tv Washington This Week CSPAN January 15, 2023 10:02am-11:04am EST
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on august 24, emmett till was accused of flirting with a white store clerk. his 16-year-old cousin was with him when the incident happened and four days later when he was abducted. tonight on q&a, the co-author of a few days full of trouble recounts the events that led to his murder, his efforts to get justice for his late cousin. >> shortly after, that she was 14, i was 16. a short time later, i do not know how long, he comes out of
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the store. he loves to make people lack -- left. -- laugh. he had to have understood the atmosphere in 1955 in mississippi. a black man whistling at a white woman, that was death in itself. >> tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's q&a. you can listen to all podcasts on the free c-span now app. ♪ >> even before recent revelations of classified government documents in joe biden's home and occasional
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office, the documents numbered a half dozen or so, becoming a top priority for the new majority. that, despite the fact voters in 2022 set priorities included the border, crime, inflation and domestic energy production. good morning and welcome to washington journal. we will start the program asking you your view of republican investigations in the house into the biden administration. the lines to call her if you support the investigations, tell us why at (202) 748-8000. if you oppose, (202) 748-8001. we are on social media,
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send us your thoughts on twitter. we are talking broadly about what the house republicans are looking into in the investigations announced so far including the creation of some selected special committees, those including the select subcommittee on the weaponization of government, further investigations will be held by the oversight committee on the ben administratn -- the bidenamily businesses, the origins of the covid pdemic, on china competitiveness, the withdrawal from afghanistan in 2001, border enforcement and the treatment of january 6 defendants. the investigations announced this past week and more about the documents that were found at the presidents post vice presidential office at the biden
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center and also at his home in new york. this is reporting from the associated press about further documents found in wilmington. more classified documents found that biden's home by lawyers. lawyers found more classified documents at his home in delaware than previously known. the white house acknowledged this saturday. white house lawyer said that six pages of classified documents were found during a search of biden's private library. they had previously said that only a single page was found. in addition to the discovery of documents found in december in biden's garage and in november at his former offices at the pin inviting center in washington from his time as vice president. the current mishandling of classified documents and
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official records from the obama administration is under investigation by former u.s. attorney robert hur who was appointed as special counsel by attorney general merrick garland. the most recent will be about these classified documents discovered in the president's possession at his home and his former vice presidential office. if you support those investigations, (202) 748-8000. if you oppose, (202) 748-8001. if you are unsure, that line is (202) 748-8002. house speaker kevin mccarthy held a briefing with reporters on thursday and was asked why congress has a top priority to investigate the biden classified papers but not the trump papers. here is the speaker. [video clip] >> what is interesting about
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that question is they put a special prosecutor on that. they rated mar-a-lago when he was non-. even though they knew it was there. they could have just picked it up had they asked. but why would they do that? why would they go after a political opponent that way? why would they leak photos? why would they go through the former first lady clothing? why would they go through her sons clothing? why would they raid in the manner in which they did at the same time prior to the election they found a sitting president when he was vice president with top-secret documents? why would they handle that differently? why did they not even tell america that that transpired? how did he sit knowing what he had done? how did they find a second location and he is shocked by it? why aren't you asking him those questions? why doesn't he come forward to
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the american public? host: that was the speaker on thursday then on friday this announcement from "the hill." "the house judiciary committee launches probe into biden's handling of classified documents. the committee is spearheading an investigation into finding classified documents less than two weeks after republicans took control of the lower chamber. merrick garland announced the probe on friday. to look into the potential handling of classified materials." we will go to larry in jamaica, new york who supports the investigations. good morning. caller: good morning.
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i support it on many levels. finding these classified documents in biden's garage where biden had gone nuclear savage on trump regarding mar-a-lago. the last thing i want to say, in the end obama should be complicit by default for whatever happens with this investigation. host: you mean on the documents in particular? where is the former presidents responsibility? caller: did biden steal the documents from under obama's nose? how did they get out of the white house if it was obama's presidency? biden was not allowed to take them at all. biden should eventually be prosecuted. host: california, bob is on the
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line. good morning. caller: good morning. i am definitely for the investigation. i want the investigation of hunter biden. how does a man who gets kicked out of the military for drug use wind up on the board of directors with burisma in ukraine getting $100,000 per month? he knows nothing about the board of directors. he knows nothing about anything having to do with the field that he got a job in and he is getting $1 million per year. talk about corruption. let me mention something about ukraine. it kills me to see ukrainian babies slaughtered by russia. what we need to do is give ukraine long-range missiles so
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they can kill russian babies. that will end the war a lot sooner when there is a cost to russia because putin is the real carnation of hitler. host: we will talk about the investigations into the biden administration broadly. we have focused on classified documents but we welcome your calls and comments. carol is next in stafford, virginia. caller: hello. i think there is really -- it is too convenient that they found these documents after the fact. i don't believe it at all, that they keep finding them. that is all i have to say. host: carol brings up a point. it is helpful to know the timeline on this. we will look at it on the camera. this was an "the washington post," how the investigation
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into biden's documents unfolded. i will go through the entire timeline but for a point of reference, the first date they have here in this story of the investigation, november 2, the first batch of classified documents, about 10 of them is found after one of biden's private attorneys opens a large closet at the center for diplomacy and global engagement in washington. it is a think tank that biden founded at his office is used after his time as vice president ended in 2017. garland describes it as a location not authorized for storage of classified documents. those documents were immediately turned over to the national archives according to the special counsel to president biden. the next eight they have is november 4 -- the next date they have is november 4. contacts the prosecutor at the justice department to say the
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white house has disclosed finding classified documents. november 9, the fbi begins an assessment to determine whether any laws were broken. further details at washington on their timeline of the classified documents discovery and investigation. anthony is next in florida. go ahead. caller: how are you? host: fine, thank you. caller: i think it is a great thing to have these investigations. you need to take heed on the recommendations after the investigations so that these matters can be corrected in the future. the blame game should stop and let the investigators takes control and do the investigation thoroughly and confidently and we shall see a better united states of america. host: in watching some of these
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investigations that have happened under republican and democratic majority, as a former investigator does it frustrate you sometimes that it appears more political and that the actual investigation may not reveal or disclose the full truth? caller: i think it does not frustrate me at all because the kids to the root of the problem, -- it gets to the root of the problem and it will take care of that problem. the best thing that ever happened is they created the inspector general's office and i think they need to take hold of this matter. i have faith in my government and i think they will take care of the situation and correct the problem. if it is a slap on the hand or whatever it may be, it does not matter. the fact is someone has to be corrected about these documents and they have to be kept in a
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safe place and they cannot be taken for granted. this is the people's documents. thank you. host: to oklahoma city. randall is calling on the unsure line. caller: thank you for putting an unsure. i was an internal auditor for 16 years. i don't have a problem with people looking at this. but i don't want people showing nudy pics and all that kind of junk. you will find out that these were not top-secret. these were stuff that is classified and no big deal. they need to look at the whole classification thing. i don't even know how you would get that. we are looking at dozens of documents. we are looking at a few pages,
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tens of thousands of classified documents in his eight years as vice president. it will blow up on the republicans if they are trying to make a witch hunt out of this. it is a legitimate investigation, i don't care. host: as a former auditor, what do you think most people don't understand about the process, the financial auditing and the actual looking at the original source documents? what don't we understand about that process? caller: there are so many things that are classified that you would not believe. there is a guy named chalmers johnson who was a big time guy in china. he says they are classifying way too much to cover their own rear. that is what you will find out. classified is not a big deal. is there nuclear stuff? that is above top-secret. there is -- that is
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compartmentalized. classified means maybe 100,000 people can see it and it is not anything. i think they will try to do some kind of weird thing. he was apparently a drug addict and he admits that on his laptop and he was involved with some shady things. he was not trying to overturn an election or storm the capital or anything like that. as 16 years as an internal auditor, i guarantee i never talked to the press. everything i did was confidential and i made sure -- you will find out they have pretty good control over top-secret. but classified? not really. keep up the great work. host: appreciate your perspective and experience.
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we have been talking about the special counsel that the white house has made and some statements who said there is a point person on this. the press secretary to the white house, this was on thursday, reading a statement before the announcement of additional documents discovered on saturday. [video clip] >> i just want to say a couple of things and make sure that everyone saw this. it is a statement from richard. "as the president said, he takes classified material seriously and as we have said we have cooperated from the moment we informed the archives that a small number of documents were found and we will continue to cooperate. we have cooperated closely with the justice department throughout its review and we will continue that cooperation with the special counsel. we are confident that a thorough
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review will show that these documents were inadvertently misplaced and the president and his lawyers acted promptly upon discovery of this mistake." host: we are talking this morning about investigations by the house republican majority in ones that have gotten underway or will go underway shortly, we will detail those. do you support or oppose? on the support line is gordon calling from wisconsin. good morning. caller: good morning. i support it. i think it is long overdue. without any facts or proof, there is a lot of evidence out there that the biden family has been having their hands in a lot of cookie jars that i don't think any president should be doing and i don't understand why anybody trust that.
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item understand why the attorneys are allowed to search these locations instead of sending the fbi in. what kind of investigation is that when you trust the family attorney to go in and say, ok, i will search this place. where is the fbi? host: the fbi did search the biden home in wilmington. the other papers discovered at the provider -- the biden penn center were discovered by attorneys closing up that office. caller: i thought i heard that the attorney discovered other documents at the home in delaware. host: you are right as well. the fbi did the search of the presidents garage there in wilmington. caller: i don't have any problem with the investigation.
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if there is nothing to be found, then fine. that is the way it will come out. i don't think there is equal justice under the law. look what they did to trump. things that were pointed out about them going through his wife's clothing, his 16-year-old son's dresser drawers. what is the purpose of that? how come they did not storm hunter biden's residency or his daughter's or his granddaughter's? if the family is involved, maybe he has to stored all over the place. host: we will go next to chesapeake, virginia and this is paul. caller: good morning. i am really unsure about all of the investigations. i agree with a lot of them but some of them i don't. one in particular, yes, everyone is interested in where cult
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leader came from -- in where covid came from and how it got here. if they are going to find any evidence whatsoever three years after the fact do you not think that all of this has already been destroyed? that is one of the investigations that i am not so sure about. let the health agencies take care of that. as far as the other investigations, this is what congress ran on was to get back and the democrats keep calling for the regular order of the house and this is what the house is supposed to do. they are supposed to maintain oversight over all of these
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things. and again, the border. that is a congressional problem. yes, the president does not have the ability or is not supposed to have the ability to throw out all of these executive orders. the immigration laws are handled by congress, the house and the senate. some of these things going back to the oversight, and especially with the finances. as i have been told all my life when there is any evidence of corruption or seeming corruption, you follow the money. some of these investigations i agree with and they are great for oversight and getting back to the regular order of business. however, there are others to me
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that are just -- host: sorry, close to there. appreciate you calling in. you talked about a couple of points that the cbs news found in their poll of voters, a priority for the new congress. high priority, the top three answers, 76% said lowering inflation. 71% said protecting social security and medicare. 63% said reducing crime. in particular for democrats versus republicans, the top priority for republicans, lowering inflation, securing the border, increasing u.s. production and decreasing crime. democrats in congress, protecting social security and medicare i'm addressing climate change, protecting abortion access, and lowering inflation. some comments on social media, the text line is (202) 748-8003
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and on twitter. mike says, the main thrust, the legislative actions that benefit americans come from the democratic congress. when you look at who obstructs, with the gop house majority, expect nothing but attempts to help the rich. thompson from new jersey said, "i support the investigation of the biden administration. let's get to the bottom of the allegations so the country can move on." gary in atlanta. "let me get this correct, the same republicans now have something to say. it would be important to find out if they are trying to keep documents and sell them to our adversary." john is on the opposed line in california. good morning. caller: good morning. i oppose it. watching kevin mccarthy talk
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about the investigations is like watching a trailer for an action movie or something. 100 years from now when they hold up the january 6 investigation and the stuff that they are doing today with the new congress, it will be the true television -- the true tell of this. you get to the facts and the corruption, you will see that when we see people doing the interviews. you had two republicans on the january 6 committee. how many people on the democratic side will they allow? hunter biden was a drug addict. i am a democrat but he did everything in his power to get his drugs and his money. there is no defense for hunter biden. i have some experience with that. a loving father will do anything.
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the corruption of the federal government, that really helps to use that kind of language, the weaponization of the federal government. that is a great way to start. we will just throw a blanket over the whole thing, that the entire government and they are the government. they are the legislators. this does not seem like a sober approach to getting to the facts. you had a caller talking about the archives and why did they let this stuff go. maybe they should investigate how these documents get out into the public this way. the only difference between donald trump and joe biden is that donald trump did not comply and there was a warrant for him by a judge and they had to go raid his place and that is what happens when you get a warrant.
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people come in and turn the mattresses upside down. joe biden turned the stuff over. it does not make him innocent of having these documents. why did he have them? that will be part of the investigation. just to say that democrats hate america and they are anti-this and anti-that, it is a lousy way to approach it. that is why i oppose it. host: storms continue out in california. this is on l.a. new storms moving into southern california bringing a wet hazardous holiday weekend. so far all the storms this winter in california have caused 19 deaths, the greatest death toll on a national disaster since the fires of 2018 in that state. gary is in texas calling on a support line. good morning. caller: good morning. i think the investigations should absolutely go on.
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what scares me most about this entire thing is that kamala harris being president. that scares the devil out of me. thank you for listening. host: van moors, pennsylvania, joe. hi there. you are on the air. caller: hello. what i am calling about is don't we have anybody responsible for these documents? isn't there a librarian? somebody who would take them back at the end of the day? also if they will continue to fight, hello? host: are getting confused. turn down your volume. we are hearing you just fine. caller: the thing about it is they don't have anybody
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responsible for these documents. nobody to say that you will return them at the end of the day. how can you actually say anything if you don't have anybody responsible? host: ultimately those documents go back to the national archives and some of them eventually wind up at the presidential library. the ultimate responsibility eventually is the arc of the united states -- they are convinced of the united states. caller: i oppose the investigations because nothing happened with durham because of corrupt juries in washington. the big difference between the two is that donald trump did not do what he was supposed to and biden did. did not hillary destroyed emails, record devices and not have any problem at all? isn't that obstruction?
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not to mention raskin lying about everything since trump got in. they were investigating trump since the time he went down the escalator. it is absolutely ridiculous. this is just ridiculous. i don't know how you go on and on with this. trump tried to obstruct. ok, hillary did not try to obstruct. host: the house approved the creation of a committee that is going to look into what is being called the weaponization of the federal government. that committee will investigate the executive branch's authority to investigate individuals including criminal probes. it would investigate u.s. government and private companies collecting and sharing information of individuals. it will have 15 members.
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nine host: the house approved creation of a committee, what's being called the weaponnization of the federal government and that committee would investigate the federal branch's authority to investigate individuals including criminal probes and would investigate u.s. government and private companies collecting and sharing information of individuals and will have 15 members, nine republicans, six democrats, includeing the judiciary committee chair and ranking member of that committee. the floor debate adam schiff had this comment on the proposal. [video clip] >> they say they'll investigate the so-called weaponnization of the federal government but what it's really intended to do is
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undermine the legitimate investigation of president trump's incitement of a violent attack on this building, on this capitol and on this citadel of democracy and investigation that implicates the very members of this body that want to sit on that committee. make no mistake, this investigation, let's investigate the investors committee will do deep damage to our national security and only breed distrust with our national security professionals who will be reluctant to share with congress the information policymakers need to protect our country. the committee will also seek to discredit law enforcement like the f.b.i. who are so important in the fight against domestic violent extremism. republicans in congress just don't care. the greatest threat, the greatest terrorist threat to our country comes from violent right wing militia groups and their
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sympathizers and republicans in congress just don't care. last time republicans were in charge of the house, kevin mccarthy pushed to form another bogus select committee, that one one on benghazi and did so as he admitted to tear downhillry clinton's numbers, a patently political exercise. now mccarthy is at it again, pushed into forming this bogus subcommittee by the q-anon members of his own conference. he sacrificed a lot in his bid for speaker and that's his choice and now the american people are going to pay the price in the form of a body blow to our national security. host: listening to your view of the investigation into the biden administration. how do you feel? if you support those investigations by the house republican majority, 202-748-8000, if you oppose,
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202-748-001 and if you have another view, 202-748-8002. on the support line. caller: we need to stay on what's important. the missing documents can go back to at least 2008 and disappeared during the obama administration and former president obama must be deposed. ok. i have concern about news reports that i'm amazed how many news reports come up about biden where within the first sentence the news reporters say trump, trump, trump. watch "washington week" for an example, as i watch the morning news shows this morning, i'm hoping that all news reporters stay focused. this is about biden, this isn't about trump. don't compare the two. if somebody steals something out of my house and six months later somebody else steals something
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out of my house, i want them both going to jail. that's all i have to say. host: carol is up next in katie, texas. caller: good morning. host: good morning. caller: my problem with the investigation the republicans ran on reducing inflation. host: carol, you're on the air. you can go ahead. carol in texas. going once, going twice. sorry we lost you. we'll go to nole in florida, now you're on. caller: i have a question a and my question is where is the source for your statement that the f.b.i. searched the wilmington house? because i'm looking at six different reports, none of them say the f.b.i., they say the department of justice and they don't say the department of justice searched the house. host: it was my understanding they searched the garage. i may be wrong but that was my
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understanding the f.b.i. searched the garage. if i misspoke, i apologize. you're saying the report says it's the department of justice, correct? caller: this is unacceptable. host: ok. we're going to joe in elijay, georgia. caller: good morning and love c-span and have been calling your network for 30 years. i'm really fired up what the republicans are doing with the investigation. they also will stop any more of these huge "sportscenter" barrel bills, omnibus bills, that's just fantastic but we have a guy just elected named rich mccormick from georgia who i think will be the next ronald reagan. he's a great conservative but we're really fired up down here in georgia about these investigations and so excited that we're going to stop tax increases and the "sportscenter" barrel bills but love c-span, you all do an incredible job and been watching you 30 years calling in and can't say enough good things about your great network. host: all right, joe, we'll go
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to jenny in new kensington, pennsylvania, on the oppose line. jenny, go ahead. caller: yes. i don't understand this whole thing. trump was not president when he took those things. he had lost the election and he was going home to florida. he stole those and he is a private citizen. when a citizen does that, steals, he goes to jail. i never hear any reporters asking what his intent was, what is a private citizen doing with top secrets? nobody is asking him that and he's a private citizen. he did it when he was a citizen. and he should be in jail. i think the democrats are dummycrats. why are they letting him go?
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the republicans are making a big stink about this, at least biden was in government when he did this but i don't understand how they're letting trump go. host: we showed you the comments earlier about the shift on the debate on the house floor and the creation of the the new select subcommittee on the weaponnization of the federal government and adam schiff opposing that legislation, jim jordan who will chair the judiciary committee in favor of that legislation. here he is. [video clip] >> a ploy? it's not a ploy when the department of justice treat moms and dads as terrorists at a school board meeting advocating for their son or daughter and it's not a ploy when the f.b.i. pays twitter $3 million to censor american citizens. it's not a ploy when the department of security tries to set up a disinformation governance board because we all know the department of homeland
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security can tell what is good speech or bad speech. you've got to be kidding me. dozens of whistle blowers talked to the republican staff on the judiciary committee don't think it's a ploy and came to talk to us. they know how serious this is. the former democrat chair of the defense committee in the press saying we'll fight it tooth and nail, this is political. meanwhile the former democrat chair of the intelligence committee pressured twitter to censor a journalist. you've got to be kidding me. this is the most important -- this is about the first amendment, something you guys used to care about and i'd hope we'd get bipartisanship support supporting the five rights, the right to assemble and right to petition the government and freedom of press and freedom of speech. every single one has been attacked in the last two years. government was telling people they couldn't go to church a few years ago. your right to assemble and petition the government. the democrats kept the capitol closed and you as a citizen couldn't come to your capitol
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you pay for to address your member of congress and redress grievances because nancy pelosi wouldn't let you in. freedom of the press, i told you what the intel committee tried to do to a journalist. the most important right is your right to talk because if you can't talk you can't practice your faith or share your faith or petition your government. the right to speak is the most important and that's what they're going after. and that's why we've had dozens of whistle blowers come talk to yous. we want to focus on that because we want it to stop. we want the double standard to stop. if you're a pro-life activist, you're going to get your door kicked in and arrested and handcuffed in front of your seven kids and spouse for simply praying in front of a abortion clinic and telling the guy harassing your son to knock it off. and the protest that went on at supreme court justices homes in the leak of the dons opinion, no problem there. the americans are sick and tired of it. we don't want to go after anyone, we just want it to stop.
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host: one of the multiple investigations house republicans are beginning to develop on the biden administration. we're asking you about that this morning. this is dan balls, his sunday take in "the washington post" and writes that adam kinzinger, former republican house member put it best, the political system on cnn doesn't do nuance and talking about the revelations president biden like former president trump had possession of classified documents from his days in vice president in locations where they're not authorized to be. whatever the legal distinction between the two cases and there are many could be washed away in the political fallout. later in the piece he writes about further investigations the house has underway or will be developing and writes in the piece that the revelation about biden's possession of classified documents are a political gift to house republicans who spent the first week of the year arguing among themselves over the selection of kevin mccarthy,
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a house speaker in a display of chaos unlike any speakership election in more than a century. house republicans were already planning investigations into the biden administration and biden's son hunter and now they have a new target, the republicans have a potential to overplay their hands but for now they have a pass to put biden on the defensive and shift attention away from their own disorderly conference. representative michael turner of ohio who chairs the intelligence committee asked for a classified briefing on the matter by the end of the month and so too did democrat mark warner and chair of the committee and james comber of kentucky who chairs the oversight and reform committee has gone further asking the white house for all relevant documents and communications related to the documents by january 24th. on friday representative jim jordan who chairs the house judiciary committee and representative mike johnson sent garland a letter asking for executive branch documents and communications indicating their
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determination to investigate as well. let's go to ben in new jersey and lewis is on the line. caller: good morning. first of all, you put adam schiff on there, please. when the russian hoax was going on, every night he was on cnn, msnbc saying he had evidence. he didn't have evidence. the guy's a liar. as far as biden, i thought as president you could declassify anything you wanted. biden had stuff when he wasn't even in office. he sold out to the chinese. who gives a crackhead money to investigate. only a democrat would. thank you. host: next up is maryland, calling from st. petersburg, florida. go ahead. caller: this goes way further back than just the paperwork they found. you have to look at the character of the two men. biden has served and given his
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life for the people of the united states. trump has only stolen, given to the rich and had russians in the united states white house. why can't people with any sense see that trump has been stealing, he got a $3 million payroll when he was 3 years old from his father. president biden and president barack are the best president and vice president. as far as kamala harris taking over, if that should happen, i can't wait. that woman is a woman of justice. and because they couldn't find anything on biden, they want to go after hunter biden. hunter biden is not our president. our president is joe r. biden who has done nothing but serve
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is and protect this country. and people want to wash that under the rug because they want somebody that's going to give to the rich and republicans haven't done anything for the people in over 51 years but give tax breaks to the rich. please look it up before you go on national television and make a fool out of yourself. host: let's go to charles in tennessee, supporting the investigations. good morning. caller: good morning. first thing i'd like to say is god bless america. we have political chaos in washington. we have agencies that attack citizens all over the country. it's time to rein washington in and joe biden, head of massive corruption after 40 years being in office is the leader in washington and must be disposed of. host: joe biden this morning heads to atlanta ahead of the martin luther king day holiday
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tomorrow and will speak this morning and we'll have live coverage here on c-span at 11:00 a.m. eastern at the historic ebenezer baptist church, live here on c-span and stream live at and follow it live as well or catch it later on our free mobile app, c-span now. here's how reuters is reporting what's ahead for the president, biden to deliver sermon on democracy. they write the u.s. president will be the first sitting president to deliver a sunday sermon at martin luther king jr.'s church in atlanta as he marks a national holiday celebrating the civil rights leader. bide's will speak at ebenezer baptist church at the invitation of the church's pastor democrat senator warnock. in what would have been king's 94th birthday and he was killed by a avowed segregationist. it was a point in history where
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the president will speak about the way we can go forward together. the former atlanta mayor and director of the white house of public engagement told reporters, he will speak on a number of issues, kuo, including how important it is that we have access to our democracy, she said. we'll go to ron in missouri. ron's on the oppose line. good morning. caller: thank you. thank you, c-span. well, i tell you, it's pretty much a debacle for this man. i really have been in politics and hunter thompson was one of my mentors, carville right there, too. but i must say, the l.b.j. speech will be coming soon. host: when you mean the l.b.j. speech, ron, are you alluding to an anticipated speech on your
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part that president biden will make on not running in 2024? caller: oh, that will be certain. nor will i accept the nomination. but this is pretty much grave. but that being said, it's just a diversion that you see in this political animal we created with millions and millions of dollars and k street just controlling everything. you know, we've seen it since reagan who gave $1.7 million mexican nationals freedom to come and take over low paying jobs. and then he created the prison industry. and destroyed our education
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system. making higher education almost unaffordable. that's where we are. host: let's go to lake geneva, wisconsin, john, on the unsure line. go ahead. caller: good morning, bill, thanks for taking my call. host: sure. caller: as a recent retiree and only starting to watch c-span the last three years or so, i greatly appreciate what you guys do, letting us regular citizens to speak. i'm unsure right now and will let the investigation play out in its entirety and see what happens, if they'll continue to find more documents, a page here in this book and a page there in that book as they search through things. maybe they should bring the f.b.i. in or somebody rather than just letting president biden's lawyers and people go through the -- his personal
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house and the penn center and wherever else there may be some documents. you don't really know at this point. they found them in three separate places. but like i say, i'm hoping in the end it's going to be equal treatment under the law. that's what we're supposed to have in the united states. and that's just what i'm hoping for and i'm unsure and we'll see how it will play out in the end. thanks for taking my call. host: on john's comments about the f.b.i. i thought i'd get back to the time line in "the washington post" on the f.b.i.'s involvement in the biden case in particular. beginning november 9 in a piece they published yesterday. the f.b.i. begins an assessment to determine whether any laws were broken according to the attorney general. documents found at the penn biden center. now later documents were discovered at the biden home in wilmington and the president's
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attorney says more documents marked declassified were found in biden's garage at his residence according to the f.b.i. and "the washington post" said on december 20th the f.b.i. secured the documents. it doesn't say they secured them at that location but the f.b.i. is involved in the investigation so far. phillip is in ohio up next. go ahead. caller: yes. i thank you for taking my call. they should investigate, all these corrupt politicians they have has been bled over into our institutions in d.c. and look at the mess we've got. both sides are trying to score points on this and both sides are dirty. biden got caught with his hand in the cookie jar but they held it up until after the election. it's very convenient for this every time there's something going on, the deep state holds it up until after the election. you know they have their hand on the scale of justice out there. thank for you taking my call. host: on to staten island, joe ann is up next.
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go ahead. caller: the more i think about it, i think it's a good idea for these investigations. what i don't understand is why would his lawyers throw him under the bus when they've been protecting biden for how long? the f.b.i. goes and raids trump's home but nothing over here. we cannot have two justices here. this country is going down the drain when you have a department of justice that only goes to one side, for six years they've been looking into trump. biden still doesn't have the laptop and five years investigation on hunter but when does it turn? and i just don't understand how the justice department works there. they've been protecting him for so long and the media, not even
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to report he anything. what a shambles the country is in. it's a complete disgrace. we cannot live like this anymore, giving money to other countries when we have homeless here and doesn't make sense. more investigations put the -- somebody has to be accountable. we have no one ever accountable for anything and you have both sides but give me a break with trump. six years since he walked down that elevator they've been after him. and you know what, i think they're scared. they're scared they know he can win again. host: this from "the new york times" this morning about congressman george santos of new york of long island. santos' deceits weren't secret in g.o.p. circles is the headline, in late 2021 as he prepared to make a second run for a house seat there was permission for his campaign to do a routine back study on him and campaigns rely on this
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research known as vulnerability studies to identify anything problematic that an opponent might seize on. but when the report came back on mr. santos, the findings by a washington research firm. >> far more startling, suggesting a pattern of deception that cut to the heart of the imic -- image he cultivated as a wealthy financier and some of the vendors were alarmed after seeing the study in 2021 they urged him to drop out of the race and told him he risked public humiliation continuing and mr. santos disputed key findings and vowed to continue running and members of his campaign team quit according to three or four people "the new york times" spoke with with knowledge of the study. the democratic leader of the house hakeem jeffries called on the congressman to resign, becoming one of the latest of the 118th congress to call for the resignation of george santos. here's hakeem jeffries. [video clip]
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mr. jeffries: the spectacle of george santos speaks for itself. he's a complete and total fraud, lied to the voters of the third congressional district in new york, deceived and coni'ved his way into congress and it's now the responsibility of house republicans to do something about it. there are ongoing investigations the nassau county district attorney investigating george santos, the queens county district attorney investigating george santos, the state attorney general investigating george santos, apparently the u.s. attorney from the eastern district of new york investigating george santos. brazilian authorities investigating george santos, and
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ethic complaints have been filed calling for an investigation of george santos. this is not a partisan issue. but it is an issue that republicans need to handle. clean up your house. and you can start with george santos. host: some comments on social media on this topic the first hour, the topic on house republican investigations of the biden administration. helen tweets this saying, just by going of classification of documents, one classified, the other had top secret, biden turned in once they saw it. trump went out of his way to take documents, keep documents and lie about having them. this is not the same. they didn't behave the same. this one says why is biden allowed to gopac to the place where several crimes have been committed. you don't think he and hunter are having a doc shredding party today? cynthia tweets obviously these
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documents aren't very important since nobody knew they were missing. the president should apologize and announce new investigations into document security over the last few administrations. it appears loss is more common than previously known. julie says people need to understand the levels of classification, confidential, secret, top secret and tsscif. also known for decades. many things have been classified for inappropriate reasons. in my opinion, national archives should have a checkout procedure much like libraries. back to calls, debbie is in flint, michigan, good morning. host: good morning, bill. before i tell you why i oppose these, i'd like to make a statement. when i talk to the screener, i asked him why did it take me 40 minutes to get through on this line and we've only had a small handful of people that oppose? he says it's because people are calling in that they're not democrats and he also said they're calling in when they've
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called within the last 30 days. so please, people, can you try to play fair. i know it's not your m.o. but try to play fair. ok. i oppose this hearing because look at durham, they found nothing. nobody even read the muller report, and every time they come on here and say russia hoax, russia hoax, i can tell you they did not read the muller report. in regard to the benghazi report, you brought that up earlier, i'd like to remind everybody hillary didn't need to be subpoenaed and showed up when requested and brought her whole team and they all answered questions without taking the fifth amendment one time, and to date nobody has asked for a pardon. so republicans, number one, stay off our line. number two, don't treat this like apples to apples, it's absolutely not. trump went on television and he went to a hearing and said these
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are my documents and i'm keeping them. and the f.b.i. tried to work with him and work with him and work with him. come on, people, wake up. i can surely see why the republicans like low information voters because they're easier to snow on this line this morning. have a good day, i love me some c-span. host: thanks for the reminder for folks to call every 30 days, if you called within 30 days don't try calling because we will know who you are and appreciate your kindness and playing by the rules as debbie said and go to north carolina and hear from jason on the support line. go ahead. caller: good morning, to that moron, trump had the right to have the documents. second -- host: we'll hear from mary in long island.
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good morning. caller: good morning. can you hear me? host: make sure you mute your volume. caller: that lady is absolutely correct. i do support, you know, some investigations. i don't think it should become a circus. there's so many important -- hello? host: i'm here, mary. we're listening. go ahead. caller: there's so many important things that joe biden needs to get done. i trust his integrity. and i honestly can see how documents could be left behind in everything else. and the guy who called in said there should be someone in charge of these archives, that they know where they are and they know that they should get back. i don't believe in anything nefarious with biden. he's trying to do the best for the american people. they want him to pull a rabbit out of a hat. and you know, patience and he'll get the ship going in the right dire
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