tv Campaign 2024 Sen. JD Vance Campaigns in Big Rapids MI CSPAN August 27, 2024 1:16pm-1:42pm EDT
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barriers and cut red tape, including at the state and local level. by the end of my first term, we will end america's housing shortage by building 3 million new homes that are affordable for the middle class. host: we are asking about your housing costs for this first portion of our program this morning. the numbers are on your screen. for those paying a mortgage, it is (202) 748-8000. for those paying rent, it is (202) 748-8001. >> we are going to live to michigan where vice presidential nominee jd vance is speaking with supporters.
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cliff campaign 2024 coverage here on c-span -- live campaign 2024 coverage here on c-span. >> hello. it is great to be in the great state of michigan. in 69 days we will elect donald trump president of the united states and it will start right here with the great people of michigan. [cheers] last week the biggest high stenovec in history happened right under kamala harris's nose. somebody stole 818,000 jobs that she and tim walz have been writing about. did you see that? where did they go? our friends at the back, the media does not like to talk about it. what happened -- what really happened is this. the harris administration had to admit more than a quarter of all the jobs supposedly created last
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year were actually fake. they never existed. it was the biggest revision to the job numbers since the financial crisis back in 2008. they are cooking the books to hide how bad the economy really is under kamala harris. i promise you this; on november 5, there is one job that is definitely going to vanish and that is when we tell kamala harris you are fired and sent her back to san francisco. [chanting] it is hot out here. kamala harris needs a rockstar to get a crowd like this. we cannot hear because we are patriots who want to save the country.
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kamala has decided the american people don't like her policies. she's right about that. just take one, immigration. kamala harris suspended deportations on day one. she stopped the remain in mexico policy on day one. that is why we have a wide open southern border. i read a story this morning that her advisers are considering just copying all of donald trump's policies. they are more popular. i have heard that her debate in a couple of weeks she will put on a navy suit, along red tie --a long red tie and adopt the slogan make america great again. we are not going to let the american people forget that kamala harris is the candidate of america's decline. she cast the tie-breaking vote for the inflation explosion act. she cast the tie-breaking vote
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to send interest rates and mortgages through the roof. she open the border on day one and as much as fake kamala was to pretend she now agrees with donald trump, we have two remind her she's the vice president right now. stop talking about what you're going to do. start talking about what you are going to do because you're the vice president. what she has done has been a disaster. i will confess i have a soft heart. i feel bad for kamala harris. they don't. you don't. i'm not sure this is a woman who knows what she actually believes. she is just a cog in the wheel of a corrupt system. let's go back in time a few years and remember the formula of kamala harris and her handlers.
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step one was to ship all of our good manufacturing jobs to mexico, the china, to foreign quarters over the world. kamala harris support of the reauthorization of nafta, which has been terrible for the state of michigan and ohio and pennsylvania. proud towns became ghost towns. dignified american workers became dependent on the government and families, including families like mine fell apart under financial stress. that was step one. did we ask for any of that? here is step two. open our border to millions of illegal immigrants. into that void of joblessness poured drugs and a lot of cheap labor. our leadership, including kamala harris said it was compassionate but it was a lie. what they really wanted was millions of voters for democrat policies and they wanted millions of cheap laborers. american wages went down and our
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leaders learned to ignore their own citizens in their quest for power. that was step two. did we ask for that? the next step was a lot of stupid foreign policy. our leaders cannot deliver prosperity but they could deliver war and conflict. we invaded countries all over the world and then we invited other countries to invade us through illegal immigration. our leaders got richer and they got more powerful. that was step three. did we asked for that? i have lived and a lot of us in this crowd have lived the consequences of these failures. i saw it personally. my parents divorced. my family began to struggle. my mom found solace in the prescription pain pills that a lot of kids and adults are getting hooked on. she moved on to some harder stuff. i will tell you i thought i would lose my mom when i was a kid. i prayed every day she would
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somehow find her way to a second chance. i'm proud to tell you not only did my mom find a second chance and she's here with us today campaigning in the state of michigan. [cheers] [chanting "jd"} ] she is the best grandmother my kids could ask for. she spoils them a little too much. no more pokemon cards. they have enough. i know a lot of americans pray for that second chance. thank god we got it. a lot of americans pray for good jobs. they prayed for their towns to have prosperity. they pray for the parents to overcome the scourge of addiction and in 2016, a lot of
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the prayers were answered. workday? -- work they? -- weren't they? americans spoke with a unified voice. they said no more bullshit and they sent donald j. trump to the white house. [chanting] now, the same people who screwed this country up for 30 years at president trump would fail. remember that? i did not fully believe in the promises of donald trump. he persuaded me because he did such a good job. what happened next? gas was two dollars a gallon. housing was affordable for young and old alike. wages were rising. the word inflation that is all people talk about now was not an issue. we had brought prosperity for every american, rich and poor. donald trump stopped the stupid
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wars and stood up to bad guys all over the world. he recognized what our failed leadership didn't. weakness invites american boys and girls to wars they shouldn't have to fight. america's strength promotes strength and we had a less strengthen donald trump was president of the united states. [cheers] [chanting "trump"] i have to get whatever we fed these guys behind me. they are having a good time. our border was secured. overdose deaths were coming down where they had gone up for 15 years. a lot of people who struggled in my hometown had good jobs and good prosperity. it happened all across the state of michigan and ohio. my mom got clean and she stayed clean. that was my personal victory that happened. [cheers] for every lie they told about
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donald trump, he kept looking away and doing the american people's business. we had to pay rising faster than it had in 30 years. our corrupt leadership said if you put tariffs on china, prices will go up. instead, donald trump did that, manufacturing came back and prices went down for american citizens. they went up for the chinese but went down for our people. [chanting "usa"] because when you make your own stuff with the hand of american workers, the whole country prospers. we know that in michigan better than anywhere. our corrupt leadership said if you enforce the border, people south of the border are going to suffer. donald trump recognized his first response ability as president was to the american
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citizen and not anybody else. to shut down the border. he shut off the drug trade. he drove the cartels out of business. he had overdose deaths falling in this country. what an amazing thing it was. our corrupt leadership said you can't defeat isis. for member that? they said -- from ember that? they said will have to re-invade iraq. donald trump defeated isis in weeks and then he brought america's sons and daughters home. what an amazing track record of leadership. let's be honest. the country was not broken in four years. four years was not enough time to root out the corruption. while americans were getting richer, a lot of bureaucrats and globalists were getting poor. that was the story of trump's term. kamala harris and her corrupt handlers came up with a plan. they couldn't be donald trump in an honest debate. they decided to engage in censorship. they were going to censor donald trump and censor his supporters.
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remember, back in 2020, daylight about biden's corruption of the fact his family got rich by selling access to the united states government. kamala harris was there for all of it. they lied about the hunter biden laptop and encouraged big tech to silence the story, and they did. they lied about covid coming from a chinese lab in the censored anybody who disagreed. kamala harris even went on national tv and said joe biden was as sharp as a tack. he was clearly mentally incompetent to do the job and so it's obvious what has been going on. kamala harris has been calling the shots. she got what she always wanted which was more power. what was the result? on her watch gas prices are up 50%. . housing costs have doubled you talk to a young person today and they cannot afford to buy a home in their own country. we have a generation turning
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into permanent debtors. we believe young people should be able to build a life and start a family. that is what we are fighting for. [cheers] grocery prices. grocery prices that are -- under kamala harris are up 21%. americans are working multiple jobs. the housing market is as unaffordable as it's ever been. the average new car cost nearly $50,000. americans, this is heartbreaking. we owe more than $1 trillion in credit card debt, a record high when interest rates are going up and up. that is not all she did. she is just causing high prices. she's on doing the incredible work donald trump did to rebuild american manufacturing. we stand close to the factory, right? that's right. remember the tie-breaking vote
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that she cast to send inflation to the roof -- for member that vote? -- for member that vote? that may chinese companies eligible for millions of your taxpayer dollars. [booing] mike rogers running for senate has been a champion on this issue. thank you for doing what you do. [cheers] stand up. it is not just the really good ones like mike rogers. even some of the folks in obama's administration set the goshin factory plant is a threat to american's national security. even obama's leadership. kamala harris not only wants to allow the chinese comet's party to build factories on american soil. she wants to pay them to do it with our tax money. china has stolen from michigan car companies and unfairly
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subsidize their auto industry for years. that is the wreckage of what the chinese have in doing. democrats in this state and including kamala harris want to give them hundreds of millions of dollars to do the same company -- to those same companies undercutting michigan autoworkers . what a disaster. we have got some great leadership like mike rogers helping us. we also have chairman pete oyster who will help turn michigan. where is pete at? we have the great suitor dixon. there is sutor dixon. they all know firsthand democrats are helping china destroy and replace our auto industry from the inside out. we will stop it. the democrats are helping china. it is not just goshan. just a few weeks ago, stellantis announced it would lay off
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nearly 2500 proud michigan autoworkers making the iconic ram 1500 classic. that is the record of kamala harris shipping american jobs to china and paying them to do it with your tax dollars. what did she talk about it her convention speech? did you see her convention speech? that was smart of you for not seeing it. i'm in this business. i have to. kamala harris said when we fight, we win. one of her favorite taglines. i don't know if you saw but tim walz stood up and shouted, even we don't fight. that is what tim walz said. he lies about everything, of course. he calls me weird. then he lies about how his kids were conceived. who does that? that is the weirdest thing of ever seen. he said he served in combat, but the closest tim walz ever came to combat is when he let rioters in minneapolis and did nothing
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to stop it. i know we have veterans out there. hi served in the marine corps and i did go to iraq and i'm proud of it. i know a lot of veterans who take offense -- [chanting "jd"] there are a lot of veterans from across our military who don't like it when other people lie about their service for military gain. that is what tim walz did. it is a slap in the face to all veterans. notice from tim walz. kamala harris not only chooses to stand by this man because -- in spite of his honesty, she chose him to become her vice president to begin with. while we are on the subject of their convention, she said something else. she said, and i don't know if you paid attention, they will be
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extremely serious consequences for voting for donald trump. i have two responses to that? that is not a presidential thing to say. is she the vice president or the vice principal? warning about serious consequences, whining at people for telling a joke instead of trying to persuade them she deserves to be the president. i'm sick of people like that. it is the substance. the extremely serious consequences have come from your leadership as vice president of the united states. americans can't afford groceries because of your leadership, kamala. young people can't afford homes because of the policies he would act as vice president. the only serious consequence in november i'm worried about is giving kamala harris a disastrous promotion. let's say you are fired. we are not sending you to the oval office.
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my favorite line from kamala's she says if you elect her she will fix it all on day one. well, kamala, i hate to break it to you but day one was 1300 days ago. you have been vice president for three years. what the hell have you been doing during all that time? the message from this crowd and this state of michigan as you had your chance. you failed. we are not giving you a promotion. donald j. trump is coming back to clean up your mess, kamala harris. it will start here in the state of michigan. [cheers] [chanting usa] kamala harris has run her entire campaign on the idea that she is joyful. ask yourself, are you better off than you were four years ago?
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the only person in america who could possibly answer yes is probably kamala harris herself. she went from getting no votes for president and having to drop out to getting no votes for president and becoming the democratic nominee all without lifting a finger. no wonder kamala is joyful. never mind the fact americans can't afford groceries, kamala got her promotion. never mind citizens can't afford rent because kamala is having fun. never mind that kamala harris is on the cusp of running us into world war iii. she will laugh all the way to the bank while her donors get rich and we know it will not be her family sacrificing to pick up the mess. i have got to tell you, as much as i'm frustrated with kamala harris, i'm so hopeful about the future of our country. we have the most beautiful country in the entire world, don't we? i have been flying around the country, driving around the country. you get a new perspective
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wanting to be the next vice president. we have natural resources all across this country that are the envy of the world. we just need better leadership. it is that simple. better leadership. that is all we need to fix this country. here is what we are going to do. kamala harris wants to open the border on day one. donald trump is going to close the southern border and his message to every illegal immigrant is pack your bags because you're going home. [cheers] kamala harris wants to bankrupt medicare by giving it to illegal aliens. donald trump will fight to safeguard medicare and all of our great programs so it only goes to the american citizens who paid into it, not illegal aliens who will bankrupt it. kamala harris wants to shut down american energy and drive manufacturing out of the country. donald trump has a different idea. he will drill, baby, drill.
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we will unleash american workers and bring back the great factories. kamala harris wants to reward companies that ship american jobs overseas. she wants to raise taxes on american workers. donald trump is going to cut taxes for american workers, cut taxes for the businesses that hire them and raise the tariffs on the companies that are shipping jobs overseas. that is our promise and that is deafly what donald trump is going to do. -- exactly what donald trump is going to do. while donald trump is the people's president and kamala harris is running on a fake joy, donald trump is going to offer something very different. he will offer a real hope for the future of this country. hope we can reignite our economy and bring back prosperity. hope we can raise our kids insecure neighborhoods with safe borders.
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hope we can renew the patriotism that binds us together as one nation under god. my friends, the american dream right now probably seems a little out of reach to a lot of us. and 69 days, we will save every single american dream. we will save this country for the citizens of this land if he lead with donald trump, a great american comeback. they can hear it in tim walz's minneapolis. they can hear it all across this country. michigan is going red. michigan is leading the great american comeback in michigan will elect donald j. trump the next president of the united states. god bless you all. thank you well and thank you for having me in this beautiful country. god bless you all. [cheers] [chanting "jd"]
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♪ >> the new york times is reporting donald trump plans to name his former rival robt kennedy, jr. and tulsi gba, a one-time democrat as honorary cochairs of his presidential transition team to help him select policies and personnel. mr. kennedy partially suspended his independent campaign last week and endorsed mr. trump at a rally in arina former democratic u.s. are presented kelsey gabbard- tulsi gabbard who ran as a democrat in 2020 left the rt in020 and has been critical of it since. she has appeared in mr. trump's
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