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tv   Washington Journal Jonathan Tamari  CSPAN  October 31, 2022 2:57pm-3:45pm EDT

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guest: the senator is getting support in the big city. increasingly blue over the last four to six years. it conservatively better.
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it is trending much more supportive since donald trump's candidacy. fetterman has made a big deal out of being a democrat. ahs has done a lot for republican support. the race is so close if one of them could shave a couple of percentage points off that could make the difference. we are waiting to see that because the race was pretty close going into the debate. as people may or may not know.
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host: what do you see as disparities between the closeness of the senate race between the two and the separation of the governor's with republicans and democrats? guest: he has been someone admired for his political perspective and building coalition to being a relentless campaigner, fundraising, all the basics of politics. he has run a relentless campaign and seems to know what works in pennsylvania. rationale now is a pretty far right figure. particularly for states as
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moderate as pennsylvania he has very far right views on issues of abortion and voting. he has really struggled to raise money and run virtually almost no television ads. basically have the airwaves to himself. pennsylvania is such a big state. there are so many media markets, so many people to reach. it is not a state you can win by knocking on doors. you have got to be on tv. he has run a really efficient campaign. they seem to think he is a lost cause and they are not putting money behind him. the senate race is opposite. ahs is putting a lot of his own money on television. very small donors he has had throughout his campaign. it is pretty evenly matched and
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national republican viewers have poured money into the state. marciano has made attempts is the primary to win some of those strings vote -- when some of those swing voters. he is strategically, not just financially. they connect between the two. host: we saw the vice president last week. we will see them again this week. guest: he is going to be out there to try to rally republican
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support. president biden we expect to be back. he was there this weekend. president obama is expected. the final details have not been confirmed. we expect him to come. we expect a democratic stronghold, philadelphia. if he goes to a deep blue area where he can motivate swing voters. the fact you are seeing the current president, former president before that all coming to pennsylvania, it tells you how important these elections are. it is almost like we are seeing 2020 for. host: for those of you who live in pennsylvania, that is where the first call comes from. mike, you are on with our guest. go ahead. caller: good morning, gentlemen.
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i am going to support federman because of the fact he did have a stroke but through the whole state of republicans, they pick a guy from new jersey who hasn't lived in pennsylvania. that should be brought up to all the viewers. how can you support someone from new jersey who just moved into his mother-in-law's house and say he cares about pennsylvania? i don't see that as a legitimate claim. guest: that has certainly been one of the major weights that has weighed on oz's campaign. he spent years in new jersey, working in new york as a surgeon. he moved to pennsylvania in late 2020 when it was clear there is going to be an open senate seat. that has been a huge issue the federman campaign has hammered
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him on. they say awes is not trustworthy, he is not authentic and he is basically in this for himself is the argument. his wife's family grew up in suburban pennsylvania, he went to the university of pennsylvania for his medical degree, his business degree. he says he cares about the state . but democrats have been hammering the fact he did not move back to the state until this senate seat came open. his image has really taken a beating. democrats hope that is maybe the thing that sways these undecided voters in the coming days. that they don't feel like maybe they can trust oz and that makes the difference. host: pennsylvania, delaware is our next stop. on the republican line, go ahead. caller: when it comes to these democrats, they don't care who
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they put in office just as long as he says yes when they want to pass a bill or pass for some money or whatever. biden is a good example. he cannot do nothing. he is impossible. now he is going to try to put federman in there too. come on, pennsylvania, wake up. the other guy is a more on. thank you so much. guest: federman has said he would be the 51st vote for another thing that democrats have tried to do. he would end the filibuster, he would vote for women protection act to codify roe v. wade, he would vote for a significant union law. he would support much of the democratic agenda. he has supported bidens agenda and that is his position. he has put that out there. we will see if that is successful. host: let's show our viewers some of the ads playing out in
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pennsylvania starting out with lieutenant john fetterman. >> it has been a while since we had a senator from western pa and those years haven't been great. washington forgot us. john fetterman, he has been fighting here for 20 years. john sees -- washington sees us as rust, john sees steel. he will make sure no one forgets our home. >> i am john fetterman and i approve this message. >> pennsylvanians aren't paying. i see in your eyes. john edelman make everyone's taxes -- will raise everyone's taxes, taking inflation that much reuters. -- making inflation that much worse. i am ready to improve people's
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lives. it is what doctors do. i am dr. oz. i approve this message. host: the statements made in those ads when it comes to john fetterman statements made about washington has forgotten us, is that --? guest: his campaign has been less about specific policies -- about specific politics. donald trump tap into communities in pennsylvania who feel left the hind. he said he is going to fight for these communities in different way than trump but reach some of the same voters in the same sentiment that a lot of economic prosperity's, cultural power in other places have been lost.
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he is making that case from a democratic perspective. it is interesting because you haven't seen a lot of democrats young to make that case affect late. he is the mayor of a very small steel town that has struggled economically. maybe he can reach those voters in ways that other democrat in big cities cannot. oz, he is talking about not being against extremism. being a dock or who is pragmatic. that is the kind of message that has worked or republicans in pennsylvania. they have a slight registration disadvantage in the state. overall the state is leaning democratic. that is clearly what he is
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attempting with these ads. host: let's hear from another pennsylvanian in johnstown. rob, hello. caller: good morning. just like the wizard of oz, dr. oz is a rod. he is a snake he has been sued by many other organizations at least john fetterman, he may have had a stroke, the debate was really a joke. you have more than 15 seconds to look over a bill and then pass a bill. that was a disingenuous way to parade a person chose senator. awes really -- oz really is going to do -- for the trump organization. since trump, pennsylvania hasn't gained anything. all the promises of instruction
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for -- all the promises of infrastructure haven't happened. the guy is a joke. let's keep federman in there. this guy has a lot of pizzazz. some of the advertisements against him were crummy when they said he didn't work. he was a mayor for eight years. he paid taxes. they said he didn't pay taxes. he has pay taxes if he was on payroll. guest: talking about some of the image questions about oz weighing on him that we heard from the earlier caller. as far as federman goes, there has been a test to cut his -- to undercut his working-class image. his family supported him
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significantly in his 30's and deep into his 40's and propped him up financially, helped him purchase his home, pay his expenses. we don't know the extent of that because it was only disclosed for one year. it is in the ballpark of $50,000 for that year. but that is one way republicans have tried to undercut him. as the caller said, norman would argue, he was doing work, even if he get paid a lot of money. he was serving a community that she was serving a community working at the mayor, running a nonprofit. he said he could've gone and made a lot of money. his family owns an insurance business but he chose to dedicate himself to public service. republicans say you don't know what it feels to be a working class person because your family was when you. when oz is talking about
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inflation and the strain it is putting up the, voters are concerned about nation trade but he is someone who will fight their. that is one of the questions. host: mining energy and things like that, where folks stand on issues like fracking and other related issues? guest: oz has been very pro-fracking. let's put a liquid gas plant in philadelphia. let's play natural gas plant in philadelphia and there will be more jobs and better employment opportunities. president's energy secretary to support him. he is very pro-fracking even though he had eight some common or bylined a newspaper column in the past that raised ferns about fracking. he says that was written by his
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colleague and not him but his name was on the stories written running he has been very rough fracking. federman has made negative comments about fracking and recently in 2018 he said he wasn't or it. now he says he is for. his environmental concerns and the jobs and economic stimulus that that industry supplies. both of them have reversed themselves a little bit. they are both in favor of it. federman a little bit more about environmental concerns were -- environmental concerns where oz is drill, drill, drill. host: how many of those who voted already leading up to the election? guest: we are getting up to the tens of thousands of mail-in ballots.
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it is definitely tens of thousands mail voting. the belief generally among political operatives is people are voting very early on by mail. probably knew who they were voting or from the very start of the race people are very engaged in politics. they have a strong feeling whether it is democratic or republican. in pennsylvania it tends to be much more democratic. president trump sewed a lot of doubt about ballots with republicans. like 2020 they can be counted a little later because it takes longer to process those male votes versus people who show up in person. in person votes tend to be heavy are republican. host: compliance about the 2020 process, how much has been corrected or changed for the cycle? guest: there is still a
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challenge. the law says they cannot begin counting the mail ballots until election day. there is a pile of mail ballots waiting to be sorted through and that is what can lead to some of those delays. host: let's hear from dina, sorry, let's hear from,. , is in north carolina. you are on with our guest. go ahead. caller: i am a first time caller. is it true that dr. durer awes is a services in turkey? and was he involved with michael flynn with his business in turkey? thank you. guest: it is true he is a dual citizen of turkey. his parents were born in turkey, immigrated to the united states rated he says he maintains his dual citizenship so he could very easily go visit his mother
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in turkey who lives there who is older and ill. that is his argument. that is his statement. he has said during republican primary he would give up his dual citizenship if he is elected to the senate. this came up significantly during the primary, his republican opponents brought him up to say he couldn't be trusted. it has not really come up during the general election. federman has not pressed that case. i believe oz did vote in recent turkish election. that came up during primary. it hasn't come up very much during the general election. he hasn't talked about that. federman hasn't talked about that. there has not been an issue. host: from carlisle, pennsylvania, this is buzz joining us. you are on with our guest. caller: i have noticed how
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slanted c-span has become. it is kind of bizarre to me that i am calling now. the people are even considering voting for federman. we already have a next to invalid in the white house. you will say i am a just and this and that. but pennsylvania cannot afford a man who cannot even talk to be senator. even if he could talk his views are so far left. it is amazing. i keep hearing these people say oz is not from pennsylvania. will where is hillary clinton from? there are so many so-called carpetbaggers but they are making a big deal about federman . federman is making a big deal
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about oz. oz did live in pennsylvania. he went to school. host: ok. thank you. guest: when it comes to his speech and his stroke, there is some concern that will be a lasting impression of him because most people don't get to see him on a regular basis and the debate might be the one time they see him taking questions, having a rapid fire back and forth. i have seen a number of events of his and so have other reporters where he has been much more smooth and much more able to express himself and expensive -- and expansive than on that debate stage. people recovering from an illness will have some good days and bad days. some settings are worst for some people. we have talked to some medical experts that say that kind of pressure was 15 seconds to
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respond to something can be particularly challenging to someone who has speech issues. we have not sing anything that says federman has any cognitive issues although he has refused to release his full medical records. we don't have the full picture from all of his doctors. there is the russian let who he is less than. other people have not seen his rallies. there is a history of people moving to different places in order to run for public office. he is certainly not the first to do it. when we talk to some folks in pennsylvania, being from north jersey is maybe a different kind of thing. he is from an area much more affiliated with new york. pennsylvania is a state that has this very parochial feeling jaded a lot of people who live, has a vein you were born there. they are not people who migrate in and out of pennsylvania as some of the other states in the
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area. there is a down-home pride or chip on the shoulder insert parts opinion of venue -- other parts of pennsylvania where that might make it harder to run. new york state is used to seeing people from all over the world move there. those are issues weighing on dr. oz. federman was very effective at branding him that way over the summer. host: jonathan tomorrow with the national enquirer joining us. caller: i watched the debate and it was sad to watch. oz has so much going for him. i don't understand happens of manual would consider this guy
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is somebody you could vote for. he has never really held a job. his family supported him. i am here in florida. i am in republican plays, a republican state and we will continue to vote republican this year very big. pennsylvania, please do not send this guide to the senate. please don't do it. host: our democratic leaders within the state as behind john fetterman or do they have concern after that debate? guest: there is worry. rings were trending against federman for weeks and after that debate there is even more worry. they don't think this is suddenly a lost cause. it seems like either candidate can win this race.
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federman ran first time statewide in 20. even before that he established a brand of this unusual politician. he was featured in rolling stone, featured in levi's ad as this rough and tumble democrat. he has a brand very well established in pennsylvania for a long time now. that has carried him during times when he is off the campaign trail. there are folks who feel even though he was not able to make his point very well during the debate or respond to attack, there is a certain amount of sympathy that most people know somebody who has been through a health crisis or been through one themselves that that is a real part of real life and some people may be more understanding of that. others will look at it like this caller did and they can't trust him to be a senator and wonder
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how effective he will be. there is a flipside to that debate going on right now. host: let's go to mike. mike is in nevada on the democrats line. caller: has anybody ever watched dr. oz when he was on oprah? the oprah winfrey show? as a surgeon he was asked, this is about losing weight, if you lose weight what will happen? if you lose five pounds the mail will gain one inch on his tenets. host: we will leave it there. guest: from the federman campaign it is pretty clear. they are going to be focused on the big blue cities where the base of democratic votes come
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out. president biden has been there. we expect president obama to come to those places. they are turning out philadelphia, turning out pittsburgh. those have become a major part of the coalition as well. that is where they are going to put their energy. republicans are going to have to do a little bit more because of the voter registration disadvantage. they have to get to the rural part, the cities they have lost their manufacturing. they also need to be in those suburbs and trying to reduce the democratic margin in those suburbs. they have to stretch themselves a little more than a democrat has to do. host: a million plus aligned to other parties. how are those campaigns reaching out to those not related to the democratic party or the republican party? guest: he is talking about inflation, talking about not being extreme and trying to bring balance to washington.
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trying to reach those people who don't feel very strongly democratic or republican. federman, a lot of his message has to do with his ad, fighting for places -- that is a part of his appeal. you cannot trust what he said arm oprah, you cannot trust he is not a pennsylvanian, you cannot trust he changed his position on things. that is the two major messages you are hearing. proactive, i am one of you, i am going to fight for you. host: what about dr. oz and lieutenant federman, where are they on abortion? guest: federman supports abortion. he said he would not vote for any limits. he has said other times he would vote for women's health protective act which will codify from law wrote versus wade which
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includes general later term abortions. oz says he is against abortion except for in cases of incest and to risk the life of abortion. he has skirted the question of a federal proposal of a ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy. he has not said yes i will vote yes or no. he has said it would be up to the states. she has not explicitly said if that bill is in ford -- if that bill is in front of him whether he would vote yes or no. host: let's hear from sheila in youngstown, ohio. the democrats line. caller: federman with a big contrast in debate, federman is earnest and honest. oz sounded like a slick conman.
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he never gave an answer to abortion. i want to tell women, he wants to criminalize women's health care and their doctors. that means you will go to jail if you need an abortion. and if you have a miscarriage they will investigate you also. who is going to want to become a gynecologist? in georgia there are 82 counties with no ob/gyn. if you look at his address when he talks about the minimum wage, pennsylvania is the lowest minimum wage in the area. it is lower than west virginia. how did oz answer that? he said it is $7.50. he said, i want it to be really high, $25, 35 dollars. let the free market decide. host: we will keep it there. guest: oz did kind of skirt.
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he has skirted his exact position. including minimum wage, he doesn't say he is up to raise it but it should be up to private businesses to raise it. on the topic of abortion i believe he said he does not believe in prosecuting doctors but he is against most abortion for those three exceptions. he would oppose nearly all abortions. host: a senate majority pack was against dr. r's. we will show our viewers the ad. [video clip] >> for once dr. oz is telling the truth. when asked who he thinks should be in charge of deciding abortions he says local political leaders. who could ban abortion with no exception for right or incest. if you want to keep your right
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to choose remember what oz said about who decides and what that means for you. host: is that ad accurate? guest: it is accurate as far as local leaders being involved. the context, he was asked about proposal to ban abortion nationally after 15 weeks of pregnancy. oz's position, he would not say yes or no on that bill but he said it should be up to the eight to decide. doctors, women and local political leaders. local political leaders set the law for each state. pennsylvania has a different mob in, a different mall than massachusetts, a different law than mississippi. that is where he is saying local political leaders. democrats feel this is a giant gap that is going to offend a
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lot of voters. particularly suburban women voters. it cost six figures to put that ad out. democrats take advantage. they feel that moment might give them something. there is an argument for that. most voters know where he stands on abortion. even that one statement isn't going to change anyone's opinion. if you really care about abortion you probably already know which way you are voting. that is a moment that democrats say they are going to keep playing from here until election day. host: view from missouri, marty, republican line. caller: i want to say i hope viewers understand it federman gets in he will be serving his term that she will not be serving his term, his wife will. he won't be able to finish his term or do his term because of
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his health concerns and his wife will be doing it for him. democrats have a history of doing that. the husband either dies or had health issues and the wife's steps in and takes their role. that is the goal to get his wife in there. without her having to campaign. host: how did you come to that? caller: i do a lot of reading. let's just say that. i read all kinds of websites. left, right, in between. host: where did you come to that conclusion from specifically? caller: i don't remember where. it popped up on different places i was reading. i cannot tell you one specific area. but it has come up on different, and it makes sense. guest: i have not heard any reporting to that affect. there is always speculation
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about candidates. there have been senators who have had strokes who have covered and served out their terms. if federman for some reason did have to resign i believe the governor of pennsylvania would appoint their replacement and there would be a special election. his wife is a major presence on the campaign trail. to say there is a plot to replace him, i don't think we have any facts to back that up right now. host: in indiana on the democratic line, we will hear from judith. caller: the first thing i want to do is apologize for the gentleman that called. at c-span has been known for years and years to be fair and let everybody -- their concerns. i wanted to apologize for him because you guys do a great job to the public letting the general public express themselves. my call is about the gentleman and the female that said even
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though federman has had a stroke, he can do the job. donald trump was in there for four years. come on, america. search your souls and your hearts and do the right thing up for the country and the constitution. thank you, c-span. host: that is judith in indiana. looking at this as a whole job as a senator and not just the ability to give speeches and that is maybe the concern some. guest: there is. you give speeches but senators in a state as large as pennsylvania may hold 3, 4, 5 ovens in any given day. a lot of travel involved with 67 counties. it is a vast state. it is a lot of work, a lot of communicating with people, with constituents, with interest groups, with other senators. and making a case for the policies you support, for the party you support.
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there are concerns about how effect, whether federman can keep up that schedule. the campaign schedule and it is probably not as active as you would have expected for his stroke. you are just still four or five months into his recovery. medical experts tell us this is the early stage of his recovery. you are still waiting to see where the endpoint is. i don't think anybody knows that yet. host: mary is in pittsburgh. good morning. caller: i am watching live and i saw that caller from missouri speaking a lot about how much of this race dr. oz campaign is built on the foundation of misinformation. we forget his entire career has been built around selling people misinformation. he is not a real doctor. he was selling people lies on a network television show and he
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is still selling misinformation to people in pennsylvania who have felt so ignored and forgotten by people in d.c. i encourage pennsylvania voters to look at nonpartisan factual information when building who they are going to vote for next week. host: you say he is not a real doctor. what leads you to that conclusion? caller: he has the congruent that she has the credentials but he has been selling misinformation for so long and he is so harmed will. host: mary in pittsburgh, thank for the call. guest: that is representative of what democrats hope is an attitude or a belief that will work against oz, he cannot be trusted. his whole history, you cannot believe what he says. he does have a history on television of selling questionable products. questionable advice that a lot of doctors had problems with and was not accurate. in some cases he may have had some of his financial ties to
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what he was giving out. that is accurate. before he had a tv career she was a heart surgeon in new york. practice medicine in new york press petition. -- at new york press material. he was very renowned as a doctor. there are a lot of people in the profession who had a problem what he did when he had his television show. host: ramona in kentucky, republican line. caller: hi, there. i am registered republican but i don't intend it to vote republican. we had another carpetbagger come in our state a few years ago who ran for governor. he looked shiny, new, he made promises.
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he cut the unemployment agencies in lots of smaller cities. he promised a big aluminum meal in eastern kentucky. when the pandemic hit there was no way for these people to get in and file claims for unemployment. he was just a carpetbagger coming in. stay with your local politicians that you know. kentucky does have those popping jays with the curly hair that have been voted in over and over. i hope this will be their last year. host: tomorrow you said this could be what we see play out in the next week or so could have implications in 2024. could you expand on that? guest: there are two ways. pennsylvania was one of the main states donald trump try to overthrow the results in in 2020.
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targeted the philadelphia vote. he wanted to have the results thrown out in congress. it was one of two states formally challenged in congress on january 6. whoever the two nominees are they are going to see pennsylvania as the key to winning the presidency. counting the votes on election day, certifying the results, that could come down to the administration of the governor. whoever the governor is, takes the secretary of state, the secretary of state decides how those votes are counted and certified. we saw the secretary of state resisted pressure to stop the count of votes. the republicans were not able to send in an alternate slate in their place. that is the governor's side.
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the senate side, congress certifies the final outcome. in 2020 republican pat toomey, you had bipartisan opposition. even from someone who supported trump and supported trump's policies. oz will replace him or federman will replace him. if there is another attempt to overthrow the results, how will pennsylvania senators vote? federman has made it clear he will not vote to throughout the results of the election. oz has raised questions about the 2020 election during the primary. he has also said he would have voted to certify the votes anyway. he has been endorsed by donald trump. one of them could very well have a say if there is a repeat of 2020.
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one of them will have a say in 2024. host: a look at -- trade jonathan tamari is a national reporter for the philadelphia inquirer. ask for your time. >> this afternoon a discussion looking at current supreme court cases challenging the use of race conscious for admissions at the university of north carolina. watch live beginning at 4:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. you can also watch on our free mobile app c-span now or online at this evening more campaign 2022 coverage here on c-span. we start within a majority leader chuck schumer w debates his republican challenger joe pinion in new york senate race. sponsored by spectrum news, new york one, watch this event at 6:00 p.m. eastern.
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republican governor bria kemp and democratic challenger stacey abrams go head-to-head in the final debate for george's governor electn. and at 8:00 p.m., democratic senator pat murray and her republican challenger tiffany smiley tbeashington's next senator. watch on c-span, our free mobile video app, c-span now or c-span., -- >> only at c-span do you get it straight from the source. no matter where you are from or where you stand on the issues, c-span is america's network. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. if it happens here, or here, or here, or anywhere that matters, america is watching on c-span. powered by cable. host:


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