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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  August 23, 2024 2:13pm-2:44pm EDT

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i am so sad to hear these people saying that kamala is a communist and hates jews and that we lived in a third world country. do your homework. it read her bio. she is married to a jewish man. her bonus children call her " mamala." turn off fox and stop watching the videos that are scaring you. go see your grandchildren, go to a movie. this is not a third world country. kamala and tim love this country. he is awesome. his son just brought tears to my eyes and people should be ashamed if they are bullying
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this man. comella is going to keep this country great. please read her bio. she has worked all of her life., x at c-span wj. let's begin with a look at vice president harris accepting the nomination last night. >> every day in the courtroom i stood proudly before a judge and i said five words. kamala harris for the people. to be clear, to be clear my entire career, i've only had one
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client, the people. so, on behalf of behalf of the people, on behalf of every american, regardless of party, race, gender, or the language that your grandmother speaks, on behalf of my mother and everyone who has ever set out on their own unlikely journey, on behalf of americans like the people i grew up with, people who work hard, chase their dreams, and look out for one another, on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth -- [cheers & applause] i accept your nomination -- [cheers & applause]
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for president of the united states of america. [cheers & applause] host: we have some reaction from the gop nominee, donald trump, on truth social. he said that there would be no future under kamala harris, she will take us into a nuclear world war iii. she will never be respected by the tyrants of the world. she also sent this out, she didn't mention china, frack -- fracking, energy, russia or ukraine or the big subjects of the day that are destroying our country. there are 60 million people in poverty in the u.s. under their watch and she doesn't even talk about them.
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he also said this, she has led us into failing nation status. if you wldike to hear more from trump, he will be speaking to supports glendale, iza, that state gave 11 ecral ves to the former president in 2017 but was won by five in 2020. you can find more on our app and online, to the calls, now, sylvia in maryland, democrat, you are first. caller: thank you very much. i challenge everyone to gain knowledge for themselves. everyone, do not accept what you hear. read about project 2024 and ask yourself, can i support that platform? is that platform good for america? does it represent america?
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read project 2000 24, make an intelligent decision, be informed and move forward. host: sylvia, former president trump and his campaign have said they have nothing to do with that. what's your reaction to that? caller: that it's a big, fat lie. first of all, he is seen on tape discussing project 2000 2024 with the author. host: 2025, sylvia. caller: 2025, yes. president trump is the biggest liar i have ever, ever encountered in my lifetime. i've been on this earth for several decades. i'm very spiritual. i'm thankful that god sent
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kamala harris to be our president at this moment in time . it's so interesting how things just have fallen into place for her. because she is -- she will be our president because she knows she is the person to lead us at this moment in time. the world cannot afford, we will not survive under donald trump for four years in the oval office. people, just read project 2025. host: got it. bill, orange park, florida, good morning. caller: good morning. i don't know where, first of all, i want to apologize for the people from texas that got robbed at gunpoint last night on their way home from the dnc. mr. trump, they accuse him of everything.
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that what's her name, harris, she couldn't unite a zipper, let alone the people. host: all right, bill. janice, tennessee, democrat, good morning. caller: i just wanted to say that i listened to her speech last night, i watched the whole thing and i thought it was great. about time we get a woman in their. host: what did you like about what she said? caller: everything she said. host: all right. calvin, riverside, california, good morning. caller: good morning. how are you doing? i watched the end of the dnc, i didn't watch the whole thing. i watched little bits and pieces of it over four days. i think that for production value, they did a really good job. it looked like a top level new york play. everything was good as far as
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the production value. the way that she ended that speech, i got a suspicion that she's going to be a lot of trouble in november. as much as us republicans want to look at it and say she's not, she's going to be a lot of problems. host: what kind of problems? what do you mean, calvin? caller: she has a real shot here. she has a real shot here. a lot of people are looking at the fact that clinton didn't get elected and they won't let this slip away. i looked at a pole and she was right there with him or in some swing states, beating trump. there is a good chance that this woman, we will actually see a woman president. i think the safeguards are in place to where nothing extraordinary happens, but i think that if trump doesn't change the message, the gloom and doom, that library's feel of
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his campaign, he's going to -- she's going to win and republicans had better understand that. i have one less thing to say. maybe that's good for my party. reason being, right now we are not acting like true republicans. a lot of us are just trump republicans, whatever that means. maybe we need to go out and people need to throw up their hands and say hey, time to go to a different direction and go back to our foundation. maybe it's a good thing if we continue to lose, but this woman has a shot. this woman has a shot. host: you did mention vice president harris's closing remarks. let's play a portion of that. [video clip] >> my mother had another lesson, she used to teach. you never let anyone tell you who you are, you show them who you are. [cheers & applause]
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america, let us show each other in the world who we are and what we stand for. freedom, opportunity, compassion , dignity, fairness, and endless possibilities. [cheers & applause] we are the heirs to the greatest democracy in the history of the world. on behalf of our children and our grandchildren, and all of those who sacrificed so dearly for our freedoms and our liberty, we must be worthy of this moment. it is now our turn to do what
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generations before us have done. guided by optimism and fate to fight for this country that we love. to fight for the
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i want to say i am excited. it is historic. this is the greatest country in
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the world and i think they will pick the right president and vice president in kamala harris and tim walz and i want to shout out gus, his son. i thought that was amazing. i love seeing that love for family. we need to bring it back. i was a republican for years. not anymore. it's not what it was back then. this is the greatest country in the world. i just want to say to get out and let your voices be heard. women, let's do the right thing. our bodies are important. host: jane, look at the latest post. the new york times shows a very close race with national: showing harris at 49% and trump at 47%. a couple swing states. wisconsin showing harris at 49% trump at 47%.
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michigan also 49/47. pennsylvania tied at 48% for both. i was on her tied at 47 for both. georgia with trump at 50% and harris at 46%. a very close race. michael next from detroit, michigan, and independent. caller: first, they need to parallel trump with george wallace. he does a lot of dog whistle politics. the majority of people that follow him are from the south and still have racist proclivities. he has also been involved in white-collar crime.
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these republicans are hard on crime, but, the impact of white-collar crime is way more devastating than street crime. if you look at the last four or five presidential candidates that the republicans have had, they are abominable. when you look at her credentials. when you look at trump's credentials. now look at kamala harris. host: michael, what makes you an independent? caller: the cause, i look at each candidate and then evaluate what they are bringing to the table. host: talk us through the last couple of elections.
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caller: look at the last couple of elections. look at the background of the republican candidates. it is a trajectory. the trajectory is they lack credentials. donald trump had no credentials. bush junior was just atrocious. when you look at a cia which has worked up to do spy work and do undercover workreagan. an actor. the republicans have not had a decent candidate since eisenhower and he pointed out -- host: what about john mccain and met romney? caller: they did not win.
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i'm talking with the last ones they had as president. host: the ones that won. i get it. amy. leesburg, florida. republican line. caller: i have a question if anyone can answer this. how did kamala harris go from being one of the most on popular vice president less than two months ago to now being the greatest thing since sliced red? it is unbelievable. less than two months ago was so unpopular. she was more unpopular than biden. now she is the greatest thing going. how did that happen? and another thing i would like to bring up just real quick is they are always so worried about election interference. in 2020, the fbi went to mark zuckerberg and asked him not to punish -- to publish anything about hunter's laptop. if that is not election
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interference, i don't know what is. that is right in our own country. if you cannot trust the fbi and the cia, all the cia people that signed the letter that biden had it in 2020. people wake up. kamala is a joke. that is all i have to say. host: alexandria, virginia. independent line. caller: thanks for having me. for a long time i used two identify myself as a democrat. up until i walked away from it. i realized these two political parties are driven by identity politics. what republicans do to play on the grievances of white people and to stir up their emotions into present people on the other side. democrats do the same thing. they play identity politics.
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ghettos of race, gender, faith or not faith. sexual preferences. the whole thing is meant to pick people against each other -- two pet people against each other. none of them address the root causes of all the suffering taking place in america and beyond. it is all economic inequality. and so by focusing on our differences, they distract us from the thing we all have in common. all of us are feeling economic anxieties. all of us are struggling. and yet they go around and incite us emotionally and manipulate us emotionally so we don't focus on that. this whole system is based on gas lighting us and getting us to resent people who are struggling just like us. because black versus white, man versus woman come at the end of the day we are -- physically a meatgrinder.
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whether you are on the top of the meatgrinder or at the bottom it is the same thing. but yet our political system and the media is complicit in this. has not come -- with these candidates. one who is an egomaniac narcissist who cannot say another -- cannot say nothing without focusing on himself. the other is vacuous and has no policy position. host: have you decided who you are going to vote for? are you going to vote? caller: i am definitely not voting for either one of them. i'm going to vote for a third already or someone independent. i will write somebody in. at some point, we the people have to stop -- the lesser of two evils. the lesser of two evils is still evil. both parties have been weeding
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america to the -- have been feeding america to the wolves of wall street. everything based on economic policy. both parties are co-opted and owned by corporate interests. at some point we have to say enough of this. host: got it, teddy. fact-checks from the speech last night. this is from the washington post fact check her. here is a quote from vice president harris. we are not going back to when donald trump tried to cut social security and medicare. that is rated as mostly false. on medicare, virtually all anticipated savings sought by trump would have been wrong from health providers. not medicare beneficiaries. as a way of holding down cost and improving the solvency of the old age health program. trump barred many proposals from barack obama who had failed to get them through congress. a senior vice president
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nonpartisan committee for responsible federal budget closely studied the trump proposals each year. the basic argument here is ridiculous he said of a harris walls -- harris-walz campaign. he knows the inflation reduction act for which harris cashed the tie-breaking vote to secure passage reduced health care costs for medicare such as through inflation cuts. you could say joe biden cut medicare. ernest is next. democrat. good morning. caller: east texas. calling to shed some light on texas politics. not everyone here is voting red for trump. there are democrats here in texas. not necessarily the old texas democrats. my question is on the state -- there is a law for felons not to be on the state election roster for public office.
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i want to know if that is the case for any other state and why has that not been looked into? the event that happened was awesome. people ask where'd -- where did kamala harris come from. i think history proves every time there is a great person that rises to the occasion and that is what we have. a great person who has risen to the occasion to her own merit. nobody can take that away from her. host: this is ronald in ohio. independent. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you. i don't understand why they keep dropping the -- inside the
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democratic party. i have not played with a balloon inside was five. i don't -- a balloon since i was five. i don't get it. i have not voted since clinton tried to get in the second time. i voted independent. i have not voted since. host: so ronald, what would make you vote this time? is there anything that would get you to the polls this time? caller: no, nothing. i don't like either one. i don't like the third party. i don't like the fourth party. host: all right, ronald. let's talk to ray in taylor, michigan. republican. good morning. caller: good morning. are you doing?
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host: good. caller: i would like to touch on what a lady said a while ago. when harris was the most unpopular advice president but now she is being raised -- being praised by all the democrats. i want everybody to know that is watching tv they don't care about us. it is only about their party. they would not care who they put in. she has nothing to stand on. you cannot name one thing she accomplished as vice president. she has done nothing. she has destroyed this country with the border. that was her only job. she failed to do it. now, the same people. it could be the obamas, biden and all these other people. when biden passed the torch, he
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wanted to run but the democrats took him out because of his health. they took him out but he wanted to run. he passed the torch, but he did not put it where he wanted to. it would have probably been against the low. but he is angry. all the people in the united states are very upset. they are fighting amongst each other. they are fighting amongst each other when his people in washington -- when these people in washington are putting any anybody they want as long as they have control of the people here. they want to tell us where to go, how long we can stay, what we can drive. it is a control thing. it is one staff -- one step from
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communism. she is your first step. she is going to lead us into communism. she is not a democrat. she is not. she is a socialist party from california. they will destroy the united states. don't trust her. no one can say that we, the united states, was in better shape when donald trump was in office. we were doing much better. people was happier. the prices was down. joe biden tore it apart. because of partly harris. host: and this is a text we got from mountain home, arkansas who says one of the best democratic inventions ever. an outstanding spectacular experience of unity we have not seen since barack obama was
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elected president of the united states of america. don from wisconsin said so many talked about unification, working together. all i heard was hatred. it was like a conference on hate donald trump. stephen in michigan. the biden harris administration has the best legislative record in history. harris will continue in this direction. bill is next. peter park, texas. republican. hi, bill. caller: thank you for taking michael. host: go ahead. caller: i find it fascinating the obsession we as a country have with labels. if we look at the history of what it means to be a republican and what it means to be a democrat or what it might me to be a democrat, -- a republican, it has changed over time. today, my core values closely map to what to be the republican party but as others have observed, that republican party
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is gone. we saw it through the four nights of this convention. person after person giving their testimony to their experience as a republican. and now having to support kamala because they cannot support trump. i think we know who trump is. trump is a person who does not do the work. we saw these people as young adults when we were in high school. you could see the kids that did the work and got the trick -- got the grades and got the scholarships and went on to continue their education. trump has never done the work. i think that is part of the problem with him as a leader. he sets a poor example. if you want the results, if you want the outcomes, you have to do the work. what kamala demonstrated over these past four nights is she has done the work. whether you


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