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tv   Washington Journal 10182023  CSPAN  October 18, 2023 6:59am-10:00am EDT

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(202) 748-8001, (202) 748-8000, an independents, (202) 748-8002. if you want to text us your thoughts, you can do that at (202) 748-8003. can post it was earlier today that president biden landed in israel.
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saying he's visiting israel in the wake of the strike on the gaza hospital. the president on the comments he made african landed. here's a portion you made. [video clip] >> it seems to me that that had to continue to ensure to defend themselves. and we want to make sure that occurred. we have to also bear in mind that it does not represent all the palestinian people. years ago, i asked her secretary
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of state -- asked the secretary. thank you. the point is this. we are saddened and outraged by the explosion of the hospital in gaza yesterday. there's a lot of people who were not sure. helping people caught in the middle of this. we are. host: that was from earlier. the president in israel to
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address those topics. you can comment on that and the house speaker race. punch bowl news with their assessment of what to watch out for when the house starts the process. we are watching the following lawmakers who may abandon jim jordan. republican representatives dave joyce of ohio, and wagoner of missouri, ferguson of texas. we expect more of that today. representative has switched his vote. punch bowl adding that if mr. jordan loses support, it would all but doom his effort despite the strong backing he's getting. it then asks if he cannot be speaker, who can? there's talk of the majority whip making a run. consensus candidates have been suggested.
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mike johnson, frank lucas, and tom paul. adding the easiest answer is for the house to formally elect mchenry to the post. speaker vote today at 11:00. you can see that on c-span and c-span now. you can comment on the president's trip to israel. the lines (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8000 free democrats, and (202) 748-8002 for independents. on facebook, this is john mcnally saying as far as the house speaker vote today, i have my popcorn readynd i am anticipating the republin clown car will crash and burn. as far as presintiden and israel, this is what leadership looks like, doing what is expected as leader of the free
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world. that is some of the ways you can reach out to us on facebook, x, and you can text us at (202) 748-8003. cynthia in detroit, michigan starts us off, democrat. go ahead. caller: good morning. first of all, i don't see how the republican candidate qualifies to be in congress. they have an oath to take under the constitution. he failed that. a subpoena. he failed the court order and the rule of law, so they need to stop and look at another candidate. host: ok. that is cynthia. jeremy in madison, wisconsin, independent line. caller: this is me.
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the weather report. the israelis are really going at it now. yes or no? host: what would be your assessment? caller: i'm talking to you. host: ok. we will go to wally, democrats line. caller: hello. i love c-span. i'm a big c-span supporter and almost always watch. i have a take on the house leader dilemma i have not heard expressed that i would like to share. the house republicans ousted mccarthy for compromising to avoid. should -- to avoid a shutdown. compromise should be encouraged. mccarthy reached across the aisle and for doing so a small percentage of republicans got him fired.
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at the same time, all democrats, some of whom at least should have respected him for compromising, voted to oust him for giving the democrats some concessions. so compromise seems to now be demonized in the legislature. they clearly did not think about what's next and now interesting that the house republicans will not be forced to compromise, the very thing they were upset about amongst themselves, to elect another speaker. bottom line to me is that compromise is a good thing and needed. host: that is lawley in california. representative jordan on his twitter feed yesterday saying we must stop attacking each other and come together. there is too much at stake, he adds. let's get back to working on the
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crisis at the southern border, inflation and helping israel. that on his twitter feed yesterday. on the steps of the capitol, one of those supporting jordan was representative thomas massie, speaking about the state of affairs after that vote attempt yesterday and where to go from here. [video clip] >> we will get to a speaker soon. >> if jordan is not the nominee? >> there's no paul ryan in this race. if you remember back when kevin mccarthy decided not to run, they brought paul ryan up and he had a good brand nationally and had a decent inside game and could raise money but there is no paul ryan. there is no close second to jim jordan. >> if jordan does not make it, it gets more complicated. >> i do think jim jordan will make it this week. >> do you see mccarthy making a
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comeback or throwing his hat in the ring? >> about does not mean you will be speaker. >> mccarthy has eight people. >> kevin mccarthy is behind jim jordan. he has a lot of people who were going to vote for him today. i think he will talk to the ones who did. if scully's and kevin mccarthy is voting for jim jordan -- if school lease and kevin mccarthy is voting for jim jordan. >> tax relief, other things. >> this is the reason jim jordan is the only viable speaker we have -- viable speaker candidate we have.
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and i support kevin mccarthy. but he had so many arrangements and deals that they became almost mutually exclusive. jim jordan has gotten this far without a deal. he has a plan to keep us from getting into a shutdown. he is the only one who can reset the expectation that had been set earlier with conservatives. that's why i think he's the only viable candidate and i think you will get there this week. host: that process picks up today at 11:00 eastern. watch on our main channel at c-span. you can follow along on our app. the website is available to you at you can comment on the state of the speaker race, on president biden's trip to israel. in north carolina, democrats line. this is edwin. . hello. caller: i will predict that
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walking jeffries gets more votes than jim jordan and he becomes speaker, because if you handcuff yourself to jim jordan, in 16 years, let me tell you what his record as one who -- record is on voting, passing anything. if you hook yourself to jim jordan, it's nothing but one side of the party. they don't want to do anything that actually moves this country forward. they want to handcuff democrats to every kind of bill, conference. and let me tell you, the money that was running up and spent on the republican -- that was wrong up and spend on the republican administration to date, $2.6 trillion war, a trump tax cut, a 7.8, a one point $5 trillion
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tax cut and a $1.2 trillion stimulus, which 92 million americans went on medicare and 13 million americans went on food stamps. that is nikki haley. host: california, independent line. go ahead. good morning caller: -- caller: good morning. as far as house speaker, i do not get makes a different. i have been an independent and i'm tired of republicans and the democrats. as far as israel, biden should not be going over there right now for safety reasons because i believe that israel should do their best to evacuate all innocent civilians and they need to start using nuclear weapons on their terrorist enemies and be done with it because i'm getting tired of this.
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hamas is evil along with isis. host: nick from florida. caller: on the conflict in the middle east, the people who voted for the current administration, they are responsible for what's going on there because there vote led to the biden administration funding hamas and hezbollah through their policies. look how much oil they are selling because the sanctions were lifted. because of democratic voters, the terrorists are being funded. and on our southern border, drug cartels and sex traffickers are being funded by this
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administration. as far as people complaining about the trump tax cuts, i will say this again. i get paid by the hour. now, i don't work -- i work full-time but i don't work five days a week anymore because i live in florida. it's a low tax state. my house is paid off so i don't have to work five days a week anymore. host: let's hear from eugene in atlanta, independent line. caller: good morning. i have a comment, personal comment. i can speak for myself. at this time, i am happy and proud to say i'm a rino. thank you. host: that's eugene. comments on the president's trip to israel, on the house speaker election. you can make those at (202) 748-8000 for republicans, for
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democrats, (202) 748-8001, and independents, (202) 748-8002. the new york times broke down the republicans who voted against jim jordan into categories. one of those, biden district republicans, the republicans in the house of representatives district biden won in the last election, six of them who did not vote for jordan. another group, institutionalists, several republicans who serve on the appropriations committee and control federal spending expressing concerns about jim jordan's anti-spending past, worrying he might demand across-the-board cuts.
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then there are those loyal to kevin mccarthy, including doug lamalfa, john james, carlos gimenez, mike kelly. the wildcard category, victoria spartz and ken buck. he said there number of reasons he is not back mr. jordan -- he did not back mr. jordan but the main one is he played a role to overturn mr. buttons victory in 2020. 11:00 is when you can see this happen on c-span. another thing you want to look out for when it comes to policy to israel, a hearing today taking a look at jack lew, former treasury secretary, as ambassador. you could see that starting at 10 -- at 10:30 at c-span now.
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you can download it. it will be before the senate foreign relations committee. jesse is in michigan, democrats line. caller: good morning. how are you? host: go ahead. caller: i lost all respect i had for biden. what israel is doing to palestine is unbelievable. it was an occupation over there. all these people calling about terror. what about here? who did the insurrection of the capitol? it was not palestinians. it was americans. i have lost respect for the
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party. i will only vote for biden because i have no other choice. listen to this. look at what russia is doing to ukraine. host: that's jesse in michigan. some of you on facebook saying, ever notice that in the eyes of democrats, democracy only seems to work when it goes their way? everything else is a threat and danger to our democracy. jake sherman from punch bowl saying that whent mes to the events of today, there is increased security at e capitol. this memo saying the office of the sergeant of arms continues
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to work closelyitlaw enforcement monitoring the intelligence regarding the conflict due to the potential for a demonstration on capitol grounds. a heavier police presence today. dave harrington, when it comes to that speaker's race, same we need more choices -- saying we need more choices. from montana, go ahead. caller: good morning. it's a shameful day for america that biden would go over there and support israel when israel is doing so many war crimes right now. it is shameful that he would do this. israel just bombed a children's hospital. he's supporting a country that's doing more crimes and is not doing enough to speak out for the palestinians who don't have a chance. host: both sides are blaming
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each other for the bombing of that hospital according to reporting. caller: of course. but palestine does not have the power. hamas does not have the power to do that. it was israel that did it. i don't think it was palestine, but they will blame each other, and it is israel's decision to say it was palestine, because they want to do a final solution on palestine. palestine will always be the aggressor and never the victim because that is what israel wants. host: ok. raymond in mississippi, republican line. hello. go ahead. caller: i had a question to ask. could anyone bring up liz cheney for speaker of the house and could we have a vote on it? host: why would you put her into the position?
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caller: democrats can work with her because she believes in the constitution. i believe a lot of my republican colleagues have lost that. i mean, we have lost it. the constitution to the american people. somebody that goes up there and ain't pass no laws. he ain't doing nothing. thank you. host: ok. aaron is next in south carolina, democrats line. caller: good morning. my question this morning is if the gop were to possibly try to vote for hakeem jeffries, what would mean for the status of the majority and minority leader of
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the house? host: good question. don't know. tell me more why you were thinking that way. caller: someone like don bacon or of the more moderate republicans may decide to vote for hakeem jeffries over jim jordan. that is what i have to say. host: ok. that is aaron calling from south carolina. it was after nominating hakeem jeffries for house minority leader yesterday. it was pete aguilar, democratic chair, talking about representative jordan's candidacy for the office and his problems with it. here's a portion from yesterday. [video clip] >> we are here because the house has been thrown into chaos by two dangerous forces, extremism and partisanship.
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the american people place their faith in us to tackle pressing issues, lowering costs, growing the middle class and standing up to those set on delivering a national abortion ban. the choice is come together on a bipartisan path forward or take us over the cliff, abandon the extremism or triple on division and dysfunction. a vote today to make the architect of a nationwide abortion ban a vocal election denier and insurrection insider to the speaker of this house would be a terrible message to the country and our allies. [applause] mr. speaker, it would send an
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even more troubling message to our enemies, that the very people who would seek to undermine democracy are rewarded with positions of immense power. we are talking about somebody who spent his career trying to hold our country back, putting our national security and danger, attempting government shut down after government shutdown, wasting taxpayer dollars on baseless investigations, authoring the very bill that would ban abortion nationwide without exception, and inciting violence on the chamber. even leaders of his own party have called him a legislative terrorist. host: that was the democratic caucus chair after placing hakeem jeffries name in for the nomination for speaker. you can watch along on c-span if you wish. let's go to mickey and minneapolis, republican line. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call.
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a lot of calls have come in in the last few days that iran is responsible for the hamas attack. i'm not in favor of the regime. i think they are dogs and terrorists but they have nothing to do with this. many people are calling them with lies about arabian oil production. iran's oil production is slightly over 1.1 million barrels per day, which is nothing, and most of this is going to china. iran is heavily sanctioned on exports of oil. it cannot receive currency in u.s. dollars they have a bartering system with china and india. people calling in -- the other guy called on sunday saying iran is exporting 70 million barrels of oil per day. that is ridiculous.
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a lie goes faster around the world and the truth is time to put it -- put its pants on. mark twain. host: the investor to israel and the problems -- on some of the problems some republicans might have with the nominee for ambassador to israel. he has been scrutinized for his approval of mr. obama's treasury secretary in 2014 of a cash transfer to iran. he has also faced accusations of lying to congress about the obama administration's nuclear deal and further criticism for not supporting a veto of the human resolution -- the u.n. resolution condemning israeli settlements in palestinian territory. jack lew is a iranian sympathizer, says tom
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kotten. the senate should not confirm him. the hearing for that said for today. if you want to see that starting at 10:30, you can follow at c-span now. jackie is next in michigan. independent line. >> hello. i think the less congress gets done the better. it is sad to say but that is the state of our country. our country has not been on the right side of a conflict since world war ii probably. in my opinion, there's no honor in the uniform anymore, because iraq, that was immoral and based on lies. afghanistan. that was a failed mission and it was based on a false pretext. i don't want to get into that.
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what happened to if you are in uniform you are not supposed to follow unlawful orders? if the president tries to send you to war in israel or ukraine and you don't have a vote, you are not supposed to follow an unlawful order. host: one story stemming from the administration. they are drafting a foreign aid package that would include assistance for israel and other security priorities. details on the spending requests are still being finalized. one person told abc the bulk of the assistance will likely go to ukraine. it may offer $10 million for israel. what's your from alana in new york. democrats line. caller: normally i would say good morning but i feel like we
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are in a bad morning for america. when i look at the gaza situation, they basically have been blockaded for over a decade. the only thing that goes in and out is controlled by israel. what you are seeing now is they have locked it down. no food, water, electricity. you have all his humanitarian aid they cannot get their. you have people that cannot even get out. i have been a supporter of the democrats my life. i voted for biden. and i really feel like him going there just to back up the israeli side of things when they have been consistently bombing the entirety of gaza, they tell people there's certain safe zones and the south -- zones in the south. so whether or not that one strike happens to be from israel, they have been doing a
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lot of strikes against hospitals, and for biden to go there and had -- and have this cowardly line in my opinion, for him to mumble to the prime minister in this very weak statement saying that we are taking these really live when it's obvious that what will come after that is more bombing and an invasion that will lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths, and most of those people are not hamas. host: that will be had for this first half-hour. thank you for the calls. we will continue your comments on the president's trip to israel or the race continuing when it comes to the nomination of house speaker. giving us that will be max, one of punch bowl news -- max cohen
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of plentiful news -- of punch bowl news. that coming up on washington journal. it's -- >> american history tv saturdays on c-span two, exploring the people and events that tell the american story. the swearing in ceremony of the archivist of the united states followed by our interview with colleen shogun, the 11th archivist. she discusses her stewardship of the archives and the over white house records. looking back at the legacy of ronald reagan.
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hearings, debates and other events. these points of interest markers appear on your screen when you hit play on slick videos. the soul makes it if the tool makes it easy. >> washington journal continue. host: this is max cohen with punch bowl news. watching congress closely as the house tries to elect a speaker. one attempt yesterday, did not go anywhere. what to watch out for? guest: there will be another attempt. we think it will be a tall task. the members against him yesterday will not flip today. a lot of members who were may be with him yesterday might flip to someone else.
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so it's looking not very good for jim jordan at the moment. host: what is the problem that the detractors have with mr. jordan? guest: the key issue is they come from all over the caucus. you have moderates, including from new york, who don't see him as someone who can protect their majority. you have steve scalise allies who come from conservative districts but don't trust jim jordan because of that contentious election. you have some wildcards in the conference too who seem to want to vote against anybody being put forward. there is not one faction he can focus on. he is fighting this on all fronts. host: do you have a sense of what he's done between yesterday and what he will do up to 11:00 to assuage fears? guest:'s argument is we need to come together. let's stop fighting, get together, get the house running.
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the only issue is that might fall flat with some of the people against him because they could make the same argument. listen, we were supporting steve police last week -- steve scalise last week. so the unity argument is a tough one for him to make. some of him -- his detractors think maybe it's disingenuous. i think a lot of republicans will start to realize jordan cannot get to 217. mccarthy could not. there could be a resolution filed by david joyce to temporarily empower patrick mchenry with more authority as speaker pro tem.
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this would be a temporary position with powers that could bring him to the floor. host: republicans, (202) 748-8001, democrats (202) 748-8000, and independents, (202) 748-8002. you can text us at (202) 748-8003. what precedent is there for expanding the powers of the speaker pro tem? guest: there is not much precedent to be set but it could be in this situation. we have not had a situation where speaker vote after speaker but has failed before. we are approaching two weeks without a speaker. we are in rare territory. there has not been the exact same situation. host: some republicans
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questioning the legal issues that might have to be involved in expanding these powers. guest: there are questions about does the speaker pro tem have the same authority as a duly elected speaker in terms of intelligence briefings, the line of succession. as i said, there's not many precedents. we are in rare territory. but people looking at the situation we are and and realize there's no one that can get 217 votes to become speaker. they have to look at other options and this is one of their options to say, patrick mchenry, interested hand -- a trusted hand. democrats could possibly get behind making him this temporary expanded speaker pro tem. host: you think there's widespread support from
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democrats on that? guest: we have seen hakeem jeffries raise this issue in an internal meeting yesterday, saying this could be an option. that says that jeffries is speaking about this and he can get his caucus behind us. host: max cohen joining us from punch full news.
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guest: coalition government. i also see that as unlikely given the mchenry option. host: if the second vote does not go, what is the appetite for the conference to go the
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distance like they did with mccarthy this year, maybe not 15 rounds but a number of rounds at least? guest: there is not much appetite for that. if jordan falls short a second time as expected and loses even more votes, i don't think they go a third round. i was talking to house foreign affairs chair michael mccaul. he did support jordan on the first ballot. he said pretty frankly that if jordan loses more, i think he's done. that sums up the appetite for the republicans. host: max from maryland, democrats line. go ahead. caller: thanks for taking my call. i have a straightforward question. this seems like horsetrading at the highest level in the government. i think it exemplifies some of the power-hungry in washington. it seems to me the only reason this position is not filled or was vacated in the first place is because they hold this
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position in such high regard as an achievement in their career that if you could summarize what you know about why you could not vote for steve scalise, a man who took a bullet for your party, or jim jordan i can more understand because he's a firebrand, but mccarthy, i mean, i follow these guys. the idea this position is so powerful seems to be the only reason there is no consensus. i believe if there was a way -- it is funny to think they would coalesce around hakeem jeffries or trade forces to get this filled -- can you tell me why they would not fill this with steve scalise? i have heard things that do not sound genuine. guest: it's a good question. steve scalise is a conservative member of the house but one of the main issues some of the
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jordan allies have with steve scalise was he was a part of leadership for almost a decade and there's a segment of the party that views that type of credential as disqualifying. that is something we have seen during the mccarthy speakership, or his detractors said, because you want this position so badly -- it is powerful -- you don't want somebody who wants it in office. they think that proximity to power -- people have been behind the scenes making deals that they disagree with and that means they will not vote for you. that it simplifies a lot of the right wing of the party right now. host: in the papers today, saying jordan is not known as a skilled legislator or deal cutter. he has not sponsored a single bill that became law. why the push for him to become speaker if he does not have the
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skills? guest: that is an interesting argument. i think it misses the point because what we see from him is a fascinating evolution as a lawmaker. he entered the body is one of the regional founders of the freedom caucus, on the furthest right of the spectrum, and he backed mccarthy. he was never part of the anti-mccarthy brigade and strongly supported mccarthy to his own supporters. he said this is a guy we need to get behind. he is also chairman of the judiciary committee and that brings a big mandate with oversight of the biden administration. there is a point to be made, but internally, within the conference, he has become more respected and chairs a
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committee with a lot of power and a large budget. so while bringing bills to the floor passing is not there, he has been in the top rungs of republican leadership. host: where is that caucus generally on that? guest: they are united with the exception of one member, ken buck, who voted against jordan yesterday, but freedom caucus members see jordan as their guy and have said we will stick with him. however, i think that is largely localized to the freedom caucus. i think other members will gravitate away. but for freedom caucus members, jordan is their ideal speaker. host: we heard from representative matt gaetz earlier. what is he saying? guest: he was front and center taking mccarthy. he's taking a backseat. he supported jordan and scalise
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but he is not the kingmaker. the focus is not on members like matt gaetz. that's an interesting point. what we saw in early october showed a small number of house republicans can have a great effect in this congress. what we have seen sense is that members who are not that far to the right, more moderate members, establishment members, they were frustrated by that fact, and now they are realizing people like -- if people like gaetz can assert power, why can't we? they are the ones throwing around their power. it's our turn to show we have power too. host: this is max cohen a punch full news. john in ohio, independent line.
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sam morgan. go ahead. caller: yeah. i would like to comment on ken buc. this guy -- he is one of the 20 that voted against jim jordan but he also voted to oust mccarthy. i saw him on cnn and he said he voted for, number -- for tom him or -- because he thinks is the worst job in the world. why doesn't he do the job if he thinks it's the worst job in the world? this man has no principles and i don't think the 20 do either because they criticized matt gaetz and they did the same thing. thank you very much for taking my call. host: he said he was kidding about that comment -- guest: he
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said he was kidding about the comment but because -- but buc has this unique position. he's an interesting figure to watch. one of his key issues opposing jordan was he voted to decertify the 2020 election results, was not vocal enough in condemning january 6. not many republicans are making that their key argument like him buc. host: another viewer saying another name that comes up. could or would they convince enough people to vote for tom cole? guest: he's an establishment figure. he's chairman of the rules committee currently. he's well respected by democrats. i think he falls in that category of someone who can be a care attacker -- be a caretaker speaker. in my opinion, currently, that option is not truly the most serious on the table given the
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option to empower mchenry. he's already in power now nominally. there's already an effort underway by republicans themselves to give mchenry more authority. what i think viewers should focus on now is what could happen later today. if jordan falls short, they will put forward a motion to give mchenry more power. host: what work is actually being done in the house with a lack of a speaker? guest: none. you cannot do anything in the house without a speaker. there can be resolutions. we saw the vast majority of the house sign onto a pro-israel resolution condemning the hamas attacks last week, but those cannot go anywhere without a speaker. it's behind-the-scenes maneuvering, waiting for some resolution. host: are their committee
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hearings taking place, efforts to keep the government funded? that's another thing with the deadline going on. guest: that's a good point. november 17 is the deadline and there has been no progress on appropriations bills. that was the play mccarthy introduced before he got ousted. he said we funded the government temporarily. now let's get to work to pass the appropriations bills. that has hit a stalemate. no one is paying attention to appropriations because all the energy is on electing speaker. so whenever this does get resolved, the conversation could shift to we have to stop a shutdown. they are running out of time. host: the white house is expected to make a request for aid. that goes nowhere without a speaker? guest: without a speaker, nothing can pass congress. that is something the administration is concerned about. in the senate, there are things
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happening. the investor -- the ambassador to israel nominee, jack lew, has a hearing today. and senators are kind of miffed by this based on reporting. they look at the house, which has so often been an area of chaos, shaking their heads. the senate just returned from a recess. host: sin republicans are looking at the house and having that reaction -- senate republicans are looking at the house and having that reaction. guest: for sure. some of them are saying just get behind jordan. he saw him at romney saying jordan would not be a good speaker -- you saw, romney saying jordan would not be a good figure. host: tina is a new york. hello. guest: good morning. how are you? i'm calling to make a comment about the vote and the 20
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republicans that voted for people that are not even in the house of representatives anymore. my congressman voted for lee. really? we need to go as far as we need to go with these votes in order to make them get a speaker already. this is going on way too long. and i think everybody that keeps saying they stand with israel really don't because we are still waiting for a speaker and i think they need to go as many rounds today is necessary to go ahead -- today as necessary to go ahead and make this work. very upset that my congressman is not voting for one of the 431 others that are in the house currently. host: thanks. guest: the point is a good one. that is a name that stood out
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because he's not a member of the house. of course, you don't have to be to become speaker. the caller made a good point that there's essentially no chance that a non-house member would ever be elected speaker, but they were not breaking the rules by voting for someone who is not in the house. host: like liz cheney, which has come up. guest: that's an interesting point about that block of new york republicans on long island. they did not vote for mccarthy like mike lawler did. they said someone else is our guy. it shows interesting groundswell support for him and the party. he was rumored maybe to getting to the rnc race and did not run because he saw some challenge there but he ran strongly into kitty to in the governor's race and almost beat hochul in new york.
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these new york republicans do not trust jordan. they were trying to make a local statement to their voters by saying let's get zelden in there. host: let's hear from donald from missouri, republican line. go ahead. you are next. caller: hello. it is so simple. they are doing it worse than kindergartners would have do it. you need to get the whole -- all the republicans with r's after their names committed after you make your initial election. and only takes one vote and then commit everyone to walk into the big assembly and vote for that guy or gal. if they don't, take their
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committee assignments from them. there has to be some discipline. if they don't vote for the guy, take the committees away from them. get everybody in the same room and first, you know -- at first, you know, then you have your nomination on a secret ballot. you can vote for yourself or somebody else. there has to be an r behind her name. host: to his point, what is the thinking of going to the floor in the first place if there was not enough security in votes to put mr. jordan in office? guest: why the caller brought up that point because there was a proposal within the republican conference to change their internal rules to say we don't go to the house for endless hours canada gets the requisite votes -- house floor unless our candidate gets the requisite votes and that was defeated.
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some were saying we don't want a repeat of january. that might have been fanciful because we have seen it's difficult to get all republicans united behind one person. so maybe would be just behind closed doors for all these weeks. the strategy for taking it to the floor, you want to put people on the record. jim jordan made the bet that even if i don't have the votes now, if the public sees he was voting against me, we will put pressure on them -- sees who is voting against me, we will put pressure on them. we will turn the focus of the republican party apparatus on these people. that was the calculation. we can say that probably has not worked. we will know more in a couple hours but the bet was these people could be swayed by those forces and what we will see is
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that might not be true, that their political capital is not necessarily based off fox news or somebody calling from inside or outside their district tried to change their vote. host: democrats line. hello. caller: hi. good morning. my thing is the republic. all of them need to come out of there. they are playing tic-tac-toe. they are not thinking about us. we need to vote for somebody that's going to do the work. host: the perception of all this for republicans in the house at what the outside is seen? guest: it's disastrous. when the
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body of the house cannot get together and have the business of america don, that's not a good look -- of america done, that's not a good look. they are publicly saying this will hurt them in the election. when voters in these competitive districts look at the ballot, where they will see is the dysfunction and chaos of the republican majority in the house is not something they want to repeat. that is what strategist have been speculating. this has become a national story. congress is not always on the tips of everyone's tongues but even people who do not follow politics closely know there is no speaker. host: what are you looking for today? guest: for us, 11:00 a.m. is the next vote. everyone should be tuned into c-span. best place to watch this. we will see where people stand. 20 republicans voted for somebody other than jim jordan.
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if that number rises, there is no path forward for jordan to become speaker. then it's what is next. there will be a resolution we believe filed to give mckinley more powers. that will be fascinating to see where democrats vote on that. democrats a couple weeks ago when mccarthy was ousted said we are staying out of the internal republican civil war. this is not our fight to get involved in. almost two weeks later, will they look and say we -- will you step in and give mchenry more powers or you have to do that on your own host: max cohen of punch bowl news if you want to check out the website yourself. thanks for your time. here's the plan for the next two hours. we will continue on your calls. legislators will visit us throughout the morning.
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you can speak to them. (202) 748-8002 for -- (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independents. we will take those calls when washington journal continues. >> miss stress and -- miss strossen joins us to take your calls. joining the conversation with your phone calls, texts, and
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the president's visit to israel you can post on x @cspanwj. short visits with members of congress to talk about the status of events with the speaker's race and policy when it comes to israel, all of that plus your calls as well. in new jersey, democrats' line, ed go ahead. caller: i want to make a comment about the president's trip to israel. this is a critical moment that we have to stand with israel and show our faith that we support israel and what they are doing. i know this was a topic for discussion as to the arab leaders canceling meetings. that was unfortunate but still i feel they are -- there are more important issues right now as to
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the recovery of the hostages special forces and also the planning of the next phase of the war. that is all i have to say. host: do you think the president being in the country was a good move? caller: yes, it was. host: why is that? caller: because it sends a direct message to iran, and it also sends a message to the arab leaders that we are not just dancing around here. we are serious about supporting israel and whatever they need to do to bring about peace, to bring about finding a humanitarian way forward for the palestinians with the arab countries. it sends a direct message, that we are not fulling around here. iran has been making wild
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threats about entering the war. let them do that. because we will show them what we are all about. when the iranian leader soleimani was taken out we did not have troops on the ground. we have the capabilities to do what we need to do. host: that is ed there in new jersey. if you go to the front page of usa today, under the headline of the president's visit to israel, they highlight in a graphic the human cost. 199 kidnapped from israel, 1400 dead in israel. more than 3000 in gaza. when it comes to the wounded in israel that is 4100 plus. wounded in gaza, 9000 to 12000. that is the graphic that played
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out in usa today. the president is in israel to talk about a variety of topics related to what is going on on capitol hill. looking at the house speaker race, it was hakeem jeffries on the steps of the state capital. here's a portion from yesterday. [video clip] >> how do you feel about the idea of empowering patrick mchenry have the authority -- >> our focus relates not just to anyone individual, but getting the institution reopened. i have respect for patrick mchenry. i think is respected on our side of the aisle. there are a whole host of republicans who are respected on the our side of the aisle. jim jordan is not one of them. >> how do you feel -- what are
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your thoughts about members of your caucus who have said that they are ok with mchenry? >> we are seeking a path forward that is authentic, genuine and that we want to agree upon in good faith. >> is that not good faith or likely? >> informal conversations have accelerated over the past few days. now that it is clear jim jordan lacks the votes to be speaker, my hope is that those conversations will accelerate this evening. host: more will play out today at 11:00 when the house gathers for the second vote on house speaker. hasan in virginia, independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. biden's trip to israel at this moment in time must be something useful in terms of expressing
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support for israel, but i don't think that will solve the problem. in my view they need to work on a lasting solution to the problem. th two state solution hase -- the been around for many -- the two state solution has been around for many years. work hard on that. otherwise, approaching israel whenever a problem arises, that doesn't solve the problem. if you do not solve the problem today, it will come up tomorrow. host: douglas said that the president going to israel after the hospital bombing is a step too far. representative marjorie taylor
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greene, putting out on her x feedback the capitol is expecting more security because they anticipate pro-palestinian protests. when it comes to the president' trip, "praying for president this dysfunction in the house is the result of ga. ji jordan should be banned fro the speaker's chair." "president biden in israel is important for democracy and peace. " virginia -- this is from springfield, virginia, this is aaron. caller: the fact that they are having to vote on this just
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because they got the government funded they got the government funded. during the debt process -- i think those are completely fine. you are trying to essentially -- [indiscernible] host: apologies. there was a lot of background noise. elaine, from michigan, republican line. caller: i'm sorry, i dialed the wrong. host: apologies. we will have to stop you. call in on the right line. (202) 748-8001 for republicans.
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(202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independents. this is charles in colorado, independent line. caller: i think everyone should go to the u.n. business and trade site. there is a video on this four minutes long that explains why we are here today. basically, it is the israelis' fault that we are here today. after 1947 when they got their own state from britain, who declared they could have their own state, britain did not declare that the palestinians could have their own state. since then, they have expended over 2000 settlements in the palestinians' land. this is what, the fifth the war?
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the oslo agreements broke up do know we have the agreements where israel is trying to make agreements with saudi arabia, bahrain, and all this. americans do not understand what is really going on. until american politicians will actually hold israel's feed to the fire for a two state solution, we are going to repeat the same cycle over and over and over again. host: charles their calling. if you want to keep calling on your thoughts on either the house speaker's race or the president's trip to israel, (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independents.
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we will be joined by political leaders this morning. we are joined by keith south from texas. representative, thank you for giving us your time. guest: it is great to be here. host: give us your assessment on what will happen today when it comes to the speaker vote? guest: the vote yesterday revealed that the majority of the 20 are on either the appropriations committee or the armed services committee. this is beyond jim jordan today. this is now the people who control, who are in charge of the out-of-control spending of the federal government against the american people, because the american people are so frustrated. they are so angry with the federal government. now we see these appropriators and armed services committee members standing against a fiscally conservative jim jordan. i believe we need to start
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talking about this in terms of a heavyweight fight, 12 arounds because this will go a while. jim jordan is committed. there is a group of us who are committed to stand with jim as long as he is willing to go. 12 around might be reasonable because we have to make sure we get some fiscal discipline and the federal government. host: for those 20, what message do you think they were sending yesterday by not voting for mr. darden? guest: i think they are trying to protect their control of the out-of-control spending. we are now $33 trillion in debt. we will add $2 trillion to are dented this year. that is the message they are sending to the american people. we will spend -- control the spending in the federal government. host: you supported mr. jordan
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in january. you supported him yesterday. for the fiscal reasons always your reasons for support or are there other reasons there? guest: believe he will bring true conservative values to the speaker's chair and i look forward to the day we swear him in as the next speaker of the house of representatives. host: you heard criticisms about mr. jordan, including -- what do you make of those assessments? guest: this is exactly what happened to robert bork of the supreme court years ago. it is what happened to clarence thomas years ago. this is character assassination, when someone starts to be successful. they will pull everything out they can think of. as gordon blackwell said years ago from the leadership institute, "if they don't have anything against you, they will make something up."
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host: if mr. jordan is not voted in today. -- guest: that will not pass the gop conference. that is one of those ideas like coalition government. put it to bed. host: why? guest: because we need a speaker of the house. we do not need a temporary speaker. we do not need a speaker pro tem with temporary powers. we need a speaker in the chair. we need to get the work. as long as it takes, jim jordan will be the speaker of the house. host: what gives you that confidence ultimately? guest: because we have got enough people with jim jordan until he drops out, and i don't think he will. he is a wrestler. he knows what it is like to be in the ring alone, and we are going to stand with him while he
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is in the ring. again, this is bigger than jim jordan. this is the american people versus the swap, let's be clear about that -- the swamp, let's be clear about that. host: you still think that support is there somewhere? guest: absolutely. mccarthy got 201 votes his first round. jim jordan had 200. that is almost equal. that is why i think we are going long term. we may lose some today because i think that is their plan. they will probably nudge some people into the no column, but over time we will see the support grow. host: keith serves on the foreign affairs committee. what is your assessment of the president's trip to israel today? guest: i said he should go. i did not expect him to. in my estimate i don't think it
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has been a good trip, because some of the people are ignoring us. this shows the weakness of the biden administration overseas. at the same time it was important that he say that israel did not bomb that hospital. we need to make it loud and clear that that was not an israeli action. host: what gives you the confidence on that? guest: the reporting. the video evidence is clear. recordings are clear. that is probably the case and i will look forward to any other evidence they bring forward. the evidence is clear today, and i look forward to more coming out. host: arab leaders were supposed to meet with him. that got canceled. should the president keep reaching out to those leaders? guest: we need to reassert american leadership in the middle east. anyway we can do that is good. , obviously they do not consider us leaders in the middle east today. host: it was reported that the
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biden administration ultimately approved a new aid package to israel, ukraine and others. as far as the idea of more aid on those fronts, where are you on that? guest: we have the defense appropriations bills bill. will -- the senate needs to take up those bills. the senate needs to act. host: as far as a separate bill, you are not there. guest: we don't need it. we will see what happens. first of all, we need to pass the appropriations bills that the house has passed. the senate needs to act. host: going back to the initial conversation we had, without a house speaker are you concerned about any of those appropriations bills being
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passed and what about the funding deadline that comes up in november? guest: we are up against the wall now on all of the appropriations bills now and that is the way we have governed for decades. i'm a freshman. i think we should have test of the appropriations bill back in august when we should have. that is why we need jim jordan in the chair. we need to pass the appropriations bills, get it over to the senate. host: mister south, thank you for giving us your time. just one of the many republicans and democrats who will join us this morning and give their perspectives on the efforts to elect a speaker and the president's trip oversees. richmond, virginia, democrats' line. caller: i'm calling in about
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biden's trip to israel, i think he should not be making this trip, especially after the israelis dropped a heavy ordinance munition on the hospital, killing over 800 people it seems. biden needs to call out the actions of israel as apartheid and genocide, and he needs to immediately start working to create some sort of cease-fire on the ground. host: from sandra in louisiana, independent line. caller: good morning. i'm calling about this speaker's race. this is what is going on, people, let's get real. mccarthy bowed down to trump w ent to mar-a-lago and kiss his ring to become speaker. mccarthy became speaker.
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mccarthy wasn't moving fast enough for donald trump, so donald trump put jim jordan and steve scalise to undermine mccarthy to get mccarthy out of there. notice when mccarthy, when the 8 people voted mccarthy out, trump never came and said "i'm still with mccarthy. he acted like he was too busy with court. mccarthy. -- mccarthy got out of there. it jim jordan's donald trump wants to be speaker of the house because he knows if jim jordan is the speaker, he will do everything that trumps wants him to do. host: if that is the case how come jim jordan can't get enough votes to become speaker? guest: people are doing everything in their power, even
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trying fox news to strong-armed these people to get jim jordan in their, but notice how quickly trump came in and said "i endorse jim jordan." that is why. he wants jim jordan in there to do his dirty work. host: ok. this is tom in woodbridge, go ahead. caller: good morning. you guys at c-span are a national treasure. we appreciate you putting all these voices out there. i am a career intelligence officer, counterintelligence officer, or counterterrorism officer. i ran for u.s. senate out here in virginia. just a couple of things for everyone to think about, especially do all of the democrat listeners out there. we no now that your own party -- we know now that your own party
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lied to you about the fake dossier they created and then used at the fbi to essentially subvert the presidency of donald trump. that is, all a fact now and if you are a democrat and you voted for biden, just remember your own party lied to you. in i addition to that, they ran the molar investigation, which was a cover-up. host: i went to see how those'things relate to the house speakers'race or the president's visit to israel. go ahead and make your point. caller: my point is that you have to recognize what it is we are dealing with right now with regard to the speaker's race. there is a faction of republicans that are so never-trumper that they will literally hold up whatever --
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what everyone knows is the result, which is jim jordan will be the speaker. 20 people are throwing away their votes. they are doing that because ultimately they colluded with the democrats with regards to all of these other lies, and colluded with the fbi to silence free speech in america. host: ok, i got the point. let's hear from isaaci buie 0 -- isaac in buie, maryland. caller: if he becomes speaker, that means the republican party -- if jim jordan becomes speaker that means the republican party lost their moral come best. it is a shame that the republicans are standing by. trump has over 91 indictments.
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jim jordan did not fight for innocent boys who were sexually assaulted in ohio at the university where he was assistant resident coach, and he has attacked military generals who went after donald trump for crimes he committed against america. if jim jordan becomes speaker it will be a shame for america. host: news that came out yesterday said that debbie lesko announced yesterday she would not run for congress next year. she "spent on average three weeks away from my family, every week is difficult. right now washington dc is broken. i will continue my work to help my constituents and the american
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people. this his from 10, independent line -- this is from ken, independent line. caller: when it comes to the president going to israel, it is already showing one side, because both sides are wrong. some americans feel that because they say i support israel they think that will help them get into heaven but i don't think that will help them. when it comes to the speaker, it is unbelievable. all people need to look at, especially those who support this craziness going on, what if it was obama, or what if it was hillary clinton who had done and said some of the things that they support? i don't think jim jordan is
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going to get it because he has not passed nothing in 16 years. host: the president in israel is being quoted. you can see it on he was quoted as saying "i was outraged by the explosion at gaza yesterday. it appears it was done by the other team, not you. we have to overcome a lot of things." another story coming out, this is from usa today this morning saying that a royal caribbean international cruise had been sailing in the region but canceled its itinerary in the wake of the israel-hamas war "with enhanced safety in place, we -- it prompted a response from the florida senator rick scott on
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his x feed saying "thank you to royal caribbean for their incredible work." let's hear from jodi in kentucky, republican line. caller: i think everybody that voted against jim jordan, i think they ought to be voted out because they are rino's just like liz cheney. people who are voting for jeffries -- thanks to biden and the democrats, i was paying $69, and it is going up to $80. the price has gone up. the democrats are nothing but traders. they are nothing -- nothing but traitors.
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they need to be voted out of office. host: jodi there in kentucky. one of the people commenting on the state of affairs in israel was the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, making the statements after the party launche that happened ons capitol hill. >> you may well remember this too. bob gates said that after the berlin wall came down, it was all history. if you recall, we thought that big power competition was going away and that our challenges would simply be against terrorism. we certainly had terrorism. we had a war in afghanistan, a war in iraq all related to terrorism or the fear of terrorism. now, regretfully as we have learned in the last week, we
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still have terrorism and what has changed is we have 2 big power competitors at the same time, so the holiday in history is clearly over. we anticipate, and you have been writing about it, the administration will send up supplemental deals with israel, ukraine, taiwan, and republicans are going to want something serious about the border. we we'll take a look at the package when they send it up, make suggestions to improve it if that is needed, but clearly the world has changed dramatically in the last 10 days. host: again, that took place on capitol hill. on twitter, robert costa on his feed reported that it was former
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speaker newt gingrich tonight in his column saying that the speaker pro tem mchenry is a better solution than the chaos. "let's get on with the people's business." john boehner wrote on his feed, "i agree." let's hear from moses in lakeland, florida. caller: hi, i'm calling in regards to biden making a trip to israel. the whole reason we are in the situation we are at this point is that weakness is not a trait of biden. he started with the botched afghanistan withdrawal, then we had russia where he allowed a small incursion.
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all of this lies on biden. everything they said that would happen under the trump is happening now under the item admitted -- biden administration. host: if you want to continue on with your thoughts, it is (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, and (202) 748-8002 for independents. members of congress are giving us some of their time today to give us their assessment, including representative sylvia garcia, a democrat from texas. guest: thank you for having me this morning. host: how would you assess the events of yesterday when it comes to electing the speaker? guest: we are already on day 15,
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the beginning of a third week without a speaker so the assessment is we really need to get our act together. the republican caucus has been nothing but chaos, confusion and internal civil war. our first job here is to be here for the american people. it is to make sure that we stay on track and protect our national security, so i implore them to please get their act together. we must move forward. host: we heard from minority leaders on the democratic side of the house for republicans to come to some sort of resolve. guest: there is a path forward in a bipartisan way, because it is about protecting the american people, putting people first, and making sure that we take care of business at home. we have always been willing to do that. all they have to do is reach out to our leader. we have been unified. we are together. it is easier to get it to 217
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from 212 then it is from 100. host: what one of those ways of reaching out to you be an expansion of the powers of the speaker pro tem? guest: i don't know all the details. that might be a reasonable alternative, but i think the preference would be to select a speaker who can take charge and will move forward. having a temporary speaker, kicks the can down the road and we have to face this again. we cannot do our work, our allies need support both israel and ukraine. we have to make sure that we avoid the government shutdown that is looming less than 30 days away and we have to prepare to head into the holiday season. host: if that is the case what
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alternatives --you talked about democrats reaching out to republicans -- what alternative in your mind would work? guest: it has to be power-sharing in terms of what bills get heard. how the process on the floor would work. it is making sure that everybody has a voice, and that we all represent the people who elected us, because in the end it is about serving the american people. it is about putting people over politics, and making sure we can well serve the american people. host: representative, one of the things that you do as far as your committee work is served on the weaponization committee. your experience with jim jordan, what is your take away in terms of how he manages business and how he might apply that to the house? guest: if how he served on that committee is any
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indication, he is a terror as the chair. he does not give us time to get our word in, he calls us out of order. he is about railroading things through. others' shins of him suggested == other -- others' descriptions of him suggested that he was a terrorist. i had the honor of him calling me out at work more than once, because it is not about making sure that all sides get heard. that is not an effective way to be a leader, to hold the gavel. i what have strong concerns about jim jordan as speaker. host: i want to ask you about the president's trip to israel, and what you think about the trip itself and him going there? guest: i thought it was very
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important that he go to israel, i think it is important that israel know we have their backs and we believe in their right to defend herself, and we are an outline and always there to help. the only way we can do that is to get an assessment on the ground and talk to the leadership there to find out what it is they need so hopefully, we can get our speaker elected and go about the business of getting support for israel done. that is what is so critical. people need to understand we are at a standstill. we avoided a government shutdown but the republicans managed to shut down the house of representatives so we can do nothing. we cannot help israel right now so it is important that the president be there and that he hear directly from the people in israel. host: are there concerns from you and other democrats that it
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favors israel's concerns over those of the palestinians' and gaza? guest: i know he was not able to visit with everyone who was on his list. he wanted to meet with some leaders around the region. he is trying to listen, but obviously israel is our ally. we have always stood with israel. israel was the one who was attacked, let's not forget that. we have to listen and find out exactly what was going on. they\\ we -- we need to stop the blame game. host: you are a member of the progressive caucus.rashida to leave made sharp comments towards the president. "israel bombed a hospital.
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this is what happened when yo refuse a cease fire." guest: i have not heard this comments. i stand with her on many issues. she has family here. it is important that she is a voice herein congress. i think it is important before we make judgment that we have a conversation with her and get the full context of her comments. she has the right to make any comments that she pleases. host: the white house expected to send an aid package when it comes to israel, ukraine and others. where are you as far as more support for aid on those fronts? guest: i support aid to israel. i support more aid to ukraine.
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i will support the president in whatever package he puts together. he has been down on the ground, not heaven. he has been talking to the leaders of those countries, and it is important that we support him on this critical issue, not just for him but for the country. host: thank you for your time. thank you for waiting for those of you holding on. from pennsylvania, democrats' line, brenda, door head. -- brenda, go ahead. caller: i am a very staunch democrat but even at that i am furious at democrats for validating matt gaetz of all people. they validated him by ousting kevin mccarthy. i. kevin mccarthy was between a rock and a hard place, and this
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gave democrats some leverage, but they gave their power away. when of the things i find amusing is that mccarthy had the majority of republican votes and he was ousted. jim jordan had 200 votes for speakership, and he lost. what happened to mccarthy and jordan is what they were trying to do to president biden. i hope mccarthy -- i hope jordan does get the speakership because i think he will go down in flames just like john host: host:. 11:00 today is -- down in flames just like john boehner. host: 11:00 today is when the vote will happen. walter in mississippi, republican line. caller: i don't really care who they get as speaker of the
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house. whoever it is, when biden does the state of the union address, i want him to tear up the speech the same way that nancy pelosi did. that was the most disrespectful thing i have ever seen on television, and there wasn't anything done to her. that is all i have got to say. host: max is in south carolina, independent line. caller: good morning. i would like to touch on two topics. in the speaker's house, i would love to see them put mccarthy back in. they shouldn't let 8 people determine their party. the democrats vote in unison, whether it is good or bad but they are organized. the republicans cannot govern.
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they are like children. they fight. it is like one kid has the baseball, and that was matt gaetz, and he took his ball and went home. the second topic is the way the press is going. i don't support the president going over there. it is bad when he uses an analogy like "the other team." it is more than a sports game going on. there are a lot of ways to lay the index card. he never faces any questions from the media. they shoo the media off like they are flies. host: that is max there in south
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carolina. axios reporting that dozens of jewish demonstrators called for president biden to push for a real cease fire. according to secret service, they arrested 49 protesters for allegedly blocking entrances during the demonstration at the white house complex. an agency -- that was on monday night. meanwhile, overseas the new york press is saying that lebanese protesters waived israeli flags from the beirut embassy hours ahead of president biden's arrival there are post has on their website. the president is now in israel as we showed you earlier, making a few comments on the state of affairs there. let's go to grover, virginia,
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democrats' line. caller: any time that the best you can get to run first speaker is jordan is very bad because jordan is nothing more than a piece of trump. he kisses trumps boots every time he gets out of bed. trump is a person every time he opens his mouth he lies. thank you. host: john is up next, pennsylvania republican line. caller: i heard a u.s. representative saying the world has changed in the past 10 days. the thing i would ask is since the camp david accord and the oslo accord every israeli prime minister has violated those accords. the things we have to ask them so -- ask ourselves is had that not happened, would we be where
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we are today? every u.s. president has been frustrated with the israeli president. we have given them incentives. what the united states needs to start doing is say we stand by israel but we need to look at the conditions causing this. i pray for all the innocents. then we have a congresswoman who gets on their food just jim jordan, but supports another democrat -- that is why we have gridlock. the best thing the united states can do is tell israel "you have to start living up to your agreements." instead now we have 500,000 settlers on the west bank. when the oslo accords were signed you only had 100,000. now you have 500,000 people who represent a political bloc.
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host: that is john there. it was chuck schumer recently back on a trip discussing support of israel who went before cameras yesterday to talk about what the senate side is said to do on support of the country. [video clip] >> america will stand with its ally israel and i along with my colleagues here will lead the effort in the senate to provide israel with the support required to fully defend itself from this monstrous attack. the purpose of our trip was threefold. a, to show that the u.s. stands with israel. i have received calls since i came back. the israelis were so gratified we were there at a time of great need, at a time when these vicious terrorists were trying to sway the world. second, we met with the leaders
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in israel to discuss in detail what is real needs terms of resources, so we can put together the best aid package, and third we wanted to show that the u.s. is bipartisan. we had to democrats and to republicans and myself-- 2 democrats and 2 republicans and myself. we need to eliminate the threat of hamas. if you read the hamas convention and their history, they believe there should be no jews between the mediterranean and the jordan river. they would do to the rest of the jews in israel what they did to the jews along the gaza line. second is to secure safe return of the hostages, and third is to remind israel that she must be humanitarian. she must obey the rule of war,
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and minimize civilian casualties among the palestinians. host: several comments made on capitol hill yesterday when it comes to israel and the events there. you can go to our website and learn more. you can also go there to check at the latest on the house speaker'graces -- speaker's race. follow along on their website, our app and you can always follow along on the main channel,. c-span freda in chicago. caller: hi how are you? i have two comments. the first comment is regarding jim jordan. absolutely not! he should not be the third person in line to the presidency. he has constituents from his own
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state who have said since he has been in the house of representativess he has not passed any bills in 16 years and he believes in conspiracy theories, so anyone who believes in conspiracy theories and not facts should not be the third person in line to the presidency of the united states. s far as for the israeli war, my opinion -- president biden should have taken a neutral approach, but he did not. he came out and he said we support israel. now what happened at that musical festival for october 7, what was the reason hamas attack to that music event? i have heard reporters saying they had been planning that for 2 years. ok, what did israel do to make
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hamas so upset to where they attacked that music event? no one is reporting on that . host: let's go to brian in texas, republican line. caller: good morning. iknow everyone is -- i know everyone is talking about jim jordan being an election denier, but if you look back the minority leader hakeem jeffries called trump illegitimate, that you could not trust the 2016 election. all of this is documented. he said it in committee hearings. i think there needs to be more scrutiny on what minority leader jefferies said. maybe they should put up their nominee for someone for the speakership someone who is less inflammatory. the democrats think they will
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make history one day by making jefferies the first african-american speaker in history. i think the rep publicans should steal their thunder and nominate somebody like john james from michigan or byron donalds or wesley hunt out of texas, a decorated military veteran, put them up and make them the first black speaker of the house. host: got the point. i apologize for that, but we appreciate all the calls coming in. if you are on the lines, please stay on the lines. we have been asking congress people to join us for a few minutes this morning to give their perspective on both of those 2 front. joining us now is representative pocan.
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representative pocan good morning. guest: i'm the republican from wisconsin. host: my apologies. we had an earlier speaker talk about the appropriators for jim jordan. were you surprised by that? guest: we are the last bastion of sanity in this city during the trump administration. we usually do not run to the camera like i am today. in this session kevin mccarthy ruined that. we have not done anything that we normally do in the appropriations process. a lot of people who respect this institution more than perhaps their party were speaking out, rightfully so, that we have to do something different, may be putting one of the lead extremists in washington input of the house of representatives
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was not the best idea. host: when it comes to something different what could cracks go along with -- democrats go along with if it was not jim jordan? guest: we know they may need to have some bipartisan votes. we are willing to talk about that because they cannot seem to govern with the majority that they have. that means you have some power-sharing. you have to do some negotiating, something they are not terribly good at, but if they keep putting people up for speaker that cannot get the votes of their own party, perhaps the new way of approaching that is to reach out to democrats. we are willing. host: as far as the willingness of democrats what about this idea of expending the current powers of the speaker pro tem? guest: i worry about that a little bit the same reasons. someone who has the power just to convene elections is suddenly
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in charge? there is payroll with that as well. it would have to be part of -- their is peril with that as well. host: can i you to elaborate more on what you think those perils could be? guest: if you have someone not elected by members of congress in charge and making decisions that would, we ever -- that would be a problem. host: you deserve on the defense spending reduction caucus co-chair. you are also in appropriator. have republicans made comments on this idea about starting on now an appropriations bill? guest: this year has been a mess. they broke their agreement to avoid a shutdown.
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2 weeks later kevin mccarthy broke of the agreement that he made on the deal, and because of that what they did is they marked everything to the 22 level, which is against the agreement that house democratss and senate democrats are still abiding by. i don't enjoy fantasy congress. i like real congress. what they put together is a document that will largely go into the waste bin. we have given up the house's prerogative on a lot of things. host: as far as the idea of the funding deadline, what is the general thinking? how will it be passed without some kind of resolve? guest: we will have to have an extension on the continuing resolution, waiting water while the republicans throw arrows at a tether. we need to get to the table with
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the senate. i think we are down to 20- something days to the cr deadline. host: to, at least everyone sane and rational. host: the president is in israel. what message do you think he is sending there? >> i think it is important because president biden when he is talking to people behind the scenes, he does not wear his opinions on his sleeve and does not say everything out loud that he is doing and especially in international negotiations. part of what he is trying to do is get the tensions down. you can't have the attack that happened to israel by a terrorist group like hamas and at the same time you can't have the over response, the collective punishment coming out of israel back to the citizenry, the palestinians in gaza who are acrylic -- clearly not hamas and both are happening and we deal with both. i hope there's present there to say we provide a lot of support, israel and allies, and if you overreach and you hurt public
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opinion, it is harder for us to help. host: to that end, you and other legislators handed a letter, what were you calling for? guest: to ensure the rules of war. we don't know who attacked the hospital but whoever did should pay a price. we want to make sure there are safe corridors for people to leave gaza and get humanitarian assistance in. they have to restore food and water. fuel because it is collective punishment of the people in gaza and we have to make sure we are providing substantial humanitarian assistance both to israel but more so of students in gaza because they don't have the resources. if we are going to be a partner that helps bring peace, we have got to be more objective to help everyone when it comes to humanitarian assistance. host: what do think about the military assistance about what the united states is providing to israel?
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host: i think there will be a big question on the floor. part of the supplemental will probably have funding for ukraine and israel and other things but it is also said to have humanitarian assistance. yesterday i heard humanitarian assistance may be incredibly pale and if that is the case, i think some of us are willing to vote against the supplemental if we cannot provide money -- if our bombs just created in gaza for many cases we have a response ability to provide humanitarian assistance back and i think it is important the white house and others are hearing that because there is a lot of hurt, 2.2 million people in gaza and they are not allowed to leave. you heard about the shooting of fish that shooting fish in a barrel line and that is what is happening. if we don't provide assistance, we are not living up to what the united states lives up to when it comes to helping. host: what does assistance look like to you and other democrats? guest: most recent estimates from the u.n. is they need
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between $3 billion to $5 billion to rebuild. not saying we are responsible for that but that is a big number and we have to have at least a big response from the united states to be helping as well. and assisting israel. i think together that is a package that has to happen. host: do you think republicans can be on board with that? guest: they better or they better learn how to vote. they can't even get us on the floor to vote so i would be more concerned about where i think democrats are right now. i have been supportive of israel in this attack. i signed the resolution but i do not do this with blind. i think it is overreach in gaza and i see it in a way we have to support innocent palestinians in gaza. they are not hamas, hamas is a specific organization and collectively punishing 2.2 million people for that is a huge mistake and we bear responsibility to help those people. host: represented mark pocan, democrat from wisconsin, serves a second district, thanks for
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your time. we will hear next from darlene in philadelphia, democrats line. hi. caller: good morning. i'm watching television and i have comments but i am going between the hospital being bombed, i think that is wrong and i believe israel did that. whoever did is wrong. i think this israeli revenge has to stop, hypocrisy has to stop. do i begin? the other caller said biden has been neutral and he has to be neutral. i think we have a system of laws and that is a problem and we are not following it. biden has bring back diplomacy. biden has to bring back diplomacy. we have leaders that cuffed -- have to come together. they never said how this started anyway. israel failed to protect people initially and now we are drawn into a war because we don't know everything that is going on.
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we have a dysfunctional government. we have -- had 147 republicans including jim jordan that failed to interfere with the bella transfer of power. i have a problem with that. host: bill is next in jacksonville, florida, independent line. caller: good morning. two points, i think it was a mistake right now. the president is laying his cards on the table too soon and appears to be reacting to emotional type issues because i have concern about how the abrams accord will be looked up from these other countries. second, i'm surprised mr. trump has not jumped in here and made comments or try to make a representation. things very much. host: from james in maryland, republican line. caller: yes, i have a couple things to say. as far as president trump, i think is one of the s presidents we had.
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[indiscernible] he has nothing to do with that. as far as president biden, sending our troops to ukraine and israel is weakening our country over here. then we have people coming in from the border into our country. who knows who is coming through the border, who knows who got terrorists coming to the border, these people are these people but they are in our country and people don't see that. host: we will go to ruben in philadelphia. democrats line. caller: good morning. i want to know, how do people expect him jordan who acknowledged where he was and what he was doing on january 6 to -- people. why do republicans blame democrats for not being able to hold up their own mess? do they believe democrats will
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vote against their own candidate? that's like me going to a voting booth and voting for the other person other than the person i want in office. thirdly, we need to standby ukraine. they keep saying we do not have money to sent to ukraine and now they have money to send to israel. they said we need money for americans but they voted against student loan forgiveness plan, they voted against child tax reduction act, they voted against -- some voted against infrastructure bill but they say they are for americans. every time they need a money -- money for america, they voted against the stimulus checks that came from people. so republicans are nothing but a bunch of blockades. they are even blocking their own selves now and jim jordan is not fit because he refused the subpoena. host: this is from ohio, independent line, william, you are next. >> i'm just calling to say why doesn't jim jordan just give up?
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he is not the right person for the job. he is disgusting as a human being. [indiscernible] i think a lot of people feel that way about him. host: specifically wise he not the right person for the job as an ohioan? caller: he is a loudmouth and he's not that great a man. ok? he never passes and i just can't vote for a man i couldn't vote for him for nothing. if i was on his side of the stay i would be voting for him all the time but i am on the others. is not the right person for the job and he is a disgrace to ohio. host: the speaker vote will take place later on this morning, 11:00 is the expected time the house is too gavel in. if you watch the process play out yesterday, it is a carbon copy of today. as far as setting up who is there and voting for the
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speaker. stay close to the main channel, c-span, for that and you can follow along at the app as well and also follow along on the website. when it comes to matters of , the ambassador nominee, lew, servede obama administration as treasury secretary. will be before the senate foreign relations committee for th company's confirmation hearing. several questions especially when it comes to a ram policy. you can see how that plays out live at 10:30 erie follow along on our app at c-span now. speaking of iran, it was the topic of discussion on the senate floor yesterday between two legislators. it was started by arkansas republican tom cotton saying funds scheduled to be released at the iranian government should be put on hold for now and this is part of the case he had made. >> the last thing we should do is give iran another $6 billion in a dangerous ransom payment for american hostages.
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under public and congressional pressure, the biden administration purported to delay the release of the $6 billion in concert with qatar. where the money is now located. color me skeptical of a quiet understanding between a soft on iran joe biden and soft on a mas government of qatar especially since the administration refuses to freeze the funds and reserves the right to release the $6 billion at any time without notifying congress or the public. and even more especially since the qatari prime minister and foreign minister stood on a stage last week with the secretary of state and said in arabic that there were no changes to the agreement under which iran could access the $6 billion. that is why senator mcconnell and i introduced a simple bill to prevent president biden from making the $6 billion payment to
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iran. it rescinds the sanctions waiver issued by joe biden and tony blinken, locking down those funds and preventing the iranian regime from withdrawing them. host: that prop today response from the democratic -- the democrats on the floor. we are taking your phone calls on either how speaker's race or issues concerning israel. this is from mike in new york, republican line. caller: good morning. you have the early unrepresentative i'm not sure if ware was talking so disgraceful about israel and hamas. he spent so much time talking about humanitarian crisis and gaza and he is asking for $3 billion to $5 billion to rebuild gaza. it is ridiculous, crazy, and calling the terror attack just a terror attack. as if one house was hit with no
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one injured here. 1400 people richard, babies, mothers, older people. americans died, hostages, and he is asking for israel to be cautious, no selective -- no collective punishment or something. if america had not invaded afghanistan, this is their 9/11. for every price civil -- they need to hold hamas for every price for a -- price possible. it is ridiculous, it is crazy, it is dangerous and i don't know why they keep hamas. host: your cause until 10:00 and then later on this morning 11:00 is the speaker's race, the second vote will take place today during the course of the morning. we will be talking with legislators about their perspective on it including representative carlos gimenez of florida serves the 20 district and homeland security committee.
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represented, thanks for your time. guest: my pleasure. host: how did you vote and what'd you think of the results? guest: i voting for kevin mccarthy for the last two weeks and i will continue to vote for kevin mccarthy. i thought they were more no's to jim jordan, probably seven to 15 and then we would vote for summary else and it ended up in 20, so at 11:00 i do not think that is going to change much. i do not think jim jordan will pick up any votes. he may lose votes. 11:00 would be indicative of what direction he will go. host: will you continue to vote for kevin mccarthy and onward? guest: yes i will. the last time we had a vote count, kevin mccarthy got 210 votes. steve scully struck out knowing he could not do it. i don't think jim jordan will be able to do it. i think for the good of the country they have to bow out and urge kevin mccarthy to come back and get all of their followers to vote kevin mccarthy.
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we had 96% of the conference vote for kevin mccarthy, took 4% of our conference and 100% of the democratic conference to kick him out of the speakership. that is something we need to rectify. that is why i'm still with kevin mccarthy, he is our best candidate. no one has come forward you their skull lease or jordan, no plans are any different than kevin mccarthy so that is the case. why don't we just go back to our leader and that was kevin mccarthy. host: if you want to elaborate on why a no for jim jordan? guest: a no because i'm voting on kevin mccarthy. a yes for kevin mccarthy because what some people call it is a drive-by shooting and you have 4% of our conference telling 96% of our conference what we have to do and i do not think that is right. so kevin mccarthy is our leader, it is obvious when we are in conference that he is our leader. need to get back to our leader, undo the harm done for the last two weeks by those eight republicans and 208 democrats
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voted along with republicans. host: if that is the support you have, has kevin mccarthy told you he wants the job back? guest: he has not but what he said all along is he will follow the will of the conference. that is what guides me, the conference needs to come to that realization. i think we have, that really he is our leader and we need to get him back, but i understand why he did what he did but this conference, this congress, the country needs him back and if we can -- we can get him and try to convince him to come back because he has always said he will respect the will of the conference. host: is there a place in your thinking or other republicans of this idea of expanding the current powers held by patrick mchenry? guest: there is. regardless, we need to make sure we get back and start operating so i think there are a couple bills, resolutions, on the floor
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, that our republican resolutions to do that. as we try to iron out how we will move forward, if it takes a day or two more, we need to get the house open angle back to business of the people so i would be very receptive to something like that. host: you don't think there's an appetite for a multistage vote like january? guest: say that again? host: you don't think there's an appetite for republicans under multi-day vote that put kevin mccarthy in the position in the first place? guest: no. jim jordan will get an indication quickly whether he will be successful or not. steve scalise did not even put us through a floor vote. he knew he would get there, maybe jim jordan will take longer to figure that out but i just do not see a path for jim at this time. i could be mistaken but at this point, i'm voting for kevin mccarthy and i know a lot of people that voted yesterday for somebody else are going to stick
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with their votes. i think we may pick up some so, again, i think we need to move on and both steve and jim need to talk to kevin and get him back and get all of their supporters to get back. kevin already has 210 votes and is closer than anyone else and i think that is what we need to do. if it is not kevin, we need to find a consensus individual member of congress to be the next speaker. host: is there a stand out far as who that person might be if it is not kevin mccarthy? guest: i hate to poison pill anybody since i'm one of the no votes so i hate to do that to any people. there are playing talented people in congress that have the capacity to be the speaker. i think it needs to be a consensus, not just one individual nominating somebody. i think we need to come to -- again, that is kevin mccarthy, he has the most votes by far of any person in our conference and we need to reopen the house so i will be pushing that initiative
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also. host: the president is in israel. what message do you think it sends by him being there and what message should he deliver for all involved there? guest: the message should be that america is watching, that america does not want to be involved but we are with israel. this congress is very much bipartisan support for israel, that is the strongest ally in the region, a beacon of democracy. and we need israel to survive and thrive, so i'm with israel and eggs -- and understand why they're doing what they are doing, and i fully support those efforts and i think the president needs to convey that also, not only to israel but to all of the countries in that region. host: you are on the armed services committee, what is the scope of u.s. armaments and manpower sent there and should more be sent there?
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guest: i have not been briefed specifically on what is there i know we have a carrier strike force in the area and i know we have the marine that come along with that carrier strike force, so they are combat ready and are always combat ready. i would hope that we do not have any boots on the ground. i think the israelis have always taken pride in fighting their own wars. all they need is material help from the united states so whatever material help they need , i will certainly support that because there are strong allies. i will always stand with israel. host: as far as that support, we had a representative on and one of the things he did talk about was more humanitarian aid sent from the united states. is that something you could support? guest: absolutely. they are trying to get civilians to leave the northern part of gaza and i guess they are shepherding them to the southern part. the last thing we want to do is
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see people suffering without food or water so yeah. or shelter. we need to provide as much a minute terry and help as we can. while at the same time giving israel the help it needs in order to wipe out hamas. we need to wipe out hamas. the only way to stop this in the future is to eliminate and destroy hamas. i have seen the images of what they perpetrated. that was israel's 9/11, multiplied, because of the size of their population. they cannot have this anymore. i have been to israel three times, and every once in a while you hear air sirens and have rockets attacks. you just cannot live like that. i have been to sarah dock where they have the bush shelters. they double as bomb shelters. can you imagine that >> -- that? they have been putting up with that for so many years. it is time it comes to a stop.
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host: it is reported the house foreign affairs committee mike mccall is drafting legislation for an authorization of the use of military force should things wide and between israel and hamas. is that any idea you can support? guest: i can come only when necessary, and that gives the president the authority to exercise whatever options necessary in the area to protect american interests but attacked american lives and help our allies. host: represented carlos gimenez joining us talk about events happening on capitol hill and internationally. thanks for your time. guest: my pleasure. host: we will continue back with your calls. robin in san diego, democrats line. thank you for waiting, go ahead. caller: i just wanted to note a few things to think about. one, yesterday, regarding the baptist hospital in gaza, one
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thing to think about, why is the media reporting numbers provided by hamas? a terrorist organization. that is number one. everybody is saying it was israel, they are reporting that anyway. everyone i've heard. obviously i don't know everyone but everyone i have heard is reporting it is israel and that they are quoting the numbers saying hamas said there is this many. number two, palestinian media is publishing pictures of the crater left in the parking lot at the hospital. so that is a good assessment that it is definitely very small. definitely not what you would expect from the israeli forces. another thing, it was reported
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at multiple places that the hospital was flattened and it is not, it is still standing. i'm not saying anything is ok about this. i am just saying it is something to think about, and you can see the overhead, the damages -- damage assessment photos overhead and can see the awning with the clay tiles. host: let's hear from another californian, john, republican line. caller: good morning. i would like to comment on both issues. the first issue about the house is i think everybody has to realize the american people voted in a republican house to basically stop spending and close the border. we had a speaker in there that would cross lines to get democrats on board and cross lines to support some democrats. but right now you have the democrats that will not cross
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lines. that is the big problem. really it is the democrats problem in the house -- that the house is closed and the guys said insanity is trying to elect somebody -- insanity is trying to elect hakeem jeffries over and over when you never have the majority. that is the definition of insanity so they need to -- democrats need to support republican majority. it is time to cross the lines for democrats. as far as israel, i would like to say i think israel is in the right place they want to be right now. they've got gaza surrounded. i don't think they should put any palestinians out. i think they should keep them in there, they should co-opt their food, water, and medicine and in two months we will get our hostages back because we can trade them for food, water, and medicine. host: let's hear from jeff in ohio, independent line. caller: i am an independent and
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i will tell you what, it is nice to hear two democrats that think freely and not with the group. i have two points, one, the reason we got rid of mccarthy was because he refused to release january 6 tapes and on top of that, we are turning around and they want single bills to be voted on instead of cramming everything down and shoving it in their park. we the american people are tired of pain. we are $33 trillion in debt, $33 trillion, people. when is this going to stop? they will not stop it. another thing, this aid owing to israel, israel does need aid, ukraine needs the eight. the problem is everybody that is giving aid to ukraine, they refused to have an auditor placed in ukraine to figure out where all of this money is going. it is obviously not going from weapons so, you know, we the
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american people had enough of this and if these people don't get it together, we will get them together. host: that was jeff in ohio. you heard earlier about the debate on the senate side from tom gon concerning iran and funds set to be released. a response from vermont democrat peter welch who gave his own perspective on the potential release post funds. here he is from yesterday. [video clip] >> i want to disagree this is a characterization of more money going to iran. when this was negotiated, there was great care given to the fact that this money had to be fenced off so it could only be used essentially for humanitarian purposes. i am talking about medicine, medical devices, food, and agricultural products. let's keep in mind this we have an adversary in iran with the
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iran revolutionary guard, but there are a rainy and's suffering and who do need medicine. our beef is not with the people, it is with the government. how are these funds limited? no banks can approve any one of the transactions. this money is not in the hands of iran. for any money to be released, we have the back above guitar where the funds are deposited. the money cannot be approved for any expenditure to any vendor unless it gets approval from the united states government first. so there is constant monitoring to make certain the purpose that
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it be for humanitarian use only is met. host: the debate in and around capitol hill and a lot of those, whether it be the house speaker, the president's trip to israel, related matters, you can comment until 10:00 on those the numbers will be on your screen. you can tweet us if you wish -- sorry send a post on x and post on facebook and text us at (202) 748-8002 -- (202) 748-8003. kevin in texas, hello. caller: thanks for taking my call. i want to say united we stand and divided we fall. the greatest eye to america is one within. the factor jim jordan is up for speaker of the house for the whole united states should set alarms offer everyone. this guy is a politician that is about division. that is the only way united states will be destroyed. host: that is kevin in texas,
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legislators joining throughout the morning including montana's representative matt rosendale, republican and freedom caucus member. good morning. guest: good morning. glad to be here. host: what was your assessment yesterday? guest: we saw jim jordan secure 200 votes on the floor, we had 20 members voted against them. i have not heard true opposition to a policy that jim is trying to advance and these folks are opposed to so i'm hoping that cooler heads will prevail. i am hoping tempers come down a bit and we are able to get him seated as the next speaker of the house of representatives. jim has demonstrated in his work previously that not only does he have the ability to accomplish great things with where he has been sharing the judiciary and extracting information that is so critical for the people across our nations and see how our government is functioning but then he has a unique ability to articulate that to the american people in a fashion
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that they understand. he can take complicated and complex issues and describe them so everybody can understand and put them in layman's terms. i am very hopeful that sooner or later we will be able to see jim as the next speaker of the house. host: do you think he has the day-to-day skills to run the house of representatives? guest: i absolutely do. if we want to look at his work he has performed on the judiciary committee, that is not an easy task. they have had some very complex investigations that have been conducted and he has been able to bring the entire committee together and take those issues and make sure they are parsed down so that the individuals are able -- on the committee, are able to extract information that they need exposed from the different witnesses that come in and that takes quite a task of choreography to bring that together. i certainly believe he is going to be able to direct to the same
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type of work from the speaker's office. host: if the vote goes today, it does not go to him, would you advocate for repeated votes on his front or should there be a change of direction? guest: i think what we need to do then is take a recess and that is a jim jordan call to determine how long that would need to be so he has the opportunity to take a folks that have shown opposition to him, bree able to bring them into the room, have conversations and try to address what are the true concerns and if there is certain policy issues they want him to make sure he addresses as we move forward, that is an agreement they can have. if it is something that we need to allow tempers to settle down or these folks have concerns that their constituents shared with them, those are all conversations that jim can have with the different members that still might have some reservation. host: representative jordan as a
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key person not thinking of another person in his place? guest: i think so. we have seen it will be difficult to see to someone in the speaker's role based upon the diversity of our conference. steve scalise was not able to secure enough votes to come out to the floor. he could have but steve saw he had too many hard -- really hard and that hardened no votes against him and obviously i played a role in removing speaker mccarthy because he had demonstrated that he was willing to secure more votes, garner more votes from democrats to pass agenda then he was even the republicans. host: what is your comfort level about expanding the current speaker pretense power? guest: i think that would be a huge mistake. one of the problems we saw the last 15 to 18 years was the consolidation of power within the speaker's office and within what they call the rules committee.
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so many of us members fought hard in january in order to restore the rolls. it was a change of the rules but a restoration rule so we have regular order in congress again so each member is in power. we do not have a super legislative status that has been granted to anyone that gives them higher privileges and control than any other member. i think it would be a huge mistake right now to try and grant additional powers to the speaker pro tem. host: is that the general consensus of the freedom caucus overall? is that your perspective? how much is it shared by colleagues? guest: i think that goes well beyond the freedom caucus be i have not had a lot of opportunity to speak to men -- many members but most of the members of congress, they do not want to see the reconsolidation of power into anyone's hands. that is dangerous. host: as far as the ultimate question about how you get congress running again and if
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there are issues getting to that point, what should be done? guest: i will say congress is running now. this is part of our republic, this is what we need to do. if you want to make change, you have to make change, and what we have seen over the last several decades is the accumulation of power but we have also ceded the accumulation of debt. we are at 33 trillion dollars was listening to your callers before you brought me on and they recognize that is the biggest threat facing our nation right now and if we do not disturb you the power back out to the members, if we do not get people to recognize, we cannot continue to accumulate this debt, within the next five years, the interest to service that that will consume about 50% of the annual revenue we collect, and if you think we are having serious discussions now about what we need to do about government programs, once 50% of the revenue is gone, it will be
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magnified dramatically, and that is in five short years. we have to be honest with ourselves, we have to change direction and folks that are not willing to change direction, we need to make sure there is a new person not in charge steering the ship toward fiscal sanity which is going to have security for our nation. host: when it comes to other matters including the president's trip to israel, we have been asking legislators where they are as far as the trip but not only that, the expected call from the white house for more aid to israel, ukraine, and other matters. guest: i'm very disappointed the president is using an inside the beltway tactic to combine aid for israel with -- to make sure he can squeeze additional aid for ukraine. this is 100% wrong. you have well over 100 members of the republican conference just last week vote against sending additional aid to
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ukraine. we do not know where it is going, what is being used for -- it is being used for and as far as supporting israel, we do support israel and if the united states senate would get back to work and pay us the department of defense appropriation bill and stay for an, that the house has already passed and sent over to them, we can provide $3.8 billion of additional aid to israel today. host: matt rosendale, the representative who serves montana, a member of the freedom caucus, thank you for your time this money. guest: thanks for having me on. host: it was a little earlier today that the president and secretary of state, antony blinken, met with first responders in israel. they treated the victims of the hamas onslaught and your are some remarks from earlier today. [video clip] >> israeli has been touched by the bloody hands of thomas. what i found is the nation that is united, yes in grief but also
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united in resolve. and we know the pride israel takes in the ability to defend itself by itself but as we want to make clear, you don't have to do that because we are here. we are here too, to make sure you are able to defend yourselves and deal with something that is i think on a basic human level almost on the mansion of a. so hard for any of us to process . it has been so important for me to talk to so many of you because that is what makes it real. no one understands that better, no one feels that more than the president of the united states. pres. biden: [indiscernible] too many suffering makes the
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stone of heart. [indiscernible] none of your hearts have turned to stone yet. [indiscernible] that is what i think it is about, discord. host: that took place a little bit ago. you can go to our website to see more. the associated press reporting on the house side saying it is bipartisan groups of lawmakers floating those waist operate t house, giving greater powers to the interim speaker, which we have been talking with our representative guest throughout the course of the morning. the washington examiner' david drucker reporting on the president's trip saying it is further white house ballroom or to with those traveling with the president in israel and what makes you shove israel was behind the explosion in gaza? he said i was shown by my defense department. i guess that is some of the
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reporting done in light of those two events which we are talking to you and you can comment on. in michigan, republican line, we will hear from katie, hello. this is katie in michigan, hello? caller: hello. host: you are on, go ahead. caller: i am from michigan. and what i would like to say is why don't we have more republicans in the house and senate and why is our united states army and air force and all of them sleeping on the streets? while the president is spending money going to other countries. it's a disgrace.
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and that is all i have to say. host: katie in michigan. on the republican line, lori, democrats line. hi. caller: hi. i was calling today, i am a lifelong democrat. host: are you a republican or democrat? caller: i'm a democrat but for republicans. the extreme left and extreme right need to grow up and be adults. we need to work together like we used to. as for jim jordan, someone who turns a blind eye to molestation , sexual abuse, and took part in the insurrection has no business in my congress let alone being the speaker of my house. go ahead and finish your
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thought. caller: this is a mess that could not have been handled by dutch handled better by anyone else. host: from richard in chicago, independent line, hi. caller: yeah, under -- hundreds of billions of dollars in additional aid to ukraine in israel should be accompanied by a territorial concessions by israel to the united states for civilian business military so that americans get something substantial for their investment in israel and the middle east and palestine and we need a small base for american military and as to future hostages, present hostages, and more stability in this area of the world and hundreds of millions of dollars israel and palestine
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are led by hardliners, extremists, crab pots, and this is going to eat up more and more money in the future and we need to have a small military land presence in israel. host: vincent in nevada, republican line, you are next up. caller: good morning, pedro. i wanted to touch base on both topics if i could. both the house and the travesty of the impacts on israel. so when it does come to the house situation, at the end of the day, both sides of these guys are jokes. we've got clowns on the left and right. it has basically become nothing more than hey, can my team beat your team? we've got a coke verse pepsi situation where neither one of them are passing any sort of legislation that is going to accomplish anything substantial.
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at this point, we are approaching a shutdown whilst they argue over nothing. in regards to the attack on israel, that is certainly a travesty. that is really something that honestly could have been avoided with the slightest with of global involvement. the strange part is somehow we -- when you discuss this, we are always talking about the casualties and deaths but it's weird somehow they never seem to reflect what is happening on the palestinian side. we talk about the debts of israeli babies that have not been proven but we want to ignore the fact over 50% of the palestinian population is under 18, so if 2000 palestinians have died in the last week, even on
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just basic rough numbers, you got over 1000 children's died. host: that's vincent in nevada, part of your call from the courts of the morning on either the speaker's race that is currently still taking place in the house and events overseas with the president in israel. joining us to talk about both matters, representative pat ryan, democrat from new york. represented ryan, thank for your time. guest: good morning. host: as far as acceptable way forward, -- ways forward, what would you like to see as far as the house because race? >> we have to get -- guest: we have to get the work and deliver and stop what has been an incredibly divisive and dysfunctional 118 congress from january. it is time, i believe, for folks in the republican party to stop acting as partisan, start acting like patriots, let's form a bipartisan way forward. we continue to see failure after failure again yesterday and move
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us forward to deliver for the american people and folks in my district are just absolutely sick of it. in each round after each round to nominate a more extreme, more far right, more mag republican in jim jordan for example, a known insurrectionist, and someone who has never passed a law in their entire 16 years in congress, we have to do better than that. host: as far as the power-sharing agreement floated, what you think republicans would go for it and how would it work practically? guest: if folks are listening to their constituents which i have been, from across the political spectrum, they want us to get back to work and deliver and avert a shutdown, they want us to support allies in israel, they want us to stand with partners and allies in ukraine and want to deter risk and threats from china, vis-a-vis taiwan, and other things. i believe, i'm still any optimist that when our representatives on both parties
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listen to their constituents, they will hear please come together in a bipartisan way forward, let's make some sort of agreement to get back to work and i think we are seeing the pressure build from that. certainly the democrats, myself, and all of my democratic colleagues were ready to do that and willing. we heard that from our leaders so hopefully that happens today. we cannot afford another day of maga chaos in the house of representatives. host: what level of comfort would you have given patrick mchenry or power as speaker pro tem? guest: we -- direct form the congress as we have for 250 years and the party a majority, in this case republicans, choose their speaker. he continued to fail to do that. it is on them to do that. we are always open to hear proposals but i do not think a temporary band-aid when things are already broken really gets us where we need to go.
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host: you are on the house armed services committee. when it comes to military affairs and the united states sending munitions and other things to israel, what is your level of comfort in that? guest: i want to be crystal clear and we cannot remember what happened just over a week ago. one of the most or ethic, barbaric, and truly evil attacks against our most important strategic ally and closest friend, israel, we have to back them 100% in everything that they need, particularly vis-a-vis military equipment, munitions, defense applies, i proudly voted on the arms services committee to do that previously. hopefully we can form the congress again and do that again here and stand with them strongly as they fight against hamas. host: as far as the support as it currently stands, should it be expanded and -- and to what degree? guest: we need to expand support and maintain the unprecedented support we provided over the last decade and in particular we need to rapidly provide
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munitions for the iron dome, munitions for their air defense systems, additional equipment for their mobilized hundreds of thousands of reservists. we have to make sure they are protected and safe as far as ammunition, weapons, body armor, all of the things that are critical to do what they need to do and keep the idf safe. we also of course have to insist on following the rules of war, preventing in every way we can humanitarian crises and civilian casualties, something we always focused on in the u.s. army, i was an armed intelligence officer so we where mindful of that. i know our israeli partners are mindful of that but we have to deliver decisive defeat to hamas. host: is there way congress could at least access intelligence as far as the cause behind the hospital bombing? guest: i know all hands are on deck certainly in the administration under president biden and as well as my
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colleagues in congress to figure out what happened there, what is happening more broadly, what happened a little over a week ago, so painting the intelligence picture and it is too soon to have that information. one of the things i learned as an intelligence officer, the first report is usually wrong, you have to take a breath and let the situation develop and get the picture and make an informed decision. every decision we make and certainly our allies are making has great consequence and wait to it so we cannot rush things, we have to take our time. host: represented pat ryan, serves the 18th district joining us for this conversation as many members of congress have. thanks for your time. guest: thanks so much. host: back to your calls, this is dana in indiana, democrats line. caller: yes, i am calling to say that jim jordan being the leader or speaker for the house would be nothing but chaos.
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that is all they have dealt in all this time that they have been in office, nothing but chaos. stop blaming everything on the democrats, especially mccarthy. it is ridiculous. all they want to do is talk about blame and who has done what and but everyone down and let's get to work in the house. i'm not so sure republicans are not doing this on purpose. and make sure they don't have someone there in the next four weeks so they can shut down the government. then of course blame the democrats and party in rule right now. they don't have a way to say it is our fault. it is ridiculous. where does common sense come in? where does the government govern for the united states people? for the citizens of the united states. it is ridiculous. host: let's hear from trudy in maryland, republican line. caller: hello.
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i'm a first-time color. i want to say it is good biden is in israel, it gives us the respect -- it shows the respect we have for them and shows that we are really thinking about other people. now, for jim jordan, no. he is a bully that could govern anybody. we need to have someone who has sent -- sense and he does not have sense. host: what republican would that be? caller: i would suggest maybe they need an outsider to come in and help them. i would propose larry hogan. he is used to working across the line and he would bring sense back into the republican party.
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we need people like him instead of jim jordan but i would say no to him. and no to anyone else there now bang because they done spoiled the pot and once it is sour you cannot un-sour it. host: that is trudy. larry hogan former governor of maryland, south carolina is next, independent line. caller: how are you? host: fine, go ahead. caller: i want to make two comments to the democrats and then i want to make a comment about the israeli situation. let's not forget what nancy pelosi, the iron lady of congress, said how many years ago about we must pass this bill before we know what is in it. so you will pass a bill with 9000 pages you don't know what is in at but the republicans are so stupid? let's not forget what harry reid
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to dashed into the senate by blowing it up with 60 votes. so all you democrats out there that think you are smart and that you know all this and jim jordan is so terrible, nancy pelosi was a monster. host: how did those two things relate to the speakers race? caller: nancy pelosi was the speaker for how long, sir? host: right, but you are talking about legislative matters as far as passing bills, we are talking about the process of electing a speaker. how to those things relate? caller: all i'm saying is the democrats keep commenting about jim jordan as a horrible man and a terrible person and is so bad and nasty and vile, look at what nancy pelosi did and what harry reid did. , that is what i am saying. host: and to israel? caller: israel, they have been fighting each other for 1000 years. they need to try to tone everything down. it will be hard to do because now we are in a situation. my family is from the middle
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east, some of my family is from the middle east, going way back, and i think it will be a volatile situation. listen, the jewish people have all of the right in the world to defend themselves but we really need jordan, we need these other countries to step in and try to help to tone this thing down because if we do not, it will be a powder keg affect everywhere and will come to the united states. host: that is tim. axios reporting it will look to representative dave joyce of ohio, the chair of the moderate republican governors group, with plans to introduce a measure to expand the powers of the speaker pro tem. he plants a try to introduce a privileged motion which would force the house to vote on a resolution in two legislative days. if jim jordan fails to win the speak about on the second -- second ballot, the plan is dependent on mchenry recognizing joyce on the house floor and that is not a guaranteed outcome. look for that playing out around 11:00 today. stay close tower main channel,
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c-span. the app is c-span now, the website is this is sharon in florida, democrats line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i'm calling in regards to the house speaker selection. i hear people keep saying congress is broken but i believe it is the republican party that is broken. the republicans would have been on a different situation had the senate voted to remove trump during either one of the two impeachments. now that the convicted sexual salter is facing 90 plus counts against him, he is calling the shots area the house republicans can't or won't select a moderate because the maga wing will not abide because trump is pulling so high as their nominee. i would like to say when the democrats were in control of the house, say what you will about nancy pelosi, we had a far left wing of the party but she was able to pull people together and
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make -- passed legislation, get things done, and now we are at a standstill because the infighting. host: jim on the republican line, bentivegna. caller: thanks -- pennsylvania. caller: thanks. i'm on the state committee in pennsylvania and we are very what -- what dashwood very much frustrates me, i wish the republicans will look across the aisle. the democrats do not all think the same and i don't think cap of them like each other but they have the ability to stick together when it comes to voting. i think the republicans that got votes for speaker, the ones i caught six votes, eight votes, those guys need to step up and say, look, don't vote for me, vote for jordan, we need to unite and get this country back going. i'm not sure what members are
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doing as a republican whip in congress. that is his job to get everything -- everybody back together. if we go for a temporary speaker in place, we will never have a speaker because they will just kick the can down the road and make it easy for everybody, then i hear people calling jordan an insurrectionist but nancy pelosi , there is piles of evidence she allowed it to happen by not having the national guard come in. host: jeanette in new jersey, independent line, hi. caller: hi. host: you are on, go ahead. caller: hello? host: you are on, go ahead. caller: hello? host: one more time, you are on, go ahead please. ok. thomas in kentucky, democrats line. hi. caller: how are you doing? i don't know, it is like people in this country have lost their iq.
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i am trying -- i wish you could explain to people what the funding in ukraine and funding in israel, we don't send them money. we send them ammunition. we learned from the iraq and afghanistan war, we don't send boxes of cash anymore. we send them the things they need. host: one more call, josh's in maryland, republican line. caller: hi, thank you for taking my call. i one to speak in regard to the speakers race. i am a moderate in maryland and so i am very disgusted jim jordan got as many votes as he did for speaker. i am very proud of the representatives who opposed him for nomination and i hope they will stand firm in that
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opposition. we need somebody who is not a coup sympathizer, someone who respect the rule of law and respects outcome of elections and i would encourage my moderate gop friends to figure out a deal with democrats or whatever. we've got to have congress running, we have to have an ndaa and a budget. we are in dangerous times. host: two things to watch out for today, as many of you have already known the speakers race, the second vote scheduled at 11:00. a lot of procedure before that, before the vote takes place but you can watch it on c-span on our maintainer and app at c-span now. later on this morning, on our app, it isenate foreign relations committee confirmation hearing for jack lew to become the abbasid are to israel, currently the nominee for the biden administration. watch out for those things to take place to get -- today and be ready to comment on it tomorrow. another addition of "washington journal" comes your way at 7:00. we will see you then. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2023]
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