tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN August 10, 2022 12:01pm-12:37pm EDT
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phone calls, facebook comments, and tweets. live sunday september, fourth -- september 4 on c-span two. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. >> omar can be heart that is why diner for internetwork is harder paired we are providing boebert income studer -- students low-cost internet. get your front row seat to democracy. -- went on real america's voice
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yesterday and here is her account of what happened. >> there are allegations of may have been planted to use against the former president in the g6 committee hearings, things of that nature. you did not see anything like that happen? >> i don't have any reason to believe it happened at this point but i do believe it is telling about where the american people are with the stress for the fbi. i'm not saying you did not happen. i do know the legal team did a thorough search. we have been cooperating. we knew this was something they were looking for so we gave them free access and allow them to come in and search voluntarily without having to issue a warrant or subpoena. this is not new. we knew this was happening. i do not think there was anything there worthwhile. we will see what they come up with. if they did, it will be interesting, especially since they pro polluted me from watching what they did, but at this point, i do not necessarily
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think they would go to the extent of trying to plant information. i think they would make stuff up and come up with whatever they want. that is the way they would have to indict the president because they don't have anything. there is nothing there. host: that's the former president's lawyer who was at mar-a-lago. the president put out another statement yesterday on true social --, his social media platform, what happened was a long infringement of u.s. citizens. it is all the left democrats now, scam after scam. our country is paying a big price. conservative hugh hewitt's writing in the opinion pages of the washington post saying the president, former president, should make the warrant public. he can do so. he wrote this, the american people need to see the warrant, all of its. the american public needs to see
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the warrant, all of it. the former president has a copy and should make it public. a likely lists the items to be seized and laws allegedly violated be the affidavit supporting the warrant is probably sealed. former prosecutors say and attorney general merrick garland can seek to unseal it. citizens need to know if this was a reasonable search based on probable cause of some crime by someone with access to mar-a-lago. as a judge has clearly decided there is probable cause to conclude or yet another unmerited strike of the 45th president by the latest in the long line of former federal officials who try to take donald trump down a peg or behind bars and failed. questions are these, what is the justice department looking for and was this necessary? yesterday during the white house briefing the press secretary for president biden was asked about
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the fbi search. here's what she had to say. >> the fbi served a search warrant on the former president's residence from florida. was a president or anyone at the white house aware of the search warrant or has anyone at the white house or president been briefed in the aftermath of the search warrant? >> no. the president was not briefed, was not aware of it. no one at the white house was given a heads up. that did not happen. >> is the white house at all concerned given the domestic littoral climate but the signal it sends to the rest of the world the department of justice carried out this operation of a former president they could even create the appearance of politically motivated prosecution? you >> have heard us say this many times at this podium and heard the president say this, the president say this, the justice department conduct investigations independently and we leave any law enforcement matters to them. it would not be appropriate for us to comment on any ongoing
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investigations. i can say that president biden has been unequivocal since the campaign. he believes in the rule of law, in the independence of the justice department investigations, that those investigations should be free from political influence and has compelled -- and held that commitment as president. i want to remind you of what he said on january 7, 2021 when he then nominated merrick garland to be the attorney general and i quote. "we need to restore the honor, integrity of the department of justice in this nation that has been so badly damaged and so many former leaders of that department have so testified and stated that i want to be clear to those who lead this department who you will serve. he will not work for me, you are not the president or vice president's lawyer, your loyalty is not to me, it is to the law,
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the constitution, the people of this nation to guarantee justice." so i would refer you to the department of justice. host: from the white house yesterday, let's get to calls. john in brooklyn, democratic caller, what do you think? caller: how are you doing? i think all of the republicans would please tell me why would trump need 15 boxes of this certified boxes of records. after they got the first 15, they found another 12 boxes. all you republicans listen to manual call this morning, tell me why from needed is -- neither these and what he would do for them. those things belong to the government, to me and you. i trust the fbi, i trust the state department. there will be a trial, they will charge him, then they will have a chance to defend him.
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first, tell me, what was he doing with them? why did he want them? that don't belong to trump. all right? thank you very much. ?" in georgia, -- much. host: in georgia, republican, go ahead. caller: i've been listening to your great network for 30 years. this is the worst thing i've seen happen in my 50 years of conservative politics. i believe this will lead to the trump nomination of president and a landslide victory in 2024. i think this will lead to a big race in georgia, herschel walker against senator warnock, i think this will lead to herschel walker winning and i think we will -- this will lead to a landslide republican win and wins in the house and senate and we will take over both and the republicans will be happy forever because i've never seen the american people so upset
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about the overreach by the justice department and the fbi and i think both merrick garland and christopher wray need to be fired yesterday. host: and yesterday the house leader for the republicans, kevin mccarthy of california, said if republicans win in november, they will be investigating the search of the former president's home. james in tennessee, independent. hi, james. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. host: morning. caller: i to bring this up but when i hear people calling in about down from, they talk like he is god. only god can't lie. you are going to tell me a white man can't live now. you light on god when [indiscernible] so the man is a liar, a thief, and a criminal. i do not who he is mad about. if you think you will get your slaves back, you have another thing coming. host: mike in dallas, north
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carolina, republican. hi, mike. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. haven't we seen this before with the russian collusion? everybody says it is so hard to get a warrant to get the president, a search warrant, but they did it before didn't they? and look, the reason i listen to c-span is all of the hate that comes through. it is better than a cup of coffee in the morning to wake me up. people like you on cnn and msnbc, i seen them calls for reeducating me and nicole wallace even wanted to drone strike me. there's gotta be some kind of stop the hate movement, you know? where are we going with this? host: all right. a couple you mentioned the legality of this and
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consequences. here is the wall street journal, multiple records laws get a spotlight in the search. yesterday we told you the wall street journal reported the removal of classified documents has a penalty, a fine, prison time, and disqualifies people from federal office. the wall street journal reporting this morning they had done more -- talked to more experts and this is what they are saying, one of the laws barred government employees from removing classified information and holding it at any unauthorized location. someone convicted of that offense could face a fine up to five years in prison. a second statute makes it a crime to conceal, remove, or destroy records filed with court or in public office, punishable with a fine and up to three years in prison. someone who does that law should be forfeit of his office and
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restricted from holding office. if mr. trump were prosecuted and convicted of the second statute, he would not necessarily bid -- be disqualified from office says a lawyer at wilson sons goodrich and rosie b. the constitution already outlines the restrictions that are someone from holding presidential office. it is not clear that congress can supplement those rules. that is the reporting by the wall street journal. "new york times" on this question, how might a conviction play out -- what laws apply to the removal of documents? there are several laws that could cover such a situation. for example, the espionage act which criminalizes the unauthorized retention of defense-related information that could be used to harm the united states or aid a foreign adversary carries a penalty up to 10 years in prison per offense. the law attracted particular attention in section 20 71 of the title 18 of the united
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states code which makes it a crime if someone who has custody of government documents unlawfully conceals removed or mutilates obliterates, falsifies, or destroys them. the section is not limited to classified information. if convicted under that law, defendants can be fined up to 2000 elders and sent to prison for three years. in addition, the statute says they are currently in a federal office and shall forfeit that office and perhaps most important given widespread expectations that mr. trump will seek reelection again, they shall be this qualified from holding federal office. however, were mr. trump to be charged and convicted under the charge, voters arrive in state primary elections for the 2020 presidential nomination could challenge his eligibility for that office. asking his name be omitted from primary ballots. each state administers its own
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elections so the exact process would vary. in general, such a challenge would first go to a state elections board, the board's decision could be appealed and the state court system -- in the state court system whose outcome could turn into the appealed through the supreme court. so there are a lot of questions there. monique in d.c., democratic caller, good morning to you. caller: good morning. thank god for c-span. what you just read, you basically read exactly what the law says you cannot do. you cannot take classified information that belongs to the united states government but he will get republican callers that are not going to comprehend what you just read, so just relax as they make their comments. i want to say to the guys who keep saying the american people. tatata, the republican american
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people are upset. i also want to say, when you want to be a gangster in the united states of america, you don't play with the federal system, the state system, or anything like that. if trump's wants to -- trump wants to be gotti, he has to go to the gotti steps. gotti went through a lot of indictments and everything else but in the end he was convicted. so to all trump followers, remember, this is the united states of america. you can break as many laws as you want during the process of you living your life but trust and believe we are coming to get you. host: greg in ohio, independent. caller: good morning. i have been watching this channel for a long time. i do not know if i'm watching cnn or miss nbs -- msnbs.
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all this biting going on and all you guys can talk about is trump or abortions or something off the wall. i do not get it. these black people, i am lost, they need to get off the plantation man. host: a democratic caller, bob. caller: i hope and pray that the attorney general has the goods to prosecute trump because he needs to be thrown under the jail. if we were to stole stuff out of the white house, we would be under the jail. also, all you trump lovers out there, lindsey graham's, all you people like that, i do not know how the hell people from your state can vote for you. how the heck did you vote for the man? host: should attorney general merrick garland hold a press conference and be more transparent about the affidavit,
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the search warrant, etc.? caller: i believe he should and tell them straight out, this is what we got, this is what we are working on, and this is what we can do to trump. he is not above the law. we do not elect a dictator, we elect a president. everybody hates biden. you have all of these republicans calling in and they hate biden. biden has not tried to overthrow our government yet. host: bobby mentioned the republican response. politico gathered the responses up in an article and trump's 2024 gop rivals rally behind him after the fbi search. this is what they found. florida governor ron desantis monday night tweeting the fbi search was another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the regime's political opponents. governors like kristi noem and glenn youngkin called the fbi
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actions unprecedented and stunning. governor greg abbott of texas says the search was level make sony and. to target a former president and rival. rick scott says the biden administration has the history of going after parents and other political opponents. the criticism of the biden administration's handling was not unanimous. chris christie told julie mason in an interview that the church -- search of trumps estate was " fair game." if the actual underpinnings that led to the fbi search checked out. senators tim scott, republican of south carolina, told cbs this morning that americans need to let the situation play out and see what happens, though he also said it would raise questions about political motivations or the fbi actions. scott's, running for reelection and frequently cited as a potential 2024 contender or trump vice president pick, drew
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criticism over comments and fumed over a more measured approach. on twitter, trump-pence said it could take it in -- taken him out of the running to be trump's vice president. the former president -- former vice president mike pence tweeting out i share the deep concern of millions of move americans over the unprecedented search of the personal residence of president trump. no former president of the united states has been subject to a raid in american history. douglas in san jose, california. hi, douglas. republican. caller: hello. first and foremost, since we do not now what they were looking for when they went in there, we do not scan event -- we cannot evaluate what the search was about. why a lot of people are angry about this is because over and over again we have seen, as was
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mentioned, the weaponization of government agencies, the irs, fbi, have been used over and over again to go after administrations opponents. and for trump supporters, that is what this looks like. day came up with russian collusion, that did not work. they have been hammering january 6. so far they have not been able to connect trump to that. now we've got this. i think in the end, people need to sit back and wait and see what this is about, but in the meantime, maintain a healthy skepticism because of past events and the fact as i said government agencies have been weaponized against the politicians and groups that they are not in agreement with.
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by the way, why is no one looking into the biden situation with his son? those claims on video. it is well recorded. but no investigation there. i think that is another thing upsetting people, and thank you for taking my call. host: what would you like to see from government officials on this search that would help you be less skeptical? caller: i want to know what they were looking for and why they were there. what justification did they have so that this judge would sign off on this search? why did they need to take this unprecedented action? i'm willing to bet if you went to the presidential library of several recently past presidents, you could dig up dirt, but nobody has rated those libraries so i want to know, what were they looking for?
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host: you mentioned the judge, newsweek did a piece, who is bruce reinhardt, the judge who approved the fbi mar-a-lago raid. from there reporting, they found the -- he has been a magistrate judge since 2018, those judges are appointed by district judges to deal with matters like bond hearings and signing off on search warrants. he previously acted on the defense counsel of some employees of jeffrey, the lake convicted sex offender. the judge studied at princeton and university of pennsylvania and went on to work in the u.s. treasury department and department of justice integrity section. he has also spent more than 11 years as a u.s. assistant attorney but seems to be a federal prospect -- ceased to be a federal prosecutor on january 1, 2000 eight. it also reported in 2011 he was named in the loss and accused of violating department policy by
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representing epstein employees. he denied wrongdoing and said he did not participate in the criminal case against epstein. reinhardt also previously donated to democratic and political campaigns. in 2008, he gave 1000 to former president barack obama's campaign and a further 1002 obama victory fund. in 2016, reinhardt donated 500 to the presidential campaign of jeb bush who unsuccessfully sought the republican nomination that was eventually one by former president trump. the fbi reportedly removed around one dozen boxes from mar-a-lago monday and the rate has been met with fear from the former president -- a theory from the former president's allies. it says in the newsweek piece that this judge, this is from home beach county state attorney dave ehrenberg, a democrat, who worked for the republican florida attorney general, he
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told politico tuesday that reinhardt is known for being meticulous, he will not make the stamp judgments. robert, democratic caller, and massachusetts, good morning. caller: i am from western and i know you cannot pronounce my name. [laughter] here is the story here. remember when donald trump became president and the doctor said he was a stable genius and the naval dr. said he was healthy as everything could be? we need to take donald trump down to the naval base to have him checked out. donald trump as a mental illness which everybody is not talking about. every fbi agent, secret service agent knows he is on capable of what he has been doing. he has attention deficit disorder, is a pathological
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liar, has attention deficit disorder, and he is a manic depressive. host: tie that the search -- to the search of his home. caller: he is dealing with the russians. he is dealing with the chinese. every time somebody calls up -- host: what does that have to do with the search for these classified documents? caller: the classified documents tells everything that he is a pathological liar. host: that is robert's opinion. a donald -- an independent, donald in texas. caller: good morning. here's the thing, when a person becomes a president, everything they touch, handle inside of the white house is the people's property. the only thing the president gets to leave the white house with is the close on his back. the reason why they did the
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search was because they had been in negotiations and the national archives with trump's lawyers but trump's lawyers were stalling and going we want this up, we legally have the rights to it, they asked the fbi to do their job, they do their job. i worked as a security guard at a dod site and one time i found a cabinet labeled top-secret opened. i was told to stand there until a superior showed up. when they did, found out weeks later the person who worked on that site who left it open was removed from the site. so it is about the rules and laws. that is the thing, with republicans saying they can do this to a former president, they can do it to you, that is the point. no one is above the law. thanks, though. host: lisa in myrtle beach, south carolina. hi, lisa. caller: good morning to you.
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how are you today? host: doing well, you? caller: a little disheartened. host: tell us why. caller: with everything that has been going on, especially with this recent invasion at the president's home. i think it was shocking to the whole world. maybe not the whole world because we hear the opinions of the left and it is something i just do not understand. it is just blasphemous. i think that tonight was just -- hearing about what our own government did tower president was just blasphemous. host: ok. james also in myrtle beach south
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carolina, an independent. your turn. caller: first of all, i would like to make a comment on that second caller you had, the guy from georgia. i hope your family will get you some help because you really need some help. you have let donald trump brainwash you. herschel walker has no business, even in the city limits of washington, d.c., no longer in the capital. i know what i'm talking about. i have known that mean for 30 to 35 years when they took him out of georgia and put them on the football field. to play for georgia. listen, donald trump has broke the law to the point where he thinks he can do anything he wants. he reminds me of a 16 to 17-year-old that cannot comprehend right from wrong.
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he is going to do it his way or it will be no way. two months ago, i had a little problem with god because i did not think the man would have the backbone to do it he has finally done and i was afraid because if we let donald trump back into washington, in the white house, we will lose this republic. we will lose everything because he is going to -- he is an autocrat. someone can stand a stroke, use leader and say that camille us -- communist leaders name over our united states word -- people. i'm telling you, this man is dangerous with this country.
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caller: donald trump is a creek and everybody knows he's a crook. these people have to realize how much of a creek donald trump is. like i say, they said that the democrats didn't pay for it. no the republicans are going to pay for it because all the republicans peoples that's going along with donald trump, he's going to hurt them just like he hurt democrats. he's going to hurt the republican party. look at what they did with women's rights. that's my comment.
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when it comes to the search warrants, it wasn't a raid. it was a search warrant. this guy had boxes that belong to the united states of america. if anybody thinks the concern of him sharing that information with putin, with china, with whomever he chooses because that's how he operates. they think anything that has to do with him, satisfying his own egomania is what he cares about. he doesn't care about any of these people. and i wish they would understand that. now our country, from january 6 is going to what? they said every second, several -- civil war was second mentioned every second. i have been scared since this man took office. every day he did something to
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embarrass or just a shame us american people. and he continues to do it and cpac, he probably shared the documents with that hungarian man. i mean, we need to wake up. please, people, wake up and don't follow this madman. host: when the president left the white house he took the boxes with him to mar-a-lago. including letters from the north korean leader and former president. along with personal items like golf balls and a rain coat. if there are other things stuffed in. the national archives are meant to preserve national documents. many documents that arc of this new existed were missing and believed to be in mr. trump's possession. that set off a lengthy back-and-forth between the national our coffees and esther trumps lawyers about what
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documents he might have taken. his unwillingness to hand over the documents frustrated officials who were deeply skeptical. the rest of 20 21 mr. trump resisted requests to give back the materials. in the meantime, mr. trump was wasting letter -- waving letters at people as if they were collectors items he was showing off your january of this year, an official for the national archives flew to florida and retrieved 15 boxes off the property. they found several documents containing sensitive national security information including some -- >> good afternoon, everyone. some of us have just come from the white house for the president, where he signed a monumental bill for our
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