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tv   Washington Journal Tim Burchett  CSPAN  May 17, 2024 1:14pm-1:43pm EDT

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them. and yet they made america great. >> the question shouldut i bord. the debate is moderated by journalist bry watch it tonight eastern at c-span. online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we areunbyhese television companies and more. including k like. >> greatest spoupb on earth is the place you call home. at sparklight it's our home too. we are facing our greatest challenge. that's why sparklight is working round-the-clock to keep you connected. we aret's easier to do yours. >> sparklight supports c-span as a public service. along with these other television front row seat to democracy. urchett
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trip- representative tim burchett joins us now. talk about the oversight hearing. guest: i told somebody that it was unusual when tim burchett is the adults in the room. a reference to a young lady's e and then there was a reference made about someo about their physiquethe term was butch body and bleach blonde hair. and he went dohi there. i guess it was good for ratings if you are a wrestling fan.
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it was right on par. congress, you always think it is going to betethan this. but if you read history in the 1800s, they had fights. ho what do you think about when you are tal a thing and that happens? guest: it is a good time to keep an eye on the target. was in the legislature a long time and i remember when a colleague of mine across the aisle got arrested and it wasn national news and everything. i remember james woodson was g side me and said what are we going to do? i said i am going to my vaguely unconstitutional bills pang attention to what we are supposed to be doing. we were about merrick garland. host: do you think that was a good mood by the committee?
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guest: i think itwithin our purview. they should not be able to withhold it. id e reasoning for wanting to withhold it becausets put out would be cut out but it should be in the public venue because it is freedom of information act and we pay for it. i am big on total lo it just seems in washington there are two sets of rules. us and them, leadership and then the rest of the country andt don't buy that. it should be out there. host: t and the judiciary committee voted to hold in contempt, do you think a ve? guest: i think we will but i don't think the juste department will do anything. they have a history under this administration of not following through with things. they have instructed us.
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i am a conservative. i am a it. democrats, i get along with everybody. the truth of it is justice department won't do anything and congress doesn't have the guts to defund these agencies that refused to do their jobs. we are mad at the fbi bee of fisa, accusations of spine on americans and what do we dto punish them? would buy them a new building. both parties do this and my colleagues across the aisle do it.u go home and to preach the red meat. then they come up and cut their deals and go home and we are $35 trillion in debt. i don't know what to do to fix it.
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i call it out. i am kind of a lone wolf. i am a conservative but i'm not angry about it. i told jim jordan one time, you got me for free and he said what do you i said i vote more conservative than a lot ofand you don't even have to invite me to your chicken dinner. host: our guest is with us and if you want to ask us questions, (202) 748-8000 for democrats, ) for republicans, (202) 748-8002 for independents. yesterday the house passed a bill that to send munitions to israel. how did you vote? guest: i v f it. i did not vote for the original bill but i believe that bill the president withheld stuff that the israelis had bought and they bought it quite some time ago.
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the bill everybody thinks is the $16 billion and that is how look in some bureaucracy i am sure somewhere. i agast that because the additional money that went to gaza was supposed to helping kids but i said anyway we can ep that should have made initial news and it didn't. i asked the question, is there anyway we can keep this money we send to the ngos and others out of the hands of terrorists and they sth is no way. so the very first you and shipment we sent intoaza was hijacked -the very first u.n. shipmentnto za was hijacked. in qatar, and then they are billionaires and you are not getting a straight story out of the media. ever is one side against
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the other. you had cnn on one side, which might colleague was just in th wches and then you have fox, which a lot of my colleagues watch. w you haves cong in. host: but to the center legislation, the president said that some of those have been caused to kill civiliansgu. my father ug world war first marine division and he went to okinawa. he went to the 50thnniversary and he didn'to tokinawa because they came over the hill and caught a bunch of japanese in the field and intermixed with them were koreans and okinawans that was were hardened.hem.
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that messed with him to the day he died an that was civilians and they get killed in war. there were japanese but intermixed with them innocent civilians and that is the cost of war. it is not like on television. you can have it whole mess of a folks out there and it is a split second decision and a missile has no conscience. one thing the israelis do is they do what i call wake up calls. they will send a noninvasive explosion on top of a building and then they know 10 minutes later it isoing to get dropped. host: the israeli government or the administration asked them to spell out plans. you think the united states has a voice given wha give them in a? guest: i do not -- that we give
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them? guest: i do not. it is war. afghanistan, 13 brave americans, one is aff sergeant and his because once again our rules ofd engagement. we had a marine and i asked him in a committee and this should have been national committee and he had the suicide bomber in his sites not once but twice andcald leadership, the pentagon and state rt said don't take the shot. if he had taken the shot he would've taken the guyut. cnn evented what did. host: we should have a role on that? guest: we give them the weapons
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and it is their war they want americans on the ground in which i'm not convinced that art americans there. there are americans they call em contractors or mercenaries or what have you. the newport themerican taxpayers just built, you can't tell me something is not going to happen there. host:ta some calls. leah calls us, dra line. caller: i am disappointed in the republican party. you sm like a normal guy, chamber it but in this era there are no normal reagan republicans left. is a cult at this point, i just don't have faith in the republican party and i bet if you have a choice right now you
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would vote for trump because you all have biden derangementsyndr. when trump wasn office, nothing was wrong. but now that the toast is burnt. real disingenuous and no way to be the of a system of partisanship here in america. it is just dapng. trump had four years to sort out afghanistan. did he do anything? no because he was waiting for somebody else to fix it. host: thank you. guest: thankou, leah. you are correct. i would vote for drump the president we have in the white house, his mental capacity not there. i have had conversation with him and multiple people have and that is not even brought into question.
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as far as the biden derangement syndrome, i think he has failed at just aboutq4 everything, the economy, the order, afghanistan. as a matter of fact, they always throw the afghanistan thing but the withdraw happened under joe biden and they"k had plans under trump that were not followedey y under biden. we can argue that all day but thank you so much for calling. republican line, joseph in new jersey. er good morning. 't ow what the last caller was talking about. this country is on its way to a disaster. under trump it wat economy and the border was secure. i think you are a nice guy and i i ow you just said you would vote for trump but you were aoo.
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i know you have to be publicans to be bipartisan. i am watching c-span and watching you talk to dan goldman lorida. they were trying to takenent um. they were using the. georgia ano revolution if this is going through what they are to president trump. and you are talking to these guys like everything is like 1985. these are irregular at times what they are doing to trump. one more thing, you voted to vacate kevin mccarthy but the sky johnson you didn't do it. in the sky johnson was worse.
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he was going to do what chip roy wanted but didn't do it. guest: first of all, i was one of the eight that vacated the r and we knew within 100% we would have a republican peak. if we would vacate we would end up with hakeem jeffries o hakeem jeffries light. we had people in districts whe biden won 15 points, tough primaries in general elections. as far as president trump goes, he is a friend and i talked to him and he talks to me. we have a very good relationship. i've prayed with him. as fargoman and moscowitz, they are friends of mine. nscience and do what they've got to do. i just it helps me for my mental capacity to be in
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witfi somebody all of the time. i can vote against them and cut them on the house floor and then lk out of the house floor and we go eat a hot dog in what you are saying and i did gird new jersey accentsall rned out heavy for president true close to 100,000, and i appreciate that. the reality is i workh folks and i will vote against thyou can check my voting record against anybody in congress brother and i am one of the most conservative members. i juston't feel like it serves me or my purpose and i am a christian and not a very g but d all try to get, even though we don't agree. host: speaker johnson to new york to support the former president. what do you think about that? guest: i think it is fine.
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it is part of the job. everything we do is political. newe need to take politics out. this i d.c. everything is political. you saw when hunter biden was there and you saw democrats crowding around him and greeting him andeeting him and supporting him. i don't see anything wrong with it. i serve on three committees and everybody is on one and somebody is on two and i have been just to be on three. i think it is because i don't drink and they know i will show trh is i was very busy and if i had the ability or opportunity i e. host: how did that play out? est:an: every morning in the gym and we talk -- i see the chan morning the g.
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they ring the bell and i come running. host: robert in texas, independent line. caller: good morning. i stayed up last night until 1:30 in the morning watching the oversightng. people watching it probably were wondering why people in congress can't col members and be civil to each other. the meeting started out in just chaos and i believe it ended in chaos. there were amendments and everything else cotesuended, sie merrick garland not getting a vote up or down on the supreme court nomination.
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the rules seem to be bent in wicked ways that don't represenn rests of this country. in the idea of the uniteds versus individual political parties, it seemsik parties are putting us into some kind of civil war. please tell members, comber in particular, white -- comer in particular, why they can't control members. guest: you look at the microcosm of folks you represent. all the time, why don't we do something about omar or talib and aoc, and it is
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america. the way it is. if you look at our history, we haveadfloor of congress, and duels on the streets back in the 1800s. it is work he did now and it is partly because it is instantaneous and we need instant satisfaction, results,ae frayed and that is what happens. if d it, vote them out. 15% of the population o the polls in east tennessee or anywhere else in thentthis is w.
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host: from neil in maryland, independent line. caller: i am registered unaffiliated that you can do in maryland but independent. going back to the biden interview tapes. the political says releasing the words, you have to understand the perspective. it shows more of biden stumbling but the realit is he didn't release it because he didn't ople that would be interviewed to know it may be released to the ic think that is a legitimate decision. guest: it was done by executive order now when robert herr
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described him aan elderly man with a poor memory. that is the preshe united states. i agree it would be used for political r.easo everything i say and mnents arem and you don't have to take what i say out of context to make people mad. that is the world we live in and it is paid for by public funds and is not a national defense issue. i think we ought to release it. host: the president said the absence of the need for , which they are chopped up and usedsan reasons. guest: it is politics. saying, if you didn't want to do the work you shouldn't have hired on. host: you are on the
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transportation committee and the president decided he would increase tariffs on electric made vehicles. what think of that move and what it does for the industry overall? guest: the industry overall is not what we ao believe. less than 5% of vehicles on the road are electric vehicles. it is a controlled mechanism that if you have controlled cars they will sth down with people they don't like and that will happen right or left in th, and i am a car guy and not a big electric car fan, the batteries are made with the so-called rare earth minerals andthose mineraly but the environmental community which i b some is being funded by enemies overseas, is so 30 years in minnesota for one so-called rare mineral that we
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could get now. the chinese have a car that i believe sells for $24,000 that they think is what we have on the road here. the difference is the chinese new slave labor. thon union or any controls whatsoever and they can put anything they want out because the government controls everything, the military and everything. i think it is -- i like a free market but you've got to realize i am a motorcycle but we would have lost harley davidson if ronald reagan put the big tariff on the big japanese bikes. h got their feet back on the ground and said please take the tariffs off and they became a world leader at that time. it is a mixed bag. i am a free market kind of guy but we are not dealing with a
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free market. arin bed with the chinese.ress is always a chinese plant in their distri tth and if we de are truly going to support american products and workers it will continue. it doesn't matter who is in the white house. host: this is tony in missouri, republican line. caller: y■4oure my favorite congressman in the congress. do you have any more i about the ufo hearings or have you gone any further witthi totn biden -- it is hard to watch him guest: thank you so much. the ufo or you ap■w heangs --
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the ufo hearings, they answer my questions and we are spending tens of millions of dollars on something and the arrogance of them. i have been criticized for calling the pentagon of untoward pins let's face it, we audit them and a history ofhe last six audits they have never passed one. theyaccot for half $1 trillion in assets. they tell things don't exist, ufos, but we have testimony from some of the bes pilots in the world. i am talking to a mi pilta and they said it flew within 14 feet of my canopy. talking to a former admiral and these things are shooting around at incredible speeds and at anything we don't have capability of. we are seeing this on film.
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ch t tictac videos you can talk to the pilot and they are chasing something and the military and pentagon continue to cover this up. i have a bill introducyesteruapu transpar act. it just says if it is in there they have to bring it out. they will give you a piece of paper like this and it will be redacted. the't exist but they won't let us see this. jersey, democrats lined. -- demts line.
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caller: you seem like a very anpolite fellow and i am always impressed by that because there is such a lack of civility. why do so manyf your colleagues insist on referring i democrat party rather than the democratic party? guest: i don't know. that is splitting hairs. nobody seems to care. you are right, there are a lot of he did things and sometimes my humor diffuses it. i take the job very serious. look at the dome on the ca my mother taught at a historicl.-- at an historicallyk college and university. she didn't have electricity into she was in high school.
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my father fought the communists and taught at the university of for 40 years peer my beautiful wife -- tennessee for 40 years. my beautiful wife was a widow and she let me adopt her child and we have a beautiful life. i screw up a lot but i think about those things and that drives me toward more civil with folks. life is too short, brother. host: >> today watch c-span's 2024gn . a weekly roundup of c-span's campaign coverage, provide ago t the candidates across the country are saying to voters. along with firsthand accounts from political reporters, numbers, fundraising data, and campaign ads. watch c-span's 24 campaign
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