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tv   Washington Journal Michelle Price  CSPAN  March 19, 2024 12:47am-12:57am EDT

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tuesday on c-span, the houses back at noon eastern for general speeches followed by legislative business. meere considering several foreign policy related bills including legislation to block the sale of americans personal data to foreign c-span two, bank executives and former financial regulators discuss the banking system in washington, d.c. followed by a conversation on cyber security with mark warner around noon. at 3:00, the senate returns to consider the nomination of nicole bernard to be a judge on the fourth circuit court of appeals. a final vote is expected at 5:30. three, mark milley and kenneth mckenzie testify on the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan before the house foreign affairs committee. you can watch coverage on c-span
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now or on >> healthy democracy does not just look like this, it looks like this. whe democracy at work when citizens are truly informed, our republic thrives. get informedxy straight from the source on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-span. powered by cable. >>■& we are joined by michelle price via zoom. good morning to you. >> last week joe biden and donald trump essentially clinched the respective nominations, earning enough delegates to get the nomination
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at the national convention. so what is there to watch for steel when it comes to primaries with two dozen states still yet to hold the presidential primaries? continue to scoop up delegates in these states as they continue to have contests. there are no strong challenges for either man. they continued his campaign. there are couple of states where the uncommitted effort from folks who are upset about the bidendministration's handling of the war in gaza, urging some protest votes. we are keeping an eye on these contests. urging for people to vote for williamson as a way to object. in kansas, andcandidate.
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in illinois, where chicago has one of the highest, largest population of palestinian americans, they urging people to write in gaza on the ballot. the secretary of state says those will not be counted. we are keeping an eye on how that will play out but it is not clear that it will be a big enough noticeable trend at the contests this week. host: arizona, illinois, ohio, kansas having primaries this week. in florida, just the republican side or both sides? guest: just the republicans.demo cancel their primary and decided to give their delegates to joe candidate is in the white house. host: where when the candidates be this week, where are they focusing their efforts? guest: we don't know where donald trump will be this week.
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he doesn't always broadcast his campaign schedule until a couple of days out. biden has travel plans this weekend nevada, arizona. nevada doesn't have a primary there. it is an important state in november, if anyone can remember, one of those states that took a long time to count in 2020. arizona has their primary tomorrow. joe biden is not considered in danger of losing the primary but a state that he narrowly won, will be competitive this year. host: reporting from over the weekend from the biden campaign all-important money race heading into the slog of campaign ads, campaign spending. joe biden raising it to $3 million in february. how does that compare to donald trump, what does thatean for guest: since the state of the
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union, they've been doing well with their fundraising. one of their best periods ever. donald trump has been struggling to fund raise. he had aaldonations, folks who e galvanized, upset about the criminal charges. but he fees. that is different from the legal judgments in these cases which is about half $1 billion. fees to his lawyers were about $14 million last year. his campaign is still working to court the big republican donors whoying on the sidelines. some of those folks were looking at nikki haley, but they are looking to juice those numbers for donald trump going forward.s become a big concern? just the cached -- cash disadvantage?
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guest: if it gets to a point where it impacts his ability to campaign, those valleys cost several million dollars, making sure that people turn outif it n schedule, that would be a sign. there are some very big republican donors to come back e fold. we have even seen some republicans who are hesitant so far, have seen the party galvanized behind donald trump, seem to be returning home so to speak. it sounds like they are confident they will get some of those folks to pay out a little bit. host: a little while ago, we read and up in the wall street journal, one of th delegates for the no labels effort. what do we know about no labels trying to steal any candidates in 2024, are there any closer?
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guest: we have looked at this group, founded as a bipartisan effort for folks that are dissatisfied with the state of the republican and democratic parties, kind of a centrist group. they are looking to run a presidential ticket. they have not committed for sure that they will they are moving forward with it. last week they announced their process for selecting a ticket. about a dozen board members who will be looking at different candidates. they will forward that nomination to 800 no labels delegates. they say a majority of those folks are supportive of the ticket, then they will put them on the ballot. they are on the ballot in a little over a dozen states. they have some time to work on that. it would be an effort that might pull away from people voting for either candidate but especially joe biden. one that democrats have been taking seriously. we don't know exactly who they
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might be looking at. one of the names that has come out as a potentialdential nominee for no labels is jeff duncan, former lieutenant governor of georgia. host: michelle covers it all in campaign 2024 for the associated press. you can find her work at appreciate the update. >> washington journal, our forum involving you to discuss the issues in politics, and public policy from washington and across the country. tuesday morning, lead faster discusses his investigation into opioid addiction in the united states. and the professor of political queens college talks about the humanitarian crisis
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and political turmoil in haiti and the potential for increased migration to the u.s. washington journal. join the conversation live at 7:00 eastern tuesday morning on c-span, c-span now, or >> friday nights, watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail, a roundup of c-span's campaign providing a one-stop shop to discover what the candidates across the country are saying to data, and campaign ads. watch c-span's 2024 campaign trailght at 7:30 p.m. on c-span,, or download as a podcast on c-span now. c-span. your unfiltered view of
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politics. c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including cox. >>■c this syndrome is extremely rare. but friends don't have to be. when you are connected, you're not alone. >> cox supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> president biden signed an executive order directing federal agencies to prioritize women's health in honor of women's history month. this order will provide opportunities for research on a wide range of topics to prevent and diagnose health conditions among women. the president was joined by vice


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