tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN December 5, 2023 1:11pm-1:32pm EST
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a very good monday morning to you. start calling and now. this is the headline from washington post. white house warns congress of an urgent need for ukraine funding. there was national security advisor jake sullivan in a briefing room echoing those warnings yesterday. [video] >> on ukraine, omb director shalonda young sent a letter to leaders explaining without congressional action the administration will run out of resources by the end of the year
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to procure more weapons and equipment for ukraine and provide equipment from u.s. military stocks without impacting our own military readiness. the resources congress has provided for ukraine and other national security needs have halted russia's advances, help ukraine achieve significant military victories, including taking back more than 50% of the territory russia previously occupied, and by revitalizing our own defense industrial base jumpstarting and expanding production lines and supporting good paying jobs across the country. now it is up to congress. congress has to decide whether to continue to support the fight for freedom in ukraine as part of the 50-nation coalition president biden has built, or whether congress will ignore the lessons learned of history and let putin prevail. it is at start of a choice and we hope congress will make the right choice. there is no magical pot of funding available.
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we are running out of money and we are nearly out of time. congress has to act now to take up the president's supplement request which advances our own national security and helps a democratic partner in ukraine fight against russian aggression. host: jake sullivan from the white house briefing room yesterday. the letter from the omb director getting this response from the speaker the house mike johnson yesterday afternoon. "the ministry and has failed to address any of my conference's legitimate concerns about the lack of strategy in ukraine, a path to resolving the conflict or a plan for adequately ensuring accountability for aid provided by taxpayers. the administration is continually ignoring the catastrophe that our own border." house republicans result any national secrecy supplemental package must begin with our own border. we believe both issues can be agreed upon if democrats and the white house will negotiate reasonably."
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the speaker of the house yesterday. this was senator ron johnson last week on the issues, talking about border security and ukraine funding. [video] >> we have one leverage point here. the administration wants funding for ukraine. we need to use that leverage point and make any funds that go to ukraine contingent on the administration actually reducing the number of migrants being dispersed in america. since this administration has been about has been in office 6 million people have come in. 1.7 million are detected got aways. we don't over the other 5.3 billion people are. those that are -- million people are. this is out of control. you have hamas calling for days of -- you think there might be a
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bad person or two? it is a clear and present danger. what the senate must insist on is if they take out the supplemental, looking at funding for ukraine, republicans in the senate must hold firm to not pass any bill that does not include benchmarks -- hard benchmarks, the number of migrants dispersed into america or detectable got aways or any other category. when need to deny closure on any bill that does not include that hard metric. host: senator ron johnson last week. we are expecting chuck schumer will try to move a bill that will serve as a vehicle for ukraine aid and other emergency funding for israel and for taiwan as well. that emergency packets abide administration is trying to move, that vote expected in the
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senate today. it's expected to come after a classified briefing with senators with ukrainian resident volodymyr zelenskyy. taking your calls this morning asking if you support additional u.s. aid to ukraine. lines for if you say yes, no and if you are not sure. randy is up first out of michigan. caller: good morning. i would like to thank you and the other minute women it takes to bring us this program. you are doing a great service and happy holidays. host: same to you, randy. what are your thoughts on ukraine? caller: we have to deftly support ukraine. that is the real threat to this country. we -- it is just as important than what we did for 9/11. now you're dealing with a gentleman over there in russia that actually has nuclear weapons, has a military and a navy, air force.
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terrorism is a terrible thing, but terrorism is more or less a nuisance, not a real threat to national security. as far as the administration having to negotiate to have what our goals are, we have a goal to illuminate terrorism. -- a lemonade terrorism. -- eliminate terrorism. you have to negotiate with people that are willing and honest to negotiate. you can't throw out these -- we need to support ukraine. i believe that is our top priority. thank you for my time. host: thanks for that call. bill in alabama on the line for
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those that are not sure. why is that? caller: my opinion has evolved and i think no more funding for ukraine until we have an inspector general or someone is in charge of where the money goes, where the weapons go. i'm really disappointed that our government, the biden administration is taking money to pay ukrainians wages and for the government. why are we spending so much money in ukraine going to their border when our border is wide open? host: if there is a deal that comes together that includes new
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funding for new border measures, would you then support that along with additional aid to ukraine? that is the crux of the argument right now. caller: to be honest with you i don't trust this administration to do anything they say they're going to do. he is not trustworthy. he should be impeached. i'm sure he will be. host: that is built in alabama. michael from lafayette, tennessee. caller: good morning, c-span. thank you for taking my call. i completely support the biden administration and the ukraine funding. we need to see here that funding today and get it passed. these people are fighting for democracy. if we lose that then there goes western europe and eastern europe.
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putin will just roll right over. i support biden and vice president harris. i know they will be reelected in 2024. trump will not be in the white house. he is going to go on trial and hopefully be convicted of his crimes that he is accused of. thank you so much for your time. host: anthony in iowa, good morning. the line for those who say no to additional aid to ukraine. why? caller: no, we should not be giving this money away to these other countries. we need to take care of america. we have people living in the streets and veterans with nowhere to live. we need to use the money for ourselves and quit giving it away to other countries. i don't care who the next president is. thank you. host: you don't care who the next president is going to be? we lost anthony. john from new jersey, good morning. caller: good morning. i totally support aid to ukraine. we have to defeat putin.
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it's unbelievable what he's getting away with and now with the israeli issue, no one is talking about it too much. i am a dyed in the wool republican from the nixon era. i'm 75 years old. i don't like the fact that a republican colleague -- our republican colleagues are raising all these issues about what is wrong with ukraine. we don't know what is wrong with ukraine but we have to do if he russia. yes, we should absolutely secure the border. biden has been a disaster. that will cost him the election but those to meet two separate issues. host: you talked about the nixon administration. what were your thoughts when you find out henry kissinger died last week? caller: he's a great man. everyone tries to denigrate him.
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they destroyed nixon. yeah, these are fabulous people. these are great people. people who stood up in the middle of the cold war and tried to work things out. i don't understand why they are denigrated frankly. i really don't. host: an interview with henry kissinger from this past spring with the economist. kissinger for the safety of europe. get ukraine into nato, hireling to the conversation they had with him months before he died. what are your thoughts on ukraine joining nato as henry kissinger was advocating for? caller: he was a smart man. he knew it better than i do. of course he wanted to do that. the argument has been that russia is reacting this way
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because we have expanded nato and apparently we pledged not to do that. i'm not sure. it's very complicated. of course. russia was supposed to be an ally after the wall fell in paris troika and glasnost. it seemed to be working for a while, frankly. we had seemingly very good relations in business, all that stuff. i'm not sure with the turning point was. i'm not smart enough to know. i read a lot of history. putin felt he was threatened with nato expanding and then the crimea and georgia, etc., etc. he's got to be stopped. end of story. host: that is john in bridgewater, new jersey. tributes to henry kissinger continuing in today's papers.
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we showed you a couple yesterday. this is walter russell mead in washington journal. henry kissinger on power and morality as the headline. "for kissinger, the construction, attending and repair of a balance in global affairs was the supreme moral and clinical challenge of statecraft, especially as nuclear weapons made war on survivable -- unsurvivable. it required more bombs in north vietnam and cambodia, send in the b-52s. any guilt or shame attached to such moves belongs to those whose follies left the u.s. with nothing but bad choices. kissinger was a victim of his own success. once america's position had been restored americans turned in revulsion from the methods and men responsible for turning the tide. jimmy carter wanted to focus on
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human rights. conservatives like reagan wanted to replace kissingerian detente with anti-soviet approaches. neither cap understood the ability to pursue ideological goals was the consequence of kissinger's achievements." if you want to read more, that is in today's wall street journal. back to the conversation about ukraine and on capitol hill i vote to move the vehicle that would be the funding vehicle for additional aid to ukraine. that is planned in the senate today. it was announced on monday but chuck schumer -- this was chuck schumer on the floor of the senate. [video] >> america's national security is on the line around the world. in europe, the middle east and indochina. autocrats and radical extremist are waging war against democracy, against our values, against our way of life. before the year is out support
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the senate to pass a national supplement package providing aid to ukraine, israel, humanitarian aid to innocent civilians in gaza, deterrence against adversaries in the indo pacific. both parties understand the consequences will be severe if we fail. just this morning omb director shalonda young warned congressional leaders absent action from congress funding to help ukraine will run out by the end of the year. alarmingly, the process on the national security package has been on ice for weeks. not because republicans objected to israel aid or ukraine or humanitarian aid in gaza or the indo pacific, but because republicans have injected partisan and extreme immigration measures into the debate. let me repeat that. the hold up on the security
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supplemental has not been over ukraine or israel or the indo pacific, but over republican decisions to inject hard right immigration measures into the debate. democrats agree. immigration should be debated and addressed. but if republicans want to raise the issue of immigration right now the onus is on them to present us with bipartisan ideas. host: chuck schumer on the floor of the senate back on monday. the conversation among senators continuing for weeks and months on this topic. senators tweeting their thoughts ahead of this vote and ahead of this briefing happening today with vladimir zelenskyy. pattyury saying the admisttion is out of money to support ukraine. now it is up to congsso act and there is overwhelming bipartisan support to get it done. we need to step up and support are always or we chse to give putin the upper hand. mark warner virginia. time is running out to pass the
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package. we must act noworkraine and their fight against authoritarianism. j.d. vance, senator of ohio, quoting from his letter to the editor that he sent to the washingtonos weapons of war made in america does not jti sending them abroad. americans no longer support aid for ukraine and neither shoots of bennett -- the senate. taking your phone calls as we ask you simply you support additional u.s. aid to ukraine? the line for if you say yes, no and unsure are on your screen. this is david in tucson saying he is not sure. why is that? caller: good morning. i love your show . i'm not sure on where exactly is going. i have nothing against ukraine. seeing the kids getting killed. we need to know where our tax money is going.
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that is what my concern is. yesterday i was watching and i was disappointed that you had a republican calling democrats idiots. you should have cut him off. that is no different than trump promoting violence. love your show. that's all i got to say. host: before you go on name-calling, we try to keep it down so i apologize, on knowing where the money goes are you specifically concerned about that in ukraine or do we need to do that with every country we give money to or is there something specific about ukraine that you don't trust where the money is going? caller: ukraine is not in nato. we are in nato with israel. that is our duty. with ukraine we need a little bit more. we have pumped way too much money without not knowing how we are going to get a return on that. that is my whole thing.
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please stop the name-calling. we are all people. we are red-blooded americans. it doesn't matter if you're black, white, republican, democrat, independent. we are all the same. we need to come together. host: thanks for that call from tucson, arizona. upon money going to ukraine, it's up to about $111 billion since early 2022. this chart from the senate on foreign relations, a bit dated but you can see the assistance to you ukraine -- to ukraine compared to other countries through the summer of this year. the next country is israel and then jordan, afghanistan, ethiopia, egypt and yemen in terms of recipients of us aid, all left together in that chart. andrew and grammar 10, washington.
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on the line for no two additional 80 ukraine -- to additional aid to ukraine. caller: it is unwinnable. russia threatens us. i don't care what the pr says. it cannot be won. the idea is we are just trying to deplete russia by pitting them against ukraine. that is just nasty, because they are just going to die. what is the actual objective here? i don't believe ukraine can either retake all of what they have lost or they can be russia. that is just silly. host: the arguments for those who support additional aid saying nato and the united states not stop vladimir putin in ukraine here he will go ahead and do it again at another country. what is your response to that
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for those people who feel that way? caller: we need to talk to russia. we need to deal with it with politics. militarily it is a law situation. host: do you think vladimir putin is somebody we can negotiate with? caller: we have to be able to or leverage in some other way. this strategy of trying to make ukraine win can't work so we have to do something else. host: this is john in auburn, california. caller: good morning. thank you for being there. what the guy said. freedom. the guy before calling from lafayette. lafayette was the richest kid in europe back in 1775. ons previously postponed. votes will be taken ined. >> u.s. house is coming
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