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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  August 3, 2024 5:41pm-6:00pm EDT

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whether one school is better than another school. it's about whether kids get educated. we know in school choice there is 2% of kids in america using the funds to go to private schools. that's only 1% of the total money. 1.2% of the total money. the vast majority will be spent on traditional schools. we are arguing over 2% of the kids in america that are using an option to go to what is best for them. they seem to improve public schools. it seems to make sure test scores are better. it makes more cynically tolerant children. i find it -- civically tolerant children. our goal is to improve all the systems. host: our guest robert enlow, president and ceo of edchoice. you can find their work online at edchoicen x @
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cspanwj. in addition to campaign 2024 news and the return of the u.s. prisoners from russia here are the other headlines we have been following thisee the u.s. is increasing its mita presence in the middle east amid growing tensions. the senate held a hearing examining the security failures leading to the assassination attempt onorr president -- former president trump and president biden proposed diprima court reforms including term limi f justices. we will be spending this first hour hearing from you and what yourop news story of the week is. you can start calling in now. one of those stories we mentioned is vice president kamala harris securing enough delegate votes to secure nomination of the democratic presidential ticket. from today's "new york times," "
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vice president has won enough delegates to secure the nomination. the democratic national committee set on friday, setting upmrs. harris as the first black woman and person of south asian heritage to become -- to be on the to pick. -- the ticket. this will come after the roll call ends on monday. they made the announcement during an online meeting supporters while delegates were still voting in a virtual process devised to formally name the nominee before the convention next month. the article goes on to say that the party said that the virtual rollcall would ensure that a nominee what in place by august 7 to avoid potential legal headaches in ohio. the other option was the president.
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vice president kamala harris and the new presumptive nominee called in shortly after the nomination was made and here's what she said. [video clip] >> lesson we approach our campaign with the same spirit including that this is a people powered campaign. and i would not be on this call right now and with you all were it not for your support and trust. for which i am deeply grateful. i am honored to be the presumptive democratic nominee for president of the united states and i will tell you the tireless work of our delegates, state leaders and staff has been pivotal in making this moment possible. and your dedication cannot be overstated. your dedication to our country. i know we all feel this way so strongly, we love our country and believe in the promise of america and that is what this campaign is about.
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of course i will officially accept your nomination next week, once the virtual zoning period is close, but i am happy to know that we have enough delegates to secure the nomination. later this month we will gather in chicago united as one party where we will have an opportunity to celebrate this historic moment together. [end video clip] host: we are hearing from you about the top news story of the week. the lines if you would like to call in. republicans, 202-7-81. democrats,0248-8000. and independents, 202-748-8002. we will start with bob in anderson, indiana. on the independent line. go ahead. caller: good morning. i think that i want to talk a
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little bit about the assassination attempt on the former president. i really believe that the attempt was -- they should have had -- they should have had somebody on the highest point in the area, which would have been the water tower. they should have had a -- should cure -- security should have put somebody -- in other words the team that was involved in this to secure the area is -- it
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would have been impossible for someone not to have somebody on that water tower. host: did you watch the hearing this week? caller: yes. i watched the hearings. host: what did you think? caller: that if -- it just seems like to me that nobody is really going to be held accountable for any problems that they had. and we know that that there was a security breach and -- host: ok, thank you for your call. jeff in north carolina on the republican line. good morning. caller: good morning. i would like to talk about
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people that register to vote for this year. i am a trump supporter, and like all trump supporters, 99% of them do not trust the federal government now. how are people to tell and i know that they have to live here for seven years, they say. i do not believe that. i think there are ways around it. i have a bad feeling about this upcoming election. i think there is stuff that is going to happen. as long as there are mail-in ballots, and ballot harvesting there will never be a true election. it cannot be until you get to where -- i can see somebody disabled, what if you have a drivers license and id you ought to be made go vote. i just have no faith in the system anymore, ever since 2020. host: what would increase her
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confidence? in the election? caller: for one thing they fly the men through the night. how many have they flown in? there are so many things that can happen. it is just setting up for larceny, it seems like. host: ron in pennsylvania on the democrat line. good morning. caller: i think the top story of the week just came last night where it is possible that trump took a $10 million donation from the president of egypt. this is an old story from i guess they were investigating it for eight years or so, and before it was made public. but he is probably guilty like he is guilty of damn near everything else. host: where did you see the story? caller: msnbc, last night.
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it will be on the other news channels probably this weekend. but as for the last caller, you do not trust the government or the elections but you do trust the biggest lying croak in american history -- crook in american history? how is that? host: susan from massachusetts on the republican line. caller: hello. i have two topics if that is ok. in the dead of night, it is unusual how she got the delegates. i thought it was going to be open and transparent. not the democrats, these are the most corrupt people i have seen. but what they do with all of these things just to make them back down. it is amazing. do you know why he came out? because there are 100 whistleblowers saying that.
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they are talking and i am so proud of every one of them. it was a complete job when he went into that arena with those three hacks, those journalists. everything was conspiring against drug and then -- trump and then you get kamala who is trying to be made up to be obama in a skirt. a few weeks ago she was unpopular and now she has the greatest and all of the scrap. and trump is going to debate her but do not cry. it will be december 3 and it will be a live audience. this should be good. the democrats are saying about democracy and it was a coup against biden. but oh bible or -- obama and chuck schumer said that we can be united or we can give you the
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25th amendment, can you believe this? host: susan in massachusetts. she mentioned the hearing held this week in the senate about the secret service failures that led to the assassination attempt on president -- former president trump. here is part of the opening statement from the acting secret service director. [video clip] >> as you are aware there are multiple ongoing investigations in the attack and the security failures that occurred. i pledge my full support to those inquiries so the secret service and your committees and the american people have a thorough and complete understanding of what happened leading up to and during july 13. i will not wait for the results of those findings to assess where we fail that day. i have taken and will continue to take immediate steps to ensure that we do not repeat those failures. since my appointment as acting director one week ago identified
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gaps in our security and i have implemented corrective actions. one of my first actions as acting director was traveling to the butler farm site to understand how our protection failed. i went to the roof of the building where the assailant fired shots and i laid in a prone position to evaluate his line of sight. what i saw made me ashamed. as a career law enforcement officer and 25 year veteran with the secret service i cannot defend why that roof was not better secured. [end video clip] host: another story in "the wall street journal," related to the secret service answering question as to how the assassination attempt happened. "tech glitches played secret service at rally. spotty cellular service, well-functioning technology and unused equipment contributed to a major communications breakdown
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during the rally where a gunman tried to kill donald trump, just when law enforcement needed to share information the most, the top secret service officials said. among other problems there were no secret service agents inside a command post set up by local police ahead of the july 13 rally meaning critical information could not easy get to the -- easily get to the agency charged with protecting the former president. it is plainly obvious to me that we did not have access to certain information set acting service -- secret service director ronald rowe. moreover a technical issue kept them from deploying a counter drone system sooner that might have helped locate the gunman who flew his own drone within two hours of the rally. officials meant to start using the technology at 3:00 p.m. but could not get it operating until after 5:00 p.m. the agency also declined an offer from the local police force to launch a drone.
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the agency's review would examine why that offer was declined." harold in livingston, texas on the democrats line. what is your top story? caller: first of all i just want to say to be grateful that we have all of those people back this week. so thank you president biden for all of your hard work. the big issue is the project 2025 and i wish that people would start reading it more. it is going to do away with social security and every right that a woman has. this is the most dangerous thing.
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>> the question i have is of a servicemen is court-martialed and then received a less than honorable discharge, are they an ex-marine or former marine? host: andy in new york on the republican line. what is your top new story? caller: the u.s.-russia prisoner swap. they might have been russians that were released out of captivity, but also some key united states players were released from foreign captivity through the exchange. that was easily four to five generations of politicians coming together to get that result because it didn't happen, then these people would still be in prison overseas. count the losses as a win.
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that clearly was good for a lot of the news bureaus. they were all very pleased with that kind of outcome. i think that was the top news story of the week and it is a great thing that got accomplished. host: marianne in new york on the democrats line. good morning. are you there? caller: oh, yes. i don't care what nobody says, they -- trump did everything they said they were going to do. we are going back to 1941 when hitler put all them jews in that oven and killed them. host: we will go on to georgia on the independent line. good morning. caller: good morning. my top story is what i read on google news this week about the
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ssa has changed their login password. everyone needs to look at the social security administration to be sure that you change your login, the way you do business with the social security administration. >> and also eliminate the tax on
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social security. and also, when the people called in and say trump never served in the military, well, bill clinton, obama and joe biden, they never served either and biden got deferments. >> kenneth do you think the commander and chief should have military experience? >> no, i do not think that is a requirement. i think that common sense and intelligence are the two main things and also, when people called in and say, i'm going to church tomorrow -- could they pray for the unborn babies that are being murdered all of the time? >>


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