tv Washington Journal Alex Rouhandeh CSPAN October 27, 2023 12:09am-12:39am EDT
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host: we are back with alex rouhandeh here to talk more about the house speaker yesterday. alex rouhandeh, how did mike johnson do it? guest: it seems that once republicans came together in the conference meeting following majority tom emmer bowing out of the race, speaker johnson really emerges that consensus candidate. congressman of new york told me that once they went into the round of voting, they narrow down a candidate. he emerged the person that can bring the most conservative republicans and the moderates together. other members stressed that he was a listener, someone who will take all voices to account and hear what they have to say. host: like fitzpatrick from
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pennsylvania, others all voting for mike johnson. why do they see him as someone who will possibly listen and include proposals that they would like to see in legislation? guest: mike johnson's voting record, he was one of the people that post certifying the 2020 election. also opposed the same sex moderate mill. it seems that it came down to bait temperament issue. it seemed to be someone they believe that will hear them and consider their needs. for the more conservative and moderates, he seems to be someone who did not have the baggage that some of the prior members of leadership had. he has not violated any promises. that is sort of how they came to see him as a consensus pick. host: he definitely has
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experience like the others do or did in leadership position -- doesn't have experience like the others do or did in leadership position. guest: he has never been in the leadership positions. he was head of the republican study committee and vice chair of the conference. those aren't roles where you are overseeing a broad operation. now that he is a speaker he is going to have a larger staff, he is going to have to do fundraising, he is going to have to leave policies. eight new position for him to be in. he is overseeing a lot more people, has a lot more voices and consideration as opposed to the type of leadership he has to see just as a congressman from a louisiana district. host: how much fundraising? explain to viewers what it takes to obtain and retain a majority. guest: millions of dollars.
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congressman kevin mccarthy was a top-tier fundraiser and would bring in all of those types of the big donors that the parties need when they are nearing these midterm elections. speaker johnson, he has done this type of fundraising rep -- representing a rural district. not like the large-scale kevin mccarthy had to leave during his tenure as speaker. host: one reporter noticed he was a 200 and something seniority yesterday. now he is at the top. what is his to do list? guest: he has a big task ahead of him and he has to make sure the government does not shutdown by the deadline. congressman kevin mccarthy agreed to a democrat. that was one of the reasons that the republican teamed up with the democratic party to oust
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him. that will be priority number one for speaker johnson. he has to really come together and unite in caucus and provide aid to america's allies. there also talks of taiwan being included. i'll have various levels of need. in the -- they all have various levels of lead. in the ukraine front that is a issue that has divided. while the majority could be supporting the eight by ukraine, it is a very -- paid by ukraine, it is a very --. host: the president has sent over a request of 100 billion, 60 billion four ukraine, 40 billion for israel, taiwan and the border. all combined, will that give to the floor by speaker johnson? guest: it is tough to see that happen right now.
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mitch mcconnell has been adamant about wanting to cl of those issues grouped together in one building. the house republicans, they see israel funding as their number one national support -- priority. that could be a tough issue for speaker johnson to bring forward, even though a majority of his party seems to support funding. largely senate republicans have been behind bringing forth that funding, they asked that the president has brought forth those number, those might not shape up to be exactly the goal that present biden has put in place. host: could that be tied to any continual resolution that they possibly have to do. november 17 is when the current continual resolution runs out. guest: i think it is something we will be looking to see in the coming weeks whether those two
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issues will be tethered together in the pressure allots on lawmakers to ask. when congress nears those types of situations, we could see more done than what is being done under a less pressure circumstance. host: i encourage our viewers to call in and tell us your reaction to hearing that. it will be interesting to hear, especially from republicans. democratic callers, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. republicans, (202) 748-8001. what is happening over on the senate side while the speaker contest has been under national going on over on the house side. what have they done on appropriations?
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guest: the senate has been unable to really come forward with anything because they can't really act without a speaker there to bring forth an issue with the house. they are working on the appropriation bill. we have to pass a 12 about the funding deadline, not necessarily the november 17 deadline. they are working on the appropriation bill for transfer transportation, military construction and housing. three different appropriation bills together, that package is currently in the process of senators bringing forth amendment to bring forth changes . we can see a vote on that sometime next week, which would be a big step for the senate and advancing that. host: is it expected to pass? guest: it seems like it would have the support to pass.
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those three are not necessarily most divisive of spending bills. all of the members feel like they have their concerns heard. we can definitely see that pass along bipartisan lines. host: what will speaker johnson bring to the floor in the coming weeks of november 17? guest: on the appropriations front, the energy and water is a top priority for speaker johnson. he wants to get the house back order and have them move forward . the republican, the republican house is important for a negotiation stance to bring back -- forward those bills. they aren't something that the senate or the president would agree to. host: john in ohio. republican. you are up, first. caller:hi.
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johnson, he is a good guy. a christian. i think it is mostly about the way the way they held on rather than the republicans getting together and actually put their heads together. host: i am not following. what were you saying? what is by design? caller: not having a speaker yet . it was more putting their heads together and seeing what was doing. host: you agree with how this played out over the last three weeks? caller: yes. host: someone else who agrees is
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matt gaetz, who says he filled dedicated -- vindicated -- feels vindicated. guest: he sees speaker johnson as someone who can bring the caucus together, who will listen to the conservative priority. he does not have the baggage that mccarthy has. he has not allegedly broken promise that speaker mccarthy broke. with johnson it is a clean slate. he is someone that they feel like they can work with. host: we heard from matt gaetz and some of the others who voted to oust kevin mccarthy after jim jordan -- i believe it was the second time saying, we will take center. we will accept getting kicked out of the conference. in exchange, those people who are mad at us vote for jim
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jordan. will the conference take them up on it now that it is not mike johnson, will there be any repercussions from matt gaetz and others? guest: it is hard to see if and when that will happen after weeks and weeks of inciting that some are calling the republican civil war. numbers are -- members might be hesitant. we will see what the constituents and how much pressure they are putting on their members against those aid. it feels like the republicans really want to look forward and shift to a united front after a costly three week -- few weeks of insight. host: we can pose that question with our viewers on what they think should happen. jenna. independent color.
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aller. caller: i cannot understand a man who lays his hands to god and says he support this country when he denies joe biden even won it. this is the first leg for our country going into communism. thank you. host: let's take the first part of gina's comments, what role did he play in trying to overturn the 2020 election. guest: congressman johnson was one of the leaders in bringing forth a brief that was part of a lawsuit in texas to challenge the results in swing states, georgia, wisconsin, arizona. with that brief, he brought forward 100 house republicans signed on to it was brought to cash it was a big effort.
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host: what role does the former president plague in mike johnson as speaker? guest: johnson was not someone his top choice. he was vocal about supporting jordan. he was very vocal also, his opposition to emer. we thought mike johnson emerge as the candidate. while the president's role was not the direct -- not the most direct in pushing for johnson, he did play a significant part in helping johnson ultimately take the gaveled. . host: independent. caller: this country is falling apart. $32 trillion in debt. inflation is high. everything is up.
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mostly the democratic callers think everything is running smooth in america. yes, i do not believe president joe biden got more votes than anybody in history, neither do the average american. i am just concerned, billions dollars to ukraine, israel, other countries and now we discussing how we going to fund the government on a new bill. the american people are getting pennies. we are struggling out here in the real world. washington is a democrats republican, donald trump, the maca republicans -- maga republicans. nothing substantial for the american people. guest: there are certain -- certainly in number of concerns americans have in situations we are living through right now. inflations are high.
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many people are hurting. part of that comes through the devastating pandemic that uprooted the endemic. all of the -- uprooted the epidemic. those concerns are being heard. we will see how those various concerns that you laid out play, 2024 at the -- played out in the 2024 election. caller: good morning. that sweet gentleman just spoke. he is a wonderful man. god bless him. he speaks the truth. the, this morning was about a previous caller who said that mike johnson --. host: we are not hearing you
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clearly. you are going in and out. i'm going to have to ask you to call back on another line. joyce. portland, oregon. independent. caller: can you hear me? host: we can. caller: i have a question for the men of they are. mike johnson, so he made it as speaker but he is also a -- person. if you want to throw your country away with republicans, go ahead. trust and believe they are going to shut the government down. they want to get rid of social security, medicaid, food stamps. they do not care. they rather burn this country down. i really do not care about being a christian or whatever. host: does he trump republican
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-- is he a trump republican? guest: he seems to have the voting record to say he is a trump republican. he did vote as we talked about to not certify the election. the democratic congressional campaign committee are working to share his records with voters. a spokesperson referred to him as a jim jordan in a sports coat , alluding to congressman jim jordan and always wearing his jacket. that is the message we are seeing from democrats as they are trying to take back the house in 2020 four. 4. caller: good morning. i am concerned about matt gaetz, the congressman in florida that seems to be the kingmaker.
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you have to have his support in order to be speaker of the house as a republican. i read on the, which is a straight republican paper. gaetz is -- for providing drugs to teenage girls for whom he had sex. he had pictures of nude women that he was showing other house of representatives on the house for bragging he had sex with them. this is common knowledge amongst everybody in congress since he is under investigation. nobody even mentions this. he is the kingmaker. please explain this to me. host: the ethics committee investigating matt gaetz? guest: the ethics committee is
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looking into matt gaetz. some of the circumstances are not clear. stories about gaetz you have spoken about have been circulating for some time. in this very divided congress where republicans need to 17 votes to elect a speaker, a representative like gaetz, if he has the coalition can come and exert significant influence over the party. that is how we see members of the party exerting that influence. while we had hard wing conservatives in congress in the past. what makes this congress unique is a very small margin makes the congress control a chamber. as gates has said publicly to the media time and time again, he sees significant support in his district. as magus's district supporting him, -- as long as his district
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supporting him. host: what happened to the motion to vacate under speaker mike johnson? guest: it is something to see. something that is still they are. we do not know whether that is something johnson is going to push for or rather he would have the votes to do so. while johnson does not have that baggage that some other leaders have maybe not means he is seen as someone who has broken a lot of promises, a person like mccarthy that could anger a letter people. it remains as a threat. something that could come about. unlike the situation with mccarthy with him joining democrats to pass the continuing resolution to keep the government open november 17, while he was seen as violating some of the promises he made to conservatives by doing that, these members seem to acknowledge that johnson did not
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put the congress in the current situation that it is in. he has to work with democrats on that issue. it is expected that conservatives do not bring forward the same opposition speaker mccarthy. host: in florida. republican. caller: i have a question and a comment. the comment i would like to point out, every single democrat in the house of representatives continued to vote against all of the republican candidates as speaker, including mccarthy. there were eight republicans that voted against mr. mccarthy but there were 200 plus democrats who also did that. they have helped more than anybody else to -- continue the confusion that has taken place in the house of representatives.
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the question is, do you see mr. johnson by any chance trying to address the growing national debt? thank you very much. have a nice day. host: before you answer the question, have republicans ever crossed out a vote for a democratic nominee of the speaker of the house? guest: they did not cross the aisle for hakeem jeffries to his nomination for speaker. host: is this traditionally a party-line vote? guest: it is traditionally a party-line vote. it is something that is seen as one of those lines i generally do not. to the point that the caller asked about the national debt, johnson is a fiscal conservative. he is someone who has drawn the support of those hard right members who have made it very clear that they want to see the national debt addressed. we could see -- expecting to
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make that a serious priority under his role as speaker. he said his plan to bring forth a bipartisan congress to get both artist working together to address the issue. host: mary lou langley connecticut -- mary lou in connecticut. independent. mary lou, are you with this? independent. one last call for nearly. mary lou. karen. republican. caller: what maga is trying to exchange the way that washington d.c. votes right now. fundraising, the fact that they wanted mccarthy because he is a great fundraiser is completely wrong. these donators that they are
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voting to -- they are big corporations. that says something in return. if you want to get reelected, go knock at the doors in your area and tell them why you need to be reelected. they need to pass term limits right away. that was on a lot of people's problems. the fact that people keep calling it. the republicans are not going to take away social security. i heard one lady call that they are going to take away social security. they are not going to do that. host: we will leave it there. we did have a caller talk about that. first caller out of the gate mentioning the republican budget. she pointed to, which of the papers did as well today, with the republican committee has done about addressing social security, addressing medicare. i do expect more debate on that if there is a bipartisan
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congress or legislation on the floor to deal with the debt? guest: the republican study committee has put more than their past plans. the idea to slice some of those social security and medicare. it is not necessarily to get rid of it outright, but make some changes to it. i do not see that as being an issue that republicans are going to really want to dive into, especially due to the fact that they do not control the senate and the presidency. they do not have the ability to make serious changes. it seems like that will not be the top priority on the list of the limited time we have left. host: alex rouhandeh reporting. you can follow his announcer: c-span's washington
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