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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  June 12, 2024 10:08am-10:31am EDT

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ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess subject to the call of
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>> building 1 of new infrastructure to reach those who need it >> charter communications supports c-span as a public service. along with these other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. x @cspanwj. three felony counts against hunter biden and this stems from a possession of a cobra 38 revolver going back to 2018. count one, knowingly made a false and fictitious written for firearms purchases. mr. biden certified he was not a user of drugs. count two also made statements and representation to an unnamed
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wilmington based firearms dealer. count three, knowingly possessed a firearm across an 11 day period despite being an unlawful drug user and a violation of federal. those are the counts as they stand. sentenci determined. yesterday's verdict got some reaction from hunter biden himself, putting out a statement yesterday, saying "i am more grateful today for the love and support by experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community, then i am disappointed by the outcome. recovery is possible by the grace of god. i am blessed to experience that gift one day at a time." that is a statement from hunter biden. president biden also putting out a statement. the president saying "i am president but i am also a dad.
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jill and i love our son and are so proud of the man he is today. d resilient in recovery. i will accept the outcome of this case and respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter with our love and support. nothing will ever change that." that is some of the reaction. if you want to give your reaction, you can do that. republicans (202) 748-8001, democrats (202) 748-8000, and independents (202) 748-8002. if you want to text us your thoughts concerning yesterday you can do that at (202) 748-8003 and you can alway site. one of the people commenting was
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the special counsel appointed by the justice department. he commented guilty verdict saying "the case was about the illegal choice hunter biden mate while battling a drug addiction." here is part of his comments from yesterday. >> while there has been much testimony about the defendant's abuse of drugs and alcohol, ultimately this case was not just about addiction. a disease that haunts families across the united states, inudily. this case was about the illegal choices the defendant made while in the throes of addiction. his choice to lie on a government form when he bought a pfgun in the choice to then possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. second, no one in this country
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everyone must be accountable for ei this defendant. however, hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of the same conduct. the prosecution has been and will continue to be committed to this pipthe principles of federal responsibilities. host: that is david weiss yesterday talking about the felony convictions. it will be september 5 that hunter biden faces another set of charges for allegedly failing to pay up to $1.4 million in taxes and also filing a false return. to the events of yesterday come in maryland, democrats line, we will hear from willie. caller: i would like to say this. what happened with hunter biden, even though he is a part of the] presidential family, i think
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is trying to play a game of both hands are not clean. people have to remember what hunter biden did is a tragedy. hunter biden is not running for president like the former president is. think the democrats need to have that in mind. i think the press, including c-span need to get on the ball and focus on the issue of being the president of the united states instead of messing around with this issue. host: lee in maryland. we will hear from vincent in oklahoma. republican line. caller: i am thinking that trump better -- if hunter is his son, do not pardon. host: i'm not clear what you are saying. caller: i am saying he has
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admitted he will not part of the guy. he cannot -- i am saying he has admitted he will not pardon the host:aying the president should not pardon him. caller: if he wantsit is up to . host: what would be the benefit of doing that? caller: trump is the worst deal i have ever heard of. host: vincent in oklahoma giving us his thoughts. members of the jury in hunter biden's case, one of them being interviewed by the washington post, juror number 10, a 68-year-old white man says the jury did not discuss politics. joe biden's name was brought up once during the trial. that was hard but you kinda of put it out of your mind. i do not think it was politicized, said the juror, who declined to give his name. there juror says when the panel
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begin deliberating hits members were divided -- when the panel begin deliberating they were divided six to six but as they discuss the evidence they quickly became unanimous with a decision. you'll hear from walter on hunter biden being found guilty on these counts. democrats line. caller: good morning. how are you? host: i am fine. caller: with the hunter biden case it is cut and dry. he broke the law. the only reason the case went to trial to begin with is because his attorneys and hunter were too stupid to stick with the sweetheart plea deal because the irs whistleblowers pointed out the doj werhi some cases sabotaging the investigation on hunter biden. this verdict is only to keep joe
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biden out of the mix. as these folks celebrate and say the justice system is working, this is not the same as trump's case. i am not a fan of donald trump. trump's 34 charges. they were a misdemeanor that no one had ever been charged with into 34th alum ace. -- into 34 felonies. that was completely political. this case you cannot argue because he did live on the form. -- he did lie on the form. if everyone was being treated the same. i wish our country would come together and stop the politicizing crab. i am disappointed with all this stuff. let's go back to the days when bill clinton was president. people do not like one another but at least we all got along. not this that everything is
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trump, trump. you're just making up stuff on him. host: alberto next in maryland. republican line. hello? caller: know why anybody is finding any pleasure -- i do not know why anybody is finding any pleasure in what is going on. what is wrong with the world? the hatred, the animosity, it has to stop. host: you are saying this applies to yesterday? caller: not only to him, to joe biden son, i am saying everyone in the world. you need to knock it off. how does it relate to yesterday? caller:t he has done is wrong. it is very wrong. when i grew up my father always
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said to us every dog is entitled to one bite. the boy had his fight already. he went into the united states service(z, he had to get in thee and do drugs and he done wrong and it came out with a dishonorable discharge. and now i hear they rephrase that to something else. i have friends that i know of -- the majority are dead. they came out with this discharge. they carried it to their graves. nothing should be wiped out. when you've done wrong you have done wrong. i would say if this were 30 to 40 years ago we would be saying is russia.
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i favor neither party as gore vidal said when he used to do a talk show. i think it is amazing how common the two candidates are. not to criticize too heavily. it is important to note the similarity involved. the laptop and the hush money were close to the crime that both biden and trump had to deal with and alsoisma, they both had ukrainian problems. host: how does that connect to hunter biden? ca we have to expect a nt based on capitalism and money. this indicates to the public that we do have an illegitimate type of political situation going where neither candidate, abided nor trump can shoot
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straight. we have become very corrupt. we always have been according to people like gore vidal who i suggest people looking to for inspiration. host: the wall street journal adding that hunter biden's team has argued the case was only brought because joe biden was president, noting the justice department does not typically prosecute gun cases like this one without underlying crime. found guilty of falsely claiming to be drug-free, lying to a gun dealer, and illegally possession the done. -- illegally possessing the gun. we showed you the counts eaier. the counts hunter biden received and was found guilty on. you can text us your thoughts. you c1an always post on our social media site at
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jason in fairfax, virginia, democrats line. hello? jason in fairfax is gone. let's go to charles in maryland. gaithersburg. caller: good morning. pleasure to be a first time caller. my one comment is absolute power corrupts absolutely. number, if my fellow americans and heard ken burns recent commencement speech at brandeis university i would encourage everyone to listen to the speech that summarizes the historians approach. host: how does that apply to hunteriden? caller: summarize that for us -- host: summarize that for us. how does it apply? caller: i think it would tie
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into what abraham lincoln and some of our founding fathers spoke -- i encourage everyone to listen to ken burns recent speech at brandeis university. host: let's hear from earl in idaho. independent line. caller: is whether the gun was ever fired. if it had been fired it should add to his conviction. host: what you think of the things he was found guilty of, whether the gun was fired or not? caller: that doesn't really matter. the fact is if the gun was fired that shows a different story about hunter biden's ability at that time where he was getting off the drugs. host: what you mean it matters more if he fired the gun?
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caller: usually if they do not fire it, that is one thing. if they do fire it it shows there is some sort of anger within that. host: that is oral in idaho -- that is earl in idaho. (202) 748-8001 republicans, democrats (202) 748-8000 and independents (202) 748-8002. when it comes to the editorials of the papers, the w■rashington post in their lead editorial says "the president son cannot evade the law." the editors right that it should never have come to this. mr. biden could country the specter of the trial by pleading guilty and accepting full responsibility and asking for the court's mercy at sentencing.
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instead he and his lawyers try to make an1z sought wider immunity for mr. biden from criminal liability and fell apart last year under legitimate scrutiny from the federal judge in political royalty. biden hope for a jury nullification or couple of holdouts■h up fortunately, the jury did its duty. that is the washington post. one of the editorials from the wall street journal concerning hunter biden's guilty verdict,. second editorial, the editors writing should junta receive a jailen a -- should hunter receive a jail sentence? hunterseptember when he is scheduled to go on trial for tax charges for which the evidence he knowingly understated his income and overstated his debt is also compelling. he is plead not guilty on those
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charges. the guilty verdict is likely to mitigate any political impact. the justice department first tried to let hunter off with a slap on the wrist plea deal. attorney general merrick garland -- those are some of the editorials based on the events of yesterday. we will hear from randy in michigan. democr line. go ahead. caller: i would like to start by thanking you along with all of the other men and women it take to bring this program. it does a great service to the nation. the man was convicted by a jury of his peers. no matter whatever else they say he was brought to trial and he was found guilty and now he will have to pay that price to society for his guilty actions.
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just like i believe the recently convicted 34 counts felony we have running for president on the republican side needs to face the same scrutiny and get the same sentencing as anyone else would with that many felonies. i have to comment on the washington post article that you just read. i do not believe i ever heard the washington post come out and that convicted felon donald trump could have saved us a lot of dog and pony show if he had pled guilty to what his crimes were. ■[we are all supposed to be the same in the eyes of the law. let's trea everyone the same in the eyes of the law. thank you for my time. let's hear from brenda in arkansas. line. caller: good morning. i am curious about why americans
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do not think or why they do think -- this is election interference. the fbi knew. 51 spies specialists knew that that w hunter's laptop just before the election. they all swore this was russian disinformation. this is election interference every bit as much as how trump interfered in his election. those two cases are not comparable. they were misdemeanors that trump had that new york was allowed to turn into felonies will stop hunter's charges were always felonies. hunterget the sympathy vote by saying things like his daughter should not have had to testify. the defense is the one that brought his daughter in, not the prosecution. there were even videos on youtube where you could see him
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with young girls smoking crack. was that russian disinformation? this is totally election interference. i think the doj, who i'm not very fond of right now should be held accountable for this. also,hy aren't those 51 spy specialists being shamed? they should be prosecuted and shamed. host: brenda in arkansas. this is john in michigan. independent line. caller: mi good to talk? host: go ahead. caller: i used to be a democrat, i've been independent. i will probably not vote. my one thought on the hunter biden conviction is the delaware u.s. attorneys offices publishes all of the firearms and it shows
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how unserious hunter's charges are compared to the average defendant. i do not have a love of thing -- i do not have a love of him but i did not see any way to look at this case and not think he was being prosecuted because he was the president son. thank you for your time. host: john in michigan. gus points us next in ohio on the moer: i've never seen so muh hypocrisy in my life. any time something happens where a gun is nra, here comes the sed and everything else. now they try to treat this like he did something wrong. he went out to schools and shoot kids. you do not see that kind of coverage. with biden it is like he did the worsthing in the world.


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