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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  October 2, 2024 5:20pm-6:22pm EDT

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>> losing the signal coming to us from remarks by president biden and others surveying the damage from hurricane helene. text us your thoughts. we start this last half-hour with nancy in massachusetts. good morning. caller: good morning. host: you are on, go ahead.
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caller: from last nights debate i was reconfirmed in my own mind, by virtue of what vance said and how he responded to the questions, especially when he was interrupted as he was fact checking the moderators. to me, the debate came across as 3-1, very disappointed. very disappointed in that. but i'm definitely a supporter of trump and that has not changed. host: karen joins us from new york state, republican line, good morning. caller: hi, good morning. thank you for taking my call. after listening last night -- i say listening because i don't own a television by principle, i have a different perspective i think, i don't get distracted, i think, by all the watching.
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so, number one, i think that people were wishing these two were at the top of the ticket versus their counterparts. they come across so much more articulate, seem smarter, they don't have to be a spokesperson for their party. that being said, after listening i can say that vance definitely won, so on point, a lot of common sense behind him. i was looking forward to this debate. he was able to articulate the trump policies so much more than trump is. still, i support trump. it's just that vance is more presidential in that way. host: democrat line, denny's, south carolina. good morning. -- denise, south carolina. caller: it was great to see both candidates acting professional. they did a great job.
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i'm going with vance -- i'm going with walz harris, of course. vance might do a good job as president if he got rid of donald trump, that's my opinion. as far as the immigration situation, i thought this country was built on immigrants. coming into this country, making a better life for themselves, turning their lives around for them and their families. i thought that this is what the country was built on. statue of liberty in new york, give me your poor, your tired, you're hungry, ok? we can't let everyone into the country illegally, but we could let everyone come in here and do what they need to to make a better life for themselves. that's what i have to say. host: south carolina, that was
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denise. we will hear from carol -- kenneth, actually. kenneth, independent line, oregon, you are next up. caller: i have two complaints. these people running for government are neglecting to talk about the middle class, everyone with a household paying $80 a month for water. that's trillions of dollars a month. where is that money going? also, the middle class used to be able to go to a bank and draw interest off the money they are saving. now you only get .5%. how come nobody talks about that? host: carol, democrat line, missouri, you are next up. hello. caller: hi, i enjoyed the debate last night. what i took away from it was
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vance has two personalities, good and bad. i'm a 73-year-old from missouri. my concern last night, i wish more had been brought up about trump's view on medicare. being a senior, that really helps us. all the things that he wants to, you know, take a part in our country, i just think it's terrible. just plain terrible. i hope that the elderly people will really stop and think about who they are voting for in this election. our health care, our educational departments really, really depend on it. thank you for taking my call. host: that was carol in missouri. one of the topics last night between the candidates was
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abortion-rights in the united states. here's a part of the exchange that took place. [video clip] >> we have got to do a better job at winning back people's trust. so many young women would love to have families. so many see unplanned pregnancies is something that will destroy their livelihood in relationships. we have got to earn people's trust back. that is why we are committed to profamily policies, making fertility treatments more accessible, we have got to do a better job at that and that is what real leadership is. >> governor? >> i'm going to respond on the pro-abortion piece of that. no, we are not. we are pro-women. pro-freedom to make your own choice. we know what the implications are in not doing that. having miscarriages, not getting the care, physicians feeling like they might get prosecuted for providing the care. as far as making sure that we are giving our children's options, minnesota is a state
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with one of the lowest teen pregnancy rates. we understand that. we know the options need to be available and we make it true. we are a top three state for the best place to raise children. these two things, to say that we are pro-children but don't like this or you guys are pro-abortion, that's not the case at all. we are pro-freedom for women to make their choices. we are going, kamala harris is making the chase -- making the case to make the options more affordable. we won't base it on the backs of making someone like amber drive 600 miles to get health care. >> let me respond to that, i agree with that, amber should still be alive, a lot of people should still be alive and i certainly wish she was. you are free to disagree with me on this and explain this to me, but as i read the minnesota law that you signed into law, the statute you signed, it says that a doctor who presides over an abortion where the baby survives, the doctor is under no obligation to provide
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life-saving care to a baby who survives a botched late-term abortion. >> that is not true. >> that is fundamentally barbaric. that's why i used that word. some of what we have seen -- do you want to force catholic hospitals to perform abortions against their will? harris has supported suing catholic nuns to violate the freedom of conscience. we can be a diverse country to respect conscience and make the country more profamily. >> this is one where there is always something. this is a simple proposition. these are women's decisions to make about their health care. and of the physicians who know best. trying to distort the way that a law is written to make a point, that's not it at all. >> tell me what i was wrong about. >> that's not the way the law was written. i have given this advice on a lot of things. it's been misread and was fact checked at the last debate. the point is if there is a continuation of these guys
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trying to tell women, trying to get involved, i use this line -- mind your own business. host: that topic of abortion was during the debate. trump himself commented on the topic on his truth social site, talking about the idea of a federal abortion ban, the first sentence of the post, "everyone knows i wouldn't support federal abortion bands." -- bans." the former president has pulled out of the 60 minutes interview scheduled to run next week. according to the cbs news division, the nominee and his political rival each agreed to sit down with interviews as part of the election special set to air monday at 8:00. the ex-president was set to be interviewed by anchor scott pelley, harris was set to speak with bill whitaker. the network added that the trump
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campaign decided not to participate in that pelley would address this on monday, saying that the election special will broadcast the harris interview as planned, the network said, and that the original invitation to the -- to trump to be interviewed stands. that's the reporting, there. let's hear from david, pittsburgh, republican line. caller: yeah. the debate was very good. the debate that happened last night wasn't the debate that should have happened. when they pulled joe biden from the ticket, the constitution says we the people. we the people should have had a decision. democrats, independents, and republicans. they should have had a debate with all the candidates who possibly would have had aspirations to be vice president. i'm sorry, in pennsylvania, josh
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shapiro would have whipped up on probably every one of them. the only thing i can say about kamala harris is that when you go back to when she was actually considered as vp, she didn't win iowa. she was the first one out. had no reason to be there. i believe, thank you for taking my call. host: ok, justin, massachusetts, thoughts on last nights debate? go ahead. caller: good morning. the debate last night, i thought it was better than the presidential debate. i thought walz got off to a rough start at the beginning, but slowly got on top of things. the topics were lively. i thought the banter back and forth was good. a bit wishy-washy on answers, here and there, but one thing i really appreciated was when they grilled walz on his answers and
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wanted more direct answers. he would usually come back and say that this is it. when they brought up tiananmen square, he came back and said i misspoke. i really appreciate that he acknowledged that i have a direct answer, i have to give a political answer but here is my direct answer. vance, i appreciated how candid he was during the debate, comparatively, to some of his, his events that he puts out there. i did appreciate that. overall it's a proven record between the two of them. one of them, just not sure if i can really trust them. host: marcia is next. north carolina, hello. caller: good, thank you for taking my call. i'm going to read a few items adopted for implementation by the next conservative president. i am saying this because vance
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made a statement about how the agenda, the republican agenda, is to protect the water, the soil, and the air. first of all, from this document, and it is the mandate for leadership policy recommendation, "eliminate capital investment in transportation projects. eliminate amtrak operating subsidies. eliminate capital investments for five years. host: and how does that relate to yesterday's debate specifically? caller: walz had opportunities to launch an attack on some of the statements that vance made. he didn't do it. it's very upsetting. to me and for a lot of other people.
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because this is -- that is project 2025. it talks about the elimination of the epa that protects us, all citizens. this chart identifies all of the programs that were adopted to be implemented by the next conservative president. that is a quote. vance could possibly be the next conservative president, because trump is obviously declining in health and memory. host: project 2025 has been distanced from the president and his -- and members of his team. why do you think that is still something to be discussed? caller: it needs to be discussed because there are things trump is already talking about, like the elimination of the department of education, which by the way is in this leadership
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policy recommendation program. it's a chart. it's 19 pages. if you could just read just of things that were adopted by this, by the next conservative president, you will be -- it's very upsetting. host: that was marcia in north carolina. florida, republican line, hello. caller: hello, how are you doing? host: well, thanks. caller: a couple of things. one, with the situation with walz, he kept referring to trump said this, trump said that. jd vance did not do that situation. one thing with that bill, i'm tired of hearing about the bill that trump called up the congress and he's the one that put a stop on the bill. that is not true, ok? number one, number one, one of
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the items in the bill was 5000 to 8500 immigrants would still be entered into the country in that bill. that's 2 million in a year, almost. 10% of what's allowed in there now from supposedly 20 million coming in. the other thing is, with walz, he did not refrain from putting, putting, putting trump in there, ok? trump did this, trump did that. jd vance didn't do that with harris and she has done a lot of things that are very upsetting to our country. host: pointing you to this story from nbc regarding the senate immigration bill, bill killed by republicans in a sign of trump strength and waning influence.
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you can read more therefore the context around the passage of that bill. tennessee, democratic line, anne, hello. caller: hello? i think that trump, he allowed 5000 refugees to come from central america, three countries in central america. he didn't stop them, he didn't deport them. he did not enforce the legal immigration policy to bring them into the country. he should have stopped at in his last year in office. host: how does that relate to last night, ma'am, how does it relate to last night's debate? caller: he's responsible for the border. he lied about mexico. we never, ever needed to keep
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mexicans out of this country. -- needed a border wall to keep mexicans out of this country. we had a good relationship with mexico and mexico is not responsible for our broken immigration policy that has been broken for 20 to 30 years. host: ok. that was anne in tennessee. republican line, james, hello. caller: thanks for taking my call. as far as jd and tim, i just feel like it's like jd said, i'm glad i'm on this side, because it is a lot easier to get the job done. he knows that donald trump has four years of proven record. this other party here is just not doing their job on far as the drugs, the border, just the, the abortion, you know? they know, they know that these,
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they've got lives, hearts, brains. it's like jd said, i'm glad i'm on this side. that's what i got out of it. he knows he can get the job done when he has got donald trump on his side. host: james there in mississippi. this ianony from facebook, saying all of a sudden iran is a week away from havg clear weapons. i remember the same score -- scare tactic four years ago, eight years ago, every time we ven election, iran is about to bloup the world. biy from facebook saying the debate changed and no one's mind. it did expose moderator bias. as far as responding to iran and hamas, they've been able to terrorize without paying a consequence, time to hit iran directly and fiercely. those are some of the comments from facebook. add yours to the wit -- to the mix, if you wish.
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deborah, hello. deborah in maryland, hello? caller: hello? host: you are on, go ahead. caller: yes, yesterday i thought it was interesting to hear vance talk about what he referred to, the american heckler. i think it is so hypocritical to hear those things that he has now changed his mind and is supporting this man. also the fact that he and donald trump continue to pound on this thing about immigration. both of them are married to women who are the product of immigration. vance's wife is not an american born woman. if she is, her parents are indian. 2, 3 of trump's wives are immigrants? their children, then, when he talks about the children, are the result of them being married
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to either immigrants or those who are the parents of immigrants. to me, it's such a hypocritical subject for them to bring up. why don't they address what's happening in their own homes, in their own families? that's a hypocrite. and it means that they stand up and they lie about immigrants, when they need to talk about homes. the other thing about abortion, it's about morals. the evangelical community wants to stand up and said the democrats are bad, abortion is bad. why don't you teach -- preach abstinence? the reason they won't is the majority of the congregants would then leave. you are talking about the product of something that has happened. you are looking at the symptoms. the cause is that there is too much sexual immorality in the country, they won't hit that. host: all right.
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independent line, mike is next. hi. caller: hello, good morning. host: morning. caller: i wanted to speak on the immigration. that lady that just called, hypocritical, you know, i just think it has been politicized so much that people really doesn't know what's going on at the borders and the ramifications of it. host: how do you think the candidates did debating the issue last night? caller: i think the candidates, they are, they are, i think the moderators were flat. i didn't think the moderators were very good. the candidates, i think, to be honest with you, i think that vance came across a lot better, even though, you know, on his simple question that he had in terms of -- did trump win?
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that's what i mean about the dishonesty. you can't even be honest about that. once compared trump to hepler. and he's still on the ticket for vice president? if he had said that about netanyahu, there's no way he would be on that television screen. you know, that's a foreign leader. as far as the war in iran, with iran and israel, it didn't start october 7. it started in the 1940's. people really need to go back, regardless of what side you're on, that's something, people want to be candid about it. brainwashing. it's like choosing between two gangs. you are talking about human beings. either side, it's a horrible thing. you can't dehumanize people and
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then take a strong position. if you are pro-life, you are pro-life. host: tom is next, north carolina, republican line, good morning. caller: the previous callers talking about immigrants, the difference is jd vance and president trump's wives came here legally. legally. now, on the debate, tim walz was unprepared and he was unprepared because he hasn't done one single press conference. he didn't know anything about what he was talking about. you could look at his facial expressions and see that he was caught off guard. facing a question about hong kong, he never answered the question. they knew they had him in the lie. he has lied so much, he don't even know how to answer the question. host: if it was about tiananmen
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square, he did address that. caller: well, he said he misspoke. miss spoke about going to hong kong. who's going to misspoke on service in the military? it just keeps adding up, on and on and on. the reason i think that vance won it is he hasn't done one single press conference. jd vance is out here every single sunday on every single talk show, but kamala harris and jd vance will not do one single press conference. why don't y'all try to get them on c-span and ask them questions? host: bertha, new york, democratic line, good morning. caller: good morning. i would just like to make one comment, to say that jd vance is a better liar than trump. when asked a question about the 2020 election, what did he say? he knew he couldn't answer it.
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he still believed that trump won . that's all i have to say. host: one of those topics that no one has mentioned this morning but a topic nonetheless was how the candidates would do on the topic of climate change. here is a part of the exchange from the debate yesterday. [video clip] >> it was a horrific tragedy with this hurricane, my heart goes out to the folks down there . in contact with the governors. i serve on the co-chair of the council of governors. no bipartisanship -- no partisanship, they work together to help people on the ground on the front end. we are still in that phase where we need to make sure that they are staying there and staying focused. coming back to the climate change issue, no doubt that this thing roared onto the scene faster and stronger than anything we have seen. senator vance has said there is a problem with climate in the past.
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that -- trump call it a hoax and joke that it would make for more beachfront property to people -- for people to invest in. we have seen their investment. massive investments. the biggest in global history that we have seen since the inflation reduction act, creating jobs across the country and in jeffersonville, ohio, taking that ev technology and making it here. the my farmers no climate change is real. 500 year droughts and floods back to back, they are adapting and it has allowed them to tell me that i harvest "corn, soybean, and wind." we are producing more at any time and for losing more clean energy. for us the solution is to continue to move forward. climate change is real. reducing impact is critical.
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this is not a false choice. you can do that at the same time we create jobs across the country. that is what this administration has done, becoming an energy superpower for the future, not just now. and then we think about how we mitigate these disasters. >> the governor mentioned president trump called climate change a hoax. do you agree? >> what the president has said, democrats, that harassing her leadership if they believed if climate change was serious, they would be doing more energy manufacturing in the u.s. and that is not what they are doing. clearly, harris herself doesn't believe her own rhetoric and if she did, she would agree with the trump energy policy. something that the governor said that is important to touch upon, clean energy, that's a slogan that the democrats will use, the democratic leadership, and the
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real issue is if you are spending billions of -- in taxpayer money on solar panels from china, number one you will make the economy dirtier. a lot of them are being made overseas in china. caller: that is from -- host: that is from last night's debate. biden will be visiting north carolina to survey the damage left by hurricane helene, touring western north carolina that was damaged by the hurricane, is expected to arrive at about 1:20 this afternoon at the greenville spartanburg airport. stay close to c-span for what comes out of that visit and survey of hurricane damaged areas. pam is in maryland, independent line. caller: hello? host: you are on, go ahead. caller: yes, hello?
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host: you're on, go ahead. caller: i'm here. hello? host: i'm going to put you on hold and when you're ready to talk, come on ahead. sharon? republican line? caller: i'm on the democratic line. host: we are going to let you go and invite you to call back on the right line. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, and independents are (202) 748-8002. if you have called in the last 30 days, hold off. if you want and are ready to talk to us, turn down your television and get ready to talk to us. let's hear from darrell in michigan. independent line. caller: thank you for accepting my call. i think they are a little turned upside down here, we have more fish to fry than what's going on
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with last night's debate. when this war started with hamas and israel, the administration was all off saying we don't want to just become a widespread war. i got news for them. the two teams are shooting their ships at sea. they are shooting their missiles at northern are israel. right now, iran and israel are on a tit-for-tat basis, ok? it could be consider that the war has expanded. number two, what's happening over there in the ukraine. the ukraine is shipping missiles to moscow for the first time. putin is waving around tactical
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nuclear talk again. host: before we go further down the road, let's go to the debate. i know that you talked about iran, what did you think about last night's debate? caller: wait a second, your question for the day is presidential debate or iran missile attack. host: which you addressed. if you want to touch on the debate, go ahead. caller: i think it was a neutral debate. i don't think anybody won or lost. that's where it is. meantime, i want to finish. host: we are going to leave you there, because ukraine is not in the mix this time around. if you want to expand on candidate foreign-policy writ large from last nights debate, you can do that. let's try pam in maryland, democratic line, go ahead. caller: hello? hello? i'm speaking, hello? host: i apologize.
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joe, republican line. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. ok, i will talk about the debate. i really enjoyed the debate. jd vance just showed that he was prepared and how he will be prepared when events pop up during his, him and trump's reign, four year reign. what's his name? walz. walz, he's an expressive man and you can read him by his face. but... the harris-walz ticket, they troubled me. i keep them in prayer all the time. they are not america first. because when walz was asked a
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question about i think the tiananmen square subject? he went into his harris bid. i was born. i was raised. middle-class family. this, this, this, this, this. when the commentator said you didn't answer the question and they repeated it, he said i did, i think i misspoke, that was it. now i have, i had to poke the bible upside my head because of osmosis, wondering what they missed. walz, the harris campaign, deceived. host: all right. maryland, democratic line, good morning. caller: this is hank.
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i thought the debate was very civil. seemed like vance moderated quite a bit and didn't really espouse the extreme views of trump. he sort of tried to show that he was somewhat more on republican in general. i didn't think that he addressed climate change very well. went towards the democrats as well. as far as foreign policy goes, leaving it up to israel. i thought it was basically vance came out as professional and civil. it did not change views as far as the political standing on
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those things. as far as immigration, he was able to skirt the tropes trump put out, the unfair characterization of the situation at the border. host: ok, we will hear from carolyn in pennsylvania. hi. caller: i have comments about the debates that focus on results. when vance said that we have got to drill, baby, drill, that is what exacerbated the problem. thousands of people from vermont to north carolina losing their homes from this terrible problem. it's about how we are going to adapt. the results of the
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infrastructure improvement act have created good green jobs. two days ago scott mcfarland from cbs news pot -- asked trump if he had changed his views on climate change and he said no, not really. everything i want to talk about, immigration, i think that overall walz was authentic, authentic throughout the debate. whereas vance, you know, hospitals had to close in springfield, ohio, schools had to close their because of the hoax that was perpetrated by vance and now trump as well. again, i just hope that america really focuses on results rather than activities of chaos. host: in missouri, susan, republican line, good morning. caller: well, thank you, i think
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they both did a great job last night, but it hasn't changed my mind one bit, i will definitely be voting for trump and vance and on immigration i think that people need to wake up, they have let so many people into this country. yes, our country was built on immigration. but i will tell you that this is affecting our schools. it is going to affect our medical that we receive. the schools are being flooded with these children. it's affecting our children. there are so many things that are so wrong about the people coming into this country coming in illegally. you can sit there and say yes, this is what our country was founded on. trump has illegal immigration in marriage, sodas vance, however they were here legally and there is a difference.
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our country is built on laws as well. thank you. host: that was susan in missouri. both gentlemen will be traversing the nation as a visit baleground states in the lead up to election day. jd vanceplning a stop in michigan this afteronone: -- 1:30 is when you can see that live on our main cnnel, c-span, c-span now is our free video app. and then governor vance visiting york, pennsylvania today. that will take place at around 4:30 this afternoon. those are the main platforms where you can see all of at. if you miss i y can always go to the video app to see what happens and you can always go to our website,, if you want to see more. if you want to see the debate from last night, it is still there on the website, check it out on the main page and then you can go to the video app if you want to see the whole debate
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from yesterday. we will hear from frank in massachusetts. republican line, go ahead. caller: yeah? just talk? host: you are on, go ahead. [echo: frank, massachusetts? caller: yeah, i think that the debate was biased. so biased that it is -- people got to wake up, they got to wake up. [no audio] host: watch the language there, for people calling in. consider frank a lesson as far as the way as language is used on the network if you are calling in. jackie, independent line, hello. caller: hello. i called because i used to watch c-span all the time, please let me finish.
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i don't understand if the host of people isn't correcting people to call in and say things you know is not correct. it's a big part of the problem we have. that is why people say, when they are telling something, they don't have good information. i watched that debate last night. i thought jd vance, he show professionalism. at the same time, you know jd vance has been popping lies for a long time. walz, i don't even know what happened 30 years ago, 35 years ago. who cares? we have all grown from when we were younger. we have all lied about something. even if it was stealing a nickel when we were younger. people shouldn't hold that against them. that's not a big deal. if he seems like a genuine
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person? at the same time, how can people called to say they will support trump when they know that they lied about the haitians, calling them whatever they called them. it's all wrong. you as the host should correct those things when people call in to say those things. you should correct it, because you know the problem we have in america now is because the majority of the beep -- people don't have good information when they call in and speak, they don't have accurate information. host: ok. we provide forums for people to make up their own minds when it comes to debate. we expect viewers of this program and others to be good consumers, to come up with their own conclusions when it comes to the candidates, things they have said, positions they take and everything else. we are just a stop, a good place
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to get information. like last night's debate, getting it in an unbiased manner, we let the viewer make those decisions for yourself. joan, pennsylvania, republican line, hi. caller: hi, should i talk? host: go ahead. caller: i thought the debate was very civil. i didn't think they touched too much on the economics that are rampant in the country. you go through to get a job and it's ridiculous, everybody knows this. the other thing is immigration. they are not coming through properly on immigration. it's true, we want people to come into the country that are knowledgeable. we don't want people that are going to drain the system. how can teachers teach when they have so many different languages? it's impossible. same way with the hospitals.
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it's just too much, especially that one little town where they dumped so many haitians there. the other thing is, if you go on youtube, most of these countries eat dog. there are many places in this world where they eat rats and everything else, that's also on youtube. maybe it didn't happen up there, but these people do have some weird voodoo, they will cut chickens. i lived in philadelphia for a long time. they did it. host: ok, ok. let's hear from las vegas. mark, democratic line. caller: good morning, pedro. boy, that one caller from massachusetts really demonstrates the erudite nature of republicans quite well, let's put it that way. look, the debate last night was between someone who had a
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rhetorical background who can tell lies with a polished demeanor. it fools people into thinking that he has substance. there were a number of issues, of course, around what he said. many callers on the republican side who live thousands of miles from the border have never actually gone there, don't even understand that 2000 miles of that border runs through the middle of the rio grande river. you can't build a wall down there, you can't do those kinds of things. people are going to come across the border. what we needed was the bill that the republicans quashed at the behest of their cult leader, trump. that is something they need to face. they are the ones causing the issue with immigration. all that we need is popular -- proper money, proper immigration, hiring the right people to make sure we can do the job properly down there. most of the people coming across the border are fleeing from
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countries where harris was asked and looked at the source of the issues, including climate change, causing a lot of them to flee because of the harsh conditions they were facing. now of course, republicans don't even want to understand the science of climate change. you can go back to the 19th century, newton's foot, a scientist, a woman, knows more, even from her grave, then republicans do about global warming. these people are disconnected from reality and they will never connect with reality, even though hurricane helene wiped out so many communities and more of these disasters are going to roll down year after year after year until people finally decide they have had enough of the stupidity on the right. host: that was mark, calling
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from -- that was mark. calling from one of those impacted states, danny and south carolina. caller: why is it all right for trump to marry someone who crossed the border? they don't never bring that up, thank you. host: that was danny, there. one of the exchanges last night was on gun violence. here is how it played out last night. [video clip] >> i got a 17-year-old. he witnessed a shooting at a community center playing volleyball. those things don't leave you. as a member of congress, i sat in my office surrounded by dozens of the sandy hook parents and they were looking at the picture of my seven-year-old on the wall, their seven-year-old was dead. they asked us to do something. i'm a hunter, i own firearms. the vice president does. we understand the second amendment amendment is there but our first responsibility is to our kids to figure this out. in minnesota we enacted enhanced
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red flag laws and background checks. we can get that data. but here's the problem, if they want to solve this, we have folks that won't even allow research to be done on gun violence. this idea that we should just live with it? here's what i think, this is a good start to the conversation. i 100% believe that senator vance hates it. it's a poor it, it breaks your heart. i agree with that. that's not far enough when we know that work. i've spent time in finland, seen some finnish schools. they don't have this happen, even though there is high gun ownership in the country. there are reasonable things we can do to make a difference. it isn't infringing on your second amendment. the idea that having some of these weapons out there, it doesn't make any sense. as attorney general, kamala harris work on this issue. no one is trying to scaremongering.
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do you want your schools hardened to look like a fort? is that where we have to go? we know there are countries around the world where children don't practice these drills. they are being kids. we owe it to them to get it fixed. these things should not be that difficult. if you are listening tonight, this breaks your heart. >> senator? >> i didn't know that your 17-year-old witness that, christ have mercy, it's awful. i appreciate what tim said about finland, it does illustrate the difference between our own country bus gun violence problems in finland. first of all, we have way higher rates of mental health substance abuse. we have higher rates of depression, higher rates of anxiety. unfortunately, we have a mental health crisis in this country that i think we need to get to the root cause of. i don't think it's the whole
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reason we have a bad gun violence problem but i do think it is a piece of it. another driver of the gun violence epidemic that doesn't earn as many headlines but is terrible it is in a lot of our big cities, we have to empower law enforcement to arrest bad guys, put them away, take gun offenders off the street. there's a whole host of things we can do, but in our schools we have got to talk about more security. host: pennsylvania, republican line, james, hello. caller: how's it going? host: goes well. go ahead. caller: he said harris is going to secure the border with a border bill in the senate? why ain't anybody talking about hr two, passed in december of 2020 three? that's the bill we need. no one comes across at all. and to make a comment off the one woman who said you should
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fact-check people, no, they got to pay attention to the news on a daily basis so they can see what's actually going on. host: cj, virginia, on last nights debate or events in the middle east, go ahead. caller: good morning, pedro. if you want slick, jd gave it to you. his goal i think was to take some of the poison that his boss has been putting out there, specifically. so many people on the show this morning are going right to the bible as their source for our american future and what it's going to be. i thought our founding framers figure that out about 200 years ago as far as separation of church and state.
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you know, if you want a strong economy, i think you have got to trust american women, hopefully with their husband or partner or whatever. so often, american men let their women down. there are many lies before the baby is even in gestation. if nothing else, know that the average american woman who has an abortion already has a child and thinks -- why would you not want to keep that family? the reason is, the man in their life has already proven themselves to be incapable of, you know, manning up, so to speak, and raising that child. host: ok. ok. helen, illinois, hello. caller: i want to reiterate that
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last night's debate was very civil. the moderators were much more fair then in the presidential debates. but i do want to point out that to all of the millennials out there, jd vance is 40 years old, he's a millennial. whereas tim walz is 60 years old, 20 years his senior, that jd vance, he conducted himself like he was the mature one, the adults. tim walz came off as emotional, not stable. jd vance, he is even killed. in fact, trump did a miraculous think -- he is even keeled. in fact, trump did a miraculous thing choosing him.
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he's a very intelligent man. the millennials, they have to listen to jd vance, he's the future. he's awesome. he understands everything. host: all right, mk, new jersey, independent line, good morning. hi caller: -- caller: hi, good morning. they did a great job yesterday. both of them, speaking on one issue or the other, to me, being an independent, i don't think any, anybody was able to convince me on who to vote for. as i continue to listen, i will see if i make up my mind or not. host: before you go, what did you learn from either candidate in the debate last night? caller: governor walz looked more practical, perhaps from
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being a governor and handling a state, he was able to look at the bigger. concerning the abortion issue, i think the republicans are not truthful. thank you. host: gary. gary, go ahead, west virginia. caller: it always amazes me with these young ladies who call in here who are well over 50, i can hear it in their voices, you know? they sit there and they listen to vance, like the young lady said, he's the future? no, he's not. he's just a good con artist who knows how to lie well. he sits there and says yeah, it was the ex-president that saved to the aca? he was the one trying to kill it and he still trying to kill it. he's not going to give anybody anything. if you are over 50 and you can't afford it, all you got to do is
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watch medicare, medicaid, all of it go right out the window. that's how it's going to be. if you sit there and listen to every little lie that he spits out, you know, i've never heard -- and i've never been around -- i've been around a long time. i never heard of a border czar. everyone keeps referring to it. he keeps referring to harris -- no, harris isn't the president, harris is the vice president. she does not have the power to do anything except maybe suggest to the president and get it to the senate or the house to get something put up on the floor. i don't know where all this crazy stuff comes from. host: ok. jerry, utah, republican line. caller: good morning.
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thank you for take my call. i thought the debate last night was very civil. there were statements on both sides of the debate. no one was pressed, i was hoping he would take more on statements about being in the military, why he made the statements knowing that they were lies in what can he do to assure us that we can believe the things he's telling us, based on the apparent lies he's made during his campaign stops. i was hoping they would have spent a little more time to let us -- to let him explain the reasons he made those statements. host: one more call. this is from pennsylvania. bill, calling in on the independent line. caller: good morning, pedro. how you been? host: fine, thank you. caller: good, good.
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vance tried to look reasonable, at least in gop terms, he may have barely won the debate, but in the end i think he proved that he would just to be donald trump's a lap dog end. whereas walz, i think, could talk harris down for any dumb policy decisions she might be leaning towards. vance, vance is no mike pence. he does not have the integrity of a mike pence at all. so, those are my two cents at the moment. host: that was built in pennsylvania, finishing off two hours of calls. 86 of you calling in to give your comments on the vice presidential debate last night. you can still watch it on, by the way, or follow it on our free video app.
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you ca the redacted file in our website, >> in virginia's seven u.s. army colonel, democrat andr former green beret, a open seat in the u.s. house of represves. this evening, we will have live coverage of their debate hosted byrsity of mary washington beginning at 7:00 p.m. eastern and 8:00 p.m. eastern, our
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live debate coverage continues senator kevin cramer facing his democratic challenger christina christiansen in a debate hosted by prairie public sion. that's also on c-span, c-span now our free mobile video app, and online at >> c-span's "washington journal," our life forum involving you on the latest issues in government, politics, and public policy. from washington across the country, coming up thursday morning, jessica taylor talks about campaign 2024 and key senate and governor's to watch in november. then christine mcdaniel on the potential trade and economic disruptions stemming from the dock workers strike that has shut down dozens of ports along the east coast and gulf region. c-span's "washington journal,"
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>> vice president kamala harris traveled to augusta, georgia, surveying the damage from hurricane helene and getting an update on recovery efforts. during her visit, the vice president thanked georgia's first responders and fema's role in their efforts. this is about 10 minutes.


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