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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  September 13, 2023 12:30pm-1:10pm EDT

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has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress. from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings and committee meetings. c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary, no interruptions and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> today, policy advocates testifying on ways to protect children from online sexual abuse and sex trafficking. you can watch the house judiciary subcommittee hearing live at 2:00 p.m. eastern on c-span3, c-span now, our free mobile video app, or online at facebook and follow on instagram. washington journal makes the comment that the white house was
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a party to his son's affairs. they said that the investigation has turned up no facts so far and that labeling a probe as an impeachment inquiry or is seen as given the house more power and a 2019 report says that an investigation could help congress by including the likelihood that the congress would offer material. you can see on the website, here is kevin mccarthy. [video clip] >> these accusations warrant
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further investigation by the house. that is why today i am directing our house committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into president joe biden. this next step will give our committee the full power to gather all of the facts and answers for the american public. it's exactly what we want to know, the answers. i believe the president would want to answer these questions as well. this effort will be led by james comer and jim jordan and jason smith. i don't make this decision lightly. regardless of your party or who you voted for, these facts should concern all of america.
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the american people deserve to in the federal government is not being used to cover up the the american people deserve to know that public offices are not for sale. actions of politically associative family. i would encourage the president to fully cooperate with this investigation in the interest of transparency. we are committed to getting the answers for the american public, nothing more, nothing less. we will go wherever the evidence takes us. host: that was from the announcement yesterday. if you support this effort call (202) 748-8000, if you oppose call (202) 748-8001. the washington post reports that kevin mccarthy's calculation on how to launch an investigation
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said there would not be enough votes to open an inquiry. they discussed private deliberations that people with familiar with kevin mccarthy said launching and inquire some lawmakers worn that far right could demand an impeachment vote for political purposes. that is just some of the background into yesterday's announcement. linda says she supports transparency and we've had too little of that with president biden. this is from bonnie off facebook
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she said i was supported if it went to a vote and there was enough evidence and corey says i supported it, no one is above the law. saying the gop would do all they can to distract from their lack of policy and results. if you want to: if you support this call (202) 748-8000 or for oppose call (202) 748-8001. we will hear first from two in maine. caller: good morng c-span. this kevin mccarthy is joke. i an independent and this guy, if he can't find anything -- so far it appears that there is no evidence that biden has done anything wrong.
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if he has sony should be impeached. but mccarthy and those people like that, marjorie taylor greene, they have him by the throat and he conceded his power away to get the position. he wanted that position so bad with 15 votes to get in there. he is powerless and they know it and he can only do what he has to tell them. host: also on oppose from philadelphia we will hear from horace. good morning. one more time. we will go to sheila in georgia on the oppose line. caller: i agree with the caller,
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this is ridiculous and he has read about mccarthy. host: why do you oppose us specifically? caller: why? host: yes. caller: there is nothing there. hunter biden is a screwup but that is joe's son, and once kids become 17, 18 years old he can't control them anymore. i don't see there is anything there at all. host: axios on their website
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takes a look at how we got to this point. tying words so the campaign 2020 they write mr. biden was asked if his son made money from abroad and he said my son has not made money with this thing you're talking about china. but hunter biden said he was given hundreds of thousands of dollars for business deals which let the washington post to give joe biden's original claim for pinocchio's. in 2015 joe biden met with the lead of the company burisma.
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it goes on from there, you can let your phones -- your opinions made known on facebook, twitter or call in if you support call (202) 748-8000, oppose. (202) 748-8001. caller: i support the impeachment of the most incompetent president. host: we have ethan from las vegas. caller: i want to say that i support the impeachment. host: why is that?
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you can continue to call in and give your thoughts letting us know if you oppose or support the inquiry. let's hear from chuck schumer yesterday after the announcement from the house. [video clip] >> i think the impeachment inquiry is absurd. the american people want us to do something that makes their lives better not go on these chases and witchhunts. the bottom line, you can only accomplish keeping the government open in a bipartisan way. i have a sympathy for mr. mccarthy best sometimes you have to tell these people who are off the deep end that they cannot go forward. i'm disappointed, i think it's
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absurd but we won't let us discourage us than the senate -- in the senate. host: susan from maryland on the oppose line. caller: i am against the idea of impeachment. the essence of this lesson about biden and more about his son. the only thing that brought biden down is if it shows that he's in business with his sons business partners. host: you don't think an inquiry would prove that definitively? caller: i don't they have to
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have confidence to prove it. i don't think it exists. host: let's hear from break in florida on the support line. caller: i supported for the reason that if there's nothing to hide there's no reason to be nervous about an inquiry. why not check it out, make everyone happy. host: from carol in new jersey on the oppose line. caller: i do oppose this because of the fact that it is based on what his son did. we have many people who have children living in our homes and
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they don't know what they are doing. look at these young people who have guns. we have a president, and ex-president who would not even qualify for the normal job. host: that was carol from new jersey. continue to call if you want to give your comments. (202) 748-8000 if you support the inquiry and if you oppose a (202) 748-8001. a post on twitter, facebook and instagram. if you are on the line continues to call in.
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yesterday, on top of the activities in the house to try and keep the government funded an updated on what's going on with that. he said there -- we have mr. quigley. host: are we saw on the path for lack of funding for the government? guest:quigley. host: do think yesterday's announcement does complicate the next 2.5 weeks when it comes to government spending. they need to pass a stopgap bill by the end of the i month sick keep the government away from a shut down and right now it looks more questionable than ever. in the endgame continuing
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resolution would mean some people from the house. democrats will not feel obliged to help senator mccarthy. host: can you explain a continuing resolution? and what that means for this process. guest: last september congress passed an omnibus which lasts through september and that's for the fiscal spending for the end of 2020 three and now it's time for 2024 spending to get past. the end of the fiscal year is at the end of this month. the end without habits congress needs to
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pass appropriations. ideally that would be full appropriation. so it needs to be a stopgap measure me. host: what are the discussions taking place in the background of this and he was leaving that discussion? guest: we are seeing two different pass from the house and the senate. from the senate we see a bipartisan pot with the big vote for the appropriation bill. huge bipartisan support working together. the fed is moving forward with the bill. they are running into issues when it comes to passing a bill
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on the floor the house. there are house conservative who want more cuts to bills that are already underneath the cat. we have moderates that are worried about provisions. we are still at the point where both chambers are working on their individual preparation process and negotiations have not yet started. at this point they are working out their own process. today and the house is so that they have to vote on the hill. host: and as i understand there
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is opposition to the bill itself? guest: democrats are against thisthere are some policy that this bill mostly because of the cultural implications the conservatives added. address a wide variety of issues that democrats cannot get on board with. you will not see any democratic votes on this. host: in the days ahead what are the things to look out for? guest: we have to keep a close eye on negotiations. we will see the senate move forward in the house may be
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stalling out. may be stalling out. the next two weeks is when we get into the negotiations between the house and senate and keeping the government open. there is a lot of work going behind-the-scenes to avoid a shut down but this year, it looks questionable. host: mr. quigley reports on budget and appropriations issues. his work is on roll thank you for this update. host: you heard i guess talk about the complication of the impeachment inquiry and belies the budget that needs to be passed. we pose the question, do you support the impeachment inquiry. ? if he supported (202) 748-8000, if you oppose (202) 748-8001. caller: i oppose it, it's a
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waste of time and money. we need to keep going on. we need social security and relief from inflation. host: when you say is so waste of time and money what you mean? caller: there is no smoke, no fire. when trump went through this they said beware of what you do because this could come back on you. host:when let's hear from sarahn the support line. caller: i am calling to say is supported. i think the mainstream media has had a lot of evidence with joe biden. there are text messages from his son that he is directly
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connected to his business dealings. his family members have millions of dollars. we need this inquiry. it is inevitable that biden's problems. -- host: what do you think they will find? guest: i read the prosecutor that was over at burisma was fired and they discovered the guy was not as corrupt. there are things that the mainstream media is not
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providing. host: the washington post highlights the fact that the has been an about-face on the decision made yesterday. mr. mccarthy crafted a resolution criticizing nancy pelosi for logic and impeachment without a vote. here's what mccarthy had to say at this time, [video clip] speaker pelosi as speaker of the house but she does not speak on this issue. they have been investigating
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this president before he even got elected. they have voted three times for impeachment on this floor. twice they voted before the mueller report came back. our job is a serious job. our job is to legislate, not to investigate something when we have no reason to impeach this president. i realize that 2016 did not turn out the way speaker pelosi hope. but she cannot decide on an impeachment inquiry. what she said today makes no difference. it is time to put the public for politics. host: those are words from 2019
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from kevin murthy. you could find more on our website at now speaker kevin murthy. mccarthy announcing the impeachment inquiry without a vote. gary saying that abuse of power, americans deserve to know what politicians are doing with public money. rebecca says what a waste of time without evidence. hopefully they will stop these games and legislate like an adult.
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host: on kevin mccarthy they said this is what happens when you allow republicans to become child care center for children. if you support the investigation call (202) 748-8000 and oppose (202) 748-8001. caller: i think this is a waste of everyone's time. why don't they investigate jared kushner who got billions? he was working in the administration. a vodka got deals from china, why did they not investigate that? why don't they investigate after an insurgency. how come the republicans sit investigate that?
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host: on our support line this is alex from maryland. caller: i am a vietnam vet and i am a shade. this is our country and is supposed to be honest people will. if you do something wrong they have to lock you up. they need to stop doing this because this is our country. something wrong they have to lock you up. we have other countries making fun of us. host: you say that they live but you supported and query? caller: no, i don't. host: your calling for the wrong line so i'll remind the viewers a home if you supported call
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(202) 748-8000, and oppose (202) 748-8001. caller: this seems like madness going on in this country. it amazes me, donald trump had 17 witnesses that came forward with the impeachment happened. 17 witnesses and now, it seems like lunacy going on in the house of representatives. you have a person who brought out a picture of joe biden's son, a naked picture of him on the house floor a few weeks ago. host: it was during a committee hearing. why do you oppose this and query
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-- in quiry. caller: the republican party we have right now does not know how to govern. they have wasted so much money with these inquires. this is supposed to make it look like there is an equal amount of criminality going on, do not vote for joe biden because he's crooked as well. it is absolutely ridiculous. host: you can continue to call on the lines and posting on social media. we are taking a look into president biden on news coming
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out on this efforts to run for reelection. this is david ignatius in the washington post with the headline, president biden should not run again in 2024. he will carry to liability since the campaign, he would be 82 when he started the second term. 7% of the public thinks he is too old. biden's age is not just a trope. it's been dinner conversation across the summer. because of those concerns about his age they are focusing on his running mate kamala harris. harris has notable qualities but
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the fact that she has tracked interest from her own party is grim. caller: i sure how to laugh listening to chuck schumer and witch hunt. what happened from 2016-2020. twice they tried to impeach him. our country shut down in 2018. it's amazing how people can forget what happened in those four years and the one smoking gun i would like to see are the alias names that president biden is using.
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are those names of any of the shell companies? do these names show up in the shell companies? it is very possible that two people can be corrupt. trump and biden can be corrupt. host: we have and in florida on the support line. caller: mccarthy said they had to impeach him to get into his bank accounts. they investigated him but never got into his money. that is why they're impeaching him to get into the bank accounts. host: it sounds like you support the effort? oh, she in them. from the new york times that
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show how democrats reacted. on monday the democrats released a 14 page demo with the overwhelming failure of the republican committees investigation. they asked for 12,000 pages of documents on bidens finance and to speak to witnesses. here is one from house minority leader, he came jeffries. caller: we have a responsibility as members of congress to show that we are providing for the government and economic safety
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of american citizens the. extreme maga republicans are doing the bidding of donald trump. when he says jump the maga republicans say how high. leaders in the house include marjorie taylor greene, they are driving the train of doing the bidding of donald trump in this unfortunate we find ourselves in this situation. house democrats will continue to partner with president biden to make life better for everyday americans. the growth of middle-class and builds up in economy.
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it is our hope that a handful of responsible republicans on the others instead of engaging in this malignant investigation would partner with house democrats to get this done for everyday americans. host: a lot of activity after the announcement was made on the hill. if you go on our website you can find the response to it and also on our c-span app. a report from yesterday that said tromp was speaking with a congresswoman. i speak to trump a lot and she
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believes that bidens families dealings are the biggest political scandal of a lifetime. gary in texas, go ahead, you are on. caller: i oppose this impeachment mainly because of the vice president we have. we should just keep whited on. host: let's hear from linda on the oppose line. caller: i oppose and the reason i oppose is thiis another game for the maga republicans.
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they tried to use ukraine to dirty by then so now they are just continuing the dirty wo. host: what do you mean by that? caller: when they tried to ge ukraine to say that biden needed something over tre and trump said, it does not have to be true, just say it. just by saying it and have his counterparts to pound it into the ground. host: how does that connect to the president's business dealings? caller: the connection it and hs is they will throw anything and the kitchen sink at it. they say these are hunter's issues. it serves a purpose to bring it
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down to make him look just as dirty as trump. host: the washington times adding the house oversight committee has come through the bank records. james comer said is shows president biden son and family pocketed 20 million. again all of this adding out to the ms rate heard from yesterday about the impeachment inquiry. if you want to support call (202) 748-8000 and if you oppose that number is (202) 748-8001.
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nancy is up next from florida who supports this effort. caller: i believe they should have donecaller: impeachment a r ago. the oil wells, the pipeline, everything. the united states monetary policy do something for us. host: why do you support the and query? caller: it should've been done a long time ago. caller: i oppose it let's use some common sense. in 2019 when the campaign started you know the think tanks were taking for anything they
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could find on joe biden. even lindsey graham cried saying that joe biden was one of the most honest people he had known. it's disappointing that republicans cannot do their jobs. host: from sally in indiana on our support line. caller: first of all, i am supporting it. i just wanted tell you, people keep calling this an impeachment but is actually an impeachment inquiry and there's a big difference between the two. and the lady who said that trump has said it does not matter if you did it or not just say you
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did it. he was talking about himself not biden. host: tell us why you support the inquiry. caller: there are a lot of facts that they have right now and they may not have everything that leads to biden right now but part of the problem is, they can't get the information you would need from the government. if they have this inquiry it gives on the power to do that because it gives them more leverage. someone somewhere has said, when they look into this it will take someone 10 years to get the facts and link it back to biden.


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