tv [untitled] October 18, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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in president but i strongly believe the relationship between tribal nations in the united states is sacred and that we must honor tribal sovereignty, embrace trust and treaty obligations and ensure tribal self-determination. and as president i will defend those principles. [cheers and applause] all right, green bay. green bay, we have 19 days until election day. 19 days, so we are entering the home stretch. and this is going to be a tight race until the very end. we are the underdog, and that is why we are and i am campaigning to earn every single vote, because i intend to be a president for all americans. [cheers and applause]
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no matter their political party, where they live, or where they get their news. [cheers and applause] on that point, last night you may have seen that i went on fox news. [cheers and applause] meanwhile, donald trump joined the univision town hall yesterday where a voter asked him about january 6, ok. now we hear no january 6 who a tragic day, a tragic day for our country. it was a day of terrible violence with attacks on law enforcement. 140 law enforcement officers were injured that day. a law enforcement officers were killed that day. and what did donald trump say
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about january 6 last night? he called it a day of love. [booing] and we are all clear the american people are exhausted with this gas lighting. enough. enough! we are ready to turn the page. [cheers and applause] turn the page. [chanting "we're not going back"] vp harris: we are not going back, and the recent wisconsin as we know this electorate is about two very different visions for our country. one that is focused on the past, his, and hours -- ours that is
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focused on the because we know america is ready for a new wave award, ready for a new optimistic generation of leadership. all of us. all of us. which is why democrats and republicans and independents are supporting our campaign. in fact, yesterday, over 100 republican leaders from across the country joined me on the campaign trail. including some who had previously served in trump's administration. and i believe it is because america wants a president who will serve on behalf of all the american people. [cheers and applause] and that has been the story of my entire career. my entire career, i've only had
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one client -- the people, the people. as a young courtroom prosecutor, i stood up for women and children against predators. as an attorney general, i took on the big banks and fought to deliver $20 billion for middle-class families that faced foreclosure. i stood up to veterans. i stood up for veterans and students being scammed by big for-profit colleges -- you know who else ran a big for-profit college, do not forget. i stood up for those veterans and students being scammed by for-profit colleges that were trying to rip them from their dreams and charge them, producing nothing in return. i have stood up for workers who have been cheated out of the wages they were due. i have stood up for seniors who are facing elder abuse. as president, i will always
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fight for the american people. i will always fight for the american people. and together, we will build a brighter future for our nation. [cheers and applause] and it's a future where we build what i call an opportunity economy, where economy has an opportunity -- america has an opportunity to do for our people what we know is part of our ambitions, our dreams and aspirations. an opportunity economy where everyone has an opportunity to own a home, to build wealth, to start a business. under my plan, we will bring down the cost of housing. including with a $25,000 down payment assistance, so you can get your foot in the door.
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[cheers and applause] you do the hard work of saving up and paying that mortgage, but let's be honest, the american dream, that was real for generations past but not so much within the reach of people right now. we've got to deal with the real challenges that people are facing right now if we are going to invest in the future. part of my plan is about helping entrepreneurs start and grow small businesses. [cheers and applause] look, my mother worked hard and there was a woman who lived two doors down from us, our neighbor, she was a small business owner. i know who our small business owners are. you are not only business leaders, you are community leaders, you are civic leaders. it is our small businesses who are the backbone of america's economy. i know that to be true.
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do we have any small business owners here tonight? raise your hand. [cheers and applause] under my plan, we will expand medicare to cover home health care for seniors. [cheers and applause] this is based on what i personally know. look, when my mother was sick, i took care of her. and one of the things for anyone who is in that situation or has been, you know what it's like. it's about cooking for folks what they would want to eat. it is trying to find the clothes that will not be too rough on their skin. it is trying to think of something that can put a smile on their face and make them left. it's about dignity. it's about dignity.
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but, the reality is it is expensive the if you don't have the ability to do it. it is expensive to try to bring somebody in. far too many people have to quit their jobs to try to take care of their elder relatives. and that's not right. that's not right. so, we also know there are so many people in what we call the sandwich generation, right? who are raising young children while taking care of your parents. it is almost impossible to do it all. so, my point is this -- neither under the current system, you pay them and lose all your saving so can qualify for medicaid. or you know what i am saying -- either you have to give it all up to be able to qualify for medicaid or we will have to quit your job, or somehow how to bring and help. -- in help.
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my plan is we will have medicare cover home health care for those who need it. [cheers and applause] the details matter. the details matter. in an opportunity economy, here's how i see it -- we must create good paying jobs that are available to all americans and not just those with college degrees, ok? because here's the thing, a college degree is not the only measure of the skills and experience of a qualified worker. [cheers and applause] which is why as president, i will get rid of unnecessary degree requirements for several jobs and i will challenge the private sector to do the same.
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[cheers and applause] and we will lower costs on everything from health care to groceries, and take on corporate price gouging. i've done it before and i will do it again. [cheers and applause] my plan will also give the middle class tax cuts to 100 million americans, including $6,000 during the first year of your child's life because here's the thing -- we know the vast majority of parents have a natural desire to parent their children well, but not always the resources. that shouldn't be the thing that gets in the way of giving a child all that we know parents have to give. and the $6,000, by extending that child tax credit, that's
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what's going to help. you buy a crib or car seat and all the things that child needs during the most critical phase of their development. i share with you some of these details to say this -- i will always put the middle class and working families first. i come from the middle class and i will never forget where i come from. ever. ever. [cheers and applause] now, donald trump has a different plan. [booing] just google project 2025. i mean, i keep saying this, but i cannot believe they put that thing in writing. they bound it and they handed it
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out. and if you read it, look, it is a detailed and dangerous blueprint for what he will do if he's elected president. many of you have heard me say i do believe donald trump is an unserious man, but the consequences of him being president again are brutally serious. brutally serious. here's the thing, donald trump will give tax cuts to billionaires and big corporations, just like he did before. he will cut social security and medicare, and get rid of the $35 cap on insulin for seniors. check this out when you look at project 2025. he will make it easier for companies to deny overtime pay for workers. and he will impose what i call a
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trump sales tax which is at least a 20% tax on every day basic necessities, which economists have estimated will cost the average american over $4000 more a year. and on top of all of this, donald trump intends to end the affordable care act. and he has no plan to replace it. you watched the debate. he has "concepts of a plan." come on. but again, it is a serious issue because here's the thing, he's going to then threaten health insurance coverage for 45 million americans based on a concept?
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and take us back to when insurance companies were denying people with pre-existing conditions? you remember what that was? well, we are not going back. we are not going back. we are not going back. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting "we're not going back"] vice pres. harris: and we are not going back because just like wisconsin's state motto tells us, we will move forward of. . [cheers and applause] because ours is a fight for the future and it is a fight for freedom.
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like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body. and not have the government tell her what to do. [cheers and applause] and no matter how he likes to guess like us, we are -- gaslight us, we are clear about how we got here. donald trump hand selected three members of the supreme court with the intention they would undo the protections of roe v. wade, and they did as he intended. now in america, one in three women live in a state with a trump abortion ban. [booing] and you have heard the stories, awful stories, painful stories of the experiences people have been having since that came down. think about it. some of these states, there no exceptions for even rape or
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incest, which means telling a survivor that a violation of their body, they have no right to make a decision about what happens to their body next. that is immoral. and let us agree, one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do. [cheers and applause] not the government. and it my pledge to you when congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, as president of the united states, i will proudly sign it into law. [cheers and applause] proudly.
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that's why you have to get tammy back to the senate, by the way. now, donald trump has a very different view on reproductive freedom. and he refuses continuously, he refuses continuously to acknowledge the harm he has caused. see for yourself. let's roll a clip. >> i will protect women at a level never seen before. you will be protected and i will be your protector. you will no longer be thinking about abortion. everybody wanted it and i did it. for 54 years, they were trying to get roe v. wade terminated and i did it. the women thing, i did a great thing long-term. i think they will understand. i did a great thing. i want to talk about ivf. i'm the father of ivf.
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[booing] vice pres. harris: ok. the courts will take care of that. let's take care of november. we'll take care of november. now, i mean, seriously, so, first of all, no, donald, everybody did not want roe v. wade to be overturned. women are dying of sepsis because they cannot get the health care they need. they did not want this. couples just trying to grow their family are being cut off in the middle of ivf treatments. they did not want this. and now, i mean, it just gets more unbelievable sometimes. [laughter] that man calls himself the
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father of ivf? i mean, what does that even mean? he's the one that is responsible for it being at risk in the first place. and what is sadly interesting, i think, is that when you listen to donald trump talk, it becomes increasingly clear, i think, he has no idea what he's talking about. when it comes to the health care of women in america. [cheers and applause] and across our nation, again, because this is serious. this is why you are all here
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spending so much time when you can be doing other things. across our nation, we are witnessing a full-on assault on other hard-fought freedoms and rights, like the freedom to vote. you see what's happening across our country. attacks on the freedom to join a union. attacks on the freedom to just be safe from gun violence. attacks on the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. [cheers and applause] so much is on the line in this election. and this is not 2016 and it's not 2020. the stakes are even higher, because a few months ago, the supreme court told the former president that he's effectively immune no matter what he does in
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the white house. now just imagine donald trump with no guardrails. think about that. he has vowed if reelected, he will be a dictator on day one. [booing] that he will weaponize the department of justice against his political enemies. he who calls americans who disagree with him the enemy from within -- yes -- and says if reelected, he would use the military to go after them. he who has called for the "termination" of the constitution of the united states. let us be very clear. someone who suggests we should terminate the constitution of the united states should never
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again stand behind the seal of of the president of the united states. never again. never again. never again. [cheers and applause] so, wisconsin, it comes down to this. i know we are all here together because we know what is at stake. and we are here together because we love our country. we love, we love our country. and i do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism, of an expression of the love of our country to then fight for its ideals and to fight to
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realize the promise of america. and that's what we are doing. [cheers and applause] so, election day is in 19 days. and here in wisconsin, early voting starts next tuesday, october 22. so, now is the time to make your plan to vote. and if you have received your ballot in the mail, please do not wait. fill it out and return it today. and remember, wisconsin has same-day voter registration. right? [cheers and applause] so, if you are not registered to vote, you can register when you
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vote on election day or early because the election is here. we know we need to organize, we need to energize, we need to mobilize. we've got to remind everybody, your vote is your voice and your voice is your power. in a democracy, it still remains true that each individual has the power, each individual has the power to weigh in on this. so, wisconsin, today, i ask you are you ready to make your voices heard? [cheers and applause] do we believe in freedom? do we believe in opportunity? do we believe in the promise of america? and are we ready to fight for
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