tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN July 18, 2023 10:39am-11:01am EDT
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democracy. >> coming up, jared bernstein, council of economic advisors chair, is joining "the washington post" for a conversation on the economy and bribe's economic agenda. you can see that live at 11 a.m. eastern here on c-span. >> healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this. where americans with see democracy at work. when citizens are truly informed. our republic thrives. get informed straight from the source. on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are. the opinion that matters the most, this is what democracy looks like. c-span, powered by cable. here aw the show on instagram. this took place in new hampshire
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, saying the centrist group signaled monday it will present a candidate for the third-party presidential ticket by super tuesday. if it is clear by then, the choices are former president donald trump and president joe biden and if the group sees public support for an alternative. it represented the furthers the group has gone going forward with the unity ticket project in underscored movement from a largely behind-the-scenes presence to a more visible force , one that has left democrats increasingly alarmed about the prospect of a third-party candidate spoiling the reelection of president biden. more to that story online, you can find the event that took place in new hampshire. here is a bit from senator joe manchin as he talks about a need for a third party.
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[video clip] >> they have gone too far right and too far left. either side cannot win without the independent, centerleft and center-right. if they have another option, they are in trouble. they have to say ok, we have to look at this. everyone thinks we need to do something. >> if they get in the race and spoil the election, with that factor into -- >> if i get in the race, i am going to win.
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the only place in the world -- that is not with the american people want. host: that was joe manchin talking about the potential third-party ticket. if it is going to be a contest in 20 24 between current president joe biden and former president donald trump. what do you think about the effort and the third-party unity ticket? (202) 748-8000 if you support it , (202) 748-8001 if you oppose it. you can text us at (202) 748-8003. a source out of new hampshire follows up from the reporting of that event yesterday, saying it was on saturday the group
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released a 63 page policy group with included recommendations for a bipartisan commission for solutions to solve the national debt and all of the above energy policy and society's responsibility to protect human life. that is the story from new hampshire, you can find the policy document online. some of the principles that the no labels group -- when it comes to the politics of problem-solving, america cannot solve its biggest problems and deliver results the hard-working taxpayers want unless democrats and republicans start to work together. saying leaders must act now to solve today's economic challenges and before they become impossible to solve tomorrow.
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washington must stop spending more than it takes in. the annual budget should be responsible. under the section of immigration and border security, adding america is a nation of laws. we must regain control of borders and stop releasing migrants who enter america illegally. under public safety, public safety is the highest priority. we need to fix the criminal justice system so career criminals cannot keep committing crimes. much more to the commonsense document that came up before the no labels event. you can see it on c-span later today. do you support a potential third-party ticket? (202) 748-8000 if you support it, (202) 748-8001 if you oppose it. from maryland, supports this idea. tell us why. caller: policy over party.
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policy over person. the policy is what matters, and we have been duped for many years into believing in either a person or party. this is brilliant, this is long overdue. this is what it used to be. people need to go back and read the constitution. it was the president, then a separate election was the vice president. we have been doing president and vice president at the same time, now we think it is normal, but that is not the way it is supposed to be. i am a registered independent, i vote for policy. i could care less about the person or party. i think it would bring our country back to civility and reason. a republican would not blame a democrat and a democrat could not blame a republican because
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in the executive, you would have both parties at the table getting things done. host: this is mark in philadelphia on the oppose line, good morning. caller: good morning. i oppose this, this is nothing more than a boldfaced attempt by trump supporters to get him back in, it is another hail mary. there was a case in arizona where the arizona democrat and i think state legislature is trying to get donors to this sham party, the donor list made public. no labels refuses to do it. at the end of the day, we know who is behind this. it is probably some far right oligarch who wants a to get in. do you know they are not going to run a ticket if ron desantis
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gets the nomination? what does that tell you? it tells you it is aiding and abetting the former president. host: nancy from minnesota, also on the opposed line for the no labels effort. good morning, you are next. caller: good morning. i am totally in favor of keeping the party, it gives you a background and gives ideology, rather than no label. no label gives you nothing. that is it. host: what do you mean no label gives you nothing? caller: no label tells you it has no history, it has no background of telling the person with the history is of their party of their history, their current opinions get messed up
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without a party label. host: that is nancy in minnesota. if you go to the no labels document, the list of principles this document represents when it comes to energy issues and environmental issues, part of it says one of the goals is all and above energy strategy is the best way to lower prices for american families, saying america needs to be able to build clean energy technology. these are the principles i possible third-party could represent, should it happen. do you support or oppose the effort? pick the line that best represents you. you can text us your thoughts at (202) 748-8003. in virginia, opposed line. caller: good morning. i want to talk about joe manchin
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, he is a disaster for the american public. he is the man behind this scam. this is a coup to defeat joe biden, who is popular against trump. trump is not going to win the election. he was picked by the young people and this is just a way of joe manchin, led by a bunch of rich, right-wing people to hijack the election. host: if it is the case it is effort to reelect president trump, how does joe manchin benefit? caller: joe manchin never cared for anybody else but for him. joe manchin only knows what he is up to. every time a democratic party tried to do something for the common good of the american
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public, it was mansion who is in the middle. this time, god knows what he is up to. the effect will be it is going to break the democrats and hope that trump can get in. this is a coup to hijack the democratic process in defeat biden. host: you can add your view to the mixed by calling us, texting us or posting on social media. from the new hampshire public radio site, they highlight the fact it was a packed house at the college. senator manchin made clear he was not there to ask for support for his own personal presidential ambitions. he was there roughly six months before the next primary with a bigger goal in mind. i am not here running for president, i am here trying to save the nation, speaking to a
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crowd that included governor chris sununu, self identifying moderates from state republican and democratic parties. mansion who has hinted at a third-party run said no label is bigger than any single election. it was the former utah governor who ran for president as a republican in 2012 and described the no label vision in similar terms. it was during the course of conversation yesterday new hampshire where jon huntsman talked about the idea of the effort being a spoiler in next year's election, here is part of what he had to say. [video clip] >> forget about the issues and importance of expanding or enhancing democracy. you live in a place like china or russia, they do not have any
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choice. they are complete authoritarian systems. when i start hearing people say that is not a good thing, i say i have heard that before, but not in this country. here, we do it differently. this is the most innovative, creative, smart country in the world. the only element of american society that has not been transformed is politics. it is still the same old same old. if we end up in 2024 with the same nominees as we did in 2020,
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is that the definition of insanity or what? host: a possible third-party ticket by no labels, we are asking if you support or oppose the idea. michael from arizona supports the idea, you are next. caller: i support the idea of any third party. libertarians have their own thing, to, then the green party had their own thing and look what happened. make a caucus, show us what you can do. no labels, sure. but make a caucus, show the people what can be done. the libertarians have the cold new deal, so what deal do they have for the people? what is your next thing? what is it you want to see done for america? as a veteran, i am tired of seeing this conflict going on. i believe in liberty, unity and freedom. so let us focus on what is best
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for america. go and look up all the questions, answer them all and figure out where you land. no labels, good his concept -- good concept. make it happen in each party. host: when it comes to the efforts no label is making, the washington post says the group is working to get state ballot access around the country for the potential third-party presidential run. group leaders say it will only fill the ticket if there is a clear path to victory. since the two-party system, there has never been a viable third-party contender. the concern the effort would damage president biden has prompted current and former members of congress and others
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to launch a group this week to undermine the label ambitions. robert douglas tweeting us this morning, saying the solution is not another party, it is getting rid of existing parties and not letting parties form from now on. ronald from facebook when it comes to the idea of a third-party ticket saying in theory, yes. the people with real power in this country, he puts in parentheses big money donors, would do anything to prevent it. another saying no labels as a political ploy by president trump to defeat biden. you can make your claims on twitter if you want, the facebook page is
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michael is in florida on the opposed line. caller: i oppose. if you have mansion and huntsman in it, you need to find out what they have been supporting and not supporting for the last 20 years, that is your no labels. nobody knows who is funding these people, they did not want to come out to say who they are. unless they are able to show all their cards on the table, i would not support anything that is not transparent. host: if it was mr. manchin and mr. huntsman, what is it about them you do not know what they stand for? caller: they have been out there for 20 years. huntsman ran for president one time before. mansion has been against biden.
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west virginia is a very conservative state. i do not know if he is a democrat or republican. he is part of the problem, he is not going to resolve anything. he will keep things in a state of inertia. host: michael is in maryland, go ahead. caller: good morning. what i feel makes this silly is these third-party runs -- there is no county counsel, there is nothing from the bottom up. it makes me feel like they are just wasting your vote when you
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put these parties on the ballot. it is just for president. the president is going to have to work for democrats and republicans. do you think they are going to work with some obscure green party or no label party or libertarian party? no, they are not. they are going to do a mitch mcconnell thing and no, no, no. both parties. these parties have got to develop -- i do not know if you call it a base or what, they have got to be running house members, senators. they have got to be running governors, state senate, it state delegates.
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all the way down. all of these house members came into government, they were mostly black house of representatives, but they got voted in to help, to contribute to what lincoln was doing. host: similar thoughts were expressed on this program by the new america foundation, talking about the no label approach to presidential elections. here is a portion of what he had to say on the program. [video clip] >> at the presidential level, third parties are always going to be spoilers. if you want to give people more choices, you have to build from the bottom up. more parties in state legislature and in congress,
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then you work your way up, starting at the presidential level is the worst way to build a third-party and create more choices. it just causes fracture and chaos. i really do not understand why they are doing this and why they are raising all of this money for something that will not build anything beyond the 2024 election. it is a one-shot thing, it is a lot of money wasted for something that is almost certainly going to fail. i think there are much more productive ways to channel that in bowls. if you want to have third parties play a viable role
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