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tv   Washington Journal Jason Palmer  CSPAN  April 3, 2024 2:46pm-3:01pm EDT

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logic and facts dictate that. the question is if corrected the outcome would be the same? and that is up for a lot of debate and we are seeing it. this was happening in the trial that jeff was having. they have a lot of witnesses that said signature verification never occurred. it was an expert witness contrary to the state law. if that does not occur and i am -- and hundreds of things do not occur can anyone say that this outcome is determinedly and factually, can we say that the outcome was what it was. i do not think anyone can say yes to that. host: wade miller is the executive director for citizens renewing america. it is and>> washington" continues.
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-- "washington journal" continues. >> we welcome jason palmer. you are described as the guy who beat joe biden in american samoa, back on super tuesday. what should viewers know about you? guest: viewers should know i'm in the race because i believe in ideas. if you go to my websites you will see we are talking about conscious capitalism, modernizing government. i am a technology entrepreneur and investor by background and we really need to pass the torch to the next generation of people who are entrepreneurs and move our country into the 21st century. host: what is conscious capitalism? guest: i have been working in a
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movement for the last 20 years and it is people who create businesses for good and invest in businesses for basically socially improving purposes. think of a company like i've invested in called origin that educates people in prisons. and another that is creating digital certificates, sales force administrator, certifications, amazon web services. there are 600 credentials you can earn in less than a year where you can get upscaled to the middle class, like the new color jobs of our century. you don't even have to go to college. you can get yourself into the middle class and beyond with the certificates and credentials. host: we probably hers heard from you in the super tuesday. when did you start to decide to run? guest: very late.
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all of my friends who have been involved in politics and it is way too late and you headed to start two years ago. but at that point i felt like there was nobody talking about the ideas. we are getting mired in foreign conflicts. the republican party had a scream fest on the debates. and i said to my ceos, if somebody like me got into the race would it be positive and they said yes and we talked to investors and other people and got unanimous support that i should get into the race and talk about ideas and try to move the country towards an ideas-based election. host: why we are so popular with the samoa? guest: it was mostly because i did basic campaigning. i think the other candidates did not campaign. i did multiple zoom town
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meetings and hired people locally. i also think not enough people take american samoa seriously. i care about them. host: how do you keep them from being the high watermark of your run? guest: i introduce my new organization called "together! " and some democrats and some republicans that bring the country back to the center. we need to come back together. that is been my biggest message so far. take our government back from the crazies. host: in congress? guest: we will mostly focus in
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congress. this is something i did in 2018 as a private citizen who invested in women who were running for congress. later the bloomberg team picked it up and amplified it. 16 of the 20 got elected. and in 2019 it was a freshman class of women elected. this time we want to elect people who are purple candidates who want to work across the aisle, people who come from an entrepreneurial tech background like myself. in the next week or two we are getting close to announcing which five people we will nominate as the first five and then all the way to 20. if all goes well we will have 16 of those 20 elected to congress or have helped done that. goes to my background as an investor and picker of people who are little-known, like myself. host: you live in baltimore, maryland? guest: i do.
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host: why not run there and why set your sights on president? guest: i have a favorite candidate. my state has a senate race and also my congressman decided to design and there is a new congress race going on. i like the candidates for mayor, senate and congress in maryland and will support all three of them. it was a timing thing. there is not a focus on congressional races back when i decided to get into the race. and if you run for one of the 435 congress seats, people don't notice your message. host: you like your local and state officials do you not like joe biden? guest: i do like him but we agree on 90% of things but a couple key things we differ. the federal government is running a massive deficit for years. we need to get the federal deficit into balance, which i
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have a plan to do over five years. i am a quaker by background and have been speaking out on gaza since october since last year that we need to have a cease fire and work towards a two state solution. the yet -- netanyahu government has been a terrible partner for the u.s. for many years. the gaza policy has been changing. i noticed the fighting administration changing it. i know marianne williamson was on yesterday and i agree with her on a lot of things and i have met her on the campaign trail and admire her position on gaza. host: jason palmer with us, taking your phone calls. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. republicans can call in at (202) 748-8001. independents, it's (202) 748-8002. you talked about your tech investment career. take us through your career and how you got to that.
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guest: i went to the university of virginia, like you. i was a government professor. i thought i would go into government my whole life. my fourth year i started a business called "the corner meal plan." a way for students to eat at restaurants around the campus. i have been a computer science diet since the beginning. that led to starting a company in silicon valley and starting a company and graduating from business school. so those two companies and failed with one. i have worked for bill gates twice. i have multiple technologies and patents and invested in 30 companies. host: what did you do for bill gates? guest: i was at the bill and melinda gates foundation and
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worked on higher education. as you know, higher education is too expensive and that is why we have been finding these alternative pathways where you can learn for six or 12 months and get a credential and go straight to the middle class. host: for you one of the kids that wanted to grow up and be president? guest: yes, i was. i have on my website a book report i did on abraham lincoln, george washington. i am here to say to all the kids who watch for the parents needs to want to be president that you can get involved. you can't run for office. not everyone wants to run for president that people can find different ways to run for your small town. but if you want to get big ideas out there, the president is the way to run. host: does it take a lot of self funding? guest: it has. we need to move to a system of public funding so this is not something just relatively rich
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people can do. rachel maddow compared me to michael bloomberg. i laughed. i am much less well off than that. we have invested 500,000 dollars in our campaign and taken $50,000 in donations. this is run on a shoestring. you are supposed to have a billion dollars to run for president. that is crazy. host: what is the path forward? what happens at the democratic national committee? guest: we are negotiating the details but my goal is to give the people of the american samoa voice on stage to share more about their culture and issues they care about. there are many territories that don't get enough attention. puerto rico is one of them.
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they are overdue for statehood, guam, virgin islands. many areas don't get enough air time and people don't know that we have these colonies that are now territories all over the world. host: how many times have you been to american samoa? guest: i have never been there. that is probably one of the biggest surprises. i did for zoom town halls and spoke to a class of the school children, hired three people on the ground who did a fantastic job. i basically took the people there seriously and i think we should take all people seriously from disadvantaged backgrounds. host: again, (202) 748-8000 for democrats to call in. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independent, it is (202) 748-8002. jason palmer is our guest.
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this is jordan, california, independent. caller: good morning. i haven't gotten a chance to look at your campaign website. i did want to just right off the bat ask if you are in favor of an immediate cease-fire in gaza and hope shipments of any weapons, bombs, plans to israel. guest: that is an easy question. i have been in favor of an immediate cease-fire permanent cease-fire in gaza since november of last year. the netanyahu government is corrupt. we can no longer be providing arms to them. part of that comes of my quaker background. i'm always looking for the most peaceful solution with the least loss of life.
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this is a core important position for me. host: what are your views on the war in ukraine? guest: that is a little different. the parallels between when vladimir putin invaded ukraine to hitler's invaded czechoslovakia and poland are all too similar. putin has written a long document posted online about how he wants to restore a greater russia. i watched the interview with him and tucker carlson. it is clear he wants to establish greater russia and bring ukraine, belarus, the former republics into a greater russia. he is an expansionist dictator
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conveyed to the ukrainians that this money is the last money in. there's a needhost: this is aar, virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. i like a lot of what you're talking about. it sounds like our backgrounds are sort of this line as well. but i want to give you a question


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