tv House Speaker Election Coverage CSPAN October 18, 2023 10:45am-11:09am EDT
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there and had -- and have this cowardly line in my opinion, for him to mumble to the prime minister in this very weak statement saying that we are taking these really live when it's obvious that what will come after that is more bombing and an invasion that will lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths, and most of those people are not hamas. host: c-span is your unfiltered view of government including these companies and more including charter communication. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers. we are just getting started, building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most.
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>> charter communications supports c-span as a puic service. alon with the other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> you're watching c-span's live coverage of the election of the house speaker. about 15 minutes from now the house is set to come in to see if they can elect a speaker of the house. if you were watching yesterday you know that didn't happen, concerning particularly the speakership of jim jordan. he'll make another go of it again today. if you want to comment on the process as it plays out, do so on the phoneline. republicans 202-748-8921. democrat, 202-748-8920. others, 202-748-8922. text us as 202-748-8923.
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you can also commented on facebook or on x. if you remember, there were 212 votes for hakeem jeffries, and 200 for jimordan. 20 repns voted for others. we'll show you the pwho voted against and not voting for m jordan to become speaker of the house. which leads to the question, happens today? what might happen as the process plays out and you continue watching on c-span. joining us to help walk through that is emily brooks who covers congress for the hill. mrs. brooks, thanks for joining us. guest: thanks for having me. host: talk about what's expected today when votes come down and what it means for jim jordan. guest: today we'll see petty much what we saw yesterday in the sense that there'll be a quorum call.
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the members will arrive, make sure that everybody is present because the number of members present is important for that speaker math when it does get close. but after that, then we'll go through roll call, call each omember's name and they'll vocally choose a candidate. and what jordan wants to see here is to demonstrate that there has been movement. that he's turned some of the 20 who voted against him yesterday to now support him and show these republicans that there is movement. they can support himent. there's momentum mind him. we are expecting at least one of those republicans who has said he will flip and support jordan on this ballot after voting for mccarthy yesterday, that is doug lamalfa of california. but we are hearing from a lot of jim jordan's allies that they are worried that he is going to actually bleed votes in this next ballot and lose votes after
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what they say is an intense effort by lobbyists to sink his candidacy. it should be an interesting vote. host: do we know what mr. jordan has done between yesterday and this morning north to foster more support for him? guest: he has been meeting with some of the holdouts but we don't know -- what we don't know is what exactly the holdout rts looking for. but we saw this in the last speaker election in january, we had a list of demands essentially for the holdouts as members of the house freedom caucus and their allies who were say, we want change. the motion to vacate rule. assurances on spending in this way. and it's just not the same situation right now with the holdouts against jordan who are, a lot of them are saying i
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they're not liking how this process is playing out. the fact that their first nominee, steve scalise, the majority leader, was forced to withdraw after jordan supporters refused to support him. there's just a lot of frustration and hurt feelings in the conference right now. >> if there's a scenario where the vote takes place, mr. jordan still doesn't get the votes are they expected to be multiple rounds like we saw in january or is some type of fallback plan in place? guest: that's to be dempled i will say that yesterday jordan did say there would be another vote yesterday and then that was postponed until today. so it's not a great sign if he does not want to come to the there are and keep voting. but there are -- it is like a fallback plan being discussed aamong some republicans. some skeptics of jordan who are not necessarily strong supporters of him, to empower
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speerk pro tempore patrick mchenry to be able to have him move more legislation on things like aid to israel, aid to ukraine. appropriations bills with that looming, november 17 government funding deadline. and make sure government and the legislative branch can still function as republicans have yet to coalesce around this a speaker. host: if one of those things doesn't happen, election of a speaker or granting those powers, is the house expected to stay in the -- continuing into the week to try to resolve the issue? guest: right now, every single day sup in the air. now over this past weekend, members did go home sort of in hopes that heads would cool. tempers would subside. and republicans could come together. you know, scwr dan did flip a number of the people who were opposed to him.
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coming into yesterday's vote. there were 55 republicans in a closed door conference meeting on friday who said they would not support him on the floor. that obviously went down to 20 yesterday. so we'll see how many of them can continue to still support him or if some want to signal they want to move on to other options. host: the process starts a few minutes from now. walking us through what to expect, emily brooks of "the hill." thanks for your time. guest: thank you. host: again, we'll take a few of your calls up in until the process starts and stay with c-span throughout the day as the process plays out. 202-748-8921 for republicans, democrats 202-748-8920. others, 202-748-8299 -- 202-748-8922. you can also text us or contact
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us on facebook or x. michael, thanks for call, go ahead. caller: i just want to say that i am for mr. jordannened i hope he will win speakership for the republicans. and i'd like to say one thing else. host: why specifically jim jordan? why to you support him? caller: because i think he's a strong republican. he will back the republican plan. and hopefully we can go on and get a new president because our president belongs in a hurting -- in a nursing home. host: ok. let's hear from gary in new hampshire. democrats line. gary, good morning, you're next. caller: good morning, i oppose
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jim jordan's nomination to be speaker of the house. she a trump supporter. he is an election denier. they are all in denial that trump is a -- trump is a criminal. trump is a criminal. that's all there is to it. we are a nation of laws. it is about time the republican party stopped their shenanigans and get to governing this country and get this country back on track. or else come next november, they're all going to be voted out of office. host: richard in michigan. our line for others. that you can call in at 202-748-8922. richard, you are next up. good morning. caller: good morning. i don't support jim jordan either. i believe he's a poser or pretenning to be something he's not. one of the frrns that is, i saw a picture of him holing a fuel pump nozzle, i don't believe
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he's ever been in a trunk. i may be wrong about that but i don't think. so his positions, like someone prior said, a trump supporter. and denies the election. holding up the progress. i don't believe that's a good idea either. last few other things but i don't want to go on all day. somebody mentioned liz cheney, i thought that may be a good idea. at this point i don't know what's going to happen. host: less than five minutes from now the house expected to come in and start the possess of the speaker election. you heard our guest talking about the quorum call that needs to take place in order to establish who is there then it's on to who will vote for whom, name-by-name, person-by-person, as people give their picks to become the next speaker of the house. stay close to c-span. if you have to walk away from that go to our app, krferg span now. you can also follow along on our website, james in minnesota, republican line. caller: i'd like to express my strong support for jim jordan.
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i believe he's a person that really cares about this clint. wants to bring this country back to values that it should be. and he's somebody that will help get the senile, incompetent, demented joe biden out of office. host: ok. that's james in minnesota. it was earlier this morning on our "washington journal" program we were joined by several legislators to talk about what they were expecting today. representative matt rosendale giving us his time. he's a republican from montana. talked and was asked about the idea of expanding the pows of the current speaker pro tem to manage the day-to-day business of the house until the formal speaker is elected. here's what he had to say about that. mr. rosendale: i think that would be a huge mistake. one of the problems we saw over the last 15, 18 years was the consolidation of power within the speaker's office and within what they call the rules committee. so many of us members fought very, very hard back in january
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in order to restore the rules, it was a change of the rules but it was a restoration of rules so that we have a regular order in congress again. so each member is empowered. we don't have a super legislative status that's been granted to anyone that gives them higher privileges and control than any other member. and i think it would be a huge mistake right now to try and grant additional powers to the speaker pro tem. host: is that the general consensus of the freedom caucus snoaferl is it your perspective? how much is it shared there? mr. rosendale: i think it goes beyond the freedom caucus. i haven't had an opportunity to speak to many members this morning but most members of the congress don't want to see the reconsolidation of pow entire anyone's hands. that's dangerous. host: again that interview earlier from our "washington journal" program.
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go to to see it there. the house set to come in. 200 people supported jim jordan direct24r0eu678 republicans voted against him. where the numbers go today is anyone's guess. stay close to c-span. we'll take your calls until the house comes in to start the process. wilbur in virginia, democrat's line. hi. caller: good morning. pedro, as a democrat, i would just like to see the republican party destroy itself from within. for the next 20 years. and the republican voters just get mad and stop voting. if they hate each other, just imagine what they really think about the o'american people. i want to see them destroy themselves from within. host: in north carolina, joanna, republican line. you're up next, hi. caller: hi. my name is joanna and i'm calling to ask the republicans to get their act together and to
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get at it and to vote for jim jordan. and stand with israel. and tos remember that god said israel is the apple o eye and if anybody is reading the hble i believe it's in matthew 24, they're g about how thingswars and rumors of wars. host: before we go to the house why specifically jim jordan. caller: christian nation we were founded under. host: that's joanna there. you saw a little bit of representativeor dan's background and bio. again he wants to bring all those things to become the next speaker of the house. the house just about to come in. we will take calls up until the point that it does. peter in arizona, independent line, we're returning short on time, jump in. caller: ok. we need a a -- like everybody is saying we need a speaker of the house and if it's jordan, let it be jordan. let's come together as republicans, i'm an independent, but i lean republican, because
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the democrats do nothing. we're in this mess as a world and a country because of democrats. there's no excuses. and as a man of color, i'm a latino man, and as far as i did my homework on the democrat party. and as a person of color, why would you be democrat from all the history of the democrats? it blows my mind. and the republicans, the infighting is ok. that means they're not in line like a bunch of lemmings like the democrats are, they'll fall off the hills, like that say, the lemmings will fall off the hills following one another. that's what democrats do. host: ok. that's pete for the arizona. again just, you see on the house floor there, preparation for activities to begin when it comes to the speaker election. again, we'll go to mary, mary in new york. dems' line. short on time, mary, jump right in. caller: just calling in support of something getting settled. i'm disappointed with the
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republicans, they tide up everything and the fact that they're still getting paid for their chaos. i'd like their salaries to be fined for the past two weeks and i hope they can come to a consensus government that will work for everyone. thank you so much. host: again that's mary. let's go to mike in north carolina. on our line for others. hello, mike. caller: hey. why can't the democrats just nominate a republican speaker that is right down thed my snl don't you think that would be the smartest thing to do? host: why would you expect them to do that in. caller: we know they won't. but nay know the people they're dealing with, wn it be great to know what you're dealing with instead of jim jordan? host: what do you mean by that? caller: we moe jim jordan is so far extreme, we don't want that as a government. we had kevin mccarthy.
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we knew the evil we were dealing with. so why not just go back to what we knew the evil we had? host: ok. mike in north carolina. there were 200 votes for jim jordan directly in support of his attempt to become speaker of the house. 20 republicans voting against him. we'll see how the numbers might change today. ernie in ohio. republican line. go ahead, please. ernie in ohio. hello, good morning. let's try one more time for ernie. ok, let's hear from dee ann. dee ann in arizona on our others line. caller: hello, good morning. host: good morning, go ahead. caller: it's dee ann from eark. host: i'm sorry, i apoll use. caller: that's ok. i really am strongly supporting
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jim jordan as speaker and pray to the republicans will confirm him and come together. they can learn only one thing from the democrats and that is stick together. there's only a few that i would like to see better than jim jordan even and they're the 20 that are the true pay pais trots. let's just call it what it is. maga republicans. these are the people who really have the heart of the patriots and the american people who want to see a change. if you want to change something, you've got to change something. mccarthy was weak. ok. the only ones i would rather seo see trump as speaker. wouldn't it be security for the american people to know that our former president was third in line to make the decisions that knead to be made right now with our world in such upheaval bawd of the biden administration.
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host: ok. that's dee ann there in arkansas. again, anybody can be nominated to become speaker of the house. doesn't necessarily have to be a member of congress. most likely will be a member of congress. you've probably seen that play out over the last few, couple of weeks as this process has played out. democrats line, sheryl in virginia. hello. caller: hi, good morning. i'm so concerned for what i'm hearing. are people absolutely brain dead when they say they support jim jordan? the man denies the last election. he has no integrity. very much like mccarthy. so why would we trust him? and seriously, trump? people, you haven't learned your lesson. host: again, one of the things we may see play out after this vote is this idea that some
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legislature -- legislators have floated about expanding the current speaker's powers, speaker pro tem patrick mchenry, giving him day-to-day operation of the floor to pass bills etc. we'll see as that plays out if that becomes an option as the day plays out. you're seeing the house doors with members of congress set. it was spoad to start at 11:00. we'll probably see that start in the next few minutes. we'll take your calls until then. roy in mississippi, independent line. caller: good morning, how you doing? i just can't hear like the last lady said. can't understand these people around this country. forget he's an election denier, he has not passed any legislation in 15 years. that should say a lot about the speaker you want to have. i just don't support him. host: ok. donna in florida. republican line. caller: hello.
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yes, i'm calling because i am kind of tired of hearing the democrats nonstop talking about trump being a criminal and the election deniers. they need to get their facts straight. jamie raskin, hakeem jeffries for election deniers as were a whole list of other democrats in addition joe biden, crime family, they are the real criminals. all the bribes, biden is is compromised. host: we're speaking to the house speaker race today. what do you think about that going on? she hung up. fillip in maryland. independent line. hi. caller: hi, how are you doing? i really am dumbstruck with all these republican people calling in and supporting trump. it makes me angry when they say that trump is worthy of the white house again. and jim jordan is one of trump's supporters and he's an election
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denier. he's an insur exist along -- since rexist along with insurrectionist along with trump. host: our next caller. caller: i would say to republicans, take it easy, take your time, think things over. give us the best speaker, not just somebody who didn't do anything. host: do you think jim jordan is the best speaker? caller: well, it's up to the republicans. i believe that mchenry is, they want to take their time. take their time. the situation is not dire. we're not desperate like gaza or hamas. host: but the idea that the house of representatives can't function in a sense without a speaker, do you think that's not a dire situation on its own?
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caller: no. this is different compared to the 1970's or 1980's. this is not the same as those days. host: how so? caller: we have all the technology. we have all the options, information not symmetric. a lot of things can be compromised. host: ok. let's move to dan in pennsylvania. democrats' line. caller: they call him a legislative terrorist. he's never passed a bill. including voting for a reform bill. host: it was former speaker boehner and former speaker gingrich. you can find online on exrveg both supporting this idea of the expansion of powers when it comes to speaker pro tem. speaker gingrich put out an op-ed on it. it was picked up by robert costa
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of "the washington post." it was agreed upon by the former speaker of the house john boehner on his x feed. again that's just one of the options that could play out during the course of the day. you're seeing the house of representatives there. just about to come in to start this process. at least we were told, 11:00 was the time. but we will take your calls until that time. 202-748-8921 for republicans. 202-748-8920 for democrats. 202-748-8922 for all others. post on x,@cspanwj. mason in tennessee. you are next. independent line. hi there. caller: yeah, i was just call, i wanted to address the fellow from arizona of color. host: let's stick to the house speaker race.
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