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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  August 9, 2023 2:31pm-2:56pm EDT

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good morning, everyone. let's get to your thoughts in a minute. take a look at this recent poll done by the washington post and university of maryland. most of the people they pulled disapprove of biden's handling of climate change. less than three in 10 americans say they know a good or great deal about the inflation reduction act, though many voters support some of its keep climate programs. the president this week talking about the one-year anniversary of signing in the law that inflation reduction act and touting its climate provisions. here is a reminder of what was in that bill. $369 billion total. $10 billion in tax credits to
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build electric vehicles, solar panels and wind turbines. 7500 tax credit rebates for electric vehicle pchases. you had $20 billi for loans to promote electric vehic manufacturg, $9 billion for energy efficient home retrofits, $20 billion to assist farmers and ranchers for climate change impacts. going back to that pole, they dove into those provisions. most americans have not heard about the inflation reduction act or its climate incentives. when they asked how much have you read or heard about each of the following, expanding tax credits even salsa live panels, 66% said a little or nothing they have hurt. 75% her little or nothing of it expanding tax credits to manufacturers, solar panels and wind turbines. 77% said they had heard nothing or little on tax credits to buy
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heat pumps. 71% said overall when it comes to the inflation reduction act they have heard little or nothing. when the washington post asks if you support those types of proposals, the majority said yes. your view on the biden administration's energy agenda. let's listen to the president yesterday in arizona near the grand canyon describing climate change as an existential threat and what his administration is doing to combat it. [video] >> we have seen historic floods, more intense droughts, wildfires spreading smoky haze that i can sense today thousands of miles, record temperatures affecting more than 100 million americans this summer.
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i need not tell you over 110 degrees in phoenix for 31 straight days. extreme heat is america's number one weather-related killer. it kills more people than floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined. it is threatening the farms, forests, and fisheries so many families depend on to make a living. none of this need be inevitable. we have taken an unprecedented action to combat climate crisis. last year, i signed the largest climate bill in the history of united states and literally in the history of the world. the biggest investment and climate conservation and environment of justice ever anywhere in the history of the world. [applause] it has many parts. for example, it will save
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working families thousands of dollars a year to install rooftop solar, rubberized their home and conserve energy. it includes $720 million for native communities to ease the impact of droughts and rising sea levels and bringing clean electricity to tribal homes. these historic measures put us on track to cut all american emissions in half -- in half by 2030. we are well on our way. host: president biden in arizona yesterday. he's on a western tour this week to talk about climate change and what the administration is doing to combat it. we want you to join us in this conversation. give us your view of the administration's efforts. republicans, (202) 748-8001.
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democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. this is also about the upcoming election. take a look at the arizona central newspaper and the headline. "president joe biden is visiting arizona where he is deep underwater and polling." -- in polling." but according to a poll done in the west, though surveyed found there is broad support for this national monument that the president announced yesterday. nearly one million acres preserved, limits uranium mining, and has broad support out west. if you live out west this morning, please join us in this conversation this morning. let's go to mitchell in new jersey, democratic caller. good morning to you. caller: good morning, greta.
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rather than my rail on about the politics of all this, i want to give a personal anecdote about what happened to me last week. i went out to visit my son and grandchildren in the denver area. while i was there his subaru broke down. he decided to look into an electric vehicle. he wound up getting one of the chevy bolts. he got i think it was $11,000 to $12,000 rebate. i heard a lot of complaints about these electric vehicles not being affordable. i don't quite understand that. first of all, you are saving a tremendous amount of money on the energy it takes to charge
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the car. these cars -- today's vehicles have ranges of about 250 miles per charge and up. we have been complaining for decades. even if you want to take climate out of the equation, we have been complaining for many years about how we are held hostage to the oil industry and opec. we can see it is doing -- i personally believe it is doing a lot of damage to our environment. there are opportunities here for us as a society. we should take a fresh look at it. host: you agree with this direction the administration is going and those provisions in the inflation reduction act. $20 llion for loans to promote electric vehicle manufacturing,
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and a $7,500 tax credit be for ectric vehicle purchases. you agree that is the direction the country needs to go? caller: i think it is one of the directions we need to go. just from an economic standpoint, for those of you who still doubt climate science, which is another conversation i won't get into, i would look at it from your own economic feasibility. these vehicles make a lot of sense. they are cheaper to operate. the maintenance costs are lower. they have come quite a long ways. i would take advantage of some of the programs that are out there for your own benefit. host: mitchell in new jersey. you may be interested in this headline. a proposed battle plan for the next republican presidency includes eliminating a biden era clean energy act that funneled
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hundreds of billions to primarily red states. conservative organizations have released a proposed battle plan for the next republican president. the plan calls for the president to end the inflation reduction act which has primarily benefited red states. the 2022 bill funneled hundreds of billions to clean energy projects like oklahoma and texas. james from pittsburgh, independent. good morning to you. caller: hi, greta. i do believe the two-party system will ever work. we have blood as humans and the earth has oil. if you dig up all the oil, it is like draining a human's blood. same thing. do you have any questions, greta? host: john in brooklyn, democratic caller. caller: i think president biden is the best president we've had in a long time. i can remember eisenhower.
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i was too young to understand politics but i remember from john f. k. biden is the best way comes to the concerns of america. the economy, helping poor people. inflation. there is no inflation. host: we are talking about the climate. what grade do you give him on the climate? caller: an 'a' all the way around. i will bring climate into it. i wanted to make my outline. climate is because -- it costs a lot of money. i remember climate in the 1970's when we had a lot of smoke in america. you could hardly go outside. i remember in the 1960's and 1970's with ddt and other chemicals. they dumped them in the rivers and on the land. people were dying.
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the bird, the eagle. they headed on the species list. let me say this. hello? host: we are listening, john. getting back to the climate. caller: i want to talk about the climate. host: you have to do it quickly. caller: his bill is the best bill for the economy. it helps the economy. these cars. i remember when people didn't with use tractors on the farm. they are too heavy. that was part of growing america and the american economy. and the climate. same thing with these electric cars. electric cars are coming. that is the future. that is the best thing to do. it stops from burning oil. host: got it. on facebook, donna lee -- greg
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moser says there's a climate and energy agenda other than making the energy companies wealthier at the cost of the environment. drill, baby, drill will not work. frankie says it is just another scam to rich themselves and their partners. -- enrich themselves and their partners. sergio from schenectady, new york. caller: thank you for taking my call. i just don't understand the disconnect of reality people saying the climate change is not occurring. climate change is not -- a simple thing. i had have my homeowners insurance renewed. my insurance bill went up 25%. why? hurricanes, floods, etc. we are seeing the effects of climate change all over. there is this denialism that i don't understand.
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the second point is about the polls. i'm an independent. i watch fox and i watch cnn and i watch them is to bc. -- msnbc. i have to question a polling is effective. when you are pulling the group of people who just watch fox, and it's well-documented, fox watchers only watch fox. they are fed a constant stream of attacks on climate change,, attacks on president biden attack attack attack. i have to believe in pollsters are calling these people they will be negative in many ways. i have to question the effectiveness of polling now. i really think the right wing blogospher will skew those poll results. thank you for taking my call and i hope my republican counterparts start open up their eyes and their ears to reality.
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host: donald from missouri, independent caller. hi, donald. caller: hello. about climate, you know, of course we need to stop pollution. that is just common sense. after noah got the animals out of the ark and the lord said to him as long as the earth remains they will be seedtime and harvest, hot and cold, winter and summer, day and night. these people have got there panties in a wad. it is just a waste, a big waste. we have always let the free market decide. it is proven to make the united states the most successful nation in the world. the free market economy. every time joe biden says we are
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going to get a spending bill out here you can just picture a hand reaching into your wallet and taking money out through this inflation . don't deny there is no inflation. it is awful. he goes down to the -- he's got criticism so he deflects. he goes down and opens up a national monument. looks like he's at the southern border. what a joke. host: that was the fifth national monument designated by this president. from the wall street journal's reporting, they note more than 900,000 acres of public land that was preserved in the announcement. the announcement was nave near -- made near the grand canyon. he's made five monuments as part
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of conservation efforts. several tribes have sought permit protection of ancestral homelands in the grand canyon region, has have environmentalists. the mining industry has opposed curtailing access to uranium deposits in the area, arguing it will undermine the efforts to reduce more energy in the united states and increased dependence on russia for the critical nuclear power fuel. in 2012, the obama administers and imposed a 20-year ban on the regaining -- new uranium mining around the grand canyon. that becomes permanent in the newly protected areas. existing mining claims will not be affected. from the new york times reporting on the president's announcement. their headline, "in national monument choice biden tries to balance electoral reality." a mining ban to appease climate activists and tribes is what they note.
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from the reporting they say after spending most of his appearance near the grand canyon describing how his fifth national monument designation would preserve sagebrush, bighorn sheep and 450 kinds of birds, he said protecting the land long held sacred by maven echo leaders was not just a matter of the environment. he said that she talked about how this would spur on the economy as well. from the washington post reporting on the announcement yesterday, biden designates new national monument in arizona. local tribal leaders and environment a list have said the move will protect aquifers and water supplies, and on long-standing native american connections to the land. returning from a weeklong vacation, biden arrived in arizona monday evening to begin a three-state to work largely designed to revoke his climate agenda and the billions of dollars in investment is
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inflation reduction act is pouring into clean energy. that is our conversation this morning. your view of the biden administration's climate and energy agenda. mike in pittsburgh, republican. caller: thank you for taking my call, credit. thanks for c-span. i feel this climate change agenda is very bad for americans, very bad for the economy. not even necessarily good for the environment. all the minerals and things we are using to produce electricity are these hard metals, the lithiums, all these petals that china is doing so much to -- that's bad for the averment. not only that but all the sources we have to buy from china because they are using these. they are capitalizing.
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i hate to use the word. host: you disagree with the decision to protect from uranium mining, to prohibit it? caller: to limit mining, yes. uranium has been off-limits. everything biden has done has hurt america's interests to produce their own energy. that is the problem. we can do things to protect our environment. like the other gentleman said, he was on the other side of the fence. he likes all these things, but he said i remember we had all this pollution or you could not walk down the street and see the hand and funnier face. where things are so horrible in our air quality. now we have 10 times as many cars on the road as we had back then and we have relatively
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clean air compared to that. we have done amazing things to keep our air and water cleaner. not perfect, but we certainly have done more than china is doing in all this mining they are doing which is completely irrespective of the averment. my last point is about fascism. i love it when democrats keep saying all this is fetishistic and republicans are being fascist and donald trump is a fascist. it is actually the biden --biden is forcing us to buy electric cars. he's using the government to do it. it is no different when hitler forced everyone to buy volkswagens to achieve his efforts. host: mike in pittsburgh. the wall street journal editorial this morning on the
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mining aspect of what biden did yesterday. they say it is a gift to vladimir putin. the statement omits the land also is america's only source of high grade uranium ore. the u.s. imports about 95% of uranium used for nuclear power reactors, mostly from caustic stand, canada, russia and australia. russia is the u.s.'s third-biggest uranium source. mr. biden banned russian fossil fuels last spring but u.s. nuclear plant continue to rely on russian uranium for 12% of the fuel supplied. the new national monuments will make it that much harder for the u.s. to replace russian uranium. vladimir putin sends his thanks. june in wisconsin, independent. caller: hi. host: we are listening to you,
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june. your thoughts of the administration's climate and energy agenda? caller: i think he is trying his best to do what is best for the environment and for us. we have to think beyond politics and think about the whole environment we live in. we have to save the forests, save the energy. it's a good thing he's doing. host: malcolm in louisiana, republican. caller: good morning, america. i have a few points i would like to make. as a practicing catholic that believes life starts at conception, i -- they can investigate me anytime they want. term limits. i would love to see the congress have -- host: we are not in open forum. we are talking about climate and
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energy. caller: ok. climate and energy. anything biden wants i have to be against. the government is not factual in anything they say anymore. as far as climate change, the earth has been around for billions of years. there has never been a time when the environment was stable. the climate was the same. we have had periods where the place was covered completely with ice, and periods when they did not have any ice. all you have to do is check on these things. what are we worried about so much? this country cannot do it all. it is destroying our economy. it is helping out the people we don't like, the russians and the chinese and these kind of people. host: listen to republican senator john barrasso front of rasco criticizing -- from
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nebraska criticizing the president's energy policies. here is what he had to say in recent weeks. [video] >> every week and hear about the high prices and joe biden is the president of high prices. you think was such a bad report card the president would let up a little he didn't. he accelerated his attacks on affordable american energy. the prices are up 16% since he has taken over. people need some relief. joe biden is so desperate to win the support of the environment of extremists that will do -- he will do whatever they want. that's what he's come out on new attacks on oil and gas that will raise the cost at the pump, raise the cost in the grocery store and to heat and cool your home. these attacks are so bad that they will force a number of oil and gas workers to lose their jobs, and that could be tens of thousands. from my home state ofyo


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