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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 25, 2024 10:00am-10:47am EDT

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wi-fi enabled locations so students can hic ser providers giving you a front row seat to ay, brsopeanh huds begrn on c-span, c-span now, and online at >> be publishing with book teepees podcast about works with current nonfiction book releases, plus bestseller lists, as well as industry news and trends through insider interviews. you can find us on c-span now, our free mobile app, or wherever you get your podcasts. host: take a look newspapers this morning. . the washington times, saying cold comfort for mike johnson with the next wave of troubles alex miller notes in his reporting that mike johnson after concluding a spending battle for the current fiscal year, and he has little room for
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error in his fractured republican majority, going forward. then there is the washington post this morning. their headline, weekend house gop majority reckons with johnson's leadership. less than six months after a faction of republicans ousted kevin mccarthy, republicans are complaining about the direction and questioning whether the replacement with speaker mike johnson was the right person for the job. wall street editorial defending mike johnson. too many house republicans would prefer to be in the minority. and they write this. marjorie taylors -- marjorie taylor greene's motion to oust mr. johnson poses the deception behind the coup against mccarthy. after we criticized the coup as destructive and self-serving, matt wrote us a letter, saying
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that in electing mr. johnson the gop had a real consso what's wrong with mr. johnson now? apparently, because he's not willing to indulge, because he acts like shutting down the government, mr. johnson is a sellout too. marjorie taylor greene republican of georgiathe sunday morning futures to explain her reason for filing a motion to vacate against speaker mike johnson, saying he failed to secure the border. here is what she had to say. >> there's nothing in this bill that's a core -- secures the border. -- that secures the border. it does everything to keep the biden administrations horrible deadly invasion happening every civil day.speaker johnson's one chance, his one chance to truly secure the border is with the power of the purse and that's in these funding bills. if speaker johnson really wanted to secure the border like he
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promised all of us he would and the american people, he would have told chuck schumer, we will not pass any government funding bills until our border has hr to or the lake and riley -- hr two or the lake and riley -- laken riley act in it. he let chuck schumer pass the bill in the house because speaker johnson forced it on republicans. >> but people -- >> the bill did nothing for the border. it horrific trans-woke policies. this was not a republican bill. this was a democrat bill. host: marjorie taylor greene on her motion to vacate, she says it is a warning to speaker mike johnson or, consider it a pink slip is what she told reporters. we want to know your view of the house republican majority.
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reporting, why mike johnson can't run the house without democrats help. the speaker has needed a bipartisan coalition to pass key bills amid republican infighting . take a look at the graphics they put together here. here is the average share of votes provided by each party on must, must pass spending bills. there have beeouthem in this 118th congress. 37% of the votes to pass these have come from republicans. 63% have come from emme kratz. -- democrats. these are the no votes on the key spending bills. 95% of no votes have been republicans. 5% from democrats. let me break down the republican party in the house. here is the average of how publicans voted on must pass bills. in more conservative districts 47% voted yes.
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in the more conservative districts, here is the portion that voted no or did not vote. in less conservative districts, they were more likelyvote yes on these must pass spending bills. if you break it down even more as the wall street journal morning, the mainstreet caucus, the problem solvers caucus, the republican governance group and r won in 2020 70% of its members voted yes on average. the governing wing that includes the gop elected leadership, committee chair, rules committee members appropriations, subcommittee chairs, 32 members of that 60% of the group, would vote yes on these must pass pieces of legislation. the hot, members of the -- talk
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hawk 54% of this group voting yes on these must pass groups. and then there is the opposition. the house freedom caucus and republicans who voted to oust kevin mccarthy. one member, 3% of that group, voting to move forward on these must pass spending bills. kevin mccarthy the former speaker, was on cbs yesterday. this is what he had to say about a motion to vacate the current speaker. >> is when you allow eight republicans to join all of the democrats to determine who c run the house when 96% decide one way, it creates some chaos. we have to move through this, but the country first and then we can move on. speaker johnson is doing the best job he can. it's a difficult situation.
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the advice i would give to the conference and the speaker's do not be fearful of the motion to vacate. i do not think they can do it again. that was based on matt gaetz trying to stop an ethics complaint. i don't think the democrats would go along with it. focus on the country and focus on the jobs we are supposed to do and actually do it fearlessly. just move forward. host: patrick mchenry, one of your lieutenants said you can either die a speaker and worry about them taking you out or worry every day like it's your last. are you suggesting -- >> no, not at all. i don't believe speaker johnson is afraid all. i don't believe the motion will come up. the motion marjorie taylor greene put in notice is not privileged. it's not being called up for a vote.
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last time, he went three weeks without congress being able to act. you can't do anything if you don't have a speaker. i think they have moved past that. we have a lot of challenges. we have ukraine funding and a border wide open. those are the issues the country is looking on the economy and others. if we focused on the country i think the personalities can solve their own problems. host: the former speaker, kevin mccahis idea of a motion to vacate the current speaker. he does not fear it and does not think it will happen. what's to come when they return from this two week spring break? the senate is also out on a two week spring break. they come back, they have to deal with ukraine funding which speaker johnson said would come to the floor. you heard him talk about pfizer
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and doing more on the border. your view on house gop majority, michael says, in a wordube bill. the one that was negotiated in theish lin woulspeaker is what joann little says. leolpathetic. what is your view of the house gop majority? you can join us in a text with your first name, city and state, at (202) 748-8003crats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8003chip roy was on cnn. this is what he had to say about the $1.2 trillion spending package. >> i want some sense of sanity on spending. some sense of sanity on the board he. -- border. some sense of sanity on the issues people care about. we got none of that. we got a doubling down on the thing that the people who sent
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me to washington and the vast majority of texans and americans are frustrated with. when i went to washington as a staffer 20 years ago, the national debt was 6 trillion dollars. nt back to texas and did a bunch of stuff. i come back to congress and we are at $34.5 trillion. both parties are equally to blame over that time. the entire establishment in washington keeps spending money we don't have, racking up debt to expand policies that are undermining their safety and well-being. laken riley died because of mass parole policies. that man was released under those policies against the law and she died. we have hundreds of examples. texans, across the country. we do nothing to secure the border. zero. that's the problem the american people are looking at and they are frustrated by it. done, i would have started with the bipartisan caps. i would have passed a cr that
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triggered the calves. we would have cut the bureaucracy and then we could have begun tg security. host: you heardve done if he had control over the house republican majority if key was in leadership. this morning, we are getting your thoughts on house republicans. they have the majority in the house. we want to know your view of in long island, new york. republican. hey, michael. caller: good morning, how are you? host: good morning. caller: i want to say the 88 republicans that voted yes on this bill, they should just leave and not come back. they say they are never for abortion. they are always against abortion and then they fund it. host: how would you describe those republicans that voted
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yes? caller: cowards. cowards. not even a fight. ran out of town, voted for abortion that they run on and say we are totally against abortion, no matter what. and then they fund it? disgraceful. host: what do you think about mike johnson? caller:horrible. host: you would want another motion to vacate and perhaps another retract speaker battle on the floor? caller: because they just gave biden four more years. they just gave joe biden four more years. i hope that donald trump does not run and he changes his mind because he can't fix everything by himself. these republicans are nothing but cowards. host: who should be speaker for the republicans? caller: that's a good question. i think it should be democrats. i am switching to democrat. i've had enough republicans.
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they don't stick together. they say things they don't mean. i agree with chip roy, totally. host: how could you switch to being a democrat giving your abortion stance? -- given your abortion stance? caller: i might change that too. host: dan is a democratic caller. your view on the house majority? caller: chip roy on cnn and didn't hear one word out of chip roy when donald trump, when he had a $.2 trillion to increase the budget. 250,000, over $2 trillion of that went to tax cuts to the top 90%. he didn't say one word. the only time this trump colt
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thinks about the debt is when democrats are in power. they must think of your body is like the people who support them and trump. everybody ain't stupid. $8.2 trillion. ok? and that's the most of any president and he did it in four years. give trump four more years and it would have been $16 trillion. couldn'tthey come on and say -- a nice reminder where were you at when donald trump spent $8.2 trillion? and also, what did you say -- what was your reaction?
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just ask the question, you don't have to take a side. i think that's a legitimate question. host: all right. dan, there. we have asked that question when we have had members of congress on. in other news related to the house majority is this headline in the washington times. house investigators to refer the biden case to the justice depa likely than an impeachment effort. susan and mallory wilson reporting for the washington times. they led an investigation into president biden, saying he is planning to send criminal referrals against present biden and others to be as it impairs -- appears increasingly unlikely that republicans will vote to impeach him. what's your reaction of that this morning? your view of the house gop majority, increasingly unlikely that they don't move on the impeachment effort. house oversight and committee , a republican said
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criminal referrals would provide greater accountability for mr. biden than impeachment, given the long odds for conviction. >> they say they can have difficulty getting the narrowly led republican house to provide enough votes to impeach the president. he wants to ensure accountability and accountability. he's been pretty clear that at the conclusion of this investigation, the committee is going to issue a report and it will contain criminal referrals and he likely will introduce legislation as well. your reaction to that news on the front page of the washington times this morning, as it relates to the house republican majority. let's hear from rich in ohio, republican. caller: we have serious problems in washington. all the presidents of to reagan
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spent $1 trillion. that's all they spent, all those years up to reagan. we are cracking through $1 trillion every three months. the house is trying to deal with that. what's face it, when we buy a fire truck, we have to pay for a fire truck. we don't have to pay for 80% of abortion things on the fire truck. we build interstate highways and 20% and 80% goes into port. we can't survive with that -- into pork and we can't survive with that. the other one is taking people's money to do abortion. you can't take other peoples's money to buy weapons to do anything on abortion. so far, we have held that for years. the other thing is on the states. host: on the abortion part that's included in this. the hyde amendment language is in this $1.2 trillion spending bill. caller: right.
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but you can't spend other peoplesat is a complex thing if we are going to have problems with abortion, cut the number of abortions in half. this is really complex for people. it's an important item. all the presidents up to reagan and now every three months, this is beyond $1 trillion. we can't afford this. every state is not allowed to print money beyond what they have. they would make a budget in washington and say hospice is supposed to solve the problem, they are putting the budget in before they spend the money? here's half $1 trillion, you are going to have to pay. you can't do that. host: in ohio what's ftricts funding to the u reln refuplan fr65 million dollars for election
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security grants. $10.5 billion for the transportation security administration and $200 million for fbi headquarters. there is more provisions in this $1.2 trillion. that is giving you an idea of some of the provisions. carlton in louisville kentucky, democratic caller. your view of the house republican majority? caller: i think it's a clown show because they are doing trump business. they already had a deal to secure the border and trump told them to turn it down. ed it down. trump is not in office. trump is running for the president. he's not the president of the united states. more or less, the republicans need to do the people's bidding and not trump's bidding. good day to you. >> carlton in louisville kentucky. sarah. caller: i'm just not sure what people don't understand.
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this, from the beginning which was perpetrated on this country and the like, it was done by your politicians in china, ok? when covid was going on, did you not notice what they -- host: we are talking about the house republican majority. do you have thoughts on that? guest: this is where the money goes to. then babysitting you and spending all the money on it. publicans are in this. if they weren't in it, they wouldn't be doing it. host: marlene in minnesota, independent. good morning. i would like to say one thing. on the $8.5 trillion that trump spent that everybody seems to constantly talk about, i'm wondering if you could tell me was the majority of that money spent for covid? host: marlene, i don't know.
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what is your view of the house republican majority? caller: i'm disappointed. we should have closed down the government and done a line by line on the budget. half of the stuff you put on the screen does not tell the whole depth. we are supporting sending money to egypt. we are sending money to jordan to build a wall. why aren't any of those things put up so people can see exactly what's in that bill. people who don't have a computer. another thing i would like to say is on this last bill that they cast about the border with everybody complaining that the republicans did not go along with it, it's because nobody knows what else was in that bill. there was a lot of things that should not that's why the republicans did
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not pass it through the house. host: marlene, what do you think of speaker johnson given everything you just said? should he stay or should they move to vacate? caller: i don't think we should go through another fight like that. i think we need to give him more of a chance but i'm just saying that he's -- he is put into a position where, you know, he's over surmounted with the stuff the democrats want. i said i know you have to give and take. i know that. but i think they should have just shut down the government and let the democrats have to barter once in a while instead of always the republicans. we need to get people that have got some strength in our thing. we have way too many rhinos in our senate and in our house. people need to start being aware
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of when they vote, what kind of people they are voting for. don't listen to them on tv. go start doing some research on these people because we have way too many rhinos that are really democrats. they say they are republicans and they are independent or whatever. they are totally rhinos. host: do you not need in order to have the majority, do you not coalition, a big ten of republicans? caller: absolutely, you do. but i want to say one thing, the people that are leading our house of representatives now like the end of the week, and before the election, i think they are cowards. i really think they are worthless, worthless people. i just -- i get so frustrated with that. i said i can't hardly handle it. host: all right, marlene.
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the punch bowl, punch bowl news, the headline is congress leaves town with everyone mad. and they know in their newsletter this morning that things are so bad that members are just quitting congress without even telling party leaders. republicans will be down to a one-vote margin. one-vote is what they note on punch bowl this morning. one member who is leaving congress is kin buff of he joined abc's panel yesterday to explain his reason why. here's what he had to say. >> i'm happy to move on. a dysfunctional place. >> you must have been intensely frustrated to not only not run again but to leave early. you are not alone, obviously great my calendar said he is leaving -- obviously. mike galanger said he is
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leaving too. >> the chiefs of staff, the president, the attorney general, the fbi director in fact did impeach the director -- secretary of homeland security. serious problems with setting priorities. we have a very tragic circumstance in ukraine. we have spiraling debt all kinds of out-of-control problems and we focus on messaging bills that get us nowhere. >> you can only afford to lose one number on any given -- the republican majority seems to be evaporating. >> it is evaporating. very few votes are decided by one or two members. other than the mayorkas impeachment, i can't think of a vote that went one way or the other. they typically have to be bipartisan at this point. >> the republican of colorado on
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why he is leaving congress. you heard the discussion at the end about a one-vote majority. here is axios representative mike gallagher, saying he would resign from congress on april 19. house republicans will have a one-vote margin when gallagher leaves which is set to dwindle even further latera special election to replace brian higgins is set for april 30 and it's likely to send another democrat to congress. gallagher was planning to retire at the end of the congressional session next january. here is what gallagher is saying . after conversations with my family, i've made the decision to resign my position as a member of the house of effective april 19. he said he works closely with house republican leadership on this timeline and his office will continue to provide services for the remainder of this term.
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aligarh -- gallagher was seen as a rising star in the party and was pushed unsuccessfully to run against tammy baldwin this cycle. we are getting your view of the house casino majority. llewellyn in bowie, maryland, democratic call. hi lu llewellyn. caller: i don't understand. you had a majority and you do nothing. there is so many of these guys that -- these guys are quitting for a reason. because they know that nothing is happening. they know that, in november, their party is going to be destroyed. and they forget who they work for. they are so self absorbed with their own need. they don't want to pass anything
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for anybody. they want to fight with -- it should be about this country, and it's not. they don'tits the reason why a bunch of them are quitting. host: all right. after the house passed that $1.2 trillion spending package the vote was 286-34. the senate early saturday morning followed suit, passing it 74-24. the president signed it into law . the passage of that bill in the house triggered marjorie taylor greene to offer a motion to vacate. work -- she says it is just a threat at this point a warning. greene characterized the motion as more of a warning. speaker johnson has not committed to a timeline for a vote.
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the soonest her effort could be addressed is afte month from a two-week recess. the resolution probably will not be considered unless greene introduces it under a privilege. that would force a house vote on johnson's future within 48 hours. the house and senate left for a two week recess. punch bowl news says everyone is mad about the action that has been taken in the two chambers here in washington this week. this morning, we are getting your view of the house gop majority. here is scott on facebook. asstwhverything until biden follows on histe have passed the bipartisan security bill. you can join us on our social media platforms or in a text. include your first name, city, and state to (202) 748-8003. on and also on twitter with t x, i should call it --they
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handle @cspanwj says gop majority, question mark? majority in name only. jim, republican caller. what do you think? caller: yes, thank you. i am a democrat, but i can go right down the middle, i can go a left, little to the right. the trouble in america today is we have got 20, 30 of each party, and they are trying to control it, and they do not understand. they are nothing. they are nothing but servants. they work for us. but they do not see it that way. they see it that they work for donald trump, a criminal, an evil person. they think he will die soon and one of them will be the top person. it is a joke. host: andrew in staten island independent. your view of the gop majority in the house. caller: good morning ma'am.
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my opinion of therepresentatives is this -- the documents that donald trump removed when he left the white house, he has something on members of the house of representatives. if you can remember what was given last week -- they stated several members of the house were in with then president on the january 6 attempt to overthrow the government. there is no doubt about it. it has something to do witnt removed from the white house when he left. he has something on those people. host: andrew ere in staten island his aunt about the republican majority in the house. marjorie taylor greene has said
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one action that could trigger her to offer her motion to vacate as a privileged resolution is ukraine funding. the chair of the house foreign affairs committee, mike mccall, republican of texas, said yesterday that he expects speaker mike johnson to ring a ukraine bill -- eight bill to the floor after easter. here's what he had to say. [video clip] >> has speaker johnson given you any timeline for a vote on ukraine, given they are running out of ammunition? >> his commitment is to put it on the floor after easter, and we are working on this bill. >> as soon as you all come back april 9? >> i would like to be done with it as soon as possible. the situation in ukraine is dire. the front lines -- if we lose in ukraine, like afghanistan, and loose to putin let him take over ukraine, moldova, georgia and abandon our allies, like we
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did in afghanistan, does not make the united states stronger or weaker? i think weaker. >> why not the sense of urgency on the part of the speaker? >> he understands this. he is in a very difficult spo emotion -- this motion to vacate the chair thing, i think he is committed because he understands national security, liens on myself, the chairman of house armed services. he understands the important. host: saying the ukraine a bill is going to come to the floor. your thoughts about house republicans moving on 82 ukraine -- what is your view of the republicans in the house as they control that chamber? in south carolina republican. we will hear from you. caller: good morning. ever seen such all or nothing thinking by some of your callers and marjorie taylor
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greene, whatever her name is that they get all or nothing. greene only represents, in her constituency, 10% of the house, yet they want to run the whole thing and say my way the highway. what they do not realize is if they keep messing around and more people keep falling out and the republicans lose the house, she gets no voice. they will have no voice. what are they going to do then? i do not understand this kind of hyperbolic thinking that they have to have everything they want to run everything when they represent such a small portion of the republican party of the house, and it is only 1 of 3 -- you have the house, the senate, the presidency. you cannot run every thing like that. it amazes me that people call the moderate republicans, why? because you are not an all or nothing thinker? how do we run government that
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way if you do not compromise. i know it is disappointing -- host: if you do not have different factions of the parties, centrists, more conservative leadership, etc., the governing wing -- that is what the washington post calls it this morning -- you cannot have a majority, is what you are saying, echoing the wall street journal editorial board -- honey, we shrunk the majority. call yeah, but the democrats stuck together. they are more factors than anybody with all their groups but somehow, they stick this one part of the republican party's going to derail it, and then they will not have a voice at all. what good is their name-calling or anything if they do not have any voice, if the republicans lose the house? host: so compare, then, mike johnson's or give us your analysis of mike johnson's leadership, given everything you just said. caller: he had to work with chuck schumer, whether greene
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likes it or not. he has to pass bills. i do not like we are spending $7 trillion. that is crazy. but you have got to negotiate. this is government. again, would you just walk away from the table and not do anything to help the situation at all? then you have no ability to negotiate at all? i hope i made my point. host: we heard it. the wall street journal also reporting this in their paper this morning -- high court pulled back into abortion battle. the supreme court come on tuesday, will consider whether to rollback the availability of the abortion pill known as mifepristone as women increasingly rely on medication to end unwanted pregnancies. the case has forced the court back into theion thicket after its decision two years ago illuminated federal actions for the procedure. roughly one third of states have since banned many or most
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abortions, but method for stone is more available than ever especially by mail, and overall, abortions have not declined. nearly two thirds are medication abortions. this disappointed antiabortion groups. from the wall street journal this morning, you can watch the supreme court and go to our coverage on of this oral argument on tuesday. richard in st. paul, minnesota. you are a your view of the house republican majority. caller: the house republican majority, they have got to learn to get along. they are there to solve the problems. like the border, they had what they want to, and they would not vote for it. this is ridiculous. you have a man on the sideline by the name of trump who is trying to help russia win the war in ukraine. and they are stopping things for no reason.
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they are not trying to work with our government and get things done. nato is on our side, not russia and china and north korea, who trump backs. this is time for us to get together and do things. by the way you had a minnesota earlier, and she was a republican on the democratic line. you keep letting these republican's talk all the time, and they do not know what they are talking about. you let them on the wrong line. come on, let some democrats talk. host: ok. brad. caller: good morning, how are you? host: morning. nice to hear you. the reon i am calling is the only reason the republicans and greene are voting against any policy is to save it for trump being in office.
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they so when possibly trump gets in office, god forbid, he can claim that he made it all happen. it is embarrassing. it is embarrassing to watch them on tv. i am not really into politics, but i find myself getting sucked into it because i want to smack sense into these people. they do not make sense. where are their morals? they just want to make a distraction rather than make policy for america. host: all right. brad's thoughts there, and independent in pennsyl news, cnn's website new york attorney makes initial steps to prepare to seize trump's assets. there new york attorney general's office has fired the judge in west mr. county, the first indication the state is trying to seize doldrums golf
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course and private estate north of manhattan. state lawyers entered the judgments with the click's office in h 6, just one week after judge arthur and ron made official his $464 million decision against trump. the decision against trump and the difficulty of former president is having securing a bond while he secures the verdict affects directly trump's image as a billionaire as he attempts to raise more cash for his legal bills and third run for the white house. we are asking your view of the house gop majority this morning in our first hour of the "washington journal." lucy howard on facebook, li trump apologist again, i cannot trust anything else this individual says. willy in katy, texas, a republican. your view of the house republican majority. caller: good morning. i want to make sense --
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i am proud of people like marjorie taylor greene. they do not want what is happening to this country to continue. they are trying to put up some kind of roadblock. we understand the democrats are on speed dial with all of their ridiculous policies. these are things that people have never seen before in this country. we have got a president who constantly, from the day he came down the escalator and declared -- now he is not president. for crying out loud, they have all these lawsuits against him. particularly the thing where they are trying to seize the assets. this is not a critical -- this is not a criminal trial. this is a civil trial. they have to know they are desperate at this time, because they know that in the event he
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becomes president again, he will pick the right people, and they are going to start pointing out all the ridiculous policies and reversing the ridicule's policies of the democrats. i am not going to say the biden regime, i am going to say the democrats, people like obama and the rest of them. this makes total sense as to why. we don't want this country to go down in the way it is going down , particularly things like all of these democrats coming out -- we -- like all theseng out. we have a regime that just lets them come in and stacks. we have a man who says rush the border when they were doing the debates, the democratic debates. it is amazing to me. thank you for your time. host: debbie in pennsylvania, democratic caller. your view of the house republicans. caller: my view of the house
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republicans -- they are all hypocrites. they know what trump has done to this country. they have seen the insurrection. and yet they still stand i that man? it is unbelievable. i never thought, in my lifetime i would see such a thing happened to this country. the man belongs in jail. are they afraid of their shadows? are they afraid he is going to do something to them if they go alonem lives? host: john in bermuda springs florida, independent. good morning. what do you say on this question? good morning. i would say the house gop is feckless. they are weak. they have no ability to control the direction of the house. they are terrible. i will say the same for the democrats. as the democrats and the -- a uniparty, the democrats and the rhinos, you will never have anything done.
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nothing is getting done for the benefit of this country. 1.1 trillion dollar bill just think it was $50 million in there for the people of egypt to send their kids to college in egypt -- not even come to america, just to pay for college in egypt. we are sending money to >> we are going
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