tv [untitled] October 18, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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accurate representation of her comment, not all of which were accurately presented in that article. you have what becomes a secondhand presentation put into an article. not all of those comments were in any way accurate. >> what was the basic characterization of her describing -- >> i'm not going to speak to a private meeting, but we have always maintained we are committed to the >> so you will enforce us law including -- >> if you look at the letter that the secretary, if you look at the letter the secretary sent the other day, he said there are a number of us laws and policies that are implemented by israel not taking steps to allow humanitarian assistance to get in and we will enforce us law. but we're going to, we want to see israel take increased steps. we've seen them take some increased steps over the last few days, but we need to see much more. >> i guess there have been previous instances for which this threat has been floated,
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whether it's in the wake of the seven world central kitchen workers that were killed, whether it was in before any sort of major operation in rafah. of course, the administration maintains that there wasn't a major operation. but nevertheless, there have been instances for which this threat has been offered and yet there hasn't been any actualization of it. >> so i know that your objective is to see the end of us support to israel. our objective is to see israel take steps to increase humanitarian assistance, getting into gaza. we have other steps as well, but that's relevant to the conversation we're having now. and so our engagement with them on this question has been to push them to take steps and at times, we've seen them take really important steps. we had this last major engagement with them in april, we saw them take a number of steps to open new crossings and it got trucks up to 300 to 400 in some days. now, we saw significant first stagnation and then back sliding over the last few months, which is why the secretary felt it was important to send that letter
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this sunday. >> my objective is to ask about the u.s. -- >> i understand. [indiscernible] >> i'm going to disappoint you with my answer. so go ahead, i'm going to disappoint you with my answer. go ahead. i should, i shouldn't, i should let you live through the disappointment rather than preview it. so sean, go ahead with the question. >> no, but does the us support petition? >> i'm going to need to take that question back? only because as you might imagine, i was entirely focused on the events. the events in gaza haven't, haven't reviewed the action, haven't reviewed the action at all or discussed it with any of my colleagues. so let me take it back and get you an answer. >> just to be clear, there is no action per se. it's just the un envoy's proposal, the same proposal that former secretary of state james baker made when he was in that
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same envoy position, which is to partition western sahara between morocco and the paul sario. and so the question is -- >> so only because i realize the extent i know about the proposal is that the one was made today and i didn't have any chance to look at it all or talking to my colleague. i do want to take that question back -- >> by supporting moroccan sovereignty over there has been no change in our policy. >> can i ask you a separate question? slightly different? the taliban, you might have seen this, they issued rules today, not today this week about banning and publication of libyan beings. >> so i guess i won't be watching this briefing. but do you have any reaction? >> i'm going to have to plead ignorance on this one too. i'm not aware. i'll take the question back and get you an answer. go ahead, daphne and then we'll rp for today.
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>> thank you, venezuela's interior minister said today that three more americans have been detained for alleged terrorist activity. do you have any reactions to this? and do you know when they were arrested? >> so we've seen the reports, we're monitoring them and gathering more information. obviously, the safety and security of american citizens anywhere around the world is our first priority and we're going to gather more information about this in the hours ahead with that wrap for today. thanks everyone. >> thank you. ♪ announcer: c-span's "washington journal" our live inform involve of a venue notices using government, politics, and public policy. friday morning, and national politics reporter of the wall street journal and axios discuss the we could top stories in campaign 2024, then the new snacks -- the newsmax ceo discusses campaign 2024 media coverage. during the conversation 7:00 a.m. eastern friday morning on
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c-span, c-span now, or online at announcer: next ohio senator and republican vice presidential nominee jd vance speaking at pittsburgh where he talked about election integrity and border security. he also shared his thoughts on vice president harris's recent fox news interview with bret beyer. this is about 30 minutes. ♪ with vice-presidential nominee j.d. vance. ♪ ♪
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mr. vance: wow! [crowd chanting "j.d."] mr. vance: thank you, thank you, thank you. i've got to say, it's great to be in this beautiful place in pittsburgh. we're going to win pittsburgh and pennsylvania and we're going to make donald trump the next president of the united states and it starts right here, my friends. now, i honestly am just -- my breath is taken away by this beautiful space. it makes me realize, you know, the place where we stand, pittsburgh, pennsylvania, is one of the great capitals of american craftsmanship and
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american manufacturing. it is an incredible, incredible place. i think there's so many things the presidency of donald trump represents but one of the most important things donald trump's leadership represents is we'll get back to a country of making beautiful stuff and doing great celebrations in beautiful buildings like the one we're in right now. we've got a lot of great local officials here and want to call out the great congressman guy rushen taller. where are you? i appreciate you. we have 19 days to go. 19 days to work. 19 days to knock on doors. 19 days to make phone calls. 19 days to get our friends to the polls to vote.
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and 19 days until we get to say that kamala harris and her broken leadership, you are fired, go back to san francisco where you belong. i have to say, you'll probably be surprised to hear me say this but i feel bad for governor tim walz, kamala's running mate. and here's why. tim walz has to defend the indefensible which is kamala harris' failed record of leadership the last 3 1/2 years. think about this. when i agreed to be donald trump's running mate and he called me and offered me the job that would change my life and change the life of my family, think about it. all i have to do is go talk about how donald trump rose take
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home pay, the fastest in a generation. he did. i go out and talk about how donald trump delivered rising wages for workers and inflation that was the lowest in 40 years in the united states of america. he did that, too. and of course i get to go out there and say levels of illegal immigration were lower. donald trump had secured the border in a big way for the american people but that's true, too. now, here's what governor walz has to do. he has to try to pretend that kamala harris hasn't delivered the fastest rising inflation in a generation. the state of pennsylvania is paying $1,000 more a month to afford what we all could have afforded 3 1/2 years ago when donald trump was president.
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tim walz has to pretend kamala harris didn't open the southern border and of course we know she did. she came into office bragging about it and then did that exact thing. and tim walz has to go out there pretending that kamala harris is a person who delivered chaos around the world and is going to somehow bring peace to a globe that's gotten more intense with war because of her leadership. that's a pretty hard job, my friend. but i think that we all -- tim, don't worry. because in 19 short days, we're going to end that job because the american people are not buying your crap and they're not buying kamala harris' crap. now, kamala harris -- oh, in some ways it's too easy, my friends. you talk about donald trump's record of achievement and
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fundamentally you're talking about a great period of peace and prosperity for the american people. you talk about kamala harris and what she said and man, we could be here all day. think about it. yesterday she had an interview with brett baird. did you see that interview? wow! wow! that made me feel pretty bad. i felt bad for her and felt bad for every single person who was watching. because remember, kamala harris, we have to remember, the entire theme of her campaign is basically pretending she doesn't know who joe biden is. don't pay attention to high inflation or that wide open southern border because kamala harris will tell you it's not her fault. she's never seen seen joe biden is what she'll go out and tell people. she'll stand up in front of crowds without a hint of shamelessness and say on day one we're going to fix the inflation crisis affecting american families. on day one we'll lower the price of groceries. on day one we'll secure that
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southern border. and anybody with a lick of common sense, day one was 1,400 days ago, what have you been doing that whole time? go do your job! so brett bear asked her, well, the american people are saying they want to turn the page and that is in fact the theme of your campaign. they want to turn the page, well, who are they turning the page on because you've been the vice president for the past 3 1/2 years. you know what she said? she started talking about trump. these pathologically incapable of talking about the american future without talking about a person who hasn't been president for 3 1/2 years. look, i wish he had been president for the past 3 1/2 years, we wouldn't have had all these problems. but kamala harris, it's so shameless and something i think most politicians wouldn't be able to do to stand up there and run so far away from the record
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that she bears a lot of responsibility for. and we're voting for the prosperity of our children and we're not giving kamala harris a proceed possession for the president of the united states is what the people of pennsylvania are voting to do. i want to talk about the affordability crisis facing families and how we'll make it better. think about this. in just 3 1/2 years the price of housing has gone up 40%. the price of eggs has gone from $1.50 to well north of $3 for a dozen eggs. the price of groceries at large
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is up 30% because of kamala harris' policies. this is not rocket science. if you want to lower the prices on families, what we need to do is release pennsylvania workers and drill, baby, drill, at lower prices for all of us. [cheers and applause] mr. vance: i'm asked sometimes what's the connection between energy and groceries, energy and housing? the answer is everything. because energy is the biggest cost of what most of us make. if you think about the truck drivers getting the groceries to the grocery store, if he's paying 50% more for diesel, you're paying more for your groceries or the carpenter getting lumber delivered to the site, the guy delivering that is paying 50% more for gasoline and you're paying more for a house.
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the biggest and most important thing donald trump wants to do to lower prices for pennsylvania families is very simple, we're going to drill, baby, drill, and unleash american energy. [applause] mr. vance: now, if we think about it, look, we've got plente great commonwealth of pennsylvania, on the saudi arabia of natural gas. we have between west virginia, ohio, pennsylvania, we have enough coal and natural gas to power a golden age of american prosperity but the only way we're going to be able to take advantage of it is to fire kamala harris who is saying she wants to buy oil and natural gas from dictators all over the world. donald trump and i want to buy it from american workers and american territory. we have plenty of it right here
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at home. and to the friends watching at home, just look at the clips, kamala harris announced she wanted to ban fracking in 2019 and pursued policies that made it harder for american workers and american businesses and now she says i didn't mean any of it. we know she means it because she governed to make it hard for pennsylvania families. don't trust kamala harris on the campaign trail but trust her deeds and her deeds show she's not fit to represent pennsylvania and she's not fit to serve as president of the united states of america. let's talk about something else where kamala harris' deeds don't match her words and that's what's going on at the american
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southern border. kamala harris, i don't know if you watched any of her interviews. i don't recommend it because you lose 20i.q. points if you do. kamala harris has religion on the border. all of a sudden after 3 1/2 years of being the border czar during the worst period of open borders, kamala now tells us she really cares about a secure southern border and blames donald trump who has not been the president for the last 3 1/2 years, she blames donald trump for the problems that have come up during kamala harris' own time in office. think about this, on day one kamala harris undid 94 executive orders of donald trump that destroyed his successful border policies. she ended remain in mexico. they suspended deportation. they stopped construction of the trump border wall. i've been to the border more times than kamala harris. if you go down there, you know what you see? big, beautiful slabs of rusted border wall sitting on the
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ground because kamala harris has made it impossible for american workers to build an american border wall and now she wants to lie to us and tell us that she cares about the border. how dumb do you think we are, kamala harris. we saw what you did and we don't believe you now that you're running for president. now, i will say to kamala harris' credit, every time she gives an interview we gain about 100,000 votes. and you know, the reporters will talk about how until yesterday, and of course that was a disaster, that kamala harris would only do softball interviews. we have any sports fans, any baseball fans in the room here? [applause] mr. vance: you know, as everybody who has ever played baseball or softball will tell you, the problem with a softball
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interview is you still have to be able to hit a softball. and unfortunately, even when kamala harris goes and does a softball interview, she says something that blows up the entire narrative of her campaign. i don't know if you noticed but about 10 days ago she did an interview with "the view." that's the easiest interview in the world for a democratic politician. i love tucker carlson but that's like me going to to do an interview with tucker carlson and saying it's a tough interview. she gives an interview with "the view" and say what is one thing you would have done differently than joe biden during your time in office. and she said, nothing comes to mind. nothing comes to mind. after standing up there and lying for years -- or i should say months, about how she's going to somehow be different than joe biden, she cannot name a single thing she would have done differently than joe biden. i think, actually, her interview
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revealed an important truth about the kamala harris campaign. if you think about their plans and slogans, because they don't really actually have any details, maybe we should change the slogan of the kamala harris campaign to nothing comes to mind because i think that would capture the kamala harris campaign better than what they're saying right now. so let's try it out. kamala harris, how are you going to lower the price of groceries for american citizens? nothing comes to mind. kamala harris, how are you going to secure the border you opened for 3 1/2 years? nothing comes to mind. think about it, i think we may have just saved the kamala harris campaign. at least she'll be honest if she goes out there and says to every question, nothing comes to mind. that would at least solve that one problem for her. but look, we need a president who actually has ideas and a plan and a vision for how to
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solve this country's problems. but let's just compare and contrast the record of kamala harris and the record of donald trump where she did 94 executive orders to open up the american southern border, donald trump shut down that southern border, built a wall, and secured america for american citizens. that's a hell of a record to run on. where kamala harris had groceries up by 25% and housing up by 40%, donald trump made it affordable to live the american dream for american citizens. where kamala harris wants to raise taxes on american workers and reward companies that ship jobs overseas, donald trump wants to cut taxes for american workers and penalize the companies and countries shipping
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our jobs overseas. and of course where kamala harris implemented regulation after regulation, she shut down the keystone pipeline, donald trump is going to reopen that pipeline and open up american energy for all of our citizens. and you know, she's got a problem. kamala harris has got a problem because the words have not matched the deed, and a lot of folks who used to be the foundation of the democratic party are abandoning the democratic party in big numbers, especially in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. a lot of you know my story. i was raised by two blue-collar democrats, my grandparents who took care of me because my own mom struggled with addiction. i think my grandparents, if they were alive today, they'd be doing what a lot of other union democrats are doing, which is
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recognizing the democratic party of kamala harris has left them behind and they're welcome in the republican party of donald j. trump. that's why, my friends, i'm proud about this. over 65% of pennsylvania teamsters support donald j. trump for president. and that's why union workers, nonunion workers, but pretty much just everybody with common sense is welcome in the big tent republican party of donald trump. i don't care what letter is next to your name, you're welcome in our movement. now, i want to talk about -- somebody asked me earlier, why do we have so much division in the united states of america? i think that's an important
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question. because i think, look, whoever they vote for, whatever their background, i genuinely do think most of our fellow citizens are good people, whether democrat, independent, or republican. they're our neighbors and they're our friends. but when kamala harris talks about division, she likes to blame the republicans and our country for being the source of that division. i'm thinking to myself, where is the leadership of this country, if you've been the vice president for 3 1/2 years, maybe the divisiveness in this country is something you ought to look in the mirror about rather than blame republicans all over the united states of america. but i also think one of the biggest sources of division in the united states of america is we have leaders who would rather censor their fellow citizens than listen to them and persuade them. this is an important thing that changed about this country.
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and i want you to go back, my friends, to just a few weeks ago, i pointed out that there's a small town in ohio, and of course there's -- what's going on in aurora, colorado, we're seeing all across this country that criminal gangs sometimes are moving into our communities and making it unsafe for american citizens. even if it's not criminal gangs, sometimes it's just people moving into our communities who have no legal right to be there in the first place. that causes a lot of problems,s especially for the folks watching this at home when we add thousands of illegal aliens in american schools, children who can't speak the english language and that means american citizens lose quality in their education. [applause] mr. vance: when we bring in millions upon millions of
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illegal aliens and give them free health care, that means hospital wait times in the commonwealth of pennsylvania have shot up for pennsylvania families. i feel terrible for anybody who has to take their kids to the emergency room because you'll wait longer than three hours because there are millions of people in the united states of america who don't have the legal right to be here. here's the thing, kamala harris and they are friends in the media, they will say somehow donald trump doesn't support social security and medicare. donald trump is fighting to protect social security and medicare every single day. but i'll tell you what is going to bankrupt social security and medicare, and that's kamala harris' plan to give social security and medicare to illegal aliens who have no right to be here in the first place. so while kamala harris wants to roll out the red carpet forily
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dell aliens and give them medicare and social security, the message of donald j. trump to people here in this country illegally is simple, pack your bags because in four months you're going back home. [cheers and applause] mr. vance: it's not just that i disagree with kamala harris on the policy of immigration, you know what really gets me going? when kamala harris attacks the citizens in her own country that they are racist for daring to say she shouldn't have opened up the american border. i think that's one of the most disgraceful things. so i think our message to kamala harris ought to be very simple, stop trying to censor us for criticizing your government. stop calling us racist for saying we've got to close down that southern border. stop accusing us of being bad
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people because we have the audacity to say to kamala harris she ought to do her damn job and she needs to look in the mirror and stop attacking the citizens in her own country. and i think that is what has led to the divisiveness in our country. because donald trump, whether we agree with you or disagree with you, whether you vote with us in 2024 or don't, we're rooting for you because you're our fellow citizen and we will always fight for your right to speak your mind. our founders -- the genius of the first amendment is not that it protects everybody's rights, the genius of the first amendment is that when we debate our ideas rather than censor one another, we can actually come to the table and we can disagree but still share share a meal with one another afterwards. and we ought to remember that
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while kamala harris and tim walz talk a big game about bringing our country together, you do not bring our fellow citizens together by trying to silence them, you bring our fellow citizens together by talking with them and inviting the conversation on how we'll make this country better and fix our problems. that's what donald trump and i promise you and promise everyone watching. we may not always agree with one another but we'll fight for your right to speak your mind and this is america and we get to say whatever the hell we want to. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "usa"] mr. vance: thank you all. sorry, i'm fired up there. but i want to say one more thing
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and we'll take a few questions from reporters and you guys are welcome to stay and watch me as i answer these questions. but i want to remind you that as much as the energy is really good in pennsylvania, and we've got a lot of good energy in pennsylvania, i think we'll win this state and win it in a big way. and by the way, we're not just winning pennsylvania just for president trump and j.d. vance, we're winning pennsylvania for dave mccormick running for the senate. let's get out there and support him. and for a lot of our great congressional candidates, and i know we have great state candidates running, too, but we're not going to do it unless we get out there and vote. i'm going to make three requests, three requests of every single person in this room. number one, first thing i'd like you to do is take out your phone, take it out right
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