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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 14, 2024 3:22pm-4:23pm EDT

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world and why are we focusing on absolutely i agree with you, we need to do more. but we should be fighting the national security front on a muitude of levels. if we are in a state where congress is focusing on one issue at a time, so be it, but let's move forward. let's not say that because we have other problems we are not going to address one problem. host: >> biden is holding a
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campaign stop in saginaw, michigan. in addition to the event, the president will be evan organizing meeting while in the state. saginaw is a keep part -- key part of his campaign as he won county three years ago, helping him win the battleground state. banning the app was posed to americans in a survey d ap centers public affairs research poll and i found that 31% said they suort a ban on tiktok well 35% oppose and 31% said neither. legislation would not ban it unless china refuses to divest its app. a little bitbate yesterday, listen to mike gallagher, republican of wisconsin, one of the lead
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advocates for regulating tiktok. this is what he had to say on the floor. [video clip] >> tiktok is a threat to national security because is owned by bytedance which does the bidding of the chinese communist party. we know this because bytedance leadership says so and because chinese law requires it. this bill therefore forces tiktok to break up with the chinese come is party. get does not apply to american compie applies to companies subject to the control of foreign adversaries defined by says nothing about election interference, it cannot be turned against any american social media plan. it does not impact websites in general. the only impact for those associated with foreign adversary apps such as, it can never be used to penalize individuals. the text expressed -- explicitly prohibits that and it cannot, cannot be used to censor speech,
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takes no position at all on the content of speech, only foreign adversary control. foreign adversary control of what is becoming the platform fs under 30. this is a commonsense sense measure to protect our national security. i hurt my collies to support this critical bipartisan legislation. host: mike gallagher who is the chair of the select committee on u.s. china competition on the floor, advocating for support of the bill yesterday. it passed an overwhelmingly bipartisan way. the popular short video app has faced scrutiny over the way its algorithm works to select content from users. this is the wall street journal reporting this morning.
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■, on the others have this debate was tom massey of kentucky, one of those that oppose the legislation. here's what he had to say on the floor. [video clip] >> some of us are concerned that there are first amendment implications here. americans have the right to view information. we don't need to be protected by the government from information. some of us just don't want the president picking which apps we can put on our phones orwe don's appropriate. we also think it's dangerous to give the president that kind of power, to give him the powero wn their phones and their computers, to give him that discretion, we also think is dangerous. people say this tiktok ban will only apply to tiktok or maybe
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another company that pops up just like tiktok, but the bill is written so broadly that the president could abuse that discretion and include other companies that aren't just social media companies. some people would believe are controlled by foreign adversaries. we are giving the president that discretion to deci. host: congressman thomas massie with an argument against the legislation that passed on the floor yesterday. it wasn't overwhelming vote, 352 lawmakers in the house voted for this legislation■6 the washington headline this morning -- we are asking you this morning to jn washington , do you think the house should -- that the senate should pass this bill and the senate says
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thento law? andy in austin, texas, you support this idea? tell us why. caller:i just don't trust anythe chinese government that has control of an app like this or any other kind of control to come into our country. i don't trust anything they do. i support the ban of tiktok. i did not know until listening to the prior talker on points that gave the president wide control for future bills on different situations. i think we need to keep it in context. if it's a foreign run business and we can prove that there is nefarious happenings that can be
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damage of a or will be damage of aa dish damageble to the citizens ithe country, i most definitely think a ban on a company like tiktok -- that was all into the formal dee in the formal vote on this. beforele. yes, that's kind of where i stand on it and i've been trying to keep up with it. i think it's a bad practice to allow the chinese government involved in any of our happenings over here. host:ç al also supports the legislation. good morning. caller: yes, i will tell you a little bit more about tiktok. host: in what way? caller:'t use it.
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tiktok, videos,, my connection to tiktok is youtube. the problem i see, this is a problem across the entire this is a problem with tiktok, facebook, with twitter, it's a massive destr divisive disinformation. you can categorize it like what i would call a massive covid-19 misinformation. there is massive vaccines in general misinformation. then there is qanon misinformation. what i've heard about tiktok is they are promoting, i would call them stupid conspiracy theories.
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they promote atlantis and lost civilization conspiracy theories, giants roamed the earth conspiracies. the problem is, what do you do with dangerous and really bad misinformation? i'm worried about the russia misinformation. facebook and all over twitter and they are still doing their thing. host: do you support the government regulating more intensely these apps you are talking about, not just tiktok? caller: i have mixed feelings about it in the sense that i want to protect freedom of speech. on the other hand, if you look at it kind of like tv and radio where you do, you know what i'm
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saying, some content moderation and you can put warnings. like what twitter does now for example is if the fcc would regulate these or have an entity , social media fccentity and says you have to do, you have to put up warning signs, you have to put up misinformationwe've got labels s and they cause cancer. if you put labels on things and regulate i ithere is so much ber misinformation, dangerous information out there that to me, it's a problem■3 across all the social media platforms. host: let's get your reaction from other callers. mike in michigan, you oppose yesterday in the house? caller: good morning.
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yes, i oppose, i believe our government is so crooked that i don't trust it anymore. host: do you trust the chinese to control this app and data users? caller: we have chinese, through 9■the border, knowing's doing anything about that. host: ok, mark ohio, you are a tiktok users a what do you do there? caller: i just use it to get information. unfortunately, i think everybody thinks we are americans and we are stupid so the government needs to control what we see. the information out there let us decide as americans. if we are going to give the power to one person to decide what we can see or not, we are leaning toward a dictatorship and that's not the country i want to work for. i'm absolutely against it area i don't think the government can
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be in charge of or allowed to see or decide for us. it's actually horrible. host:eb the legislation says tht it would force a sale of chinese ownership of tiktok or face a ban. forcing the sale and u.s. companies would bite it, perhaps like a microsoft. caller: ok, i guess it goes back to the same thing. who are we as americans to force a foreign company to sell and second off, how do we trust anyone one to do it they are doing. tuff already and collecting our data. if this bill goes into effect, it should affect every social media platforms and they should all be held tohe same accountability, but if you are not going to do that to all of them, don't do it. host: the wall street etorial
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from this editorial --
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do you agree with the wall street journal? pull the vote in the senate a let the senators go on the record like th d in the house yesterday? we will go to mary in minneapolis, another tiktok good morning, how usehe app? caller:ob how do? i use the app to look at memes this whole thing is a big thing, it's really weird. this is what we get a bipa effort on. people are looking at climate change and no bipartisan there. looking at that but when it comes to banningn p because we can't control it, t's the one we are going to do? it's also quite racist. we are doing it because every person's nationality. thank you for c-span.
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i love you. host: respond to the national security part of this. this is from usa today -- caller: they are doing that now already. it's helping young people learn about things. and they want to make more money. that's the reason, they don't want it in china, they want to control and make money for our economy because it's not necessarily helping our economy. if we believe corporations are people, they have the right to do what they will do. you have a good day and i love c-span, thank you. host: thank you for calling in. here and
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what he told senators at a hearing in january about the steps the company has taken to protect user data in the united states. [video clip] >> tiktok is owned by bytedance and we have three americans on the board. you are right in pointing out that over the last three years, we have spent billions of dollars on project texas which is a plan that's precedd to fird protect u.s. data. >> i'm asking about all the data you collected prior to that. yes, we have started a data mitigation plan. we have finished the first phase of data transition to our centee infrastructure. we will begin phase two will -- where we will delete but we will hire a third party to verify that work and go into employees working laptops to work as well. >> was all the data collected by
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tiktok prior to project texas shared with the chinese government pursuant to the national the country? >> we have not been asked for any data by the chinese government and would never provided it. host: from a hearing with the tiktok ceo back in january.if you want to learn more, go to our website this morning, we are getting your thoughts on the house passage of a bill that could band tiktok in the united states if the company does not divest from its chinese ownership.paulo you, what do you say? caller: thanks for taking my call. originally, i was for the van, as a dumb listening to different perspectives, this actually isn't a whole a different than the u.s. government was doing to
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facebook over the election by restricting who could be on it or what was being said or saying something was misinformation. now they want the u.s. to control that, too. 'a couple of previous callers were saying the same thing. i think the other social media appsg data on everybody for years now anyway. host: it's different when it's the chinese government. caller: well,that's why i'm not. i need a little bit more information. host: we will show you a little bit more from the debate in this hour this morning on the "washington journal." you can also go to our website, floor, if you watch t video, you push play on our website, yellow stars will appear that will give you the points of interest from the debate.
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you can quickly go through it and hear the different perspectives, some of which you heard this morning and you will continue to hear on the "washington journal." silver spring, maryland, what do you say? caller: good morning, how are you? host: doingelcaller: i'm opposis it's drafted and going to the senate. we are talking about a government entity to control this. the government can do the same wi■th our country and a lot of other things. the bill should pass the senate. banning a■■ company forcing the company to sell this, it could bring back -- a backlash in the united states.
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host: oregon, you support the legislation, good morning. caller: good morning. yeah, i definitely support the ban of i spent a few years in vietnam in the mid 60's and i don't have any use for those people. host: cindyso supporting this ln that passed in the house. caller: hello. i support the banz■ slow move to what we are seeing. it's dictated by blackmail. this diminishes our economy. this whole process [indiscernible]
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and we need to look at the portfolios of chuck schumer and many others like nancy pelosi and see use investing in companies and billions of dollars. until we find out what's really going on. host: thank you. president biden has banned the use of tiktok on government at is in place now and the president has said if this legislation passes the senate and comes to his desk, he will sign it. anna president trump tried to ban tiktok when he was president but it was blocked by courts for failing to adequately consider an obvious and reasonable alternative is what the judge wrote at the time. president trump now is now opposed to this legislation yesterday, this week saying this legislation to pass because
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he's afraid a facebook or mark zuckerberg company would get bigger if there is no tiktok. here is former president back in 2020 w support of potential tiktok saying the tiktok threatened the national security foreign policy and economy the united sthat's what he said. however, this week, here is the president from this week explaining how he opposes a potential tiktok ban. [video clip] >> i had it done and then congress said well, they ultimately usually fail. they are extremely political and they are extremely subject to people called lobbyists who happen to be very talented and very good and very rich. i could have band tiktok.
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i could've gotten it done. i said i will leave it up to you. i didn't push it too hard because i said let them do their own research and development and they decided not to do it i i 'e gotten it done if i wanted to. i said you guys decide and you make that decision because it's a tough decisio m of people on tiktok that love it. there are a lot of young kids on tiktok who will go crazy without it. there are a lot of users, there is a lot of good and bad with tiktok. the thing i don't like is ou tiktok, you can make facebook bigger. i consider facebook to be an enemy of the people along with a lot of the media. with lockboxes and the $500 million zuckerbox
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lockboxes, they put people in jail when they spend mor than $5,600 in a campaign, they go to jail. they put someone in jail over a couple hundred bucks and he's the guy who spends $500 million that needed to go to jail. >> do you believe tiktok is a national security threat or not? i believe the emergency powers order you put in place at the time suggested it was. is that not true? i do believe that. we have to very much go into privacy and make sure we are protting the american people's privacy and data rights. i agree but we also have that problem with facebook and lots of other that was the former president on cnbc recently explaining his thoughts on the idea of83 regulating, banning tiktok. that's the conversation this
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morning with all of you after the house passed 352-65 in that either would force the sale of tiktok from china or ban it in this country. there are the lines on your screen. if you support the legislation or if you oppose are not sure, you can call in. you can join us in a text at (202) 748-8003 just include your first name, city and state and go to c-span or post onx. our facebook page, here are some comments. there is also this comment --
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the legislation goes to the senate where its fate is uncertain. s usa today reports that some lawmakers are instead proposing different legislation. senator mark] warner has the restrict act.
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there is computing legislation ike the idea of the senate bill instead of what the house passed yesterday? you can join the conversation to give us your thoughts on that as well. fort covington, new york, hi there. caller: good morning. i appreciate c-span very much. i've been on the not sure lines because i'm not much of a user of social media. one of the things that i guess maybe bothered me about many of the callers is they say put all of this information out there an because we are not stupid, we are not ignorant.
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i do agree with that but he left out the word gullible. i think people who spend much of the day on social media are extremely gullible. explain a significant amount of people in the united states believinghow t what turned out to be the anti-covid vaccine is now anti-vaccine of all sorts. in new york, we have a couple of areas with outbreaks of measles because read on these media sites that vaccines are harmful. i have a couple of friends who really are not stupid. they are gullible. they believed that part of the covid vaccineinjected along wit.
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the people who are saying americans are not stupid, they are they are extremely gullible. thank you. host: gregory in connecticut, opposing the legislation. , egory. caller: good morning. from my perspective, it's an attempt at censorship generally speaking. i think an awful lot of information that doesn't appear in the new york washington post, doesn't appear in the hartford career because the gatekeepers decide this information should not be made available. never mind palestine and the disaster over there, but i think in palestine, ohio, a lot of that information would not have come up if it was not for social media. ■="aand alternative news source. as an american, i am obligated
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to multiple sources for my information and not necessarily believe everything that is put in front of me and be cynical to determiney opinion on certain things. ultimately, like the previous caller said, sometimes you don't know because you don't know. it takes some time to learn about the facts. the thing is, i think the washington post, the new york times are failing dismally about both ukraine and palestine. and what's going on in these places. host: ahead of yesterday's vote in the house, a committee last week in the house passed this legislation 50-0 and then it quickly came to the floor. tiktok for its part wants to do
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platform to mobilize the 180 million users. phones were ringing off the hook on capitol hill, telling lawmakers not to support this legislation. it did go through yesterday, 352-65. however, now gs the majority lk schumer says he will look at it, uncertain when it would come to the floor. vid singer of the new york times this morning -- he talks about the algorithms that are owned by this chinese company.
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there is that wrinkle in all of this. david singer from the washington post and his analysis, excuse me, the new york times if you want to read more from him. rick i pennsylvania, not supporting the legislation, hi, rick. caller: i have mixed feelings about this. first of all, i don't understand what information they can get from me that would do any harm. not china that's the problem, is that the government doesn't like the competition they are getting from china. thank you. host: jeff in ohio, you support the bill, good morning. caller: yes, i'm in support of the bill 100% because i think that even the name tiktok
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dictates that china is in one way or another trying to gain a foothold with information sent to the united states. defense and i worked for the department of the air force on information within those bodies. i don't like the idea of china being able to influence people unnecessarily so. i am completely for the bill and i'd like to see it go through and pass and get rid of tiktok entirely. we will take your phone calls this morning throughout the first hour and "washington journal a half of the "washington journal." at the top of the hour, we will be joined by a guest to continue our discussion on tiktok and what should be done about it in the united states. you want to share your opinion this morning, this is how you join nversation -- ifupport with the house
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paed(202) 748-8000 you oppose, (202) 748-8001, not sure, call us as well at (202) and tiktok users, (202) 748-8003. more posts on our social media website -- ■ñ1t
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you can join us on facebook, on x and text us as well. richard and melvin, massachusetts. good morning to you. caller: good morning. this country is the most crookedest government in the world, the united states. we are spying on every country and when they come back and do it to us, they are bad people. e whole problem here is the american people or 70% of them are illiterate when it comes to common sense. in the obama aision, they were spying on cell phones. that was the president of
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germany and that cost the taxpayers $1 million but they don't tell you that. have a good day. host: illinois, tiktok user, welcome to the conversation. how do you use the app? caller: i am a tiktok shop owner. i sell products on tiktok so i'm very concerned if they are going to ban it and then i might be out of business. host: can you share with us your business acaller: i don't want e money part. host: caller: caller: ok. i am disabled ani sell disabled products for low vision individuals. there. it supplements my disability. host: michelle there in
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illinois, tiktok user with her side of the argument today. join the debate this morning on the "wash". 352-65 was the vote for the legislation. it passed this bill that caban tiktok. it's either forcing a or banning tiktok in this country. a little bit more from the debate, the top democrat on the u.s.-china competition select committee and a bill cosponsor on the house floor yesterday on why this legislation is needed. [video clip] >> unfortunately, when tiktok has appeared before congress, whether it's before the house energy and commerce committee or otherwise, it has not been candid, my friends. t been candid. tiktok said its data is not accessible to china bytedance
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employees, fchina-based employey access the data even unbeknownst to employees of tiktok usa. in addition, tiktok said its data will not be weaponized and has not been weaponized against american citizens. again, false. hed reports of shown that tiktok data, geolocation data, has been used to surveilled american journalists who reported on problems with chinese-based employees having access to american user data. finally, last week, under the leadership of the chairwoman and member, they brought up for consideration our bill before the house energy and commerce committee. on the morning of that vote, tiktok delivered a push notification and the pop up to thousands of users across the country.
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they used geolocation data targeting minor children to then force them to call congressional offices in order to can 10 you using the app just to continue using the app. in doing so, these children called and they asked what is this influence campaign illustrates the need for this bill. host: from the debate in the house yesterday before they pass this legislation that caban tiktok in the united states -- that could band tiktok in the united states. you opsecaller: yes, thank you h for taking my call. i see two big issues here. itself and the debate raging around that issue and the other issue to ban social media platforms, taking the power away from us to decide whaty content we
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the citizens will take a look at. i'd like to talk about that second issue a little bit. ■ says the government can ban any foreign owned or foreign or website. as far as foreign owned, how do you define that? ' 20%, a mere 20% of foreign ownership. a lot of these companies are publicly traded. markets are international. how much of the s&p 500's foreign owned? i don't know. the more geordie is owned by blackrock and vanguardhow much s there in those companies? we don't really know that. that's a pretty broad definition. even worse, is the foreign control. we've been having a raging debate in this country, some people think donald is foreign
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russia. i disagree with that personally. it's debatable, a lot of people think he is. this bill, if you read it, he gives the power to the government to entity is foreign controlled and how exactly it is foreign controlled. host: urging swift action on this legislation after the house passed it yesterday in the senate and the president said he will sign it into law. bill says he's not sure in michigan. caller: i never use it. one thing i am sure of, our government has been trying to take away our free speech, our free talk for quite a while now. foreign owned, i believe our president, his family has collected over 20% of their wealth off of the
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chinese and the communist factions and here we are again. we've got a vietnam going and were fighting against russia, proxy war. these democrats have been doing this for a long time. money is in the war. thank you. host: dallas, texas supporting the legislation. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. got to say that one guy talking about the s&p 500, he's obviously a trump supporter and that's probably who's controlling his thoughts. i look at the fact that the way the democrats and republicans have been so opposed to one another and then to come together on this bill, there has to be something intelligence knows that we don't know. the way i look at it, it's an app, for christ's sake. if you have so may absent
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angerous to have the chinese have any information about americans or what they do. case in inthey sent that pop upy and had kids calling congress. i think it'sangerous for the chinese to have any type of algorithm about americans, where we shop, what we do. it's really nir business and once again, there are all types of apps on the internet and i think anything foreign controlled needs to be monitored very closely. in this day and age, once again, there is no room for error. any edge they can get on is from an intelligence perspective and a technological perspective, i think needs to be close let's lr side of the argument on the house floor yesterday. this is robert garcia of califoialip]
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>> i have enormous respect for the efforts of my calling to focus on security and data protection and i share many of their concerns. with this approach and bill that could impact 170 million americans who use tiktok. one third of all u.s. adults use the app and millions of entrepreneurs and small business owners use the platform to support their families. just like every other social media platform, they have misinformation and privacy concerns. it's important we don't treat tiktok differently than other if we're going to address this issue, we got to take the same approach to other media platforms. we cannot just single out one. many of my colleagues in the aclu in voicing concern over the freedom of expression. i'm a strong supporter of ensuring that tiktok remains in the open marketplace and there is no guarantee in this bill that there won't be an interruption of service thata could lead ton e to this at.
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i don't think we appreciative impacts will have and them for that, i am a strongno. thank you and i yield back. host: one of those 65 lawmakers yesterday that voted no on this legislation that could ban tiktok in the united states. jack in new york, tiktok user, hi, jack. caller: hi, i'm actually, i'm happy and externally excited that so many people voted the way they did. i was amazed there was even 65 members of the■ house that were able to be swayed by tiktok and their movement to try to stop this legislation from passing. the fact that the chinese communist party can have any data on us, tha■t our rnment iso collect data on as is an issue. host: you're on tiktok? caller: yes. host: if it is banned, where would you go? caller: i would find something
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else. i mostly use it to argue with people about politics and that sort of thing. host ok. caller: i think our national security is more important than my personal opinion. host: what about this from tiktok -- this is from the new york times reporting. do you think that's ■ough bytik? caller: as i listen to the ceo of tiktok testified before congress honestly, he is bound by the chinese law which reapgoo
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spy and they have to do it and light and protect the country. ■v■pi don't remember this but te specifics of the law but they sickly, it requires -- it would require him to turn ove■imr the data and lie about it. just because he says i'm putting the data in texas and with a big firewall, i still think the chinese government gets the data at the end of the day. host: let's go to nevada, elizabeth, good morning in las vegas. caller: good morning. the guy from texas basically said it all but i didn't want to hang up. if it's good for the country and we don't have people spying on us, i don't have children but if i did, i wouldn't want them on there and being exposed. it's a dangerous world. it's not about taking our freedoms away.
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we have a lot of apps to go on. i got on facebook after 11 years, two years and you don't know what freedom that was. host: when you got off facebook, did you thinkaddiction or did yu were checking it and using it too much when she decided to not look at it anymore? caller: yes. at a later date. ■íit destroyed a lot of friendships during the trump thing and he destroyed a lot of people's friendships in this country. you know, i lost yo elizabeth t. mattie in norfolk, virginia. caller: how are you? host: what do you say on this debate? caller: i'm not for sure bt of o some.
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it gives me a lot of true information when i listen to it. it gives me a lot of true information although there is other information that is false. my concern is the democratic citizens have to come together for■'m afraid why can't they come together for everything else the united states of america? times reporting on this legislation -- d
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chris in california, let's hear from you this morning. caller: hello. i came into the call kind of unprepared. i think i support the bto ban tiktok hearing the story ofjenny, but the man who a media conglomerate in hong kong and went through that trial as a billionaire. it sounded like a complete sham sort of trial. is not particularly friendly country, the communist party is not friendly toward journalism. he union speech that he wants competition with china, he doesn't want conflict. i think that how journalists are
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treated through tiktok even though it's communist party property presumably, it doesn't really satisfy competition with the united states. it satisfies something along the line of conflict in addition to the commonest party of china regulating monetary supplied by demanding the belt road initiative yen be used rather than the american dollar. there are so many avenues of conflict the communist party is using in addition to like foreign registered nationals of the chinese government that are here in the united states, the story of police stations being set up so that the communist party of china can police nationals from china in our own country within our own borders and so on.
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that seems to be quite a different international police agreements and so on. yes, i support the effort to protno citizens and journalists and free-speech and international law, but also foreign registered nationals in the united states or territories. host: john in new jersey, what do you do on tiktok? caller: i just go on it to educate myself and see what people are talking about. i think it's funnye the lastp j. last i checked, we have saudi lobbyists and u.s. senator last year doing a dual role of saudi super pac. we've got a pack in every single party in the u.s.
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i know we didn't really do a good job of bringing along people that know how to use the current age of electronics. if a company wants to monitor what you are doing, theyo it. we literally send all of our electronics to be manufactured in china. american companies did that. they elected to do that, to take advantage of a country who is stilldo that for us. we never brought any of that manufacturing back over to the u.s.. we haven't actually done a whole lot ball it's done is to capitm on our terms better than us. if you want to talk about■ journalism, wasn't there a boeing whistleblower that curiously wound up dead in a hotel after testifying against'boeings shady business
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practices? if we want to talk about this nefarious stuff, we he plenty of nefarious stuff going on right now. for anybody that wants to bring up tiktok is owned by the chinese, the owner has repeatedly said and stated he is singaporean. he is not chinese. host:are referring to in his testimony before congress has made that clear. if you missed his testimony in january, go to our websi, it there. in new jersey, supporting the legislation that passed in the house yesterday, good morning. caller: good morning. i've been listening a little bit . i support it. like president trump said long tiktok and he knew it was a problem for our country and our kids. host: but now he says it shouldn't be banned. caller: i remember in the beginning he said it. 'm worried about it seems
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to me this is all political and the weight biden did nothing for three or four years as president now he's worried about getting involved with tiktok. now he's doing this to help himself get votes for this election. that's what i believe. it doesn't sound like it would help with young voters. young voters are. opposed to this legislation caller: yeah, i know but the simpleminded are more important than the kids. i so you read the article about what's biden is involved in and now he's concerned with china. he did nothing as four years as president now he's concerned with china and their country. thank you. host: net in rochester, minnesota, not sure? caller: no choice of what i really wanted. i wanted to say i don't really care. i don't use it, i don't use faceok know they exist. host: so why call him? caller: because it seems like
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people are so concerned over something that doesn't impact our daily lives. there is more important things going on in life. if you want to talk to somebody, go next-door and talk tor brothr your sister or your mom or your dad, thank you. host: billy in utah, hi there. caller: hi.■n caller: good morning. i'm totally for it. i'm glad that centers on both sides agreed to ban it. host: this was the house, not the senate and it's not a ban unless they refuse to sell. caller: ok. let's see what hpe after this was passed in let's go on. host: tennessee, hi, eric. caller: good morning. this is what i'd like to say -- in china, c-span would not be
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legal. there is no freedom ofthere is e government, no freedom to seek redress of grievances from the government. freedom of association. there is one political party so there is no freedom of religion, no right to bear arms, there is no right to property ownership. even■m though there is corporations, the corporation don't own the land. americans can't own land in china. china standsfor any of the basin freedoms we enjoy and that are guaranteed by our bill of rights. tiktok is a very dangerous thing. tiktok doesn't exist in china in the same form. it could be used quite easily for nefarious reasons and i would hope our listeners would
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really what china is about when it doesn't allow us to have a c-span because you cannotf[ discuss government policy. host: let me hear from michelle in alexandria, virginia. caller: thank you for the call. i am for limiting social mediams from why are we so quick to act on this topic? thar topics that are happening to our country whether it's violence, crime. this entire system is a disaster and they will act on this but not on any other topic? .%■0
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