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tv   Washington Journal Scott Wong  CSPAN  June 24, 2024 12:04pm-12:21pm EDT

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trot going back. we are moving forward, america. >> have a friend will see more loyalty and mr. putin will see >> he wants to make america great again? actually making things in america again. >> we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. >> here and now, i give you my word. if you entrust me with the presidency,e best of us, not the worst. >> towering american spirit has prevailed over every challenge and lifted us to the human endeavor. >> c-span. bring you an unfiltered vred by.
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>> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we by these television companies and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no. comcast is creating wi-fi enabled li zones so students from low income families can get >> comcast supports c-span as a pu service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. wong is back at our table this morning, senior ws, here to talk about the week ahead in congress. for how long again wh'hs the agenda? guest: as you know, so many things are shifting right now to the campaign trail. legislating and oversight.
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watching is michael phelps on capitol he's going to be testifying on anti-doping measures in the olympic games. he that there is not enough oversight and anti-doping measures. he wants to a tougher response from the olympic organizers of the olympic officials from the world anti-doping organization. and he will be making his case on capitol hill. on tuesday. we will have coverage of that. the former olympic champion swimmer, michaelló -- michael phelps and allison schmidt will testify on anti-doping efforts. watch the hearing live at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span two,
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c-span now, our free app or onlt moments from capitol hill this week. but, they have some legislative work to do. they have talked about getting their spending bills in order before september. have what is their goal? >> the broader goal is to get their appropriation bills, all of them wrapped up by their n■.f september. and that is a very, very tall sk number one, they almost never deadline, because of differencesn the two parties, different hanging over that is the fact that there is an ection politics has bee dominating and
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coloring everything that is happening on capitol hill. they are pushing forward, at least the house of representatives is, with trying to pass a number of those bills through the summer to put themselves in a good negotiating position. i think most people money this y his is going to get kicked into after the a cr, a continuig resolution be a funding bill to fund the government that would push us into after the election, likely in december. host: outside of that legislative goal, are there any other big ticket items or debates like we have seen in recent)= mons x;s summer beforee ■e the floor our messaging bills.
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the singeing bills are things like -- messaging bills are things like immigration. en a number of messaging bills from senate democrats come up, trying torepg bills, because democrats and republicans done last year, with the ddet ing crisis and with government funding earlier this not seeing some of those big ticket items being a problem for congress in these closing months of the election. host:talk about some house races that are ma of who they havsuted in the past and now who's endorsing them. this time around, you've seen splits, the republican party
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splits and within the mo primary races. starting with the virginia race, good, the incumbent, trying to get another term. tell us the back story and where this race stands today. guest: well, the race stands still too close to call. this is a primary ra in virginia, just outside of charlottesville,■á that features bobom caucus chairman, who is being challenged by john maguire, somebody was endorsed by president. somebody who split the conservative movement in the -- and the maga movement in the republican party. they areed by 300 or so they are counting some provisional ballots.
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but, you know, right now, mr. good is■2 trailing the challengr who has been backed by donald trump. so, the big question at this poll there be some kind of recount election? election. tion. we will know in the next days or even weeks whether that moves forward, given that it is a super clos likely will head tt election. host: reminder to one of our viewers that bob good was one of e eight who voted to oust kevin mccarthy from his speaker role. he joined with people like matt gaetz, who■ went against former president trump and endorsed bob good. >> it has split
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the conservative wing of the republican, on behalf of bob good's challenger. this is an issue, you know, where we he donald trump and his allies reallspt on this issue of who should represent this virginiagressional district. and it has been a fascinang wate real marquee!■ç matchups of this primary cycle. host:of these races that are splitting hour with scott wong of nbcfú news. we want you to join in on this conversation this morning. here's how you can do so. republicans, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000indepe. you can also text us and include
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your first name, city and stay. s. another race that has garnered national media attention is new york'democratic bowman. what's going on with this race? it represent in the democratic party? guest: you have jamaal bowman, a progressive two term , a former middle school teacher from the bronx. one of the stars of the progressive movement, who unseated eliot, a longtime congressman from new york, two cycles ago. he's being chal by george latimer. that's the westchester county executive. westchester county politics. 30 plus local politics. somebody very well known to that district. somebody who is pro israel, jamaal bowman has been critical
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of israel and netanyahu and the war that is be out against hamas in gaza and other parts of that region. so, this is■u really -- has highlighted this huge party divide over support for israel in george l criticism ofn jamaal bowman's case. this has bn an issue that has roiled the democratic party throughout the 2024 cycle, ever nce the october 7 terrorist attack on israel. aipac the pro-jewish group, has spent a to $15 million in a single house number, a record number of spending, ting to unseat jamaal bowman from the seat. and again, geimary. a democratic district. whoever wins thismary
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tomorrow or tuesday will be the congressman from new york in is) particular congressional district. host: race to watch for all of you this morning. we cans in the house and senate races that you g an eye t wong. we are also talking about the legislative agenda as congress returns this week. scott wong, we talked about the house. what about the senate? guest: i'm not quite sure what's week. we saw a number of messaging bills that chuck schumer has been putting forward like roe v. wade. i will say that on thison of t's coordinated effort from a democrats to get the message out abou■3 what dobbs has meant to the country, to women and what it could mean goingrd country.
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the firsdy ghgh for womenevents, and reproductive rights. kamala harris will be at the university of maryland today and then fly directly to arizona later todaydo reproductive rights events. you saw what the president had a campaign messagethe campaign e democrats will have mobile , targeting vulnerable republicans in places like california and new york. highlighting their support fe d. so, you will see a concerted, very coordinated effort among top democtshlighting republican support. donald trump support -- trumps
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support for the dobbs decision. president had to say, praising certain members of the conservative supreme court for making that ruling. a highly unusual thing for a president to do, to personally 9@individually thank supreme cot members. but this has been an unusual st: we mentioned matt gaetz and his support for bob good. he was featured in the national newspaper today. one of the national newspapers today, for traveling around the country support different time, making news, here's nbc news investigating matt gaetz over allegedru he says this is something kevin mccarthy pushed before he left t gaetz. host: -- guest: has been a long-standing case against matt gaetz. it was investigated-- has
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been investigated or initiated i the house ethics a number of years ago, when democrats were in house and ethics committees. now, republicans iificant, givet they have opted to continue this vestigio into potential xual misconduct and illicit drug use, as they have laid out. this has also been an issue that was looked at by the department of justice, which last year, i believe athe beginning last year, announced they would not charges of mr.etz. that was significa ethics has operated completely separate from doj. they have decided that they have seen enough evidence that warrants that moving forward. they have interviewed enough
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witnesses■ -- a number of witnesses in this investigation and they believe there is enough there to keep this investigation open asncerned. host: what would you like todem. independents, (202) 748-8002. texas as well, including your first name. here is vwer on, how much of an impt e the respective this year. both parties have platforms that are screaming out fo that's a g. i think we will see some coordination■n between the conventions and the run-up to those conventions on the house and senate floor. certy,that during an electiongss
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late of lee --. ts who are in control on that side of the chamber of the capitol and house republicans who are in opportunity to put forward messaging bills that■t will resonate with voters that will help them really turn out the vote on their side of the ■áaisle. and so, expect to see a number of messaging bills on both sides in the run-up tohethey really w, you can see certainly from dona t campaign, an effort to drive out -- there is not a lot of
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