tv House Speaker Election Coverage CSPAN October 13, 2023 4:45pm-5:08pm EDT
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that was their land. the israelis were in their space. it is like, come on, you cannot be killing and bombing these people who had nothing to do with what hamas did. and something needs to be done to protect them. moving your family 10 miles is a hard thing, especially around bombing. we're not buying that you're doing that for their safety. >> there's some capitol hill news so we're dumping out of the program you're watching and go live to capitol hill. jim jordan is now the g.o.p. designate. and voted 184-91 and it's out of 221 members of congress. whether or not they bring that to the floor
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is an open question at this point. here's the latest news. anni of cnn breaks out the speaker vote break down, jordan got 124 and austin scott of georgia, 81. that means jordan only increased his support by 25 since steve scalise dropped out and austin scott who told the reporter, he had no plan of running. and here's another number that came out, representative scott perry, a republican of pennsylvania, one of the eight who voted against kevin mccarthy is extremely confident that jordan will get the votes to become speaker in a floor vote. jim jordan is going to be the speaker. that's how confident i am. representative perry says. nicholas wu of politico said that house democratic leaders are calling a press
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conference and inviting all members to join them on the house steps this evening. that's scheduled as far as we know for 5:00 p.m. we'll bring that to you live as well. as the news continues to break on whether or not there's a new house speaker, we want to continue to hear your voices as well, reps 202-748-8291 is the number to call, democrats, 748-8920. and all others, 202-748-8922. we'll begin taking those calls in just a few minutes. we are waiting for republicans to come out to the press stakeout where they are meeting and if they do, we'll go to them live while we hear your voices to hear their voices. earlier today former speaker kevin mccarthy walked up and talked to the press as well about
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who he was supporting and his views on what's happening. reporter: how are things going in there as far as you know? mr. mccarthy: earlier i thought it was going well and we were making progress and we'll be close and get a speaker here shortly. [. reporter: would you support austin scott? mr. mccarthy: no, i would support jim. reporter: is it he have the votes to go for the floor? mr. mccarthy: we'll see. reporter: jim jordan said he was running for speaker now that you were ousted, what's your message to him. mr. mccarthy: i think jim is better prepared in the process to be speaker. i don't think it's right every democrat voted to create chaos and 4% of the republicans joined with them. i think today the men and women of our military got paid. if gaetz had his way, they wouldn't be paid and be sitting in the middle east. our border agents wouldn't be paid. but this whole time we haven't been able to follow through on our bills we're trying to get done, we haven't
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been able to do investigations. we've got 4% of the caucus that wants chaos. reporter: you think it will go to the floor today? mr. mccarthy: it will be up to them. reporter: do you think you'll come out with a gavel? mr. mccarthy: no. reporter: what do you say for your colleagues voting for you? mr. mccarthy: they just did in there but i would have won the nomination but don't think it's right. we can move on. reporter: you probably would have had the nomination, are you the most important in the room? mr. mccarthy: those who want to run are doing the forum. reporter: how many people are running? mr. mccarthy: i think just two right now. reporter: will you do the closed door vote after the forum now? mr. mccarthy: they'll decide. we'll see. it's a process. i'm sure you'll all be informed. reporter: a handful of republican members are already back home. what message does that send to america?
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mr. mccarthy: stay at work. do your job. reporter: are you worried about the attendance problem? mr. mccarthy: i get worried about it because we have a small majority. you see how eight can partner with all the democrats and create so much chaos. if you have eight members led by gaetz who doesn't want to pay the troops or border agents, can you have real problems p. i can't believe the democrats wanted so much chaos. reporter: if jim jordan doesn't get the vote, do you think -- host: that was earlier today and this is live outside the republican conference. reporter: has it emerged as jordan at this point? >> i think he is. i think when people get home, honestly, the grassroots, there's nobody stronger. [indiscernible]
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>> it's jim, seriously. [indiscernible] reporter: tell us what you think about going home and where things stand? >> well, look, first of all, at this point the decision of our process going forward will be that of jim jordan. he's our speaker designate. personally, i think we should stay and finish this but that's up to him and i'm going to respect his decision and whatever jim needs from me, i'll do that. reporter: you think there will be a speaker vote monday or is it a possibility? >> all in the hands of jim jordan. i think it's very possible but it's in his hands. reporter: what do you think the second vote tally is indicative he'll get the 217 on the floor, does it show he can get the 217? >> i think he can but
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there's a lot of work that has to be done in a short amount of time. so we'll see how his teamworks through that and any type of situation. it's not really something that other members can do. it's going to be him with those people to find a way to get there. reporter: were you surprised at the total he got in there? >> yeah, i thought it would be higher. so look, i'm consistent with you guys, ok. get back to work and figure out a way and that's what we have to do. reporter: if it comes to jordan, you want to be speaker? >> what i want to do is get back to work. [indiscernible] >> we'll find a way out of it, rest assured, that will happen. but, you know, this is a process among people who are elected, so it's going to be tough but we'll get through it. and i think when we do, we're still going to be able to accomplish our work. reporter: apparently the democrats have sent mchenry a letter and said they want to have
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him act as speaker but oversee some legislative action, that kind of thing? >> look, i never agreed -- i never supported that kind of maneuver and i think mr. mchenry clear that was not going to happen. he was emphatic that's not going to happen and i support him in that. we're not going to be any type of coalition governments around here. we're not a european parliament. we are the united states. we're going to work through this. there will be a new speaker of the house, and then we're going to get back to work. see you guys. reporter: thanks, sir.
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host: you heard representative byron donald of florida talking about potentially a monday vote for speaker. we want to hear your views on jim jordan as the speaker designate. we'll show you some bio information on him. call 202-748-8920 and 748-8922 for all others. similarlia in dayton, ohio, democrats line. similarlia, from your home state, what do you say about jim jordan as speaker designate. caller: disgraceful when he's been bowing down on trump to run the congress anyway. those eight who stabbed kevin mccarthy, those eight who stabbed should leave and now i pray to god he's not the speaker for a couple of reasons. he's not on top of it. then after what donald trump said about israel
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and not only that, he turned his head to the young men at ohio state who was being molested and now it's sad enough that he's in the congress. but to be the speaker is a disgrace. host: that's similarlia in dayton, ohio. jim jordan represents northwestern ohio, lima and some of the smaller towns in that region. joe from stanford, connecticut, joe, what do you think? caller: my opinion is everybody is picking on the republicans and everything, we need a speaker of the house right now. and the democrats could just help out and put a vote on them and then this thing, are we going to have another -- we need a speaker of the house. we need the speaker of the house to git-going. and they could help out
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just by changing their vote. everybody's blaming the republicans because they're not getting together but the democrats are not helping out either. host: thank you, sir, for calling in. a reminder 221 republicans in the house, 212 democrats in the house. not a very big margin. 205 republicans were present and voted for either jim jordan or austin scott. jim jordan needs to get to 217 on the floor. right now he won 124 votes in the caucus. the democrats will be holding a press conference shortly. we'll get their views and hear what they have to say live in just a few minutes. albert, okeaforest, illinois, democrat. good afternoon. caller: i would rather see hakeem jeffries run again and jim jordan should be tried along with donald trump as far as i'm concerned. that's all i have to say. host: elizabeth is
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another democrat in monterey park, california. hi, elizabeth. caller: hi, how are you? host: how are you? caller: i'm good. jim jordan is conof the conspirators for overthrowing the capitol. he even avoided his subpoena to come in and speak with the committee. jim jordan will not have any support from the democrats because he is not from democracy. he disrespects the judicial system. he disrespects the founding fathers and the constitution. this man does not represent the majority of america. he has a very small district in ohio that he represents and we're going to have more chaos. if they keep the rules in place, one member can call a vote to remove, it's going to be more
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chaos. the american people deserve better than this. host: thanks for calling in. garry from calling in, independent line. caller: jim jordan has bashed every republican house speaker and has done everything he could to cause chaos with every house speaker and run them out. now he's doing trump's bidding and wants to be speaker of the house himself and they want to blame the democrats because the democrats will not support the people they're putting forward. mr. jordan does not have what it takes. he can't even get his law degree. he couldn't even pass a test to become a lawyer. he goes to college and he tries to get a degree and he doesn't even go forward with anything he attempts to do. he's certainly not the person for the job as speaker. he's great for supporting donald trump and that's all he'll ever be. host: robert costa, cbs news tweets out with jordan well short of 217
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votes, most house republicans telling him that they want to go home and see who else emerges, if anyone, or if they'll all have to look into a consensus, short-term pick or even a deal with democrats. that's bob costa of cbs. heyward, republican in new york city. hi, hay about wood. caller: while the republicans are trying to figure out who to nominate as speaker, this provides biden with an excuse for not applying diplomacy. he should arrange for the world bank and whoever supports the refugees, wherever they are, to go to jordan, to go to gaza on the ground and say to the people of gaza and hamas, you release the hostages now. we'll send the money to egypt to support the
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refugees. release the hostages now. host: all right. we're talking about jim jordan as speaker designate this afternoon. we're waiting on a democratic press conference. we're waiting on more republican members to emerge from the conference and come up to the microphones and talk. we heard byron donald of florida just a little while ago talking about a potential monday vote and going home for the weekend. then we saw patty in sterling virginia, independent line. last chance for patty. randall, nashville, tennessee, democrat. whoop. i'm not getting any call. i can't hear the calls up here. if somebody could check that. there we go. all right. and so we are having a tiny bit
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of trouble but will continue to. blumenauer is a democrat from oregon and he talked about the idea of a coalition government. [indiscernible] mr. blumenauer: the republicans will have to work with democrats and put together a bipartisan effort. it is going to be very similar to the agreement they all have in the spring, 149 of them voted for it along with the president of the senate. and that's ultimately what we are going to be after spinning our wheels for two weeks or three or four.
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but that's where we are going to be. [indiscernible question] mr. blumenauer: they can't understand it. but what can i say. it's pretty clear, it's not our fault. republicans can't agree with themeses and ultimately they have to work with us on a bipartisan solution. you can write that script now. just fill in a few members later. host: that was earl blumenauer, democrat of oregon. waiting on members of congress to come out. the republicans to come out from their conference and believe it or not, in 20 minutes, we are going to live to new hampshire, to a new hampshire republican party get-together were all the presidential candidates. really kind of a busy friday afternoon. randall in nashville, democrat,
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one more time. are you with us? what do you think, jim jordan speaker-designate nature. caller: we know about jim jordan. not going to go through. what we need to get the congressional leaders to understand they are playing with human lives. people are dying. and they they have the audacity on the tv show. it's ridiculous. we are not america great the way our congressional leaders are acting towards the president. this is a sad case at this time. host: take a republican call from mansfield, ohio, this is mary from mansfield, ohio. mary, you are on c-span, what do you think of jim jordan?
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does he represent you? mary, you have to turn down the volume on your tv. mary, are you with us? sandra, democrat, democrat, is that jim jordan's district? >> he is too radical he is a trump man. we fired trump on election and he still don't believe he's fired. he needs to go on and let another republican do it. host: in about 15 minutes, we are going to go to new hampshire to the g.o.p. committee gathering of all the candidates and waiting on the democrats here in the house to hold a press conference and republicans to come out from their
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conference and in the meantime, we are going to taking your calls from tennessee, republican. >> my concern is this, and this is the united states of america. the republican party has to come together, no more rom per room, i mean for our country. our country is at stake here and we all have to come together. we need a candidate that is going to work with everybody. and i mean everybody. like i said, you know, i'm not going to say who is right or wrong. only thing i'm going to say we need a candidate who is going to be able to represent america and no more of this romper room. host: what do you think of jim jordan, steve scalise, kevin
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mccarthy. did you have a favorite? caller: i did not, like i said before, the favorite person i'm going to have is somebody that i know is going to get things done and not play games. host: louisiana, independent line, peter. caller: just listening to one of your prestles callers and bashing jordan because he didn't have a law degree and i didn't like jim jordan until i found that out and i'm all for jim. host: the democrats are starting to gather on the steps of the house of representatives outside. we will go to that press conference when it begins. in the meantime, mike garcia spoke to cameras a little bit
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earlier. [indiscernible] >> make phone calls and why people aren't there yet and get there before monday. start applying the pressure of public opinion and good intimate conversations and hopefully that number goes down instead of going up. i'm confident we will get there. we don't know the anonymous votes and express their concerns. but i think the members in our conference will do that and jim will reach out and i think he is going to get there and next couple of days to lobby. host: democrats are coming down the steps of the united states capitol led by
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