria: president trump is never publicly acknowledged his responsibility for the attack. the elites on the apparently did so was he in that private call with kevin mccarthy. there is something else president trump has never acknowledged -- the names and memories of the officers who died following the attack on the capitol. we are honored to be joined tonight by police and first responders who bravely protected us on january 6. your character encourage give us hope that democracy can and should avail, even in the face
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of a violent insurrection. we on this side can never thank you enough for what you did to protect our democracy. on january 9, two of president trump's top campaign officials texted each other about the president's glaring silence on the tragic death of capitol police officer brian sicknick, who succumbed to his injuries on the night of january 7. his campaign officials were tim murtaugh and another deputy, matthew walking. their job was to convince people to vote for president, trump -- president trump, so they knew his heart and mind as voice as well as anyone and they knew how he could interact with the porters. here is -- here's what they had
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to say about their boss. murtaugh says, shitty not commenting on the death of the capitol police officer. if he acknowledged a dead cop, it would be explicitly insulting the mob and he won't do that, because they are his people. and he would also be close to acknowledging that the rally got out of control. no way he acknowledges something that could ultimately be called his fault. no way. president trump did not then and does not now have the character or courage to say to the american people what his own people know to be true -- he is responsible for the attack on the capitol on january 6. thank you. i yield to the gentleman from illinois. rep. kinzinger: thank you, miss
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luria. tonight's testimony and evidence is as sobering as it is straight. within minutes of stepping off the ellipse stage, donald knew about the violent attack on the capitol. from the comfort of his dining room, he watched on tv as the attack escalated. he sent tweets that inflamed and expressed support for the desire of some to literally kill vice president mike pence. for three hours, he refused to call off the attack. donald trump refused to take the urgent advice he received that day -- not from political opponents or the liberal media, but from his own family, his own friends, his own staff and his own advisors. in the midst of an attack, when there was no time for politics, people closest to trump told him
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the truth -- it was his supporters attacking the capitol and that he alone could get through to them. so they played for him to act, -- they pleaded for him to act, to place country above himself. still, he refused to lead and to meet the moment to honor his oath. it was only once the vice president and members of congress were insecure locations and officers defending the capitol began to turn the tide, that then president trump engaged in the political theater of telling the mob to go home. and even then, he told them all that they were special, and that he loved all of them. whatever your politics, whatever you think about the outcome of the election, we as americans must all agree on this -- donald trump conduct on january 6 was a
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supreme violation of his oath of office and a complete dereliction of his duty to our nation. it is a stain on our history. it is a dishonor to all of those who have sacrificed and died in service of our democracy. when we present our full findings, we will recommend changes to laws and policies to guard against another january 6. the reason that is imperative is that the forces donald trump ignited that day have not gone away. the militant, intolerant ideologies, the militias, the alienation, disaffection, weird fantasies and alienation -- they are all still out there, ready to go. that is the elephant in the room. but if january 6 has reminded us
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of anything, i pray it has reminded us of this -- laws are just words on paper. they mean nothing without public servants dedicated to the rule of man who are held accountable by a public that believes oaths matter more than party tribalism or the cheap thrill of scoring political points. we, the people, must demand more of our politicians and ourselves. ohs -- both -- oaths matter. character metro. truth matters. if we do not renew commitment to our principles, this experiment about us, this shining beacon on a hill, will not endure. i yield to the gentlewoman from virginia. rep. luria: thank you. throughout our hearings, we have
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abide many facts and painted a vivid picture of the events of january 6 -- the violence, the human toll, both emotional and physical, including the tragic loss of life, the threats to our constitution, the rule of law and the danger to this nation, a nation we all love as americans. and tonight's hearing, we have gone into great detail about events inside the white house on january 6. we have described out the -- describe how the president of the united states, who is bound by an oath to the constitution and by duty to ensure laws are carried out, took no action what our peaceful transition of power was under attack. but it is more than that. donald trump summoned a violent mob and promised to lead that mob to the capitol, to compel
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those he thought would cave to that kind of pressure. and when he was thwarted in his effort to lead the armed uprising, he instigated the attackers to target the vice president with violence, a man who just wanted to do his constitutional duty. so, in the end, this is not as it may appear, a story of inaction in a time of crisis. but instead, it was the final action of donald trump' own plan to usurp the will of the american people and remain in power. not until it was clear that his effort to violently disrupt or delay in the counting of the election results had failed did he send a message to his supporters, in which he commiserated with their pain and he told them affectionately to go home. that was not the message of
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condemnation and just punishment for those who broke the law that we expect from a president whose oath and duty is to ensure laws are faithfully executed, but instead, it was his newest version of stand back and stand by. to me, this is personal. i first swore an oath to support and defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic when i entered the u.s. naval academy at age 17. i spent two decades on ships at sea, defending our nation from known and identifiable foreign enemies who sought to do us harm. i never imagined that enemy would come from within. abraham lincoln, 20 three years before the civil war, sad" if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and its finisher."
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donald trump was the author and we, the people, for ourselves and our posterity, should not let donald trump the finisher. thank you. i yield to the vice chair. vice chair cheney: thank you. don't to thank our witnesses for joining us today. members of the select committee may have additional questions for today's witnesses and we ask that you respond expeditiously in writing to those questions. without objections, members will be permitted 10 business days to submit statements for the record, including opening remarks and questions for our witnesses. i will know turn to chairman thompson or closing words. chairman thompson: the members of the committee and i appreciate and thank all persons who have come forward voluntarily to provide information to help protect our democracy. and our work continues.
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as we have made clear throughout these hearings, our investigation is going forward. we continue to receive new information every day. we are pursuing many additional witnesses for testimony. we will reconvene in september to continue laying out our findings to the american people, and pushing for accountability. in the first hearing of this series, i asked the american people to consider the facts and judge for themselves. the facts are clear and unambiguous. i think the american people for their attention over the past several weeks. i wish you all a pleasant evening. vice chair cheney: let me again thank our witnesses today. we have seen bravery and honor in these hearings, and ms. matthews and mr. pottinger, both of you will be remembered for
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that, as will cassidy hutchinson. she sat here alone, took the oath come and testify before millions of americans. she knew all along that she would be attacked by president trump and by the 50, 60 and 70 --year-old men who hide themselves behind executive rep. lynch:. -- behind executive privilege. but like our witnesses today, she has kurds on she did it -- she has courage and she did it anyway. cassidy and our other witnesses like shaye and her mother ruby freeman, we are a debt to all of those who have and will appear your. that brings me to another point. this committee has shown you the testimony of dozens of republican witnesses, those who served president trump loyally for years. the case against donald trump in
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these hearings is not made by witnesses who were his political enemies. it is instead a series of concessions by donald trump's own appointees, his own friends, his own campaign officials, people who work for him for years, and his own family. they have come forward and they have told the american people the truth. and for those of you who seem to think the evidence would be different if republican leader mccarthy had not withdrawn his nominees from this committee, let me ask you this -- do you really think bill barr is such a delicate flower that he would wilt under cross-examination? pat cipollone, eric kirschman -- eric kirschman? of course not. none of the witnesses are. when donald trump was running for president, he said this, "i
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could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters." the quote came to mind last week when audio from trump advisor steve bannon surfaced from just a few days before the presidential election. let's listen. >> trump is going to declare victory. he is going to declare victory. that doesn't mean he is the winner. he is just going to say so. the democrats won't have as many votes early in the count, so they will take -- so they will have a natural disadvantage and trump will take advantage of that. that is our strategy. when you wake up in the morning, there is going to be a firestorm. also, if trump is losing by 10:00 at night, it is going to be even crazier. he is going to sit right there and say they stole it. if biden is winning. vice chair cheney: and of
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course, four days later, president trump declared victory when his own campaign advisors told him he had absolutely no basis to do so. what the new steve bannon audio demonstrates is that donald trump's plan to falsely claim victory in 2020 no matter what the facts actually were, was premeditated. perhaps worse, donald trump believed he could convince his voters to buy it, whether he had any actual evidence of fraud or not. and that the same thing continued from election day onward to january 6. donald trump was confident he could convince his supporters the election was stolen, no matter how many losses he lost. and he lost many of them. he was told in detail the election was not stolen. there was no evidence of widespread fraud. it did not matter. donald trump was confident he could persuade his supporters to
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believe whatever he said, no matter how outlandish, and ultimately that they could be summoned to washington to help him remain president for another term. as we showed you last week on the even president trump's legal team led by rudy giuliani new that they had no actual evidence demonstrate the election was stolen. again, it didn't matter. here is the worst part. donald trump knows that millions of americans who supported him would stand up and defend our nation, were it threatened. they would put their lives and freedom at stake to protect her. and he is preying on their patriotism, their sense of justice, and on january 6, donald from turned their love of country into a weapon against our capitol and against our
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constitution. he purposely created the false impression that america is threatened by a foreign force controlling voting machines, or that a wave of tens of millions of calls ballots were secretly injected into our election system, or that ballots workers have secret thumb drives and/or stealing elections with them. all complete nonsense. we must remember that we cannot abandon the truth and remain a free nation. in late november 2020, while president trump was still pursuing lawsuits, many of us were urging him to put any genuine evidence of fraud to the courts and accept the outcome of those cases. as january 6 approached, i circulated a memo to my republican colleagues explaining why our congressional proceedings to count electoral votes could not be used to change the outcome of the election. but what i did not know at the time was that president trump's
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own advisers, also republicans, also conservatives, including his white house counsel, his justice department his campaign officials, they were all telling him almost exactly the same thing i was telling my colleagues -- there was no evidence of fraud or irregularity sufficient to change the election outcome. our courts ruled. it was over. now, we know that it did not matter what any of us said, because donald trump wasn't looking for the right answer legally or the right answer factually. he was looking or a way to remain in office. let's put that aside for a moment and focus just on what we saw today. in our hearing tonight, you saw an american president faced with a stark and unmistakable choice between right and wrong. there was no ambiguity, no nuance. donald trump made a purposeful choice to violate his oath of
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office, to ignore the ongoing violence against law enforcement to threaten our constitutional order. there is no way to excuse that behavior. it was indefensible. and every american must consider this -- can a president who is willing to make the choices donald trump made during the violence of january 6 ever be trusted with any position of authority in our great nation again? in this room in 1918, the committee on women's suffrage convened to debate whether women should be granted the right to vote. this room is full of history, and we on this committee know we have a solemn obligation not to idley squander what so many americans fought and died for.
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ronald reagan's great ally margaret said this, open let it never be said that the dedication of those who love freedom is less than the determination of those who would destroy it." let me assure everyone -- every one of you this -- our committee understands the gravity of the moment, the consequences to our nation. we have much work yet to do and we will see you all in september. i request those in the hearing room remain seated until the capitol have escorted witnesses and members from the room. without objection, the committee stands adjourned. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2022] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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do, we will go quickly to that so we have that in its entirety. meantime, we want to hear your voices, 202 is the area code for all our numbers, 748-8921 republicans, 748, 89 20 democrats, independent, 748-8922. if you want to send a text, please include your first name and city, 202-748-8903, the number four text messages only. and at all our social media sites, you can tweet, comment on facebook, or continue the conversation. just remember @cspan. president trump put out a statement during this hearing tonight. here is his statement, almost in its entirety. "mike pence told me and
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