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tv   Washington Journal Maurice Mitchell  CSPAN  September 13, 2022 2:20pm-2:32pm EDT

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continues. host: our guest is a mars mitchell of the working families party. -- marius mitchell of the working families party. how long have you been around and when did you get started? guest: it is a political party for the multiracial working-class. we started in 1998 in new york. we have grown to be a national movement that believes that
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politics should work for the many, not for the privileged youth. we recruit and train activists, educators, organizers, leaders, everyday americans so that they cannot run and govern. we believe that the people -- can run and govern. we worked pretty hard with our activist around the country. recently come over this past primary season, we have elected eight working family democrats and democratic primaries that will be going to congress if they are successful. our ideas are very popular across all america, urban america, every region. host: working family democrats. are you a traditional third-party? guest: we do have a balance line
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in -- balance line -- ballot line two allows a party to be able to process with another party. in places like that we have our own ballot line. in other places, we run our folks in democratic primaries. a party is a group of people who come together, who have a set of issues and use elections as the main intervention. as long as that is happening, as long as you are doing that, you are a party. we chose different ways in order to advance our issues. host: woody efforts -- would you ever show up to eight general election to run as a democratic candidate? guest: i want to be clear, a minor party might send one of
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the candidates to the general election and sometimes the candidate that is closer to them, we do not believe in spoiler politics. there are opportunities where we would run in the general election, where we think there is a pop of victory. that has happened in some cases. the main kind of struggle is the site of struggle where we are finding against fascism. we are uniting with everybody, including people that identify as democratics, independence, conservatives. the other side of the struggle, which is taken place in the democratic party, is around how we ensure that americans can afford things like public education or life-saving drugs,
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or childcare. that is the main thing that is happening you the democratic party. host: what has been your impact on the democratic party in recent cycles? guest: we have a pretty great track record. we have candidates up and down the country. let's take congress for example, in texas, this is the south, this is the corporate elite fascism. -- they ran progressive candidacies, they were unapologetic about the issues. they one in their primaries and are likely to go to congress.
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another person, governor lee in pittsburgh. pittsburgh is a working-class town. governor lee is a progressive who built a multiracial coalition that included union workers, activists and many others. some of those are likely to go to congress. this is a rural district where he challenged a long time incumbent, a long time incumbent, that as a democrat defied as both president and in line with the armor suitable companies. when the democrats were trying to negotiate in order for the federal government to be able to negotiate the prices of life-saving drugs, he got in the way of that. -- she is running in a competitive testing in the general election in oregon. combined all of these candidates
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, the fact that their issues are protohuman issues, if there's a fight -- protohuman issues. human issues. guest: we will love for you to join the conversation. host: republicans, (202) 748-8001. independence, (202) 748-8002. a special line for working party members, (202) 748-8003. we are talking about the midterm elections, but i wonder if president biden decides to run for a second term, would you like to see him challenged in the democratic primary. guest: there has not been any challenges that emerged. what i am focused on today,
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building the united front against what, this is not hyperbole, what to me is fascism. i am actually really hardened that president biden took a strong stance against the republican party. there really is a stark choice in this country. this is an important historical junction for everyone who is listening. we are deciding whether or not we want to live in a democracy. we are deciding if we are comfortable with the political colt taking government power. people who will identify as conservative, have that binary choice of freedom on the agenda. historically, in a moment where forces are attempting to take over democracy or fascism forces
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are attempting, we know the only thing that has succeeded is the united front. we are a proud part of the united front with anybody, republican, independent, democrat, who wants to fight those forces and create a america where we all can prosper and where we have the abilities to have the debates. i want to have the debates around how we get to a place where we can afford childcare, or how we look at america where workers rights are valued. if there are conservative ideas, independence ideas come i want to live in a country where we can have that debate. we can't have that debate when we live in a country where political violence is going on. where the idea of anti-democracy is the idea that we can just nullify an election if we do not like the outcome.
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we need to fight that front. november is our opportunity to do that. host: i can't think of a more existential and important conversation than today, than all of us, people of good faith, the majority of people who aren't captured by a political call income comes together in order to succeed that call. host: let's chat with a few callers. john first in austin, texas. independent. caller: good morning. as an independent, as an american, i am wondering how it is that trump is a cult and the democratic party is a >> we're going to leave this program to honor our commitment to live coverage of the u.s. house. today, three new members of congress will be sworn in.
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also on the agenda, lawmakers will work on 18 suspension bills dealing with veterans, sex trafficking, and infrastructure. they're also expected to pass a resolution to honor the late queen elizabeth ii. we take you live to the house floor on c-span. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2022] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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>> the house debating a number -- a number of bills today, three new members also being sworn in. members will be working on 18 suspension bills dealing with sex trafficking, infrastructure, and also a resolution honoring the late queen elizabeth ii. furn motis


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