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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 14, 2024 11:24am-12:01pm EDT

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business insider publication takes a look at some of those people that could be on a short list when it comes to the former president's running mate for this november. that list starts with senator tim scott of south carolina. the list adding senator scott has been on mr. trump's shortlist from the beginning. he is a former presidential candidate himself. the 58-year-old has also shown a fundraising prowess that could be appreciated given mr. trump's at times cash-strapped campaign. second on the list is the governor of north dakota. saying his biggest moment was arguably the primary debate. despite the forgettable primary efforts he is receiving serious consideration. his momentum is surprising home
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state politicians. is a white male from a state with three electoral votes that have not gone to a democrat since lbj, does not seem to bring a lot of electoral value to the ticket. third on the list of senator marco rubio of florida, saying mr. rubio would be the most obvious choice to carry the former president's legacy forward in 2028. the floridian was once claimed the future of the republican party. he did vote to certify the 2020 election results but found other ways to work with his former primary rival in office and has proved he will shift his views when he was one of the main architects of the bipartisan 2013 immigration reformation that would have it -- offered undocumented immigrants pathways to citizenship. if you have your own choice for the person you would like to see
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run with former president donald trump this november you can let us know on the phone lines. if you live in the eastern and central time zones it is (202) 748-8000. if you live in the mountain and pacific time zones it is (202) 748-8001. if you want to tax us -- if you want to text us, that is (202) 748-8003. two other people of note. representative elise stefanik of new york. she has clearly state or ground is a trump ally. she was the first member of the house to of endorsed trump for his 2024 run and endeared himself -- endeared herself for her defense of the president during the impeachment trial. she garnered national attention -- she was more liberal than liz cheney but horizon the gop has
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cemented her as a trump aligned republican. the last, j.d. vance of ohio, saying the senator used his perch to push the gop more in trump's direction. he serves in a chamber that is more likely to defy the former president. the 39-year-old has been repeatedly mentioned as a potential running mate. he has ties to the more conservative silicon valley leaders who can help mr. trump's fundraising. that is the top five on the list. you may find someone you agree with when it comes to a running mate. you may find another person altogether. (202) 748-8000 for those republicans in the eastern and central time zone. (202) 748-8001 mountain and pacific time zones. j.d. vance was in new york monday with mr. trump as he was attending his hush money case outside of that. senator vance made several
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comments to the press. >> michael cohen is the prosecution's star witness. this guy is a convicted felon who admitted in his testimony that he secretly recorded his former employer, that he only did it once, and this was supposed to help donald trump. does any sensible person believe anything michael cohen says? i don't think they should. i think his testimony will hurt any reasonable juror and hopefully we have a few of those . i want to say two other things. the things the president is prevented from saying is that every single person involved in this prosecution is practically a democratic political operative. the judge, his daughter is making millions of dollars running against donald trump, raising money for donald trump's political opponent. the number three person in bidens department of justice
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left to become a local prosecutor to go after donald trump. then there is alvin bragg, a soros funded prosecutor who promised to go after donald trump. whether you love donald trump or you are democrat and do not care about politics, what is going on inside the courtroom is a threat to american democracy. we cannot have a country where you get to prosecute your political opponents instead of persuading voters. joe biden's entire strategy is to try to distract from inflation at home and war overseas with this sham trial. i want to live in a reasonable country where we try to persuade voters in our politics do not try to throw our political opponents in jail. host: that was senator j.d. vance, one of those bandied about as a former -- as a running mate for trump. michael in florida, the former president's home state, has this
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thought. saying "i would like to see a well-qualified woman. sarah huckabee sanders. she is smart and has good name recognition and is prepared." you are welcome to give your thoughts. bradley in texas. your first up on this question of a running mate for the former president. go ahead. caller: caller: good morning. i would like to see donald trump pick ron desantis from florida. host: why is that? caller: what i've seen from ron desantis is leadership. his moral compass. host: you think that because you have two floridians that would be a problem and you think that because both the president and ron desantis have differences with each other during the campaign that might be an issue? caller: i think they have their
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issues ironed out. host: bradley in texas. this is a viewer off of our x feed saying they need someone boring. that is a quote by the way. "who would i personally like to see as vp? vivek ramaswamy." others under possible consideration, elise stefanik of new york. former democrat tulsa gabbert on that list as well. doug burgum in new jersey. giving introductory remarks before former president trump's rally. here is some of that from over the weekend. >> we know how all of you will vote this november. to win this election so big it
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cannot be rate you have to bring your friends, your independents, the people who may not be here, and you can help them make that choice. it is very simple. donald trump mean strength. joe biden means weakness. donald trump means law and order. joe biden means lawfare. joe biden's policies kill jobs. if you like regulation, crime, political trials, and open borders. [indiscernible] if you want to make america safe again, make america strong again, you know what to do. let's get this country turned
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around fast. let's send president trump back to the white house and make america great again. host: that was governor burgum in new jersey. one of those people discussed as a possible vice presidential running mate for the former president. perhaps he rises to that list. you can add yours to the mix. one of the people not under consideration, at least of the former president himself, was nikki haley, who you saw during the primary process. adding in a post a couple days ago that nikki haley is not under consideration for the vp slot, "i wish her well" added from former president trump. the wall street journal editorial board took a look at nikki haley as a potential running mate and how to them she should stay in the mix. adding in a recent editorial on may 12 "ms. haley ought to be in
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the mix given her strong primary performance. she outlasted everyone but mr. trump and did well in debates. she has foreign policy experience and was a two term governor of south carolina. she provides a notable contrast to vice president kamala harris. conventional wisdom is that mr. trump cannot expect someone -- cannot accept someone with strong views of her own and that would rule out ms. haley. choosing a strong woman would be surprising enough that it might cause skeptical swing voters to take another look at the former president. maga diehards would howl, but they would not stay home or vote for mr. biden." that is the editor of the wall street journal. republicans only to start off the program. if you want to give your thoughts on the potential pick for former president trump, maybe something you have hurt or you want to add your own opinion. (202) 748-8000 for the eastern
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and central time zones and (202) 748-8001 for the mountain and pacific time zones. people posting on facebook this morning. one of those was former president trump's secretary of state mike pompeo, one of those people possible consideration. a to the mix florida republican byron donalds. we heard governor desantis name mentioned already. then former republican from wyoming liz cheney, who was the vice chair for the january 6 committee as a potential pick for former president trump. let's go to ronald in long island. as far as the potential pick for the former president. hello? caller: hello will stop my pick would be tulsi gabbard.
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i think she is the smartest, the most good-looking, and she wrote a tremendously powerful book about why she left the democratic party and how the democratic party is nothing like what used to be. i think president trump would be greatly helped if he had a woman candidate for vice president. she would be at the top of my list. also regarding senator vance, senator rubio, i think the republicans very much need to keep the people they have in the senate. that would be a good reason not to choose them for vice president. thank you. host: you mentioned she had been
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a democrat before. do you think she would align with former president trump's views should she become president of the united states? caller: i do indeed think she would align herself very well. host: why is that? caller: is very smart and her views are antiwar -- as someone who served in the military she is antiwar. i think, particularly in the world we live in now, that would be a big bonus because we did have peace under trump, for which he is given no credit. i think she would help continue that. also i think she values people based on merit, not based on anything like race, which would
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be unconstitutional and wrong. host: ronald in long island. let's hear from robert in oregon about this idea of who the former president might pick as a running mate. you are next up. hello. caller: good morning. i have to agree with the previous caller. i think it was the previous caller. i think tulsi gabbard be a tremendous selection my perspective on all she would bring. and have an appeal to others other than people who will straight on be voting for donald trump. host: you said all that she would bring.
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what you think she brings to the ticket? caller: part of it is her narrative that she offered in her departure from the democratic party and the reasons , and that she displayed courage when she was a democratic candidate the last time around. it is solid. it is not trying to play the game. she is compelling the way she has military service and she has a clear perspective on international as well as domestic affairs. i think i am probably a little bit more informed than many
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because i tend to watch too much c-span as well as other news of the day to educate -- educated as a lawyer over 70 years old. i have always been an oregon type republican. people like mark hatfield. we used to be very independent minded and i would like to style myself that way. i think she would be a terrific addition to trump. i hope he selects her or mike pompeo as a second choice. host: that is robert in oregon. this is angela in virginia. hello. caller: good morning. my choice would be byron donalds
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of florida. we have a lot of young black men that are looking to trump and i note the media -- if he picks anybody white they will spend the rest of the time talking about white supremacy, kkk, and they will not be able to say that if he has byron donalds. byron donalds could broaden the tent and he could expand his base and that is what we need. there needs to be a strategic vote based on the fact that his base is not going anywhere. we need to expand the base and brought in the tent and byron donalds has the ability to do that as far as black men are concerned because they are sick of the democratic party and byron donalds would be the perfect choice. tulsi gabbard used to be a
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democrat. i don't want anything to do with anyone who used to be a democrat. she will still have one of her democrat positions. i don't want anything to do with that post up byron donalds will expand the tent. host: how do you think senator tim scott fits into that mix? caller: he is not looked at the way byron donalds is. he has looked at as a step and fetch it. i do not think that personally. i have five brothers, i have a lot of black cousins, he is not the one. that would be a total mistake. trump space would still be there with tim scott, but to broaden that base to include young black men were sick of the democratic party, tim scott would turn them off. we do not need tim scott. i like tim scott, but he cannot deliver the way byron donalds
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would deliver and expand his base and brought in his candidacy. host: angela in virginia. republicans calling in on this idea of presidential running mates for the former president donald trump. several have been added to the mix. you heard her talking about representative donalds of florida. you can add others to the mix. let's hear from david in baltimore. caller: good morning, america. i would choose tulsi gabbard but the previous caller has be sold on iran donald's. she put out strong points. -- on byron donalds. she put out strong points. tulsi gabbard is an independent thinker and we have seen both sides of the aisle. trump used to be a democrat.
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there is a blurb between democrats and republicans. there is something called a unity party and i think -- something called a uniparty and i think tulsi is outside that. she has military background and a government background. if you listen to her on these longform conversations, which are some of the best ways in which to show cup -- in which to soak up information about people, whether podcast a or podcast b. if you look at hulsey gabbard -- if you look at tulsi gabbard, he is very competent. the strong competent female a lot of individuals want that are independent thinkers outside of the hillary clinton and kamala harris. byron donalds is an interesting pick over tim scott and vivek
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ramaswamy and marco rubio. host: david in maryland giving his thoughts. tulsi gabbard is on the list from business insider, falling on number eight on the list, saying she has reinvented herself since briefly running for the 2020 democrat nomination. he made a major show of leaving her party, saying mr. trump's interest is serious enough that she reportedly brushed off rfk juniors entreaties to be his vice presidential nominee. byron donalds comes in at number six on the list, saying that donald's has risen rapidly in the eyes of many of his colleagues. his close relationship with the house conservatives that forced kevin mccarthy's ouster and frustrated speaker mike johnson. he has not participated in either effort to challenge the men directly. those are the people.
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this idea when it comes to republicans, who you might want to see alongside former president trump as he runs for the white house. (202) 748-8000 if you want to get in on the conversation. eastern and central time zones. (202) 748-8001 if you want to give your thoughts in the mountain pacific time zones. in jim garrity's column, when it comes to the veepstakes, saying "the republican veepstakes rings two elements lacking in 2024, drama. we know joe biden and vice president harris.
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mr. trump is four years what you already had. when mr. trump makes his selection most of these figures will return to obscurity but someone will be narrated -- be elevated to the national spotlight alongside a man who turned 78 on june 18 and his running mate might be a clogged artery away from the presidency." this column adding that " unlike in most presidential elections, the choice of running mate has little impact on the final result. this year could be an acceptable. if mr. trump chooses someone who makes a more plausible president than harris, wavering voters could break his way." that is a column in the washington post. this is mark in florida. you are next up. caller: i think the wise move would be to select mike pompeo.
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this was a man that is very intelligent. he graduated first in the united states military academy at west point, first in his class. from there had a military career. he was also the director of the cia. he has intelligence community experience. he has proven he can work with donald trump. he was chosen by trump as the secretary of state. he was able to keep kim jong-il in check. his rockets stopped which had been flooding over japan and
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kept -- in check. we know what happened after they left office with the balloons. putin was kept in check and after they left office we know what happened in ukraine. it has been proven he can work with trump. the historic abraham accords was developed during their administration under the work of mike pompeo bringing saudi arabia and jordan into recognizing israel as a bona fide state. host: foreign policy is what you're looking at on a lot of fronts when you want to see is a future point -- as a future choice? caller: aside from our
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disastrous southern border and the economy and the riots in the streets, i call them riots because that is what they are on college campuses and elsewhere, foreign policy would be just as important. host: mart in florida giving his thoughts. this is bill from connecticut texting us, saint when it comes to -- he would like to see president trump name one of his sons as vice president to drive the democrats crazier than they are now. one more call from robert. also a floridian calling us. caller: how are you doing? i want your program a lot and brian donald is easily the best pick.
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for backup blackburn, and the governor of north dakota. he is a good one. i studied his stuff. these are the people, they do not study like i do. byron donalds is solid and he will bring the black vote. the educated black people will vote for blackburn because you can see he is dynamite, he is perfect. that is all i have to say. host: robert in florida as far as his choices for fellow floridians who serves in congress, representative byron donalds as a choice for vice president or a potential vice president. we will turn the corner in the final half hour of this first hour of the program and invite you to participate in open forum. if you wish to comment on the biden presidential stakes in --
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and you are republican you can put your thought into the mix. other news in the world of politics. democrats (202) 748-8000, republicans (202) 748-8001, independents (202) 748-8002. it is open forum. pick the line that best represents you. if you called in the last 30 days we would ask you to hold off doing so today. if you call and get in and get ready to go on the air, if you would mute or lower your television that would help cut the interference down. as you call in, one of the things that happened yesterday as well when it comes to the presidential race was robert f kennedy, junior holding a rally in austin, texas yesterday. he recently chose as his running mate nicole shanahan.
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he talked a little bit about why he made that choice for her as his vice presidential running mate. >> every time i see her speak i follow a little bit more in love with her. you don't see vice presidential candidates. the presidential candidates we have today sound like they are doing a satire of veep. the stuff they are talking about is cliches and some of occasions and bumper sticker slogans and that is not what you hear from nicole. you hear a lecture about soils. [applause] no political scientist in the world that would tell you you have to give a lecture on soils, they will love it. nobody would tell her to do
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that, nobody would advise her and yet she does it and we all love her because we see the authenticity, we see the integrity, we see the compassion from other people the creatures with whom we share this planet. you do not hear that from our political leaders. you do not hear that we are all part of a giant family and the microbes are part of it. the soil is part of it. the plans are part of it. that is what we need if we will start healing this country. host: robert f. kennedy, jr. and if you want to see more of that forum you are welcome to go to our website at and you can also see it on the pp. -- you can also see it on the app. you can make comments on candidates or any other matter in the world. u.s. day-to-day -- usa today highlights that the presidential
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primary season marches on as president biden and former president trump continue to increase their delegate total. three states, west virginia, maryland, nebraska vote in the presidential primary on tuesday, may 14. both biden and trump have secured the delegates they need to become their party's nominee. it also highlights when it comes to the various states involved, project lead when it comes to the maryland primary election, residents will vote for their party's presidential nominee, for two senate come in eight house seats. mr. trump and mr. biden will headline their party's ballots but will be accompanied by candidates like nikki haley and dean phillips and author marion williamson on the democratic ballots. there is more on the states holding ballots. republican line in indiana on this open forum. this is michael.
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hello. caller: i think it is about time the country gives a chance to the private citizen to have a say in things. host: what you mean by that? caller: i think you should pick a private citizen to run this country. host: what you think the appeal would be if he decided to go that route? caller: i think it would have the people's best interest in mind. the planet. i think it would finally do some good for this country. host: michael in indiana. you can keep adding to this idea if you want when it comes to vice president nominees. tim in baltimore, democrats line, go ahead. caller: in reference to the vice president, a lot of people are calling in in reference to what they think should be the vice president. trump need someone to actually do what he says.
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not independent thinker. tulsi gabbard will be out. someone who can suck up to him the most will be his pick. i think it might be tim scott. in reference to the maryland elections come on the republican side, the former governor is running and he is going against a couple democrats. also brooks will win the democratic seat. it will be tough in november. host: you're talking about larry hogan? what you think of his chances? caller: i don't know. a lot of democrats voted for him as governor. meet, personally, i like him as governor, but i do not know about senator. it is interesting he is running for senator knowing he was going against trump. they'll be interesting.
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host: you said you liked him as a governor but not as a senator. would you mind elaborating? caller: he had more control as a governor. as a senator you either vote for your party or you do not and he did not have that much control, especially with the senate now. i think you did a great job running the state and i would've voted for him as president if he ran, but i know the trump machine is going on right now. host: kim in baltimore -- tim in baltimore talking about larry hogan. a name in the mix is worthless that it is concerned. albuquerque is next. independent line. this is jorge. caller: thank you for c-span. i saw that in the future it will be social security and ai and taxes. i would like to speak about digital currency.
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turning data history into blackmailing bitcoins. the algorithms were trained on the new cycle and learning it. the third >> we are going to leave this here to take you to the house of u.s. representatives where the members are going to be working on a five-year reauthorization of undying for the federal aviation administration. the house is also expected to take up a bill to provide truck -- pricing on events and one in support of law enforcement during national perp -- police week. i've coverage here on c-span.


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