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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  November 18, 2023 3:31pm-4:08pm EST

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eastern on stanford university's author of the world side see, journey of exploration and discovery at the dawn of ai. her journey to become one of the leading scientists. she is interviewed by jeremy sue . watch online any in book >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government, funded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> do you think this is just a community center? it is way more. so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything.
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>> comcast supports these along with others giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> president biden was at a press conference after his meeting on wednesday with the chinese leader and he spoke about the resumption of military to military dialogue with china. we are re-assuming military to military direct contact. that is been cut off and that is how accidents and misunderstandings happen. we are back to open, clear communications. vital miscalculations can cause real trouble with the country like china or any other major country. i think we're making real progress there as well. i welcome the positive steps we've taken today and it's important for the world to say
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where using american diploma cy. we made sure there was no misunderstanding, in the months ahead we are going to continue to preserve and pursue high-level diplomacy in both directions to keep the lines of communications open between president xi and me. we agreed that either one of us could pick up the phone call directly and both would be heard. another story we are following that broke yesterday is van altman is out as the openai's ceo after a skirmish of the board. openai pushed out sam altman out saying he was not being consistently candid in his
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communication following a series of classes over the company's direction with members of the ai board. it's board concluded that altman which it did not specify where hindering its ability to exercise his responsibility. the board no longer has confidence in his ability to lead openai. we are still looking for your calls on your top news stories those numbers are (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8002 for independents. let's start with lisa on our democratic line. caller: i'm talking about the judges decision to keep trump on the ballot which is the most
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ridiculous decision they can make. by that standard, the president is the highest military officer in the land over all military. not to mention the fact the original law against insurrection says whomever, does not restrict anyone. this idea that it does not specifically say the president is ridiculous. especially when the founding fathers did not want a tyrant like trump in the white house to destroy the constitution. it lacks common sense and that is the problem. we have no common sense and records.
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that's what i was going to say. host: thank you. other news where following where the tensions flaring on capitol hill as a result of the spending deal that avoided a government shutdown. tim burchett of tennessee accused kevin mccarthy of elbowing him in the kidneys on tuesday morning while he was talking to a reporter. he explained what happened to my new garage to -- manu raju. [video clip] >> i was giving an interview to npr and i got a clean shot to the kidneys and when i turned around, there was kevin. for a minute i couldn't think of what happened and then i chased after him and as i've stated many times, he's a bully with
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$17 million in the security detail. he's the kind of guy who could throw a rock over the fence and run home to hide behind is mama's skirt. that's not the way we handle things in tennessee. >> he hate you with his elbow. -- hit you with his elbow. what you mean you taste him? >> i ran after him. you don't have to hit very hard to cause a lot of pain and as he always did, he denied it or blame somebody else. it was a little heated but i backed off.
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everybody sighed. >> but he responded to you? >> he just asked like what are you talking about? who are you? that's symptomatic of the problems that he has had in his short tenure as speaker. host: once again we are taking your top news stories of the week. let's go next to glenn in illinois on the democratic line. caller: couple of things. the guy holding up all of the military promotions. host: tommy tuberville? caller: right. and president trump and all the
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trouble he is causing around. i can't see the republicans going after trump the way they are going. the next thing you are going to do is have a dictator in the white house and biden is doing a terrific job and all of these red states should look at all the blacktop going down on the highways with all this money that biden is putting out. he is doing things for the country that trump never did. they get on the wall again, what is his name? will be there to collect the money like you did the last time. when you took all this money for the wall and now he is sucking
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up to donald again. that's about it. but it perturbed me to no end. and i am actually a vet and i took my coat off and i think these congressman's need to come up with the note. host: let's now hear from mike in maryland. on an independent line. caller: yes, good morning. i agree with the gentleman before me. i have a rhetorical question. why is donald trump not a domestic terrorist with those comments he made last week.
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it just doesn't make sense that is not recognized. i consider him a white supremacist domestic terrorist. and i hope everyone has a good day today. host: now let's hear from norm in pennsylvania, go ahead norm. caller: hello? host: yes, go ahead. caller: i am calling all of these people calling in about the republicans. one of they talk about the democrats and what is going on with all of that stuff? what about the riots going on at the dnc and all that. you never cover stuff like that. host: is that your top news story of the week the riot at the dnc?
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ok, thank you norm. let's go to stephen in lexington, kentucky. caller: good morning, happy saturday. this is the first time i've had the privilege of talking to you. my biggest story is our presidents failure of handling the israeli/palestine conflict. i can kind of tell that they are a little older than i am and a huge generational gap and race cap on how people are perceiving this war in the middle east. new polls show that biden is having trouble with his constituents and the people who support him like myself. i wanted to vote for him again but now me and my friends and family members, we have a feeling that he is not hearing
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us. he is called genocide joe because of the way he's handling this word. my biggest story is a disconnect between our president and his supporters in the american people. his votes will be split different ways because of this. this is the time for a third party and i am a democrat. thank you for having me. host: here's a story from cnn politics about those protests outside the dnc that the protest encapsulate progressive angst that could imperil biden's campaign. israel could not have asked for a better friended israel but rising anger inside the democratic party around israeli attack on gaza is causing
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restlessness among younger voters it appears to be an increasing political risk. they exacerbate their weaknesses in his party which may pose the biggest risk to his second term. on the independent line let's go to and in north carolina. caller: last time i was cut off really quick and i heard other people express their opinions. i wanted to comment about being on the ticket for presidency. i read the 14th amendment and it says the office of an i am 79
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years old in history was my major in college. one thing i heard all my life, you would run for the office of the president. he's an officer of our country. he ran it became the officer of the presidency. he is the officer over all of our military and tommy tuberville has made a mockery of that part of our government. i hope all these republicans listen to me. i am an independent and i listen to all the channels on tv and i never heard of anybody as hateful as sean hannity in that group on fox. i have tried to listen to them
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and give them the benefit of the doubt but i wonder if they would be making fun of roosevelt now because his presidency was from a wheelchair. i have arthritis in my hips and knees and i walked just like joe biden and i am very well-versed. , intelligent person. i watch sean hannity pick out clips and snippets and watch the whole speech on joe biden every time he and trump gives one. i have never heard anything, they call him a tossed salad. what about trump?
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he doesn't give speeches he stands up there and throws out stuff. host: i do want to follow-up what you were mentioning as well as the earlier caller about the colorado judge that rule that trump engaged in an insurrection but can still run for president. that came in the case that argued trump was barred from returning to office. in politico, a colorado judge turned away a challenge to prevent trump from running for office using the 14th amendment. a handful of other states have also turned away those challenges. the top stories from william,
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number one the process for stopping fentanyl, hostage release progress in reference to thengng conflicts between israel and hamas in the uing resolution passed by santos as well as the divis of the electorate by political french and congress. that was william from middleton, connecticut. let's hear from laura in spokane, washington on the republican line. caller: my top story this week was watching these rapid marches going through our country and these people assaulting people and tearing things up and jumping up and down for a so
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called genocide when there is no genocide. israel has been there for 3000 years. jewish people had been there for 5000 years. hamas has had control of the palestinians since 2006. there has never been an apartheid of the palestinian people. here they are demanding the genocide of the jewish people and i think that's just disgusting. and these people are so violent while marching, just like rabid dogs. there was not an insurrection you don't know what you're talking about. all this crop about trump when you have biden and their he was taking billions of dollars from china and every other country he can get it out of.
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things are getting into the arrears in this country. that's all i have to say. thank you. host: thank you laura. on x there is a comment, my top news story is there is no government shutdown. congress has made sure they did the bear minimum to keep the nation running so they can reach their goal of going to vacation early. on the democratic line you will hear from tim in alabama. caller: good morning. my top story is what is going on over in palestine. with the u.s. and israel. biden has inherited, the united states have been supporting israel since 1948.
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he is supporting the genocide going on from netanyahu on the palestinian people. they talk about october 7, but you have to look about what has been going on with the palestinian people. they have 19 prisons over and israel where they have kept 6000 palestinians and torturing them over there. the palestinians are fed up with that. they have been brutalized daily in the streets of israel. the other thing which i think is important, when i say genocide, the jewish people are not the only ones who have genocide. the american indian were killed
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by the millions. the african people were killed by the millions. more than 6 million, 20 million africans lost their lives coming over here and over 100 million indians lost their lives when the spanish took over this continent. the main thing i would like to point out, the reason all of this is going on in the middle east which is for land and resources. today it is palestine, tomorrow it will be another north african or muslim country because they want to take over the mineral resources. host: let's hear from de in nashville, tennessee on the independent line. caller: hey, good morning.
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i just really wanted to say what the country is going on, the direction. i know people hate donald trump but they need to think about their children, grandchildren. this country is not going to survive another four years with the administration you have in there now. people don't realize that donald trump was a disrupter in the one world order. the globalist actually run this country, not joe biden, not the obamas or the clintons. it is all run by globalist. they are told what to do by them. if people don't really wake up
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they are going to wish and pray they did have a donald trump in office when this election is over next year. host: next up we have marshall on our republican line, go ahead. caller: hey good morning, thank you for taking my call. i pray you give me the time you gave the independent. there is so much going on in the country but i would like to give a little bit of pushback. recently on youtube, wikipedia has quit calling the insurrection and insurrection they call it a capital attack. this was no insurrection. they use the term to make it worse than it was. the fact that we have da's and judges, mostly democrats and democratic states bringing donald trump into court to stop
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him from running for president. the american people see this. the only people who don't say are willing -- who don't see it are willingly blind. the democrats are going to find some way to cause chaos in this country to stop the next election or to interfereik the fbi in the mainstream media along with social media. these are facts. on a greater scale, we have a president and i appreciate what the color said about globalization. we have a president that is a puppet. he stood and told the american people that if you don't get
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vaccinated you won't work. you will be able to go to a restaurant. these are words of a dictator. thankfully, he was stopped by the constitution and the people would not stand for. the fact that he would think he could even do that. democratic voters need to wake up and see what's going on in our country. as the globalization of the world and we can have an america stands above all other nations as a beacon of light. to the democrat party and many republicans america needs to fall in line. host: something you have mentioned is the attack on the capitol on january 6. speaker johnson has said he will make 44,000 hours of footage available to the general public.
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a story about that announcement and how speaker johnson said he will publicly release thousands of hours of footage from the attack on the capital making good on the promise he made to far right members. the newly elected speaker said the first tranche will be released on a public committee website with the rest of the 44 hundred hours posted over the next several months. a viewing room will also be set up in the capital. some of that is available online now and available at c all video footage released to media outlets will be uploaded to a viewing room for public access.
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the subcommittee will continue to populate the viewing room with additional footage for public review and this will be on the website and that link is not up yet but we will have that for you. on x, they have the same story senator johnson followin through with releasing the january 6 pes. the cha subcommittee reading room is up and there is video on there already. you will be able to find that online as well through the house subcommittee's website. let's hear from dorothy in baltimore, maryland. caller: i hope i can have enough time as i have a lot to say.
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this is a strange country. you have an ex-president who was found guilty of sexual abuse by a jury. this is not a conspiracy. a former president he was found guilty for stealing from his charity. this is not a conspiracy. he was also found guilty for a fraudulent university and this is not made up. this was in court. why in the world would you want someone to lead, even if the republicans want someone there. why would you choose that kind of man? he did cause and insurrection. they can call it what they want.
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they harm police officers and beat them up to try to get to them to stop the election. they wanted the vice president to do something he wasn't even legally able to do. every person testifying against tromp are republicans he had in his own cabinet and administration. people who worked closely with him. from chiefs of staff to five-star generals said that trump is not capable of running a country. the economy that trump left in shambles. our economy was good the day he
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was inaugurated. we need to stop praising someone with his character. thank you for listening. host: from our text message line, bob in belton, missouri said that his top story of the week is republicans have not done a single bill in nine months. what could be wrong with the year? let's hear from jim in north dakota on a republican line. caller: hi. can you hear me? host: yes i can hear you. caller: this is a great show. i am a conservative and she made some good points. a lot of great calls about fox news. real sincerity coming through the airwaves. i agree about that with fox news i don't watch it much anymore either.
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my top story would be the riots at the dnc. you didn't show any images of it and it was pretty harrowing. the democrats inside the building one of them said he felt he was at january 6 again. of course fox news is the only one who shows things like that. they were very angry those young democrats. it was not an insurrection but it was a riot. host: we are showing images of that on the screen now. caller: 75 million trump supporters were at work. i was working in north dakota came out for a smoke and someone tells me about it. i had no idea i was supposed to
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go there to take over the government. it was a couple of 1000 idiots and they were punished pretty badly for it. i remember #disrupt january 20. there were riots during the inauguration there were cars set on fire and people were attacked. during the george floyd thing, they pulled down a statue and set a church on fire. trump was taken into an underground bunker. host: i wanted to give a little more detail since you brought up the protest. we have some information about it. at least one person was arrested with demonstrators calling for
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cease-fire in gaza where they illegally and violently protested outside the dnc. lawmakers who are inside of the building for a fundraiser set on x like capitol police evacuated them from the building and all members of congress were evacuated from the area. demonstration organizer said that 100 participants suffered injuries after being pepper sprayed and pushed by police. next up we have john in michigan on her independent mind. go ahead. caller: hi, my name is john from michigan in about a week ago on msnbc we know about the disinformation with reference to the election in 2020.
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i am wondering when the republican conventions are taking place when they start doing those with trump and nikki haley and ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy. if trump wins the first one and nikki wentz the first, second and third. host: the republican national convention for 2024 is scheduled for july 15-18. caller: if trump does not win the popular one or because the nominee if all of a sudden he is going to have a fit and save the election was rigged. i don't know what's going to happen. that's just one of the questions i have. host: one of the other stories
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we've been following this morning is the controversy on the hill with members of congress having disagreements with each other over the funding bill. we had one of our earlier viewers mention that they notice nothing got done by republicans in congress this year with a similar sentiment on wednesday by texas republican chip roy who called out fellow republicans for their inaction on cutting spending. [video clip] >> for the life of me i do not understand how you can go to the trouble of campaigning, raising money, coming to this town as a member of a party who advisedly stands for something. stands for reducing spending and eliminating debt, securing the
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border, strong military, ending though wokeness killing our schools and kids. and then do nothing about it. one thing i want my republican colleagues to give me one thing that i can go campaign on to say we did. anybody sitting in the complex if you want to come to the floor and explained to me one material, meaningful thing the republican majority has done besides well, i guess it's not as bad as the democrats. host: back to your calls, michael is in new york on the democratic line. caller: yes, good morning. host: make sure you turn down the volume on your tv. caller: i did. let me just say this, if you are
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watching and listening to all the news articles that are top stories here. i think the one that worries me the most at this point is what is going on in israel and what they're doing over there. quite frankly, i think that is a powder keg and i think the palestinians and israelites they are a division themselves and in the middle east things can erupt out there. we have to be stronger on foreign policy when it comes to trying to obtain piece and when we have divisions in our own country the way we do that affects the outcome. we have to bring it together. i don't know how we are going to do this with all the division of politics we have today. we have a lot going on in this country and donald trump is stirring the pot.
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i am


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