tv Washington Journal 09112024 CSPAN September 11, 2024 7:00am-8:56am EDT
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of 9/11. we will spend our two hours getting your reaction to last night's presidential debate between kamala harris and donald trump. here is the lines to call if you want to talk about last night's debate. (202) 748-8000 if you support vice president harris. (202) 748-8001 if you support former president trump. if you support other candidates but want to talk about last night's debate, (202) 748-8002. if you're an undecided voter and want to talk about last night's debate, (202) 748-8003. you can use that same number to text us. you can also post on our social media sites, and x at @cspanwj. nbc news offered a bubble tracker of the topics that were discussed in the hour and have debate. -- hour and a half debate.
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the top one fit into the category of character and fitness. that was followed by the economy, with 10 minutes and 33 seconds of discussion. six minutes and 32 seconds of abortion. foreign policy, just about five minutes. topics of immigration, four minuteand 16 seconds. russia and ukraine, four minutes and 44 seconds. how much the candidates talk about the economy, 10 minutes and 33 seconds. vice president harris talked about for four minutes, 42 seconds. president trump, five minutes and 51 seconds. the question about the economy was the first one out of the gate in the debate. here is some of the exchange on that topic from last night. [video] >> everybody knows i'm going to cut taxes substantially and create a great economy, like i did before. we got hit with a pandemic. the pandemic was not since 1917 where hundred billion people
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died -- 100 million people died has there been anything like it. we handed them over a country where the economy and the stock market was higher than it was before the pandemic came in. nobody has ever seen anything like it. we made ventilators for the entire world. we got gowns, masks, things people didn't think were possible. they give me credit for a lot of things would not enough credit for the great job we did with the pandemic. the only jobs they got where bounce back jobs. it bounced back and went to their benefit. i was the one that created them. >> vice president harris, i will let you respond. >> donald trump has no plan for you. when you look at his economic plan, it's all about tax breaks for the rich as people. i'm offering what i described as an opportunity economy. the best economists in our country, if not the world have reviewed our relative plans for
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the future of america. what goldman sachs has said is that donald trump's plan would make the economy worse, mine would strengthen the economy. with the wharton school has said is that donald trump's plan would actually explode the deficit. 16 nobel laureates have described his economic plan as something that would increase inflation and by the middle of next year would invite a recession. you have to look at where we are and where we stand on the issues. donald trump actually has no plan for you, because he's more interested in defending himself that he is in looking out for you. >> that is soundbite. i went to the wharton school of finance. many professors, the top professors think my plan is a brilliant plan, a great plan. a plan that will bring up our worth and value as a country. it will make people want to work
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and create jobs and create good, solid money for our country. to finish off, she does not have a plan. she copied biden's plan and its four sentences. ron, spot, run. four sentences that are we will try a lower tax. she doesn't have a plan. host: you can see the full debate sponsored by abc news at go to our video app at c-span now to see the whole debate. we will show you other portions. (202) 748-8000 for those who support vice president harris. (202) 748-8001 for those who support former president trump. if you're supporting another candidate, (202) 748-8002. if you are undecided, (202) 748-8003. in maryland, cassandra on last
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night's debate. a supporter of vice president harris. good morning. cassandra, hello? caller: good morning. thank you for your time. i would like to say that the debate last evening was almost interesting, because kamala harris talked about her plan, talked about me as an american citizen, talked about the future with my family, the young people. how they can live and grow and thrive. however, donald trump only discussed the past. only discussed him, how he looked. no definite plan or anything about me and my family. when donald trump spoke, the
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democrats -- that the democrats and others were in favor of abortion, how could he speak for me or any particular party and that matter? i would like to say to all people who are on the fence, the election, take away the faces. take away trump and harris. look at the facts. go beyond what someone says. fact-check yourself. be educated before you go to the polls. host: john in california, a supporter of former president trump. caller: good morning. i would like to make three point. the first is that i thought kamala making all the faces and shaking her head and frowning and doing all that stuff was very on presidential -- un
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presidential and really a bullying type of thing. i did not appreciate her coming off and making all the faces. that is number one. number two, as far as kamala's plan, it's not for everybody. if you have kids, you will get something. if you're starting up a business, you will get something. everybody isn't going to get something. everyone is going to get higher taxes, higher inflation. the third point is that i hear from callers and last night especially from kamala, at the end of every speech she just railed into trump and really degraded him. i hear a lot of trump aide from your call -- trump hate from your callers. my thought is that in 2020, there was a lot of trump hate and we elected joe biden who could not even finish his term.
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you have to have a better candidate that's better than who trump is. trump has a proven record of lowering taxes, of stimulating the economy, lowering unemployment. host: thanks. stephanie, staten island on the line for others. caller: good morning. i listened to the debate. i listened to both candidate. what i was looking for was a plan for the way forward. what i got as a person listening that has not made a decision yet is that kamala -- she kept repeating her to step plan. $25,000 to new homeowners, which doesn't affect me. she's also going to give $50,000 for small business startups, which also does not affect me. there was a lot of political pomp and circumstance. oh, we are going to do this and that.
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for someone that's been in that position for over three years i would have food for a little more substance as to what she was going to do to propel us forward. with regards to trump, he basically has been saying the same thing with regards to his plan with lowering taxes, creating jobs, closing the border. i respect that in the sense we need that under control but i'm undecided. i didn't see anything that was groundbreaking last night. host: we set aside a line for undecided voters, such as james in massachusetts. caller: good morning. i watched the debate last night. i'm undecided still. i have to say i'm actually a democrat. i'm calling on the undecided line because i'm undecided. kamala harris scares me. she scares me by the people she
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surrounds herself with. she didn't answer any questions last night. she was asked the first question, are you better off than four years ago? she did not answer that question. the moderators did not pick up on the several times she lied about what trump has said and done. i wonder how the people are going to feel when they find out when trump set her father was a marxist, he is. when they find out -- the largest communist organization in america, that should scare people. she did not allay any fears of mine. bernie sanders sounded a properly. she was being very pragmatic, saying what she had to say to get elected. in three months, she will be right back to raping this country again. host: kathleen in michigan, a
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supporter of former president trump. caller: thank you for taking my call. i was calling in. i watched the debate. i did notice kamala harris, which i have been hearing a lot of about trump being affiliated with the 2025. from day one they came out with that. he stated he didn't want any part of it. he affirmed it again last evening. as far as lies, i noticed how kamala harris put a few of those in there. i don't know about fact checking. maybe it was going to quickly. i was disappointed in the fact checking. on the others as far as the
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americans coming in and dogs and cats and etc., i didn't buy into that either. that is usually a diet from china. we have not really had as many chinese immigrants from other parts of the world. i was wondering if i was doing the right thing with my choice supporting trump. i don't have much patience with his delivery. i was impressed last evening from what i saw by his delivery. a lot more people were watching and listening to it as well. host: ok. that is kathleen in michigan. several fact-checks this morning. some of the issues that were said during last night's debate. this one from kcra, the associated press saying the
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claim made by the former president labeling vice president harris a marxist, her father is a marxist, a professor of economics who taught her well. this claim refers to harris, a retired professor of economics at stanford. he has written about marxist theories and economics. there is no evidence that kamala harris herself adheres to marxist ideology, giving that reading a false. there are things you can check out for yourself from last night's debate or watch it in total from our website and the app if you want to see the topics exchanged last night. bertha, richmond, virginia. a supporter of vice president harris will caller: very supportive -- rise president harris. caller: very supportive. the moderators never held trump -- even in his last debate. when asked about january 6, he
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never gave a straight answer. that is the part that really bothers me from the fact that even if everything else kamala has done wrong, january 6 and not hold those people responsible, i have a problem with that. that could have been one of my -- my husband, my brother, my uncle. anybody could have gotten killed up there during january 6. that alone i would never even think about trying to go along with trump and his nonsense. not only that, one thing i want to make clear. since he is a felon and running for president, will that give everyone else that's been in jail that they can go out and get a federal job? i would like to know the answer to that. host: angel in washington state
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on the undecided line. caller: good morning, pedro. i have not spoken to you in quite a while. i promise not to sing. i think it was impressed with both harris and trump that were actually being fairly civil with each other. i thought that was good for our country. seeing some of the unability has been -- uncivility has been damaging to our country. they didn't do too many personal jabs which i appreciated. good. are we going to be grown-ups now? that is what we need right now in our country, some grown-ups. i really felt they were 50-50 on basically, you know, even keeled about what they -- about their point. it was mostly civil night was
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appreciative of that. that is what i wanted to interject. i love you and adore you, pedro. you look ageless as ever. host: you can continue on the line if you wish. taking the best line that represents you. if you want to text us, (202) 748-8003. some of the opinions editorially from last night. the washington post saying mrs. harris presented a positive vision for the nation which despite its flaws is in remarkably good shape. mr. trump depicted a fictional united states that is a failing nation teetering on the brink of world war iii, in which crime is soaring and immigrants are violently taking over small towns and eating american's pets. it stood in contrast to harris's positive outlook. the editors adding every plan ms. harris proposes makes sense
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and she got the better of trump by explaining what his policies would simply be worse. a supporter of vice president harris, gary. hello. caller: good morning, pedro. i'm very glad she called him out on the abortion. government does not have the right to tell a woman what to do with her body. i'm sorry. the government does not have that right. i'm glad she called him out on january 6. i think she did a fantastic job on hinging him. he's very unhinged and out of touch with reality. i give her an 'a' grade. she knew what buttons to push with him. i think she did a very, very impressive job. host: gary in new hampshire, a supporter of vice president harris. reflecting the comments from the wall street journal editors,
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their opinion piece from last night. "ms. harris was well known and helped herself. she clearly won, she kept talking about her plan for the economy. she largely sailed along the same on promises about the future since democrats made her the nominee. she won because she came in with a strategy to content go to mr. trump that letter policies in history largely untouched. he always takes the bai and she spent much of the debate talking about joe biden and not about how he would improve the lives of americans in the next four years. the vice president had help from the abc news moderators who were clearly on her side. more therefrom the wall street journal. david is up next in north
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carolina, a supporter of former president trump. caller: i watched the debate last night. the commentators, the two, we are divided enough. when we have newspeople talking about black and white, god made us. he made u.n. me. -- you and me. why don't we just stick to that and quit race baiting one another? the first one that did it was barack. you see that down in missouri and what we have now, this division, to keep going because politicians keep pushing it. they have no morals. she has no morals. i couldn't vote for her. thank you. host: philadelphia is where the debate took place. that is where janelle is calling, a supporter of vice president harris. caller: i covered the debate
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last night. i can't imagine anyone having watched it and believe donald trump helped himself and current vice president kamala harris did not take the lead last night. that was the energy in the room. that is what it felt like when you watched it. i'm not sure what anyone is talking about thinking she hurt herself. she helped herself in a big way. host: ok. the lines are divided when it comes to support of vice president harris, a supporter of the former president or perhaps herdate and you watched the debate and want to talk about it. maybe you find yourself in the undecided camp. those are the lines you can pick. akama in new york on the undecided line. caller: the debate. i watched it all the way through. harris gave us no policies, nothing.
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she was just baiting trump. another thing i notice is -- i only know her as a liberal from california. she didn't tell us anything she's going to do. all she did was try to bait trump. it looked like abc and harris were on one side, trump on the other side. i'm still undecided, because the debate was just baiting, no policy, nothing. host: ok. the bbc talked with several undecided voters and published their thoughts after last night's debate. here's a sampling. they talked to vanessa pierce of wisconsin, an independent. vanessa was leaning towards trump for the debate started instilling that wave but was impressed with harris's performance. "i don't think the debate
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changed my opinion but i'm less fearful of harris because i think she can handle herself. i'm overall and changed but i like her better now. i lost a lot of faith in the democratic party when they said joe biden was fine and he wasn't. it's hard to trust the same administration going forward. i don't want to vote for trump but i don't like the current administration. i would just be less worried if she were to win." jeremy of utah asked, sankey does not like trump and did not vote democrat in 2020 but he will be voting for harris. "tonight is the first time i feel scared of the prospect of a second trump presidency. he with your monger about immigrants killing dogs, world war iii. while i don't love harris, i think she's very wishy-washy, she doesn't pose an existential threat to america like he does." another independent voter, tracy
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murdoch of south carolina, that battleground state. she remains undecided. "i thought both candidates did well but kamala answered more questions than trump did. i was looking for an opinion on her and i was pleased with some of what she had to say and what ex-president trump had to say, i get a shift divide from him. i don't trust mr. trump and i don't think he wants to run the country. he wants to own the country." some independent thoughts from the bbc. you can find that on their website. getting your thoughts as well. indianapolis. this is from jeff, a supporter of vice president harris. caller: thank you for taking my call. vice president harris did an excellent job last night. a lot of people thought she would come in and it would be a debacle like june.
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she handled herself very well last night. she showed she can handle herself on the world stage. what i want to talk about is republicans keep gas lighting the american people. the first is immigration. first of all, immigrants are coming here because they want a better life. they make this country stronger. they don't make it weaker. immigrants come over here and work on my health and they do a fine job. they come here to work and work hard. i'm tired of the right-wingers and the gop slurring and demagogy newspeople who just want to come and have a better life and make this nation stronger. the economy, the second thing i want to talk about. when the biden-harris administration took over we were recovering from the pandemic that destroyed the economy and damaged the economy worldwide. they had to clean that up first. now we have low enough limit, inflation is down, gas prices
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are down. oil prices are near $70 a barrel. what more do people want? trump is lying if he says he can get oil prices lower. opec will not allow it. he's lying to his people. host: mark, a supporter of former president trump and ohio. -- in ohio. caller: springfield is a mess. there are reports of dogs and cats being eaten by the haitian immigrant. these callers, let's get down to brass tacks. when harris started the debate talking about the housing shortages, why is there a housing shortage? you have 20 million illegals in the country. player food prices higher? you have to feed these people. that is common sense and accountability. are they missing from the vocabulary? do they have common sense? i don't think so. her body language yesterday, i studied body language.
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her body language is terrifying and disrespectful. she tried to bait trump with her eyes, with her emotions. her hands were moving a lot at the beginning. when it came down to brass tax, she was on the defense. she put her chin -- her hand on her chin during the steve jobs photo. look at her for which is. did she ever mention a plan? abc and their reporting on the news were 100% positive for harris. i think it just spelled every thing out as simple as it can be. i would like to debate her. give me 90 minutes with her. i will do it for charity. host: let's go to brian in virginia, a supporter of vice president harris. caller: good morning. normally i call on the independent line but this is a little different.
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i'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. honestly, i'm tired of trump's lying, gas lighting. he keeps saying they have all this evidence of how the election was stolen in 2020. there is no data to support it. bill barr called it bs. his head of election something or other admitted they investigated every insinuation that it was stolen and found no evidence whatsoever. he can't go forward. he has to go backwards and we are tired of it. i will vote for harris. i voted for reagan. i voted for bush one and wish two, and voted for mccain. host: how does your economic policy compared to the vice president's and what she is proposing?
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caller: the democrats seem to think they can spend their way out of anything and you can't. the economy is doing well. look at the stock market. it is as high as it's ever been. parts of the economy are doing extremely well. parts of it are not doing well. we all heard our parents say i remember when a loaf of bread was $.25, four in my case my father it was a nickel. prices go up. i'm glad the price of my house has gone up, because i want to move. i want to move to a smaller area. host: john in california on the line for others on last night's debate. caller: good morning. i was hoping trump would do something other than just repeat the stuff he does in his
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rallies. i have watched nine trump rallies. i watch them on television. he didn't answer any other questions. kamala i thought that a good job of answering the questions. trump was asked how would you move out 10 million illegal immigrants. he never answered once. he just avoided it. he was asked how are you going to end the ukraine-russian war. he didn't answer. i was not happy with trump's performance. he did more the same he does during his rallies. i was hoping for some substance. i thought kamala did a good job of answering the questions. anybody that understands how debates work, you don't pontificate about your own views. you answer the questions that the moderator poses. host: john in california. according to nbc, of the four minutes and 16 seconds of last night's debate that dealt with immigration topics, it was vice president harris taking about 34
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seconds of that to elaborate her views. former president trump, three minutes and 42 seconds. here is part of that exchange on immigration from last night. [video] >> that bill would have put more resources to allow us to prosecute transnational criminal organizations for trafficking in guns, drugs and human beings. you know happened? donald trump got on the phone, called up some folks in congress and killed the bill. you know why? he would prefer to run on the problem instead of fixing a problem. understand this comes at a time where the people of our country actually need a leader who engages in solutions, who actually addresses the problems at hand. what we have in the former president is someone who would prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. how tell you something. he will talk about immigration a lot tonight even when it is not the subject being raised.
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i will actually do something really unusual and i will invite you to attend one of donald trump's rallies. it's a really interesting thing to watch. you will see during the rallies he will talk about fictional characters like hannibal lector, windmills causing cancer, and what you will also notice his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. i will tell you the one think you will not hear him talk about is you. you will not hear him talk about your needs, your dreams and your desires. i believe we deserve a president who actually put you first. i pledge to you that i will. >> president trump, i want to get your response. let me ask, why did you try to kill that bill and successfully so that would have put thousands of additional agents and officers on the border? >> let me respond to the rallies. she said people start leaving. people don't go to her rallies. the people they do go, she is buzzing them in and paying them to be there.
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she's showing them in a different light. she can't talk about that. people don't leave my rallies. we have the most incredible rallies in the history of politics. that's because people want to take the country back. our country is being lost. we are a failing nation. it happened three and a half years ago. what is going on here, you will end up in world war iii, just to go on to another subject. what they have done to our subject by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the united states. a lot of towns don't want to talk about it. a lot of towns don't to talk about it because they are so embarrassed by it. in springfield, they are eating the dogs. the people that came in are eating the cats. they are eating -- they are eating the pets of the people that live there. this is what is happening in our country. it is a shame. host: again, that's a portion from last night's debate.
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you have the opportunity to watch if you go to our video app c-span now. it is there for you to view at your convenience. you can go to our website at and view the debate. the associated press putting up a story that's putting out a story today. -- associated press putting out a story. city officials say no. you can see that from the associated press. type it into your browser and search for that. some of you are commenting. a text from myrtle beach. abc showed their left-leaning biasst president trump. whenever fact-check harris who lied a said he wt of project 2025. he ded this. it was president trump against abc and harris. abc should be ashamed. what a dumpster fire. i am proud to be casting my vote for jill stein in november. another viewer texting us, kevin
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in connecticut. i think trump should be running for dogcatcher to save our pets. if you want to text us, it is (202) 748-8003. post on facebook at, and x at @cspanwj. an undecided voter. randall in michigan, another battleground state. caller: good morning, pedro. that was the first time of three times that trump mentioned world war iii. your earlier caller put that in a category that he's exaggerating in some way. this is an example of the bias displayed. notwithstanding a former president saying we are on the verge of world war iii, neither of the moderators would open the door.
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if you jumped to the other side, vice president harris made clear that her view on russia and israel were identical to president biden. it is that strategy that americans can see we are in fact on the verge of world war iii. my confidence in either of these two candidates is low. that is all i guess i have to say. host: bill in massachusetts, a supporter of former president trump. caller: how are you doing? it is great to live in a country where the media is fully on one side. number one. all the questions were given before the debate to kamala harris. number two, it was three on one.
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the whole premise of the debate was get trump again. eight years later. the only person who was crucified more than trump was jesus christ. it is attack, attack, attack. number three. how can you have a country when you only have one sided media? that is what china does. that is what russia does. you have to have two sides or three sides on the media. not one side only. everything trump does is so bad. everything harris -- harris has never done anything. my last point. if harris wins, she's going to let 30 or 40 more million people -- million more people over the border. host: bill, your first point. you believe the questions were given ahead of time. what do you base that on? caller: they are all democrats.
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all the news except for -- even fox news is owned by a democrat. can you can how much more times she had to speak than trump? they cut him off constantly. host: jerry in detroit, go ahead. caller: oh man. the lies i keep hearing from some of these trump supporters. greetings again from motown. if i may say, kamala harris did a bang up job against donald trump. i think what she should have done was fact-check him on the scurrilous claim trump makes about january 6, about requesting the national guard and nancy pelosi refusing. percival, trump supporters -- first of all, nancy pelosi was not in charge of security. trump did not request the national guard. he said that during the first
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debate with joe biden. he's trying to absolve himself from the violence at the capitol. i think harris and the moderators should have fact-check him on that. he sat in the white house for three hours watching on tv the rioters lay siege to the capitol. host: it is your believe that the vice president won the debate last night? caller: absolutely. host: why? caller: because she had her dance. she did her homework. she knows what kind of man donald trump is and what kind of president he might make, which would be a terrible one. it would be dangerous to put that man back in the white house after all the bad things he's done.
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as far as the attack on the capitol, i think trump supporters are still buying into the lies and conspiracy theories of that day. i'm sure after i get off i will hear those same lines again from them. host: clear in dallas -- claire in dallas. a supporter of former president trump. caller: i want to say something about the immigration thing. being in texas and working with folks that don't come legally through the system and working in a lot of charities and whatnot as a volunteer, the main problem with not having a lawful immigration is that the people come over and i know from first-hand experience they get on every program we have. they give them all the food stamps, rent.
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the good all the charities in the food banks. they send their paychecks back to their country. that is why it has overburdened the system. eventually it will collapse. that is a huge concern. 1 how does that relate -- host: how does that relate to last night's debate? caller: i was speaking to a bunch of people that don't understand. i believe president trump is wanting to bring that back into an lawful, orderly migration instead of just having people flooding over the border because our society can only sustain so much pressure. i think that is what -- he doesn't live in texas. he hasn't experienced it firsthand. i wanted to mention that. the other thing if i have a moment. i noticed over my life that the
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democrats was make it sound great, like they will do all these great things and they get an office and they don't do any of them except raise our taxes. the last time they got an office they raise our income tax. host: that is claire in texas. (202) 748-8000 if you support former president -- five president harris. (202) 748-8001 if you support former president trump. if you support other candidates, it is (202) 8-02. perhaps you are undecided and you want tgive us your thoughts. (202) 748-8003. the wall street journal has a look at a reporter in the room. at times the mics were shut off. michael wilner recorded some of the comments from those off mic comments. 9:10 p.m., the vice president said the former president
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doesn't have a plan for you. trump said that is just a sound bite trump said that is just a sound like. when trump said the united states barely makes chips anymore, the vice president said that is not true. 9:16, mr. durbin trent -- mr. trump said democrats when abortion access. the vice president said no, that's not true. when trump said he was the champion of ivf rights, vice president harris said that is not true. it was michael wilner taking down those comments. him being in the room if you want to check that out. let's hear from alan in michigan. caller: i watched the debate.
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basically, i come here and i respective but he's a felon. that's ridiculous for this country. i want to see what he's got. you watch this guy. he came at him in a meeting [indiscernible] negotiating the situation. he couldn't do that kind of stuff. what gets me in this country, you have a criminal running for president. what happens to our status around the world? -- [indiscernible] what are we doing here? host: randolph in virginia, a supporter of former president trump. caller: good morning america. my condolences to all those affected by september 11.
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that is all of us. i would like to bring new information that is germane to the comment whenever the politicians bring up charlottesville. charlottesville was a sanctuary city. it had been democratically run for over 20 years. i used to work for uva cancer outreach and the historically black neighborhoods, which have now, santa became a century city has been taken over as new communities with illegals. on monday, what was so tragic they were running gun battles in charlottesville. all of those old historic lack neighborhoods in charlottesville -- black neighborhoods in charlottesville -- host: how does that relate to the debate? caller: with crime, we are
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importing it. trump's got that right. here is the other thing about medicine. having worked with upa, 120 physicians came out with a no-confidence vote in the historic democratic leadership at the university of virginia health system for medicaid fraud and treatment fraud. there is some real issues. here in virginia the statehouse is chaired by don scott, a convicted crack dealer who did nine years. host: ok. you can keep calling. the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 today. several events around washington, d.c. that will take place to commemorate that. you can see many these on c-span. all of them actually starting at 8:30 eastern on c-span3.
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that's the 9/11 memorial museum in new city holding a remembered ceremony. that will feature presi biden and vice president harris in attendance. 9:00 eastern on c-span, lloyd austin and other officials host ceremony at the national pentagon memorial in arlington, 9:45 eastern t morning, t remembrance ceremony and shanks hill, pennsylvania. you can see that on c-span2. all those events available on our free mobile app that you can see. c-span now. you can see that at here is a little bit from new york. we will give you 30 seconds to take in the sound.
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host: that is the flag from the pentagon unveiled this morning. part of the ceremonies. balls those things you can see during the course of the day on c-span. we are talking about last night's debate. janice in new york city, a supporter of vice president harris. caller: good morning. i support vice president harris. i wish she would have spoken more on certain issues. she should have brought up jared and his $3 billion in what he is continuing to make. she should have brought up all the books they still. the money trump made from the government when he was billing them for things, the secret
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service staying at his hotels. two thirds of single family homes are not on by corporations. the same corporations he's giving tax breaks to. they are the ones making the economy bad. it is not biden. it was the tax breaks. i think she should have also brought up the fact that as far as immigration goes, it is not that is being that it is being run over. it's been a problem for the republicans. they stated the white people will be a minority sin because of the different -- not just immigrants but different minorities in the country currently. i think she should have brought up the fact -- i'm glad you but up the fact he's a constant liar. he has no plan.
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food prices went up during covid. as soon as covid hit food prices went up. that one of during his administration. there is a lot she could have hit him on. host: an undecided voter. dave in atlanta. georgia being one of those battleground states both campaigns are focusing on. hello. caller: good morning, pedro. i so much want to be a single issue voter. i wanted to be about the treatment of the people in gaza and the west bank. however, when i look at these candidates is without a doubt about leadership. donald trump has no semblance of leadership. he never owns up to what he says. he mismanaged covid. he stuck his head in the sand, ran away from it. he told the folks he was going to go down to the capitol with them and ran away from it. he is running truth social right
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now. that stock is in the tank. the last three months it down 52%. host: how does that relate to the debate? caller: he's not a leader. last night he did not debate. he barked grievance after grievance. it makes the decision for me. it's a protest vote against trump. not necessarily an affirmative for harris but i will be voting for harris because these are the only options we have and i will not get involved with trump again because he will fumble the ball. host: angela in oklahoma city for those who support others. go ahead. caller: yeah. thank you for taking my call, pedro. i watched it all. she didn't answer have the questions . i watched donald trump on some of his.
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he was right about one thing. the white house could close the border. even without his views. we are running oklahoma with the democrats. we are supporting them. host: as far as where you are in your support, which candidate are you going to support? you are calling on the line for supporting others. caller: that is what i'm calling about. i will support trump. he could bring -- she didn't answer. it was worse when they were in office, biden. host: got that. if recalling in on the other line -- if you are calling in on the other line, you are supporting candidates other than the two we are focusing on. that line is (202) 748-8002.
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we have a line for those who support the vice president, the former president, an undecided voter, haven't made the choice yet. there's a line for you. pick the one that best represents you if you would. call on those lines. we have another hour plus. we get your thoughts out there on last night's debate. one people -- one of the people giving his thoughts is the former president himself on fox news this morning talking with host about aspects of last night. [video] >> i would love to have somebody else. i would love to have sean or jesse or laura. somebody else. let's give other people a shot. i did not think martha and brett were good last night. jesse was fantastic last night,
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but he said. jesse really got it. jesse said trump won the debate. we won by a lot. i would not want martha involved. host: some context. this is from cnn. it was on fox that the former president insisted when it comes to another debate he is looking at fox news to do that. saying that the two have been pitched as debate moderators. i would not want to have them. his personal choices would be sean hannity, jesse waters or laura ingraham. that is an obvious nonstarter when it comes to the next debate. that is not part of what goes on when it comes to the process of choosing president. we are talking about last night on abc. a supporter of vice president harris, hello.
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caller: thank you for taking my call. vice president harris commanded the stage. she walked across, shook trump's cabinet and took control. she was composed, intelligent, clearly presidential. trump was unhinged, angry and unintelligible. it is time to turn the page on trump. i will proudly vote for harris to represent us on the world stage. my children will see a shining example of leadership. she is a breath of fresh air, a new day for our great country. she will be a great president. thank you c-span for your wonderful coverage of this entire presidential campaign. host: we at c-span are proud to give you these moments when it comes to choosing a president, unscripted and let you decide as far as the events we show you with no influence or interpretation from us. you can see these events on our app and website. the handshake you saw and that
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-- and on skipped move from the vice president last night. both candidates did not agree to the handshake as a formal part of the process but it played out and started last night event. carl in arkansas, a supporter of former president trump. caller: thank you for letting me on here. i'm listening and it's about the debate. i don't think either candidate did really well in that debate. however, on trump, he got -- he was defending himself more, which he probably should have done. he did answer questions on what he would do and what he has already done. if you think about it, if you look at four years ago -- are
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you better four years ago within the last? she did not answer a single question about how she was going to do anything. that is probably because she doesn't know anything. they don't apparently check any facts. listen to the opposition. fox, newsmax or, let's see, actually those are the only two networks that put out the truth. abc, they have puff pieces all over the news. the commentator, he was fact checking trump five or six times
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on direct questions. trump was right actually. he never fact-check kamala. if you listen to fox, they have literally kamala harris, what her positions are on recording. the other stations do not show that. host: ok. carl in arkansas. daniel on the undecided line. caller: what's going on? thank you for having me on. i'm really torn with this one. i've always been a conservative. i voted for trump back in 2016 and 2020. this time around it is just different. it is because -- i think it is a wiki went about the 2020 election, saying the election was stolen.
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whether or not you agree or disagree on that, he keeps compounding the issue. i think that is where he lost it. the debate inherently goes to kamala harris here. she looked more professional. she knew exactly what buttons to push to send trump on oh world spin. he had to go out afterwards and say we won the debate. i didn't see anyone say trump won the debate. it was one of those debates were it was really kind of scary for americans to see that is what is going on right now. as someone who is undecided, normally i would say i, on trump's side but i don't know where i sit. host: daniel in north carolina. we in north carolina. diane in connecticut, hello. caller: i am undid because
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when trump was president, things were so much cheaper. i was paying $775 for my apartment for my one bedroom. as soon as by went president, my rent went up $550 more. also the food prices went up higher after president be -- biden became president. trump, things were better at he was president but i also notice there is a lot of discrimination in white supremacists basically in control under trump. the more majority of whites are for trump. my son experienced
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discrimination by a dog bite from policeman. i feel like when trump was in control, white people basically go against blacks. however, kamala harris is for abortion and i am not for abortion. i don't think it is right. i don't know what i want -- who i want to vote for. host: that is our first hour of calls. we will continue before we show you the 9/11 events. if you want to make your comments, (202) 748-8000 supporting the vice president, (202) 748-8001 if you support former president trump, other candidates (202) 748-8002. if you are undecided (202) 748-8003.
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here are headlines from battleground state papers. this is the detroit news under the headline, harris-trump sharply different visions for nation. the subheading is accusations back and forth and high-pressure face-off. to the las vegas review, the headline, trump-harris's bar in the subheading has of hopefuls clash on the economy, abortion and the border. the arizona republic, harris trump strike combative tones. adding candidates spiral policy and plans for nation. the minneapolis -- minnesota star tribune, it outlines the stakes from the start, here's went on the attack. trump repeatedly responded with falsehoods.
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that is just some of the outlining of how this played out across the united states with the headlines there. if you want to add your own take on what happened in the debate, call and send us a text. you can post on social media if you would like as well. margaret in california, supporter of vice president harris. caller: thank you. people change views on things for various reasons. it is not only harris that has done this but trump when he ran for president of the first time in years ago, he ran as a democrat. he lost. then in 2016, he ran as a republican ended his use change or did he just want to win? next, i want to see a vance-w
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alz debate. host: thank you. next caller. caller: that was a miserable excuse for a debate. i don't know anymore about kamal than i did it before the debate. all i heard was an speech, platitudes and lies about trump that were never fact checked. it trump, every word that came out of his mouth was fact checked and they would argue with him over things that came out of his mouth. but kamala harris said it trump is going to ban abortions federally. he has never said that. i heard him saying to trump, is that true? this was a corrupt, miserable
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excuse for a debate. i am sorry that we have to put up with stuff like that. it was three on one. also, the thing about the shaking hands, you act like that wasn't scripted. of course it was scripted. she copied sarah palin when sarah palin came out and shook hands. they wanted to show that she was a tough girl and could stand up to the bully trump. this was pathetic. i'm sorry. anyone who thinks this was an on the level debate, it was not. host: let's go to kim in new york, supporter of vice president harris. caller: i notice trump kept trying to take credit for the good economy. he took over from obama. that is how he got to coast on a good economy.
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as the biting and here's economy has been because the pandemic which led to supply chain issues. we have bounced back better and faster than other countries have from the pandemic. i know it has been rough and it is still rough but we are doing a better job of recovering than other countries are. i am so glad for the leadership of biden-harris and hope it continues. trump kept naming her for immigration but he presented the bipartisan bill that the border security wanted and he was the one who blocked it. if he is going to claim -- complain about immigration it is his fault. host: pender in virginia, -- kendra in virginia, supporter of former president trump. caller: if i needed a prosecutor to make statements, i would want camilla hears as my entry but i want a strong president who will keep us -- kamala harris as my
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lawyer, but if i want a president who will keep us out of world war iii, i would choose trump. the entire exchange was an act. harris is not presidential but her overall performance was better than expected and she would make a great actress. some questions were asked to trump and the moderators would point out that harris does not agree with him on certain issues which gave harris an upper hand. what is sad is the majority of the people that watch the debate could not even see through the nonsense. whoever will vote for paris-based of this so-called debate will have buyers remorse. i am an african-american woman and i approve this message. host: on our line for others. go ahead.
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caller: think you for sending my voice to the americans. i am an independent but i voted -- would vote for harris. who are you supporting? caller: i was for harris just because of the democracy for 2020. host: i would like you to call back in on another line because we have lines to dedicated lines for both of the candidates. if you want to call back, please do. trying to keep the lines so we can keep them as we have set them up. for those who support the vice president it is (202) 748-8000, former president trump (202) 748-8001, if you support other
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candidates and you want to give your thoughts it is (202) 748-8002. and then the undecided line, if you're one of the people who haven't decided who will vote for, (202) 748-8003. as you're from lisa in florida, supporter of former president trump. go ahead. caller: as a woman of color, the debate yesterday was atrocious. number one,, did not -- kamala harris did not recognize for the last three years she did nothing but now she wants to run for president and she still could do something but has done nothing at all. everybody else that is not from america gets all this assistance
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and we get nothing but higher taxes, we get higher prices in the grocery stores. kemal is a joke and anybody who vote for her get right -- kamala is a joke and anybody who votes for her get ready for a war. host: next caller. caller: the vice president was hitting on all cylinders last night. donald trump was spluttering and out of control and screaming at the camera and glaring at the camera making weird faces talking about conspiracy theories and lies, which i think is extremely hurtful and an
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insult to the intelligence of regular republicans. i don't see how any card-carrying republican can support a candidate who is not a true conservative. i think we are on the right track. the vice president was unbelievable. she was amazing and i thought it was a victory in every shape and form. host: jason in nevada, an undecided voter. caller:, to say stop rising food prices. this is crazy. harris is attacking trump for no reason and they are going back and forth. >> a couple of rules if you are calling in.
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pick the person that you support and watch your language. let's hear from ruth in indiana, supporter of vice president harris. caller: a shout out to the lady who mentioned things about the economy. because there is something to be said for someone who inherits one in the next president inherits it. the point i wanted to make was if there is anything that tells you anything about trump, there was a moment when he was asked about what his plan was for obamacare. in all you need to know about it is that he is sent i have a concept of a plan. we heard on reports over and over again how he just didn't
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prepare for debate. he had the opportunity and should have taken it and should have known kamala harris was hard to debate. she is a prosecutor. if he can't even prepare for a debate. he spent a third of his presidency on the golf course. will it be any better this time around. host: susan in florida, supporter of former president trump. good morning. our next. caller: i watched the debate and it didn't change my mind. i am still going to vote for trump. that woman was channeling an actress. she didn't elaborate on any of her positions. it is very easy to say i'm going to create world peace and we are all going to love each other
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that is not the reality. she is so angry. she was channeling hilary last night. but you know what is going to happen, the program is beneficial but it is just going to reinforce whoever you are going to vote for, you didn't change your mind. you are going to vote for whoever you were going to vote for it before and that is a sad state of affairs. i can understand trump's frustration with the administration. look at what they have done and accused him of and her smirks and holding her chin was not presidential. she is an idiot. she didn't elaborate at all and any of her positions. she skirted the questions and put them all back in some crazy
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salad mix that she has in her head. host: let's go to leonard in virginia, supporter of vice president harris. caller: i agree with the caller before the last one. two people seeing this man sit here lying. he lied from the beginning to the end. i'd don't understand it. she ate this man alive. she didn't do as good as i thought she would. host: what do you mean she didn't do as well as you thought? caller: another thing is, they let trump speak more than she did.
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he was speaking over the mic. but when she tried to do it they stopped her. that is what i am saying she didn't push it as much as trump did it. he went over the microphone sometimes and they let him do it but it didn't do any good. this man is just like putin and i don't understand the ones who want him in the white house. i don't want to see it. host: that is leonard, one of the topics last night and the topic of abortion and abortion policy when it comes to that in here. >>
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she is bleeding out in a car in the parking lot. a 12 or 13 year old survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term. they don't want that. i pledge to you, when congress passes a bill to put back in place the protections of roe v. wade and as president of the united states i will probably sign it into law. understand, if donald trump were to be reelected, he will sign a national abortion ban and in his project 2025 there would be a monitor that would monitor your pregnancies and miscarriages. i think the american people believe that certain freedoms, in particular the freedom to make decisions about one's own body should not be made by the government. >> there she goes again.
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it is alive. i not signing a ban. we have gotten what everybody wanted, democrats, republicans, and everyone else and every legal scholar wanted it to be brought back into the states and the states are voting. it may take time, but for 52 years, this decision has torn our country apart and they wanted it back in the states. i did something no one thought was possible. the states are now voting peered what she says is an absolute light. as far as the abortion ban, i am not in favor of a ban. this issue has now been taken over by the states. >> would you veto a national abortion ban? host: from last night, you can see the whole thing on our cap. some of the colors brought up the fact about speaking time. in last night it was cnn calculating it and also done as
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of 10: 46 last night, former president trump spoke for 42 minutes 50 two seconds and vice president harris 37 minutes 36 seconds. that is from the cnn calculations last night. linda in iowa, a supporter of former president trump. caller: i am a trump supporter. kamala harris stated that she wants to turn the page. well, you can't turn the page until after you go back to the last three and a half years with what her and biden have done to the economy. it is terrible. i have heard young kids just starting out in jobs in some stores in they are miserable. my landlady has complained and they raised my rent i can't even buy a loaf of bread. i went up to that poor young man
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and i can't afford it but i laid a few dollars on him because he has to know that it is going to get better when we get donald trump back in to be the president, all of the self we have been suffering for the last three and a half years is going to turn the page in our country is going to survive it. god bless america. we need donald trump to be our president and kamala harris has lied, lied. every time you turn around. i had to turn it off the last half hour because i couldn't stand her with her hands in the air and she wanted to cackle but she didn't do it. host: markets in new jersey, undecided voter. hello. caller: i am an undecided voter, a new voter. i really didn't know who to vote
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for but now that i saw the debate, i think kamala harris has a better chance of winning. it trump was making a bunch of lies, talking about the heritage foundation and haddock 2025 saying he had no connection with him when 100 50 trump administration officials have ties. he is talking about how he is the most pro-life president in the u.s. and now he is saying he wants to ban abortion. he was talking to bunch of lies in the debate. he was able to be easily goaded into it about crowd sizes. i really don't think that someone who can be that easily chaptered by it simple debate strategy should be president of the united states. host: florida, a supporter of
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vice president harris. caller: hello. i would like to say i believe k did aamala make it to land are given status. my friend was killed by one who came over. i would like to say the prices that have gone up have been because of trump's tax cuts and the pandemic. on the corporations take over the country, people understand we no longer have a voice. we are going to be run by billionaires. what they say it goes. as far as trump goes, he is with
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them. he knows what he wants, he wants control of everyone. host: if you are texting us sayingormer president trump is incave of how it went. he picked up the story saying it was a former president making a surprise appearance following the debate and usual questions for several minutes where they touted the performance ones that i had our best time and we had three events when complaining about the abc news moderator. it is not typical for candidates to go into the spin room and we
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are showing video. it was also during the spin room where he shook hands with senator lindsey graham who was located in the spin room. that is part of what goes on during presidential politics season when a debate is concerned. we are showing portions of the debate in getting comments until 8:55 until we take you to several events. it is around eight: 45 where we will pause briefly for a moment of silence. the events in new york, pennsylvania and other places where the former president trump in the former president -- the president and vice president expected to attend some as well. let's hear from jim in ohio, a
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supporter of former president trump. caller: thank you for taking my call. i thought that was the worst moderated debate. they should be embarrassed. and second of all, they didn't request information with all of the flip-flops that kemal has. i am amazed that they didn't follow up on that. -- that kamala has. host: next caller. caller: you can always tell when the people are supporting trump because they are always angry and complaining. andy harris supporters are happy. for me, the only thing that didn't come up with the economy and the price of food and gas. when you look at the rest of the
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world, our economy is doing beautiful and everyone will be jealous to have it and we have the cheapest gas in most of the rest of the world. this is in denmark pay $15 for a leader or whatever is there. when is the $15 minimum wage going to be passed. it is something that we have been talking about and that is the reason why it and food and gas is so hard for people is that we haven't gotten a serious grace for a long time and that is i think the biggest problem is as a western culture and in the rest of the world, they make more money in the rest of the world than here. host: debbie in florida, -- this is kenneth in kentucky,
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supporter of former president trump. caller: trump gave us the stimulant help. people forget about that. prices of gas were lower in the presence of mergers were lower and they forget what he has done for people in the united states. we don't need to help people in other countries, we need to help people in the united states. host: phoenix arizona, carla, undecided. caller: i am saying that narrowing it down to paris, i want to make a comment i wonder if trump thinks kamala harris is nikki haley. this thing about her being
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indian and then black. i'm going to go with harris. host: that is carla in arizona, one of the battleground states being closely watched. one of the exchanges from yesterday dealt with the issue of race, particularly former president trump asking about comments here is the exchange from the debate last night. [video clip] >> you recently set of vice president harris, you said i didn't know she was black until the number of years ago when she happened to turn black and wants to be known as black. i want to ask a bigger picture, why do you believe it is appropriate to weigh in on the racial identity of your opponent? >> i don't and i don't care i don't care what she is. make a big deal about it, i couldn't care less. whatever she wants to be is ok with me. >> those were your words. >> all i can say is i read where
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she was not black and then i read that she was black and that is ok. other one is ok with me. that is ok and up to her. host: your thoughts on this? >> honestly, i think it is a tragedy that we have someone who wants to be president who has consistently over the course of his career attempted to use race to divide the american people. trying to divide us, and especially by race. host: that was from last night's debate featuring former president trump and vice president kamala harris. some of the headlines, harris
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contrasted her economic agenda in middle-class upbringing with trump's calling the proposal to raise tariffs, criticizing plans and increasing taxes for the wealthy. the former president painted the look and pinned harris to the migration crisis during the biden administration reiterating the claim that the administration allowed people from mental institutions and prisons and seen -- prisons. patricia in texas, supporter of president trump. caller: good morning. i am so glad i can be on. i appreciate you. i want to say before a make a statement about the debate, god loves all races he created all
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races. whether you are red, yellow, black, or white, i support all. we are missing out on the real issues. abraham lincoln freed the black people and i am so glad that he did. i am so sorry that america had to go through those times. host: host: comments for last night's debate? caller: that is where i'm going to. what we are talking about is she says all the time we can't go back. well, it is important to go back because god did create all races , whites and blacks, all races and god loves all races. i appreciated obama because he
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brought in some health care for the underprivileged people. however, with one hand he gives to the poor but the other hand he took away the businesses overseas. this is where trump came into the picture. he brought back the businesses. trump about them back because obama was charging 35% taxes on businesses and the steel companies were leaving and all the companies were leaving. we only had one shoe factory in america. factories everywhere were disappearing. trump brought them back. i am an elderly person and i never saw so much people being so blessed under the trump years. host: patricia in texas. this is diane in upper marlboro maryland, a supporter of vice
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president harris. caller: i am a long-term republican, but i no longer, too many instances with trump. last night, he goes on and on and repeat lies. he interrupted and talked longer than she did but people don't realize that when you go back, he is only for himself. take atlantic city, people don't talk about that. it correlated and kept going after her and trying to commit her because she had planned he wanted. he insists on getting what he wants. he takes money out of people's pockets. i work in a job and if i did the
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documents i would have been locked up. i am tired of his lies i want to move forward and he needs to get over it and quit lying. i haven't heard the fact checks. host: the former president trump and the vice president shaking hands. biden also joining as well as the senate majority leader chuck schumer, michael bloomberg and jd vance come former president trump's running mate, all attending the festivities in new york. it is part of coverage on c-span. various networks will cover various events around the united states.
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10 minutes from now we will pause m of silence. and then we will take you to events that will start at the pentagon. up until then, your comments taking a look at the debate that took place last night. the alignment for undecided voters, from virginia, donald. caller: export c-span. i thought abc's conduct had a harris bias. the summation at the end, trump was the strong man and she was the empathetic female. i thought trump carried the night. i guess harris figured she lost the debate because she wants a second chance. trump would be crazy to give it to them.
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i am undecided on this. i don't care for either of these candidates. i will probably write in my a. that is my comment. -- right in my senator's name. that is my comment. host: next caller. caller: i like nikki haley. i like what she said and i listen to everything she said. at the other two candidates running for president i don't care for. host: cnn did a poll, a flash pull in your results saying that the result of the polling in reaction to the june reaction when they watched the matchup, 67 to 33 and that was a rare win
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for trump. at the end of the night, debate watchers reported split opinions of harris. 45% mute are favorably and 44% unfavorably. that is an improvement from before the debate on 39% view her favorably. 39 percent rating favorably for trump and 51% unfavorably. similar to the numbers with voters before they took the stage come among voters who watched the debate i as political independence, harris favorability rose. and debate watchers, 54% said they had some confidence in pairs and trump running the country with 30% -- 36% saying they had a lot of confidence with trump and 33% saying that confidence with harris. let's hear from a supporter of the former president, this is in
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arizona, elizabeth. go ahead. caller: i thought vice president harris he did fine. she seemed quite prepared and very rehearsed, as though she memorized lines and so forth to moderate her positions but i don't think the moderators held her accountable to her flip-flops and changes in positions. they did not do follow-up questions and their bias was on full display. it was very disappointing and former president trump, this closing arguments were strong. host: debbie in missouri, supporter of vice president harris. caller: i really think right now the american people we don't have the luxury of saying, well we liked him better because he
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lied $.49 instead of 60 and -- 49 times instead of 60. kamala is experienced and trump doesn't have experience to run the country. he is a drama queen. kamala is going to take our nation where we need to go which is forward and not backwards. i can't see how any american could vote for donald trump. host: dixie in pennsylvania on our outline for others. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am not voting for trump and will not vote for kamala harris. all i have heard for four years is people complaining about trump's total votes. the night that joe biden did not
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do so well on the in his debate, what happened? right way at the democrats decided they didn't want him anymore after the american people had already chosen him. so who is the bigger thief, and the republicans or the democrats? thank you for allowing me on the line. host: on the undecided line from illinois, hello. caller: hello. i think people should listen to the debate and i listened and did my own fact checking and found one inconsistency with harris and found 38 donald trump. the moderators cannot fact-check and report what they say if they are true and they can only
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fact-check if they are lying. they can only check it when they lie. host: we are at moments away from the moment of silence on this anniversary of 9/11. up until then we will take calls and then take calls for a few minutes before events at the pentagon starts. this is new york we are looking at. we will take you again in a few minutes from now great colleen in new york, supporter of former president trump. you are next. caller: good morning. i think people should stop calling trump names and calling him a liar because how do you
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know? i can only go by how much better everything was when he was our president. kamala harris had for years to change things that are it can be a let the immigrants in and we are paying them more than our veterans. they're helping them with 0% interest to get houses. it is terrible. the media is going after trump trying to sway the public. the democrats will do whatever to get trump out of there because he wants to clean house. that is what i believe. host: ok. colleen in new york. let's hear from kevin in florida, supporter of vice president harris. caller: good morning, everyone. my condolences to those who suffered tragically in 9/11 into the families and everyone.
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i am thankful to be online. saw the debate yesterday, is not measured candidate. when given questions are asked to answer questions, he just came out of his mouth. i watched all day on different stations. i am reaching out to republicans to say, when you want to move forward and change it, we need your help and we need to do it together. it is like building a bridge. it takes decades to build these things and not just one administration but several. we so that debate is going to move forward and we will need
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you. but you can't get stuck on this guy. i am from new jersey and i see this guy and i see what he did in the 80's and why all of a sudden is he basically getting so much popularity now? from social media. host: have to cut you short. we are moments away from the moment of silence. as far as the schedule of events, 8:30's c-anwere events in new york city and you can watch that play out in real time if you wish. at the pentagon around 90, we will go to that a little bef you can follow events there and on c-span 2, events in shanksville, pennsylvania. you can see that starting at 9:45 this morning, a part of the 23rd anniversary when it comes to live coverage of 9/11. moment of silence about to take
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murders and broke every homicide record for the city in the history of birmingham. the whole debate, nothing was said about school violence about these young black men dying automatic weapons. we have police shootings in birmingham, a young man in the back a week ago and they said he had a gun and he didn't. the police unleashed two clips in a black neighborhood like it was nothing. it is a shame that violence in young black men. it was an 81 or number two issue. it seems like abortion was. and i was disappointed. i am for kamala and not trump.
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two part system is not delivering anything. black people were now -- were the slight majority but now we are behind the hispanics. our down and we are shooting each other and nobody wants to address what is going on with black america. host: that is framed in alabama. the topic of guns, a news tracker showing the topic that took place only 12 seconds on the topic of guns and gun violence last night's debate. chanel florida, supporter of former president trump. caller: good morning.
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the questions were actually irrelevant. all of the fact checking was on trump. nothing was on kamala. and she lied. the lies she told last night were extreme. not one of them checked. irritated me, to be honest, because cannot just stay focused and answer the questions. he would have stayed as he should have, but i have decided i am going to trump. he has already proven his record and she has proven her record of nothing.
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she does not answer questions. she did not speak on her record. they didn't press her about her previous called record. she wants everybody to have electric cars. she is a marxist. host: played in order of former president trump. caller: i don't understand the undecided voters. you have a choice, the choice is good or evil. i cannot conscience support sexual. he is a rapist. understand your supporting a rapist. host: the church was actual
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abuse -- the charge was will abuse. they have to -- the charge was sexual abuse. carrie pickett and alex miller, funding passes the first hurdle saying speaker johnson pushed mom funding patch that would require of citizenship ahead of the vote today. despite the popularity of eligibility act, growing that will against and a half dozen republicans announced that it is nothing more than a messaging ploy and not enough time to enforce the same act of the election.
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-- the save act before the election. let's hear from demetri. caller: i am 76 years old and have lived in california and have seen kamala in action. i also went to college where i was introduced early to a term called glittering generalities means don't say i think for i know, tell me what you did. trump has shown us what he did in four years. kamala has shown us what she can do in almost four years and she had a chance last night to share with the televised audience what her accomplishments were and all she did was deflect. sadly, as a democrat, i am going to have to go back to the guy who had four years as he always
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said cleaning up the swamp. host: this coming across with the economy and inflation being key debate topics this election cycle, the consumer price index rose .2% in august that excludes an energy in the august date is the latest evidence that the inflation crisis is over and the federal reserve looks to lower interest rates as soon and next week to take some pressure off the economy. axios adds that in the 12 months august, gpi rose 2.5% compared to 2.9% in july, the smallest annual increase since 2021. in alabama, supporter of former president trump. you are on. caller: that is the worst bait i have ever seen. i seen sixth grade debaters do
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better. that was written for kamala harris. the moderators were terrible. i remember hillary clinton, i believe she had the answers last night and she is terrible. we get her as president, democracy is gone in this country. we cannot and hurt. we still don't know her issues. she is just wishy-washy. democracy is gone if she is elected. host: one more call from andrew in oklahoma, a supporter of vice president harris. caller: how are you doing? i don't think you can have a contest and if you listen caller to call her you start seeing a
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direct line between people who are using disinformation to make assumptions. i think vice president harris could have done a better job last night, at least letting them know that she has a lot of great ideas for the country, but the gop controlled congress and blocked a lot of what she wanted to do it if she wins in november, she will have a better congress to work with. the other thing i thought she didn't do a good enough job of even though she has mentioned price gouging before, but people need to understand that our multinational operation, the monopolized corporations are controlling 80% of the prices in the grocery stores. and where they sell their food overseas, about 70% of what you are paying now is infla
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