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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  June 10, 2024 10:46am-11:02am EDT

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five commissioners wan aircraft holding a 3-2 majority. later in the week a vote will be heldn ether to begin work on legislatiotorotect access to ivf. watch live coverage of the house on c-span, the senaton-span 2, and all of our congressional coverage witoufree video app, c-span now, or online at >> it is time to play ball. get ready to cheer on annual congressional baseball game where republicans stop against democrats. watch live play-by-play coverage from washington national park on wednesday at 75 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, or online at
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>> bouncing up and into the bullpen. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers and we are just getting started. 100 thousand miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communicaons supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. host: this is the headline from earlier this month by pulitzer prize winning columnist peggy nguyen. she writes we are starting to enjoy hatred. the country has long been divided and estrangement has become alluring and the age of biden and trump. here is how she begins.
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i'm seeing something and maybe e, too. we talk about political polarization and it l. we are split into a thousand pieces within two camps of left and right. we decry the harshness of our politica discourse where outrageous and dehumaniz things are said to but what i a saying is we do not mind disliking each other now. we like it. that is the new thing we are enjoying, the estrangement. peggy noonan in her piece today. we are asking you if we are starting to enjoy the hatred in this country. if so, when did that begin, and why did that change? (202) 748-8000 if you are in the eastern or central time zones. and (202) 748-8001 if you are in the mountain or pacific time zones. we will go through the entire peggy noonan column through the entire first hour ofnal," but he more on the idea of people enjoying political hatred. she said, i said that i sensed
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people are enjoying their political hatred now. why would that be, she asks. some see politics as an extension of sports. booing the other team as part of the fun not immoral like a trup supporter or a mindless knob that drove the country into a ditch like a democrat, but some enjoy the hatred and this is the new part that she thinks is widespread, because it helps them avoid seeing they are involved in tragedy that on of two old men, neither of them great, neierf them distguished in terms of acter or ict, o are each in his way and embarrassment, and who two thirds of voters do not want as presidential candidates will be chosen in this crucial historical moment in which the stakes could not be hired to lead the most powerful country on earth. noonan writing in her
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piece. again, from earlier this month. we are starting to enjoy the hatred. that is what we are talking about this morning. we want to get your reaction to that column. again, phone lines split regionally. (202) 748-8000 if you are in the eastern or central time zones. and (202) 748-8001 if you are in the mountain or pacific time zones. we will start with jason out of st. cloud, minnesota. we want to hear from you throughout the first segment of "washington journal." jason, good morning. what do you think of that column, we are starting to enjoy the hatred? caller: it makes me sad. it makes me sad. america should not be a country that is enjoying hating each other. where does this all start from? to me, this all goes back to our past president, donald trump. if i can have a little bit of time, i heard a lot of republicans spreading a lot of lies lately. i want to put some truth out there. the truth is that our past
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president has lied over 30,000 times. in his current trail,ishe refus. in the past he said if you do not plead the fifth, it shows in the past he said if you plead the fifth, it shows you are guilty. over 4000 court cases filed against blue-collar workertrumpp mortgage failed, trump university failed. trump mortgage was fined. host: you don't think this idea of people enjoying the political hatred, of getting into that part of political discourse was around before 2016? caller: well, ok, you did a great job over the weekend
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showing past people talking but this is the most important election of our time so i think people have always thought things are really important and they can always drum up theiruh support in those kinds of ways, but again, look at what happened when that man came down the escalator. he started saying the things of fake news, don't believe them. ■teverybody knows why he said that. he was turned to get out in front of the stories and change the stories because he knew there would be so much coming hiway. now look at what is happening. you are talking about people enjoying the hatred. s political party -- of the political parties out here calling for civil war. civil war over one man. dea of slavery. not an idea of some other ethos. but just one man who has been a con artist his whole life. host: that is jason in
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here is a few of your comments already via social media this morning. general rights in th t democrats have so much hate for people that they don't think -- that people who do not think or do what they want to do. trump 2024 is the way to bring everyone together is what neral rights. carl says it is right-wing media on radio and tv that has normalized vitriolic and fueled the hate in this country. deb saying absoluot others idea of whether we are starting to enjoy the hate, saying i have many activities that include dipeople. i never enjoyed listening to drunk spewed hatred and violence. i just attendea democratic state function but there was no hate. we take you through peggy noonan's column earlier this month in the wall street journal. she wrote the country has long
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been divided but estrangement has become of the ring in the age of biden and trump. marie, what do you think? caller: hi. good morning. so peggy noonan, provocative subject matter here, we are enjoying the hate. i cannot speak for what is in anyone else's heart, but i do not enjoy hatred of anything. ok.i distrust people that don't speak the truth. that creates divisions and problems. we have $34 trillion in debt. we have people that cannot afford groceries. we have a broken immigration system. and■k putin sending a nuclear sb into cuba. this has to stop with the let's hate, our new hatred. we need to look at our problems. and we need to make it safe and
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secure for everyone that wants to live here by the rules and do the right thing. stop being provocative. host: patrick, fairfax, virginia, good morning. you are next. caller: good morning. i agree with the previous caller. i certainly don't enjoy hate. my neighbors i have talked to don't enjoy hate. that does exist but it does not mean we enjoy it. i believe the majority of americans enjoy hate. yes, there are major divisions, but most people i talked to don't enjoy it. they don't enjoy hate at all. that is all i have to say. host: that is patrick in fairfax, virginia. it is a little more of that peggy noonan, we are discussing in the first hour of "washington journal" in which she says she things we are■lta i coury.
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she hat should be doing is asking each other how we are going toour y through this constructively. instead, people prattle about a coming civil war, but what are those people talking about? neither side will raise an army and fight in the streets. the most trump supporting state in the country will not fire on fort sumter, and even if anything like that happens, who arsenal andho ileft sending out the social security check noally she says in a column ke ts you two and how to turn s around. i don't ut aleast it starts with understanding that people we are so harshly judng are our countrymen. they share the country with you. we have to go into the future together because if we don't, we won't have a future. peggy noonan in the wall street journal. eating your reaction to tt column. this is bill in memphis , tennessee. good morning. caller: i read the article.
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i don't agree with it at all. i live in a very integrated neighborhood here in memphis. highly educated people and things. we just don't see that. i don't see that. she does not provide a cinder empirical argument for that next for that -- a single empirical argument for that. ree with the first cal ler. this was indeed donald trump. how in gods name can we fall for that? donald trump of all people. joe biden is more intelligent than he is and joe biden had a speech impediment for years. we know that, but he is not a dumb, stupid man like trump. trump is an evil guy.
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host: your interactions with people, you say you don't see it in your community, so peggy noonan writes, when was the last time you set anyone try to address the other side with respect and understanding venture something like "i know you see it this way but this is how i see it and i want to explain it so maybe we may proceed with respect?" instead she says we accuse each other and put each other down and it does not■z feel high-spirited like political business as usual. it feels cold today. do you have those conversations with people you disagree with, bill? caller: my neighbor is of a different race than i am. in■t
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if you want to show about hate, hate coming from one side, you listen to that first color that you had and you could hear the visceral hate in this person's 30,000 lies or whatever. the you probably could not tell you what 10 of the are, five may. the thing isre are people out there who love to debate read coming from nunez article about how maybe one person could say this and i would love to hear your concerns. they are specifically geared in
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on hating donald trump. the man said it himself, when he came down the escalator, that is when everyone started going after this man for no good reason. te is one side, particularly now. definitely one-sided because one last thing, if you watch msnbc or mainstream media, they will have a republican on and of course they will try to slice and dice them. someone like aoc or rashida tlaib or any of those folks go on or rural america's voice, you will hear it. host: a few of your comments. >> thank you so much to those who are with us in person and
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