tv Washington Journal Open Phones CSPAN December 7, 2023 9:49am-10:15am EST
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senators backed the measure and 51 were against. falling short of the 60 vote threshold needed to advance the bill. chuck schumer voted in favor originally, but then changed his vote to preserve the right to bring up the bill again. senator bernie sanders, independent of vermont, caucuses with the democrats, voted against it because he thinks any aid to israel needs to be tied to conditions on civilians in gaza. that is what happened yesterday. now it is your turn to tell washington what you think. do you agree or disagree with what happened? here's the argument from republican minority leader mitch mcconnell on the floor. [video] sen. mcconnell: it was not always like this. democrats did not always have such a hard time following the logic that national security
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begins right here at home. i am reminded of the code commission president reagan set up in the mid-1980's to assess the importance of peace and security in the western hemisphere. it was a bipartisan exercise that included everyone from henry kissinger to the former chair of the d&c and the president -- dnc and the president of the afl-cio. they concluded america's security depends on the inherent security of its land borders. our adversaries would reap a major strategic coup to impose on the united states the burden of defending our southern approaches. a major strategic coup for our adversaries. that is what a past generation of democrats understood.
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logic implicitly when it pertained to the threat of soviet influence. that logic applies even more today to the instability, cartel violence, terror and drugs pouring over our southern border. but in today's democratic party some of our colleagues appear to be so terrified of the radical base that they are convinced open borders or with jeopardizing u.s. security around the world. host: you heard the argument from the president and now the republican side. time to turn to all of you. democratic color in arizona -- caller in arizona. what do you think in this debate over eight ukraine and border security/ ? -- aid to ukraine and border security? caller: they ought to send aid
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to ukraine. if they don't, putin is going to run russia over there and then china is going to jump in -- what is that country over there by china? host: taiwan? caller: taiwan, yeah. the republicans, i don't know what they think. they always throw in the border thing. they have not had an answer for the border for ages. the speaker, i don't know what we are going to do with who we have now. two know what's up or down. -- he don't know what's up or down. putin, he is going to start a
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domino effect. host: talking about what message this sends to china as many national security experts believe they are threatening taiwan. there is money in this international aid package for taiwan security as well. bob virginia, independent. -- in virginia, independent. caller: you look nice this morning. i think joe biden's polls are down because he will not do nothing about the border. he needs to step in and agree with the republicans on this deal. all these people that are coming into this country have no place to go except new york and places where they freeze to death. we have to do something to slow this stuff down. they should be putting money down in these countries to help those people in their own countries and they are not doing it. i'm an independent.
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i'm looking for third-party. i think joe biden is too old and trump has committed treason as far as i'm concerned. that is my opinion. y'all have a nice day. host: on the issue of compromising with republicans there have been negotiations occurring between democrats and senate democrats and senate republicans. a grupo bipartisan lawmakers -- group of bipartisan lawmakers negotiating on some sort of deal for changes to immigration policy. those talks fell apart before the weekend. senate majority leader chuck schumer decided to hold this test vote to get republicans on record voting against this ukraine aid moving forward -- moving forward on it i should say. president biden at the white house yesterday talked about negotiations over immigration policy. here is what he said. [video] pres. biden: extreme republicans
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are playing chicken with national security, folding ukraine's funding hostage for extreme border policies. we need real solutions. i support real solutions at the border. i put forward a copper has a plan the first day i came in to office. i made it clear that we need congress to make changes to fix what is a broken immigration system. because we know it is broken. i'm willing to do significantly more. but in terms of changes the policy and provide resources we need at the border, i'm ready to change policy as well. i have asked for billions of dollars for border agents. republicans have to decide if they want to political issue or a solution to the border. do they really want a solution that cannot be sustained as it is now? we need a real solution. my team has been engaged in negotiations with the senate
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democrats and republicans on border security. democrats have put forward a bipartisan compromise on the table. leaders schumer and senate democrats also offered to let republicans propose amendments to the proposal. republicans have rejected this. we don't want you to even introduce your proposal. we are not going to -- the democrats say you can amend it anyway you want. we don't want to do that. this has to be a negotiation. republicans think they can get everything they want without any bipartisan compromise. that is not the answer. that is not the answer. now they are willing to literally kneecap ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process. host: what is your reaction to president biden and his view of how republicans are handling these negotiations? the associated press reporting that aides and allies to the
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president have said he's willing to accept new restrictions on asylum and potentially other republican-led policy changes, particularly as the numbers of the border continue to rise. to supplement a funding -- supplemental funding request seeking $14 billion for the border is part of the package for 80 ukraine, israel and taiwan. increased attention capacity for migrant families and hiring more integrated -- immigration court judges. there's a backlog of one million cases. it is only increasing. some maggots are released into the u.s. and wait for years before they are told whether they qualify for asylum. on the other side of the aisle, senator john thune, republican of south dakota, a member of the republican leadership in that chamber had this to say yesterday. [video] sen. thune: i support aid
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to israel, taiwan and ukraine. it is in our national security interest to support these allies. i want to see us take up this national security supplemental. but national security begins at home. we can't pass a bill to advance american interest abroad while ignoring the national security crisis at our own border. we owe the american people better than that. the democratic leader needs to take the republicans series. we said this must address the national security crisis at the border and we will continue to hold to that principal. while we recognize that any negotiation that neither side will get what it wants, it must have real teeth. cosmetic measures are not acceptable. we can't afford anything less than real solutions to our
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nation's border crisis. this president -- mr. president, 10,000 individuals were counted on sunday and another 10,000 on monday. it went up to 11,000 yesterday. now 12000 and is single day. things are getting worse, not better. we have an obligation to do everything we can to get this crisis under control. this administration, as i said, something they had no interest in doing. host: john thune on the floor yesterday. who do you agree with in this debate? the democrats, president biden, or the republicans? in the house the republicans have the same view as their colleagues in the upper chamber. they want to see some immigration changes. as you heard from senator thune, with some real teeth. should these be separate issues? dan in louisville, kentucky.
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republican. let's hear from you. dan in louisville? dan, i'm sorry. can you call back on a better line. you are very muffled. michelle and he -- in maryland. caller: i wish she would stop calling at the democratic line and republican line. there are no republicans. the republican party is dead. they died during the insurrection. host: stick to the topic please. caller: they are projecting everything that they do on the democrats. that is all they ever do. they run and hide. i will trade every palestinian and every person who comes over the border for every one of the trump trash party. host: bradley and marietta, georgia. democratic caller. caller: good morning.
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that last caller -- it's hard to disagree with her. trump is working with the russians. they're trying to screw over ukraine. i never thought i would see that it where i'm the one defending the fbi and the military from these so-called -- host: what about ukraine aid? where do you fall in this debate? caller: they have to give ukraine aid. those people are fighting for us. they are saving us money. it is not about that. the republicans want to solve the border issues. they are traitors. i'm so disappointed in republicans. i cannot believe they would sell out ukraine. host: frank in kentucky, independent. caller: yes. i'm a veteran. , u.s. naval academy graduate.
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i'm having to wait over six to seven months for this v.a. pact act and if it and the v.a. has all my records and they are sitting on my records. yet we have billions and billions of dollars to send to ukraine, to taiwan and now israel. we sent $3 billion a year to israel. they are committing genocide in the middle east while our navy is getting shot at. this is on comprehensive -- un comprehensive to me. our security is a mess in the middle east and europe and the deal with the taiwanese. they are a small nation and without as they get taken over. we have comments national chinese at the border, at the southern border of america. we have folks from africa. these are mostly males. this is not about saving poor
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people that want opportunity. this is about an invasion. we need to wake up and joe biden is too old and trump, he committed treason. host: i'm not following your argument. are you for the billions in aid or not? caller: how about we take care of our own first? charity starts at home. i'm a veteran waiting six to seven months for a decision on my pact act due to burn pits in past wars that were unnecessary. host: got it, frank. ed in laurel, maryland. democratic caller. caller: good morning and happy holidays to everybody. i am for sending ai to ukraine. i just want to mention this.
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from 2016 to 2 trump had all three branches of the government. passed zo laws. passed zero laws to deal with the border. but having said that, this is not ing issue f the democratic party also. thist th hill that you to e on. if the democrats and joe think that sending 110,000 migrants to new york city in about six monthshey think that is a good thing, i don't think that's right. host: you think the president needs to compromise here? caller: i think he does. sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil. this is not the hill that you want to die on.
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we have bigger things to deal with. go ahead and make a deal and send the eight to --aid to ukraine, israel and let's move the country. thank you. host: earlier in the week, the white house arguing that money for ukraine is running out from previous authorizations from congress. they are getting to the end of that pot. jake sullivan saying there is no other magical pot of money. ukraine is saying to the united states we are running out of money. they are making the argument that they will lose the battle against russia. i want to read for you two lead paragraphs from two different papers and how they framed yesterday's vote in the senate. this is the wall street journal with her headline, republicans blockade bill for ukraine. president biden's push to pass
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billions in new aid for ukraine stalled on wednesday. the setback could inject new urgency and bipartisan talks over border security measures, publicans have demanded as a condition for their support. this is how the new york times frames the vote in their newspaper this morning. republicans on wednesday blocked an emergency spending bill to fund the war in ukraine, demeaning strict order restrictions in exchange and severely jeopardizing president biden's push to replenish the warchest of american allies before the end of the year. we want to know this morning your take on this vote and bate happening in congress. randy from paul beach garden, florida. republican -- palm beach garden , florida. caller: i am dumbfounded when some of the democrats get on
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here and they are anti-trump, anti-trump. anything the republican party does they will try to shoot down. we have to look at the facts. first off, reckless spending by joe biden. he's already spent a ton of money out to ukraine -- sent a ton of money to ukraine and all over the world. our southern border -- the donovan talked about -- the gentleman talked about sending the migrants up to cities like new york they claimed they were refugee cities. now they can't take it. it's the hypocrisy. we are for everybody, but don't send them to my city. we have a serious problem right now with inflation. you can't just start spending billions upon billions of dollars. your last caller from maryland said trump did nothing to secure the national border down south. what about the wall that got put up? all those miles of wall.
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all of a sudden joe biden comes in and starts taking it down. he starts selling office supplies so they cannot finish the wall. it is absolute insanity. the wall was our best protection. host: how do you know that, randy? what evidence do you have the wall was working? caller: guess what? some people were dropping kids over the wall but at least 10,000 people a day, 12,000 people a day are not just waltzing across like i saw in the news just yesterday. some area were 70 broke apart the wall -- somebody broke apart the wall. they could not stop the people. it was a rush of people coming through. host: randy in palm beach gardens repeating the statistics you heard from senator john thune. 8000, 10000 and his many as 12,000 illegals crossing in recent days. he also heard him talk at how
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much money has been spent so far in aid to ukraine by the united states. it has topped $100 billion since russia invaded ukraine in february of 2022. the latest package, the test vote failed yesterday on this international aid package. it was around $60 billion for ukraine. the wall street journal notes the funds earmarked for ukraine include nearly $12 billion to keep the key government -- kyiv government afloat and $3.2 billion for benefits the refugees. it includes $14 billion for israel, including for missile defense systems and money to bolster the indo pacific, which the u.s. sees as critical for providing a safeguard for taiwan against any threats from china. it omitted elements of biden's original request, such as money for child care, one reason bernie sanders, independent of vermont voted no.
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he also cited that no more aid to israel unless there are certain strings attached on how they are conducting the war against hamas. here is washington post this morning with this additional headline on that topic. senate democrats pressed biden for a closer eye on use of u.s. weaponry. a group of senate democrats urged the president to do more to protect civilians in gaza, writing in a letter sent tuesday that the united states should ensure weapons it's transferred to israel are not being used in a way that violates international law. the letter expressed concern about a lack of transparency on this transfers. the letter was led by elizabeth warren. it came as the senate prepared to vote on this move on a package that would send $14 billion in additional aid to israel, as well as billions more to ukraine. senator bernie sanders, one of the signatories, culture conditions on the aid to israel
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that he would vote against it, which he did on the test vote. tim kaine of virginia, martin heinrich of new mexico and jeff merkley of oregon also signed onto the letter requesting a briefing for answers to a lengthy list of questions about the u.s.'s posture on israel's military strategy. earl in texas on the border. good morning to you. why do you come down on this debate? caller: well, i agree with what senator thune talked about. all these people -- now they want to back out. host: all right. diane in ann arbor, michigan.
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democratic caller. caller: hello. it seems to be a movement around the world where democracies are falling to dictatorships. this war is based on that. ukraine wants to stay a democracy. russia wanted to become a dictatorship -- once it to become a dictatorship -- wants it to become a dictatorship. this is old information where many republicans favored putin over biden. it says americans view him slightly more positive than the due leading democratic officials. between putin and president biden it is a tossup that lands in putin's favor. can you imagine? my father gave up years of his life fighting for democracy when hitler wanted to become a
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dictatorship around the world. my father gave up a part of his life or that and many others did, too. we will disregard democracy for dictatorshipss? viewing putin more highly? my father would have been shocked. i am sad to see him gone but i'm glad he is not seeing this. it is a shame on our country that democracy is not -- we are not defending democracy in ukraine. you can pull in all the issues you want but the question of the day is, do you favor democracy or dictatorship in ukraine? thank you. host: that is how diane sees it. more calls coming up on this debate. we want to know from you. do you agree with democrats or republicans? you may have learned yesterday the former speaker kevin mccarthy has decided to not seek
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reelection and he will resign from congress at the end of this year. not serving out his full term. mccarthy's departure already slims the republican majority. mr. santos and mr. mccarthy and expect the departure early next year of representative bill johnson of ohio will leave speaker mike johnson with a mere two-seat advantage. here is the former speaker announcing his resignation. [video] rep. mccarthy: every moment crane with a great deal of devotion and responsibility. given my best -- giving my best to all of you has been my greatest honor. i am proud of what we have accomplished. we want to house majority -- won the house majority twice. we elected more women, veterans and minorities to congress than ever before. we reduced the deficit by over
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$2 trillion while protecting the full faith and credit of our nation. we kept our government operating at our troops paid while wars broke out around the world. traveling the country and serving with all of you i have encountered far more people that want to build something than those who want to tear it down. i have faith in this country, because america is more than a country. america is an idea. today i'm driven by the same purpose that i felt when i arrived in congress. but now it is time to pursue my passions in a new arena. while i will be departing at the end of this year, i will never, ever give up fighting for this country that i love so much. host: kevin mccarthy, the former speaker they're talking about why he has decided to leave congress. >> we are going to leave this to honor our commitment to
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