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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  July 20, 2024 4:40pm-5:15pm EDT

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>> your front row seat to democracy. >> busy week in campaign 2024 with the election. about 108 days away. ,488,000. republicans 2,027,488,001 and independents 20,274,888,002. we would like to texas, you can do so at 2,027,488,003. be sure to include your name and city. you can also posed a question or comment on facebook at
4:42 pm or on x at c-span wj. thank you for joining us this morning. a busy week and campaign 2024 with the election. 108 days away. we're going to get going to get to your calls and comments in just a few moments. but first more from what happened this week. a recap from the hill. cannot accept presidential not on rnc's for the night. the article says former president donald trump former president donald trump told the estate for over 90 minutes on thursday night and delivering his speech accepting his party's nomination for president. the remarks for the commission of four days of speeches and gatherings in milwaukee. tanka vercher's first three days held in the shallows of an assassination attempt on trump have sought to showcase unity as coach and enthusiasm around trump's third white house run. trump's running mate, senator jd vance republican of ohio in his work first remarks to the
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convention was the night off in his view of where the party in the country needs to go. and in terms of the democratic side, this from nbc. 13 more democrats including pelosi allies call for biden to exit 2024 election. the number of biden detractors on. capitol hill now stands at 35 or more than 10% of the combined democratic caucuses in the house and senate. it is not just lawmakers and according to a new poll from the associated press and north about two-thirds of democrats want biden to withdraw. you can see on your screen, blue lines. the light blue hens, 65% is the overall number of democrats. it is at 65%. we want to hear your thoughts on camping 2024. candidates you are supporting the issues you are concerned
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about. and we will start with cornell in new jersey on the democrats line. good morning kate cornell. caller: good morning, tammy. it is unfortunate that we are -- we all are we all are going to get old one. but the problem is sometimes you have to take the keys from someone who has gotten too old to drive. but the bottom line is you don't take the keys from somebody that is too old to drive and give them to a five-year-old. donald trump with his behavior over the last five years or even 10 years, he picked vice president -- he picked jd vance
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to be his running mate. but did they forget that jd vance said that donald trump was -- should never be qualified to -- is not qualified to be president, should not be running? don't they forget that donald trump was the first president in over 100 years that did not go to inauguration? that is why i said we don't turn the keys over to a five-year-old. >> cornell, you are a democrat. what would you like to see president biden do the staying in the race or withdraw? caller: well, it is his choice. he has a team around him. he is not a dictator. he has people in place that are willing to run the country, where donald trump had people in place that all they did was say,
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yes, sir, and bow and even when thought she was the government, fauci was scared to speak with donald trump. there's nobody in the democratic party scared to speak when joe biden has the problems that he had or you wouldn't have to 35 senators or 35 elected officials coming out and say, it is time to give up. but you don't have the keys to a five-year-old and like i said, when donald trump was in office, he took -- he put a veil over president obama's reported in the white house. he put a veil over bill clinton's portrait in the white house. and like i said earlier, we remember what vance said. we remember what mitch mcconnell said after
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january 6. it was a donald trump's behavior. we as a civil society cannot turn the keys back over to donald trump no matter how many supporters he had. tammy: and in lawrenceville, georgia, on the republican line, good morning. good morning, ed. caller: good morning. that guy from new jersey, he needs to ask himself, did biden ask us if we wanted 10 million illegal aliens in our house? but here's what i want to tell you about this campaign. i went to mall yesterday. and i saw a sign in the food court that said, then two weeks, $16.49. that is what biden gave has. anybody that voted for biden is just as delusional and demented as he is.
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thank you. tammy: oliver in virginia on the dependent line. good morning, oliver. caller: good morning, sweetheart. thank you for taking my call. i would like to say that i am so shocked at americans who have come to donald trump's a in tearing this country apart. he has been a divider and a dictator, i think, already when he asked the military to shoot people like -- like people during the riots. he wanted the military to shoot people. what are they thinking about? you can look at the convention and see that man has those you are talking about losing -- and being able to take care of the
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country. donald trump reminds me of a man who is insane. he has no business with the nuclear weapon secrets. he is willing and he is obvious he is a prudent supporter. and jd vance want to let ukraine overdose they will help russia turn ukraine over to put in. tammy: oliver, you are an independent. who did you vote for in 2020? : sweetheart, in 2020, i voted for biden even though i'm an independent because i'm afraid of donald trump. i cannot even sleep when he was in the white house. he is an insane person who is only out for himself and his only run for the presidency so he does not have to go to prison for stealing secret weapons. >> to jasper in cleveland, ohio, on the democrats line. good morning, chester -- jasper. caller: good morning to you.
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i would love to say but i called in about this when trump was on the other night giving his address to people there. he lied to him when he said he felt something on his head and he grabbed his gear and went down and he did not realize until he looked at his hand was covered. it was his words. it was covered in blood. if you look at the hand he raised, there was no red on that. he has a right hand. there was no trace of any kind of blood on his hand. so i don't know what he said he saw. 's and was covered in press, he held it -- they held it down for so long. they could do all kind of stuff to him. like i said. he was bleeding after. i think that was does have a
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good day. thank you. tammy: joe in georgia on the republican line. good morning, joe. caller: good morning. i love it c-span. i've been calling your great network for over 30 -- 30 years and i think trump will win with the biggest landslid in history. we are meeting a bunch of trump patriots and i have never seen the republicans so fired up and energized and my great friend steve would run the. >> economy and we will have to pass the economy and the best stock market in the history of the world. so i'm so far up about trump. i'm having a hard time sleeping but trump is the best. tammy: did you watch any of the unsee coverage this week? caller: and i had a hard time sleeping because i was so fired up. i'm a stock market guy and i want to predict the stock market will break every record in the history of the world with donald
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john trump as president and i those are theme song is going to be "happy days are here again." >> joe in worcester, massachusetts on the independent line. good morning, joseph. caller: good morning, c-span. my take is i want to talk about donald trump vice president picked. jd vance. three major points he made that touched my heart. but first i would like to say on a black man who supports eric trump 100 percent voted for him and again. he is the greatest president since abraham lincoln, the emancipation proclamation, 1862. 1865. no, jd vance, i said though she spent a lot of time in the marine corps. [inaudible] marina that you have a sense of pride and never to
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america. instead of -- the first to five. three points he made that to my heart. first point guards he said iraq. now, now, in the rinse, in boot camp, you have to hear [inaudible] war stories. that is that side. and i remember it it may be joe -- drill instructor telling us about the evil [inaudible] viacom and vietnam. i saw a buddy's head blown off next to him. eddie grant served in iraq. in 2002. and he had no -- he said as it were heard never [inaudible] and that is the type of person america needs. people willing to forgive like donald trump. certain things you don't forgive. the other apartment he made i think his mother was related to drugs for 10 is good. he touched a lot of american families. there's too many people on drugs in america. and the apartment he made. he talked about in a back drop
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to america. back in the 19 70's, the ceo of the american companies made [inaudible] 40 or 40 times more than the average worker in the company. noted make for hundred times more. they ship jobs to the philippines, to china, to mexico. america needs to bring back manufacturing. that is the only way. we have too much. you have psychiatrists, drought. we need to bring back the manufacturing jobs for america so that we can be great again. tammy: raimann in brookhaven, mississippi, on the democrats line. good morning, raymond. caller: good morning, c-span. i'm just a frustrated democrat and i think here we go again. every time a democrat [inaudible] restocking the banks i remember coming out obama took
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over -- $750 billion, they needed obama went back and stuck the banks. come up with obamacare. come out. and we did the auto industry. jobs will come. then be handed to trump. the jobs were still flowing. this was obama economy, him and biden. him and biden command. and here we go again. we have cut those we are going to give trump trump the best economy since the '60's because of -- he don't know when to lead. they expect us to vote for somebody [inaudible].
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>> , what would you like to see president biden to, stay in the race? caller: i would like to see biden step out. i love him. he has been the greatest president of my lifetime and i will hate to see the democrats again hand over the best economy we are talk about they're going to do another tax cut, and we're going to be back into the same thing. we're going to be in isolation country and we might as well pull all of them -- nine states and all of the world so we are going to do that and the tears that he is going to put all this stuff coming from china, i don't know and plus the democrats got more people than old man that don't know when to go and that is all i got to say.
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tammy: that was raymond and he is among the 65% of democrats who are saying president biden should withdraw from the presidential race. this from the associated press as more democratic members of congress urged him for somebody to talk about bringing the total since his disastrous debate against trump nearly goes to nearly 3,000. biden remained isolated at his beach house in delaware after being diagnosed with covid-19. the person who has insisted he could be husband trump was with family and relying on a few long-term rates. as he resisted efforts to shove him aside. one person who has been speaking out on president biden's behalf is his chair of his campaign, jen o'malley dillon. she was on morning joe yesterday. here's what she said about president biden.
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>> is joe biden still in the race? does he plan to stay in the race? if so? -- if so, what is the plan. jen: absolutely to present -- is in this race. you have heard him say that time and time again. and donald trump is not going to offer anything new to the american people. he is the same person he was in 2020. he is the same person he was in the debate stage. and that is about himself and nothing about those about the american people and joe biden is more committed to nurse than ever and we believe on this campaign we are built for the close election that we are in and we see the path forward. the person is the leader of our campaign and of the country and he is clearly in our impression and what we build and in our engagement with voters he is the best person to take on donald trump to prosecute the case and present his vision versus what we saw last night. joe: so ken, what you say to
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democrats who say he can't win and that there are better candidates that can go out there and beat donald trump? jen: a look, of course, i'm not going to say that this has not been a tough several weeks for the campaign. and we have definitely seen some slippage in support. but it has been a small movement and you know this. the reason is because so much of this race is hard and already. the american people know that they see that.s order. they knew that before the debate. yes, of courseave a lot of work to do to make sure that we e reassuring the american people that yes, he is old but he can do the job an can win. and i think that that is really fundamentally what we are built for as a campaign. this entire campaign has been built for how close this race is going to be. it was closed in 2020. is going to be closed in 2024. tammy: president biden has said that he plans on staying in the race. he issued a statement in
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response to person trump rnc speech on tuesday night in part the statement says, former president trump focused on his own grievance with no plans to introduce an no plan to make life better for working people. together, as a party and as a country, we can and will defeat him at the ballot box. look forward to getting back to about -- getting back on the campaign trail next week to continue exposing the threat of don trump project 235 agenda. let's hear from ken in south carolina on the republican side. good morning, ken. caller: thank you. first of all, obama did not say -- save the economy. he got a bill from the congress trillions of euros that he signed and he gave to the financial entities. so he bailed them out. and the black gentleman said biden, he said biden was the
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best person he ever seen? is he delusional? have you seen the economy? he raised the interest rates three times? the average payment is $4,500 a month for groceries? we have been fully with illegal immigrants around the world, from around the world? they give him work visas? yes, they are taking black american jobs. we are the most majority. the only thing the democratic party has to offer is racism and division. told him as he does if he was refuse any equipment that he wouldn't have been brought to court on those bogus charges. president joe biden, not put two words together. he cannot walk up stairs. he can't comprehend. and before you head up, i want all of democrats to hear this. the people are watching, that are closer to is calling for him to step down! they know him better than we know him, and they are calling him to step down.
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but the american people who are struggling to survive on every time that everything -- everything is up. how can they see this man is doing a great job? but donald trump cannot be a dictator because we have congress and the attack on donald trump's life, the secret service and the cia whoever had that man in their radar for 10 or 20 minutes before the attack. that man should never been allowed to fire a shot. it was incompetent. and some democrats are saying they wish he would have gotten shot. where are the american people? especially in the black americans. we have been hurt the most by illegal immigration. come on, black people, wake up! tammy: nancy in houston, texas, on the independent nine, good morning, nancy. caller: good morning.
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for this guy that the just had on i was going to say exactly what he said. are these people? are they in another world? have they seen what is going on in the last 3 1/2 years? to our country? are you kidding me? and they are defending it? i think the only thing i can come up with is they hate america like all these other cnn and msnbc, all they do is talk how bad america is. they brought these illegal immigrants in for future votes. who are they kidding? and the prices, are you push the greatest person that ever lived, oh, my god, are they -- they made not -- buy -- they must not have to buy food or gas. where are they living? because they should not are living in my world. and this gentleman that it is had on exactly how i feel. and most of the road, if you look at the polls, there's no
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way that joe biden is ahead of trouble in the polls. those no wake. that his polls are seeking. he is losing donors. this does the democratic party is upside down. and now they're going to go after trump. they tried to put him in jail. they tried to impeach him. he tried to kill him. me, oh, my god. when is it going to stop? when is one is this were going to come together and get rid of these illegal immigrants that are taking our tax dollars? there getting more money and more than i make on my social security. they are living in highways, highways, hotels. the veterans are sleeping on the streets. descriptors. there's people dying every day on the streets and those are drugs. and say -- and they say this is the greatest president they have ever seen? i just -- i -- it is -- it blows me away how people think and how people rationalize. and trump, when trump was in office, i do not have to worry
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about food. i do not have to worry about gas. i could pay my rent. my savings has dwindled. i'm scared i'm going to be homeless and a couple of months. and i'm telling, it is really scary. i'm on social security. i got a little bit of savings, and it is almost gone. thank you. tammy: eric in buffalo, new york on the democrats want. good morning, eric. caller: good morning. how are you? thank you for taking my call. so much to take in here. first, horrible on the assassination attempt on presidential. there should no be no political -- but former president trump. there should be no political violence anywhere. jd vance is brought in by that to class. peter thiel.
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jd vance made a statement that his mother was directly affected by the use by illegal immigrants bring in drugs across the border. and jd vance's mother was a nurse who was stealing prescription drugs and using it for her cell. jd vance is a product of low income schooling that put him through college. the ohio state and then harvard or yale, wherever he went to his job in the marine corps was a correspondent. he was a reporter in the main corporate he'd never seen action. he never was in the front line. he was behind the lines in the task. and jd vance also was in the air division, which does not work on the front lines. trump is a manipulator of the
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press. these democrats that are calling for joe biden to step aside, pass the torch is funded by dean phillips and who else? steve schmidt. and liked by others billionaire class media. it is just manipulation of the press, the media. against the american people, which is horrible, horrible, the people -- the economy is doing great. oil companies are making record profits. we introduce more oil than any country in the world. they are making billions of dollars in profits. this inflation is caused by corporate greed. what you don't the people see?
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joe biden does not control the oil prices. oh. controls oil prices which inflated the price because of the war in ukraine and russia not being able to produce or put their oil back on the market. there's just so many things inside things that joe biden has been taking care of and helping this world become a better place. tammy: eric mentioned the pac passed the torch. they are scheduled to launch a add asking. to bite to step down from usa today a mysterious new political action committee has spent 36,000 on ads urging the president joe biden to leave the 20. mika: race including in his home state, delaware, it is going to
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start aerin in his home state of delaware during morning joe, says that that is his favorite program. here is that and that is going to start area next week. [video clip] >> president biden, you saved democracy in 2020. >> now you have the chance to do it again. >> it is attempt to pass the torch. >> one that can bring new energy. >> and make sure donald trump never gets near the white house again. >> our country's future is in your hands. >> so please be the leader we know you are, pass the torch, joe. >> pass the torch. >> pass the torch. >> pass the torch is responsible for the content of this advertisement. tammy: more from the article. records showing who is leading the pack will not be available for another three months. but the group describes itself as a "democratic grassroots campaign" on its social media profiles.
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pass the torch says it has made 10,000 photos and sent 70,000 was said it will hold a rally outside the white house today. let's hear from roy in california on the rear parking line. good morning, roy. caller: good morning. my deal is two parter. with trump as it comes down to it, i would say we got convicted. secret service was talking about going to jail with him. so in make no -- so no inmate would kill him. he does say that his isolation would end up with his immunization and now there are some people maybe want to make the law that if any person goes to jail, that is it. secret service goes with him for a local or any other conviction. the other part is dealing with harris. but when biden gets kicked out, she will have control of the
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$24 million. and they think rfk should be a good one president and then she would be vp for a second time. the only vp for both of them. that is it. tammy: rakell in new jersey on the independent line. good morning carranco. caller: good morning, one sec. garbages lower -- how are you? good morning. good morning. tammy: good morning. caller: hello? ok. so it might head is completely spinning. [chuckles] i am -- immigrated to this country. they are young, my parents brought me here to make a better life for me and my kids, myself, my brother. and i have never, never in my life have -- that i've been here in america seen such a mess in this country. such a mess. i am a resident of this country. and i can't do certain things that new yorkers that are leading immigrants, illegal
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immigrants and that, flood our country. i can't let my four-year-old daughter go outside and play. the school systems. like. i don't even know. my head is spinning with everything, with biden, with president truman, there's a lot of fake news about president trump. if you guys, the world believes in jesus. ok. that shot that he got and he was literally saved. he is a miracle. there is a reason and a purpose for him. i was never for president trump. i was never for those i do not like him. i thought he was arrogant. but he is a new yorker. that is how he talks. he is not a fake. he does not sit here and talk about god every single time. there is a reason why he is so -- still standing. tammy: you are an independent. did you support him in 2020. caller: i did not.
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i did not agree with a lot of things that were going on in 2020 with the immigration, with the kids being separated, with everything that was happening. but there were a lot of people behind that. everyone points to. and trump because he is our main leader and he is our main leader. so everyone points to him but he has a team behind them that makes decision and he will be the one who comes in and does what needs to be done. president biden is not mentally capable to run for another four years. his health is deteriorating. ok? he can't remember where he is saying what he is doing. it is embarrassing. it is embarrassing for america. ok? as an immigrant, ok, as an ingrained that immigrated here, i don't have the peter -- i don't have the freedom that i have four or six years ago. when peyton judd was present, i went on vacation every year with my kids. ok. moved to florida. on a single mother. i had a great job in florida. i was doing amazing. everything crumbled. everything crumpled. i'm living check by check as a
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single mom. and i have a degree. it is crazy. the inflation has taken our country. my family in brazil for those are like, what is going on? it feels like i'm living in a third world country. i'm appalled. and everybody needs to stop with the violence, with the president trump is this, oppose to is that. you know, people can change. if you believe in god, one single second, if something happens in your life that you have an encounter with god, you can change. and i believe that that they that they tried to assassinate president trump, he had a change of heart. >> that was racquel in new jersey. robert in st. louis on the republican line. good morning, robert. caller: good morning. thanks for the privilege. america, we need to get things together, our political people,
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and going against feidin. the only reason they are doing it is the political game, and also known as pretty much cowards. one thing about the republican side is they admire our bows and even when i was a kid, people, because i went to grade school and people admired bullies, you know, and they adhere to them. and i was watching a movie called "who shot liberty valance" and john wayne was in. and at the end of the film, it was a reporter, he told a story, he asked the senator, why did he want the story change where he thought that


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