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tv   Washington Journal Rama Yade  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 6:42pm-7:08pm EDT

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into flak-filled blood-soaked surf and met death on an even plain. >> the sons of democracy improvised and mounted their own attacks. at that exact moment on these beaches, the forces of freedom turnedí the tide of the 20th century. >> that road to e. day was hard and long and traveled by weary andia men. history will always record where th began. it began here, with the firsfoof normandy. >> more than 150,000 souls set off toward the tiny sliver of sand uponunmore than the fate of a war. but rather the course of human history.
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>> tode those who fell and we honor all who fought right here in normandy. >> watch all-day special coverage of the 80th anniversary of d-day, thursday, june 6, featuring a speech by presidentfrance. continuehost: wr director for the african council and thank you for joining us this morning. we will talk about this visit by the kenyan president. welcomed by the bi andhy now? guest: two anniversary of thenyan diplomatic relations. it's time for a celebration. n is it's been a while since the u.s. and especially the white house have
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a welcome for a state visit an african leader. that's to celebrate and the third reason is the message ab immigration. it's important for the u.s. to strengthen their footprint on the african continent at the very moment when the polls the t shows that the u.s. has lost their leadership position in africa's heart -- in africans hearts. the chinese now surpassed the united states and russia is growing and growing and recorded the biggest and highest increase inrity among the global powers on the african continent. what are t concerns with you is losing their presence there and t countries, specifically china and russia? guest: kenya is supposed to be a
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tr forhe u.s. and that's where the polls are the most hard. it was important for president biwh promised travel to the continent unliks predecessor who did not. there is many hotspots on the afn e u.s. has experienced a bad situation. for example in nig, the u.s. military and troops have been asked to leave the country. st important military debate in the region. u.s. to be therek in some way we visits.
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a lot is going on today. there is an important meeting on hoe and congress. even ifpeot issue an invitation to speak to the joint congress, thereanant s of the congress with mike johnson himself and hakeem jeffries and chuck schumer all of their -- all of them will be there to talk with him. u.s. government wants to promote this visit. host: tell us about the kenyan president. guest: he has made a shift from the policy of canyons. the atlantic council just remindout the policy in the shift from a
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look to the west -- from a look to the east policy to eight look to the west policy. not expected to win the presidential election but he did. today, he is supported by the u.s. he will present a country fly allied with the united states in the region, regent that is not very easy. yo refugee crisis in the world and sudan. hehe drc which is a country in crisis for 30 years. he is a president his activities everywhere on the global stage. e can feel a little disappointment from the public opinion in k3on the globg
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erces andfar as attending launching military operations to rescue haiti. he sent 1000 police officers to support the government in haiti. to quell the g this is new that will be on the table during this state visit. host: the visit will be the traditional state visndwille the south lawn today and the news conference and this evening, the pomp and circumstance for the how does this benefit him? guest: it's the first state visit of an african in eight years. continent
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i k leverage his important relationship through many agreements, trade agreements. there will be a discussion around tech and climate and around financial commitments the first day of his visit, he will visit atlanta. he met many innovators and creators included creative industries at tyler perry studios. he would like to transformhe relationship into something more proactive. i think it's very important for him in all thesere t show predictive and fruitful for b kenya. it's important for the u.s. to
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show to their rivals from russia to china that a partnership with the u.s. is the most productive african countries can hope for when they work with the u.s. host: we want to invite you to join. e lines are divided. you can also text us withme, ci. when lessons will the kenyan president gets? gh questions will you get and what topics? guest: i think he expects support on the haiti mission. at is still pending not because the u.s. doesn't support this mission.
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many havemobilized to support this operation. the problem is internal because the judiciary blocked the plan. thpr is not been very welcomed by the population. it's important r for presidentuto to get real support from president biden. of course, the two countries have a very strong relationship in terms of trade. there is this strategic investment partnership that has been launched two years ago. i think they expect something more substantial. secretary raimondo recently visited kenya.
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may ask for sut his projects. he would l to build a new international airport. i think that would require a lot of money and he expects investntrothat's very differentt can you use to do before in terms of infrastructure. fo funded linking mombasa and nairobi and that's been funded by china. a shif t from that shift, president ruto expects a return for this project. host: the new york times reporting on his visit today notes --
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what is happening around kenya in these countries? guest: this is the reason of crisis. typically the powerhouse was ethiopia. ethiopia has been a crisis with a peace agreement being signed, there is a lot of that prevented ethiopia to a lot of people expect a lot from kenya. that is sudan where there is a civil war. it started in october october 2021 with a coup and the two coup leaders are fighting each
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otthe outcome of the civil war s en the largest refugee crisis in the world. you have many people who flee countries such as chad or even kenya. the drc does not have a lwar buh militias. it's the richest in terms of mineral resources. it's the richest country in africa. africa is the home of 30% of critical mineral in the world. at the hub is the drc. in the east of this country, is minerals.many militire it has been a three decade war. kenya is expected to play a moderation in all these crises.
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we can hear these d possible during the state visit that president biden offers kenya a natoich would be important because kenya would be the first african country to beonh african country after tunisnd meership?s a nonia guest: exactly. last time it happened, it was qatar in 2022. it would be a major announcement but there's no informati we will see what happens. that symbolizes the strength of the relationships in these
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countries. it's not new as you know. grp on ukraine and on defensetha and meet with each other to support ukraine. this is kenya, really special tionship with the united states in a context that is difficult. the brix group is rising in africa. host:in means. guest: it's a group of countries that includes china, russia, india, you have south was the oy africant waa member of this group.
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thgo build system. they also compete. july in south africa, two new african countries joined a indid south africa. it is a lot. these two african countries are egypt and ethiopia. it's really time for the u.s. to be more inclusive in terms of including african countriesthe . that's what is at stake now. ngnal that has been sent.
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it w i because president biden promised to his predecessor did not do this. it seemsiven what's coming for the election, it will be ic tto aica. all the more as th u.s. after the some of the took place in december of 2022 werisin the u.s. promised $55 billion of commitment in the coming years in terms investment and also a lot of agreements from tech and space. a lot a been signed so it's really a turning point and i think it's important r show how committed they are on the continent. host: we will go to calls, independent. caller: yes, i' ct pronounce
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the new president's name of kenya. that's muchad to say. host: wylie, texas, ind caller: thank you. i'm calling regarding the es of kenya. i'm from kenya originally. states. president ruto has done a good job and he will go down history as one of the woridents. maybe you need to increase the tax base. all the money disappears and corruption. he used a private jetthat costsd
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he will stay here for four days and it wil paid by taxpayer money from kenya. host: he is not a popular president in kenya. corruption, flying on a private jet andoses says kenya will not get anything in return. guest: we will seeha happens but as i mentioned, president ruto is eternally facing challenges. he was recently elected and that is eto explain. there was a lot of expectations omn. that's what we hearrom e canyons. -- canyo■"kenyans. it's about inflation and difference between his
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popularity oe stage, deployingctitie everywhere and hosting many international conferences eecially on climate or tech. facing are on the right and that's important. it's important for president ruto to show that this visit will be as fruitful and proved -- and productive for kenya. the most important beyond security issues come ukraine or haiti, the most during this visit that will be watched bybe the level of projects.stment in kenya's this is something that is key in vii think that will be brought up in the host: independent, you are next. caller: thanks for taking my
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call. unfortunately, the average americant ha a conversation about any kind of policy issues but allyn the continent of africa thinking of it as aid or a charitlet andn grousing about why we don't take acan the address some of that? se with an economic potential and a young workforce. you alread some of the mineral extracts. there are dozens of reasons why there is a great power struggle over influence andfrican why it's not just a matter of aid and benefits and fighting over projects just in kenya. e ant but maybe the speaker can tell people about why play
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such a critical roler gbal stage century to come. host: africa is a paradox. our friend just observed, this is the seen as a continent of poverty andwe ments earlier. it's also a continent of youthful opportunities. there is an african center that is common. that's important to stress. the continent will double its population in the next 25 years. you know what it means becoming the most space or area in the world formean economic power and for india is opuls country in the world.
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it means growing emi it's the same for africa because consumers are more educated and the continent isuilding the largest free-trade area in the world. it's home of 30% of minerals which is for the green transition not only for africans but the world. why all these things have such an important weight in this visit. it's not only the continent of mile-class but alsohe nt frontier of the digital revolution. it has been the the biggest digital revolution in the past two decades. it's a lot. it's the place where the level of entrepreneurship is the highest in the the continent is at work. a lot is coming and that's why
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e global competition is important. wh is important also is to recognize the opportunities. risk is that we pay attention to the problems and challenges and never on african opports. it has a very concrete impact on the african economies. they rate african economies very badly. when you are an africastme he wn the global market, you have to pay rates that are four times higher thae ntt rate and eight times higher than germany. s not fair because ' fastest growing economy in the world. there is somethinre that should be fixed on the u.s. can play an important role to fix that. : here aiewer who has
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this question for yo-- these issues at the heart of th. the african bank recently mentioned that africa to cover [indiscernible] needs $280 billion in 2022, 20 23 say that number again. guest:280 billion. thats by030 and it's a lot. the international community promised and pledged $100 ave not kept these sches. ■çthis is the problem. more importantly, the global
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rmin africans are not responsible for it but they are the most hit by thein terms of . there is so many challenges we face without having the means to pay for it. we are absently not responsible for it and that something that needs to be tackledentl africans do' count on the community -- on the international community so they are trying to find alternative ways to fund bune to climate finance, carbon credit, international banking and they are fighting on the ground. that's what president ruto last september hosted in nairobi the climate week. was a few months before the
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cup - cop 218 meeting. you are aenio director for the africans for africans and profr . exrience.viewers youdi guest: i have been a minister in the french government. i ew up in france where began my career before becoming a r this well-established think tank in d.c.. cian in france. and then, ambassador. host:
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>> c-span washington journal discusses politics and public policy. from washington and across the country. friday morning, charlie dent discusses the creation our republican legacy, to facilitate what call a comeback of the principles of their party.en retired navy captain gene moran


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